Seismic Tectono-Stratigraphy Modeling of Deep Marine Oligo-Miocene Siliciclastic Reservoirs
Seismic Tectono-Stratigraphy Modeling of Deep Marine Oligo-Miocene Siliciclastic Reservoirs
Seismic Tectono-Stratigraphy Modeling of Deep Marine Oligo-Miocene Siliciclastic Reservoirs
*Adapted from oral presentation given at AAPG 2017 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, United States, April 2-5, 2017
**Datapages © 2017 Serial rights given by author. For all other rights contact author directly.
Georesource Laboratory, Centre of Water Researches and Technology, Soliman, Tunisia ([email protected])
Repsol, Madrid ([email protected])
After the recent commercial gas fields discoveries in Miocene sandstones in the southern part of the frontier zone of Levant-
Cyprus Basin, greatest interests have concerned this area. The Neogene plays are essentially represented by Miocene sandstones
turbidites as it was discovered firstly in Aphrodite 1 well, with gross mean reserve of 16 TCF of biogenic gas, succeeded by
Leviathan 1, Dalit 1 and Tamar 1 well discoveries. The source rocks are assured by Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary
hemipelagic rich organic marls. The basin tectonic structuring and new seismic sequence stratigraphy study of Oligo-Miocene
siliciclastic deposits horizons based on the analysis and interpretations of new regional selected E-W and N-S 2D seismic grid
acquired in 2008 using new PGS geostreamer technique and calibrated to wells data and outcrops had highlighted the basin
configuration and sequence deposits infill nature and distribution of Oligocene and Miocene siliciclastic reservoirs. Geotectonic
setting of the basin is marked by NE-SW and N-S deep-seated sub vertical strike slip normal and reverse inherited faults around
the shelf borders and by NW-SE faults in the centre. These basin dynamics allow classifying the Levant basin as a deep-water
mobile substrate basin characterized by the existence of Deep-water fold belts fed by large rivers. Oligo-Miocene horizons are
organized in three second order sequences composed by five Oligocene, four Lower Miocene, and 5 to 7 Middle-Upper Miocene
third order seismic sequences. Oligocene and Miocene early lowstand horizons of deposits present downlap prograding sigmoid,
oblique and mounded slope fans system tracts and basin floor mounds and large turbidites sheets and lobes, overlain and cut by
late lowstand incised channels, canyons and levees. The size of channels and canyons of Oligocene ranges from 3 to 5, 10 and
15 kilometers width with an average thickness between 100 and 350 meters, sometimes reaching 1500 meters whereas size of
channels and canyons of Miocene ranges from 3 to 10 kilometers width and 100 to 300 meters infill thickness. Locally, canyons
are bigger and stacked as multistory extending from Oligocene to Lower Miocene. Reconstructed paleogeographic reservoir fair
maps highlight three new exploration domains around the Levant basin of sandstone/shale system tracts deposits related to the
upper slope, lower slope and basin floor.
Selected References
Cook, L., 1999, Deep Water - A global perspective: AAPG International Conference, Extended Abstracts with Program, p. 133.
Dolson, J.C., M.V. Shann, S.I. Matbouly, H. Hammouda, and M.R. Rashed, 2000, Egypt in the twenty-first century: petroleum
potential in offshore trends: GeoArabia, v. 6, p. 211–230.
Gardosh, M., Y. Druckman, B. Buchbinder, and M. Rybakov, 2008, The Levant Basin Offshore Israel: Stratigraphy, Structure,
Tectonic Evolution and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Revised Edition: GII Rep. 429/328/08, GSI Rep.
GSI/4/2008, 119 p.
Haq, B.U., J. Hardenbol, and P.R. Vail, 1987, The chronology of fluctuating sea level since the Triassic: Science, v. 235, p.
Mascle, J., and G. Mascle, 2012, Morphotectonic of the Mediterranean Sea: 1/4,000,000 map, CCGM, Paris.
Mitchum, Jr., R.M., 1985, Seismic stratigraphic expression of submarine fans: in O.R. Berg and D.G. Wolverton (eds.), Seismic
stratigraphy II: AAPG Memoir 39, p. 117–138.
Pettingill, H. S., and P. Weimer, 2001, Global Deep Water Exploration: Past, Present and Future Frontiers: 21st GCSSEPM
Research Conference, p. 1-22.
