CSN Education Department, Field Observation Activities Packet
CSN Education Department, Field Observation Activities Packet
CSN Education Department, Field Observation Activities Packet
Save this completed packet for your Education Capstone Course, (EDU 299) and pay
particular attention to items marked with an (* asterisk) as these will be especially helpful in
completing your Classroom Management, Diversity, and Differentiated Instruction presentation
in EDU 299. Your CSN instructor will let you know whether you will be handwriting directly in
this packet, in a separate reflective log, or word processing responses to the following
requirements and assignments.
Observation 1: What are your first impressions of the classroom/school environment? Warm?
Friendly? Organized etc? Describe the physical environment in detail.
This class was very warm and friendly the moment I walked in, as well as organized I felt like I
already knew where everything was at. The room was decorated with alot of students art work
and classwork.
Observation 2: Please describe the student make-up of the class, including gender,
ethnicity, ELL, students with physical challenges, and any other apparent attributes that are
important to note.
The class was fairly divided in genders mostly white students with a couple of hispanics and
african american. This class had a couple of kids with IEPs mostly boys in that group.
Observation 3: What are the posted class rules in the room? (exactly as written)
1.LIsten when someone is talking
2.Raise your hand to speak
3.Follow directions quickly
4.Be a caring friend
5.Always do your best work
Observation 4: Does the teacher enforce the rules? Are rewards or consequences being
used for compliance or noncompliance?
Ms.Luu does go by these rules she expects students to understand their actions and if they do
not follow the rules and it is a bad choice. They than change their behavior card she does give
fair warning before.
Classroom Layout Question 1: Describe the workflow of the room. Is the space used
Ms.Luu actually has one of the larger rooms in school all the space that is given to her is used
very efficiently. The way she layed out her room makes it fun to work and since she has centers
which they rotate it follows very good.
Classroom Layout Question 2: In your opinion, how can the physical arrangement of the
room be improved?
In my opinion it does not need to be changed since the space is being used good. I like the way
she has everything in place and in order. The classroom is very clean and you don't have to be
careful where you walk.
Classroom Layout Question 3: In your opinion, are there any concerns regarding safety
during a normal school day or during the possibility of fire, shelter in place, or lock-down?
The room looks safe to me there is nothing hanging of the ceiling and nothing looks like is going
to fall of. For lockdowns is might seem a bit of a hassle since her room does have three doors
one which connects to the playground.
Instruction Question 2: Is instruction done in small groups, centers, whole groups, individual?
During instructions the students are on the carpet in front of the smartboard.
Instruction Question 3: How would you describe your cooperating teacherʼs teaching style?
Ms.Luu teaching style would be a facilitator and delegator she emphasizes students in
learning. There is much more responsibility placed on the students to take the initiative for
meeting the demands of various learning tasks.
*Instruction Question 4: Does the teacher incorporate the sensory modalities (learning
styles)? If so, give examples.
The teacher uses songs that they can dance along to to get there attention to a subject. For
example the alphabet they sing along to and have moment they have to copy while singing.
*Instruction Question 5: Do the students seem engaged in the lesson(s) that are being
presented? Please explain.
Yes, the students seem interested in the lessons because Ms.Luu tends to have a time
frame to everything that way they do not get bored or overwhelmed with the subject. The
students like to have centers so they try to do there best for they can have more time in
*Instruction Question 6: Are there any students isolated from the rest of the class for any
reason? Why?
The only time she isolates students is if they are really having problems working together and it
is disrupting class. Only saw this once while i was in her class.
Instruction Question 8: How does the cooperating teacher handle transitions from one
subject or period to another, and are these transitions effective?
Before every transitions students have centers so after that they can easily move on to the next
subject. I think it works great since the students look forward to it.
*Instruction Question 9: List ways that the teacher attempts any “attention getting”
commands? (Ex: Countdown, Light flicker, Heads on Desk) How effective are they?
Ms.Luu have two says that she uses to get there attention.
