Disruptive Behavior of Children With Special Needs and How To Overcome Them 2. Anxiety Disorders

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Disruptive Behavior of Children with Special 2. Anxiety Disorders 1.

Parental education – for example, teaching

Needs and How to Overcome Them Children with anxiety disorders have parents how to communicate with and
significant difficulty coping with situations that manage their children.
Disruptive behaviors of children with special cause them distress. When a child with an
needs—and other children—are among the most challenging untreated anxiety disorder is put into an 2. Family therapy – the entire family is helped
and stressful issues faced by schools and parents in their anxiety-inducing situation, he may become to improve communication and problem-
efforts to provide appropriate educational programs. oppositional in an effort to escape that solving skills.
Problem behaviors such as property destruction, physical situation or avoid the source of his acute fear.
aggression, self-injury, and tantrums are major barriers to 3. Cognitive behavioural therapy – to help the
effective social and educational development (Horner et al., 3. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity child to control their thoughts and behaviour.
2000; Riechle, 1990). Disorder (ADHD)
Many children with ADHD, especially 4. Social training – the child is taught
Such behaviors put young children at risk for those who experience impulsivity and important social skills, such as how to have a
exclusion and isolation from social, educational, family, and hyperactivity, may appear to be intentionally conversation or play cooperatively with others.
community activities (Sprague and Rian, 1993). In addition, oppositional. These children may have
problem behaviors may place an onerous burden on families, difficulty sitting still, they grab things from 5. Anger management – the child is taught
particularly as children grow from preschool into school age other kids, blurt out inappropriate remarks, how to recognise the signs of their growing
(Bristol et al., 1993). have difficulty waiting their turn, interrupt frustration and given a range of coping skills
others, and act without thinking through the designed to defuse their anger and aggressive
Examples of Disruptive Behaviors consequences. behaviour. Relaxation techniques and stress
management skills are also taught.
1. The Common Diagnosis: ODD 4. Learning disorders
Often children who lash out or refuse to follow When a child acts out repeatedly in 6. Support for associated problems – for
direction are thought to have oppositional defiant school, it’s possible that the behavior stems example, a child with a learning difficulty will
disorder (ODD), which is characterized by a pattern of from an undiagnosed learning disorder. Say he benefit from professional support.
negative, hostile, or defiant behavior. Symptoms of ODD has extreme difficulty mastering math skills,
include a child frequently losing his temper, arguing with and laboring unsuccessfully over a set of
7. Encouragement – many children with
adults, becoming easily annoyed, or actively disobeying problems makes him very frustrated and behavioural disorders experience repeated
requests or rules. In order to be diagnosed with ODD, the irritable. Or he knows next period is math failures at school and in their interactions with
child’s disruptive behavior must be occurring for at least class. others. Encouraging the child to excel in their
six months. But there are a number of other issues that particular talents (such as sport) can help to
could lead to kids being oppositional or out of control in How to Overcome With It? build self-esteem.
school or at home.
8. Medication – to help control impulsive

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