OBIEE 12c Joined Syllabus
OBIEE 12c Joined Syllabus
OBIEE 12c Joined Syllabus
Duration: 5 Days
Learn To:
Benefits to You
By taking this course, you'll walk away with the ability to extend the initial repository and model more complex business
requirements, including: logical dimension hierarchies, multiple logical table sources, aggregate tables, partitions, and
time series data. You will have developed the experience to use Administration Tool wizards and utilities to manage,
maintain, and enhance repositories. Finally, you'll be exposed to more advanced topics, like implicit fact columns, bridge
tables, usage tracking, patch merge, and managing service instances.
Application Developers
Business Analysts
Business Intelligence Developer
Data Modelers
Data Warehouse Administrator
Data Warehouse Developer
Reports Developer
Technical Consultant
Use variables to streamline administrative tasks and modify metadata content dynamically
Set up security to authenticate users and assign appropriate permissions and privileges
Use the Administration Tool wizards and utilities to manage, maintain, and enchance repositories
Enable usage tracking to track queries and database usage, and improve query performance
Use Business Application Archive (BAR) files to move Oracle BI between environments
Build the Physical, Business Model and Mapping, and Presentation layers of a repository
Check the model and then model aggregate tables to speed query processing
Course Topics
Repository Basics
Exploring Oracle BI architecture components
Exploring a repository's structure, features, and functions
Using the Oracle BI Administration Tool
Creating a repository
Loading a repository into Oracle BI Server
Installing the BI Client software
Exploring Oracle BI default security settings
Creating users and groups
Creating application roles
Setting up object permissions
Setting row-level security (data filters)
Setting query limits and timing restrictions
Cache Management
Restricting tables as non-cacheable
Using Cache Manager
Inspecting cache reports
Purging cache entries
Modifying cache parameters and options
Seeding the cache
Multiuser Development
Setting up a multiuser development environment
Developing a repository using multiple developers
Tracking development project history
Duration: 5 Days
Learn To:
Benefits to You
Transform your organization’s data into intelligence for improved decision making. Provide time-critical, relevant and
accurate insights. Become more efficient at modifying analyses and dashboards.
You'll also learn to use Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office to integrate Oracle BI data and views in presentations and
spreadsheets. Walk away from this course with the knowledge and skills to design mobile applications for BI content
using the trial edition of the Oracle BI Mobile App Designer. Furthermore, you'll explore the use of Oracle BI Briefing
Books, while learning to administer objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.
Application Developers
Business Analysts
Business Intelligence Developer
End Users
Functional Implementer
Technical Administrator
Technical Consultant
Perform pre- and post-aggregate filtering using filters, groups, and selections
Create mobile applications with Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile App Designer
Use Key Performance Indicators and Scorecards to analyze trends and meet business objectives
Use Delivers to configure Agents to get the results of analyses and deliver them to subscribers
Create and modify Oracle Business Intelligence analyses using Analysis Editor
Perform administration tasks related to the development and configuration of Interactive Dashboards
Use Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office to integrate Oracle BI analysis and Interactive Dashboard content into Office
Combine analysis criteria across multiple subject areas and execute direct database queries
Course Topics
SQL Syntax and Semantics
Running Aggregate Functions
Advance Analytics Internal Logical SQL Functions
Advance Analytics External Logical SQL Functions