In this course we will discuss the basic laws describing forces and motion
and we will develop the mathematical framework needed to understand
these in some detail. These topics are important, not only because they are
extremely interesting in their own right, but also because they form the
foundation upon which most physics, and engineering is built. It is our
goal that at the end of this course you will understand the main concepts of
mechanics, be able to apply them quantitatively for solving relevant
problems, and appreciate qualitatively how they play a role in many aspects
of our lives. The road to understanding is not a particularly easy one, but
the journey is well worth the effort.
The skills you will learn are crucial for success in Statics (EM 200), Physical
Chemistry (Chem 410), and more advanced physics courses.
In order to succeed, you must not fall behind! This course covers a large
amount of new material, and the understanding of new topics usually
requires mastery of previous material.
Please use the Blackboard
calendar to keep track of "what is due when”.
How to study
• Read about the topic ( textbook, pre-lectures)
This is your primary source.
• Untangle it ( lectures, office hours) Resolve
questions & uncertainty
• Play with it ( labs, applets) Validate your new
knowledge base.
• Challenge yourself (homework) Calculate a
quantitative expectation.
• Close the loop ( exams) Demonstrate your
new ability.
Read about the topic
Textbook: Physics, for Scientists and Engineers" 7th edition, Serway
and Jewett (Volume 1).
Reading technical material for content and understanding is difficult. The
first attempt at learning is to read the assigned chapter in the textbook --
on your own and prior to lecture.
U. of Colorado
UCLA EPhysics
Challenge yourself
In physics most of the learning takes place when you
attempt to solve problems. In addition, many example
problems will be solved in class.
Please register your clicker by Friday Sept 3. You can use it for
practice. Starting Sept 10 you will earn points.
Where Do I Log In ?
• Go to the Login page at
Red ID
First name (with first letter as capital)
How Do I Pay for WebAssign?
After logging in you may see a notice that includes
Grace Period information and payment options.
Login: RedID
Password: First name (with FIRST letter as
See Syllabus