D 2936 - 95 Rdi5mzytotu - PDF
D 2936 - 95 Rdi5mzytotu - PDF
D 2936 - 95 Rdi5mzytotu - PDF
D 2936
follows that the field water content of the specimen should be 10. Report
preserved until the time of test. On the other hand, there may 10.1 Report the following information:
be reasons for testing specimens at other water contents, 10.1.1 Source of sample including project name and loca-
including zero. In any case, the water content of the test tion, and if known, storage environment (often location is
specimen should be tailored to the problem at hand and frequently specified in terms of the borehole number and depth
reported in accordance with 10.1.6. If the water content of the of specimen from the collar of the hole),
specimen is to be determined, follow the procedures given in 10.1.2 Physical description of the sample including: rock
Test Method D 2216. type, location and orientation of apparent planes, bedding
7.3 If water content is to be maintained, and the elevated planes, and schistosity; and large inclusions or inhomogene-
temperature enclosure is not equipped with humidity control, ities, if any,
seal the specimen using a flexible membrane or apply a plastic 10.1.3 Date of sampling and testing,
or silicone rubber coating to the specimen sides. 10.1.4 Specimen length and diameter, also conformance
8. Procedure with dimensional requirements,
10.1.5 Rate of loading or deformation rate,
8.1 Cement the metal caps to the test specimen to ensure
10.1.6 General indication of water condition of sample at
alignment of the cap axes with the longitudinal axis of the
time of test, such as, as-received, saturated, laboratory air dry,
specimen (see Note 2). The thickness of the cement layer
or oven dry (it is recommended that the moisture condition be
should not exceed 1.5 mm (1⁄16 in.) at each end. The cement
more precisely determined when possible and reported as
layer must be of uniform thickness to ensure parallelism
either water content or degree of saturation,
between the top surfaces of the metal caps attached to both
ends of the specimens. This should be checked before the 10.1.7 Direct tensile strength for each specimen as calcu-
cement is hardened (see Note 2) by measuring the length of the lated, average direct tensile strength of all specimens, standard
end-cap assembly at three locations 120° apart and near the deviation, or coefficient of variation,
edge. The maximum difference between these measurements 10.1.8 Type and location of failure (a sketch of the fractured
should be less than 0.10 mm (0.005 in.) for each 25.0 mm (1.0 specimen is recommended), and
in.) of specimen diameter. After the cement has hardened 10.1.9 Other available physical data.
sufficiently to exceed the tensile strength of the rock, place the NOTE 4—The number of specimens tested may depend upon the
specimen in the testing machine, making certain that the load availability of specimens, but normally a minimum of ten is preferred. The
transfer system is properly aligned. number of specimens tested should be indicated. The statistical basis for
relating the number of specimens to the variability of measurements is
NOTE 2—In cementing the metal caps to the test specimens, use jugs given in Practice E 122.
and fixtures of suitable design to hold the caps and specimens in proper
alignment until the cement has hardened. The chucking arrangement of a 11. Precision and Bias
machine lathe or drill press is also suitable. Epoxy resin formulations of
rather stiff consistency and similar to those used as a patching and filling 11.1 Precision—Due to the nature of the rock materials
compound in automobile body repair work have been found to be a tested by this test method, it is, at this time, either not feasible
suitable cementing medium. or too costly at this time to produce multiple specimens which
8.2 Apply the tensile load continuously and without shock have uniform mechanical properties. Therefore, since speci-
to failure. Apply the load or deformation at an approximately mens which would yield the same test results cannot be tested,
constant rate such that failure will occur in not less than five Subcommittee D18.12 cannot determine the variation between
nor more than 15 min. Note and record the maximum load tests since any variation observed is just as likely to be due to
carried by the specimen during the test. specimen variation as to operator or laboratory testing varia-
tion. Subcommittee D18.12 welcomes proposals to resolve this
NOTE 3—In this test arrangement failure often occurs near one of the problem that would allow for development of a valid precision
capped ends. Discard the results for those tests in which failure occurs
either partly or wholly within the cementing medium.
11.2 Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this test
9. Calculation method; therefore, bias cannot be determined.
9.1 Calculate the tensile strength of the rock by dividing the
maximum load carried by the specimen during the test by the 12. Keywords
cross-sectional area; express the result to the nearest 35.0 kPa 12.1 loading tests; rock; tension (tensile) properties/tests;
(5 psi). tensile strength
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
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