Ijciet 07 06 042
Ijciet 07 06 042
Ijciet 07 06 042
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3 authors:
Abinaya Sekar
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology
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All content following this page was uploaded by Grija Selvamani on 21 December 2016.
Concrete plays a vital role as a construction material in the world. But the use of concrete as a
structural material is limited to certain extent by deficiencies like brittleness, poor tensile strength
and poor resistance to impact strength, fatigue, low ductility and low durability. In the present
scenario, waste materials from various industries and admixtures are added to the mix. Over 300
million tons of industrial wastes are being produced per annum by chemical and agricultural
process in India. These materials pose problems of disposal and health hazards. Hypo sludge is the
waste material from paper industry that has some chemical properties similar to that of cement.
Hence it can be used as an economical building cementitious material thus reducing the disposal
and air pollution problems caused by the paper industry. Recron 3s acts as "secondary
reinforcement" in concrete which arrests shrinkage cracks resistance to impact/abrasion & greatly
improves quality of construction. In this study, an experimental investigation shall be conducted on
strength of concrete containing hypo sludge and recron 3s fibers. Hypo sludge has to be added at a
dosage of 25%, 50% and recron 3s fibers has to be added at a dosage of 0.5%, 1% by weight of
cement. In this paper, studies shall be conducted on M30 mix and tests like compression test, split
tensile test, flexural test, capillary and porosity shall be conducted. Finally, the results of fiber
reinforced concrete shall be compared with the conventional concrete.
Key words: Concrete, Industrial Wastes, Hypo Sludge, Recron 3s Fibers, Secondary
Reinforcement, Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Conventional Concrete
Cite this Article: A Review on Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Grija.S, Shanthini.D, Abinaya.S.
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 7(6), 2016, pp.386–392.
Concrete is widely recognized as a cost-effective, versatile construction material. But it is also covered
with a number of drawbacks that are inherent to its composition. By generally accepted engineering
standards, concrete is relatively brittle and lacks flexural strength. Intertwined with these problems is
concrete’s propensity to crack in both its plastic (early-age) and hardened (long-term) state. Early-age
cracks are microscopic fissures caused by the intrinsic stresses created when the concrete settles and
shrinks over the first 24 hours after being placed. Long-term cracking is in part caused by the shrinkage
that transpires over the months, perhaps years, of drying that follow. In either case, these cracks can
jeopardize the overall integrity of the concrete and not allow it to maintain or possibly ever attain its
maximum performance capability. The demand for high strength, crack resistant and lighter concrete
resulted in development of fiber reinforced concrete. Recron3S Fiber Reinforcement Systems can provide
a solution to most of these problems.
Recron 3S is an secondary reinforcement product for construction developed in house by Reliance
Industries Limited at State of Art R&D facility at Patalganga. The uniqueness of Recron 3S fiber is its
triangular shape, which give better anchoring with concrete, which is not found in most of the fibers
available worldwide.
Recron 3S Fibers act as an internal support system, facilitating the retention of a homogenous concrete
mix. Fibers randomly oriented in the concrete matrix provide a unique bridging mechanism by virtue of
which intrinsic cracks formed are intercepted and bridges by the fiber right at the micro level. Fiber
parameters which govern the crack control and failure inhibition action include:
• High Fiber Area
• High Bond Strength
• Balanced Fiber Pull-Out & Rupture Strengths
• High Fiber Aspect Ration (L/D)
Recron 3S Fibers not only retards crack initiation but also reduces the crack width expansion caused by
long term thermal gradient exposures & induced stress due to dynamic & static loading on the structure.
Recron 3S Fibers exhibits better ductile characteristics & is found to sustain more load after peak
before brittle failure.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 27 percent of municipal solid waste
(MSW) is comprised of paper waste. About 100 million kg of toxic pollutants are released every year from
the paper industry.
Environmental problems regarding the paper industry are not limited to high water consumption. Solid
wastes including sludge generated from wastewater treatment plants and air emissions cause further
problems, thus an effective disposal and treatment approach is essential.
Hypo sludge is produced in a large amount as a by - product of paper industry and is usually used in
concrete production as partial replacement of cement. It contains low calcium, magnesium and minimum
amount of silica and due to presence of silica and magnesium properties, it behaves like cement. Use of
hypo sludge in concrete can save the paper industry disposal costs and also produces a sustainable concrete
for construction.
