ICDS Practical Issues
ICDS Practical Issues
ICDS Practical Issues
ICAI National
Convention 2015
WIRC – Ahmedabad Branch
August 7, 2015
Presented by:
Vishal J. Shah
PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd.
• Introduction to ICDS
• Gearing up
Indian Context
Global movement for enhanced tax-book alignment; India will stand out ?
Income Computation & Disclosure Standards August 2015
Slide 6
Where countries stand ?
Particulars Amount
- Legislation approach settled over atleast 90 years (1922 & 1961 Act)
eg. S. 32, S. 43B, Employee benefits, S. 36(1)(iii) – Interest, etc.
• MAT mismatch
- MAT continue to be governed as per books of accounts following ICAI AS
- Accelerated income recognition in ICDS may result in double levy of tax;
no opportunity to offset MAT credit
- Resort to Nagarjuna fertilizers (AP HC) case law – No double taxation
under normal computation and MAT in different years
•Applicability to all Taxpayers
- Amendment in S. 36(1)(vii) to do away with bad debt claim anomaly [Fin. Act, 2015]
Taxpayer ends up paying tax twice on the same income due to mismatch in
normal income and MAT computation
Other instances for MAT mismatch under ICDS – Retention money, provision
for anticipated losses, etc.
Income Computation & Disclosure Standards August 2015
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ICDS IV – Revenue Recognition…
Sale of Goods
• Revenue to be recognised upon transfer of property or upon transfer of
significant risks / rewards of ownership – in line with ICAI AS-9
• Revenue to be recognised only if there is a reasonable certainty of its
ultimate collection
- Uncertainty with regard to price escalation claims or export incentives, revenue
recognition to be postponed
Service Income
• Revenue to be recognised on POCM basis (mutatis mutandis Construction
- Practical hardship in maintaining engagement-wise records - Cost allocation,
intangible parameters, etc.
- No clarity on specific instances of Outcome-based billing, etc.
- Need to revisit; significant impact on SME sector
Income Computation & Disclosure Standards August 2015
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…ICDS IV – Revenue Recognition
ICDS not applicable to securities held by Mutual Funds, VCF, Banks, Public
Financial Institutions, FIIs;
However, would apply to stock brokers, NBFCs, traders
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…ICDS VIII – Securities...
Key Issues:
• Portfolio approach vis-à-vis individual security wise valuation
- MAT mismatch
Individual Security Cost NRV Valuation
Company A 100 20 20
Company B 100 30 30
Company C 100 40 40
Company D 100 300 100
Valuation (ICAI AS-13) 190
Other Aspects:
• Actual cost – comprises of purchase price and acquisition charges such as
brokerage, fees, tax, duty or cess
- STT also included in actual cost
• Cessation of Capitalisation
- For tangible and intangible asset – When such asset is first put to use
- For inventory – When substantially all activities are completed upto saleable condition
Income Computation & Disclosure Standards August 2015
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…ICDS IX – Borrowing Costs
Key Aspects:
• Amendment in S. 36(1)(iii) – Fin. Act, 2015
- Words “for extension of existing business or profession” removed in first proviso
- Interest costs pertaining to acquisition of asset now to be capitalised
- Favourable judicial decisions overruled [Core Health Care (215 CTR 1) (SC), etc.]
• Share-based payments
• Revenue recognition by Real Estate developers
• Service concession agreements
• Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources
Solution series - Ind AS Thrust on fair value accounting April 2015
PwC Slide 38
Ind AS Convergence – Key Impact Areas
Option 11
Key Objectives
Dual set of accounts
• Overall tax neutral transition to
Ind AS
• Reduce uncertainty & litigation
Option 22
Option • Equality in taxation
Where Ind-AS
● Review of deviations from ICAI-AS to ICDS
not adopted –
ICAI-AS to ICDS ● Impact analysis of ICDS
Vishal J Shah
Direct Tax and Regulatory Services
Direct: +91 22 6689 1455 | Mobile: +91 99 6754 5861
Email: [email protected]
PricewaterhouseCoopers Private Limited
PwC House, Plot 18/A, Guru Nanak Road,
Station Road, Bandra West, Mumbai 400 050