Social Justice Club Constitution

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Nevada State College

Social Justice Club Constitution

ARTICLE 1 – Name
1. The name of this organization shall be: Social Justice Club, herein referred to as the “SJ Club.”
2. The organization is a student club/organization at Nevada State College.

ARTICLE II – Objectives
1. The Objectives of the organization shall be:
a. To promote interest in social justice and help those who are victims of social injustice.
b. To promote fellowship among students, faculty, and staff of Nevada State College.
c. To represent student needs and wants in regard to social justice.
d. To provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to benefit of the Nevada State College
community and Nevada community as a whole.

ARTICLE III – Membership

1. Any and only members of the NSC campus community are eligible to attend club meetings and
sponsored events unless otherwise specified.
2. Types of Memberships
a. Visitor a.k.a. Frequent Visitor a.k.a. Attendee
i. Student in attendance in which membership fees are not paid or outstanding
ii. Student may not plan events sponsored by the club.
iii. Student may not call or pass a motion or participate in voting on motions and/or
iv. Student may not receive accolades upon graduation or completion of courses
including, but not limited to, medallion, cords, or certificates.
b. Active Member
i. Student in attendance in which dues are current, paid, and is in good-standing
within the club.
ii. Student may hold office and can call and pass motions, participate in nomination
and election procedures and hold voting rights.
iii. Student may receive accolades upon graduation and completion of courses
including, but not limited to, medallion, cords, or certificates upon completion of graduation audit.
3. Dissolution of Membership/Nullification Process
a. Wherein a student in any membership type should exhibit, but not limited to, the following behaviors:
i. Dangerous or threatening behavior
ii. Inappropriate language or behavior
A unanimous motion must be passed by officers and a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of active members to
dissolve a membership would result in:
i. Deactivate membership
ii. Banned from participation in club events
iii. Banned from club meetings
4. New Membership Ceremony
a. All new memberships in which dues are paid by the last club meeting of the first (1st) club month will
be recognized on the On the last day of the current semester.
b. Each new member will receive the following:
i. Certificate of membership

ARTICLE IV – Officers
1. Election of Officers
a. The officers of this organization are president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
b. Each organization will also elect or appoint a NSSA Clubs & Organizations Board Representative.
This representative can also hold another office in the club.
c. Officers will be elected by written ballot, with each active member casting a vote. A majority of votes
will constitute a victory.
d. Election of officers will take place during the last month of the spring semester.
2. Duties of the Officers
a. The President shall:
i. Oversee all meetings of the club/organization.
ii. Establish committees as needed and appoint committee members.
iii. Sign all official resolutions of the club.
iv. Create all meeting dates and times.
v. Organize all activities and events.
vi. Keep contact between members and officers.
vii. Presentation of new membership, graduation, and completion certificates, cords,
and medallions, respectively.
viii. Manage and overlook all social media accounts associated with the club.
ix. Ensure all promotion materials used for the club are consistent and up to date.
b. The Vice-President shall:
i. Preside over meetings in the absence of the President.
ii. Assist the President with the duties of his/her office.
iii. Step in when President cannot help with various duties.

c. The Secretary shall:

i. Maintain all attendance listing including separation of membership types.
ii. Record and prepare minutes from each meeting.
iii. Step in when President and Vice President cannot.
iv. Keep record of all board meetings.
v. Keep a list of everything discussed.
vi. Provide a semester report of attendees who may graduate post-semester.
vii. Keep record of all activities done or ideas.
d. The Treasurer shall:
i. Be responsible for the financial business of the club.
ii. Maintain accurate records of financial transactions of the club/organization.
iii. Step in when President, Vice President, and Secretary cannot.
iv. Provide officers with a bi-weekly financial update and advisors upon request.
v. Keep record of all ideas that are finance related.
vi. Record and update membership dues.
vii. In the event that the treasurer is absent, the president will assume the
duties of the treasurer until the treasurer is present.

e. The Clubs & Organizations Representative shall:

i. Attend all meetings of the NSSA Clubs & Organizations Board and report back to
the club as necessary.
ii. Report and advertise club activities and plans for the current semester and their
statuses to the Clubs & Organizations board.

3. Terms of Office
a. Officers shall hold their positions through the full academic semester or year.
b. Officers may be re-elected through the normal voting process.
C. In the event that an officer resigns after the session has commenced, the remaining officers will
appoint an interim officer to fill this position by a (⅔) majority vote.
4. Impeachment of Officers
a. Offices may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the active membership.

ARTICLE V – Faculty Advisor(s)

1. The club/organization will select an advisor or advisors from the faculty/staff of Nevada State College.
The club can change advisor(s) by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the active members.

ARTICLE VI – Meetings
1. Regular meetings will be called by the President.
2. Special or emergency meetings may be called by an officer of the club. Members must be given
twenty-four (24) hours’ notice of this meeting via E-Mail, phone, or WebCampus.
3. Officer meetings will be held monthly to discuss club/organization ideas, events, and other business
related to the club/organization and will be called by the President.


1. Quorum shall be had when five (5) members of the club are present or fifty percent plus one (50% +
1) of the active membership, whichever is less.

ARTICLE VIII – Constitution & By-law Approval

1. This constitution and by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of active members
with a quorum being present.
2. Voting on amendments must be conducted after a minimum notice of two (2) weeks.

ARTICLE IX – Financial Obligation

1. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of active members of this organization may determine reasonable
dues and fees assessed to each member at the beginning of each semester, if needed.
2. Membership dues in the amount of ten dollars U.S. ($10.00 USD) shall be paid to treasurer by the
third (3rd) meeting of the club each spring and fall semester.

ARTICLE X – Statement of Compliance with Campus & State Regulations

1. This organization shall comply with all campus policies and regulations and local, state, and federal

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