Digest 1-5
Digest 1-5
Digest 1-5
Order No. 1008, the CIAC acquires solicitor general, petitioner maneuvered to
jurisdiction when the parties agree to submit avoid the RTC’s final resolution of the
their dispute to voluntary arbitration. Thus, dispute by arguing that the regular court
in the present case, its jurisdiction continued also lost jurisdiction after the arbitral
despite its April 13, 1994 Order referring the tribunal’s April 13, 1994 Order referring the
case back to the Regional Trial Court (RTC) case back to the RTC. After submitting itself
of Quezon City, Branch 82, the court of to arbitration proceedings and actively
origin. The CIACs action was based on the participating therein, petitioner is estopped
principle that once acquired, jurisdiction from assailing the jurisdiction of the CIAC,
remains until the full termination of the case merely because the latter rendered an
unless a law provides the contrary adverse decision.
A Petition for Certiorari earlier elevated by
petitioner questioning the jurisdiction of the
CIAC. Petitioner contends that respondent
spouses were negligent in not engaging the
ISSUE : Whether or not the CIAC could take services of an engineer or architect who
jurisdiction over the case of Respondent Cid should oversee their construction, in
spouses against Petitioner Philrock after the
violation of Section 308 of the National
case had been dismissed by both the RTC
and the CIAC. Building Code. It adds that even if the
concrete it delivered was defective,
HELD : Section 4 of Executive Order 1008 respondent spouses should bear the loss
expressly vests in the CIAC original and arising from their illegal operation. In short,
exclusive jurisdiction over disputes arising it alleges that they had no cause of action
from or connected with construction
against it.
contracts entered into by parties that have
agreed to submit their dispute to voluntary We disagree. Cause of action is
arbitration. It is undisputed that the parties defined as an act or omission by which a
submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of
party violates the right of another.[12] A
the Commission by virtue of their
Agreement to Arbitrate dated November 24, complaint is deemed to have stated a cause
1993. Signatories to the Agreement were of action provided it has indicated the
Atty. Ismael J. Andres and Perry Y. Uy following: (1) the legal right of the plaintiff,
(president of Philippine Rock Products, Inc.) (2) the correlative obligation of the
for petitioner, and Nelia G. Cid and Atty. defendant, and (3) the act or the omission of
Esteban A. Bautista for respondent spouses the defendant in violation of the said legal
right.[13] The cause of action against
Petitioner claims, on the other hand, that petitioner was clearly
this Agreement was withdrawn by established. Respondents were purchasers
respondents on April 8, 1994, because of of ready-mix concrete from petitioner. The
the exclusion of the seven engineers of concrete delivered by the latter turned out to
petitioners in the arbitration case. This be of substandard quality. As a result,
contention is untenable. First, private respondents sustained damages when the
respondents removed the obstacle to the
continuation of the arbitration, precisely by structures they built using such cement
withdrawing their objection to the exclusion developed cracks and
of the seven engineers. Second, petitioner honeycombs. Consequently, the
continued participating in the arbitration construction of their residence had to be
even after the CIAC Order had been stopped.
issued. Finally, as pointed out by the
EXCELLENT QUALITY APPAREL, INC. calendar days. Included in the contract is an
vs. WIN MULTI RICH BUILDERS, INC., arbitration clause.
represented by its President, WILSON G.
CHUA Respondent Win Multi-Rich Builders, Inc.
G.R. No. 175048 | February 10, 2009 | (Win) was incorporated with Chua as its
TINGA, J. President and General Manager. Win later
filed a complaint for a sum of money against
SUMMARY: Excellent Quality and Multi-
Rich entered into a contract of construction. petitioner and Mr. Ying amounting
Multi-Rich was headed by Wilson G. Chua, to P8,634,448.20. It also prayed for the
who later registered the corporation Win issuance of a writ of attachment claiming
Multi-Rich Builders, Inc. with the SEC. Win that Mr. Ying was about to abscond and
filed a complaint for a sum of money against Excellent Quality was about to close. RTC
Excellent Quality together with a writ of issued the writ. Petitioner pointed to the
attachment upon the claim that Excellent
presence of the Arbitration Clause and it
Quality was about to close down and that
Mr. Ying was about to abscond. Excellent asserted that the case should be referred to
Quality questioned the personality of Win to the Construction Industry Arbitration
institute the case as it (Excellent) did not Commission (CIAC) pursuant to Executive
contract with Win, but rather with Multi-Rich. Order (E.O.) No. 1008.
