2. Purpose of AL:
To ensure that the activities of government are authorised;
To ensure that bodies that carry out these duties do so in a manner that is fair
and reasonable manner.
Concerned with ensuring the tribunals, government departments and all
authorities exercising public law functions act within the perimeter of their
6. Bodies that enjoy power of decision making but do not derive power from any written
For non-statutory bodies, particular considerations may be relevant:
i. The nature of function
ii. Any statutory recognition of the authority or function
iii. The extent it has been woven into a system of governmental control
**A public element suggests governmental or quasi-governmental
element, through extending to indirect governmental connection. **
9. Administrative law is based on the principle that all government actions or decisions:
Must be legal and done in accordance to the rules of natural justice
Those who have been affected by unlawful acts of government officials must
be given avenues to have these decisions reviewed
the affected individuals should be given remedies, if they are found to be