Shanmugam, G., 2003, Deep-marine tidal bottom currents and their reworked sands in modern and ancient submarine canyons:
Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 20/5, p. 471-491.
Tapponnier, P.E., M. Daëron, A. Sursock, R. Jomaa, A. Briais, H. Carton, S. Singh, A. Elias, G.C. King, and E. Jacques, 2004,
Passive–active margin inversion along the Levant plate-boundary: subduction birth and growth of Mt Lebanon: AGU fall
meeting, Abstract T52B-05, San Francisco.
Van Wagoner, J.C., H.W. Posamentier, R.M. Mitchum, Jr., P.R. Vail, J.F. Sarg, T.S. Loutit, and J. Hardenbol, 1988, An
overview of the fundamentals of sequence stratigraphy and key definitions: in C.K. Wilgus, B.S. Hastings, C.G.St.C. Kendall,
H.W. Posamentier, C.A. Ross and J.C. Van Wagoner (Editors), Sea-Level Changes: An Integrated Approach, Soc. Econ.
Paleontol. Mineral. Special Publication 42, p. 39-45.
Weimer, P., and H. W. Pettingill, 2000, Many frontier ultra-deepwater basins have strong hydrocarbon potential: Offshore
Magazine, (Special Issue: UltraDeep Engineering), p. 26-29.
Weimer, P., R. M. Slatt, J. L. Coleman, N. Rosen, C. H. Nelson, A. H. Bouma, M. Styzen, and D. T. Lawrence, eds., 2000,
Global Deep-Water Reservoirs: Gulf Coast Section-SEPM Twentieth Annual Research Conference, 1104 p.
Seismic Tectono-Stratigraphy Modeling of Deep Marine Oligo-
Miocene Siliciclastic Reservoirs in Levant-Cyprus Basin
Frontier Zone
1. Bédir Mourad, Georesource Laboratory, Centre of Water Researches and Technology, Borj Cedria Technopark,
B.P 273, Soliman 8020, Tunisia. [email protected]
2. Mohamed Naceur Aissaoui-Repsol, Madrid, [email protected]
(a) Graphs of deep-water resources discovered from 1978 to 2000 versus reservoir age and (b) deep-water reserves versus
lidlology. Lthology data for 20 500 m(65 1640 ft) are from Cook (1999, used with permission); data for >500 m (>1640 ft) are
from Pettingill and Weimer (200 1). Note the differences in reservoir typ<;'S with the water depdlS. Updated from Weimer and Pettingill
North Africa Mediterranean Sea Levant
o 20 km
_ MIjorf_t
Late Cretaceous - Nooger.
Ouuornary 0.... m-tor. • .,d!MII . - , AU\.de\"lll'llllll"t
s.,dlnl . . . dipOliIs nlliTWllDnll bo~.y
Earty ·Mlddle Cretaceou s
Lalit Cenozoic
to~ vokIric:a
+ 1·l(QIdlIp")
H)'drocartlon shows
_ Jl.I"lsslc
:=~lmet~lwttI - 2000m
- 2148m
Lebanon On/Offshore Geological maps & Satellite composite Image showing Paleo-fault Trends &
Drainage system
East Mediterranean has about 98 TCF gas reserve and have been proved in Egypt Nile Delta (70 TCF)
and South Levant basin (28 TCF); discovered in post salt Pliocene & pre salt Oligo / Miocene plays.
25 km
Hydrocarbon Plays
[ ] Silndstolles U
, . Carbonale Buildups C
Dolomites ilnd Ev~o rites ::E
Cilicalwus Marls 0
1• Middle
Shelf C.. bonales
• !
Source lock
East Mediterranean gas reserve Repartition discovered in post salt Pliocene & pre salt Oligo / Miocene plays
Triassic-Jurassic-Cretaceous Tectonic Rifting, Tertiary
Stages and Associated Structuring of Levant Basin
(Tapponnier et al., 2004)
GTS2004 o 5hore
(Grads 'n et 91.. 20(4) Levlnl E W Cyprus shoft Eral(IS,1
Olllhott - Sy!1a Ltt.l<ln Cyprus " ....,1101 -
Oligooono 284101
339tO 1
i 372101
G) Eocene 404102
16 486102
655t 03
Regional Tertiary Lithostratigraphic Chart and Associated Reservoir and Source Rocks
of Western Offshore of Cyprus and Erathostenes Sea Mount and Eastern Continental Margin
of Libanon and Syria (Roberts et al., 2007)
u... ..'"