The SC held that Win had no personality to
sue and could not claim any rights as
against Excellent Quality.
In the hearing held on 10 February 2004,
DOCTRINE: The plaintiff in the collection the counsel of Win moved that its name
suit is a corporation. The name cannot be in the case be changed from "Win Multi-
changed to that of a sole proprietorship, Rich Builders, Inc." to "Multi-Rich
which is what Multi-Rich was. A sole Builders, Inc." It was only then that
proprietorship is not vested with juridical petitioner apparently became aware of
personality to file or defend an action. the variance in the name of the plaintiff.
In order for a corporation to be able to file In the Reply filed by petitioner, it moved to
suit and claim the receivables of its dismiss the case since Win was not the
predecessor in business, in this case a sole contractor and neither a party to the
proprietorship, it must show proof that the contract, thus it cannot institute the case.
corporation had acquired the assets and Petitioner obtained a Certificate of Non-
liabilities of the sole proprietorship. Registration of Corporation/Partnership from
the SEC which certified that the latter did
FACTS: not have any records of a "Multi-Rich
On 26 March 1996, petitioner Excellent Builders, Inc."
Quality Apparel, Inc. then represented by
Max L.F. Ying, Vice-President for Win admitted that it was only incorporated
Productions, and Alfiero R. Orden, on 20 February 1997 while the construction
Treasurer, entered into a contract with Multi- contract was executed on 26 March 1996.
Rich Builders (Multi-Rich) represented by Likewise, it admitted that at the time of
Wilson G. Chua (Chua), its President and execution of the contract, Multi-Rich was a
General Manager, for the construction of a registered sole proprietorship and was
garment factory within the Cavite Philippine issued a business permit by the Office of
Economic Zone Authority (CPEZ). The the Mayor of Manila.
duration of the project was for a maximum
period of five (5) months or 150 consecutive The RTC issued an Order which granted the
motion to deposit the garnished amount.
The CA reversed the grant of the motion In order for a corporation to be able to
but it also ruled that the RTC had file suit and claim the receivables of its
jurisdiction over the case since it is a suit for predecessor in business, in this case a
collection of sum of money. sole proprietorship, it must show proof
that the corporation had acquired the
ISSUES: assets and liabilities of the sole
(1) WON Win has a legal personality to proprietorship. Win could have easily
institute the present case – No (Main issue presented or attached any document e.g.,
for class) deed of assignment which will show
(2) does the RTC have jurisdiction over the whether the assets, liabilities and
case notwithstanding the presence of the receivables of Multi-Rich were acquired by
arbitration clause – No. So similarly, the Win. Having been given the opportunity to
issuance of the writ of attachment and the rebut the allegations made by petitioner,
subsequent garnishment proper. Win failed to use that opportunity. Thus, we
cannot presume that Multi-Rich is the
HELD: predecessor-in-business of Win and hold
(Issue 1) that the latter has standing to institute the
A real party in interest is the party who collection suit.
stands to be benefited or injured by the
judgment in the suit, or the party entitled to (Issue 2)
the avails of the suit. Unless otherwise Assuming arguendo that Win has legal
authorized by law or these Rules, every personality, the petition will still be granted.
action must be prosecuted or defended in The CIAC acquires jurisdiction over a
the name of the real party in interest. construction contract by the mere fact that
the parties agreed to submit to voluntary
Is Win a real party in interest? We answer in arbitration. The law does not preclude
the negative. parties from stipulating a preferred forum or
arbitral body but they may not divest the
Win admitted that the contract was CIAC of jurisdiction as provided by law.
executed between Multi-Rich and petitioner. Arbitration is an alternative method of
It further admitted that Multi-Rich was a sole dispute resolution which is highly
proprietorship with a business permit issued encouraged. The arbitration clause is a
by the Office of the Mayor of Manila. The commitment on the part of the parties to
sole proprietor is personally liable for all the submit to arbitration the disputes covered
debts and obligations of the business. since that clause is binding, and they are
expected to abide by it in good faith.
