Grade 4 Health Year Plan Weebly

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Lethbridge Christian School

January-April 2018
Teacher Name
4 Health

Significant Classroom Demographics:

-24 grade 4 students
-there will always be an EA for Health

Necessary Accommodations:
(names have been deleted for posting on Education Portfolio)
-I.Z. will usually be doing his own program during PE. When I.Z. is in class, try to
involve him and have communication on what I.Z. can try.
-If B.K. is having a hard time being involved in class, give him 5 minutes and let him
know that the timer is set for him to join. When the timer goes off, assert that you
are listening to him.
-If necessary, if B.K. asks to sit out, ask him to try strategies to cool down (putting
hands under cold water, getting a drink and coming to class when he is ready)
-Always say yes to C. when he asks to go to the bathroom.
-Take time to discuss things (away from other students if necessary) if something is
inappropriately said.
-J.F. is ELL but speaks English at home. Review and use wait time strategies when

Report Card Dates: March 1st deadline for marks to be in

Report cards go out on the 9th

Parent / Teacher Interview Dates: March 15th-16th is Student Lead Conference

-There is a half hour period scheduled for health. Incorporate cross-curricular units
with computers time.
-Incorporate Health Wellness Choices Unit by reading books at library time.

January February March April

Understanding Wellness Wellness Learning
and Expressing Choices Choices Strategies
Feeling Personal Personal Love your
Health Health neighbour

Learning Safety and

Strategies Responsibilities
Love your
Students will Students will Students will Students will
develop make make develop
effective responsible and responsible and effective
interpersonal informed informed interpersonal
skills that choices to choices to skills that
demonstrate maintain health maintain health demonstrate
responsibility, and to promote and to promote responsibility,
respect and safety for self safety for self respect and
caring in order and others and others. caring in order
General Outcomes

to establish and to establish and

maintain Students will maintain healthy
healthy develop interactions.
interactions. effective
skills that
respect and
caring in order
to establish and
-Relationship -Create healthy -Create a -Students will
Choices booklet living calendar: healthy living create scripts of
-Class record brochure in safe scenarios
whiteboard something they computer hour and act them
compliment can do in class to out in small
activity individually or share some groups
-Group skits foras a family for ideas for -Game where
health on the month of healthy eating students come
Major Teaching and Learning Activities

relationship Feb. and activity into room and

choices -Students bring with their act out passive
-Watch empty food families aggressive, and
understanding packages from -Life Learning other examples
feelings videos home in a label Choices of behaviours
in computer reading activity Booklet -Safe internet
class and have -Students -Watch computer
a discussion design healthy learning discussion
eating choices videos -Game of
questionnaire and have a responding to
in class to discussion in dangerous
collect computer situations
information on classes jeopardy e.g.
eating habits, avalanches,
students will tornados,
research during lightning
computer times
to answer
choices booklet
-Relationship -Wellness -Life Learning -Cards for game
Choices booklet Choices booklet Choices booklet -Safety
Key Resources

-Computers worksheets

-Summative -Summative -Summative -Formative and

assessment on assessment on assessment on summative
Broad Assessment
and Evaluation

group skits healthy living brochure safety

-Summative calendar -Formative and worksheets/
and formative -Formative and summative unit test
assessment on summative assessment on
book assessment on book

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