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Basics of Tekla Structures 2017

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Tekla Structures 2017

Basics of Tekla Structures

March 2017

©2017 Trimble Solutions Corporation


1 Start Tekla Structures................................................................... 9

1.1 What is a blank project...................................................................................11
1.2 Check or change your Tekla Structures setup............................................. 12

2 Open, create, and save 3D models............................................ 14

2.1 Open a model...................................................................................................15
2.2 Create a new model ....................................................................................... 16
2.3 Create a thumbnail image of a model.......................................................... 17
2.4 Edit project properties....................................................................................17
2.5 Create model templates.................................................................................19
Create a new model template.............................................................................................. 20
Modify an existing model template.....................................................................................20
Download model templates................................................................................................. 21
Model template options.......................................................................................................21
2.6 Save a model ................................................................................................... 22
Save the current model.........................................................................................................22
Save a copy with different name or location......................................................................22
Save a backup copy............................................................................................................... 23
Save as a model template.....................................................................................................23
Define autosave settings...................................................................................................... 23

3 Get familiar with the user interface......................................... 25

3.1 How to use commands................................................................................... 26
3.2 Zoom and rotate the model........................................................................... 28
Zoom in and out.................................................................................................................... 28
Rotate the model................................................................................................................... 28
Pan the model........................................................................................................................ 29
3.3 Find commands and dialog boxes................................................................. 30
3.4 Learn the common buttons........................................................................... 31
3.5 Change the appearance of the ribbon.......................................................... 31
3.6 Get instructions...............................................................................................32
3.7 Minimize the ribbon........................................................................................33
3.8 How to use the contextual toolbar............................................................... 34
How to change object properties using contextual toolbar............................................. 34
Show or hide contextual toolbar......................................................................................... 34
Define contextual toolbar's position................................................................................... 34
Pin contextual toolbar in place............................................................................................ 35
Minimize contextual toolbar................................................................................................ 35
Customize contextual toolbar.............................................................................................. 36
Create user profiles for contextual toolbars...................................................................... 37

Back up and share contextual toolbars.............................................................................. 37
3.9 How to use the side pane............................................................................... 38
3.10 Change the language...................................................................................... 40
3.11 Basic settings in the File menu......................................................................40

4 Set up the workspace..................................................................45

4.1 Change units and decimals............................................................................ 45
4.2 Create grids and grid lines............................................................................. 46
Create a grid........................................................................................................................... 47
Modify a grid.......................................................................................................................... 48
Delete a grid........................................................................................................................... 49
Add a single grid line............................................................................................................. 49
Add a grid line between existing grid lines................................................................... 49
Add a grid line between two points............................................................................... 50
Modify a single grid line........................................................................................................ 50
Modify grid line properties..............................................................................................50
Move a grid line................................................................................................................ 50
Stretch, shrink, or incline a grid line...............................................................................51
Change a grid line label................................................................................................... 51
Turn grid line stretching off.............................................................................................51
Deleting a single grid line......................................................................................................52
Delete a grid line using direct modification.................................................................. 52
Delete a grid line (alternative method).......................................................................... 52
4.3 Create model views.........................................................................................52
Move the view plane..............................................................................................................54
Create views........................................................................................................................... 54
Create a basic view of the model....................................................................................54
Create a view using two points....................................................................................... 54
Create a view using three points.................................................................................... 55
Create a view of the work plane..................................................................................... 55
Create grid views.............................................................................................................. 55
Create a view on a part plane......................................................................................... 58
Create a 3D view of a part............................................................................................... 58
Create default part views................................................................................................ 59
Create an undeformed part view................................................................................... 59
Create a 3D view of a component.................................................................................. 59
Create default component views....................................................................................59
Create a surface view....................................................................................................... 60
Create a surface view along selected edge................................................................... 61
Open a view............................................................................................................................ 63
Save a view............................................................................................................................. 64
Modify a view......................................................................................................................... 64
Delete a view.......................................................................................................................... 65
Switch between views........................................................................................................... 65
Switch between open views............................................................................................ 65
Switch between 3D and plane view................................................................................65
Update and refresh views.....................................................................................................66
4.4 Define the work area...................................................................................... 66
Fit work area to entire model............................................................................................... 67
Fit work area to selected parts.............................................................................................67
Fit work area using two points............................................................................................. 67
Hide the work area box.........................................................................................................68

4.5 Coordinate system.......................................................................................... 68
Show or hide the work plane grid........................................................................................69
Shift the work plane.............................................................................................................. 70
Set work plane to any part plane................................................................................... 70
Set work plane parallel to xyz plane.............................................................................. 70
Set work plane using one point...................................................................................... 71
Set work plane using two points.................................................................................... 71
Set work plane using three points..................................................................................71
Set work plane parallel to view plane............................................................................ 72
Restore the default work plane...................................................................................... 72
4.6 Change the color settings...............................................................................72
Find RGB values for colors....................................................................................................73
Change the background color..............................................................................................74
Change the color of dimensions, part labels, and grids................................................... 75

5 Create, modify, and delete objects............................................76

5.1 Resize and reshape an object........................................................................ 77
5.2 Copy properties from another object........................................................... 82
5.3 Save and load dialog box properties............................................................. 83

6 Snap to a point or line.................................................................85

6.1 Snap to a line................................................................................................... 85
6.2 Snap to extension lines.................................................................................. 86
6.3 Snap to orthogonal points............................................................................. 88
6.4 Snap relative to previously picked points.................................................... 89
6.5 Create a temporary reference point............................................................. 90
6.6 Lock X, Y, or Z coordinate............................................................................... 92
6.7 Snapping toolbar............................................................................................. 92
Snap zone............................................................................................................................... 93
Snap depth............................................................................................................................. 93
Snap priority........................................................................................................................... 93
Snapping in drawings............................................................................................................ 93
6.8 Snap switches and symbols........................................................................... 93
6.9 Snap to a point using exact distance or coordinates..................................95
Enter a distance or coordinates........................................................................................... 95
Options for coordinates........................................................................................................96
Change the snapping mode................................................................................................. 97
6.10 Align objects using a snap grid...................................................................... 97
6.11 Override the current snap switch................................................................. 98
6.12 Example: Track along a line towards a snap point...................................... 98
6.13 Snap settings................................................................................................. 101

7 Select objects............................................................................. 103

7.1 Select single objects......................................................................................103
7.2 Select multiple objects................................................................................. 104
7.3 Select all objects............................................................................................104
7.4 Select handles................................................................................................105

7.5 Modify the selection..................................................................................... 106
7.6 Selection switches ........................................................................................ 106
7.7 Select assemblies and cast units.................................................................110
7.8 Select nested objects.................................................................................... 110
7.9 Select reference models, reference model objects and assemblies....... 111
Select an entire reference model...................................................................................... 111
Select a reference model object........................................................................................ 111
Select a reference model assembly...................................................................................112
7.10 If you cannot select objects......................................................................... 112

8 Copy and move objects............................................................. 113

8.1 Copy objects................................................................................................... 114
Copy by picking two points.................................................................................................114
Copy linearly.........................................................................................................................115
Copy by specifying a distance from origin........................................................................116
Copy using drag-and-drop..................................................................................................116
Copy objects to another object..........................................................................................118
Copy all content to another object.................................................................................... 118
Copy to another plane........................................................................................................ 119
Copy from another model.................................................................................................. 119
Copy objects using linear array tool..................................................................................119
How to use Linear array tool.........................................................................................120
How to define the settings............................................................................................ 121
Copy objects using radial array tool.................................................................................. 122
How to use Radial array tool.........................................................................................122
How to define the settings............................................................................................ 123
Copy objects using Array of objects (29) component ....................................................124
8.2 Move objects.................................................................................................. 126
Move by picking two points................................................................................................ 126
Move linearly........................................................................................................................ 127
Move by specifying a distance from origin....................................................................... 128
Move using drag-and-drop................................................................................................. 128
Move to another plane....................................................................................................... 130
Move objects to another object......................................................................................... 130
8.3 Rotate objects................................................................................................131
Rotate around a line............................................................................................................131
Rotate around the z axis..................................................................................................... 132
Rotate drawing objects....................................................................................................... 134
8.4 Mirror objects................................................................................................ 135
Mirror model objects.......................................................................................................... 135
Mirror drawing objects........................................................................................................135

9 Filter objects...............................................................................137
9.1 Use existing filters........................................................................................ 138
How to use a view filter.......................................................................................................138
How to use a selection filter............................................................................................... 139
9.2 Create new filters.......................................................................................... 140
Create a view filter............................................................................................................... 140
Create a selection filter....................................................................................................... 142
Create a drawing filter.........................................................................................................143

Create a drawing view filter................................................................................................143
Create a drawing selection filter........................................................................................ 144
9.3 Filtering techniques...................................................................................... 144
9.4 Object properties in filtering....................................................................... 147
9.5 Template attributes in filtering...................................................................161
9.6 Wildcards ....................................................................................................... 162
9.7 Examples of filters........................................................................................ 162
Filter parts based on their name....................................................................................... 162
Filter main parts...................................................................................................................163
Filter bolts based on their size........................................................................................... 164
Filter parts based on their assembly type........................................................................ 165
Filter sub-assemblies.......................................................................................................... 166
Filter reference model objects........................................................................................... 166
Filter parts within component............................................................................................167
9.8 Copy and remove filters............................................................................... 168
Copy a filter to another model...........................................................................................168
Remove a filter..................................................................................................................... 169

10 Take screenshots....................................................................... 170

10.1 Take a screenshot of a model...................................................................... 170
10.2 Take a screenshot of a drawing................................................................... 171
10.3 Save a screenshot in bitmap format...........................................................171

11 Customize Tekla Structures......................................................172

11.1 Customize the ribbon................................................................................... 172
Add a command button......................................................................................................173
Move a command button................................................................................................... 175
Resize a command button..................................................................................................175
Change the appearance of a command button...............................................................176
Create a user-defined command.......................................................................................177
Add a custom button and assign a command to it......................................................... 179
Add a separator bar............................................................................................................ 181
Add, hide, and edit tabs...................................................................................................... 181
Save the ribbon ...................................................................................................................182
Check the changes...............................................................................................................182
Back up and restore ribbons..............................................................................................183
11.2 Customize keyboard shortcuts....................................................................184
Define new keyboard shortcuts......................................................................................... 184
Clear and reset shortcuts................................................................................................... 186
Export keyboard shortcuts................................................................................................. 186
Import keyboard shortcuts.................................................................................................187

12 Default keyboard shortcuts..................................................... 188

12.1 Common commands..................................................................................... 188
12.2 Rendering options......................................................................................... 189
12.3 Selecting objects............................................................................................189
12.4 Snapping.........................................................................................................189
12.5 Copying and moving objects........................................................................ 190

12.6 Viewing the model.........................................................................................190
12.7 Checking the model...................................................................................... 191
12.8 Drawings.........................................................................................................191

13 Tips for basic tasks.................................................................... 193

13.1 Switch rollover highlight on or off ............................................................. 194
13.2 Select values from the model...................................................................... 195
13.3 Interrupt object selection............................................................................ 195
13.4 Select on right-click.......................................................................................196
13.5 Copy and move efficiently............................................................................196
13.6 Change a property in several parts at the same time.............................. 196
13.7 How to restore missing toolbars................................................................. 197
13.8 Show or hide "Do not show this message again"...................................... 197

14 Disclaimer...................................................................................199

1 Start Tekla Structures

When you start Tekla Structures, you are asked to choose your Tekla Structures
setup. The setup consists of an environment, role, and configuration.
• Environment means region-specific settings and information. It defines
which profiles, material grades, default values, connections, wizards,
variables, reports, and templates you have available.
• Role is a user group profile that limits the availability of files and settings in
an environment. The user interface has been customized for each role.
• Configuration consists of a set of features that the user is entitled to based
on the license agreement. Each configuration is meant for a specific user
group, to suit the various players in the construction industry.
1. Start Tekla Structures by selecting it from the Windows Start menu or by
double-clicking the desktop icon.

Start Tekla Structures 9

The Choose your Tekla Structures setup dialog box appears.

2. Select an environment.
If you cannot find the desired environment from the list, see Adding an
environment to Tekla Structures.
You can also select Blank project (page 11) to create a model that
contains generic content, such as parametric profiles.
3. Select a role.
The availability of roles depends on your environment, but typically the
following roles are available:
• All (a combination of all roles)
• Concrete Contractor
• Construction Management
• Engineer
• Precast Concrete Detailer
• Rebar Detailer
• Steel Detailer
4. Select a configuration.
The configuration you are using may not contain all the features
described in the Tekla Structures product guides. For more information on

Start Tekla Structures 10

the features available in each configuration, see Tekla Structures
5. Click OK.
The Welcome page appears.

6. Select what you want to do:

• On the Recent tab, you can open a recently used model.
• On the All models tab, you can open any existing model (page 15).
• On the New tab, you can create a new model (page 16).

See also
Check or change your Tekla Structures setup (page 12)

1.1 What is a blank project

Blank project is a Tekla Structures environment that includes only generic
content, such as parametric profiles and undefined materials. It can be used
for gathering region-, company-, or project-specific settings, tools, and
information. The blank project is always included in the Tekla Structures

Start Tekla Structures 11 What is a blank project

Download and install content
You can use Tekla Warehouse to download and install content to the blank
project. For example, you can download profiles, material grades, bolts,
reinforcement, components, applications, and templates from Tekla
Warehouse across all environment- and manufacturer-specific collections, and
make combinations that suit your needs.
You can download and install content from Tekla Warehouse both before and
during a project. Before starting a project, you can install content to your
project and firm folders. During a project, you can install content to the model

1.2 Check or change your Tekla Structures setup

You can check your current Tekla Structures setup (environment, role, and
configuration) at any time without having to close the model.
1. On the File menu, click Settings and scroll down to the License area.

Start Tekla Structures 12 Check or change your Tekla Structures setup

You current setup is displayed.

2. Change the setup if needed.

You may be required to restart Tekla Structures after the changes.

Start Tekla Structures 13 Check or change your Tekla Structures setup

2 Open, create, and save 3D

With Tekla Structures, you can create a 3D real-life model of any structure. The
model contains all the information that is needed to manufacture and
construct the structure: part geometry and dimensions, profiles, materials,
connection types, and so on.
• Open a model (page 15)
• Create a new model (page 16)
• Create model templates (page 19)
• Save a model (page 22)

Model output
The 3D model is also the single source of information for drawings and other
outputs, such as reports and NC data files. This ensures that the information in
drawings and reports is always up to date, as they react to modifications in the

You can use the multi-user mode or Tekla Model Sharing to work
collaboratively within a model.

Open, create, and save 3D models 14 Check or change your Tekla Structures setup
2.1 Open a model
You can have one model open at a time. If you open a model and already have
one open, Tekla Structures prompts you to save the first model.
1. On the File menu, click Open.
2. Select the model you want to open.
• To search for models in another folder, click Browse.
• To open a recently used model folder, click the Open model from
folder list.
• To sort models by name, date, or type, click the column titles.
• When the models are sorted alphabetically by their names, you can
use the keyboard to select a model. For example, when you type N,
Tekla Structures selects the first model starting with an N.

Open, create, and save 3D models 15 Open a model

3. Click Open.
If no views (page 52) are visible in the model, Tekla Structures prompts
you to select one.

See also
Create a new model (page 16)
Create a thumbnail image of a model (page 16)

2.2 Create a new model

Create a separate model for each Tekla Structures project. Each model is
stored in its own folder under the TeklaStructuresModels folder.
1. On the File menu, click New.
2. In the Name box, enter a name for the new model.
Do not use special characters (/ \ ; : | ). We recommend that you try
to decide on a permanent name at this point. The name of the model can
be changed afterwards, but it involves changing several file names.
3. Define where to save the new model.
By default, the model is saved in the TeklaStructuresModels folder
that was created during installation. You can change the default folder by
clicking Browse. You can also select a recently used folder from the Save
in list.
4. If you want to use a model template (page 19), select one.
5. Under Type, define whether to run Tekla Structures in single-user or
multi-user mode.
• Single-user: the model will be used by one person at a time.
• Multi-user: the model is stored on a server and may be used by several
people simultaneously. Enter the name of the server in the Server box.
6. Click Create.
Tekla Structures creates the model and opens the default model view
(page 63). The contents of the model view may differ based on the
model template you chose in step 4.

See also
Create a thumbnail image of a model (page 16)
Edit project properties (page 17)

Open, create, and save 3D models 16 Create a new model

2.3 Create a thumbnail image of a model
You can add a thumbnail image to make it easier to recognize your project
even when you do not remember the exact name of the model. The thumbnail
image is displayed when you browse for existing models.

1. On the View tab, click Screenshot --> Project thumbnail.

2. Select a view.
Tekla Structures creates the image and saves it in the model folder with
the name thumbnail.png.
3. To check the thumbnail, go to the File menu, click Open, and select the
model you created the thumbnail for.
The image is now displayed next to the model name. For example:

4. If you are unhappy with the thumbnail image, you can repeat steps 1–2 as
many times as you need.
For example, you can zoom the model (page 28) in and out to adjust
what is shown in the thumbnail image. When you create a new thumbnail,
Tekla Structures overrides the existing thumbnail image with the new one.

TIP Alternatively, if you want to use a custom image, you can add the image directly
to the model folder with the name thumbnail.png. The preferred size of the
image is 120 x 74 pixels.

2.4 Edit project properties

You will need project information, such as project number and name, many
times during a project. Update the project properties at the beginning of each

Open, create, and save 3D models 17 Edit project properties

project to make reports and drawings display the correct information
automatically. All of the fields are optional.
1. On the File menu, click Project properties.

2. Click Edit.
3. In the Description box, enter a description that helps you identify the
model when you next need to open it.
The description appears in the Open dialog box when you open a model.
4. Edit the other project properties.
5. To define project-specific user-defined attributes, click User-defined
By default, you can define:
• Project comment
• User fields
• Execution class
• IFC export attributes
• GEO coordinates
• Status attributes
• Unitechnic factory location
The availability of user-defined attributes depends on your environment
(page 9).
6. Click Apply to save your changes.
Now you will get updated project properties in drawings and reports.
7. If you want to save these properties as the default properties for this
a. Go to Quick Launch (page 30).
b. Start typing save defaults.
c. Select the Save Defaults command from the list.
For more information on saving default properties, see Standard files.

Displaying project information in templates and reports

The fields in the image below refer to template attributes, which you can use
when designing your own reports and templates. To display project
information, add the corresponding template attributes in the templates and

Open, create, and save 3D models 18 Edit project properties


2.5 Create model templates

Model templates allow you to start a model with predefined company
templates and settings. This can be especially useful for sub-contractors.

Open, create, and save 3D models 19 Create model templates

Only single-user models can be created with model templates. If you wish to
create a multi-user model using a model template, create the model in single-
user mode and then switch to multi-user mode.
By default, the model template folder is saved in your environment folder. Use
the advanced option XS_MODEL_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY to define a different

Create a new model template

You can create your own model templates and use them for creating new
models. You can select which catalogs, custom components, model subfolders,
drawing templates, and report templates from the model are included in the
model template.
1. Create a new model (page 16).
Always start by creating a new empty model. This is because old models
that have been used in live projects cannot be completely cleaned. They
may contain excess information that increases the size of the model even
if you delete all objects and drawings from the model.
2. Add the desired part properties, drawing properties, profiles, materials,
custom components, sketches, and so on, in the model.
You can copy the needed attribute files from another model, for example.
3. On the File menu, click Save --> Save as model template .
4. Enter a name for the model template.
5. Select which catalogs, drawing templates, report templates, and model
subfolders to include in the model template.
For more information, see the section Model template options on this
help page.
You can only select files and folders that are available in the model folder.
Catalogs are typically located in the Environment folder and they are
included in the model folder only if they have been modified.
6. If you want to open the destination folder after creating the model
template, select the check box.
7. Click OK.
You can now use the model template for creating new models.

Modify an existing model template

To modify an existing template, save the model as a new template.
Alternatively, you can modify the template by copying new or updated files
directly to the model template folder.

Open, create, and save 3D models 20 Create model templates

1. Create a model using the existing model template.
2. Make the needed changes.
3. Save it as a new model template.

Download model templates

You can download, share, and store model templates using Tekla Warehouse.

Model template options

Use the Save as Model Template dialog box to define which files and folders
are included in the model template.

Option Files and folders included

Profiles profdb.bin
Materials matdb.bin
Components and sketches ComponentCatalog.txt
*.dat files
CustomComponentDialogFiles folder
Attribute definitions Includes all attribute definitions of the current
Bolts and bolt assemblies screwdb.db
Reinforcement rebar_database.inp
Meshes mesh_database.inp
Options Includes all options of the current model.
Drawing templates *.tpl files
Report templates *.rpt files

Open, create, and save 3D models 21 Create model templates

Option Files and folders included
Include model subfolders Lists all subfolders found in the model folder. The
selected folders are included in the model template.
The attributes folder, which contains part and
drawing properties, is included by default.

2.6 Save a model

You should save your model regularly to avoid losing any work. Tekla
Structures also automatically saves your work at regular intervals.

Save the current model

To save changes to the current model file, do one of the following:

• On the top left corner of the screen, click Save .

• On the File menu, click Save --> Save.
• Press Ctrl+S.

Save a copy with different name or location

You can create a copy of the model with a different name or in a different
folder. The original version of the model remains intact.

NOTE When you save the model with a different name, all the GUIDs
(globally unique identifiers) of the saved model will change and be
different than in the original model. This means that the saved model
has no relation to the original model, and the saved model cannot be
used as backup.

1. On the File menu, click Save as --> Save as.

2. In the Model name box, enter a new name.
3. To save in a different location, click Browse and define where you want to
save the model.
4. Click OK.
Tekla Structures creates a new copy with a different name, but the original
version of the model remains intact.

Open, create, and save 3D models 22 Save a model

Save a backup copy
You can create a backup copy of the model with the same GUIDs (globally
unique identifiers) as the original model.
1. On the File menu, click Save as --> Save and create backup copy.
Tekla Structures saves a copy of the model in the ..
2. If you need to take the backup copy into use in place of the current model,
move the backup copy from the chosen date to your model folder.
You can either replace all contents of the current model folder with the
content of the chosen backup folder, or you can rename the backup
folder (<date-time>) to match the original model name.
3. If you want to change the location of the backup folder, use the advanced

NOTE To save disk space, you can compress the


Save as a model template

See Create model templates (page 19).

Define autosave settings

Use Autosave to automatically back up and save your work at set intervals.
You can set the autosave interval separately for the model and drawings.
Autosave files have the extension .db1_<user>.
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Options, and go to the General
2. Under Autosave, set the autosave interval.
a. In the first box, define how often Tekla Structures saves the model or
This number represents the number of commands you will have to
run before Tekla Structures saves the model or drawing. For example,
if you create many beams without interrupting the Create beam
command, it only counts as one command.
b. In the second box, enter the number of drawings after which Tekla
Structures saves your work.

