BTS Command Reference Guide
BTS Command Reference Guide
BTS Command Reference Guide
NOOP - Not Operational COM - Defined and in service, but manually blocked DEF -
Defined, out of service Print status of all MOs in site at once Block a whole site
down at once Unload a whole site at once Print Fault information for MO Disconnect
TG from Cell Connect TG to Cell Get TG number for the Cell Print cells attached to
the TG Test MO
- Deblock the DIP - Block the DIP - Print initial data for DIP (LC and FRS must be
1 for ESF/B8ZS) - Status the DIP - Get SNT Number for the DIP - Print quality
supervision values for the DIP - Print quality supervision parameters for the DIP -
Clears quality supervision hits on the DIP - Remove a device from service - Bring
device into service - Deblocks the SNT - Blocks the SNT - Print Devices on that
SNT, for all DIPs - Test the SNT - Print blocking supervision levels for DETY -
Assign CICs to RALT24 type devices. If doing a range of devices, just put the CIC
for the 1st device and they will sequence. - Print SNT for specified RBLT24 -
Initiates call trace on specified device - Initiate call trace on a specific
traffic channel - If "SEIZURE SUPERVISION OF DEVICES IN BSC" alarm of RALT24
devices is active, this command will print those devices that have never been used,
or have been continuously busy. - Clears "Seizure supervision of devices in
BSC"alarm - Prints data on Seizure supervision alarm - Print device information for
the MO (CF,etc.) This tells what transcoder devices and Radio Handler devices the
MO is connected to, along with RBLT24s. - Load a TRAB board (SNT) - Print software
version of a TRAB board (DETY, ACL, Period length, status) - Deblock individual
transcoder device - Block individual transcoder devices (Actually blocks 5 devices,
the one specified and the next 4. The one specified is a MUX and the next 4 are
DEMUX). - Status individual devices on the DIP
- Print Disturbances for a TSM (Will reset unless NORESET is specified) for each
SNTP - Print CLM control values (note daily and compare) - Print clock reference
supervision - Print clock reference state - Block a clock reference - Deblock a
clock reference - Test a clock reference - Print what’s on a specific TSM Deblock
the EM Block the EM Deblock the RP Block the RP RP Event Record Changes cm (em)
control from RP to the twin See what's on the RP,and devices on each EM Status for
RP and its twin Print RP Software Unit Data Print RP Properties Block RP, makes
accessible only from seperated side of CP Tells what RP the device is on (in the
BSC) Tells what RP the device is on (in the MSC) Diagnostic test To replace a board
Deblock and repair check
Exit local mode, log off from terminal Print recent temporary CP errors Print
recent permanent CP errors Print recent CP Bit Errors Print Error Interrupt
information (FC 3 means no errors) Print information from Error Interrupt during
parallel start Print CP Error Record (APZ 212 20 only)
- Separate the SB side from the WO side - Switch operational sides of the CP
(Executive to Standby and vice-versa)
Print state of CP Access Local mode in the CP Disconnect from CPT Connect to CPT
function in CPG CP State (Same as DPWSP) Print CP Processor load
ALACP; - Print Alarm Category Data (Which ALCAT is which number) ALALP; - Print
status of ALI ALCLP; - Print alarm class data ALCLC:ACLNO=0,ACL=A1,ALDB; - Set up
alarm panel to ring bell for A1 alarms ALDIP; - Print Alarm Display type. Type 1
for ALAMP board ROF 137 7946/1, Type 2 for any other type. (Check if you don’t get
a buzzer for A1 alarms.) ALEXI:DEV=EXAL2-XX; - Connect alarm receiver and external
alarm (add the alarm into the switch) ALEXL:DEV=EXAL2-XX,ALCAT=X,ACL=XX; - Load
external alarm data (Alarm class, alarm category)
- Status all EXAL2 external alarm recievers in switch. ALLTI:ALI=0; - Test Alarm
panel (Flash lights and ring bell) ALRDL:DEV=EXAL2-XX,CAW1=”SLOGAN 1”, CAW2=”SLOGAN
2”,AC=X; - Load alarm receiver data (Slogan, normally open or closed) ALRDP; -
Print alarm reciever data. BLEAE:DEV=EXAL2-XX; - Deblock an external alarm receiver
device BLEAI:DEV=EXAL2-XX; - Block an external alarm receiver device
BLSLE:SPG=0,LINK=X; - Deblock CP-SP link 0 or 1. BLSLI:SPG=0,LINK=X;
1; :ILNPP:NP=1-1-1-2; :ILNPP; :ILSLC:NP=1-2-1-1,RATE=9600; :MCDVP:IO=AT-1;
Block CP-SP link 0 or 1. Deblock the node Block a node (A or B) in the SPG
Dignostic check of node Print SP link status Snake Eyes : (DCS/MCS subsystems)
Snake Eyes : (SPS Subsystem) Snake Eyes : (FMS Subsystem) Back to normal
(Communicate with CP) Block Network Port (Use IMLCT) Block OSS Port to NOC “ Print
status of NP “ Print status of all ports “ Change baud rate of a port “ Shows what
NP the specified IO is “ connected to
- Print 24-hr. traffic statistics report - Print detailed info about all statistic
ADDING AN EXTERNAL ALARM (ex. SWITCH DOOR ALARM): 1. Load the alarm receiver data:
2. Load the external alarm data: 3. Add the alarm: 4. Deblock the alarm: IF SITE
WON'T COME BACK UP... 1. Get status of CF: RXMSP:MO=RXOCF-XX; If NOOP BLO, then..
