OBIEE 12c Joined Syllabus

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Oracle University | Contact Us: Local: 1800 103 4775 Intl: +91 80 67863102

Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories

Duration: 5 Days

What you will learn

This Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories training teaches you how to build and verify the three layers of an Oracle
Business Intelligence (BI) repository, step-by-step. Expert Oracle University instructors will begin by teaching you how to
use the Oracle BI Administration Tool to construct a simple repository.

Learn To:

Construct the repository.

Import schemas.
Design and build logical business models.
Expose business models to users in the Oracle BI user interface.
Build physical and logical joins, simple measures, and calculation measures.
Validate your work by creating and running analyses.
Verify query results using the query log.
Implement Oracle BI Server security.
Manage the Oracle BI Server cache.
Set up a multi-user development environment.

Benefits to You

By taking this course, you'll walk away with the ability to extend the initial repository and model more complex business
requirements, including: logical dimension hierarchies, multiple logical table sources, aggregate tables, partitions, and
time series data. You will have developed the experience to use Administration Tool wizards and utilities to manage,
maintain, and enhance repositories. Finally, you'll be exposed to more advanced topics, like implicit fact columns, bridge
tables, usage tracking, patch merge, and managing service instances.

Application Developers
Business Analysts
Business Intelligence Developer
Data Modelers
Data Warehouse Administrator
Data Warehouse Developer
Reports Developer
Technical Consultant

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Course Objectives
Model partitions and fragments to improve application performance and usability

Use variables to streamline administrative tasks and modify metadata content dynamically

Use time series functions to support historical time comparison analyses

Set up security to authenticate users and assign appropriate permissions and privileges

Apply cache management techniques to maintain and enhance query performance

Set up query logging for testing and debugging

Set up a multiuser development environment

Use the Administration Tool wizards and utilities to manage, maintain, and enchance repositories

Enable usage tracking to track queries and database usage, and improve query performance

Perform a patch merge in a development-to-production scenario

Use Business Application Archive (BAR) files to move Oracle BI between environments

Build the Physical, Business Model and Mapping, and Presentation layers of a repository

Build and run analyses to test and validate a repository

Build simple and calculated measures for a fact table

Create logical dimension hierarchies and level-based measures

Check the model and then model aggregate tables to speed query processing

Course Topics

Repository Basics
Exploring Oracle BI architecture components
Exploring a repository's structure, features, and functions
Using the Oracle BI Administration Tool
Creating a repository
Loading a repository into Oracle BI Server
Installing the BI Client software

Building the Physical Layer of a Repository

Importing data sources
Setting up Connection Pool properties
Defining keys and joins
Examining physical layer object properties
Creating alias tables
Printing the physical layer diagram

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Building the Business Model and Mapping Layer of a Repository
Building a business model
Building logical tables, columns, and sources
Defining logical joins
Building measures
Examining business model object properties
Printing the business model and mapping layer diagram

Building the Presentation Layer of a Repository

Exploring presentation layer objects
Creating presentation layer objects
Modifying presentation layer objects
Examining presentation layer object properties
Nesting presentation tables
Controlling presentation layer object visibility

Testing and Validating a Repository

Checking repository consistency
Turning on logging
Uploading the repository through Enterprise Manager
Executing analyses to test the repository
Inspecting the query log

Managing Logical Table Sources

Adding multiple logical table sources to a logical table
Specifying logical content

Adding Calculations to a Fact

Creating new calculation measures based on logical columns
Creating new calculation measures based on physical columns
Creating new calculation measures using the Calculation Wizard
Creating measures using functions

Working with Logical Dimensions

Creating logical dimension hierarchies
Creating level-based measures
Creating share measures
Creating dimension-specific aggregation rules
Creating presentation hierarchies
Creating parent-child hierarchies
Creating ragged and skipped-level hierarchies