NOTE If you set the interval values to less than 2, autosave is disabled.

Open, create, and save 3D models 23 Save a model

3. Click OK.
4. Define where to store the Autosave files.
By default, Tekla Structures stores the autosave files in the ..
\TeklaStructuresModels\autosave folder. To change the folder, use
the advanced option XS_AUTOSAVE_DIRECTORY.
5. Define whether to keep old autosave files.
By default, Tekla Structures deletes the autosave files when you close a
model, to save disk space. To keep autosave files even if you exit Tekla
Structures without saving the model, use the advanced option

Open, create, and save 3D models 24 Save a model

3 Get familiar with the user

When you open a Tekla Structures model, a new window appears. By default,
the user interface will look something like this:

1. This is your Tekla Structures model. If you are starting a completely new
project, you will only see the default model view (page 52) and an empty
grid (page 46) at this point.
2. The green cube symbol represents the global coordinate system
(page 68) and it lies at the global origin (x=0, y=0, z=0).
3. The box around the grid represents the work area. In a view, you can only
see the parts that are within this area. Objects that are outside the work

Get familiar with the user interface 25 Save a model

area exist in the model, but they are not visible. You can shrink and
expand the work area (page 66) to suit your needs. You can also hide the
work area box (page 66).
4. The coordinate symbol with the three axes x, y, and z represents the local
coordinate system (page 68). It also indicates the direction of the model.
5. The File menu is where you manage your models. You can save models
(page 22), print drawings, and import and export models, among other
6. The ribbon contains all the commands (page 26) and other functions
you will use when building your model. You can customize the ribbon
according to your needs.
7. By default, the Quick Access Toolbar contains the Save, Undo, and Redo
8. If you cannot find the command or dialog box you are looking for, search
with Quick Launch (page 30).
9. Use the side pane (page 38) on the right-hand side of the screen to add
reference models and components, or to view model object properties.
10. The selection switches (page 106) control which objects you can select.
11. The snap switches (page 93) control which positions you can pick when
creating objects.
12. When you create objects (page 26), the status bar (page 32) will tell
you how to proceed and when to pick points.

3.1 How to use commands

Learn the basic method of running and ending commands. All commands
throughout Tekla Structures work in the same manner.
1. To find commands, slide the ribbon right or left with your mouse.

Some commands have more options under them. The options become
available when you click the command's name:

Get familiar with the user interface 26 How to use commands

2. If you are unsure which command you need for your current task, rest the
mouse pointer on a command.
A small window called tooltip appears. Tooltips provide more information
about commands and also give examples, hints, and tips. For example:

When a tooltip is open, you can press Ctrl+F1 for more help on the

TIP To switch the tooltips on or off, click File menu --> Settings -->
Switches, and then select or clear the Tooltips check box.

3. When you find the command you need, click once to use it.
The command runs until you end it or use another command.

NOTE If you want to check or change the object properties before

running the command, hold down the Shift key when you click
the command. This brings up the properties dialog box. If you
modify the properties, remember to save the changes (page 30).

4. To end a command, right-click and select Interrupt.

You can also press Esc.
5. To re-activate the last command, press Enter.

See also
Create, modify, and delete objects (page 76)

Get familiar with the user interface 27 How to use commands

3.2 Zoom and rotate the model
The commands on the View tab allow you to focus on a particular area, or pull
out for a wider view. You can use a mouse, command, keyboard shortcut, or a
combination of these.

Zoom in and out

You can use a variety of tools to zoom in and out in the model. By default, the
mouse pointer position determines the center point of zooming.

To Do this
Zoom in Scroll forward with the mouse wheel.
Zoom out Scroll backward with the mouse wheel.
Zoom to selected objects 1. Select the objects.
2. On the View tab, click Zoom --> Zoom
Zoom with menu On the View tab, click Zoom and select one of
commands the zoom commands.
Keep the center point of On the File menu, click Settings and select
zooming in the middle of Centered zooms.
the view
Define the zoom ratio Use these advanced options:

Rotate the model

You can use either the middle or left mouse button to rotate the model in a

To Do this
Rotate using the middle 1. On the View tab, click Navigate --> Set
mouse button view point.
You can also press V.
2. To set the view point, pick a position in the
The following symbol appears in the model:

Get familiar with the user interface 28 Zoom and rotate the model
To Do this

3. Hold down the Ctrl key, and click and drag the
model with the middle mouse button.
Tekla Structures rotates the model around the
view point you defined in step 2.
Rotate using the left 1. On the View tab, click Navigate --> Rotate
mouse button with mouse.
You can also press Ctrl+R.
2. To set the view point, pick a position in the
The following symbol appears in the model:

3. Click and drag the model with the left mouse

Tekla Structures rotates the model around the
view point you defined in step 2.

Pan the model

You can use either the middle or left mouse button to pan the model in a view.

To Do this
Move the model using the 1. On the File menu, click Settings and check
middle mouse button that the Middle button pan check box is
2. Hold down the middle mouse button and drag
the model.
Move the model using the 1. To activate dynamic panning, go to the View
left mouse button tab and click Navigate --> Pan .
You can also press P.

The mouse pointer changes to a hand:

2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the
3. To stop panning, press Esc.

Get familiar with the user interface 29 Zoom and rotate the model
3.3 Find commands and dialog boxes
Use the Quick Launch box in the upper-right corner of the Tekla Structures
main window to find commands, dialog boxes, and other functions. The
shortcut key for Quick Launch is Ctrl+Q.

1. In the Quick Launch box, enter a search term. For example, type bolt if
you are looking for bolt commands.
2. Wait for a list of search results to appear. For example:

Tekla Structures highlights the commands on the ribbon, to help you

locate them. For example:

3. To run a command, click its name on the search results list.

Or press Enter to instantly run the first command on the list.

TIP If the list of search results is no longer visible, press Ctrl+Space to

reactivate it.

Get familiar with the user interface 30 Find commands and dialog boxes
3.4 Learn the common buttons
The following table lists some common buttons that can be found in most of
the Tekla Structures dialog boxes.

Button Description
Saves the properties and closes the dialog box. Tekla
Structures uses these properties the next time you create an
object of this type.
Saves the properties without closing the dialog box. Tekla
Structures uses these properties the next time you create an
object of this type.
Modifies the selected objects using the current properties of
the dialog box.
Fills the dialog box with the properties of the selected object.
If several objects are being selected, Tekla Structures takes
the properties randomly from one of them.
Switches all check boxes in the dialog box on and off.

Closes the dialog box without saving the properties or

modifying objects.
Saves the properties in the file shown in the list.

Loads the previously saved properties to the dialog box.

Tekla Structures also loads the properties of sub-dialog
boxes, even if they are not open. Select the name of the
properties file you want to use.
For more information, see Save and load dialog box
properties (page 83).
Saves the properties with the name given in the box. The
Save as button also updates the Load list. This is important
if you add or delete files manually.
Tekla Structures stores the properties files in the model
folder, also including the properties of sub-dialog boxes.
For more information, see Save and load dialog box
properties (page 83).

3.5 Change the appearance of the ribbon

You can change the order of ribbon tabs, choose how they are aligned, and
even hide some parts of the ribbon if you do not need them in your current
project. For example, if you are only modeling steel parts, you can temporarily
hide the Concrete tab.

Get familiar with the user interface 31 Change the appearance of the ribbon
1. To change the order of tabs on the ribbon, drag and drop the tab titles.
2. To change how the tabs are aligned, right-click on the top bar of the
ribbon, select Navigation mode, and then select one of the options.
• Scroll visible: the ribbon movement is minimal when you switch
between the tabs
• Align to left: the icons start from the left side of the ribbon
• Align to tab: the icons start from the left side of the current tab
3. To hide the tabs that you do not need in your current project:
a. Rest the mouse pointer on a tab title.
A small eye symbol appears next to the tab title:

b. Click the eye symbol .

The eye symbol changes and the tab title becomes gray:

The View tab is now hidden from the ribbon. If you slide the ribbon,
hidden tabs appear as:

c. To re-display the hidden tab, click the eye symbol again.

3.6 Get instructions

Status bar is the area located at the bottom of the Tekla Structures main
window. Follow the instructions on the status bar when you use commands.
For example, when you are creating a part, the status bar will tell you how to
proceed and when to pick points.

1. Instructions and error messages

2. The status of Smart select (S), Drag and drop (D), and Ortho (O)
3. The level in assembly or component hierarchy (0–9)
4. The middle mouse button mode (Pan or Scroll)

Get familiar with the user interface 32 Get instructions

5. The current phase
6. The number of selected objects and handles

Status bar message history

To view the status bar message history, go to Quick Launch, type Message
Panel, and select the Message Panel command from the list that appears. A
message panel appears at the bottom of the Tekla Structures window.

3.7 Minimize the ribbon

You can minimize the ribbon to save space on your screen. When the ribbon is
minimized, the command buttons are hidden but the tabs are visible.
1. Right-click on the top bar of the ribbon, and select Minimized.

The ribbon is now minimized to save space on the screen:

2. To access the commands when the ribbon is minimized, click a tab title.
The ribbon becomes visible so that you can select a command.
3. To restore the ribbon, right-click on the top bar of the ribbon, and select
Minimized again.

Get familiar with the user interface 33 Minimize the ribbon

3.8 How to use the contextual toolbar
When you click an object in a model or drawing, a contextual toolbar appears
next to the mouse pointer. Use the contextual toolbar to quickly view and
change some basic properties of an object, view, grid, and so on.

If multiple objects are being selected, the contextual toolbar displays the text
Varies for any properties that differ.

How to change object properties using contextual toolbar

The changes that you make on the contextual toolbar are immediately applied
to the model or drawing.
1. Click an object in a model or drawing.
A contextual toolbar appears next to the mouse pointer.
2. Change the object properties on the contextual toolbar.
The changes are applied immediately.

TIP Press the Tab key to move between the properties and command buttons on the
contextual toolbar.

Show or hide contextual toolbar

You can define whether the contextual toolbar is visible in Tekla Structures.
1. On the File menu, click Settings .
2. Under Switches, select or clear the Contextual Toolbar check box.

Define contextual toolbar's position

You can define the position of the contextual toolbar, relative to an object's
reference point.
1. Select an object.
2. Hold down the Ctrl key and click the contextual toolbar with the left
mouse button.

Get familiar with the user interface 34 How to use the contextual toolbar
A dashed line appears between the contextual toolbar and the object.

3. Drag the contextual toolbar to a new position. For example, you can
position the contextual toolbar on the left side of the selected object.
4. Release the left mouse button. The contextual toolbar now appears in the
position you defined, for example on the left side of any object you select.

Pin contextual toolbar in place

You can pin the contextual toolbar to a specific location on the screen, so that
the position is locked. For example, you could have it appear at the upper left
corner of the screen. In the locked state, the position of the contextual toolbar
is independent of the individual part’s location.
1. Move the mouse pointer on the gray bar on the left-hand side of the
contextual toolbar.

The mouse pointer changes into a cross with four arrows .

2. Drag the contextual toolbar to a new location.
3. Click to pin the contextual toolbar to the new location.
The pin icon changes when the position is locked.

4. To unlock the position, click .

Minimize contextual toolbar

You can minimize the contextual toolbar so that it takes less space on your

1. On the contextual toolbar, click . The contextual toolbar now has the

symbol .

2. To restore the contextual toolbar to its original size, click again.

Get familiar with the user interface 35 How to use the contextual toolbar
Customize contextual toolbar
You can customize the contextual toolbar by selecting which toolbar elements
are visible. You can also adjust the width of the elements, and add icons and
additional titles to the elements.
1. On the contextual toolbar, click .
2. By selecting and clearing check boxes, define which toolbar elements you
wish to show or hide.
The Preview area shows what the toolbar will look like. For example:

3. To modify the toolbar elements:

a. Click the toolbar element.
If the element can be modified, the following box appears:

b. Use the slider to adjust the width of the toolbar element.

c. To add an additional title, click the text box and enter a title.

d. To add an icon, click and select an icon from the list.

e. To remove the icon or title, click .

4. To add macros and user-defined attributes:
a. Select the desired macro or user-defined attribute from the list.
b. Click Add.

Get familiar with the user interface 36 How to use the contextual toolbar
Tekla Structures adds the macro or user-defined attribute to the list
of toolbar elements and to the Preview image. For example:

c. To hide the macro or user-defined attribute, clear the corresponding

check box as described in step 2.
5. Click Ok to save the changes.

Create user profiles for contextual toolbars

You can create multiple profiles for contextual toolbars. Each profile contains
the same contextual toolbars, but with different settings.
1. On the contextual toolbar, click .
2. Click Set profiles.
3. Select New profile from the list.
4. Enter a name for the profile.
5. Click Save.
6. Customize the contextual toolbar.
For example, remove some elements from the contextual toolbar.
7. Click OK to save the changes.
The user profile is now active with the settings you defined.
8. To switch to another profile:
a. Click Set profiles.
b. Select another profile from the list.
c. Modify the settings.
d. Click OK.
This user profile is now active.

Back up and share contextual toolbars

We advice you to save a backup copy of your customized contextual toolbars.
You can use the backup file to copy settings to another computer or to share
the customizations with your co-workers.

Get familiar with the user interface 37 How to use the contextual toolbar
1. Save the contextual toolbar under a user profile, with a name that you can
easily recognize. For example, MyContextualToolbar.
2. Go to the ..\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble
3. Make a copy of your customized contextual toolbar and save it in the
corresponding folder on another computer.
4. To open a customized contextual toolbar on another computer:
a. On the contextual toolbar, click .
b. Click Set profiles.
c. Select the correct profile from the list. For example,
MyContextualToolbar, if that is the name you used in step 1.
d. Click OK. The customizations are now active.

NOTE Alternatively, you can place the entire ContextualToolbar folder to

your company's project or firm folder.

3.9 How to use the side pane

Use the side pane on the right-hand side of the screen to add reference
models and components, or to view model object properties.

To Do this
Show the side pane Click a side pane button.

Click to view model object properties using
Custom Inquiry.

Click to show model object properties in
the property pane.

Click to show the Reference Models list.

Click to show the Applications &
components catalog.
Move a side pane window Click the grab bar and drag the side pane
window to a new location.

Get familiar with the user interface 38 How to use the side pane
To Do this

Keep multiple side pane 1. Right-click a side pane button and select Open
windows open at the below.
same time

2. Repeat for each side pane button.

The side pane windows are now stacked on
top of each other.
3. To change the order of side pane windows,
drag them around.
Adjust the size of a side Click and drag the button.
pane window

Dock a floating side pane Right-click the side pane button and select Attach
to panel.

Alternatively, you can drag the side pane back to

the docking area, which is marked with yellow
Close the side pane Click the button.

Get familiar with the user interface 39 Change the language

3.10 Change the language
You can change the language of the Tekla Structures user interface at any
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Change language.
2. Select a language from the list.
You have the following options. The three-letter language codes that are
given in parentheses are used in some language-dependent file and folder
• Chinese – simplified (chs)
• Chinese – traditional (cht)
• Czech (csy)
• Dutch (nld)
• English (enu)
• French (fra)
• German (deu)
• Hungarian (hun)
• Italian (ita)
• Japanese (jpn)
• Korean (kor)
• Polish (plk)
• Portuguese (ptg)
• Portuguese – Brazilian (ptb)
• Russian (rus)
• Spanish (esp)
3. Click OK.
4. Restart Tekla Structures for the change to take effect.

3.11 Basic settings in the File menu

Use the switches in File menu --> Settings --> Switches to control some basic
modeling and drawing settings.

Get familiar with the user interface 40 Basic settings in the File menu
Option Description
Smart select Change how drag-and-drop works for
object handles.
When the option is on, you can drag
from object handles without selecting
them first.
When the option is off, you must
select the handles before dragging.
Drag & drop Activate or inactivate the drag-and-
drop command.
When the option is on, you can use
drag-and-drop when copying or
moving (page 113) objects.
When the option is off, drag-and-drop
cannot be used.
Middle button pan Change the panning (page 28) mode.
When the option is on, you can move
the model using the middle mouse
When the option is off, you can move
the model using the left mouse
Centered zooms Change the zooming (page 28) mode.
When the option is on, the center
point of zooming is kept in the middle
of the view, regardless of the mouse
pointer position.
When the option is off, the mouse
pointer position determines the
center point of zooming.
Basic view auto rotation Activate or inactivate the auto
rotation of part and component 3D
When the option is on, Tekla
Structures rotates the view once
whenever you create a new 3D view
of a part or component.
When the option is off, Tekla
Structures does not rotate the view.
Crossing selection Change how area selection works.
When the option is on, all objects that
fall at least partially inside the

Get familiar with the user interface 41 Basic settings in the File menu
Option Description
rectangular area are selected,
regardless of the dragging direction.
When the option is off, the dragging
direction affects the selection of
Rollover highlight Switch the highlighting (page 194) of
objects on or off.
When the option is on, Tekla
Structures highlights selectable
objects in yellow when you move the
mouse pointer on them.
When the option is off, selectable
objects are not highlighted.
Select on right-click Change how objects can be selected
(page 196).
When the option is on, you can select
objects also with the right mouse
button. Also the related shortcut
menu is displayed immediately.
When the option is off, you can select
objects with the left mouse button.
Automatic rotation center Define how the view point (page 28) is
When the option is on, the view point
changes whenever you click the
middle mouse button.
When the option is off, the view point
stays in a set position.
Ortho Activate or inactivate orthogonal
When the option is on, Tekla
Structures snaps to the closest
orthogonal point on the plane (0, 45,
90, 135, 180 degrees, and so on). The
mouse pointer automatically snaps to
positions at even distances in the
given direction.
When the option is off, orthogonal
snapping is not used.

Get familiar with the user interface 42 Basic settings in the File menu
Option Description
DirectX rendering Switch between OpenGL rendering
and DirectX rendering.
When the option is on, DirectX
rendering is used.
When the option is off, OpenGL
rendering is used.
Contextual toolbar Show or hide the contextual toolbar
(page 33).
When the option is on, the contextual
toolbar appears when you select
When the option is off, the contextual
toolbar does not appear.
Large icons Change the size of toolbar icons on
the Snapping and Selecting toolbars.
When the option is on, large icons are
When the option is off, small icons
are used.
Tooltips Show or hide the tooltips (page 26).
When the option is on, a small
window with examples, hints, and tips
appears when you rest the mouse
pointer on a command.
When the option is off, no tooltips

The following settings are available only in drawings:

Option Description
Printer line widths Show the lines in color drawings with
defined thickness on the screen.
When the option is on, the lines in
color drawings are shown with
defined thickness.
When the option is off, the lines in
color drawings are shown with default
Ghost outline Show hidden objects in drawings as
ghost outlines in color drawings. In
grayscale and black and white

Get familiar with the user interface 43 Basic settings in the File menu
Option Description
drawings, hidden objects are not
shown even if Ghost outline is
When the option is on, hidden lines
are shown as ghost outlines.
When the option is off, hidden lines
are not shown.
Associativity symbol Shows which drawing objects are
associative and automatically
updated. Associativity symbols are
shown only when you select a
drawing object, for example a
Objects that do not have valid
association get a ghost associativity
symbol and a question mark.
When the option is on, associativity
symbols are shown.
When the option is off, associativity
symbols are not shown.

Get familiar with the user interface 44 Basic settings in the File menu
4 Set up the workspace

Before starting to model, check that your Tekla Structures workspace is set up
1. Define the units and decimals you will use. (page 45)
2. Modify the grid to suit your needs. (page 46) Create a modular grid if
3. Create some views (page 52) to examine the model from different
angles and elevations.
4. Resize the work area to suit your project. (page 66)
5. Get familiar with the coordinate system (page 68). If you are modeling
sloped structures, shift the work plane accordingly. (page 69)

4.1 Change units and decimals

You can define which units and how many decimals Tekla Structures uses. The
settings are model-specific. Note that these settings do not have any effect on
drawings or reports, or on the Inquire and Measure tools.
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Options, and go to the Units and
decimals settings.
2. Modify the units and decimals to suit your needs.
The number located to the right of each option indicates the number of
decimals. The number of decimals affects the input and storage accuracy.
Always use a sufficient number of decimals.
• The settings on the Modeling tab affect the data that is used when you
are modeling, for example copying, moving, creating grids, creating
points, and so on.
• The settings on the Catalogs tab affect the data stored in the profile
and material catalogs.
• The settings on the Analysis results tab affect the output data.

Set up the workspace 45 Change units and decimals

3. Click OK to save the changes.

4.2 Create grids and grid lines

A grid represents a three-dimensional complex of horizontal and vertical
planes. The grid is shown on the view plane using dash-and-dot lines. Use
grids as an aid in locating objects in a model. You can make grids and grid lines
act magnetically so that the objects on the grid lines follow if you move the
grid line.
• Create a grid (page 47)
• Modify a grid (page 48)
• Add a single grid line (page 49)

Grid terminology

1. Grid origin is the point where the zero points of each coordinate axis
2. Grid line extensions define how far the grid lines extend in each direction
3. Grid labels are the names of the grid lines shown in views

Modular grid
You can have more than one grid in a model. We strongly advise that you
create a modular grid, so that you can easily place objects in your model. For

Set up the workspace 46 Create grids and grid lines

Single grid lines
You can create single grid lines and attach them to an existing grid.

Single grid lines have handles. If the Select grid line selection switch
(page 106) is active and you select a grid line, the handles appear in magenta.
If you move the handles to make a skewed grid, you can do this only on the
local XY plane (page 52) of the grid.

Create a grid
When you create a new model, Tekla Structures automatically creates a grid
and a view according to the saved standard properties. Here we will show how
to create grids manually.
1. On the Edit tab, click:

Set up the workspace 47 Create grids and grid lines

2. Pick a point to indicate the origin of the grid.
The coordinates of the picked point appear in the Grid dialog box as X0,
Y0, and Z0. If you do not pick a point, Tekla Structures positions the origin
according to the existing values.
3. Enter the x and y coordinates (page 68).
You can either define the coordinates individually, or you can define
several grid lines with equal spacing. Both of the following coordinate
entries create three grid lines with the spacing of 4000:
0 4000 4000
0 2*4000
4. Enter the z coordinates.
5. Enter the grid labels.
6. Modify the other grid properties if needed.
7. If you want objects to follow if you move the grid line, select the Magnetic
grid plane check box.
8. Click Create.

NOTE When working with very large grids, always having the grid labels visible might
slow down Tekla Structures. To hide the grid labels when you zoom in, use the
advanced option .

