4v4 SSG Booklet
4v4 SSG Booklet
4v4 SSG Booklet
Future *V
Development V Winning Characteristics of the
Define Success? 7-9 year old football player
What is your Philosophy' • Inclined to chase and follow the ball.
DEVELOPMENT WINNING • Cannot concentrate for long periods of time; they just want to play!
• Build Character & Self Esteem. • Cups/Medals. • Easily bruised psychologically. They will remember negative comments for a
long time. Shout praise. Give "hints".
• Let Them Play. • Recognition.
• They have mixed ability.
• Learning new Skills / Habits. • Efforts you put in.
• They have not mastered the ball yet.
• FUN! • At all costs?
• Starting to imitate older players and play in their positions.
• Values you teach.
• They will look for role models.
• Different Problems to Solve (Games are dynamic) • Consider all factors when planning, i.e. facility, players, equipment, first aid
• Different Types of Games
Plan sessions in a logical sequence
Session Organisation
How do we Coach Technique?
Future *V
4v4 Coaches Handbook Football
Sessions V Game /Activity
4v4 Coaches Handbook
n i v s / Football
APPENDIX 1 - Session Plans Layout Options - Full Size / Half Pitch
Organisational Factors
• Varied Pitch Sizes
Topic / Theme
• Balls, Bibs & Cones
Coaching in the Game
• Players Referee Themselves
FAI V Future*!/
4v4 Coaches Handbook Football
Line Ball Game (4v4) Small Goal Game (4v4 +1 Floater)
1. Dribbling Floater plays with the team that is in Possession.
2. Change of Direction 1. Creating Space
2. Passing
Organisational Factors
• Pitch 30m x 25m
• Balls, Bibs & Cones Organisational Factors
• No Offside • Pitch 30m x 20m
• When Ball Leaves Play, restart options are - • Balls, Bibs & Cones
- Dribble into play - Pass into play - Throw into play • No Offside
• When Ball Leaves Play, restart options are -
The team in possession tries to score by dribbling over the end line and stopping the ball while - Dribble into play - Pass into play • Throw into play
opposition team become defenders and play together to win the ball back.
The team in possession tries to score by passing the ball into the opposition's goal, whilst opposition
Notes team become defenders and play together to win the ball back.
• Progression - Do a trick to score a point. If team scores, keep possession and attack the
opposite end. Man stays in end zone and changes when player dribbles in. Notes
• Focus on the area of the foot to pass with. Accuracy and weight of pass.
Future *V
4v4 Coaches Handbook Football
10 i HH HI 11
Skittles Shooting Game
1. Creating Space 1. Creating Space
2. Passing 2. Control, Dribbling, or Shooting
The team in possession tries to score by passing the ball into the opposition's goal, whilst opposition The team in possession tries to score by taking as many shots as possible into the opposition's goal,
team become defenders and play together to win the ball back. while opposition team become defenders and play together to win the ball back.
Notes Notes
• Progression - Only score in oppositions half. Extend pitch dimensions. Create larger spaces • Progressions - 3v2 in each half. Extend pitch dimensions. If a player dribbles past another,
between targets. Score with one touch pass = 2 goals. If knock down, rob the ball and first gets a free shot. If team scores they keep possession.
one with all balls on one side wins. Put balls on sidelines for more targets.
The team in possession tries to score by taking as many shots as possible into the opposition's goal, The team in possession tries to score by passing the ball into the opposition's goal, whilst opposition
while opposition team become defenders and play together to win the ball back. team become defenders and play together to win the ball back.
Notes Notes
• Progressions - Extend pitch dimensions. When dribble in end zone, get a free shot. If a team • Progressions - 2v2 in each half with floater playing. Extend pitch dimensions. Floater allowed
scores, they keep possession. Let 1 v1, 2v1, 2v2 develop in end zone. to receive outside pitch to find space. Floater plays with 1 team only.
Future * v
4v4 Coaches Handbook Football
4 Goal Game 4 Goal Game (12 players)
1. Dribbling & Change of Direction 1. Control, Dribbling or Passing
2. Forward Passing 2. Shooting
The team in possession tries to score in either of the opposition's goals, while opposition team The team in possession tries to score in either of the opposition's goals, while opposition team
become defenders and play together to win the ball back. become defenders and play together to win the ball back.
Notes Notes
• Progressions - 1 defender to go behind goals and defend them. If team scores, keep • Progressions - 2 Teams, team in possession can swap with outfield players from a pass or
possession and attack the opposite end. dribble. Keep 2v2 in each half. Swap men on outside everyminute. Score only after using
outside man.
fFAl \ Future*!
4v4 Coaches Handbook