Enabling Usage Tracking

Creating the usage tracking tables
Setting up the sample usage tracking repository
Tracking and storing Oracle BI Server usage at the detailed query level
Using usage tracking statistics to optimize query performance and aggregation strategies

Using Model Checker and Aggregates

Using Model Check Manager
Modeling aggregate tables to improve query performance
Using the Aggregate Persistence Wizard

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Testing aggregate navigation
Setting the number of elements in a hierarchy

Using Partitions and Fragments

Exploring partition types
Modeling partitions in an Oracle BI repository

Using Repository Variables

Creating session variables
Creating repository variables
Creating initialization blocks
Using the Variable Manager
Using dynamic repository variables as filters

Modeling Time Series Data

Using time comparisons in business analysis
Using Oracle BI time series functions to model time series data

Modeling Many-to-Many Relationships

Using bridge tables to resolve many-to-many relationships between dimension tables and fact tables

Setting an Implicit Fact Column

Ensuring the correct results for dimension-only queries
Selecting a predetermined fact table source
Specifying a default join path between dimension tables

Importing Metadata from Multidimensional Data Sources

Importing a multidimensional data source into a repository
Incorporating horizintal federation into a business model
Incorporating vertical federation into a business model
Adding Essbase measures to a relational model
Displaying data from multidimensional sources in Oracle BI analyses and dashboards

Exploring Oracle BI default security settings
Creating users and groups
Creating application roles
Setting up object permissions
Setting row-level security (data filters)
Setting query limits and timing restrictions

Cache Management
Restricting tables as non-cacheable
Using Cache Manager
Inspecting cache reports
Purging cache entries
Modifying cache parameters and options
Seeding the cache

Managing Metadata and Working with Service Instances

Using BI Application Archive (BAR) files to export and import service instances
Managing BAR files using WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands

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Managing service instances using WLST commands

Using Administration Tool Utilities

Using the various Administration Tool utilities
Using BI Server XML API to create XML representation of repository metadata

Multiuser Development
Setting up a multiuser development environment
Developing a repository using multiple developers
Tracking development project history

Performing a Patch Merge

Comparing repositories
Equalizing objects
Creating a patch
Applying a patch
Making merge decisions

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Oracle University | Contact Us: Local: 1800 103 4775 Intl: +91 80 67863102

Oracle BI 12c: Create Analyses and Dashboards Ed 1

Duration: 5 Days

What you will learn

This Oracle BI 12c: Create Analyses and Dashboards course for Release 12.2.1 provides step-by-step instructions for
creating Oracle BI analyses and dashboards in business intelligence applications. You'll begin by building basic
analyses to include in dashboards, with more complexity as the course progresses.

Learn To:

Build analyses and dashboards.

Build and use views and graphs in analyses.
Create and work with KPIs and scorecards.
Create and modify Oracle BI dashboards.
Use Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile to access BI content.
Create mobile applications with Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile App Designer.
Integrate BI content into MS Office applications using Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office.
Administer objects in the Presentation Services Catalog.

Benefits to You

Transform your organization’s data into intelligence for improved decision making. Provide time-critical, relevant and
accurate insights. Become more efficient at modifying analyses and dashboards.

Explore Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office

You'll also learn to use Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office to integrate Oracle BI data and views in presentations and
spreadsheets. Walk away from this course with the knowledge and skills to design mobile applications for BI content
using the trial edition of the Oracle BI Mobile App Designer. Furthermore, you'll explore the use of Oracle BI Briefing
Books, while learning to administer objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

Application Developers
Business Analysts
Business Intelligence Developer
End Users
Functional Implementer
Technical Administrator
Technical Consultant

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Course Objectives
Build and use views and charts in analyses

Perform pre- and post-aggregate filtering using filters, groups, and selections

Create mobile applications with Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile App Designer

Add geographical mapping to analyses

Use Key Performance Indicators and Scorecards to analyze trends and meet business objectives