The original petition was instituted by Win, Clearly, the RTC should not have taken
which is a SEC-registered corporation. It cognizance of the collection suit. The
filed a collection of sum of money suit which presence of the arbitration clause vested
involved a construction contract entered into jurisdiction to the CIAC over all construction
by petitioner and Multi-Rich, a sole disputes between Petitioner and Multi-Rich.
proprietorship. The counsel of Win wanted .The RTC does not have jurisdiction.
to change the name of the plaintiff in the suit
to Multi-Rich. The change cannot be Based on the foregoing, there is no need to
countenanced. The plaintiff in the discuss the propriety of the issuance of the
collection suit is a corporation. The writ of attachment. However, we cannot
name cannot be changed to that of a allow Win to retain the garnished amount
sole proprietorship. Again, a sole which was turned over by the RTC. The
proprietorship is not vested with juridical RTC did not have jurisdiction to issue
personality to file or defend an action. the questioned writ of attachment and to
order the release of the garnished funds.
Section 4 of EO 1008 provides for the work order and interest/cost of money up to
jurisdiction of the CIAC, and excluded only December 31, 2003.
from the coverage of this law are disputes
from employer-employee relationships MCWD filed its Answer dated April
which shall be governed by the Labor Code 27, 2004, which included a motion to
dismiss the complaint on the ground that the
CIAC had no jurisdiction over the case, as
the Contract was not one for construction or
Metropolitan Cebu Water District v.
Mactan Rock Industries, Inc., The CIAC issued an order denying MCWD’s
G.R. No. 172438, July 4, 2012 motion to dismiss and called the parties to a
preliminary conference for the review and
Facts: signing of the Terms of Reference. MCWD
then filed a petition for certiorari with Court
Petitioner Metropolitan Cebu Water of Appeals questioning the jurisdiction of the
District (MCWD) is a government-owned CIAC.
and controlled corporation , is mandated to
supply water within its service area in the The CIAC proceeded with the scheduled
cities of Cebu, Talisay, Mandaue, and Lapu- preliminary conference which MWCD did
Lapu and the municipalities of Compostela, not attend. MRII and the CIAC both signed
Liloan, Consolacion, and Cordova in the the Terms of Reference, and pursuant
Province of Cebu. thereto, MRII submitted its documentary
evidence and affidavits of its witnesses, and
subsequently filed its Formal Offer of
Respondent Metro Rock Industries,
Evidence and memorandum of arguments
Inc. (MRII) is a domestic corporation with
in the form of a draft decision. MCWD did
principal office address at the 2nd Level of
not attend the hearings, did not submit
the Waterfront Cebu Hotel and Casino,
evidence other than those annexed to its
Lahug, Cebu City.
Answer, and did not file a formal offer of
evidence or a memorandum. The CIAC
MCWD entered into a Water Supply promulgated its Decision which, among
Contract (the Contract) with MRII wherein it others, ordered the reformation of Clause
was agreed that the latter would supply 17 of the Water Supply Contract and
MCWD with potable water, in accordance payment by MCWD to MRII under the
with the World Health Organization (WHO) reformed Clause 17 of the net amount of
standard or the Philippine national standard, PHP12,126,296.70 plus legal interest; with
with a minimum guaranteed annual volume. the parties sharing equally the cost of
MRII filed a Complaint against
MCWD with the CIAC. MRII sought the MWCD appealed the CIAC decision. The
reformation of Clause 17 of the Contract, or Supreme Court ruled against MWCD.
the Price Escalation/De-Escalation Clause,
in order to include Capital Cost Recovery in Issue: WON CIAC had no jurisdiction over
the price escalation formula, and to have the case.
such revised formula applied from 1996
when the bidding was conducted, instead of MAY THE CONSTRUCTION
from the first day when MRII started selling INDUSTRY [ARBITRATION]
water to MCWD. It also sought the payment COMMISSION EXERCISE
of the unpaid price escalation/adjustment, JURISDICTION OVER
and the payment of unpaid variation/extra DISPUTES ARISING FROM
A WATER SUPPLY government or private contracts. For the
CONTRACT? Board to acquire jurisdiction, the parties to a
dispute must agree to submit the same to
the parties apparently characterized voluntary arbitration.
the Contract as one involving construction,
The jurisdiction of the CIAC may
as its arbitration clause specifically refers include but is not limited to violation of
disputes, controversies or claims arising out specifications for materials and
of or relating to the Contract or the breach, workmanship; violation of the terms of
agreement; interpretation and/or application
termination or validity thereof, if the same of contractual provisions; amount of
cannot be settled amicably, to an arbitration damages and penalties; commencement
tribunal, in accordance with E.O. No. 1008, time and delays; maintenance and defects;
payment default of employer or contractor
or the Construction Industry Arbitration Law: and changes in contract cost.