Ms.Luu : Class
Students : Yes,Yes
Ms.Luu : Students
Students: Yes Ms.Luu
*Instruction Question 10: What specific behavior issues does the teacher have to deal with?
How does the teacher deal with these behavior issues? Be specific.
The behaviors that she has to deal with is students that have IEPs and part of it is distractions and
not paying attention. Some students don't get along with others and thats another part that she has
to deal with.
*Instruction Question 11: Are there any policies or procedures in place that help or hinder
instructional time? If so, explain them and how they help or hinder use of instructional time.
Ms.Luu explains what they will be doing for that day at the beginning of class. She also has the
schedule posted on the board. Throughout the day she also reminds them about specials. There is
also a poster that reminds them what the specials are for that day.
1. Consider the school property: building, grounds, fencing, equipment, landscaping, trees,
parking lot, crosswalks, gates, signs and symbols.
The school is located in a very nice neighbourhood the street stays calm in the morning it is not
that crazy. The one thing I did find weird is that there is another school across the street right
next to them. The fencing is around the playground and in the kindergarten area as well. Parking
is nice because there is enough space for everyone that would like to visit the school.
2. Next, study the interior of the school: halls, floor coverings, lighting, doors, windows, hall
colors and decorations and entrance security.
The hallway is amazing I love how each class has there own bulletin board with the work of
students. A helpful thing for me was that each door had the teachers name and what grade they
teach. I did not see many windows in the classes I visited. The security is great too , since I also
volunteered I had to get a sticker with my picture on it and my name as well with what teacher I
was helping.
Culture of the School: Read, listen and observe to determine the climate, values, and
atmosphere within the school.
The school mission statement is “Where Learning Comes First!” encourages all children to read, write,
communicate, and think in a manner that will enable them to compete, create, lead, & live successfully in
a global society. The mascot for Marc Kahre is a K-9 dog in honor of Marc Alan Kahre dedicated his life
as a policeman and citizen to the service of this community. He was presented the Award of Honor for
Bravery in January 1977 for saving a woman’s life during a fire.
2. Analyze staff and visitor interactions in the main office. Note student and faculty interactions
in other areas of the school.
Staff welcome each person that comes in with a smile as well I really enjoyed going to the
school. The teachers knew other students from different classes as well. The main office is very
friendly with students and try to help them with any problem.
3. Look at the formal practices: school day schedule; ages of students; calendar of events; size
of school; grouping of students.
The grouping of students is just by the grades because the Pre-k and kindergarteners have a
separate area to play as well as separate exit area from the rest of students. School starts at 8am
but they ask if students can be there by 7:50 to be ready to enter class.
4. Observe student to student interactions, inside and outside the building. Observe where
students gather to socialize – lunchroom, halls, playground, etc.
The lunchroom is organized by class and they have specific seats that each student sits at. None
of the students seem to be upset about it they all like where they sit. The playground has some
activities that they can play on the floor , the teachers also take out the class handballs.
*2. Evaluate the level of student participation in the class. Who participates? Who does not?
I would say the girls in the class participate more in activities than some of the boys. More
specifically the middle row they seem more focused.
*3. Evaluate the interactions between teachers and students, rapport, cohesiveness,
distribution of power, tone, frequency and reinforcements.
The teacher knows how to control the classroom but I wouldn't say she takes too much power she just
know thats she has to be seen as a teacher first. Ms.Luu did tell me that outside class when they have
school events see is a friend to them.
Jonathan is a bright young boy that has the best personality and loves to play around with friends. He
actually has an IEP so you can just imagine what this observation will be like. I chose to observe him
because i noticed that there was something different about him the first day I went into the classroom. The
moment I started my observation was during english when the teacher was reading a story to the class. It
was the same story they had heard a week ago in a test they took in the computer lab. She read out the
story and asked a question and she made them go to the color with the answer they believe is correct.