See also
Modify a grid (page 48)
Change the color settings (page 72)

Modify a grid
Double-click an existing grid to modify it.

1. Ensure that the Select grid selection switch (page 106) is active.
2. Double-click a grid line.
3. Modify the grid properties.

Set up the workspace 48 Create grids and grid lines

4. If you have attached additional grid lines to the grid and you want to
preserve them, clear the check boxes next to the Coordinate boxes.
Otherwise Tekla Structures deletes all single grid lines (page 46) attached
to the grid.
5. Click Modify to save the changes.

See also
Change the color settings (page 72)
Modify a single grid line (page 50)

Delete a grid
When you delete an entire grid, ensure that you do not have any other objects
selected. Otherwise Tekla Structures only deletes the objects, not the grid.

1. Ensure that only the Select grid selection switch (page 106) is active.
2. Select the grid.
3. Right-click and select Delete from the pop-up menu.
4. Confirm that you want to delete the grid.

See also
Deleting a single grid line (page 52)

Add a single grid line

You can add new grid lines either between existing grid lines or between two
freely chosen points that you define in the model.

Add a grid line between existing grid lines

You can add new grid lines between existing grid lines.

1. Ensure that the Direct modification switch is active.

2. Ensure that the Select grid selection switch (page 106) is active.
3. Select an existing grid to attach the grid line to.

Set up the workspace 49 Create grids and grid lines

4. Click the symbol between two existing grid lines or outside the grid.
Tekla Structures creates the grid line and gives it a label using the labels of
the adjacent grid lines. For example, a new grid line between the grid lines
1 and 2 receives the label 12*.

Add a grid line between two points

You can add new grid lines between two picked points.
1. On the Edit tab, click Grid and select Add grid line.

2. Select an existing grid to attach the grid line to.

3. Pick the start point of the grid line.
4. Pick the end point of the grid line.

Modify a single grid line

You can move, stretch, shrink, and incline single grid lines. You can also change
grid line labels.

Modify grid line properties

You can edit the properties of a single grid line.

1. Ensure that the Select grid line selection switch (page 106) is active.
2. Double-click a grid line.
3. Modify the grid line properties.
4. Click Modify to save the changes.

Move a grid line

Use direct modification to move single grid lines.

1. Ensure that the Direct modification switch is active.

2. Ensure that the Select grid selection switch (page 106) is active.
3. Select the grid.
4. Select the grid line you want to move.
5. Drag the grid line to a new location.

Set up the workspace 50 Create grids and grid lines

You can also use the keyboard to enter a numeric location.
To start with the negative sign (-), use the numeric keypad. To enter an
absolute coordinate, first enter $, then the value. Press Enter to confirm.

Stretch, shrink, or incline a grid line

Use direct modification to stretch, shrink, or incline single grid lines.

1. Ensure that the Direct modification switch is active.

2. Ensure that the Select grid selection switch (page 106) is active.
3. Select the grid.
4. Select the grid line.

5. Drag a grid line handle to a new location.

Change a grid line label

Use the contextual toolbar to change the label of a single grid line.

1. Ensure that the Direct modification switch is active.

2. Ensure that the Select grid line selection switch (page 106) is active.
3. Select a grid line.
4. On the contextual toolbar, enter a new label.

Turn grid line stretching off

If you move the outermost grid lines using the line handles, Tekla Structures
stretches or shrinks the perpendicular, crossing grid lines accordingly by
default. You can switch this off temporarily.

1. Ensure that the Direct modification switch is active.

2. Ensure that the Select grid selection switch (page 106) is active.
3. Select the grid line.

4. On the contextual toolbar, click the Turn grid line stretching off

Set up the workspace 51 Create grids and grid lines

Deleting a single grid line
You can delete grid lines in two different ways. The easiest way is by using
direct modification.

Delete a grid line using direct modification

Use direct modification to quickly delete single grid lines.

1. Ensure that the Direct modification switch is active.

2. Select the grid line you want to delete.
3. Press Delete.

Delete a grid line (alternative method)

This is the alternative way of deleting single grid lines.

1. Ensure that the Select grid line selection switch (page 106) is active.
2. Select the grid line you want to delete.
3. Ensure that you do not have any other objects selected.
If you also have other objects selected, Tekla Structures only deletes the
objects, not the grid line.
4. Right-click and select Delete from the pop-up menu.
5. Confirm that you want to delete the grid line.

4.3 Create model views

A view is a representation of a model from a specific location. Each view is
represented in its own window within Tekla Structures. Selecting a part in a
view highlights the part in all open views.
• Create views (page 54)
• Open a view (page 63)
• Switch between views (page 65)
• Change the color settings (page 72)

View plane
Each view has a view plane on which the grids (page 46) are visible and points
are represented as yellow crosses. Points that are located outside the view
plane are red. You can move the view plane (page 54) like any other object.

Set up the workspace 52 Create model views

Basic views
Basic views are those parallel to the global basic planes (xy, xz, and zy). In basic
views, two axes always define the view plane and the axes appear in the plane
name. The third axis is perpendicular to the view plane. It does not appear in
the plane name. In the basic plane view, the model is shown from the direction
of the third axis.
When you create basic views, you must define the view plane's distance (the
view plane coordinate) from the global origin in the direction of the third axis.
Examples of basic views:

Plane 3D view Plane view




Other views
For other view types, you either define the view plane and coordinate by
picking points, or the points are defined automatically, depending on the
creation method.

Set up the workspace 53 Create model views

Move the view plane
You can move the view plane like any other object. When you move it, Tekla
Structures only uses the vector that is perpendicular to the view plane.
1. Click the view.
2. Right-click and select Move --> Linear.
3. Pick the start point of the translation vector, or enter its coordinates.
4. Pick the end point of the translation vector, or enter its coordinates.
5. Click Move to move the view plane.

Create views
You can create views of parts, components, and the entire model.

Create a basic view of the model

You can create a basic view along two coordinate axes. Use this view for the
overall viewing of the model.

1. On the View tab, click New view --> Basic view.

2. Select a view plane from the Plane list.
3. In the Coordinate box, enter the view level.
This value defines the distance from the global origin.
4. Click Create.

Create a view using two points

You can create a view using two points you pick: the origin and a point in the
horizontal direction.

1. On the View tab, click New view --> Using two points .
2. Pick a point to indicate the origin of the view plane.
3. Pick a second point to indicate the direction of the x axis.
The y axis is perpendicular to the view plane on which you picked the first

Set up the workspace 54 Create model views

Create a view using three points
You can create a view using three points you pick: the origin, a point in the
horizontal direction, and a point in the vertical direction.

1. On the View tab, click New view --> Using three points .
2. Pick a point to indicate the origin of the view plane.
3. Pick a second point to indicate the direction of the x axis.
4. Pick a third point to indicate the direction of the y axis.

Create a view of the work plane

You can create a view of the work plane using the current view properties.

• On the View tab, click New view --> On work plane .

Create grid views

You can create views along the grid lines you select.
Before you start, create a view that contains a grid, and check the grid
properties. If the grid properties are incorrect in some way, Tekla Structures
may cut the views at the wrong elevations or they may be named incorrectly. If
you change the grid labels or the elevation or grids later on, the views will not
be automatically renamed.
1. Select the grid.

2. On the View tab, click New view --> Along grid lines .
3. Modify the grid view properties if needed.
a. In the Number of views list, select how many views you want to
b. In the View name prefix box, enter a prefix.
c. In the View properties list, define which view properties (applied or
saved) you want to use.
4. Click Create.
The Views dialog box opens.
5. Click the arrow buttons to move views from the Named views list to the
Visible views list.
The views will not be visible until you move them to the Visible views list.

Set up the workspace 55 Create model views

In this example, we will create vertical views of the grid lines 1–7 on the
following model:

In the Creation of Views Along Grid Lines dialog box, we select All for the
view plane XZ and None for the view planes XY and ZY. We use the default
settings for the view name prefix and the view properties.

After creating the grid views, we move the view named Grid 2 to the Visible
views list:

Set up the workspace 56 Create model views

The grid view is displayed as a plane view in a new window:

We can rotate the view to see it in 3D:

Set up the workspace 57 Create model views

Create a view on a part plane
You can create a view on the front, top, back, or bottom plane of a part.

1. On the View tab, click New view and select one of the following:
• On part front plane
• On part top plane
• On part back plane
• On part bottom plane
2. Select the part.

Create a 3D view of a part

When you need to see a specific part clearly, create a 3D view of the part. The
part is placed in the center of the view.

1. On the View tab, click New view --> 3D view of part .

Set up the workspace 58 Create model views

2. Select the part.
Tekla Structures creates the view. The view plane y axis is the global z axis
of the model. The x axis is the projection of the part's local x axis onto the
global xy plane.

Create default part views

You can create four basic views of a part: front, top, end and perspective view.
Tekla Structures creates these views all at once with the same command. By
default, the perspective view is a 3D view, and the front, top, and end views are
plane views.

1. On the View tab, click New view --> Default views of part .
2. Select the part.
Tekla Structures creates the four default views all at once.

Create an undeformed part view

You can create a view that shows a deformed part in undeformed form. This
only works for beams and columns.

1. On the View tab, click New view --> Undeformed view of part .
2. Select the part.
For example, select a warped beam. Tekla Structures displays the beam in
a separate view in undeformed form.

Create a 3D view of a component

When you need to see a specific component clearly, create a 3D view of the
component. The component is placed in the center of the view.

1. On the View tab, click New view --> 3D view of component .

2. Select the component.
Tekla Structures creates the view. The view plane y axis is the global z axis
of the model. The x axis is the projection of the first secondary part local x
axis onto the global xy plane. Work area depth is 1 m in all directions.

Create default component views

You can create four basic views of a component: front, top, end and
perspective view. Tekla Structures creates these views all at once with the

Set up the workspace 59 Create model views

same command. By default, the perspective view is a 3D view, and the front,
top, and end views are plane views.

1. On the View tab, click New view --> Default views of

component .
2. Select the component.
Tekla Structures creates the four default views all at once.

Create a surface view

Use the CreateSurfaceView macro to create an automatically aligned surface
view. This can be useful when modeling bolt groups, stiffener plates, and hole
penetrations on complex geometry.

1. Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to

open the Applications & components catalog.
2. Click the arrow next to Applications to open the applications list.
3. Double-click CreateSurfaceView to start the macro.
4. Select the surface of the part.

Tekla Structures creates a new temporary view and moves the work plane
typically along the longest edge of the part face. You can model in the

Set up the workspace 60 Create model views

surface view and see your modeling work being done in your original 3D
view at the same time.

5. Press Esc to stop the macro.

6. To return the work plane back to the origin:
a. Repeat steps 1–2 to open the Applications list.
b. Double-click the WorkPlaneGlobal macro.

Create a surface view along selected edge

Use the CreateSurfaceView_wEdge macro to create a surface view and align
the work plane along the edge you select. This can be useful when modeling
bolt groups, stiffener plates, and hole penetrations on complex geometry.

1. Ensure that the Snap to geometry lines/points selection switch

(page 106) is active.
This allows you to pick along an edge to define the direction.

2. Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to

open the Applications & components catalog.
3. Click the arrow next to Applications to open the applications list.
4. Double-click CreateSurfaceView_wEdge to start the macro.
5. Select the surface of the part.
When you hover the mouse pointer over the part edges, a yellow arrow
symbol is displayed to indicate the possible edges you can align the view
to. The head of the arrow represents the positive direction of the x axis.
The view will be rotated in this direction to form the flat horizontal edge of

Set up the workspace 61 Create model views

the view. The origin of the view and work plane will be at the start of the
arrow snap line.

6. Pick the desired edge.

Set up the workspace 62 Create model views

Tekla Structures creates a new temporary view, and the selected edge
forms the x axis of the view. You can model in the surface view and see
your modeling work being done in your original 3D view at the same time.

7. Press Esc to stop the macro.

8. To return the work plane back to the origin:
a. Repeat steps 2–3 to open the Applications list.
b. Double-click the WorkPlaneGlobal macro.

Open a view
You can have up to nine views on the screen at the same time. If you are
unable to open a view, check how many views you already have open - you
may need to close some of them first.

1. On the View tab, click View list to open the Views dialog box.
Tekla Structures lists all invisible named views on the left, and all visible
views on the right.
2. Select a view from the Named views list and click the right arrow to move
it to the Visible views list.
You can also double-click a view to open it. If the view does not appear,
check how many views you already have open.

Set up the workspace 63 Create model views

3. To open multiple views, use the Shift and Ctrl keys when you select views
from the list.

See also
Save a view (page 64)
Switch between views (page 65)

Save a view
If you need to re-open views later on, give each view a unique name. When
you exit the model, Tekla Structures only saves the named views. Temporary
views disappear when you close them.

Before you start, create one or more views (page 54) in the model.
1. Double-click the view to open the View Properties dialog box.
2. Enter a unique name in the Name box.
Temporary views have a default name in parentheses. Do not use
parentheses when naming a view, or the view will not be saved for later

NOTE In multi-user mode, it is very important to give views unique

names. If several users have different views with the same name,
the view settings of one user may accidentally override the
settings of another user.

3. Click Modify.
Tekla Structures will automatically save all named views when you close
the model.

Modify a view
You can modify a view simply by double-clicking it.
1. Double-click the view to open the View Properties dialog box.
2. Modify the view properties.
3. Click Modify.

See also
Move the view plane (page 54)

Set up the workspace 64 Create model views

Delete a view
You can permanently delete named views.

1. On the View tab, click View list to open the Views dialog box.
Tekla Structures lists all invisible named views (page 52) on the left, and all
visible views on the right.
2. Select the view you want to delete.
3. Click Delete.
Tekla Structures deletes the view permanently. If the view was visible
during the deletion, it will remain visible until you close it.
4. To delete multiple views, use Shift or Ctrl when you select views from the

Switch between views

You can easily switch between all open views while modeling. You can also
switch between the 3D mode and Plane mode, to examine the current view
from different perspectives.

Switch between open views

To switch between open views, do one of the following:
• Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Tab.
• Click Window and select a view from the list.

• Right-click a view, then select Next Window from the pop-up menu.
The next open view becomes active.

Switch between 3D and plane view

Use the Switch to 3D or plane command to examine the current view from
different perspectives.

• On the View tab, click Switch to 3D or plane.

You can also press Ctrl+P.

Set up the workspace 65 Create model views

Update and refresh views
Use the Update Window and Redraw commands to refresh a single view or
all views at once.

• Update: Removes temporary graphics (such as measured distances) but

does not redraw the view. Faster than redrawing.
• Redraw: Redraws the view completely and shows all previously hidden

To Do this
Update the current view Right-click the view and select Update Window.
Update all of the views On the View tab, click Redraw --> Erase
temporary graphics .

Redraw the current view Right-click the view and select Redraw View.
Redraw all of the views
On the View tab, click .

See also
Switch between views (page 65)

4.4 Define the work area

Tekla Structures indicates the work area of a view using dashed lines. Objects
outside the work area exist, but they are not visible. You can shrink and
expand the work area to suit particular situations, for example to concentrate
on a particular area of the model. You can temporarily hide the work area box.

Set up the workspace 66 Define the work area

Fit work area to entire model
You can resize the work area to include all model objects, either in all views or
in selected views only.

1. On the View tab, click Work area and select one of the following:

• To entire model in all views

Fits the work area to include all model objects in all visible views.
• To entire model in selected views
Fits the work area to include all model objects in the selected views.

Fit work area to selected parts

You can resize the work area to include only selected parts, either in all views
or in selected views only.
1. Select the objects you want to include.

2. On the View tab, click Work area and select one of the following:

• To selected parts in all views

Fits the work area to include the selected model objects in all views.
• To selected parts in selected views
Fits the work area to include the selected model objects in the selected

Fit work area using two points

You can resize the work area based on two corner points you pick on the view
plane. The depth of the work area is the same as the view depth.

1. On the View tab, click Work area and select Using two points.
2. Pick the first point.
3. Pick the second point.

Set up the workspace 67 Define the work area

Hide the work area box
You can temporarily hide the work area box in a view. This can be useful, for
example, when creating screenshots for presentations.
1. Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys simultaneously.
2. On the View tab, click Redraw --> Redraw all.

3. To make the box visible again, click Redraw --> Redraw all again.

TIP Alternatively, use the advanced option XS_HIDE_WORKAREA.

4.5 Coordinate system

Tekla Structures uses two coordinate systems: the global and the local
coordinate system. The local coordinate system is also known as the work

Global coordinate system

The green cube symbol represents the global coordinate system and lies at the
global point of origin (x=0, y=0, z=0). Do not place the model far away from the
origin. If you create model objects far away from the origin, snapping to points
(page 85) in the model views may become inaccurate. The further away from
the origin you model, the less precise all computations become.

Local coordinate system (Work plane)

The work plane represents the local coordinate system. The work plane has its
own grid, which can be used for positioning parts. Most of the commands that
are dependent on the coordinate system use work plane coordinates. For
example creating points, part positioning, and copying always comply with the
work plane coordinate system. The coordinate symbol, which is located in the
lower right corner of the model view, follows the work plane.

Set up the workspace 68 Coordinate system

The work plane is model specific, so it is the same in all views. The red work
plane arrow symbol shows the xy plane. The z direction follows the right-hand

See also
Show or hide the work plane grid (page 69)
Shift the work plane (page 69)
Change the color settings (page 72)

Show or hide the work plane grid

The work plane grid is hidden by default. Use the options on the Snapping
toolbar to show or hide the work plane grid.
1. To show the grid, select Work plane from the second list.

2. To hide the grid, select View plane from the same list.

See also
Shift the work plane (page 69)

Set up the workspace 69 Coordinate system

Shift the work plane
You can set the work plane to any position by picking points or by selecting a
plane. This makes it easier to place parts accurately when modeling sloped
For example, you can shift the work plane to the slope of the roof to make it
easier to model horizontal bracing and purlins in a sloped roof.

Set work plane to any part plane

Use the Workplane tool command to set the work plane to any part plane.
1. On the View tab, click Workplane --> Workplane tool .

2. Pick a point.

Set work plane parallel to xyz plane

You can set the work plane parallel to the xy, xz, or zy plane.
1. On the View tab, click Workplane and select Parallel to XY(Z) plane.

2. In the Plane list box, select the plane parallel to the work plane.
3. Enter the depth coordinate.
The depth coordinate defines the distance of the work plane from the
global origin along a line perpendicular to the plane parallel to the third
4. Click Change.

Set up the workspace 70 Coordinate system

Set work plane using one point
You can set the work plane using one picked point. The work plane stays
parallel to the current work plane, but moves it to a new position. The x and y
directions are unchanged.
1. On the View tab, click Workplane and select Using one point.

2. Pick the new position of the work plane.

Set work plane using two points

You can set the work plane using two picked points. The first point you pick is
the origin, the second defines the x direction of the work plane. The y direction
remains the same as the previous work plane.
1. On the View tab, click Workplane and select Using two points.

2. Pick the origin of the work plane.

3. Pick a point in the work plane, in the positive x direction.

Set work plane using three points

You can set the work plane using three picked points. The first point you pick is
the origin, the second defines the x direction, and the third defines the y
direction of the work plane. Tekla Structures fixes the z direction according to
the right-hand rule.
1. On the View tab, click Workplane and select Using three points.

2. Pick the origin for the work plane.

3. Pick a point in the positive x direction.
4. Pick a point in the positive y direction.

Set up the workspace 71 Coordinate system

Set work plane parallel to view plane
You can set the work plane to be the same as the view plane of a selected
1. On the View tab, click Workplane and select Parallel to view plane.

2. Select the view.

Restore the default work plane

Remember to change back to the default work plane when you have finished
modeling sloped structures.
1. On the View tab, click Workplane --> Parallel to XY(Z) plane .

2. In the Plane list, select XY.

3. In the Depth coordinate box, enter 0.
4. Click Change.

4.6 Change the color settings

You can define which color you want to use for dimensions, labels,
background, and grid lines in the model. For example, if you set the
background color to black, you may need to adjust the other color settings as
well to ensure that the text and dimensions will be visible.
Change the color settings in the Advanced Options dialog box using RGB
values: <value for red> <value for green> <value for blue>.

Set up the workspace 72 Change the color settings

Separate the values with spaces. Define the values on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0. For
example, the RGB code for yellow is 1.0 1.0 0.0.

Find RGB values for colors

Use the Tekla Structures Background Color Selector tool to find a suitable
color for the background, grids, part labels, and so on.
1. Go to Tekla Warehouse.
2. Download and install the Background Color Selector tool.

TIP Alternatively, you can use the Color picker for Tekla Structures tool,
which is available in Tekla User Assistance.


RGB color code Color

1.0 1.0 1.0 White
1.0 0.0 0.0 Red
0.0 1.0 0.0 Green
0.0 0.0 1.0 Blue
1.0 1.0 0.0 Yellow

Set up the workspace 73 Change the color settings

Change the background color
Set the background color using a combination of four different advanced
options. You can control the color of each corner of the background
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Advanced options , and go to the
Model View category.
2. Set the background color using the following advanced options:
To use a single-colored background, set the same value for all four corners
of the background. To use the default background color, leave the boxes
3. Click OK to save the changes.
4. Close and reopen the view to see the changes.

Below are some examples of possible background colors that you can define.
The first RGB value refers to the advanced option XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR1,
the second value to the advanced option XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR2, and so

RGB values Result

1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0

Set up the workspace 74 Change the color settings

RGB values Result
0.98 0.98 0.99
0.99 0.99 0.99
0.00 0.37 0.99
0.21 0.46 0.88

Change the color of dimensions, part labels, and grids

You can define which color you want to use for dimensions, part labels, and
grid lines in the model.
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Advanced options.
2. Search for the color setting you want to change.

Color setting Advanced option

Dimension lines XS_VIEW_DIM_LINE_COLOR

TIP To quickly find all color related advanced options, type color in the
Search box and press Enter. Make sure the In all categories check
box is selected.

3. Define the color using RGB values.

4. Click OK to save the changes. You may be required to restart Tekla
5. Close and reopen the view to see the changes.

Set up the workspace 75 Change the color settings

5 Create, modify, and delete

There are several ways to create, modify, and delete objects in Tekla
Structures. Here we will introduce the way that is most useful for a first-time
1. Run a command that creates an object.

For example, click to create a steel beam.

2. Pick points (page 85) to place the object in the model.
Tekla Structures creates the object using the current properties of the
object type.
3. Follow the status bar messages (page 32) to get instructions on how to
4. To create more objects with the same properties, pick more points.
The command runs until you end it or start another command (page 26).
5. Double-click the object to modify it.
The object properties dialog box opens.
6. Change the properties as desired.
7. To indicate which properties you want to change, select or clear the
desired check boxes.
For example, if you only want to change the object's material, select the
Material check box and clear all the others.