Where the law does not delineate, neither Litis pendentia is predicated on the principle
should we. Neither the provisions of the that a party should not be allowed to vex
Civil Code on reformation of contracts nor another more than once regarding the same
the law creating CIAC exclude reformation
subject matter and for the same cause of
in its jurisdiction. Therefore, because the
CIAC has been held to have jurisdiction action
over the contract, it follows that it has
jurisdiction to order the reformation of the
contract as well.
BF Corporation v. Court of Appeals et.al.
W/N MWCD casn validly refuse to G.R. No. 120105
participate in the proceedings.
Considering the affirmation of the CIAC’s March 27, 1998
jurisdiction, the Supreme Court ruled that
the CIAC could proceed with the case even
if the MCWD refused to participate in the
arbitration proceedings. It said that the ROMERO, J.:
refusal of a party to participate in the
arbitration proceedings, cannot prevent the
CIAC from proceeding with the case and
issuing an award in favor of one of the FACTS:
parties. Under the Revised CIAC Rules, the
failure of a respondent to appear, which - BF Corporation (BF) and
amounts to refusal to arbitrate, will not stay respondent Shangri-La Properties,
the proceedings, notwithstanding the Inc. (Shang) entered into the 1st
absence of the respondent or the lack of agreement whereby Shang engaged
participation of such party. In such cases, BF to construct the main structure of
the CIAC is mandated to appoint the the EDSA Plaza Project – the EDSA
arbitrator/s in accordance with the Revised Shangri-La Mall – in Mandaluyong
CIAC Rules, and the arbitration proceedings City.
shall continue and an award made after - While the construction work was in
receiving the evidence of the claimant. In progress Shang once again hired BF
support of the ruling, the Supreme Court for the expansion of the project, the
cited previous case where it held that the 2nd agreement.
CIAC has jurisdiction over a construction - BF incurred delay in the construction
dispute even though only one of the parties work that SPI considered as serious
requested for arbitration, or even if both and substantial. BF contended that
parties had withdrawn their consent to they had faithfully complied with the
arbitrate. first agreement until a fire broke out
on [Nov 30, 1990] damaging phase
In any event the Supreme Court noted the 1 of the project, Hence SPI
party who did not participate is not without a proposed the renegotiation of the
remedy. Under the Revised CIAC Rules, a agreement between them.
respondent who failed to appear is still - [May 30, 1991] – Parties entered
given the opportunity to move for the into another agreement named
reopening of the proceedings to present “Agreement for the Execution of
evidence, provided that this is done before Builders Work for the EDSA Plaza
an award is issued. Project” (3rd agreement) that would
cover the construction work on said
project as of [May 1, 1991] until its
eventual completion.
- [July 14, 1993] BF filed with the RTC - In its sur-rejoinder, Shang pointed
of Pasig a complaint for the out the significance of the petitioners
collection of the balance due under admission of the due execution of
the construction agreement. Named the Articles of Agreement. It was
Defendants therein were Shang and shown that the Signature of Colayco
members of its board of directors – (Shang President) and Bayani
A. Ramos, Colayco, Obles, Lanuza Fernando (BF President) was in
Jr., Licauco & B.Ramos. such agreement and was even duly
- [Aug 3, 1993] Shang and its co- notarized.
defendants filed a motion to suspend - The RTC found that the arbitration
proceedings instead of filing an clause did exist, however the lower
answer. court denied motion to suspend
o Motion was anchored on the proceedings and ruled in favor of BF
defendants allegation that (see reasons below)
the formal trade contract of o This was because despite
the the construction project the fact there was an
provided for a clause arbitration agreement, the
requiring prior resort to Conditions of Contract only
arbitration before judicial the initials of Bayani
intervention. Fernando was present, while
- [Aug 4, 1993] Shang submitted a no signature on the part of
copy of the condition of the contract Shang.
