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© April 2017 | IJIRT | Volume 3 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002



Mutke Suraj Rajendra1, Rajput Monika Naraynsing2, Jondhale Chetna Eknath3, Tambe Sonali Sahebrao4,
Munjal Nilesh Mahalu5, Thorat Rohit Jayram6, Pande Vishal7, Nehe Sachin Ashok8,
Dr. B. R. Borkar9
UG Student of Production Dept. AVCOE, Sangamner.
Asst. Professor Production Dept. AVCOE, Sangamner.

Abstract- In a field harvester and trimmer for root Index Terms- Agricultural machinery, onion sorting,
crops having foliage tops growing from the crowns of onion stem cutting, crop harvesting etc.
the crop to be harvested and trimmed, such as large
bulbous onions, turnips, parsnips and rutabagas. This
project is intended to discuss the design leaf, root Onion is an extremely important vegetable
cutting and sorting machine. Tomato Sorting Machine crop in India not only for internal consumption but
is a machine used to effectively sort the onion on Size also highest foreign exchange earner among the fruits
based sorting. This machine can be used for the and vegetable. Being an essential food items, India
agricultural purpose and it can be also employed in the
ranks second in global onion production after China
food industries.Leaf, root cutting and sorting machine
will sort the onion in three grades based on their size
and with an annual production of 16 to 17 million
that is Small, Medium and Large. Leaf, root cutting and tons accounts for around 20% of global production.
sorting machine works on belt and pulley arrangement. Annual turnover on Indian onion market in more than
Onion are fed through feeding tray into the machine. 10,000 corers and Maharashtra contributes nearly
India is world's second largest Onion harvested.But yet 30% in it.
Farmers processes onion by hand labor after harvest to At the present times onion are processed by
remove the leaves and roots. This operation is referred hand labour after harvest to remove leaves and roots.
to as topping which is time consuming and They Can't This operation is referred as topping. Hand topping
afford New Techniques Because of the cost of Appraisal
has obvious disadvantages including both cost and
Our Motive is to supply them with effective and
efficient method for harvesting to reduce human effort
unclue length of time necessary to process a large
without damaging the onion, Efforts to date have all quantity of onions. However, in recent times it is
been in the direction of large and expensive machinery becoming increasingly difficult to find sufficient
and none of these has as yet been perfected so as to labour to do the job. As the result the grower can not
reach the market. A Prototype aims at separating onion always depend upon harvesting his entire crop when
bulb from rest of the crop using two rollers and cutters it is ripe for harvest. Further, what labour there is
to cut onions which can be collected in bags using chain available is unskilled and uninterested in doing an
conveyer for further processing or packaging The heart efficient job. A fair proportion of the onions that are
of the invention is in the topping mechanism itself which
hand topped with this labour are non uniform and
generally involves the following parts and steps of
operation. The onion containing both roots and leaves is
many are damaged to the extend of being
fed into a drum by hands. The drum grips the onion by unmarketable. The inherent lower productivity in
the leaves in the vicinity of the neck of the onion and sub-tropical countries vis-à-vis European counties,
holds the body and root in a position while it is being shortage and high prices of quality seeds, high
moved along on the drum. At the discharge end of the incidence of pests and diseases typical under tropical
drum cutting blades separates the leaves from the onion conditions, moisture stress or excess rains during
and sort according size. critical growth stages are factors constraining yield.
Wide price fluctuations make it a risky crop


© April 2017 | IJIRT | Volume 3 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002