2. Block CF: RXBLI:MO=RXOCF-XX; 3. Test CF: RXTEI:MO=RXOCF-XX; If answer comes back
"No Fault Indications" then there is nothing wrong with the DXU. 4. Load CF:
RXESI:MO=RXOCF-XX; If it won't load, then 5. Block and Deblock TG: RXBLI:MO=RXOTG-
BLO=0440 or 0040) DON’T DO THIS WITHOUT PERMISSION!! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Status
the TRX: Print devices connected to the TRX: Print the RP# connected to the RHDEV:
Split the RP: Block the RP: Deblock the RP: Check to see if sector is back up:
OPEN”,CAW2=”NAME OF BSC”, AC=1; (Defines the alarm slogan, alarm confition
(1=normally closed, 0=normally open) ALEXL:DEV=EXAL2-XX, ACL=A1, ALCAT=9; (Defines
Alarm Class (A1), Alarm Category (8=Power, 9=Ext) ALEXI:DEV=EXAL2-XX;
- Change the number of required BPCs for the cell - Check status of channel groups
- look at CHGR 1 - Unhalt CHGR 1 (if halted)
Note: TRU adds at sites where Baseband frequency hopping is implemented must be
performed during the maintenance window. You can check if a site has baseband
hopping by looking at the following: RLCFP:CELL=cell;. There will only be one
Channel Group (CHGR 0), only one frequency per TRU, and HOP will be set to ON. If
you do RXCDP:MO=RXOTG-XX; the channels for the new TRU will show UNUSED and at the
bottom will be a message saying “MAIO EXCEEDS FREQUENCY SET SIZE”. To get the TRU
to come up you will have to turn the hopping off and back on again, as follows:
RLCHC:CELL=cell,HOP=OFF; RLCHC:CELL=cell,HOP=ON; This will get the TRU up but will
also reset the TX on each radio which will drop any calls active on the sector.
This is why these type of TRU adds must be done at night. UNDEFINING TRU: 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Block time slots: RXBLI:MO=RXOTS-XX-X-0&&-7;
RXBLI:MO=RXOTRX-XX-X; Take time slots out of service: RXESE:MO=RXOTS-XX-X-0&&-7;
Take RX out of service: RXESE:MO=RXORX-XX-X; Take TX out of service:
RXESE:MO=RXOTX-XX-X; Take TRX out of service: RXESE:MO=RXOTRX-XX-X; Undefine time
slots: RXMOE:MO=RXOTS-XX-X-0&&-7; Undefine RX: RXMOE:MO=RXORX-XX-X; Undefine TX:
RXMOE:MO=RXOTX-XX-X; Undefine TRX: RXMOE:MO=RXOTRX-XX-X; Change Cell Logial alarm
set point: RLSLC:CELL=cell, CHTYPE=TCH,LVA=XX; (Set to one less than the number of
channels after the TRU is removed)
8. GSBLE:CLM[TSM,SPM]=clm[tsm,spm]; 9. GSSTP:CLM[TSM,SPM]=clm[tsm,spm];
“TRAFLIM”. The DIP will be ABL with FAULT=NONE. 1. Find DIPs connected to SNT:
connected to that SNT. 3. Find the RP and EM for the devices on the DIP that is
ABL: RADRP:DEV=RBLT24-XX&&-XX; 4. Find the twin for the RP: EXEMP:RP=XX,EM=ALL; 5.
Block the devices on the DIP: BLODI:DEV=RBLT24-XX&&-XX; 6. Block the EM:
BLEMI:RP=XX,RPT=XX,EM=X; -SNT fault should clear, DIP will come up WO. 7. Deblock
the EM: BLEME:RP=XX,RPT=XX,EM=X; 8. Deblock the devices: BLODE:DEV=RBLT24-XX&&-XX;
SITE INTEGRATION PROCEDURE: 1. Check if data for site is in BSC: 2.
