1977 Philippine - Extradition - Law20170309 898 170kffm

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January 13, 1977




WHEREAS, under the Constitution the Philippines adopts the generally accepted
principles of international law as part of the law of the land, and adheres to the policy of
peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and amity with all nations; casia

WHEREAS, the suppression of crime is the concern not only of the estate where it
is committed but also of any other state to which the criminal may have escaped,
because it saps the foundation of social life and is an outrage upon humanity at large,
and it is in the interest of civilized communities that crimes should not go unpunished;
WHEREAS, in recognition of this principle the Philippines recently concluded an
extradition treaty with the Republic of Indonesia, and intends to conclude similar
treaties with other interested countries;
WHEREAS, there is need for rules to guide the executive department and the
courts in the proper implementation of the extradition treaties to which the Philippines
is a signatory.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by
virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order and decree the
following: cd

SECTION 1. Short Title. — This Decree shall be known as the "Philippine

Extradition Law".
SECTION 2. De nition of Terms . — When used in this law, the following terms
shall, unless the context otherwise indicates, have meanings respectively assigned to
(a) "Extradition" — The removal of an accused from the Philippines with the
object of placing him at the disposal of foreign authorities to enable
the requesting state or government to hold him in connection with any
criminal investigation directed against him or the execution of a
penalty imposed on him under the penal or criminal law of the
requesting state or government. cd

(b) "Extradition Treaty or Convention" — An extradition agreement between

the Republic of the Philippines and one or more foreign states or
(c) "Accused" — The person who is, or is suspected of being, within the
territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines, and whose extradition has
been requested by a foreign state or government.
(d) "Requesting State or Government" — The foreign state or government
from which the request for extradition has emanated.
(e) "Foreign Diplomat" — Any authorized diplomatic representative of the
requesting state or government and recognized as such by the
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Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
(f) "Secretary of Foreign Affairs" — The head of the Department of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines, or in his absence, any official
acting on his behalf or temporarily occupying and discharging the
duties of that position.
SECTION 3. Aims of Extradition. — Extradition may be granted only pursuant to a
treaty or convention, and with a view to:
(a) A criminal investigation instituted by authorities of the requesting state
or government charging the accused with an offense punishable
under the laws both of the requesting state or government and the
Republic of the Philippines by imprisonment or other form of
deprivation of liberty for a period stipulated in the relevant extradition
treaty or convention; or cdasia

(b) The execution of a prison sentence imposed by a court of the requesting

state or government, with such duration as that stipulated in the
relevant extradition treaty or convention, to be served in the
jurisdiction of and as a punishment for an offense committed by the
accused within the territorial jurisdiction of the requesting state or
SECTION 4. Request; By whom made; Requirements. —
(1) Any foreign state or government with which the Republic of the
Philippines has entered into extradition treaty or convention, and only
when the relevant treaty or convention remains in force, may request
for the extradition of any accused who is or suspected of being in the
territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines.
(2) The request shall be made by the Foreign Diplomat of the requesting
state or government, addressed to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
and shall be accompanied by:
(a) The original or an authentic copy of either —
(1) the decision or sentence imposed upon the accused by the
court of the requesting state or government; or
(2) the criminal charge and the warrant of arrest issued by the
authority of the requesting state or government having
jurisdiction of the matter or some other instruments
having the equivalent legal force.
(b) A recital of the acts for which extradition is requested, with the
fullest particulars as to the name and identity of the accused,
his whereabouts in the Philippines, if known, the acts or
omissions complained of, and the time and place of the
commission of these acts; casia

(c) The text of the applicable law or a statement of the contents of

said law, and the designation or description of the offense by
the law, sufficient for evaluation of the request; and
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(d) Such other documents or information in support of the request.
SECTION 5. Duty of Secretary of Foreign Affairs; Referral of Request: Filing of
Petition. — (1) Unless it appears to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs that the request
fails to meet the requirements of this law and the relevant treaty or convention, he shall
forward the request together with the related documents to the Secretary of Justice,
who shall immediately designate and authorize an attorney in his of ce to take charge
of the case.
(2) The attorney so designated shall le a written petition with the proper Court
of First Instance of the province or city having jurisdiction of the place, with a prayer
that the court take the request under consideration and shall attach to the petition all
related documents. The ling of the petition and the service of the summons to the
accused shall be free from the payment of docket and sheriff's fees.
(3) The Court of First Instance with which the petition shall have been led shall
have and continue to have the exclusive power to hear and decide the case, regardless
of the subsequent whereabouts of the accused, or the change or changes of his place
of residence.
SECTION 6. Issuance of Summons; Temporary Arrest ; Hearing, Service of
Notices. — (1) Immediately upon receipt of the petition, the presiding judge of the court
shall, as soon as practicable, summon the accused to appear and to answer the
petition on the day and hour xed in the order. We may issue a warrant for the
immediate arrest of the accused which may be served anywhere within the Philippines
if it appears to the presiding judge that the immediate arrest and temporary detention
of the accused will best serve the ends of justice. Upon receipt of the answer, or should
the accused after having received the summons fail to answer within the time xed, the
presiding judge shall hear the case or set another date for the hearing thereof. aisa dc