TIP Click to switch all check boxes on or off.

8. Click Modify.
Tekla Structures changes the properties whose check boxes you selected
in step 7.

Create, modify, and delete objects 76 Change the color settings

9. To delete an object, select it and press Delete.

See also
How to use the contextual toolbar (page 33)
Resize and reshape an object (page 77)
Save and load dialog box properties (page 83)

5.1 Resize and reshape an object

You can resize, reshape, and move model objects by using direct modification
handles. When you select an object, Tekla Structures displays the handles and
dimensions that are specific for that model object.
Direct modification can be used with the following object types:
• Parts
• Construction objects
• Grids and grid lines
• Line cuts
• Polygon cuts
• Reinforcement
• Rebar set guidelines and modifiers
• Pour breaks
• Custom parts
• Loads
1. Ensure that Direct modification is switched on.

To switch direct modification on or off, click or press Ctrl+D.

2. Click the object to select it.

Create, modify, and delete objects 77 Resize and reshape an object

Tekla Structures displays the handles that you can use to modify the

Also the relevant dimensions are shown when you move the mouse
pointer slowly over the object's edges. The dimension colors follow the
colors of the work plane coordinate axes: red in the X direction, green in
the Y direction, and blue in the Z direction. Diagonal dimensions are
3. To reshape the object, drag any of the handles.

Here are some examples of direct modification handles:

Handle Description

Reference point handle

Midpoint handle

End point handle (for reinforcing bars only)

Create, modify, and delete objects 78 Resize and reshape an object

Handle Description

Plane handle

Line handle

Axis handle (for custom parts only)

Rotation handle (for custom parts only)

TIP You can use the snap switches (page 93) when dragging a handle.
To temporarily disable the snap switches, hold down the Shift key
when dragging a handle.

4. To change the overall dimensions of the object, move the dimension

You can either drag an arrowhead to a new location, or you can type an
exact distance or coordinates.
a. Select the dimension arrowhead you want to move. For example:

Create, modify, and delete objects 79 Resize and reshape an object

To change a dimension at both ends, select both arrowheads.
b. Type the distance or coordinates.
When you start typing, Tekla Structures displays the Enter a Numeric
Location dialog box. Click OK to confirm the dimension.

5. To add a new object corner, drag a midpoint handle . For example:

6. To display more modification options, select a handle.

A contextual toolbar appears with more options. The availability of the
options depends on the object and handle you have selected.

Click this button To do this Location

Move a handle to
any location in the
3D space.
Move a handle in the
XY plane only.

Create, modify, and delete objects 80 Resize and reshape an object

Click this button To do this Location
Move a handle in the
Z direction only.

Move a handle in the

parallel direction
Move a handle in the
direction only.

Move a handle in the

selected part plane
only. Select a plane
and drag the handle
to a new location.
This option can be
useful when working
with a sloped roof,
for example.

Control the visibility

of direct
dimensions. Click the
eye symbol to show
or hide dimensions.
• X, Y, Z
dimensions: All
dimensions in the
work plane
directions X, Y,
and Z are
• Total

Create, modify, and delete objects 81 Resize and reshape an object

Click this button To do this Location
Only the total
length is

Show or hide
midpoint handles.

Add a new point at

the end of an object.
Only available for
objects that pass
through multiple
points, such as
polybeams, panels,
strip footings, and
rebar set modifiers.

NOTE Some of these options are located in an expandable section on

the contextual toolbar. Click the small triangle symbol on the
contextual toolbar to show or hide the options:

7. To delete a handle, select it and press Delete.

See also
Modify a single grid line (page 50)

5.2 Copy properties from another object

Use the Copy properties command on the contextual toolbar to copy

properties from another object.
1. Select the object you want to copy properties from.
A contextual toolbar (page 33) appears.

2. Click Copy properties on the contextual toolbar.

Create, modify, and delete objects 82 Copy properties from another object
The mouse cursor changes into a paintbrush:

3. Click the object you want to copy properties to.

When the properties have been copied, the cursor returns to normal.

4. To copy properties to multiple objects, double-click the Copy

properties button.
Now you can copy properties to multiple objects. The cursor remains in
the paintbrush mode until you press Interrupt or start another

5.3 Save and load dialog box properties

You can save predefined sets of properties for model and drawing objects and
load these properties later on when you create new objects. Tekla Structures
stores the properties files in the model folder, also including the properties of
sub-dialog boxes.
1. In the dialog box, enter the properties you want to save.
2. In the box next to the Save as button, enter a name for the new set of
For example, MyProperties.
3. Click Save as.
The set of properties has now been added to the list of saved properties:

4. When you want to load a set of properties, select the set from the list, and
then click Load.

Create, modify, and delete objects 83 Save and load dialog box properties
5. If you want to make changes to an existing set of properties:
a. Load the set of properties you want to change.
b. Change the properties.
c. Click Save.
Tekla Structures saves the changes in the file shown in the list,
overwriting the old set of properties.

See also
Learn the common buttons (page 30)

Create, modify, and delete objects 84 Save and load dialog box properties
6 Snap to a point or line

Most commands ask you to pick points to place objects in the model or
drawing. This is called snapping. When you are creating a new object, Tekla
Structures displays snap symbols for the available snap points and displays a
green line between the snap point and the last point picked. Use the snap
switches to control which positions you can snap to.

Tekla Structures displays snap dimensions to help you create objects of a

desired length. Use the advanced option
dimensions on or off.

6.1 Snap to a line

Use the Snap to line snap switch when modeling objects that should be lined
up with an existing object or a grid line.

1. Ensure that the Snap to line snap switch (page 93) is active.
2. Run a command that requires you to pick two or more points.

Snap to a point or line 85 Snap to a line

For example, start creating a beam. When you move the mouse pointer
over a nearby object, Tekla Structures automatically picks both ends of the
line. The yellow arrow symbol indicates the direction of the points.

3. To switch direction, move the mouse pointer closer to the opposite end of
the line.
4. Click the left mouse button to confirm the snap position.
Tekla Structures creates the object. For example:

6.2 Snap to extension lines

You can snap to the extension lines of nearby objects. This can be useful, for
example, when you want to align objects with one another.
1. Ensure that the correct snap switches (page 93) are active:

• Switch on Snap to extension lines

• Switch on either Snap to intersection points or Snap to

nearest points if you are snapping to the intersection of an extension
line and a grid line

• Switch off Snap to end points if you are working in 3D

Snap to a point or line 86 Snap to extension lines

2. Run a command that requires you to pick points.
For example, start creating a plate or slab.
3. Move the mouse pointer close to nearby objects to see the extension

When a line is found, you can move the pointer further away while
keeping the snap.
4. Pick the rest of the points.

Snap to a point or line 87 Snap to extension lines

Tekla Structures creates the object:

6.3 Snap to orthogonal points

Use the Ortho tool to snap to the closest orthogonal point on the plane (0, 45,
90, 135, 180 degrees, and so on). The mouse pointer automatically snaps to
positions at even distances in the given direction. This can be useful, for
example, if you need to place marks in a consistent manner in exact locations
in a drawing.
1. On the File menu, click Settings and select the Ortho check box.
Alternatively, you can press O.
2. Run a command that requires you to pick points.

Snap to a point or line 88 Snap to orthogonal points

For example, start creating a beam. Tekla Structures displays an angle
symbol to indicate the direction of snapping. The snapping precision
depends on the current zoom level.

3. Click the left mouse button to confirm the snap position.

Tekla Structures creates the object. For example:

6.4 Snap relative to previously picked points

When you create objects that require you to pick more than two points, you
can snap in orthogonal directions relative to the two previously picked points.
This can be useful, for example, if you need to create a rectangular slab that is
on the view plane but not along the x and y axes.
1. Run a command that requires you to pick multiple points. For example,
start creating a polybeam or a rectangular slab.
2. Pick the first two points.
Tekla Structures displays an angle symbol to indicate the direction of
3. Move the mouse pointer in the model to see the angle symbol.

Snap to a point or line 89 Snap relative to previously picked points

When the snap is orthogonal to the work plane, the color of the angle
symbol is green:

When the snap is orthogonal to the previous points, the color of the angle
symbol changes to yellow:

4. Pick the rest of the points.

Tekla Structures creates the object. For example:

6.5 Create a temporary reference point

You can create a temporary reference point to use as a local origin when
snapping in models and drawings.
1. Run a command that requires you to pick points.
For example, start creating a beam.

Snap to a point or line 90 Create a temporary reference point

2. Pick the start point.

3. Hold down the Ctrl key and pick a position.

A green cross indicates that this position is now a temporary reference

4. Repeat step 3 to create as many reference points as needed.

5. Release the Ctrl key and pick the end point.
Tekla Structures creates the object between the start point and the end
point. For example:

Snap to a point or line 91 Lock X, Y, or Z coordinate

6.6 Lock X, Y, or Z coordinate
You can lock the x, y, and z coordinates on a line. This is useful when you need
to determine a point to pick and the needed point does not exist on the line.
When a coordinate is locked, you can only snap to points in that direction.
1. Run a command that requires you to pick positions.
For example, start creating a beam.
2. Lock a coordinate:
• To lock the x coordinate, press X.
• To lock the y coordinate, press Y.
• To lock the z coordinate, press Z.
Now you can only snap to points in the chosen direction.
3. To unlock the coordinate, press the same letter (X, Y, or Z) again.

6.7 Snapping toolbar

Use the Snapping toolbar to activate snap switches and to access additional
snapping options.

1. Use the snap switches to control which positions you can pick when
placing objects.
2. Use the first list to define the snap depth. For more information, see the
separate instructions further along on this page.
3. Use the second list to switch between the view plane and work plane
(page 69).
4. Use the third list to set the plane type. The plane type defines what planes
you can select in the model.
By default, the Snapping toolbar is located at the bottom of the Tekla
Structures main window. If you are unable to find the toolbar, see How to
restore missing toolbars (page 197).

Snap to a point or line 92 Snapping toolbar

Snap zone
Each object has a snap zone. It defines how close you need to pick to hit a
position. When you pick within the snap zone of an object, Tekla Structures
automatically snaps to the closest pickable point on that object.
You can set the snap zone using the advanced option XS_PIXEL_TOLERANCE.

Snap depth
The first list on the Snapping toolbar defines the depth of each position you
pick. You have the following options:
• Plane: You can snap to positions either on the view plane (page 52) or the
work plane (page 68), depending on what you have selected in the second
list on the Snapping toolbar.
• Auto: In perspective views, this option works like the 3D option. In non-
perspective views, it works like the Plane option.
• 3D: You can snap to positions in the entire 3D space.

Snap priority
Tekla Structures automatically snaps to the point with the highest snap
priority, but you can also choose another point.

Snapping in drawings
See Snapping in drawings.

6.8 Snap switches and symbols

Use the snap switches to control which positions you can pick in the model or
drawing. By using snap switches, you can position objects precisely without
having to know the coordinates. You can use snap switches whenever Tekla
Structures prompts you to pick a point.
Click the snap switches on the Snapping toolbar to switch them on or off. If
there is more than one point available to snap to, press the Tab key to cycle
forward through the snap points, and Shift+Tab to cycle backwards through
them. Click the left mouse button to select the appropriate point.

Main snap switches

The two main snap switches define whether you can snap to reference points
or any other points on objects, for example part corners. These switches have

Snap to a point or line 93 Snap switches and symbols

the highest snap priority (page 92). If both these switches are off, you cannot
snap to any positions, even if all the other switches are on.

Switch Snap positions Description Symbol

Reference lines You can snap to Large
and points object reference
points (points that
have handles).

Geometry lines You can snap to Small

and points any point on an
In drawings, you
can use this switch
to snap to
snapshot overlays.

Other snap switches

The table below lists the remaining snap switches and their symbols in the
model and drawing.
Make sure that you do not have too many snap switches on when snapping, as
it may easily lead to inaccuracies and errors in snapping. Be particularly careful

when you use the Snap to any position snap switch.

Switch Snap positions Description Symbol

Points Snaps to points and grid line
End points Snaps to end points of lines, polyline
segments, and arcs.
Centers Snaps to centers of circles and arcs.

Midpoints Snaps to midpoints of lines, polyline

segments, and arcs.

Snap to a point or line 94 Snap switches and symbols

Switch Snap positions Description Symbol
Intersections Snaps to intersections of lines,
polyline segments, arcs, and circles.
Perpendicular Snaps to points on objects that form a
perpendicular alignment with another
Line extensions Snaps to the line extensions of nearby
objects, and reference and geometry
lines of drawing objects.
Any position Snaps to any position.

Nearest point Snaps to the nearest points on

objects, e.g. any point on part edges
or lines.
Lines Snaps to grid lines, reference lines,
and the edges of existing objects.
Dimensions and Snaps to annotation geometries,
mark lines, drawing drawing layout items and drawing
layout items and frames.
drawing frames
Available only in drawings.

See also
Snap settings (page 101)
Override the current snap switch (page 98)
Default keyboard shortcuts (page 188)

6.9 Snap to a point using exact distance or coordinates

You can enter exact distances and coordinates when snapping to a position.

Enter a distance or coordinates

Use the Enter a Numeric Location dialog box to specify the distance or
coordinates to a position you want to snap to.
1. Run a command that requires you to pick points.
For example, start creating a beam.

Snap to a point or line 95 Snap to a point using exact distance or

2. Enter a distance or coordinates by using the keyboard.
For example, type 1000 as the distance from the last point picked. When
you start typing, Tekla Structures displays the Enter a Numeric Location
dialog box automatically.
3. After entering the distance or coordinates, press Enter to snap to the

Options for coordinates

The table below explains the types of information you can enter in the Enter a
Numeric Location dialog box:

You can enter Description

One coordinate A distance to an indicated direction.
Two coordinates If you omit the last coordinate (z) or angle, Tekla
Three coordinates Structures assumes that the value is 0.
In drawings, Tekla Structures ignores the third
Cartesian The x, y, and z coordinates of a position separated by
coordinates commas.
For example, 100,-50,-200.
Polar coordinates A distance, an angle on the xy plane, and an angle
from the xy plane separated by angle brackets.
For example, 1000<90<45.
Angles increase in the counterclockwise direction.
Relative coordinates The coordinates relative to the last position picked.
For example, @1000,500 or @500<30.
Absolute coordinates The coordinates based on the origin of the work plane.
For example, $0,0,1000
Global coordinates The coordinates relative to the global origin and the
global x and y directions.
For example,!6000,12000,0.
This is handy, for example, when you have set the
work plane to a part plane and want to snap to a
position defined in the global coordinate system
without changing the work plane to global.

Snap to a point or line 96 Snap to a point using exact distance or

Change the snapping mode
Tekla Structures has three snapping modes: relative, absolute, and global. Use
the advanced option XS_KEYIN_DEFAULT_MODE to indicate the default
snapping mode.
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Advanced options and go to the
Modeling Properties category.
2. Set the advanced option XS_KEYIN_DEFAULT_MODE to RELATIVE,
This is now the default snapping mode.
3. Click OK to save the changes.
4. If you want to temporarily override the default snapping mode, enter a
special character in front of the coordinates when entering a numeric
By default, the special characters are:
• @ for relative coordinates
• $ for absolute coordinates
• ! for global coordinates

NOTE If you want to change the special character for any of the three
snapping modes, use the advanced options

6.10 Align objects using a snap grid

A snap grid makes it easier to align objects in a model, because it allows you to
snap to positions only at set intervals. Use a snap grid when you pick points

using the Snap to any position snap switch.

1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Snap settings .
2. Define the grid spacing intervals in the Spacing boxes.
For example, if the spacing of the x coordinate is 500, you are able to snap
to positions at intervals of 500 units in the x direction.
3. If needed, define offsets for the snap grid origin in the Origin boxes.
4. To activate the snap grid, select the Active (when free snap is on) check
5. Click OK.
Now when you pick points using the

Snap to a point or line 97 Align objects using a snap grid

Snap to any position snap switch (page 93), you can only snap to positions at
set intervals. The snap grid itself is invisible in the model.

See also
Snap settings (page 101)

6.11 Override the current snap switch

You can temporarily override the current snap switch settings.
1. Run a command that asks you to pick a point.
For example, start creating a beam.
2. To override the current snap switches (page 93), do one of the following:
• Right-click to bring up a list of snap options, and then select one of the
• Go to Quick Launch (page 30), type snap override, and select the
Snap Override command from the list that appears.
A new toolbar appears. Click a button to override the current snap

6.12 Example: Track along a line towards a snap point

This example shows how to pick a point at a specified distance along a line. We
will use the Enter a Numeric Location dialog box to specify the distance from
the last point picked.
1. Create two beams and place them as shown below:

Snap to a point or line 98 Override the current snap switch

2. Activate the beam command, to create one more beam.
3. Pick the first point.

4. Move the mouse pointer over the grid line midpoint, so that it locks onto
the snap point, but do not click the mouse button.

5. Type 1000.
When you start typing, Tekla Structures displays the Enter a Numeric
Location dialog box.

6. Click OK to confirm the distance.

Snap to a point or line 99 Example: Track along a line towards a snap point
Tekla Structures creates a beam, which is 1000 units long and positioned
between the points you defined:

TIP You can also:

• Track beyond the snap point, for example 4000 units from the first point:

• Track in the opposite direction by entering a negative value, for example


Snap to a point or line 100 Example: Track along a line towards a snap point
See also
Snap to a point using exact distance or coordinates (page 95)

6.13 Snap settings

Use the Model snap settings dialog box to view and modify the snap settings
in the model. The Drawing snap settings dialog box has the same options for
drawings. These settings are user specific.

Option Description
Symbol Show or hide the snap symbols.
Select the check box to show the snap
symbols, and clear the check box to
hide them.
Active (when free snap is on) Select the check box to activate the
snap grid (page 97).
Spacing Define grid spacing intervals for the
snap grid origin. For example, if the
spacing of the x coordinate is 500,
you are able to snap to positions at
intervals of 500 units in the x
Origin Define offsets for the snap grid origin.
Angle interval Set the angle interval for the Ortho
tool. This setting is used when you
snap to orthogonal points (page 85).
For example, if you set the interval to
10, the Ortho tool will snap to angles
at intervals of 10 degrees in the
model or drawing.

Snap to a point or line 101 Snap settings

Option Description
Custom angles Define custom angles for the Ortho
tool. This setting is used when you
snap to orthogonal points (page 85).
Separate the values with empty
spaces. For example, if you enter
12.5 60, the Ortho tool will snap to
the angles 12.5 and 60 in the model
or drawing.

See also
Align objects using a snap grid (page 97)

Snap to a point or line 102 Snap settings

7 Select objects

You can make single selections and area selections. Tekla Structures highlights
the selected objects. The number of selected objects and handles is displayed
in the bottom right corner of the status bar. For example:

7.1 Select single objects

1. Ensure that the correct selection switches (page 106) are active.
2. Click an object to select it.
Tekla Structures displays dimensions and dimension lines for the object.

3. If you want to hide the dimensions, use the advanced option


Select objects 103 Select single objects

7.2 Select multiple objects
You can select multiple objects using area selection. By default, the dragging
direction affects the selection of objects.
1. Ensure that the correct selection switches (page 106) are active.
2. To select all objects that are completely within a rectangular area, hold
down the left mouse button and drag the mouse from left to right.

3. To select all objects that are at least partly within a rectangular area, hold
down the left mouse button and drag the mouse from right to left.

4. If you want to change how area selection works, click File menu -->
Settings and select or clear the Crossing selection check box.
By default, the option is switched off. When the option is off, the dragging
direction affects the selection of objects. When the option is on, all objects
that fall at least partially inside the rectangular area are selected,
regardless of the dragging direction.

7.3 Select all objects

To select all objects at once, do one of the following:

• On the ribbon, click the down arrow next to the button, and then click
Select all objects.

Select objects 104 Select all objects

• Press Ctrl+A.

7.4 Select handles

Sometimes you need to select only the handles of a part, for example when
moving the part. Before you start, make sure that Crossing selection is
switched off.
1. On the File menu, click Settings and make sure that Crossing selection is
switched off.
2. Ensure that the correct selection switches (page 106) are active.
3. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse from left to right to
include the entire part.

The part becomes selected:

4. Hold down the Alt key and drag the mouse from left to right again.

Select objects 105 Select handles

Now only the part handles are selected:

7.5 Modify the selection

You can add objects to the current selection, or remove objects from the
1. To add objects to the current selection, press the Shift key and select
more objects.
2. To switch the selection of an object on or off, press the Ctrl key during the
selection. Tekla Structures deselects the objects that were already selected
and selects those that were previously not selected.
3. To clear the selection of all objects and handles, click somewhere else. For
example, click on the empty background of the current view.

7.6 Selection switches

The selection switches are special commands that control which objects and
object types you can select. For example, if you select the entire model area
but only the Select parts switch is active, only the parts become selected.

Select objects 106 Modify the selection

Click the selection switches on the Selecting toolbar to switch them on or off.

By default, the Selecting toolbar is located at the bottom of the Tekla

Structures main window. If you are unable to find the toolbar, see How to
restore missing toolbars (page 197).

Main selection switches

The main selection switches control whether you can select components and
assemblies, or objects included in them. These switches have the highest

Switch Selectable objects Description

Components When you click any object belonging to a
component, Tekla Structures selects the
component symbol and highlights (but does not
select) all component objects.
Component objects Objects created automatically by a component
can be selected.
Assemblies and cast When you click any object in an assembly or a
units cast unit, Tekla Structures selects the assembly
or cast unit and highlights all objects in the
same assembly or cast unit.
Objects in assemblies You can select single objects in assemblies and
and cast units cast units.

Other selection switches

The table below lists the remaining selection switches. Use these switches to
control which object types you want to select.

Switch Selectable objects Description

Any objects Turns all switches on. You can select all object
types, except for single bolts.
Components You can select component symbols.

Parts You can select parts, such as columns, beams, or

Surface treatments and You can select surface treatments and surfaces.
Points You can select points.

Construction lines and You can select construction lines and circles.

Select objects 107 Selection switches

Switch Selectable objects Description
Reference models You can select entire reference models.
This selection switch may affect the speed of
zooming and rotating in the model. For more
information, see Tips for large models.
Grids You can select entire grids by selecting one line
in the grid.
Grid lines You can select single grid lines.

Welds You can select welds.

Cuts and added You can select line, part, and polygon cuts,
material fittings, and added material.
Views You can select model views.

Bolt group You can select entire bolt groups by selecting

one bolt in the group.
Single bolts You can select single bolts.

Reinforcing bars You can select reinforcing bars and bar groups.

Pour breaks You can select pour breaks.

Planes You can select construction planes.