containing arbitration clause that it o There were no singed
failed to attach its motion to suspend documents to prove Shang’s
proceedings. claims thus there is serious
- BF opposed said motion stating that doubt to the validity of the
there was no formal contract arbitration clause found in
between the parties although they the Conditions of Contract
entered into an agreement. They o Assuming that the arbitration
emphasized that the agreement did clause was valid and binding,
not provide for an arbitration thus it was too late for Shang to
cannot deprive the court of its invoke arbitration because:
jurisdiction. the demand should
- Shang insisted that there was an have been made
arbitration clause in the existing before the time of
contract between them. It alleged final payment except
that the suspension would not as otherwise
deprive the court of its jurisdiction expressly stipulated
and would expedite the settlement in the contract
proceedings rather than delay it. the court found that
- In a rejoinder, BF reiterated that the project was to be
there was no arbitration clause in the completed on [Oct 31,
contract bewtween the parties. It 1991] and any delays
averred that if there was an would incur 80K for
arbitration clause, suspension of the each day of delay
proceedings was no longer proper from [Nov 1,1991]
and that defendants should be with liquefied
declared in default for failure to damages up to a
answer within the reglementary maximum of 5% of
period. the total contract
the court found out none from Shang, it does not
that the project was affect its effectivity. BF
completed in categorically admitted that
accordance with the the document is the
agreement and agreement bewtween the
Shang had took parties, the initial signature of
possession and BF representative to signify
started operations conformity to arbitration is no
thereof by opening longer necessary. The
the same to the public parties should be allowed to
in [Nov, 1911]. submit their dispute to
BF billed Shang the arbitration in accordance with
total amount of their agreement.
P110,883,101.52 o Demand for arbitration was
contained in a made within a reasonable
demand letter sent on time after the dispute has
Feb 17, 1993. Instead arisen and attempts to settle
of paying the amound amicably has failed. This was
demanded, SPI set evidenced by the fact that
up its own claim of such demands were acted
P220,000,000.00 and upon only months. Jul 12
scheduled a conference > Jul 14 Shang
conference on that complaint against BF > Aug
claim for July 12, 13 Request for arbitration.
1993. The conference - Hence the petition before the
took place but was Supreme Court.
- Shang filed a motion for
reconsideration but was denied
because of lack of merit and directed
the other defendants to file their ISSUE:
responsive pleading within the
reglementary period. WON the parties entered into an
- Instead of filing an answer to the arbitrary agreement
complaint, SPI filed a petition for
Certiorari under Rule 65 before the
Court of appeals.
- The Court of Appeals granted the
petition and annulled and set aside
the orders and stayed the HELD:
proceedings in the lower court.
o According to the contract the Yes, according to Sec 4 of R.A. 876
project manager and the a contract to arbitrate a controversy
contractor should coordinate thereafter arising between the parties, as
with the owner, should there well as a submission to arbitrate an existing
be failure to resolve controversy, shall be in writing and
differences, dispute shall be
subscribed by the party sought to be
submitted for arbitration.
o Although it was only the charged, or by his lawful agent.
initials of Bayani Fernando
and De La Cruz present and
The making of a contract or submission for contract may be encompassed in several
arbitration described in section two hereof, instruments even though every instrument is
providing for arbitration of any controversy, not signed by the parties, since it is
shall be deemed a consent of the parties of sufficient if the unsigned instruments are
the province or city where any of the parties clearly identified or referred to and made
resides, to enforce such contract of part of the signed instrument or instruments.
submission. (Underscoring supplied.) Similarly, a written agreement of which
there are two copies, one signed by each of
The formal requirements of an the parties, is binding on both to the same
agreement to arbitrate are therefore the extent as though there had been only one
following: copy of the agreement and both had signed
(a) it must be in writing and
(b) it must be subscribed by the parties
or their representatives. • William Golangco Construction
There is no denying that the parties Corporation v. Ray Burton
entered into a written contract that was Development Corporation, G.R. No.
