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Considerations and Recommendations in

Mine Closure Policy in Papua New Guinea

The consultant’s findings on investigative research into mine

closure policy with consideration to biophysical, financial,
economic, socio-cultural and environmental issues in the
light of contemporary international best practice

Presentation and discussion: regional forums

The consultant would like to acknowledge the kind assistance of Mr Harry Kore, Mr
Director, Mineral Policy and Legislation Division, Department of Mining Policy and
Geohazard Management and his team, and Mr Seymour Pok, without whose
guidance and advice, this report would not have been possible.

Background image courtesy of Ok Tedi Mine CMCA Review

Mining is a keystone for PNG

“ Vision 2050 should be grounded and secured in the first ten years [...] Projections and
key tangible outcomes must be achieved during this period in order to secure the way
forward for 2020 to 2050. [...] A key opportunity is to adopt a ‘focus’ strategy on the
resource and manufactured exports to ensure that it is accountable and sustainable, with
strong initial growth measures from 2010 to 2020. Once strong growth has been
achieved in the mining industries and the renewable resource-based exports, it is
important to use that income to create more opportunities to grow the economy. “

“Pillars for the Vision “,

The Importance of a Mining Closure Policy

“ With the industrial revolution and improved enrichment techniques came large scale, often
open pit, mining. Such mining not only removed large tonnages of ore but also of waste rock
and produced large quantities of tailings as well - all of which require rehabilitation upon
mine closure. Unfortunately, such rehabilitation on closure did not take place until recent
years, and today the developed nations, as well as the developing and emerging economies,
are faced with the need for closure and rehabilitation of mines and mining waste facilities
that represent almost a century of mining activities.

For the future, in order to prevent history from repeating itself, the majority of countries have
put in place policies and legislation that provide directly (within the national Mining Law) or
indirectly [...] for comprehensive mine closure. “

Establishment of guidelines for the inspection of mining waste facilities, inventory and rehabilitation of
abandoned facilities and review of the BREF document, Annex 3, pages 10-11.
Traditional Mine Closure: operational characteristic not strategic policy

“ In the past mining companies used irresponsible mining methods with no regard for
environmental protection and mine rehabilitation. Inadequate and inefficient mine closure
policies, legislative controls, and past mining practices have resulted in a legacy of
abandoned and derelict mine sites, which can have substantial impacts on environmental
liabilities and mine rehabilitation costs in the absence of appropriate legislative
frameworks and controls.

Until recently mine decommissioning and mine closure planning were not a requirement or
regulated within the mining industry and the environmental, social and economic impacts
were not identified or considered within the initial mine site development. “

Mining for Closure: Sustainable Mine Practices, Rehabilitation

and Integrated Mine Closure Planning. Benjamin Smith.
Principles of Mine Closure
1 To demonstrate responsible governance and leadership in Mine
Closure appropriate planning and strategic implementation will
have to be undertaken to ensure that as many benefits as possible
from mining are sustained beyond the life of a mine.

2 Appropriate planning is also required to ensure that any negative

environmental or social impacts from mining activities are
minimised before operations begin, during the mine life and
eliminated, where possible, after mining operation ceases.

3 Mine Developer required to inform the State at the pre-feasibility

stage, on how the company would be planning to work with
stakeholders to achieve (i) and (ii) above, during and after mining.
Mine Closure Principles
4 Each mining project in Papua New Guinea will develop and implement a
site-specific ongoing mine closure plan.

5 Integrated mine planning, incorporating exploration, development,

operations and closure, will be practised.

6 Integrated mine planning to address:

– Conversion of the resource into long-term sustainable capital;
– To have an action plan and monitoring measures commensurate with
the project’s impacts and risks particularly as it affects the social and
environmental management system

7 Mine closure plans are not static and will require revision and update from
pre-operation, operation, pre-decommissioning and post-
Principles of Mine Closure
8 Plans must include easily identified targets which form key monitoring and
evaluation criteria for external and independent auditing:
– Scope of plans are to minimise short and long-term negative impacts on the
environment and social fabric of the people living in and around the mine
affected areas.
– Plans must adopt the KISS principle (kept simple and
strictly assessable)

9 That in order to protect the interests of landholder stakeholders and community

members more generally, processes of mine governance, negotiation and
mediation are to employ the Participatory Resource Management methodology
(PRM) or an equally acceptable best practice method of engagement.