Distances You can select distances.

Tasks You can select Task Manager tasks.

Analysis model switches

The following switches can be used to select objects in an analysis model:

Switch Selectable objects Description

Loads You can select point, line, area, uniform, and
temperature loads.
Analysis parts You can select analysis parts.

Nodes You can select analysis nodes.

Rigid links You can select analysis rigid links.

Select objects 108 Selection switches

Selection switches in drawings
Similar selection switches are available in drawings:

Switch Selectable objects Description

Any objects Turns all switches on. You can select all object
types, single dimensions of a dimension set, or
single grid lines of a grid.
Lines You can select drawing objects such as lines,
arcs, circles, rectangles, polylines, polygons, and
Text You can select any text in drawings.

Marks You can select all kinds of marks in drawings.

Parts You can select parts, such as columns, beams,

and plates in drawings.
Section symbols You can select section symbols in drawings.

Welds You can select welds in drawings.

Views You can select drawing views.

Dimensions You can select drawing dimensions. You can

select an entire group of dimensions by
selecting one dimension in the group.
Single dimensions You can select single drawing dimensions.

Grids You can select grids in drawings.

Grid lines You can select single grid lines in drawings.

Detail marks You can select details marks in drawings.

Plugins You can select custom plugins in drawings.

See also
If you cannot select objects (page 112)

Select objects 109 Select assemblies and cast units

7.7 Select assemblies and cast units
Use the Select assemblies selection switch to select assemblies and cast

1. Ensure that the Select assemblies selection switch (page 106) is

2. Select a part.
Tekla Structures selects the entire cast unit or assembly that contains the
selected part.

7.8 Select nested objects

You can select nested assemblies and components. The active selection switch
defines on which level you start and toward which direction you move in the
component or assembly hierarchy. The status bar shows the steps you take in
the hierarchy.
1. Ensure that the correct selection switch (page 106) is active.

• : to start from the assemblies on the highest level, move to their

sub-assemblies, and finally select single parts, bolts, and so on

• : to start from single objects and move to bigger and bigger nested

• : to start from the components on the highest level, move to their

sub-components, and finally select single parts, bolts, and so on

• : to start from single objects and move to bigger and bigger nested
2. Hold down the Shift key.
3. Scroll with the mouse wheel.

Select objects 110 Select nested objects

The orange highlighting indicates the assembly or component that you
can select.

7.9 Select reference models, reference model objects and

You can select either entire reference models, or single objects and assemblies
that are part of a reference model. The use of selection switches differs in each

Select an entire reference model

1. Activate the Select reference models selection switch.

2. Activate the Select components selection switch.

3. Select the reference model.

Select a reference model object

1. Activate the Select reference models selection switch.

Select objects 111 Select reference models, reference model objects

and assemblies
2. Activate the Select objects in components selection switch.
3. Select the desired object in the reference model.

Select a reference model assembly

1. Activate the Select reference models selection switch.

2. Activate the Select assemblies selection switch.

3. Select the desired assembly in the reference model.

7.10 If you cannot select objects

If you cannot select desired objects in the model, check the selection switches
and the filter settings.
1. Check that you have switched on all the needed selection switches
(page 106).
2. If you still cannot select the objects, check the selection filter settings.
You can select a different filter or modify the current filter.

Select objects 112 If you cannot select objects

8 Copy and move objects

The basic functionality of copying and moving objects is the same in models
and drawings. You can copy and move objects linearly, with rotation, and with

• Copy objects (page 114)

• Move objects (page 125)
• Rotate objects (page 131)
• Mirror objects (page 135)

Duplicate objects
Two objects are considered duplicates if they have the same size and
orientation. Tekla Structures checks for duplicate objects when you copy and
move objects or create new parts in the same location as an existing part. If
duplicates are found, you can choose whether to keep or delete them.
Use the advanced option to define the maximum number of objects that can
be counted as duplicates while copying or moving objects.

NOTE Tekla Structures does not check for duplicates when you copy objects
using a modeling tool, such as the Array of Objects (29) component.

Assemblies and cast units

If you copy or move objects from an assembly or cast unit, Tekla Structures
copies the assembly structure if possible. For example, sub-assemblies are
copied as sub-assemblies if a parent object is found.

Reinforcement and surface treatment

If you copy or move reinforcement or surface treatments, and want them to
adapt to the part they are copied or moved to:
• The reinforcement handle or surface treatment handles must be in part
• The parts between which you copy or move must have the same number
of cross section corners.

Copy and move objects 113 If you cannot select objects

• Circular parts must have the same cross section dimensions.

Drawing objects
You can copy and move drawing objects between drawing views that have
different scales.

8.1 Copy objects

You can copy objects in a number of different ways. When you copy an object,
Tekla Structures copies all objects connected to it, including the components.

Copy by picking two points

The basic way to copy objects in a model or drawing is by defining the origin
and one or more destination points.
1. Select the object you want to copy.
2. Run the Copy command:

• In the model, on the Edit tab, click Copy.

• In the drawing, on the Drawing tab, click Copy --> Copy.

3. Pick the origin for copying.

4. Pick one or more destination points.

Copy and move objects 114 Copy objects

The objects are copied immediately. The Copy command remains active.

5. If you want to undo the latest copy operation, click the Undo button
on the top left corner of the Tekla Structures main window.
The Copy command still remains active.
6. To stop copying, press Esc.

Copy linearly
In the model, you can create multiple copies of an object in the same linear
1. Select the objects you want to copy.

2. On the Edit tab, click Copy special --> Linear .

The Copy - Linear dialog box opens.

Copy and move objects 115 Copy objects

3. Pick two points, or enter the coordinates in the dX, dY, and dZ boxes.
You can also use a formula to calculate the x, y, and z displacements. For

4. Enter the number of copies.

5. Click Copy.
6. To stop copying, press Esc.

TIP If the dialog box is open but the command is no longer active, click
the Pick button to re-activate the command.

Copy by specifying a distance from origin

You can copy objects to a new position in the model or drawing by specifying a
distance from the origin. Use the Enter a Numeric Location dialog box to
specify the distance.
1. Select the objects you want to copy.
2. Run the Copy command:

• In the model, on the Edit tab, click Copy.

• In the drawing, on the Drawing tab, click Copy --> Copy.

3. Pick the origin for copying.
4. Move the cursor in the direction you want to copy the objects, but do not
pick the point.
5. Type the distance.
When you start typing, Tekla Structures displays the Enter a Numeric
Location dialog box automatically.
6. Click OK.

Copy using drag-and-drop

You can copy objects by using drag-and-drop.
1. On the File menu, click Settings and select the Drag & drop check box to
activate the command.
2. Select the objects you want to copy.

Copy and move objects 116 Copy objects

3. Hold down the Ctrl key and drag the objects to a new location.
The point you start dragging from (center, corner, or middle point) affects
the object's alignment in the new location.

Tekla Structures copies the objects:

NOTE To copy grid labels in a drawing, first select the grid label and then either

activate the Select grid line selection switch (page 106) or select the grid
label handle.

Copy and move objects 117 Copy objects

Copy objects to another object
In the model, you can copy objects from an object to other similar objects. This
is useful, for example, when you detail previously modeled parts. The objects
that you can copy between can have different dimensions, length, and
1. Select the objects you want to copy.

2. On the Edit tab, click Copy special --> To another object.

3. Select the object to copy from (source object).
4. Select the objects to copy to (target object).

Copy all content to another object

In the model, you can copy objects from an assembly or cast unit to other
similar assemblies or cast units without individually selecting each object to
copy. This is useful, for example, when you have detailed an assembly and
want to copy all details to another similar assembly.

1. Ensure that the Select assemblies selection switch (page 106) is

2. Select the assembly or cast unit to copy from (source object).

3. On the Edit tab, click Copy special --> All content to another
object .
4. Select the assemblies or cast units to copy to (target objects).
As a result, Tekla Structures copies the following objects:
• Secondary parts
• Reinforcement, bolts, and welds
• Cuts, fittings, and edge chamfers
• Sub-assemblies
• Components

NOTE Tekla Structures does not copy pour breaks, or secondary parts
created by a component that has also created the assembly main part.
If some of the objects to be copied already exist in the assembly or
cast unit to copy to, Tekla Structures may create duplicate objects.
Tekla Structures warns you about duplicate secondary parts,
reinforcement, and sub-assemblies, but not about duplicate bolts,
welds, cuts, or components.

Copy and move objects 118 Copy objects

Copy to another plane
In the model, you can copy objects from the first plane you specify to the
second (and third, etc.) plane you specify. The position of the copied objects
relative to the second (and third, etc.) plane remains the same as the position
of the original objects relative to the first plane.
1. Select the objects you want to copy.

2. On the Edit tab, click Copy special --> To another plane .

3. Pick the point of origin of the first plane.
4. Pick a point on the first plane in the positive x direction.
5. Pick a point on the first plane in the positive y direction.
6. Repeat steps 3–5 for all destination planes.

Copy from another model

You can copy objects from another model based on phase numbers. Note that
Tekla Structures copies secondary parts from the model only if they belong to
the same phase as their main part. This also applies to component objects.

1. On the Edit menu, click Copy special --> From another model .
The Copy from Model dialog box opens.
2. In the Model directories list, select the model to copy from.
This is the source model. Note that the target model must have been
created using the same or newer version of Tekla Structures as the source
model. You cannot copy from a newer version to an older version.
3. In the Phase numbers box, enter the numbers of the phases from which
to copy objects, separated by spaces.
For example, 2 7.
4. Click Copy.
5. Close the dialog box.

Copy objects using linear array tool

Use Linear array tool to copy selected objects linearly along multiple
directions at defined intervals or spacing. Tekla Structures does not check for
duplicates when you copy objects using this method.

Copy and move objects 119 Copy objects

How to use Linear array tool

1. Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to

open the Applications & components catalog.
2. Search for Linear array tool, and then double-click to open it.
3. Select the Copy method. The options are:
• Selected objects only
This is the default. Only the selected objects are copied.
• All associated objects
Selected objects and all objects associated with them are copied. For
example, cuts and fittings applied to a part.
• Advanced
This option is similar to All associated objects, but works better with
modifications. For example, when you have stairs that have handrails
welded to the steps, and you modify the distance between steps.
4. Select the Copy origin. The options are:
• Objects to be copied
This is the default. Copies are relative to the input objects.
• Origin point
Copies are relative to the input origin point.
5. Define the settings.
6. Select the objects to copy.
7. Click OK to close the dialog box.
8. Click the middle mouse button.
9. Pick origin point.
10. Pick axis direction X.
11. Pick axis direction Y.
The selected objects are copied.

Copy and move objects 120 Copy objects

How to define the settings

1 Offset along the Y axis. The default value is 0 mm.

2 Offset along the Z axis. The default value is 0 mm.
3 Number of copies. The default value is 0.
4 Space between copies. The default value is 0 mm.
Use the space character to separate values. Enter a value for each space
between copies.
This option is not available if you select Equal as the spacing method.
5 Copy direction. The options are:
• Normal (default)
Spacing values are calculated from the origin in positive direction along
the axis.
• Reverse
Spacing values are calculated from the origin in negative direction along
the axis.
• Centered
Copies are centered on the origin.
• Mirror
Spacing values are calculated from the origin in both positive and
negative direction. Mirrored copying doubles the number of copies.

Copy and move objects 121 Copy objects

6 Spacing method. The options are:
• Equal (default)
Copies are equally spaced based on the length of the X or Y axis.
• Specified
Copies are spaced according to the number and spacing values given.

Copy objects using radial array tool

Use Radial array tool to copy selected objects radially along multiple
directions at defined intervals or spacing. Tekla Structures does not check for
duplicates when you copy objects using this method.

How to use Radial array tool

1. Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to

open the Applications & components catalog.
2. Search for Radial array tool, and then double-click to open it.
3. Select the Copy method. The options are:
• Selected objects only
This is the default. Only the selected objects are copied.
• All associated objects
Selected objects and all objects associated with them are copied. For
example, cuts, welds, and bolts.
• Advanced
This option is similar to All associated objects, but works better with
modifications. For example, when you have stairs that have handrails
welded to the steps, and you modify the distance between steps.
4. Select the Rotate copies option.
The default is Yes.
5. Define the rotation axis.
The default is X.

Copy and move objects 122 Copy objects

6. Define the settings.
7. Select the objects to copy.
8. Click OK to close the dialog box.
9. Click the middle mouse button.
10. Pick origin point.
11. Pick axis direction X.
12. Pick axis direction Y.
The selected objects are copied.

How to define the settings

1 Distance between copies. The default value is 0.

2 Rotation. The options are:
• Angle (default)
The copies are rotated by angle.
• Distance
The copies are rotated by distance.
3 Number of angles or distances. The default value is 0.
4 Space between copies.
Use the space character to separate values. Enter a value for each
space between copies.

Copy and move objects 123 Copy objects

5 Copy direction. The options are:
• Normal (default)
Spacing values are calculated from the origin in positive direction
along the axis.
• Reverse
Spacing values are calculated from the origin in negative
direction along the axis.
• Centered
Copies are centered on the origin.
• Mirror
Spacing values are calculated from the origin in both positive
and negative direction. Mirrored copying doubles the number of
6 Radial distance.
The radial distance should be equivalent to the distance you picked
when applying the component.
If the radial distance is smaller or greater than the picked distance,
the spacing between the copied objects is not the same as given in
the Space between copies box (4).
Tekla Structures calculates the rotation angle according to the dialog
box values (spacing and radial distance), and the rotation angle
overrides the spacing given in the dialog box.

Copy objects using Array of objects (29) component

Use the Array of objects (29) component to copy model objects along a line. If
you modify the original object, Tekla Structures also changes the copied

1. Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to

open the Applications & components catalog.
2. Search for the Array of objects (29) component, and then double-click to
open it.
3. Define the settings:
• Number of copies: Enter the number of copies you want to create.
• Spacing values: Define the spacing of the objects.
• Copy to the opposite direction: Select Yes if you want to copy in the
direction opposite to the points you pick.

Copy and move objects 124 Copy objects

• Start point for copying: Choose either the object to be copied or the
first input point.
• Copy at equal distances: Select Yes if you want to create the objects
at equal distances. Spacing value will be ignored.
4. Click OK to save the settings.
5. Select the objects to copy.
6. Click the middle mouse button to finish selecting.
7. Pick a point to indicate the start of the line along which to arrange copied
8. Pick a point to indicate the end of the line.


Example Description
An array of steel objects.

An array of concrete objects.

Copy and move objects 125 Move objects

8.2 Move objects
You can move objects in a number of different ways, especially in models.
When you move an objects, Tekla Structures also copies all objects connected
to it.

Move by picking two points

The basic way to move objects in a model or drawing is by defining the origin
and one or more destination points.
1. Select the object you want to move.

2. Run the Move command:

• In the model, on the Edit tab, click Move.

• In the drawing, on the Drawing tab, click Move --> Move

3. Pick the origin for moving.

4. Pick the destination point.

Copy and move objects 126 Move objects

The object is moved immediately. The Move command does not remain

Move linearly
You can move objects linearly to a new position in the model.
1. Select the objects you want to move.

2. On the Edit tab, click Move special --> Linear.

The Move - Linear dialog box opens.
3. Pick two points in the model, or enter the coordinates in the dX, dY, and
dZ boxes.
You can also use a formula to calculate the x, y, and z displacements. For

4. Click Move.

Copy and move objects 127 Move objects

TIP If the dialog box is open but the command is not active anymore, click the Pick
button to re-activate the command.

Move by specifying a distance from origin

You can move objects to a new position in the model or drawing by specifying
a distance from the origin. Use the Enter a Numeric Location dialog box to
specify the distance.
1. Select the objects you want to move.
2. Run the Move command:

• In the model, on the Edit tab, click Move.

• In the drawing, on the Drawing tab, click Move --> Move.

3. Pick the origin for moving.
4. Move the cursor in the direction you want to move the objects, but do not
pick the point.
5. Type the distance.
When you start typing, Tekla Structures displays the Enter a Numeric
Location dialog box automatically.
6. Click OK.

Move using drag-and-drop

You can move objects by dragging them to a new location.
1. On the File menu, click Settings and select the Drag & drop check box to
activate the command.
2. Select the objects you want to move.

Copy and move objects 128 Move objects

3. Drag the objects to a new location.
The point you start dragging from (center, corner, or middle point) affects
the object's alignment in the new location.

The objects are moved immediately.

4. To move an end point using drag-and-drop:

a. Select the handle.
b. Hold down the left mouse button, and drag the handle to a new

The end point is moved accordingly:

Copy and move objects 129 Move objects

NOTE For some objects, you may need to switch on Smart select to
drag from handles without selecting them first. To switch it on,
click File menu --> Settings and select the Smart select check

NOTE To move grid labels in a drawing, first select the grid label and

then either activate the Select grid line selection switch

(page 106) or select the grid label handle.

Move to another plane

In a model, you can move objects from the first plane you specify to another
plane, which you specify by picking three points. The moved objects remain in
the same position on the second plane as the original objects on the first
1. Select the objects you want to move.

2. On the Edit tab, click Move special --> To another plane .

3. Pick the point of origin of the first plane.
4. Pick a point on the first plane in the positive x direction.
5. Pick a point on the first plane in the positive y direction.
6. Repeat steps 3–5 for the destination plane.

Move objects to another object

In a model, you can move objects from an object to other, similar objects. This
is useful, for example, when you detail previously modeled parts. The objects
that you move between can have different dimensions, length, and rotation.
1. Select the objects you want to move.

Copy and move objects 130 Move objects

2. On the Edit tab, click Move special --> To another object.
3. Select the object to move from (source object).
4. Select the objects to move to (target object).

8.3 Rotate objects

You can copy or move an object in a model by rotating it around any line you
choose. In a drawing, you can copy or move an object by rotating it around a
given line on the work plane.

NOTE Positive rotation is according to the right-hand rule (clockwise when looking
from the start point of the rotation axis).

Rotate around a line

Use the line option in the Rotate dialog box when you want to copy and
rotate, or move and rotate objects around any given line in the model.
1. Select the objects you want to copy or move.
2. Activate the rotation command.

• To copy and rotate, go to the Edit tab and click Copy special -->
Rotate .
The Copy - Rotate dialog box opens.

• To move and rotate, go to the Edit tab and click Move special -->
Rotate .
The Move - Rotate dialog box opens.
3. In the Around list, select line.
4. Pick the start point of the rotation axis, or enter its coordinates.
5. Pick the end point of the rotation axis, or enter its coordinates.
6. If you are copying, enter the number of copies.
7. If needed, enter the dZ value, which is the difference in position between
the original and copied object in the z direction.
8. Enter the rotation angle.
9. Click Copy or Move.
The objects are rotated accordingly.

Copy and move objects 131 Rotate objects

In this example, a fitting plate is copied and rotated around a construction line
that is located at the following coordinates.

As a result, the copied fitting plates follow the curve of the concrete panel.

Rotate around the z axis

Use the Z option in the Rotate dialog box when you want to copy and rotate,
or move and rotate objects around the z axis in the model.
1. Select the objects you want to copy or move. For example:

Copy and move objects 132 Rotate objects

2. Activate the rotation command.

• To copy and rotate, go to the Edit tab and click Copy special -->
Rotate .
The Copy - Rotate dialog box opens.

• To move and rotate, go to the Edit tab and click Move special -->
Rotate .
The Move - Rotate dialog box opens.
3. Select Z in the Around list.
4. Pick a point to define the rotation axis, or enter its coordinates.
In the example below, the red cross indicates the picked point.

5. If you are copying, enter the number of copies.

6. If needed, enter the dZ value, which is the difference in position between
the original and copied object in the z direction.
7. Enter the rotation angle. For example:

Copy and move objects 133 Rotate objects

8. Click Copy or Move.
The objects are rotated accordingly.

Rotate drawing objects

Use this option when you want to rotate drawing objects on the work plane.
1. Select the objects you want to copy or move.
2. Activate the rotation command.

• To copy and rotate, go to the Drawings tab and click Copy -->
Rotate .
The Copy - Rotate dialog box opens.

• To move and rotate, go to the Drawings tab and click Move -->
Rotate .
The Move - Rotate dialog box opens.
3. Pick a point, or enter its coordinates.
4. If you are copying, enter the number of copies.
5. Enter the rotation angle.
6. Click Copy or Move.

Copy and move objects 134 Rotate objects

8.4 Mirror objects
When you copy or move objects, you can mirror them through a plane that is
perpendicular to the work plane and passes through a line you specify.
Note that Tekla Structures cannot create mirrored copies of component
properties. The Copy special > Mirror command does not fully mirror objects
if they include components that contain, for example, asymmetrically
positioned parts.

Mirror model objects

Use this method to copy and mirror, or move and mirror objects in a model.
1. Select the objects you want to copy or move.
2. Activate the mirroring command.

• To copy and mirror, go to the Edit tab and click Copy special -->
Mirror .
The Copy - Mirror dialog box opens.

• To move and mirror, go to the Edit tab and click Move special -->
Mirror .
The Move - Mirror dialog box opens.
3. Pick the start point of the mirroring plane, or enter its coordinates.
4. Pick the end point of the mirroring plane, or enter its coordinates.
5. Enter the angle.
6. Click Copy or Move.

Mirror drawing objects

Use this method to copy and mirror, or move and mirror objects in a drawing.
1. Select the objects you want to copy or move.
2. Activate the mirroring command.

• To copy and mirror, go to the Edit tab and click Copy special -->
Mirror .
The Copy - Mirror dialog box opens.

Copy and move objects 135 Mirror objects

• To move and mirror, go to the Edit tab and click Move special -->
Mirror .
The Move - Mirror dialog box opens.
3. Pick the start point of the mirroring plane, or enter its coordinates.
4. Pick the end point of the mirroring plane, or enter its coordinates.
5. Enter the angle.
6. Click Copy or Move.

Copy and move objects 136 Mirror objects

9 Filter objects

Use filters to restrict what can be selected or what is visible in a view. You can
create filters of your own, or you can use any of the standard filters available
in Tekla Structures.
Here are some examples of what filters can be used for:
• To select a large number of objects
Use selection filters when you need to change a specific object property
that is common for many objects. The rest of the objects will not be
affected, even if you try to include them in the selection.
• To check the model
Use view filters to ensure that beams are called beams, columns are called
columns, and so on. You can highlight several groups of objects, one at a
time, to check that all required objects are included in a given group.
• To hide objects
Use view filters to temporarily hide the columns in a view so that it easier
to select all the beams, for example.
• To find objects
You can create a selection filter to find all locations where ½” reinforcing
bars are in the model, for example. Once the filter is active, you can make
an area selection that includes the entire model. All specified reinforcing
bars become selected, but the other objects will not be affected.

