Nurturing Tacitk Knowledge Through A Knowledge Centered Culture For Organizational Agility
Nurturing Tacitk Knowledge Through A Knowledge Centered Culture For Organizational Agility
Nurturing Tacitk Knowledge Through A Knowledge Centered Culture For Organizational Agility
Received on 4th August 2017 Received in Revised Form on 26th August 2017 Accepted on 23rd Sept 2017
Organizations are battling with unending demand for improved and quality service delivery from her
customers. This requires new approaches to knowledge culture that facilitates sharing of tacit knowledge
among all the stakeholders of an organization. Service delivery has been one of the major focus areas of
organizational transformation and public sector reforms in Kenyan Government. Competition among
the players pushes the organizations to come up with strategies of becoming and remaining agile.
Organizations are realizing the importance of knowledge centered culture to enable them share
knowledge efficiently and effectively as knowledge that is not well managed and shared corrodes easily.
The concern of this paper is that existing tacit knowledge may be lost if not tapped. Failure of tapping
into tacit knowledge affects organizational agility negatively. How to retain or tap tacit knowledge
remains an area of interest to researchers. This paper foresees an urgent need of coming up with the
most effective mechanisms for tapping tacit knowledge within the organization. Tacit knowledge
according to this paper is meant to be that knowledge that is intrinsic, in form of ideas experiences and
emotions. Knowledge centered culture is taken to mean an organizational culture that allows knowledge
related activities which later necessitates smooth flow of knowledge. Organizational agility is seen as
that organization that is able to swiftly manage change, pursue opportunities and maintain competitive
advantage while remaining a learning organization and innovative.
Key words: Knowledge centered culture, tacit knowledge sharing, organizational agility
Environment for tacit knowledge sharing
Voluntary knowledge sharing behaviour at Ekta (2013) reported that knowledge
organizational level has become essential sharing success is dependent on several
for knowledge management and factors such as organizational culture,
considered. This is being considered environment which involves a high level of
crucial for organizational effectiveness employee participation, understanding
while viewing individual, organizational and measuring employee perceptions.
and technological factors that facilitate Maria (2014) acknowledged processes that
successful flow of knowledge (Aris, 2013). facilitate knowledge sharing and studied
the impact of those processes on
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3):10-20(ISSN: 2518 -0827)
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3):10-20(ISSN: 2518 -0827)
effect by completing a given task or activity This study hypothesizes that knowledge
related to that competency. It relates to a centered culture facilitates smooth flow of
person’s perception of their ability to reach tacit knowledge and thus enabling an
a goal. It is the expectation that one can organization to remain agile.
master a situation, and produce a positive
outcome. Self-efficacy is an important Design/methodology/approach
concept in tacit knowledge sharing The realization of the value of a
(Alberta, 2015). This study chose this knowledge centered culture, the role of
theory on the basis that employees can tacit knowledge sharing and the end
achieve their best given the right result of an agile organization is as a
environment and platform. A knowledge result of review of extant empirical
centered culture can trigger a behaviour of literature. The study was composed of
effectiveness and efficiency as shown in the 384 respondents of members who
findings of this study contribute to National Hospital
Insurance Fund. 362 respondents
Theory of reasoned Action - The theory responded through a structured
suggests that stronger intensions lead to questionnaire giving a 91% response.
increased effort to perform the behaviour, Regression analysis confirmed the
which also increases the likelihood for the hypothesis posed.
behaviour to be performed. Attitudes and Results
personal norms play an important role in There is need for organizations to
this theory. This theory was selected to establish an environment where tacit
assist in understanding the role of trust in knowledge can be shared freely. This can
both tacit knowledge sharing and easily be achieved if an organization
organizational agility aspects. The study establishes a knowledge ba.
established that if the level of trust is high, Organizations should also come up with
people will share their tacit knowledge. mechanisms which allow employees to
The four theories put together formed the actively participate in tacit sharing
basis of understanding how a knowledge activities. Intrinsic motivators should be
centered culture can facilitate tacit enhanced. The tables below shows how
knowledge sharing activities and therefore each variable responded.
achieve the organization to remain agile.
Table 1 Reliability Analysis
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3):10-20(ISSN: 2518 -0827)
motivation had 0.833 and 0.882; trust had organization agility had coefficients of
0.748 and 0.779 and time had 0.735 and 0.865 and 0.889 while tacit knowledge
0.720. The findings further pointed out that sharing had coefficients of 0.872 and 0.766.
Table 2 Knowledge ba
Item Mean Std. Deviation
Management is a good example to employees 3.7232 .41881
in setting standards of behaviour which
drives a vision of customer focus.