discouraging large scale adoption of input intensive 3]DattatrayaLondhe1, Sachin

production techniques and good management Nalawade1,Ganesh Pawar2, Vinod Atkari3*,Sachin
practices by farmers. Wandkar
In India onion is grown in three crop Grading of agricultural produce especially
seasons, namely kharif(harvested in October- the fruits and vegetables has become a perquisite of
November), late kharif (January- February) and rabi trading across borders. In India mostly fruit growers
(April – May). Rabi season crop is the largest grade the fruit manually. Manual grading was carried
accounting for about 60 percent of annual production out by trained operators who considered a number of
with kharif and late kharif accounting for about 20 grading factors and fruit were separated according to
percent each. Major producing states are their physical quality. Manually grading was costly
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra andgrading operation was affected due to shortage of
Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Haryana, labour in peak seasons. Human operations may be
which together account for 85 percent of total inconsistent, less efficient and time consuming. New
production. trends in marketing as specified by World Trade
Organization (WTO) demand high quality graded
products. Farmers are looking forward to having an
1] Mr. Nikhil O. Singh1 Mr. Siddhesh A. Waman2 appropriate agricultural produce-grading machine in
Mr. Hitesh S. Yadav3 Mr.Bikaschandra R. Yadav4 order to alleviate the labour shortage, save time and
Prof. Ashish Chaudhari5Tomato Sorting Machine improve graded product’s quality. Grading of fruits is
(TSM) is a machine used to effectively sort the a very important operation as it fetches high price to
tomatoes on Size based sorting. This machine can be the grower and improves packaging, handling and
used for the agricultural purpose and it can be also brings an overall improvement in marketing system.
employed in the food industries. TSM will sort the Thefruits are generally graded on basis of size and
tomatoes in three grades based on their size i.e. graded fruits are more welcome in export market.
Small, Medium and Large. TSM works on belt and Grading could reduce handling losses during
pulley arrangement. Tomatoes are fed through transportation.
feeding tray into the machine.
2]Abd El-Rahman, Magda M. Agric. Eng. Res. Inst.
(AEnRI); Agric. Res. Center (ARC), Dokki, Giza. III. METHODOLOGY
Egypt.This research was intended to develop a small
cylinder type grading machine to suit grading of
onion sets crop. Two operating parameters each of
four levels were studied. The studied parameters
included, riddle revolving speed 35, 45, 55 and 65
rpm (0.366, 0.471, 0.576, and 0.680 m/s), and riddles
feeding rates (75, 100, 125 and 150 kg/h). The effect
of machine parameters on grading efficiency (%), DRAWING
grading productivity (kg/h) and the mechanical
damage percentage, were also considered. Results DESIGN(CREO)
showed that the machine is quite successful for
grading onion sets. The best result was obtained at 55 COMPARING WITH ALREADY EXISTING
rpm riddles revolving speeds and 125 kg/h riddles
feeding rate. At these values, maximum grading
efficiency of 94.34% and permissible mechanical
damage of onion sets 4.66% were obtained. These
results proved that, the proper operating parameters TESTING
corresponded with theoretical considerations as the
relevant for machine operation


© April 2017 | IJIRT | Volume 3 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002

IV. DESIGN & CALCULATIONS constrain. The system is to be very compact so that it
Design can be adjusted to corner of a room.
Design consists of application of scientific, The mechanical design has direct norms with the
principles, technical information and imagination for system design. Hence the foremost job is to control
development of new or improvised machine or the physical parameters, so that the distinctions
mechanism to perform a specific with maximum obtained after mechanical design can be well fitted
economy & efficiency. into that.
Hence a careful design approach has to be adopted. 4.1.2. Arrangements of Various Components:
The total design work has been split up into two Keeping into view the space restrictions the
parts; components should be laid such that their easy
 System design Removal or servicing is possible. More over every
 Mechanical Design component should be easily seen none should be
System design mainly concerns the various physical hidden. Every possible space is utilized in
constraints and ergonomics, space requirements, components arrangements.
arrangement of various components on main frame at 4.1.3. Components of System:
system, man + machine interaction, No. of controls, As already stated the system should be compact
position of controls, working environment of enough so that it can be accommodated at a corner of
machine, chances of failure, safety, measures to be a room. All the moving parts should be well closed &
provided, servicing aids, ease of maintenance, scope compact. A compact system design gives a high
of Improvement, weight of machine from ground weighted structure which is desired. Man Machine
level, total weight of machine and a lot more. Interaction
In mechanical design the components are listed down The friendliness of a machine with the operator that
and stored on the basis of their procurement, design is an important criteria of design. It is the application
in two categories namely, of anatomical & psychological principles to solve
 Designed Parts problems arising from Man - Machine relationship.
 Parts to be purchased Following are some of the topics included in this
For designed parts detached design is done & section. Design of foot lever Energy expenditure in
distinctions thus obtained are compared to next foot & hand operation Lighting condition of machine.
highest dimensions which are readily available in 4.1.4. Chances of Failure:
market. This amplifies the assembly as well as The losses incurred by owner in case of any failure
postproduction servicing work. The various are important criteria of design. Factor safety while
tolerances on the works are specified. The process doing mechanical design is kept high so that there are
charts are prepared and passed on to the less chances of failure. Moreover periodic
manufacturing stage. maintenance is required to keep unit healthy.
The parts which are to be purchased directly are 4.1.5. Servicing Facility:
selected from various catalogues & specified so that The layout of components should be such that easy
anybody can purchase the same from the retails shop servicing is possible. Especially those components
with given specifications. which require frequents servicing can be easily
4.1. System Design: disassembled. Scope of Future Improvement
In system design we mainly concentrated on the Arrangement should be provided to expand the scope
following parameters:- of work in future.
4.1.1. System Selection Based on Physical Such as to convert the machine motor operated; the
Constraints: system can be easily configured to required one. The
While selecting any machine it must be checked die & punch can be changed if required for other
whether it is going to be used in a large - scale shapes of notches etc.
industry or a small scale industry. In our case it is to 4.1.6. Height of Machine from Ground:
be used by a small scale industry .So space is a major For ease and comfort of operator the height of
machine should be properly decided so that he may
not get tried during operation. The machine should be