See also
Use existing filters (page 137)
Create new filters (page 140)
Filtering techniques (page 144)
Examples of filters (page 162)

Filter objects 137 Use existing filters

9.1 Use existing filters
Before creating new custom filters, check out the existing view and selection
filters available in Tekla Structures.

How to use a view filter

Use view filters to define which objects are displayed in a model view.
1. Double-click the view to open the View Properties dialog box.
2. Select a filter from the Visible object group list.
For example, select purlins.

3. Click Modify.
Now only the objects defined by the filter are visible. For example, the

4. To stop using the filter:

a. Double-click the view to open the View Properties dialog box.
b. In the Visible object group list, select the standard filter.
c. Click Modify.

Filter objects 138 Use existing filters

All objects are visible again:

NOTE If you cannot see all desired objects, note that the work area,
view depth, view setup, and object representation settings
also affect the visibility of objects.

How to use a selection filter

Use selection filters to define which objects can be selected in the model. Note
that an object must be visible in the model to be selectable.

1. On the Selecting toolbar, select a filter from the

The list is by default located at the bottom of the Tekla Structures main
For example, select the Name - Footing filter.
2. Select the desired objects in the model.
You can select multiple objects or even the entire model at once. Now that
the filter is active, only objects defined by the filter become selected. For

Filter objects 139 Use existing filters

example, if the Name - Footing filter is active, only footings are selectable
and the rest of the objects stay intact:

3. If you cannot select all objects defined by the selection filter, check your
view filter settings and ensure that you have switched on all the needed
selection switches (page 106).
4. To stop using the filter, go to the Selecting toolbar and select the
standard filter.
All objects are selectable again.

9.2 Create new filters

You can create custom filters to define which objects are visible and selectable
in the model and drawings. Add new filter rules, one on each row, to define
which objects should be included or excluded.

Create a view filter

You can create your own custom filters to define which objects are visible in a
1. Double-click the view to open the View Properties dialog box.
2. Click Object group.
The Object Group - View Filter dialog box opens, showing the currently
active filter.
3. Click New filter to create a new filter from scratch.
4. Click Add row to add a new filter rule.

Filter objects 140 Create new filters

5. In the Category list, select an object category.
You have the following options:
• Part
• Component
• Bolt
• Weld
• Reinforcing bar
• Surface
• Assembly
• Load
• Template
• Reference assembly
• Reference object
• Location breakdown structure
• Task
• Object
6. In the Property list, select a suitable object property (page 147).
The options vary depending on the object category you chose in step 5.
7. In the Condition list, select a suitable condition (page 144).
8. In the Value list, type a value.
Alternatively, to use the current value of an existing object, click Select
from model and select the desired object from the model. For date
values, also the Select date option is available.

Filter values can be complete strings, such as the profile name UC310*97.
You can also use incomplete strings together with wildcards (page 162).
For example, the value UC* will match with all parts whose profile name
begins with the characters UC*. Empty values are matched to empty
object properties.
If you use multiple values, separate the strings with blank spaces (for
example, 12 5). If a value consists of multiple strings, enclose the entire

Filter objects 141 Create new filters

value in quotation marks (for example, "custom panel"), or use a
question mark (for example, custom?panel) to replace the space.
9. Repeat steps 4–8 to create as many filter rules as needed.
You can apply several filter rules at the same time.
10. Use the And/Or options and brackets (page 144) to define how the filter
rules work together.
11. Select the check boxes next to all filter rules that you want to enable.
If the check box is selected, the filter rule is enabled and effective. For

By default, each new rule is disabled.

12. Define the filter type.

a. Click to display more settings.

b. Select or clear the check boxes to define where the filter will be used.
For example, the same filter may be used both as a view filter and as
a selection filter.
13. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.

NOTE • Filters are case sensitive.

• Do not use spaces in filter names.
• We recommend that you use _ (underscores) in your naming
• To have the filter appear at the top of the list, right after the
standard filter, use capital letters in the filter name.

14. Click Save as to save the filter.

15. To apply the filter to the current view, click Modify.

Create a selection filter

You can create your own custom filters to help you select objects in a model.

1. On the Selecting toolbar, click to open the Object Group - Selection

Filter dialog box.

Filter objects 142 Create new filters

2. Follow the instructions above on how to create a view filter.
The same instructions apply to selection filters.

Create a drawing filter

For general arrangement drawings, you can create drawing filters that affect
the whole drawing, not just a specific view. Drawing filters select objects in the
whole drawing.
You can use drawing filters together with saved object property files when you
create and apply object level settings in the whole drawing. For example, you
might create a filter that selects all beams, then save an object property file
that defines that the part color is blue, and then create and apply an object
level settings file that changes all beams to blue in the whole drawing.
1. On the Drawing tab, click Properties --> Drawing .
2. Click Filter.
3. Follow the instructions above on how to create a view filter.
The same instructions apply to drawing filters.
4. When you are done, click Cancel to close the filter properties dialog box.

Create a drawing view filter

You can create your own custom view filters to help you select a specific group
of view objects in a drawing view.
You can use drawing view filters for changing the appearance of a certain
object group, or for selecting which objects are hidden in a drawing view.
You can also use drawing view filters together with saved object property files
when you create and apply object level settings in the selected view. For
example, you might create a view filter that selects all columns in a view, then
save an object property file that defines that the part color is red, and then
create and apply an object level settings file that changes all columns to red in
the selected view.
1. Open a drawing.
2. Double-click the view frame.
3. Click Filter.
4. Follow the instructions above on how to create a view filter.
The same instructions apply to drawing view filters.
5. When you are done, click Cancel to close the filter properties dialog box.

Filter objects 143 Create new filters

Create a drawing selection filter
You can create your own custom filters to help you select objects in a drawing.
You can use selection filters in drawings if you want to hide certain parts from
drawings or drawing views, or change the part color or representation for
certain parts.
Also, if you have some different looking part marks for different types of parts,
you can select the specific parts using a selection filter and then only modify
part marks for those parts.

1. In an open drawing, on the Selecting toolbar, click (Ctrl+G).

The Selection Filter dialog box opens.
2. Follow the instructions above on how to create a view filter.
The same instructions apply to drawing selection filters.
3. Click Apply or OK to select the parts according to the filter.

9.3 Filtering techniques

By using conditions, brackets, and the And/Or options you can create filters
that can be as complex as needed.

Use conditions to define how filter criteria relate to one another. Note that
when you create filters, you are always defining what should be shown (or be
selectable) in the model or drawing. Therefore, if you enter "Component name
does not contain gusset", you are telling Tekla Structures to show all
components whose name does not contain the word "gusset". Tekla
Structures then hides all components which have the word "gusset" in their

Condition Description
Equals Use this condition when the filter
value must be matched exactly. For
example, "Part name equals BEAM."
Does not equal Filters out objects that contain the
value you enter. For example, "Part
profile does not equal BL200*20"
means that Tekla Structures will hide
(or not select) the objects whose
profile is BL200*20. The rest of the
objects will be shown (or selected).
Begins with Finds all objects that start with the
value you enter. For example,

Filter objects 144 Filtering techniques

Condition Description
"Component name begins with
Does not begin with Filters out objects that start with the
value you enter. For example,
"Component name does not begin
with shear" means that Tekla
Structures will hide (or not select) the
objects whose name begins with the
word "shear". The rest of the objects
will be shown (or selected).
Ends with Finds all objects that end with the
value you enter. For example,
"Component name ends with plate."
Does not end with Filters out objects that end with the
value you enter. For example,
"Component name does not end with
angle" means that Tekla Structures
will hide (or not select) the objects
whose name ends with the word
"angle". The rest of the objects will be
shown or selected.
Contains Finds all objects that include the value
you enter. For example, "Component
name contains plate" would find
base plate and shear plate
Does not contain Filters out objects that include the
value you enter. For example,
"Component name does not contain
gusset" means that Tekla Structures
will hide (or not select) the objects
whose name contains the word
"gusset". The rest of the objects will
be shown or selected.
Greater than Finds all objects that exceed the value
you enter. For example, "Template
attribute LENGTH is greater than
This property can only be used with
numerical data, such as the part start
number, class, phase, or LENGTH.

Filter objects 145 Filtering techniques

Condition Description
Greater than or equal Finds all objects that match or exceed
the value you enter.
This property can only be used with
numerical data, such as the part start
number, class, phase, or LENGTH.
Less than Finds all objects that are less than the
value you enter.
This property can only be used with
numerical data, such as the part start
number, class, phase, or LENGTH.
Less or equal Finds all objects that match or are
less than the value you enter.
This property can only be used with
numerical data, such as the part start
number, class, phase, or LENGTH.
Later than Available for dates only. The date
must be later than the one you have
defined. For example, "Object's
approval date later than 4/10/2017."
Later than or equal Available for dates only. The date
must be later than or equal to the one
you have defined.
Earlier than Available for dates only. The date
must be earlier than the one you have
defined. For example, "Object's
approval date earlier than
Earlier than or equal Available for dates only. The date
must be earlier than or equal to the
one you have defined.

And/Or options
Use the And/Or options when you create filter rules that consist of several

Option Description
And Use to find objects that match both
When you create filter rules between
objects whose Category settings
differ, use the And option when
possible to avoid potential problems
with more complex rules.

Filter objects 146 Filtering techniques

Option Description
Or Use to find objects that match either
empty (= And) Empty means the same as And.

You can use single, double, and triple brackets to create more complex filter
Example 1. Use the format "A and (B or C)" to find objects that match the first
filter rule and either of the last two rules.

Example 2. Use the format "(A and B) or C" to find objects that match both of
the first two rules or the third.

9.4 Object properties in filtering

You can select from a wide variety of object properties when creating new
filters. In the tables below, the properties are listed according to their object
category. In addition to these, almost all categories contain user-defined
attributes and template attributes that can also be used in filtering.

Category: Part
Use the Part category to filter parts based on their common properties.

Property Description
Name To filter objects based on their name.
For example, "Part name equals

Filter objects 147 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
Profile To filter objects based on their profile.
For example, "Part profile does not
equal L20*2."
Material To filter objects based on their
material grade. For example, "Part
material equals C25/30."
Finish To filter objects based on how the
part surface has been treated. For
example, "Part finish equals "FP -
Fire proofing"."
Prefix To filter objects based on their
numbering prefix. For example, "Part
prefix equals P."
Start number To filter objects based on their start
number. For example, "Part start
number greater than 100."
Numbering series To filter objects based on their
numbering series information. For
example, "Part numbering series
equals TP/1."
Note that position number separator
can be a dot (.), comma (,), slash (/), or
hyphen (-), depending on what you
have defined in File menu -->
Settings --> Options --> Numbering.
Position number To filter objects based on their
position number. For example, "Part
position number does not equal P/5."
Note that position number separator
can be a dot (.), comma (,), slash (/), or
hyphen (-), depending on what you
have defined in File menu -->
Settings --> Options --> Numbering.
Class To filter objects based on their class
number. For example, "Part class
equals 210."
Phase To filter objects based on their phase
number. For example, "Part phase
equals 1 2."
Lot To filter objects based on their lot
number. For example, "Part lot
greater than 1."

Filter objects 148 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
Primary part To filter objects based on whether
they are main or secondary parts in
an assembly or cast unit. 1 = primary
part, 0 = secondary part. For example,
"Part primary part equals 1."

Category: Component
Use the Component category to filter components based on their common

Property Description
Name To filter components based on their
name. For example, "Component
name equals "shear plate
Connection code To filter components based on their
connection code, which can be either
a text string or a number. For
example, "Component connection
code equals 200_2."
Running number To filter components based on their
unique running number. For example,
"Component running number less
than 150."
Phase To filter components based on their
phase number. For example,
"Component phase equals 2."
Is conceptual To filter components based on their
type. Components can be either
detailed or conceptual. Yes =
conceptual, No = detailed. For
example, "Component is conceptual
equals Yes."

Category: Bolt
Use the Bolt category to filter bolts based on their common properties.

Property Description
Size To filter bolts based on their
diameter. For example, "Bolt size less
than 20.00."
Standard To filter bolts based on their bolt
assembly standard/grade. For

Filter objects 149 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
example, "Bolt standard equals
Site/Workshop To filter bolts based on their assembly
type. Site = 0, Workshop = 1. For
example, "Bolt Site/Workshop equals
Phase To filter bolts based on their phase
number. For example, "Bolt phase
equals 3 4."
Length To filter bolts based on their length.
For example, "Bolt length greater than

Category: Weld
Use the Weld property to filter welds based on their common properties.

Property Description
Size above line To filter welds based on their size. For
example, "Weld size above line equals
Size below line
Reference text To filter welds based on their
reference text, which is a user-
definable value in the Weld
Properties dialog box. For example,
"Weld reference text contains 12345."
Phase To filter welds based on their phase
number. For example, "Weld phase
equals 3."
Type above line To filter welds based on their weld
type. Select the type from the Value
Type below line
Length above line To filter welds based on their length
value. For example, "Weld length
Length below line
greater than 0.00."
Welding site To filter welds based on where they
should be made. The options are Site
and Workshop.
Position number To filter welds based on their unique
position number. For example, "Weld
position number is greater than 100."
Angle above line To filter welds based on the angle of
weld preparation, bevels, or groove.
Angle below line

Filter objects 150 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
For example, "Weld angle below line
greater than 0.000."
Contour above line To filter welds based on their fill type
contour. The options are None,
Contour below line
Flush, Convex, and Concave. For
example, "Weld contour above line
does not equal None."
Effective throat above line To filter welds based on their weld
size used in weld strength calculation.
Effective throat below line
For example, "Weld effective throat
above line equals 0.500."
Finish above line To filter welds based on how they
have been treated. The options are
Finish below line
None, Grind, Machine, Chip,
Finished weld, and Smooth
Increment amount above line To filter welds based on their amount
of increments. For example, "Weld
Increment amount below line
increment amount above line greater
than 0."
Intermittent type To filter welds based on their shape.
The options are Continuous,
Intermittent, and Staggered
Pitch above line To filter welds based on their spacing
of weld increments.
Pitch below line
Root face thickness above line To filter welds based on their root
face thickness, in other words, the
Root face thickness below line
height of the narrowest part inside
the root opening.
Root opening above line To filter welds based on the space
found between the welded parts.
Root opening below line
Size prefix above line To filter welds based on their weld
size prefix. For example, "Weld size
Size prefix below line
prefix above line equals a."
The standard ISO 2553 prefixes are a
(Design throat thickness), s
(Penetration throat thickness), and z
(Leg length).
User-defined cross-section To filter welds based on whether or
not they contain user-defined cross-
sections. The options are Yes and No.

Filter objects 151 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
Electrode classification To filter welds based on their weld
electrode classification. The options
are (empty), 35, 52, 50, E60XX, E70XX,
E80XX, and E90XX.
Electrode strength To filter welds based on their
electrode strength. For example,
"Weld electrode strength greater than
Process type To filter welds based on their welding
process type. The options are SMAW,
NDT inspection To filter welds based on their non-
destructive testing and inspection
level. The options are A, B, C, D, and
Is around weld To filter welds based on whether only
one edge or the entire perimeter of a
face is welded. Edge = No, Around =

Category: Reinforcing bar

Use the Reinforcing bar category to filter reinforcing bars based on their
common properties.

Property Description
Name To filter reinforcing bars based on
their name. For example, "Reinforcing
bar name equals "STIRRUP"."
Class To filter reinforcing bars based on
their class number. For example,
"Reinforcing bar class equals 3."
Size To filter reinforcing bars based on
their size. The size property depends
on the environment and may contain
letters and special characters. For
example, in the US imperial
environment, "Reinforcing bar size
equals #18."
Diameter To filter reinforcing bars based on
their diameter. Diameter is the
nominal diameter of the bar, not
actual. For example, "Reinforcing bar
diameter less than 12."

Filter objects 152 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
Length To filter reinforcing bars based on
their total length. For example,
"Reinforcing bar length greater than
Material To filter reinforcing bars based on
their material grade. For example,
"Reinforcing bar material does not
equal Undefined."
Prefix To filter reinforcing bars based on
their numbering prefix. For example,
"Reinforcing bar prefix equals R."
Start number To filter reinforcing bars based on
their start number. For example,
"Reinforcing bar start number greater
than 1."
Numbering series To filter reinforcing bars based on
their numbering series information.
For example, "Reinforcing bar
numbering series equals R/1."
Position number To filter reinforcing bars based on
their position number. For example,
"Reinforcing bar position number
equals R/3."
Phase To filter reinforcing bars based on
their phase number. For example,
"Reinforcing bar phase equals 2."
Shape To filter reinforcing bars based on
their bending shape. For example,
"Reinforcing bar shape does not
equal 2_1."

Category: Surface
Use the Surface category to filter surfaces based on their common properties.

Property Description
Name To filter surfaces based on their
name. For example, "Surface name
equals SURFACE."
Type To filter surfaces based on their type.
The options are Formwork and
Concrete finish.

Filter objects 153 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
Class To filter surfaces based on their class
number. For example, "Surface class
does not equal 13."
Phase To filter surfaces based on their phase
number. For example, "Surface phase
equals 3 4."

Category: Assembly
Use the Assembly category to filter assemblies and cast units based on their
common properties.

Property Description
Name To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their name. For example,
"Assembly name does not contain
Id number To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their ID number. For
example, "Assembly ID number
greater than 25000."
Use this property only in temporary
filters, because the ID number may
change when you reopen the model.
Use the GUID property available in
the Object category for more
permanent filters.
Prefix To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their numbering prefix. For
example, "Assembly prefix equals A."
Start number To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their start number. For
example, "Assembly start number
greater than 1."
Position number To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their position number. For
example, "Assembly position number
equals A/13."
Phase To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their phase number. For
example, "Assembly phase does not
equal 1."
Assembly level To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their position in the
assembly hierarchy. The larger the

Filter objects 154 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
value, the lower the position in the
assembly hierarchy. 0 is the top-most
level, and 1 is the first sub-assembly
For example, to check if the model
contains sub-assemblies, use the filter
rule "Assembly level greater than or
equal to 1."
Assembly type To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their type.
• 0 = precast
• 1 = cast in place
• 2 = steel
• 3 = timber
• 6 = miscellaneous
Assembly series To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their numbering series
information. For example, "Assembly
series equals C/1."

Category: Load
Use the Load category to filter loads based on their common properties.

Property Description
Load group To filter loads based on which load
group they belong to. For example,
"Load group does not equal
Load type To filter loads based on their type.
The options are line, point, area,
uniform, and temperature.
Note that wind loads are handled as

area loads in filtering. Use the

Select components and Select

objects as components selection
switches to select wind loads.
Phase To filter loads based on their phase
number. For example, "Load phase
does not equal 1."

Filter objects 155 Object properties in filtering

Category: Template
Use the Template category to filter parts and other objects by using template
With this category, you can type the name of any template attribute or user-
defined attribute directly in the Property box, even if it is not on the list. Use
the ASSEMBLY. or CAST_UNIT. prefix in front of the property name to access
assembly-level attributes, and the USERDEFINED. prefix to access user-
defined attributes.
For example, to access the cast-unit level user-defined attribute User field 1,
type CAST_UNIT.USERDEFINED.USER_FIELD_1 in the Property box.

Category: Reference assembly

Use the Reference assembly category to filter reference model assemblies
based on their common properties.

Property Description
Id number To filter reference model assemblies
based on their ID numbers. For
example, "Reference assembly ID
number greater than 55."
Use this property only in temporary
filters, because the ID number may
change when you reopen the model.
Use the GUID property available in
the Object category for more
permanent filters.
Phase To filter reference model assemblies
based on their phase number. For
example, "Reference assembly phase
equals 2."
Lot To filter reference model assemblies
based on their lot number. For
example, "Reference assembly lot
greater than 1."
Description To filter reference model assemblies
based on their description, which is a
user-definable value in the reference
model properties. For example,
"Reference assembly description
contains "architect model"."
Info text To filter reference model assemblies
based on their info text, which is a
user-definable value in the Reference
object dialog box. For example,

Filter objects 156 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
"Reference assembly info text
contains revised."
Locked To filter reference model assemblies
based on whether or not they are
locked. 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 =
Logical name To filter reference model assemblies
based on their logical name, which is
a user-definable value in the
Reference object dialog box. For
example, "Reference assembly logical
name equals "MEP heating

Category: Reference object

Use the Reference object category to filter reference model objects based on
their common properties.

Property Description
Id number To filter reference model objects
based on their ID numbers. For
example, "Reference object ID
number greater than 12."
Use this property only in temporary
filters, because the ID number may
change when you reopen the model.
Use the GUID property available in
the Object category for more
permanent filters.
Phase To filter reference model objects
based on their phase number. For
example, "Reference object phase
does not equal 1."
Lot To filter reference model objects
based on their lot number. For
example, "Reference object lot equals
Description To filter reference model objects
based on their description, which is a
user-definable value in the Reference
object dialog box. For example,
"Reference object description
contains "architect model"."

Filter objects 157 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
Info text To filter reference model objects
based on their info text, which is a
user-definable value in the Reference
object dialog box. For example,
"Reference object info text contains
Locked To filter reference model objects
based on whether or not they are
locked. 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 =
Logical name To filter reference model objects
based on their logical name, which is
a user-definable value in the
Reference object dialog box. For
example, "Reference object logical
name contains "3rd floor"."

TIP You can filter reference model object attributes using the Template
category and the EXTERNAL. prefix in the Property box. For example,
"Reference object EXTERNAL.Material equals A572."

Category: Location breakdown structure

Use the Location breakdown structure category to filter objects based on
their location categories, which can be defined in Organizer.

Property Description
Site To filter objects based on which site
category they belong to. For example,
"Location breakdown structure site
equals "Site 2"."
Building To filter objects based on which
building category they belong to. For
example, "Location breakdown
structure building does not equal
"Building A"."
Section To filter objects based on which
section category they belong to. For
example, "Location breakdown
structure section equals Ramp."
Floor To filter objects based on which floor
they are located on. For example,
"Location breakdown structure floor
equals "Floor 4"."

Filter objects 158 Object properties in filtering

Category: Task
Use the Task category to filter scheduled tasks based on their common

Property Description
Name To filter scheduled tasks based on
their name. For example, "Task name
contains floors."
Planned start date To filter scheduled tasks based on
their planned start date. For example,
"Task planned start date earlier than
Review date."
Planned end date To filter scheduled tasks based on
their planned start date. For example,
"Task planned end date later than or
equal to 10/13/2017.
Actual start date To filter scheduled tasks based on
their actual start date.
Actual end date To filter scheduled tasks based on
their actual end date.
Completeness To filter scheduled tasks based on
their completeness. The value is a
percentage. For example, "Task
completeness is 75."
Critical To filter scheduled tasks based on
how critical they are. A task can be
critical only if it has been imported
from external software. 1 = Critical, 0
= Not critical.
Note that this property is not visible
in Task Manager.
Local To filter scheduled tasks based on
whether they were created in Task
Manager or imported from external
software. 1 = Created in Task
Manager, 0 = Imported.
Contractor To filter scheduled tasks based on the
contractor. For example, "Task
contractor equals "Contractor A"."
Scenario To filter scheduled tasks based on the
scenario they belong to. For example,
"Task scenario equals "Scenario

Filter objects 159 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
Task Type To filter scheduled tasks based on
their type. For example, "Task type
does not equal "A - Floor

Category: Object
Use the Object category to filter objects based on their object level properties.

