Hal Jordan is a character from DC Comics known as Green Lantern. As Green Lantern, Hal Jordan possesses a power ring that allows him to create constructs of solid light by using his willpower. He patrols Space Sector 2814 as one of the Green Lanterns who help maintain peace and enforce justice across the universe.
Hal Jordan is a character from DC Comics known as Green Lantern. As Green Lantern, Hal Jordan possesses a power ring that allows him to create constructs of solid light by using his willpower. He patrols Space Sector 2814 as one of the Green Lanterns who help maintain peace and enforce justice across the universe.
Hal Jordan is a character from DC Comics known as Green Lantern. As Green Lantern, Hal Jordan possesses a power ring that allows him to create constructs of solid light by using his willpower. He patrols Space Sector 2814 as one of the Green Lanterns who help maintain peace and enforce justice across the universe.
Hal Jordan is a character from DC Comics known as Green Lantern. As Green Lantern, Hal Jordan possesses a power ring that allows him to create constructs of solid light by using his willpower. He patrols Space Sector 2814 as one of the Green Lanterns who help maintain peace and enforce justice across the universe.