Answer Sheet FINAL Lipid

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NAME ________________________________________ DATE PERFORMED __________________

DATE SUBMITTED __________________

SCORE __________________

Title of Experiment: Experiment No. __________


Butter No definite formula Lard C21H42O5

Olive oil C18H34O2 Coconut oil C4H8NNaO2

Castor oil C57H104O9 Sudan IV C24H20N4O

Ethanol C2H6O Diethyl ether (C2H5)2O


Sample Odor State Color Appearance

Minola Coconut Oil Sweet custard-like Liquid Yellow Clear with bubbles
Anchor Butter Milk-like Solid Yellow Soft
Castor Oil Oil-like Liquid Light Yellow Clear with bubbles
Olive Oil Musty oil-like Liquid Yellow Clear with bubbles
Vegetable Lard Oil-like Solid White Cloudy



Sample H2O Diethyl Ether

Minola Coconut Oil Legend:
Anchor Butter (+) - Sample is soluble in reagent
Castor Oil (–) - Sample is insoluble in
Olive Oil reagent
Vegetable Lard


Sample (+)/(-) Size of Spot (cm) Indication Appearance

Sample is a Slightly translucent grease
Minola Coconut Oil + 0.6 cm
lipid spot
Sample is a Sample stayed in the
Anchor Butter + 0.2 cm
lipid center
Sample is a Most translucent grease
Castor Oil + 0.5 cm
lipid spot
Sample is a Slightly translucent grease
Olive Oil + 0.8 cm
lipid spot
Sample is a Opaque; Grease spot did
Vegetable Lard + 0.15 cm
lipid not spread
Legend: (+) – Presence of grease spot (–) – Absence of grease spot

Sample (+)/(-) Indication Appearance

White cloudy mixture with translucent layer
Minola Coconut Oil + Sample is a lipid
at top
Yellow layer present at the top with white
Anchor Butter Sample is a lipid
+ cloudy mixture below
Castor Oil + Sample is a lipid White cloudy layer at top
White cloudy mixture with translucent layer
Olive Oil + Sample is a lipid
at top
White cloudy mixture with translucent layer
Vegetable Lard + Sample is a lipid
at top
Legend: (+) – Presence of emulsion (–) – Absence of emulsion


Sample (+)/(-) Indication
Upper Layer Lower Layer
Light red clear
Minola Coconut Oil + Sample is a lipid Red layer of stain
Anchor Butter + Sample is a lipid Cloudy red layer
heterogenous layer
Clear intense red
Castor Oil + Sample is a lipid Red clear solution
Darker red Red homogenous
Sample is a lipid
Olive Oil + homogenous layer layer
Red layer with
Intense red layer with
Vegetable Lard + Sample is a lipid presence of
presence of globules
Legend: (+) – Presence of Sudan stain (–) – Absence of Sudan stain

Upper layer red color intensity comparison:

Minola Coconut Oil > Castor Oil > Vegetable Lard > Olive Oil > Anchor Butter

Lower layer red color intensity comparison:

Olive Oil > Castor Oil > Vegetable Lard > Anchor Butter > Minola Coconut Oil


1) How can the grease spot test determine if the sample is a lipid or not?

The grease spot test can be used to determine if the sample is a lipid or not because of
the given fact that most lipids have high boiling points, making them non-volatile. This
means that room temperature wouldn't be enough to evaporate them. The samples
leave a translucent spot on the filter paper because they can't absorb enough heat from
the air and get evaporized. Therefore, the samples that leave a translucent spot on the
paper are non-volatile and, thus, are lipids.

2) How can the Sudan test indicate the presence of lipid?

Sudan is a red hydrophobic fat-soluble dye. Because of this property, when Sudan is
placed in a solution containing lipids, it mixes with the lipids, a reaction that stains the lipid
red. Since both lipids and Sudan are hydrophobic, when the test tube containing water, a
lipid sample, and Sudan stain is mixed vigorously, the lipid molecules, now bonded with
the Sudan molecules and stained red, form globules and float in the water. When this type
of appearance is observed in a test tube after conducting the Sudan test, that test tube
holds a lipid sample.

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