Property Description
Guid To filter objects based on their
globally unique identifier (GUID). For
example, "Object GUID begins with
Phase To filter objects based on their phase
number. For example, "Object phase
does not equal 3."
Id number To filter objects based on their
identification number. For example,
"Object ID number equals 413822."
Use this property only in temporary
filters, because the ID number may
change when you reopen the model.
Use the GUID property for more
permanent filters.
Object type To filter objects based on their type.
Select an object type from the Value
list, or use the Select from model
We recommend that you include one
filter rule for the Object type
property in each filter you create. The
filtering outcome will be different if
you leave the object type out.
The following object types can be
selected from the list:
• Assembly
• Bolt group
• Connection
• Part
• Pour break
• Pour object

Filter objects 160 Object properties in filtering

Property Description
• Reference object
• Reinforcing bar
• Surface
• Surface treatment
• Weld
The following object types are shown
as numeric values only:
• 1 = point
• 9 = fitting
• 11 = polygon cut
• 12 = line cut
• 24 = construction line
• 30 = construction plane
• 38 = added material
• 42 = construction circle
• 48 = reference model
• 70 = edge chamfer
• 76 = analysis part
Is component To filter objects based on whether or
not they are components. The options
are Yes and No. For example, "Object
is component equals Yes."

9.5 Template attributes in filtering

Use the following units when filtering template attributes, even when using the
US Imperial environment:
• mm for length
• mm2 for area
• kg for weight
• degree for angle

TIP To check which unit Tekla Structures uses for a particular template attribute, use
the Select from model option in the Value list in the filtering dialog box.

Filter objects 161 Template attributes in filtering

See also
Create new filters (page 140)

9.6 Wildcards
A wildcard is a symbol that stands for one or more characters. You can use
wildcards to shorten strings, for example in filtering.

Wildcard Description Example

* (asterisk) Matches any number HE* matches all parts with a profile name
of characters that begins with the characters "HE".
You can also this symbol at the beginning
of a word: *BRAC*.
? (question Matches a single HE?400 matches parts with profile names
mark) character such as HEA400, HEB400, and HEC400.
[ ] (square Matches whatever is L[78]X4X1/2 matches parts with the
brackets) enclosed in the profile names L7X4X1/2 and L8X4X1/2.

NOTE The characters * and ? may also be used in object names in Tekla Structures. If
the object name you want to filter contains * or ?, you need to enclose these
characters in square brackets. For example, to find the profile P100*10, enter
P100[*]10 in the filter field.

See also
Filter objects (page 137)

9.7 Examples of filters

Here are some examples of filters that you can create. The same filtering
techniques can be used for view, selection, and drawing filters.

Filter parts based on their name

Create a filter that only shows parts with a certain name.
1. Create a new view filter. (page 140)
2. Click Add row three times to add three filter rules.
3. In the first filter rule, define that the object type must be part:
a. In the Category list, select Object.

Filter objects 162 Wildcards

b. In the Property list, select Object type.
c. In the Condition list, select Equals.
d. In the Value list, select Part.
e. In the And/Or list, select And.
4. In the second and third filter rules, define that the part name must be
a. In the Category list, select Part.
b. In the Property list, select Name.
c. In the Condition list, select Equals.
d. In the Value box, enter the part names, BEAM and COLUMN.
e. In the And/Or list, select Or.
5. Include the second and third filter rule in brackets. The filter is now
looking for parts that are named either BEAM or COLUMN.
6. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
7. Click Save as.

Filter main parts

Create a filter that selects the main parts only.
1. Create a new selection filter. (page 140)
2. Click Add row twice to add two filter rules.
3. In the first filter rule, define that the object type must be part:
a. In the Category list, select Object.
b. In the Property list, select Object type.
c. In the Condition list, select Equals.
d. In the Value list, select Part.
e. In the And/Or list, select And.
4. In the second filter rule, define that you only want to include main parts:
a. In the Category list, select Part.
b. In the Property list, select Primary part.

Filter objects 163 Examples of filters

c. In the Condition list, select Equals.
d. In the Value box, enter 1.
In this context, 1 means the main parts, and 0 would mean the
secondary parts.
5. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
6. Click Save as.

Filter bolts based on their size

Create a filter that only shows bolts of certain sizes.
1. Create a new view filter. (page 140)
2. Click Add row twice to add two filter rules.
3. In the first filter rule, define that the object type must be bolt:
a. In the Category list, select Object.
b. In the Property list, select Object type.
c. In the Condition list, select Equals.
d. In the Value list, select Bolt group.
e. In the And/Or list, select And.
4. In the second filter rule, define that the bolt size must be 12.00 or 16.00:
a. In the Category list, select Bolt.
b. In the Property list, select Size.
c. In the Condition list, select Equals.
d. In the Value box, enter the bolt sizes, 12.00 and 16.00.
Separate the strings with a blank space.
5. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
6. Click Save as.

Filter objects 164 Examples of filters

Filter parts based on their assembly type
Create a filter based on assembly types. For example, you can create a filter
that only shows cast-in-place and precast columns. Steel columns and any
other columns or parts are hidden. The same filtering technique can be used
for steel, concrete, timber, and miscellaneous parts.
1. Create a new filter. (page 140)
2. Click Add row four times to add four filter rules.
3. In the first filter rule, define that the object type must be part:
a. In the Category list, select Object.
b. In the Property list, select Object type.
c. In the Condition list, select Equals.
d. In the Value list, select Part.
e. In the And/Or list, select And.
4. In the second filter rule, define that the part name must be COLUMN:
a. In the Category list, select Part.
b. In the Property list, select Name.
c. In the Condition list, select Equals.
d. In the Value box, enter the part name, COLUMN.
e. In the And/Or list, select And.
5. Include the first and second filter rule in brackets.
6. In the third and fourth filter rules, define that the assembly type must be
precast or cast in place:
a. In the Category list, select Assembly.
b. In the Property list, select Assembly type.
c. In the Value box, enter the assembly types, 0 and 1.

Value Assembly type

0 precast
1 cast in place
2 steel

Filter objects 165 Examples of filters

Value Assembly type
3 timber
6 miscellaneous
d. In the And/Or list, select Or.
7. Include the third and fourth filter rule in brackets. The filter is now looking
for concrete parts that are named COLUMN.
8. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
9. Click Save as.

Filter sub-assemblies
Create a filter that only selects parts that belong to a sub-assembly.
1. Create a selection filter. (page 140)
2. Click Add row to add a new filter rule.
3. In the Category list, select Template.
4. In the Property list, select ASSEMBLY.HIERARCHY_LEVEL.
5. In the Condition list, select Does not equal.
6. In the Value box, enter 0.
In this context, 0 means that the part does not belong to any sub-
assembly, and 1 would mean that the part does. The filter will show only
those parts whose value is not 0.
7. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
8. Click Save as.

Filter reference model objects

Create a filter based on reference model object properties.

Filter objects 166 Examples of filters

1. Create an empty view or selection filter. (page 140)
2. Click Add row to add a new filter rule.
3. In the Category list, select Template.
4. In the Property list, select the desired template attribute or enter one of
your own (page 147).

TIP To find the attribute name used by the reference model, select a
reference model object, right-click and select one of the Inquire
commands. Find the property name in the Inquire Object dialog
box and copy it.

5. Add the prefix EXTERNAL. in front of the template attribute name.

6. In the Condition list, select Equals.
7. In the Value box, enter the desired value or click Select from model to
select the object in the model.
8. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
9. Click Save as.

Filter parts within component

Create a filter that selects all parts within a component.
1. Create an empty selection filter. (page 140)
2. Click Add row twice to add two filter rules.
3. In the first filter rule, define that the object must be a component:
a. In the Category list, select Object.
b. In the Property list, select Is component.
c. In the Condition list, select Equals.
d. In the Value list, select Yes.
4. In the And/Or list, select And.
5. In the second filter rule, define that the object type must be part:
a. In the Category list, select Object.
b. In the Property list, select Object type.
c. In the Condition list, select Equals.
d. In the Value list, select Part.

Filter objects 167 Examples of filters

6. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
7. Click Save as.

9.8 Copy and remove filters

You can copy custom filters to another model by manually copying filter files to
the attributes folder under the desired model folder. You can also manually
remove unneeded filters from the same folder. If you want to make a filter
available in all models, copy the file to your company's project or firm folder.

Copy a filter to another model

1. Select the filter you want to copy.
The filters you have created are located in the attributes folder under
the current model folder. You can recognize different filter types based on
their file name extension:

File name extension Filter type

.VObjGrp Model view filter
.SObjGrp Model selection filter
.PObjGrp Object group filter
.vf Drawing view filter
.vnf Drawing view level neighbor part filter
.wdf Single-part drawing filter
.wdnf Single-part drawing neighbor part
.adf Assembly drawing filter
.adnf Assembly drawing neighbor part filter
.cuf Cast unit drawing filter
.cunf Cast unit drawing neighbor part filter
.gdf General arrangement drawing filter
.gdnf General arrangement drawing
neighbor part filter
.dsf Drawing selection filter

Filter objects 168 Copy and remove filters

2. To make the filter available in another model, copy the file to the
attributes folder of the destination model folder.
3. To make the filter available in all models, copy the file to your company's
project or firm folder.
4. Restart Tekla Structures.

Remove a filter
1. Remove the filter file from the model’s attributes folder.
2. Restart Tekla Structures.

Filter objects 169 Copy and remove filters

10 Take screenshots
A screenshot is an image of a model or drawing view. You can use screenshots
in posters, brochures, or other material to show projects carried out using
Tekla Structures.
By default, the screenshots are saved in the \screenshots folder under the
current model folder with the name snap_xx.png.

10.1 Take a screenshot of a model

You can take screenshots of model views.
1. Open a model and adjust the model view according to your needs.
For example, hide the work area box (page 66) if you do not want to show

2. On the View tab, click Screenshot --> Screenshot .

3. If you have multiple views of the model, click Pick view and select the
view to take the screenshot from.
4. To modify the settings, click Options.
a. Define the width, height, and DPI of the screenshot.
b. Click OK to save the changes.
5. Define a name and location for the screenshot.
a. Select Print to file and enter a descriptive name for the screenshot in
the File name box.
You can also change the whole path. If you do not want to do this, you
can keep the default values for the path and the file name.
6. Click Show with associated viewer to show the screenshot in an
application that is by default associated with this file type.
7. Click Capture.

Take screenshots 170 Take a screenshot of a model

10.2 Take a screenshot of a drawing
A drawing screenshot is an image of an open drawing with or without borders.
1. Open a drawing and adjust the drawing view according to your needs.
For example, delete unnecessary marks or dimensions, and hide
unnecessary parts.

2. On the Views tab, click Screenshot --> Screenshot.

3. Do one of the following:
• Select View to take a screenshot of the open drawing with window
• Select View without borders to take a screenshot of the open drawing
without window borders.
4. Under the preselected Print to file option enter a descriptive name for
the screenshot in the File name box.
You can also change the whole path. If you do not want to do this, you can
keep the default values for the path and the file name.
5. Click Show with associated viewer to show the screenshot in an
application that is by default associated with this file type.
6. Click Capture.

10.3 Save a screenshot in bitmap format

By default, screenshots are created as Portable Network Graphics (.png) files.
You can also save a screenshot in bitmap (.bmp) format to use it, for example,
as a custom component thumbnail.

1. On the Views tab, click Screenshot --> Screenshot.

2. Select Place on clipboard.
3. Click Capture.
4. Paste the screenshot in your graphics editor and save it in .bmp format.

NOTE The software that you use to open the screenshot may have a limit for the
number of pixels.

Take screenshots 171 Take a screenshot of a drawing

11 Customize Tekla Structures
Use customizations to personalize Tekla Structures. For example, you can
define which commands are available on the ribbon. You can also define your
own keyboard shortcuts for commands.
• Customize the ribbon (page 172)
• Customize keyboard shortcuts (page 184)

11.1 Customize the ribbon

You can customize the ribbon according to your needs. You can change the
size and shape of any command button, for example. You can add custom
buttons and assign commands to them. You can also bring your favorite
components and extensions to the ribbon for an easy access.
To open the customization tool, click File menu --> Settings --> Customize -->
The tool includes two editing modes:
• Simple mode: Add, move, and resize command buttons; add, hide, and
edit tabs; remove command buttons and tabs from the ribbon.
• Design mode: Choose which name and icon is used for each command
button; add new buttons and assign commands to them; add vertical and
horizontal separator bars.

Customize Tekla Structures 172 Customize the ribbon

Add a command button
You can add command buttons simply by dragging commands to the ribbon or
to the Quick Access Toolbar.
1. Ensure that Simple mode is switched on.
2. In the Select ribbon list, select which ribbon you want to customize.
For example:

You can only customize ribbons that are available in your configuration.
3. Search for the command you want to add.
You can also add components, macros, and extensions. Browse through
the lists or use the Search box to filter content. For example, type mesh to

Customize Tekla Structures 173 Customize the ribbon

find the Create reinforcing mesh command and other mesh related

• User-defined: commands that you have created on the User-defined

commands tab
• Tekla Structures: all the Tekla Structures commands available in this
configuration and mode
• Applications & components: components, macros, plugins, and
4. Drag and drop the command to the ribbon.
The blue color indicates the place where the command button will be
inserted. For example:

NOTE If you hover over a down arrow, a list will open and you can drag
commands to the list. The list will remain open until you click the
down arrow again.

You can also drag commands to the Quick Access Toolbar, which is located
above the ribbon, or to the fixed container on the left side of the ribbon:

Customize Tekla Structures 174 Customize the ribbon

5. To remove a command button, select it and press Delete.

Move a command button

You can rearrange command buttons on the ribbon. Note that you cannot
move drop-down buttons underneath each other.
1. Select the command button you want to move.
The command button becomes highlighted:

2. Drag and drop the command button to a new location.

The blue color indicates the place where the command button will be
inserted. For example:

Resize a command button

You can change the size of existing command buttons.
1. Select the command button you want to resize:

Customize Tekla Structures 175 Customize the ribbon

2. Move the mouse pointer over any side or corner of the command button
to display a white arrow symbol:

3. Drag with the arrow to define a new size:

The size of the command button changes accordingly. The other

command buttons are automatically moved forward on the ribbon, if

4. Double-click the command button to expand it.

The command button now fully occupies the empty space around it:

Change the appearance of a command button

You can change the appearance of any command button in the Design mode.
1. Ensure that Design mode is switched on.
2. Select the command button you want to modify.

Customize Tekla Structures 176 Customize the ribbon

The current properties of the command button are displayed.

3. To change the name, select one of the options:

• None: no name is used for the command button
• Short name: the default short version of the name is used
• Full name: the default full version of the name is used
• Custom: enter a custom name for the command button
4. To change the icon, select one of the options:
a. None: no icon is used for the command button
b. Large icon: the default large icon (32x32) is used
c. Small icon: the default small icon (16x16) is used
d. Gallery: select an icon from the Tekla Structures icon gallery
e. Custom: define a custom icon by selecting a suitable image file. The
recommended size is 32x32 pixels for large buttons and 16x16 pixels
for small buttons. If you have problems with your custom image not
appearing the right size, check the DPI setting of the image file. A DPI
of 96 is recommended.

TIP When you modify a command button which is on a drop-down list, the options
may become hidden behind the drop-down list. Slide the ribbon right or left to
make the options visible.

Create a user-defined command

You can create user-defined commands and link them to any file or URL.
1. Go to the User-defined commands tab.
2. Click Add.
3. Enter a unique ID for the command, and then click Create.

Customize Tekla Structures 177 Customize the ribbon

For example, let's assume you are creating a link to the Tekla Discussion
Forum. Enter OpenTeklaDiscussionForum as the ID of the command.
A new page with more properties appears.

4. Click Action and define a file or URL. For example, enter https://
5. Click Name and enter a name for the command. This name will be visible
in the Tekla Structures user interface. You can define two alternative
names: a full name and a short version. For example, enter Tekla
Discussion Forum as the full name of the command, and Forum as the
short version.
6. Click Icon and select a suitable icon from the Tekla Structures icon gallery.
You can define two alternative icons: a large one and a small one.
7. Click Tooltip and enter a tooltip for the command. For example, enter Go
to the Tekla discussion forum.
8. Click Apply to save the new command.
9. Go to the Edit ribbons tab.
The command you created is available in the User-defined list, on the left-
hand side of the dialog box:

10. Drag and drop the command to the ribbon:

Customize Tekla Structures 178 Customize the ribbon

11. To modify a user-defined command, switch to the Design mode and edit
the command properties just like for any other command.

Add a custom button and assign a command to it

You can add new buttons, split buttons, toggle buttons, and drop-down
buttons to the ribbon. These are all empty placeholders for commands. After
creating a new button, you can assign a command to it.
1. Ensure that Design mode is switched on.
2. On the Edit ribbons tab, click the desired button type to select it:

• Basic: Add a button for a single command.

• Toggle: Add a toggle button that switches a particular command on or
off. Use this to add any switch from the File menu --> Settings -->
Switches to the ribbon, for example.
• Drop-down: Add a drop-down button with a group of commands
underneath it. You can define a name and a custom tooltip for the
• Split: Add a button for a single command, plus a drop-down button
with a group of commands underneath it.
3. Using the mouse, draw a rectangular area for the new button.

4. To assign a command to the button:

a. Ensure that the new button is selected.

Customize Tekla Structures 179 Customize the ribbon

b. On the Command tab, search for the command you want to add.
Browse through the lists or use the Search box to filter content. For

c. Click Assign this command. The command is now assigned to the

d. On the Appearance tab, modify the command's name and icon, if
5. To add commands to a drop-down button:
a. Return to the Simple mode.
b. Search for commands.
c. Drag and drop commands to the drop-down button.
If you hover over a down arrow, a list will open and you can drag
commands to the list. The list will remain open until you click the
down arrow again.

Customize Tekla Structures 180 Customize the ribbon

Add a separator bar
You can add vertical and horizontal separator bars to divide command buttons
into smaller groups on the ribbon.
1. Ensure that Design mode is switched on.
2. Click Separator to select it.

3. Using the mouse, draw a rectangular area in the vertical direction.

A vertical bar appears in the location you defined.

4. Ensure that the bar is selected.
5. Modify the orientation and line thickness of the bar, if needed.

Add, hide, and edit tabs

You can add, move and rename ribbon tabs, choose how they are aligned, and
hide some tabs if you do not need them in your current project. For example,
if you are only modeling steel parts, you can temporarily hide the Concrete
1. Ensure that Simple mode is switched on.

2. To add a new tab, click the plus sign at the end of the tab row.
3. To rename a tab:
a. Right-click a tab title and select Rename.
b. Type a new name.
c. Press Enter to save the new name.
4. To change the order of tabs on the ribbon, drag and drop the tab titles.

5. To change how the tabs are aligned, click and then select one of the
• Scroll visible: the ribbon movement is minimal when you switch
between the tabs

Customize Tekla Structures 181 Customize the ribbon

• Align to left: the icons start from the left side of the ribbon
• Align to tab: the icons start from the left side of the current tab
6. To hide the tabs that you do not need in your current project:
a. Rest the mouse pointer on a tab title.
A small eye symbol appears next to the tab title:

b. Click the eye symbol .

The eye symbol changes and the tab title becomes gray:

The View tab is now hidden from the ribbon. If you slide the ribbon,
hidden tabs appear as:

c. To re-display the hidden tab, click the eye symbol again.

7. To remove a tab, select it and press Delete.

Save the ribbon

When you are happy with the changes, save the customized ribbon.

1. On the Edit ribbons tab, click the Save button .

2. When you return to Tekla Structures and the program asks if you wish to
load the new ribbon, click Yes. The ribbon becomes updated with the
changes you made.

Check the changes

You can compare the original ribbon with the changes you have made. You can
check what has been added and removed, and what has been moved to
different tabs.
1. Save the customized ribbon, if you have not already done so.

Customize Tekla Structures 182 Customize the ribbon

2. Click Compare.
3. In the Compare ribbons dialog box, check the changes you have made.
For example:

• First list: these commands have been removed

• Second list: these commands have been moved to a new place
• Third list: these commands have been added

NOTE Original ribbon refers to the ribbon file that came with the Tekla
Structures installation for your current configuration.

4. If you have removed a command that you would like to get back, drag it
from the Compare ribbons dialog box to the ribbon.
5. When you are finished, click Close.

Back up and restore ribbons

You can restore the default Tekla Structures ribbons at any time. Before
restoring the default settings, make sure to save a backup copy of your
customized ribbon, because the customizations will be permanently deleted.
You can use the backup file to take your customized ribbon back into use, to
copy the ribbon settings to another computer, or to share the customized
ribbon with your co-workers.
1. To save a backup copy of the customized ribbon:

a. On the Edit ribbons tab, click the Save button .

Customize Tekla Structures 183 Customize the ribbon

b. Go to the ..\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble
\TeklaStructures\<version>\UI\Ribbons folder.
c. Make a copy of the desired ribbon file and save it in another folder.
The ribbons are named according to the Tekla Structures
configurations. For example, in the Full configuration, the name of
the Modeling ribbon file is albl_up_Full--main_menu.xml.
2. To restore the default Tekla Structures ribbons:
a. In the Select ribbon list, select which ribbon you want to restore.
For example:

b. Click Reset to defaults. The default Tekla Structures ribbons are now
in use.
3. To take the customized ribbon back into use:
a. Copy the backup file back to the ..\Users\<user>\AppData
b. When you return to Tekla Structures and the program asks if you wish
to load the new ribbon, click Yes. The ribbon becomes updated with
the changes you made.

11.2 Customize keyboard shortcuts

In the Keyboard shortcuts dialog box, you can view a list of all shortcuts
available in Tekla Structures. You can define new keyboard shortcuts and
remove existing ones. After customization, you can export the keyboard
shortcuts and share them with your co-workers.

Define new keyboard shortcuts

You can assign keyboard shortcuts to any command, macro, or component.
You can even change the default keyboard shortcuts, if needed.
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Keyboard shortcuts.