RXTCP:MOTY=RXOTG,CELL=cell; 3. Check configuration of the RBLT: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11. Get the range of devices for the site: Deblock Dip: Check Status of Dip:
Check devices: Deblock the devices: Load the TG: Deblock the TG: Load the CF:
RLDEP:CELL=cell; DTIDP:DIP=xxRBLT; (LC and FRS must be set to 1. If they are not,
DTSTP:DIP=xxRBLT; STDEP:DEV=RBLT24-xxx&&-yyy; (Use range obtained in step 3)
xx; (This will take several minutes as the DXU loads over the T1. CF will come back
State=OPER (“MO not loadable from the BSC”, this is OK) RXESI:MO=RXOTX-xx-0&RXORX-
xx-0&RXOTS-xx-0-0&&-7; State=COM MBL RXBLE:MO=RXOTX-xx-0&RXORX-xx-0&RXOTS-xx-0-0&&-
(Repeat for each sector) RLSTC:CELL=cell,STATE=ACTIVE;
12. Deblock the CF: 13. Load the TF & IS: 14. Deblock the TF & IS: 15. Load the TRX
in TRU 0: 16. Load the rest of TRU 0: 17. Deblock the rest of the TRU: 18. Repeat
steps 15-17 for each TRU. 19. Activate GPRS on all sectors: 20. Activate sector:
- Print devices on the route which are causing a seizure supervision alarm
SEQIR:R=XXX,[ACL=XX,QUOS=XX,QUOB=XX]; - Reconnects previously disconnected seizure
supervision SEQAR:R=xxx (or dev=xxx); - Reset seizure supervision alarm on route or
device STBSP:DETY=xxxx; - Shows which devices are blocked of the given type
BLURE:R=xxxx; - End blocking supervision on a route BLURI:R=xxxx; - Initiate
blocking supervision on a route BLURC:R=xx,lvb=xx&yy&zz,acl=xx; - Set blocking
supervision levels for a route BLORI:R=xxx; - Block a route BLORE:R=xxx; - Deblock
a route BLURP:R=xxx; - Print blocking supervision levels for a route BLORP; - Print
blocked routes EXDEP:DEV=xxx; - Print SNT, route and CIC (misc1) for a device
EXDEP:R=xxx; - Print SNT, route and CIC (misc1) for all devices on the route
EXDEP:R=xxx,MISC1=misc1; - Find the device on the route with the specifiec CIC
EXDRI:DEV=xxx,R=rrrO&rrrI,MISC1=misc1; - Add a device to a route (in & out) with
specified CIC EXROP:R=xxx; - Print route data (including point code of destination)
EXTPI:BNB=1+AREACODE+NUMBER; - Set up a test position for monitoring or call
testing; EXTPE:BNB=1+AREACODE+NUMBER; - Release the test position EXTPP; - Print
test positions in use MGAAR; - Clear MT FAILED AUTHENTICATION alarm
MGCEI:CELL=XXXX,CGI=310-170-(lac)-(cellID),BSC=XXX; - Define a cell
MGCEC:CELL=XXXX,EA=X,RO=Y; - Add EA and RO values to the cell MGCEP:CELL=XXXX; -
Print definition of the cell MGCEP:BSC=XXXXXXX; - Print cell data for all cells in
the given BSC MGCEP:LAI=310-170-XXX; - Print cell data for all cells in the given
LAI MGOCP:CELL=XXXXXX; - Print Outer cell definition for the cell
MGOCP:MSC=XXXXXXX; - Print Outer cell definitions for all cells in the specified
MSC MGOCI:CELL=XXXX, CGI=310-170-(lac)-(cellID),MSC=XXX; - Define a outer cell
MGOCE:CELL=XXXX; - Delete an outer cell MGSAR:LOG=(black, grey, unknown); - Clear
supervision log MGBSP:BSC=ALL; - Print all BSCs on the MSC and their associated
routes MGNMP:MSC=ALL; - Print neighboring MSC list MONTI:DEV=UPDNAM-XXXX; - Monitor
a Call :CON; - Connect the MONTI command after answering the test phone :END; - End
MONTI command TCCCI:DEV=UPDNAM-XXXX; - Perform continuity check on a device
TCTDI:DEV=UPDNAM-XX,BNB=1+areacode+num; - Force a call on the device to the B-
number (must be a relevant number to that route). Your test phone will ring. Answer
it, then type: :CON; This connects the call. When finished hang up or type: :END;
STRDP:r=xxx; - Print list of all devices on a route STRSP:r=xxx; - Print status of
route, number of devs total, in use, bloc UPCVI:DEV=UPDNAM-XXXX; - Circuit
Validation Test, shows the CIC at the other end
Deciphering the EXPOP You an do an EXPOP on a RP, an EM, a DIP, or an SNT. 202
switches: <expop:rp=230; DEVICE POSITION RP POS 230 414-6-A END The position is
given SUITE-CABINET-SHELF. In this example, suite (row) 414, cabinet 6, shelf A.