Literature Review on Hypo sludge
Dharani .N (2015)
The authors indicated that:
• 10% replacement of cement with Hypo sludge and 50% replacement of fine aggregate with Copper slag
show increase in compressive strength and flexural strength compared to other combinations.
• 10% replacement of cement with Hypo sludge and 40% replacement of fine aggregate with Copper slag
show increase in split tensile strength compared to conventional mix.
• With increase in curing days 30% replacement of cement with hypo sludge shows decrease in split tensile
strength when compared to other combinations.
• The addition of fibers increases tensile strength across the entire range of water/cement factors from 0.5 to
0.7 in respect to the benchmark concrete.
• The concretes with high compressive and tensile strength (at bending) have higher abrasive resistance, so
these parameters may serve as indicators of the abrasive–erosive resistance of concrete.
• The polypropylene fibrillated fibers proved better in respect to the monofilament fibers in terms of abrasive–
erosive resistance of concrete.
T.Sandeep (2015)
The authors reported that:
• Both grades of concrete attained maximum value at 25- 30% of flyash replacement in the 28 days
compressive test.
• Compressive strength gets increased by 12% with addition of flyash when compared to plain concrete.
The materials to be used are Cement, Fine aggregate, Coarse aggregate, Recron3s fiber, Hypo sludge and
Recron 3s Fibers
• Improves homogeneity of the concrete by reducing segregation of aggregates.
• Reduces shrinkage cracks/micro cracks.
• Increases abrasion resistance by more than 25%.
• Increases impact and shatter resistance by 100%.
• Increases ductility, compressive, flexural and tensile strength.
• Reduces water permeability which helps prevent correction of primary steel.
Hypo Sludge
• Hypo Sludge is used as a replacement of cement hence cost of production is less.
• Save the paper industry disposal costs.
• Produces a sustainable concrete for construction.
Recron 3s fibers are applied in the following cases:
• Floorings ,
• Grade Slabs,
• Foundations,
• Retaining Walls,
• Shotcrete,
segregation, cost of maintenance by reducing the micro cracks and permeability and hence the durability
will increase.
Dharani .N (2015)
The authors indicated that 10% replacement of cement with Hypo sludge and 50% replacement of fine
aggregate with Copper slag shows increase in compressive strength and flexural strength compared to
other combinations and 10% replacement of cement with Hypo sludge and 40% replacement of fine
aggregate with Copper slag shows increase in split tensile strength compared to conventional mix.
T.Sandeep (2015)
The authors reported that these fibers are causing 30% of increase in the 28-days compressive strength in
the presence of 0.25% recron and 25% flyash substitution.
Since the use of concrete is limited due to certain deficiencies like brittleness, poor tensile strength and
poor resistance to impact strength, fatigue, low ductility and low durability, Recron 3s fibers shall be added
to develop the requisite characteristics of concrete. Hypo sludge produced in a large amount as by product
of paper industry and is usually used in concrete production as partial replacement of cement. In order to
study the use of Recron 3s fibers and Hypo sludge in concrete, investigations shall be carried out on M30
grade of concrete. The specimens like cubes, cylinders and beams shall be cast and shall be subjected to
curing for 7 days and 28 days. After curing, the tests like Compressive strength test, Split tensile strength
test, Flexural strength test, Capillary test and Porosity test shall be carried out.Hypo sludge shall be added
at a dosage of 25%, 50% and recron 3s fibers shall be added at a dosage of 0.5%, 1% by weight of
cement.Finally, the results shall be compared with the conventional concrete specimens.
The addition of Recon 3s fibres into concrete mixes improves the Compressive strength, Split tensile
strength and Flexural strength at 28 days for fibre mixes when compared with that of control mix. The
volume fraction of fibre concrete mix gives better strength values on par with control mix. The capillary
absorption coefficient and porosity increases with addition of fibres. Industrial waste materials were found
to be performing better than normal concrete, in properties such as workability, durability, permeability
and compressive strength. Utilization of these wastes in concrete will not only provide economy but also
help in reducing disposal problems.
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