Customize Tekla Structures 184 Customize keyboard shortcuts

The Keyboard shortcuts dialog box opens.

2. In the Group list, select the shortcut group you want to modify.
A list of commands and shortcuts appears.
3. If you want to search for a particular command or keyboard shortcut,
enter some text in the Filter box.
For example:
• Type grid to only see the commands whose name contains the word
• Type "+" to get a list of shortcuts that consist of two parts (such as Ctrl

Customize Tekla Structures 185 Customize keyboard shortcuts

• Type "," to get a list of shortcuts that consist of two consecutive keys
(such as M, N).
4. Select a command from the list.
5. Click Enter shortcut.
6. On the keyboard, enter the combination of keys you would like to use as
the shortcut.
7. Check the Conflicts box to see if the keyboard shortcut is already
assigned to another command.
If the shortcut is already in use, enter a different combination of keys.

NOTE If you reassign a keyboard shortcut that is already used, it will no

longer be associated with the command it was originally assigned

8. Click Assign to save the keyboard shortcut.

Clear and reset shortcuts

You can remove any existing shortcut. You can also reset all shortcuts back to
the defaults.
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Keyboard shortcuts.
2. To remove a keyboard shortcut, select the command from the list and click
3. To reset all the keyboard shortcuts to the defaults, click the Restore

Export keyboard shortcuts

You can export your customized keyboard shortcuts and share them with your
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Keyboard shortcuts.
2. Click Export.
3. Enter a file name and location.
4. Click Save to export the keyboard shortcuts.
5. To share your keyboard shortcuts with other users, send them the
exported file.

Customize Tekla Structures 186 Customize keyboard shortcuts

Import keyboard shortcuts
You can import keyboard shortcuts from a file. Use this method to import
keyboard shortcuts from Tekla Structures 2016 or newer.
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Keyboard shortcuts.
2. Click Import.
3. Browse for the shortcuts file you want to import. For example, ..\Users
4. Click Open to import the keyboard shortcuts.

Customize Tekla Structures 187 Customize keyboard shortcuts

12 Default keyboard shortcuts
Tekla Structures contains a large number of keyboard shortcuts that you can
use to speed up your work.
If you want to change the default shortcuts, see Customize keyboard shortcuts
(page 184).

12.1 Common commands

Command Keyboard shortcut
Help F1
Help: when tooltip is open CTRL + F1
Open model Ctrl+O
Create new model Ctrl+N
Save model Ctrl+S
Delete Del
Properties Alt+Enter
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y
Interrupt Esc
Repeat last command Enter
Show/hide contextual toolbar CTRL + K
Switch direct modification CTRL + D
Quick Launch CTRL + Q
Advanced options CTRL + E
Applications & components CTRL + F

Default keyboard shortcuts 188 Common commands

12.2 Rendering options
Command Keyboard shortcut
Parts wireframe Ctrl+1
Parts rendered wireframe Ctrl+2
Parts grayscale Ctrl+3
Parts rendered Ctrl+4
Show only selected part Ctrl+5
Components wireframe Shift+1
Components rendered Shift+2
Components grayscale Shift+3
Components rendered Shift+4
Show only selected component Shift+5

12.3 Selecting objects

Command Keyboard shortcut
Rollover highlight on/off H
Select all selection switch F2
Select parts selection switch F3
Select all Ctrl+A
Select assembly Alt+object
Add to selection Shift
Toggle selection Ctrl
Selection filters Ctrl+G
Hide object Shift+H

12.4 Snapping
Command Keyboard shortcut
Snap to reference lines/points F4
Snap to geometry lines/points F5
Snap to nearest points F6
Snap to any position F7

Default keyboard shortcuts 189 Rendering options

Command Keyboard shortcut
Ortho O
Relative coordinate input R
Absolute coordinate input A
Global coordinate input G
Snap to next position Tab
Snap to previous position Shift+Tab
Lock X, Y or Z coordinates X, Y or Z

12.5 Copying and moving objects

Command Keyboard shortcut
Copy Ctrl+C
Move Ctrl+M
Drag and drop D
Smart Select S

12.6 Viewing the model

Command Keyboard shortcut
Open the view list Ctrl+I
3D/Plane view Ctrl+P
Switch between views Ctrl+Tab
Updated window Ctrl + U
Zoom original Home
Zoom previous End
Zoom in Page Up
Zoom out Page Down
Rotate using mouse Ctrl+R
Rotate using keyboard Ctrl+arrow keys
Shift+arrow keys
Set view rotation point V
Auto rotate Shift+R
Pan P

Default keyboard shortcuts 190 Copying and moving objects

Command Keyboard shortcut
Middle button pan Shift+M
Move right arrow keys
Move left
Move down
Move up
Fly Shift+F
Create clip plane Shift+X

12.7 Checking the model

Command Keyboard shortcut
Inquire object Shift+I
Measure distance F
Create report Ctrl+B

12.8 Drawings
Command Keyboard shortcut
Open Drawing list in model Ctrl+L
Open Drawing list in drawing Ctrl+O
Print drawings Shift+P
Open next drawing Ctrl+Page Down
Open previous drawing Ctrl+Page Up
Associativity symbol Shift+A
Set next drawing color mode B
Ghost outline Shift+G
Add orthogonal dimension G
Add free dimension F
Open any drawing after Ctrl+Shift
creating the drawing
In Drawing list: Open user- Alt+U
defined attributes
In Drawing list: Add to Master Ctrl+M
Drawing Catalog

Default keyboard shortcuts 191 Checking the model

Command Keyboard shortcut
In Drawing list: Revision Ctrl+R
In Master Drawing Catalog: Ctrl+A
Select all
In Master Drawing Catalog: Alt+A
Create drawings for all parts
In Master Drawing Catalog: Alt+C
Create drawings
Set UCS origin U
Set UCS by two points Shift+U
Toggle orientation Ctrl+T
Reset current Ctrl+1
Reset all Ctrl+0

Default keyboard shortcuts 192 Drawings

13 Tips for basic tasks
Here we provide useful hints and tips that help you use the Tekla Structures
user interface and its basic features more efficiently.
• Switch rollover highlight on or off (page 194)
By default, Tekla Structures highlights the objects in yellow, so that you can
easily see which objects you can select. You can switch the highlighting on
or off.
• Select values from the model (page 194)
You can select object properties and dates directly from the model. This
can be useful when creating view filters, selection filters, and object groups.
• Interrupt object selection (page 195)
You can have Tekla Structures interrupt the object selection process if the
selection takes over a defined period of time. For example, if you are
working on a large model and you accidentally select all or part of the
model, you can interrupt the selection if it takes over 5000 milliseconds (5
seconds) to complete.
• Select on right-click (page 196)
You can change the settings so that you can select objects also with the
right mouse button.
• Copy and move efficiently (page 196)
You can keep the Move and Copy dialog boxes open if you are going to use
them often, for example when creating grids and levels in a new model.
• Change a property in several parts at the same time (page 196)
You can quickly change a property in multiple parts simultaneously.
• Show or hide "Do not show this message again" (page 197)
Sometimes when Tekla Structures displays warning messages, you have
the option to hide future warnings of the same type. You can have Tekla
Structures show these warnings again.

Tips for basic tasks 193 Drawings

• Wildcards (page 162)
A wildcard is a symbol that stands for one or more characters. You can use
wildcards to shorten strings, for example in filtering.

13.1 Switch rollover highlight on or off

By default, Tekla Structures highlights the objects in yellow, so that you can
easily see which objects you can select. You can switch the highlighting on or
1. On the File menu, click Settings and select or clear the Rollover highlight
check box. Alternatively, you can press H.

See also
Select objects (page 103)

Tips for basic tasks 194 Switch rollover highlight on or off

13.2 Select values from the model
You can select object properties and dates directly from the model. This can be
useful when creating view filters, selection filters, and object groups.

Before you start, create an empty view or selection filter, or an object group.
1. Create an empty view or selection filter (page 140), or an object group.
2. Click Add row.
3. Select options from the Category and Property lists.
4. In the Value list, select one of the options.
The availability of options depends on your selection in the Property list.
You can select dates from the model only if the property is a date.
a. To select an object property, click Select from model and then select
an object.
b. To select a date, click Select date to open the Select date dialog box,
and then select one of the options.
You can either select a date from the calendar, select the review date,
or define the number of days before or after the review date. The
review date is the same as Review date in the dialog box.

13.3 Interrupt object selection

You can have Tekla Structures interrupt the object selection process if the
selection takes over a defined period of time. For example, if you are working
on a large model and you accidentally select all or part of the model, you can
interrupt the selection if it takes over 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) to
1. Define the time after which Tekla Structures asks if you want to interrupt
object selection.
a. On the File menu, click Settings --> Advanced options and go to the
Modeling Properties category.
b. Modify the advanced option XS_OBJECT_SELECTION_CONFIRMATION.
The default value is 5000 milliseconds.
c. Click OK.
2. Select (page 103) all or part of the model.
3. When Tekla Structures asks if you want to interrupt object selection, click

Tips for basic tasks 195 Interrupt object selection

13.4 Select on right-click
You can change the settings so that you can select objects also with the right
mouse button.
1. On the File menu, click Settings and select the following check boxes:
• Select on right click
• Rollover highlight
2. Right-click an object to select it. Tekla Structures highlights the object and
shows the related shortcut menu.

See also
Select objects (page 103)

13.5 Copy and move efficiently

You can keep the Move and Copy dialog boxes open if you are going to use
them often, for example when creating grids and levels in a new model.
1. Run the Copy or Move command.
2. To stop copying or moving objects, right-click and select Interrupt from
the pop-up menu.
The dialog box remains open on the screen.
3. To continue copying or moving objects:
a. Click the dialog box to activate it.
b. Select an object.
c. Enter the values you want to use, and then click the Move or Copy
button in the dialog box.

See also
Copy objects (page 114)
Move objects (page 125)

13.6 Change a property in several parts at the same time

You can quickly change a property in multiple parts simultaneously.
1. Double-click a part to open the properties dialog box.

Tips for basic tasks 196 Select on right-click

2. Click to clear all selections from the check boxes next to the
3. Select the check box next to the property that you want to change, for
example Class.
4. Change the value.
Leave the dialog box open.
5. Select all parts whose value you want to change.
6. Click Modify in the part properties dialog box.
7. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.

See also
Create, modify, and delete objects (page 76)

13.7 How to restore missing toolbars

You can bring back the Selecting and Snapping toolbars, if you have
accidentally removed them.
1. Go to (page 30).
2. Enter a search term:
• Type selecting if you are looking for the Selecting toolbar.
• Type snapping if you are looking for the Snapping toolbar.
3. Select the toolbar from the list that appears. The toolbar becomes visible.

13.8 Show or hide "Do not show this message again"

Sometimes when Tekla Structures displays warning messages, you have the
option to hide future warnings of the same type. You can have Tekla Structures
show these warnings again.

1. To hide future warnings of the same type, select the Do not show this
message again check box.

Tips for basic tasks 197 How to restore missing toolbars

2. To re-display the warnings, hold down the Shift key while running a
command that should normally induce a warning message. For example,
copy or move objects outside the work area. Tekla Structures displays the
associated warning message.

Tips for basic tasks 198 Show or hide "Do not show this message again"
14 Disclaimer
© 2017 Trimble Solutions Corporation and its licensors. All rights reserved.
This Software Manual has been developed for use with the referenced
Software. Use of the Software, and use of this Software Manual are governed
by a License Agreement. Among other provisions, the License Agreement sets
certain warranties for the Software and this Manual, disclaims other
warranties, limits recoverable damages, defines permitted uses of the
Software, and determines whether you are an authorized user of the Software.
All information set forth in this manual is provided with the warranty set forth
in the License Agreement. Please refer to the License Agreement for important
obligations and applicable limitations and restrictions on your rights. Trimble
does not guarantee that the text is free of technical inaccuracies or
typographical errors. Trimble reserves the right to make changes and
additions to this manual due to changes in the software or otherwise.
In addition, this Software Manual is protected by copyright law and by
international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction, display, modification, or
distribution of this Manual, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and
criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the full extent permitted by law.
Tekla, Tekla Structures, Tekla BIMsight, BIMsight, Tekla Civil, Tedds, Solve,
Fastrak and Orion are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Trimble
Solutions Corporation in the European Union, the United States, and/or other
countries. More about Trimble Solutions trademarks: http://www.tekla.com/
tekla-trademarks. Trimble is a registered trademark or trademark of Trimble
Inc. in the European Union, in the United States and/or other countries. More
about Trimble trademarks: http://www.trimble.com/trademarks.aspx. Other
product and company names mentioned in this Manual are or may be
trademarks of their respective owners. By referring to a third-party product or
brand, Trimble does not intend to suggest an affiliation with or endorsement
by such third party and disclaims any such affiliation or endorsement, except
where otherwise expressly stated.
Portions of this software:
D-Cubed 2D DCM © 2010 Siemens Industry Software Limited. All rights

Disclaimer 199 Show or hide "Do not show this message again"
EPM toolkit © 1995-2006 Jotne EPM Technology a.s., Oslo, Norway. All rights
Open Cascade Express Mesh © 2015 OPEN CASCADE S.A.S. All rights reserved.
PolyBoolean C++ Library © 2001-2012 Complex A5 Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
FLY SDK - CAD SDK © 2012 VisualIntegrity™. All rights reserved.
Teigha © 2002-2016 Open Design Alliance. All rights reserved.
CADhatch.com © 2017. All rights reserved.
FlexNet Publisher © 2014 Flexera Software LLC. All rights reserved.
This product contains proprietary and confidential technology, information
and creative works owned by Flexera Software LLC and its licensors, if any. Any
use, copying, publication, distribution, display, modification, or transmission of
such technology in whole or in part in any form or by any means without the
prior express written permission of Flexera Software LLC is strictly prohibited.
Except where expressly provided by Flexera Software LLC in writing,
possession of this technology shall not be construed to confer any license or
rights under any Flexera Software LLC intellectual property rights, whether by
estoppel, implication, or otherwise.
To see the third party open source software licenses, go to Tekla Structures,
click File menu --> Help --> About Tekla Structures and then click the 3rd
party licenses option.
The elements of the software described in this Manual are protected by
several patents and possibly pending patent applications in the United States
and/or other countries. For more information go to page http://

Disclaimer 200 Show or hide "Do not show this message again"

starting automatic rotation center............................ 40

Tekla Structures......................................... 9 autosave.........................................................22
File menu switches..................................40
* background color
changing................................................... 72
* character................................................... 162 examples.................................................. 72
backing up
models...................................................... 22
3 ribbons................................................... 172
basic view auto rotation............................... 40
3D models...................................................... 14 basics.............................................................. 25
3D basics of Tekla Structures
in snapping...............................................92 tips.......................................................... 193
views......................................................... 65 blank project.................................................. 11
? common buttons.....................................30
? character................................................... 162

A cast units
adding selecting................................................. 109
command buttons................................ 172 categories
grid lines................................................... 49 in filtering............................................... 147
align to left..................................................... 31 centered zooms.............................................40
align to tab..................................................... 31 colors
aligning changing color settings...........................72
objects...................................................... 97 changing the background color.............72
Array of objects (29)....................................124 finding RGB values.................................. 72
assemblies commands
nested assemblies................................ 110 assigning................................................ 172
selecting.......................................... 109,110 customizing............................................172
assigning ending.......................................................26
commands............................................. 172 re-activating............................................. 26
associativity symbol...................................... 40 searching.................................................. 30
asterisk......................................................... 162 user-defined.......................................... 172
Auto using......................................................... 26
in snapping...............................................92 comparing

ribbons................................................... 172 rotating................................................... 131
selecting................................................. 110
configurations............................................ 9,12
contextual toolbar.........................................33
coordinate system........................................ 68 environments............................................. 9,12
coordinates.................................................... 47 examples
copying background colors.................................. 72
filters.......................................................168 drawing filters........................................162
hints and tips......................................... 196 snapping in model.................................. 98
models...................................................... 22 view and selection filters......................162
objects.............................................113,114 exporting
properties.................................................82 keyboard shortcuts............................... 184
Radial array tool.................................... 122
with Array of objects (29) component 124
creating F
3D models................................................ 14 File menu
grids.......................................................... 47 switches.................................................... 40
model templates..................................... 19 filtering
models...................................................... 16 And/Or.................................................... 144
objects...................................................... 76 categories...............................................147
screenshots............................................170 conditions.............................................. 144
view filters copying filters........................................ 168
selection filters................................ 140 object properties...................................147
views......................................................... 54 objects.................................................... 137
crossing selection..........................................40 parentheses........................................... 144
customizing removing filters..................................... 168
commands............................................. 172 template attributes........................144,161
keyboard shortcuts............................... 184 use for.................................................... 137
ribbons................................................... 172 view filters
selection filters................................ 140
wildcards................................................ 162
D filters
deleting examples................................................ 162
objects...................................................... 76 selection................................................. 106
views......................................................... 64 font color
dialog boxes changing................................................... 72
common buttons.....................................30
loading properties...................................83
saving properties.....................................83 G
searching.................................................. 30 getting started............................................... 25
direct modification ghost outline..................................................40
modifying................................................. 77 global coordinate system.............................68
DirectX rendering.......................................... 40 global point of origin.................................... 68
Do not show this message again.............. 197 grid color........................................................ 72
drag & drop....................................................40 grid lines
drawing objects adding....................................................... 49

modifying................................................. 50 M
grids message history............................................ 32
coordinates.............................................. 47 middle button pan........................................ 40
creating.....................................................47 minimizing the ribbon............................. 31,33
deleting.....................................................49 missing toolbars..........................................197
labels................................................... 46,47 model templates
line extensions.........................................46 creating.....................................................19
modifying................................................. 48 modifying................................................. 19
origin.........................................................46 options......................................................19
grid model views................................................... 52
work plane grid........................................69 models
about 3D models.....................................14
backing up................................................22
H creating.....................................................16
moving...................................................... 28
hiding rotating..................................................... 28
dimensions............................................ 103 saving........................................................22
ribbon....................................................... 33 thumbnail image..................................... 16
ribbon tabs...............................................31 zooming....................................................28
work area................................................. 66 modifying
highlighting model templates..................................... 19
objects.................................................... 194 objects................................................. 76,77
properties in many parts simultaneously
I moving
if you cannot select objects....................... 112 command buttons................................ 172
images drawing objects..................................... 125
thumbnail image of model.....................16 hints and tips......................................... 196
importing models in a view...................................... 28
keyboard shortcuts............................... 184 objects................................ 77,113,114,125
interrupting....................................................26 multi-user vs single-user.............................. 16
object selection..................................... 195

K navigation mode........................................... 31
keyboard shortcuts............................. 184,188 nested assemblies...................................... 110

languages object properties
changing the language........................... 39 in filtering............................................... 147
large icons...................................................... 40 objects
linear array tool...........................................119 copying............................................113,114
loading creating.....................................................76
saved properties......................................83 deleting.....................................................76
local coordinate system............................... 68 filtering................................................... 137

modifying................................................. 76 command buttons................................ 172
moving..................................... 113,114,125 restoring
rotating................................................... 131 toolbars.................................................. 197
selecting................................................. 103 RGB values..................................................... 72
opening ribbon
models...................................................... 15 changing the appearance.......................31
origin...............................................................68 hiding........................................................ 31
ortho............................................................... 40 minimizing.......................................... 31,33
overriding snap switches............................. 98 ribbons
backing up..............................................172
P restoring................................................. 172
paintbrush icon............................................. 82 selecting................................................. 196
panning.......................................................... 28 roles............................................................. 9,12
parts rollover highlight....................................40,194
modifying part shape..............................77 rotating
modifying properties............................ 196 drawing objects..................................... 131
tips.......................................................... 196 objects.................................................... 131
plane views.................................................... 65
in snapping...............................................92
printer line widths.........................................40 S
profiles saving
profile names.........................................162 dialog box properties..............................83
project setup models...................................................... 22
editing project properties.......................17 views......................................................... 64
prompts..........................................................32 screenshots
properties creating...................................................170
copying..................................................... 82 searching
project properties....................................17 for commands and dialog boxes...........30
select on right-click....................................... 40
Q assemblies............................................. 109
cast units................................................ 109
question mark............................................. 162 dates from model..................................194
Quick Launch................................................. 30 interrupting object selection............... 195
nested assemblies................................ 110
objects.............................. 103,106,112,194
R objects in components......................... 110
radial array tool...........................................122 on right-click.......................................... 196
redrawing views............................................ 65 unable to select objects........................112
refreshing views............................................ 65 values from model................................ 194
removing selection filters.....................................106,140
filters.......................................................168 selection switches....................................... 106
reshaping setting up Tekla Structures....................... 9,12
objects...................................................... 77 blank project............................................ 11
resizing setting up
grid............................................................ 45

views......................................................... 45 model templates..................................... 19
work area................................................. 45 thumbnail image........................................... 16
work plane............................................... 45 tips
workspace................................................ 45 copying and moving efficiently............196
settings finding RGB values for colors.................72
model templates..................................... 19 selecting values from model................194
snapping.................................................101 toolbars
units and decimals.................................. 45 contextual toolbar...................................33
shape how to restore....................................... 197
modifying part shape..............................77 selection switches................................. 106
shifting the work plane.................................69 snapping toolbar..................................... 92
shortcuts, see keyboard shortcuts.... 184,188 tooltips........................................................... 26
showing tracking
dimensions............................................ 103 along line.................................................. 98
toolbars.................................................... 98
views......................................................... 63
work area................................................. 66
side panes...................................................... 38
single-user vs multi-user.............................. 16 units and decimals........................................ 45
smart select................................................... 40 updating views.............................................. 65
snap grid........................................................ 97 user interface................................................ 25
snap settings............................................... 101 languages................................................. 39
snap switches................................................ 93 user-defined
overriding................................................. 98 commands............................................. 172
example.................................................... 98
using coordinates....................................98 V
snapping toolbar...........................................92 values
snapping selecting from model............................194
priority...................................................... 92 view filters....................................................140
settings................................................... 101 view plane...................................................... 69
snap depth............................................... 92 view planes
snap override...........................................98 moving...................................................... 54
snap zone................................................. 92 views............................................................... 52
snapshots, see screenshots.......................170 creating.....................................................54
special characters....................................... 162 deleting.....................................................64
status bar....................................................... 32 modifying................................................. 64
switching between naming......................................................64
views......................................................... 65 opening.....................................................63
refreshing................................................. 65
T switching between views........................65
Tekla Structures
user interface...........................................25 W
template attributes warning messages...................................... 197
in filtering............................................... 161 wildcards...................................................... 162

work area....................................................... 66
hiding........................................................ 66
work plane
shifting...................................................... 69
show or hide............................................ 69

zooming in or out..........................................28


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