submitted in evidence before the lower 163582, August 9, 2010
court. To subscribe means to write
underneath, as ones name; to sign at the Facts:
end of a document. That word may
sometimes be construed to mean to give Ray Burton Development
consent to or to attest. Corporation (RBDC) and William Golangco
Construction Corporation (WGCC) entered
The Court finds that, upon a scrutiny of
into a Contract for the construction of the
the records of this case, these requisites
Elizabeth Place (Office/Residential
were complied with in the contract in
question. The Articles of Agreement, which
incorporates all the other contracts and
agreements between the parties, was WGCC filed a complaint with a
signed by representatives of both parties request for arbitration with the Construction
and duly notarized. The failure of the private Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC). In
respondents representative to initial the its complaint, private respondent prayed
`Conditions of Contract would therefore not that CIAC render judgment ordering
affect compliance with the formal petitioner to pay private respondent the
requirements for arbitration agreements amount of, to wit:
because that particular portion of the
covenants between the parties was included 1. P24,703,132.44 for the
by reference in the Articles of Agreement. unpaid balance on the
contract price;
Petitioners contention that there was no
arbitration clause because the contract 2. P10,602,670.25 for the
incorporating said provision is part of a unpaid balance on the labor
hodge-podge document, is therefore cost adjustment;
untenable. A contract need not be contained
in a single writing. It may be collected from 3. P9,264,503.70 for the
several different writings which do not unpaid balance of additive
conflict with each other and which, when works;
connected, show the parties, subject matter,
terms and consideration, as in contracts
entered into by correspondence.[13] A
4. P2,865,615.10 for differences in interpretation of the contract
extended overhead documents shall be submitted for
expenses; arbitration, while the allegations in the
complaint make out a case for collection of
5. P1,395,364.01 for sum of money. Petitioner moved for
materials cost adjustment reconsideration of said ruling, but the same
and trade contractors' utilities was denied
Issue: whether or not CIAC has jurisdiction
6. P4,835,933.95 for interest over the case.
charges on unpaid overdue
billings on labor cost Held: CIAC had jurisdiction over the dispute
adjustment and change between herein parties
The CIAC has original and exclusive
or for a total of Fifty Three Million Six jurisdiction over disputes arising from, or
Hundred Sixty-Seven Thousand Two connected with, contracts entered into by
Hundred Nineteen and 45/xx parties involved in construction in the
(P53,667,219.45) and interest charges Philippines and all that is needed for the
based on the prevailing bank rates on the CIAC to acquire jurisdiction is for the parties
foregoing amount from March 1, 2002 and to agree to submit the same to voluntary
until such time as the same shall be fully arbitration. Respondent's contention, that
paid. the only disputes it agreed to submit to
voluntary arbitration are those arising from
RBDC filed a Motion to Dismiss the interpretation of contract documents and it
aforesaid complaint on the ground of lack of argued that the claims alleged in petitioner's
jurisdiction. It is petitioner's contention that complaint are not disputes arising from
the CIAC acquires jurisdiction over disputes interpretation of contract documents, hence,
arising from or connected with construction the CIAC cannot assume jurisdiction over
contracts only when the parties to the the case, is tenuous.
contract agree to submit the same to
voluntary arbitration. In the contract The contract between herein parties
between petitioner and private respondent, contained an arbitration clause which mean
petitioner claimed that only disputes by that parties agreed to submit disputes
reason of differences in interpretation of the arising by reason of differences in
contract documents shall be deemed interpretation of the contract to a Board of
subject to arbitration. Arbitrators the composition of which is
mutually agreed upon by the parties, and,
CIAC RULED THAT IT HAS as a last resort, any other dispute which had
JURIDICTION. Petitioner RBDC filed [with not been resolved by the Board of
the Court of Appeals (CA)] a petition for Arbitrators shall be submitted to the
Certiorari and Prohibition with prayer for the Construction Arbitration Authority created by
issuance of a temporary restraining order the government, which is no other than the
and a writ of preliminary injunction. CIAC. Moreover, other matters not dealt
with by provisions of the contract or by
CA rendered the assailed Decision special agreements shall be governed by
granting the petition for certiorari, ruling that provisions of the Construction Industry
the CIAC had no jurisdiction over the Arbitration Law, or Executive Order No.
subject matter of the case because the 1008.
parties agreed that only disputes regarding
Petitioner's claims that it is entitled connected with, contracts entered into by
to payment for several items under their the parties involved in construction in the
contract, which claims are, in turn, refuted Philippines.
by respondent, involves a "dispute arising
from differences in interpretation of the Thus, there is no question that in this
contract. case, the CIAC properly took cognizance of
petitioner's complaint as it had jurisdiction
Under Section 1, Article III of the over the same.
CIAC Rules, an arbitration clause in a
construction contract shall be deemed as an
agreement to submit an existing or future
controversy to CIAC jurisdiction,
"notwithstanding the reference to a different
arbitration institution or arbitral body in such
contract x x x." Elementary is the rule that
when laws or rules are clear, it is incumbent
on the court to apply them. When the law
(or rule) is unambiguous and unequivocal,
application, not interpretation thereof, is