(2) The order and notice as well as a copy of the warrant of arrest, if issued, shall
be promptly served each upon the accused and the attorney having charge of the case.
SECTION 7. Appointment of Counsel de O cio . — If on the date set for the
hearing the accused does not have a legal counsel, the presiding judge shall appoint
any law practitioner residing within his territorial jurisdiction as counsel de oficio for the
accused to assist him in the hearing.
SECTION 8. Hearing in Public; Exception; Legal Representation.—
(1) The hearing shall be public unless the accused requests, with leave of
court, that it be conducted in chamber.
(2) The attorney having charge of the case may upon request represent the
requesting state or government throughout the proceedings. The
requesting state or government may, however, retain private counsel
to represent it for particular extradition case.
(3) Should the accused fail to appear on the date set for hearing, or if he is
not under detention, the court shall forthwith issue a warrant for his
arrest which may be served upon the accused anywhere in the
Philippines. cdasia

SECTION 9. Nature and Conduct of Proceedings. — (1) In the hearing, the

provisions of the Rules of Court insofar as practicable and not inconsistent with the
summary nature of the proceedings, shall apply to extradition cases, and the hearing
shall be conducted in such a manner as to arrive at a fair and speedy disposition of the
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(2) Sworn statements offered in evidence at the hearing of any extradition case
shall be received and admitted as evidence if properly and legally authenticated by the
principal diplomatic or consular of cer of the Republic of the Philippines residing in the
requesting state.
SECTION 10. Decision. — Upon conclusion of the hearing, the court shall render a
decision granting the extradition, and giving his reasons therefor upon showing of the
existence of a prima facie case. Otherwise, it shall dismiss the petition.
SECTION 11. Service of Decision. — The decision of the court shall be promptly
served on the accused if he was not present at the reading thereof, and the clerk of
court shall immediately forward two copies thereof to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs
through the Department of Justice.
SECTION 12. Appeal by Accused; Stay of Execution. —
(1) The accused may, within 10 days from receipt of the decision of the
Court of First Instance granting extradition, appeal to the Court of
Appeals, whose decision in extradition cases shall be final and
immediately executory.
(2) The appeal shall stay the execution of the decision of the Court of First
Instance. aisa dc

SECTION 13. Application of Rules of Court. — The provisions of the Rules of

Court governing appeal in criminal cases in the Court of Appeals shall apply in appeal in
Extradition cases, except that the parties may le typewritten or mimeograph copies of
their brief within 15 days from receipt of notice to file such briefs.

SECTION 14. Service of Decision of Court of Appeals. — The accused and the
Secretary of Foreign Affairs, through the Department of Justice, shall each be promptly
served with copies of the decision of the Court of Appeals.
SECTION 15. Concurrent Request for Extradition. — In case extradition of the
same person has been requested by two or more states, the Secretary of Foreign
Affairs, after consultation with the Secretary of Justice, shall decide which of the
several requests shall be rst considered, and copies of the former's decision thereon
shall promptly be forwarded to the attorney having charge of the case, if there be one,
through the Department of Justice.
SECTION 16. Surrender of Accused. — After the decision of the court in an
extradition case has become nal and executory, the accused shall be placed at the
disposal of the authorities of the requesting state or government, at a time and place to
be determined by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, after consultation with the foreign
diplomat of the requesting state or government.
SECTION 17. Seizure and Turn Over of Accused Properties . — If extradition is
granted, articles found in the possession of the accused who has been arrested may be
seized upon order of the court at the instance of the requesting state or government,
and such articles shall be delivered to the foreign diplomat of the requesting state or
government who shall issue the corresponding receipt therefor. cdt

SECTION 18. Costs and Expenses; By Whom Paid. — Except when the relevant
extradition treaty provides otherwise, all costs or expenses incurred in any extradition
proceeding and in apprehending, securing and transmitting an accused shall be paid by
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the requesting state or government. The Secretary of Justice shall certify to the
Secretary of Foreign Affairs the amounts to be paid by the requesting state or
government on account of expenses and costs, and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs
shall cause the amounts to be collected and transmitted to the Secretary of Justice for
deposit in the National Treasury of the Philippines.
SECTION 19. Service of Court Processes. — All processes emanating from the
court in connection with extradition cases shall be served or executed by the Sheriff of
the province or city concerned or of any member of any law enforcement agency.
SECTION 20. Provisional Arrest. — (a) In case of urgency, the requesting state
may, pursuant to the relevant treaty or convention and while the same remains in force;
request for the provisional arrest of the accused pending receipt of the request for
extradition made in accordance with Section 4 of this Decree.
(b) A request for provisional arrest shall be sent to the Director of the National
Bureau of Investigation, Manila, either through the diplomatic channels or direct by post
or telegraph. cdtai

(c) The Director of the National Bureau of Investigation or any of cial acting on
his behalf shall upon receipt of the request immediately secure a warrant for the
provisional arrest of the accused from the presiding judge of the Court of First Instance
of the province or city having jurisdiction of the place, who shall issue the warrant for
the provisional arrest of the accused. The Director of the National Bureau of
Investigation through the Secretary of Foreign Affairs shall inform the requesting state
of the result of its request.
(d) If within a period of 20 days after the provisional arrest the Secretary of
Foreign Affairs has not received the request for extradition and the documents
mentioned in Section 4 of this Decree, the accused shall be released from custody.
(e) Release from provisional arrest shall not prejudice re-arrest and extradition of
the accused if a request for extradition is received subsequently in accordance with the
relevant treaty or convention.
SECTION 21. Effectivity. — This Decree shall take effect immediately and its
provisions shall be in force during the existence of any extradition treaty or convention
with, and only in respect of, any foreign state or government.
DONE in the City of Manila, this 13th day of January in the Year of Our Lord,
nineteen hundred and seventy-seven. cda

Published in the Official Gazette, Vol. 73 No. 18 Page 3577 on May 2, 1977.

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