Use BI Mobile to access BI Content

Create and modify Interactive Dashboards

Use hierarchical columns in analyses and views

Create guided navigation links within Interactive Dashboards

Use Delivers to configure Agents to get the results of analyses and deliver them to subscribers

Create and modify Oracle Business Intelligence analyses using Analysis Editor

Perform administration tasks related to the development and configuration of Interactive Dashboards

Administer analyses and other Oracle BI objects

Use Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office to integrate Oracle BI analysis and Interactive Dashboard content into Office

Combine analysis criteria across multiple subject areas and execute direct database queries

Course Topics

Introduction to Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

Introduction to Oracle BI EE
Oracle BI 12c Architecture
Oracle BI 12c Highlights

Working with Oracle Business Intelligence Analyses

Introduction to Oracle BI Analysis Editor
Oracle BI column types
Working with analyses in Oracle BI
Adding basic formatting
Setting analysis properties
Using advanced formatting

Filtering Data for Analyses

Introduction to filters and selections
Creating, editing, and grouping filters

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Adding prompts to analyses
Dynamic filtering
Using saved analyses as filters

Selecting and Grouping Data for Analysis

Creating selection steps
Creating groups
Creating calculated items
Creating direct database analysis requests
Including advanced SQL clauses in your analysis

Advance Visualization in Analysis

Introduction to views, graphs, and editors
Working with views in Compound Layouts
Creating and editing graphs
Performing common view tasks

Showing Results with Pivot Tables

Creating, arranging, and formatting a pivot table
Using hierarchical columns
Sorting in pivot tables
Setting aggregation and using totals
Showing an item's relative value
Building calculations and displaying running sums

Working with Additional Views in Analyses

Creating simple and advanced trellis views
Creating performance tile views
Working other view types like Treemap and Heat Matrix
Linking master-detail views

Visualizing Data on Maps

Oracle spatial components
Managing map data
Creating and editing Map views
Interacting with map views
Other applications and points of integration for map views

Creating Oracle Business Intelligence Dashboards

Creating and editing dashboards
Using the Dashboard Builder
Exploring dashboard object properties and options
Publishing dashboard pages
Creating personal customizations and using other page options

Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Dashboards

Exploring types of dashboard content
Embedding content in dashboards

Creating Dashboard Prompts and Variables

Understanding variables
Adding a named dashboard prompt to a dashboard

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Adding a hidden named dashboard prompt to a dashboard
Creating additional prompt page and setting page preferences
Adding variable prompts to a dashboard

Scorecards and Key Performance Indicators

Objects and components of Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) overview
Scorecard document types
Creating scorecards and KPIs
Creating scorecard documents
Editing scorecards and KPIs

Visual Analyzer, BI Ask, and Data Mashup

Creating Visual Analyzer Projects
Adding and rearranging the Visualizations
BI Ask
Data Mashups

Working with BI Content in Smart View

Working with Views in Smart View Clients
Customizing BI data in MS Office
Copying and pasting views between Smart View clients
Inserting BI views in to Smart View clients
Creating and publishing views using the View Designer
Federating data from multiple data sources

Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile

Downloading and using the Oracle BI mobile application
Navigating the Oracle BI mobile application
Working with favorites and local content
Working with BI content
Oracle BI Mobile Security Toolkit

Using Oracle Business Intelligence Delivers

Configuring delivery devices and adding delivery profiles
Adding an Alert Section to a dashboard
Configuring an Agent
Using Analysis and KPI conditions to deliver content with Agents
Subscribing to an Agent

Administering the Presentation Catalog

Oracle BI and catalog security overview
Managing security using roles
Understanding security inheritance
Setting object permissions
Setting system privileges
Archiving catalog items
Working with Oracle BI Briefing Books

Direct Database Analysis

Direct Database Analysis Overview
Changing Direct Database Analysis Privileges

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Creating and Executing a Direct Database Analysis

SQL Syntax and Semantics
Running Aggregate Functions
Advance Analytics Internal Logical SQL Functions
Advance Analytics External Logical SQL Functions

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