From there you’re on your own.
501 switches: <expop:rp=680; DEVICE POSITION RP POS 680 1-34-18-3-2 END The
example, 1st floor (all of our switches will say this), cabinet 34, position 18
(use the scale on the cabinet door), magazine 3 (most will be this way), position 2
(use the horizontal scale on the magazine. Beware, the numbers refer actually to
the marker to the left of the number.) Trunk Turnups 1. Obtain orders from
Provisioning. Most likely you will get a phone call from Provisioning telling you
who to call for testing. 2. Make note of the C-order number for each facility. This
will be given on the DLR (Design Layout Report) for each circuit. This is the
number PacBell uses to identify the circuits during testing of the T1s. All of the
circuits in the order will have the same C order number. 3. Also make note of the
system ID for each circuit, for example 110/T1/BKFDCA14DC0/BKFDCA14W02. You can
reference the circuits also by the system ID. 4. Also make note of the AB numbers
for the trunks, this is the number PacBell uses to identify the actual trunks
(devices) in the route. It will also appear in the DLRs for the trunks. (Note: the
trunk DLRs will have a system ID that says something like 0025/DF4-
TFG3/BKFDCA1176T/77/BKFDCA14CM0.) The AB number will be listed under “TSC” on the
left side of the page. It may also be on the provisioning work order in the top
section on the left under “TSC Code”. 5. Wire the circuits as listed on the work
orders. 6. Call PacBell for testing of the facilities. 7. PacBell usually puts up a
loop on each T1. Monitor with your test set and have PacBell drop their loops to
verify you’re looking at their loop. Then run a standard 45-min. T1 acceptance test
on each one. (15 min. QRSS, 5 min. All 0s, 5 min. 1:7, 5 min. all 1, 15 more min.
QRSS.) You can daisy-chain the T1s and test them all at once by connecting patch
cords between the “out” of one to the “in” of the next, and so on. However, if you
get any errors you will have to start over and test each one individually. 8. Once
the testing is complete, call PacBell and have them remove the loops and normal up
the circuits. Verify optioning on each dip: DTIDP:DIP=XXUPD; For ESF/B8ZS LC and
FRS should show 1. For AMI/SF LC and FRS should show 0. 9. For each circuit:
Connect the device to the route: EXDRI:DEV=UPDNAM-XX&&-YY,R=XXXI&XXXO,MISC1=(tcic);
(The TCIC range for the circuit will be given on the work order. Only specify the
first one in the range under the MISC1 parameter, the rest will automatically
follow.) Put the devices in pre-post state: EXDAI:DEV=UPDNAM-XX&&-YY; 10. Test
the devices with PacBell. When they release their devices do a continuity check on
a few devices on each dip: TCCCI:DEV=UPDNAM-XXXX; It should come back “Successful”
for each one. 11. Once the devices have been tested with Bell, bring up the devices
one dip at a time. Release the 1st device on the dip, wait for it to be seized,
then monitor the call either with a TBERD or a MONTI command and verify good 2way
audio. Then release all the rest of the devices on that dip. Call Tracing: In the
MSC: 1. Initiate the trace on the phone number: CTRAI:MSISDN=(Phone number); 2.
Look for the MALT device and find the route and CIC: EXDEP:DEV=MALTM-XXXX; (the
number under MISC1 is the CIC, which will be the same as the RALT device in the
BSC) 3. Find the BSC: MGBSP:BSC=ALL; Look for the BSC with the route specified in
the EXDEP command. In the BSC: 4. Trace the RALT device: RAPTI:DEV=RALT24-XXXX; 5.
Look for info on the cell site. Near the bottom of the call trace printout (branch
9) you will see the TRX. Find the cell from the TRX: RXMOP:MO=RXOTRX-XX-X;
Monitoring to other MSCs: 1. Do the CTRAI command as above, look for a UPD device.
(UPDNAM, UPDNA) 2. Find the route and CIC for the UPD device: EXDEP:DEV=UPDNAM-XXX;
3. Find the MSC for that route: EXROP:R=SMXXXO; The other MSC name will be given in
the printout. 4. Go to the other MSC, find the device that has that CIC:
EXDEP:R=SMXXXO,MISC1=(CIC); 5. Do a call trace on that device: CTRAI:DEV=UPDNAM-
TPBLE:SDIP=sdip (or ALL); TPBLI:SDIP=sdip (or ALL); TPBLI:SDIP=sdip,LP=VT15-XX;
Print status of SDIPS Print SDIP connection data (SNT, VT to DIP, STS1) Deblock a
SDIP Block a SDIP Block a VT15 on a SDIP (corresponds to a DIP) Print initial data
for a SDIP Print group switch state