NHIF management has provided employees 3.1441 .30626
with an environment where people are
encouraged to explore, discover, take risks
and develop trust.
NHIF has a well-developed tacit knowledge 2.9643 .75151
platform anchored to its mission statement.
NHIF information systems facilitate the 4.2143 .26904
sharing of information and knowledge
across all the stakeholders.
There is need for NHIF to provide online 3.0357 .30093
networks and social gatherings.
Aggregate Score 3.4163
(Source: Authors, 2017)
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3):10-20(ISSN: 2518 -0827)
Table 4 Trust
Item Mean Std. Deviation
NHIF is transparent on issues relating to 3.6161 .72471
new information to her employees.
I belief that my employer equips every 3.5089 .78261
employee with knowledge and skills so as to
perform the task better.
Employees’ views are considered when 3.9554 .76392
raised through the right channel.
Aggregate Score 3.6935
(Source: Authors, 2017)
The result above shows that the element of trust is well understood and the employees agreed.
The mean of (4) agrees that if the views are passed through the right channel, the management
takes action. There is transparency on the issues of information flow as pertains the
Table 5 Time
The results showed that there is need for creating more time where employees can be trained
on policies of sharing knowledge (4). It was established that it is sometimes difficult to reach
the person who the knowledge to a certain problem (3.5). At the same time there is lack of
available time to share tacit knowledge (3.6).
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3):10-20(ISSN: 2518 -0827)
The results showed that respondent were almost neutral to almost all the questions posed on
tacit knowledge sharing saw a mean of (3) indicating tacit knowledge sharing is rarely or list
practiced. However, the respondents indicated that the organization has a participative goal
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3):10-20(ISSN: 2518 -0827)
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3):10-20(ISSN: 2518 -0827)
decision making process as a way of for the need to share. At the same time, the
boosting organizational agility. This study study supports the study by Welshmen, et
agrees with their study as the more al., (2012) that indicated the need to salvage
employees are engaged and allowed to the existing tacit knowledge in the
participate both in tacit knowledge sharing organization through a knowledge culture
activities and decision making the more so as to remain agile
efficient and effective becomes and thus a Organizational agility - Agility is the
sign of organizational agility. ability to respond and react to
environmental changes in a quick and
Motivation – A study by Yeon, et al., (2015)
timely manner. To be successful in today’s
found that sharing knowledge depends
competitive world, organizations and
heavily on motivation aspect, either
institutions must take steps towards agility
intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. This study
(Abbasi et al, 2013). This study concurs
supports their study as respondents
with this research as the respondents
indicated that they will share their tacit
expressed the need for NHIF to improve on
knowledge if they are intrinsically
the speed as they serve her clients.
motivated. Wang and Hou (2015) in their Conclusion and Recommendations
research also expressed that both intrinsic
and extrinsic rewards has a positive 1) Organizations should come up with a
influence on knowledge sharing activities. culture which embraces strategies of
He urged the management to take time to how to tap and reserve the tacit
understand these motivational factors as knowledge.
they have a role to play among the persons 2) The relevance of a knowledge ba
who engage in tacit knowledge sharing. should be given a priority by
This study advices the management to organizations whose aim is reaching
come up with varieties of both intrinsic and and attaining agility.
extrinsic rewards. 3) The strategy of tacit knowledge sharing
Knowledge centered culture – The should be anchored on the vision of the
findings concurred with the study done by organization. Tacit knowledge sharing
Peralta & Saldanha, (2014) which indicated in an organizational setup should be an
the need to test knowledge centered organizational norm.
culture using other variables other than 4) There is need for organizations to
trust alone. The inclusion of knowledge ba evaluate their culture as a culture that
and participation gives a new dimension embraces tacit knowledge sharing has
for researchers and added new knowledge higher chances of remaining
to the body of research. Study findings competitive. This can be done by
indicated that knowledge centered culture bringing in intrinsic motivators and
has a significant impact on organizational creating more time to share knowledge.
agility. At the same time, tacit knowledge 5) Though little literature exists on
sharing influenced positively the knowledge centered culture in Kenya,
organizational agility. the results points at urgent need for
Tacit knowledge sharing – This study organization to re-look at their
fulfilled the recommendations of Asrar & indicators of both culture and tacit
Anwar (2016) who pointed out the need to knowledge sharing to avoid pitfalls on
carry out a research on knowledge sharing their endeavor to achieving agility.
practices in developing countries. This Knowledge ba and members
study has established that tacit knowledge participation should be given a higher
sharing activities are not yet fully opportunity.
embraced. This calls for vibrant trainings
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3):10-20(ISSN: 2518 -0827)
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Time Efficiency
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