10 These principles are best achieved through this Mine Closure Policy, which will
apply to all current and future mining operations in Papua New Guinea.
Mining Closure: The case for PNG
In line with the PNG Vision 2050,
beyond the biophysical, the Mining Pre-contemporary
Closure challenge for PNG is: Mine Closure
focused on the
To align with medium-term
development objectives

To support these objectives

(environmentally, financially,
socially, economically)

To have identifiable, measurable

outcomes with monitoring
Contents of Mine Closure policy
Table of Contents
1.0 Preamble
1.26 Monitoring and accountability
• 1.0. Administration Aspects
• 2.0. Financial Aspects
• Section 2(a): Mine Closure Security
• Section 2 (b): Mine Closure Trust Fund
• 2.1 Component Summary Outline
• 3.0. Environmental/Technical Aspects
• 4.0. Socio –Economic Aspects
4.1 The socio- economic aspects of mine closure will be referred to in the Mine Closure Plan
5.0. Dispute Resolution
• 6.0 Structure of a Mine Closure Plan

Best Practice
The Equator Principles (2006)

Mining Finance and Sustainability (2002) World Bank Group

Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability Effective

(2012) International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Directive 2006/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council

Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for Management of

Tailings and Waste-Rock in Mining Activities (2009) European Commission

Accidents Prevention and Response (Seveso I, II and III)

Others: Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit, (2008) International

Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM); and others.
The Mining Closure Policy must embody the principles from best practice

Realisation of Value
Good Governance Development /
(Compliance Best Practice
Mitigation of
& CSR/CER) liability

Traditional Owners Environmental

Bank / Finance Support
Sustainable Development
• Raising levels of life sustenance and dignity
• Sustainable occurs when you can measure the
• The cost of sustainable development to the
mine developer: that is to ensure integrated
development has long term impact
Financial Models only after income is
produced ( from revenue)
Cost to Mine Developer from Revenue or Income;
• Security Bond is never paid unless called on eg
environmental disaster
• Money held in trust for a project and then
released. Only occurs after mine is in production
• Tax credit scheme
• Production Levy .25% (can vary by 5%)
• Royalty 2%
• Total 2.25% after mining starts
Proposed New Levy on Capital
Contribution Levy
• charged over capital cost of mine
establishment as expansion
• guarantees the Mine Developer is linked in
with integrated regional development
• applies to all licenced miners: large scale,
small scale and alluvial
World statistics suggests mine developers
pay up to 3.75% from revenue to ensure
compliance with international standards.

PNG receives 2.25% from mining

What will miners pay to ensure standard

compliance in PNG?
All Mine Closure Describe identifiable objectives
plans must for Mine Closure

Have objectives that produce

key result outcomes for Mine

Should be structured as
Include monitoring
and evaluation

Should reference a formal

project management
methodology such as PMI’s
Include a reporting schedule
“ The reasons for poor performance are well known. Much of the poor maintenance
and inadequate conditions result from weak institutional arrangements governing the
delivery of infrastructure. These include:
· Unclear roles and responsibilities among government infrastructure planning,
funding and implementing agencies;
· Unsatisfactory financial management, often related to unclear responsibilities;
· Procurement of any major civil works project is prolonged by a lengthy NEC
approval process (typically extending to six months).
These are complex issues and the public sector cannot be rebuilt or reformed
overnight. Reform efforts will take time to bear fruit. In the meantime, we have to act
to halt further deterioration of our stock of infrastructure, and find ways to build new
infrastructure effectively. ”
Mekere Morauta, Papua New Guinea: new thinking on budgets and infrastructure, 2012.
Thank you for your attention.

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