© April 2017 | IJIRT | Volume 3 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002

slightly higher than the waist level, also enough  Design parts
clearance should be provided from the ground for  Parts to be purchased
cleaning purpose. For design parts a detailed design is done &
4.1.7. Weight of Machine: designation thus obtain are compared to the next
The total weight depends upon the selection of highest dimension which is ready available in market.
material components as well as the dimension of This simplification the assembly as well as post
components. A higher weighted machine is difficult production service work. The various tolerances on
in Transportation & in case of major breakdown; it is the work are specified. The processes charts are
difficult to take it to workshop because of more prepared & passed on to the work are specified.
weight. The parts to be purchased directly are selected from
4.1.8. Mechanical Design: various catalogues & specification so that anybody
Mechanical design phase is very important from the can purchase the same from retail shop with the given
view of designer as whole success of the project specifications.
depends on the correct design analysis of the 4.2. Motor Selection
problem. The operation speed of the is about 5oo rpm, hence
Many preliminary alternatives are eliminated during the power requirement of the machine can be
this phase Designer should have adequate knowledge analyzed as follows,
above physical properties of material, loads stresses, Design of Motor:-
deformation, and failure. Theories and wear analysis.  Speed: 60-120 RPM
He should identify the external and internal force  Torque: 2700 N-mm= 2.7 N-m.
acting on the machine parts. This force may be  Power: 2𝜋𝑁𝑇
= 16.96watt.
classified as; Design of Shaft:-
1] Dead weigh forces  Torque(design)=3.68 kNm
2] Friction forces Design of Gear :-
3] Inertia forces  Gear teeth = 127 teeth.
4] Centrifugal forces  PCD = 254mm.
5] Forces generated during power transmission etc.  Power: 17 watt.
Designer should estimate these forces very accurately  Gear width: 20mm.
by using design equations. If he does not have Design:-
sufficient information to estimate them he should
make certain practical assumptions based on similar
conditions. This will almost satisfy the functional
needs. Assumptions must always be on the safer side.
Selection of factors of safety to find working or
design stress is another important step in design of
working dimensions of machine elements. The
corrections in the theoretical stress value are to be
made according in the kinds of loads, shape of parts
& service requirements.
Selection of material should be made according to the
condition of loading shapes of products environments V. ADVANTAGES
conditions & desirable properties of material.
Provision should be made to minimize nearly
adopting proper lubrications methods.  To reduce Human effort and Labour cost.
In, mechanical design the components are listed  To replace traditional method with efficient
down & stored on the basis of their procurement in one.
two categories.  To reduce time period between harvesting
and packaging.


© April 2017 | IJIRT | Volume 3 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002

 To leave onion unharmed during process

with safety to operator.
 To design and fabricate semi-automated
machine which will help the farmers in
sorting out the onion effectively.
 It will reduce the yielding cost of farmers &
it will increase his profit in trading.

 In this project we have seen the simplest
method of onion root and stem cutting process.
 In conventional way of cutting root and stem
we require more cost and manpower comparatively &
this method is fully based on the work of human
effort hence more time consuming so it requires more
workers and other cost is also very high.
 So we are going to invent a machine which
will minimize that cost and time for onion root and
stem cutting and the process is also simple.
 Also we succeed to make it very small and
affordable to all farmers and it increases the speed of
work so our objective is fulfilled in this project.

1) Mr. Nikhil O. Singh1 Mr. Siddhesh A. Waman2
Mr. Hitesh S. Yadav3 Mr.Bikaschandra R. Yadav4
Prof. AshishChaudhari5
2) Abd El-Rahman, Magda M. Agric. Eng. Res. Inst.
(AEnRI); Agric. Res. Center (ARC), Dokki, Giza.
3) Dattatraya Londhe1, Sachin Nalawade1, Ganesh
Pawar2, Vinod Atkari3*,Sachin Wandkar
4) Khurmi, R.etal; "Theory of Machines", 14th
ed.;S.Chand&Co. Ltd .,New Dehli 2005; Pg No:- 342
- 346 , ISBN 978812192524
5) V.B.Bhandari, "Design of Machine", 3rd Ed , Tata
Mc Grew Hills , Pg. No. 334-341.


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