What Is Matlab
What Is Matlab
What Is Matlab
7) Name the two types of acii text files with extension ‘m’ in mat lab.
Ans) Script file and function file.
9) Show the command prompt in matlab(ask the student to show the command prompt)?
Ans) He has to show the symbol ‘>>’ on the command window.
a) A=√(Cos℮+log10(0.5)+√4.5)2
Ans) A= Sqrt((cos(theta)+log10 (0.5)+sqrt(4.5))^2)
b) B= √(b2-4ac+cos-1(℮)+2bc)/(logn(0.5)+abs(2.5)+2a/b+2.0)2
Ans) B=sqrt(b^2-4ac+acos(theta)+2bc)/(log (0.5)+abs(2.5)+2a/b+2.0)^2
1) What is VHDL?
VHDL is an acronym for vey high speed integrated circuits hardware description
language. It is the hardware description language that can be used to model a digital
2) What are the basic design units of vhdl?
a) Entity declaration b) architectural body c) configuration declaration d)
package declaration e) package body.
3) What is entity declaration?
The entity declaration specifies the name of the entity being modeled and lists the set
of interface ports.
4) Define port.
Ports are signals through which the entity communicates with the other models in its
external environment.
5) Define architecture.
The architecture describes the functionality of the entity. A single entity can have
multiple architectures.
6) Define generic
A generic is VHDL’S term for a parameter that passes information to an entity.
7) What do you mean by process?
A process is the basic unit of execution in vhdl..
8) What is the meaning of compound symbol ‘<=’ in vhdl?
It is an signal assignment statement.
9) What is the meaning of compound symbol ‘:=’ in vhdl?
A variable is used to assign value instantaneously using this symbol ‘:=’.
10) What is the meaning of term ‘a: in std_logic’?
It defines only one input port with name ‘a’
11) What is the meaning of term ‘a: out std_logic_vector(2 down to 0)’?
It defines three out put port in the name of ‘a’ viz a(2), a(1), and a(0).
12) Name the different identifiers in vhdl.
Basic identifiers and extended identifiers.
13) Name the different operators in vhdl.
Logical operator, relational operator, shift operator, adding operator, multiplying
operators and miscellaneous operator.
Programs in matlab:
Programs in vhdl
1) Write VHDL code for realize all logic gates( or, and, exor, nand, nor,not)
2) Write VHDL code for 2 to 4 decoder
3) Write VHDL code for 8 :1 Multiplexer
4) Write VHDL code for 4-bit Binary to Gray converter
5) Write VHDL code for Demultiplexer (1:8):
6) Write VHDL code for Comparator
7) Develop the VHDL code for SR flip flop.,
8) Develop the VHDL code for D flip flop.
9) Develop the VHDL code for jk flip flop.