X- ,
lineS c:
Line C -0
Line 0
I (
,. Aatio3
• Hula 2
, . eltM2
,.-' • EIDeq H'-
- 2008 PGS Geostreamer Techniques reaching 8-10 s two way travel time waves
Schematic Diagram showing Shelf, Slope and Basinal Deep-Marine Sedimentary Environments Occurring at Water Depths
Deeper than 200 m (shelf-slope break). (Shanmugam G. 2003)
Slol''' Fall
....... "."",. Rellectillis ITJfau!ts B l" Order Sequence IIoondary ~ranYOffi aOIannels ~ Progij~aoonal Tij(~ B Retroga~ational Onlap ~ Progij!lationall»ftMP I2i Toplap ~ Oligocene Jiorder sequenres
0 Miocene J"ordersequencesC!!!] LOIIstand system trnct ~ Trnnsgressive system tr.K~ Maximum lIooding surface
10 km
1-"'_ 1Progradational Tracts --- Seismic Reflections / Faults - - 2nd Order Sequence Boundary ,:'7 Canyons & Channels
1 > 1Retrogadational Onlap 1~ 1Prog radational Downlap I......" 1Toplap ~ Oligocene 3'dsequences 0 Miocene 3,dsequences
~ Lowstand system tract ~ Transgressive system tract~ Maximum flooding surface
6 6
7 7
I. 20km .1
1__ 1Seismic ReAections [l] Faults 1- - I 2 nd Order Sequence Boundary 1....._1Progradational Tra cts I ",.., IToplap
1 > 1Retrogadational Onlapl """"'" 1Progradationa l Downlap 1":'7 ICanyons & Channels [Q!J Oligocene Jdorder sequences
o Miocene 3,d order sequences@!]Lowstand system tract~ Transgressive system tra~ Maximum Aooding surface
lra tigarphy Relativc Sea Lcvel Line G North
Cenozoic: H~q ct 111. 1987)
Line D Line B
... ......
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!UJ Basin Floor Clastic lobe fans Domain ~ Clastic Incised Canyons Domai
-- --
- E3:
25Km _.I==l:
ed Chonn I and Canyon Shelf Slope Domein
Ie Inci ad COnyon Domeln ~ Shelf Siope-Bo in Boundory
Synthetic Reservoir Fair Map of the Study Area showing the Main
Oligocene and Miocene Potential Clastic Reservoir System zones
- Central subsiding area surrounded by uplifted shelves and slopes in eastern, western, northern
and southern borders. Deepseated inherited subvertical NE-SW and NW-SE strike slip faults and
folds affect Mesozoic and Cenozoic basin horizons
- Oligo-Miocene infilling shows 3 second order and 5 Oligocene, 4 Lower Miocene, and 5 to 7
Middle-Upper Miocene third order seismic sequences correlabal to the global eustatic sea level
- Each Oligocene and Miocene sequence presents a downlap prograding sigmoid, oblique and
mounded slope fans system tracts and basin floor mounds and large turbidites sheets and lobes,
overlain and cutted by late lowstand incised channels, canyons and levees
- Principal source feeders are from eastern and northeastern continental shelf slopes, and more or
less from western and southern areas. This basin can be classified as mobile subtrate basin with
large and small rivers fed
- Oligo-Miocene incised channels and canyons are generally flanked by NW-SE, NE-SW and N-S
faults. They are from stacked single storey and multistory types showing space lateral and vertical
migrations along E-W and N-S directions indicating their important sinuous pathways and proximal
and distal positions
- Channels and canyons sizes range from 3 to 5, 10 and 15 kilometers width with an average in axis
thicknesses between 100 to 350 meters reaching sometimes 1500 meters whereas deepsea mound lobes
can reach 3 kilometers width and 100-150 meters in axis infill.
- Three main domains of reservoir systems related to the slope, lower slope and basin floor had been
highlighted, containing respectively clastic deposits of progradational slope fans, channels, canyons and
levees and basin floor lobes and sheets. They are vertically and laterally superposed and shifted.