Jonathan went to the corner that was black but it was wrong thing was that he saw his friends going thy so
he went with them too. He likes the attention and likes to be in the front of the line or just in front of the
class. The one thing I did noticed was that he doesn't like to be called on once he is called on he gets kind
of shy. I think it because he is afraid he will get the wrong answer because once he works in groups or
pairs he likes sharing his ideas. After this they moved into centers which he seems to enjoy much more
the one problem is that there is another girl in his group that loves to be first in everything and sit a
specific seat, so Jonathan and that girl do not get along well. He likes to work really quickly but once he
noticed I was there he try to take his time and act like he needed help. He is very smart he just loves the
attention, as much as every other student. In one of the centers the activity was to make a circle mape on a
letter then draw objects that start with that letter.Here is when he got stuck he chose the letter “Kk” here is
when he knew that if he didnt draw 5 objects he wouldnt geet a star. Thats what was worrying him
because he only had two drawings. During this time student are not supposed to be talking or getting help
from other classmates. Sadly he was talking a lot so the teacher made him change his behavior card after
that he was upset the whole time.Then they move to another center where you just trace your letter once
he moved to that group some of his classmates were being mean to each other. Jonathan told his
classmates that they had to be nice and fix their problems because he didn't want to fix the problem. That
made me laugh how he was telling me that he is the one that always has to fix other peoples problem.
Once centers are done the teacher needs to give out a star to students that completed all their work. Here
is where Jonathan gets upset. Once he showed Ms.Luu his work and he did not finish it so he got no star.
After this they went to recess thats where I saw how much something so small affected him. Jonathan did
not want to play or move from the middle of the playground. The was calling himself names like dumb,
jerk, and stupid. I felt helpless and anything I told him was not making him happy, he then started to hit
himself in the forhad. I made him stop but his mood did not change at all. After they went back into class
is mode didn't change at all. He is a very bright boy but little things upset him and he gets very distracted
with friends. I enjoyed helping him and observing him, when i left the class at the end of my 10 hours he
gave me a hug.
CSN Education Department, Field Observation Activities Packet
Thoroughly summarize and reflect upon your entire 10 hour Field Observation Placement.
Ms.Luu is such an amazing teacher she loves her job and the students really enjoy her
class. The class really respects her and follow her rules. She told me it took a lot of time for her
class to be as nice and promper, how I see them. I really enjoyed how she structures her class
from little details to how she has the tables set up. The big thing that I enjoyed watching was the
daily routine it helped student know exactly what was going to happen that day. Every morning
she starts of the same she goes over what day it is, what day it was yesterday, and what day is
tomorrow. She even tells them how the weather will be then they count off how many days they
have been in school. Also talks about the daily agenda and what the specials will be for that day.
Another thing that I have always enjoyed is student jobs even when I was in elementary I loved
being in charge of something. Ms.Luu has monitors for almost everything and they are always on
top of their responsibilities. For example before students start centers the student of the month
and supply monter help set up the centers with the classwork and color pencils.The way that the
teacher deals with the students that have IEP is great too because instead of being mean about it
she will repeat her self more than once to get across to the students that need more directions.The
behavior chart is amazing it works very well in her class.I just loved the ways that the students
see that there actions are not always good choices and they need to learn what they did was either
a good choice or a bad choice. This teaches the student self discipline as soon as Ms.Luu tell
them to change their card they have to explain why she has made them change their card. They
really learn a lot of manners and social skills like this. Ms.Luu has a lot of things going on in her
class I am amazed as how she does all this hard work. During writing time four students from
special ed come into her class for general time. She also spends individual time with the students
that come into her class and works at a different speed with them.
Overall my experience in her class was beyond amazing I really look up to her. Her
teaching style was great I understand why the students really like her. There is a reason that
parents actually requested her for there kids to be in her class. The staff also talk great things
about her. This is only her second year in Clark County School District I can imagine how great
she going to be in her career as a teacher. I have learned a lot in my hours that I was in her
classroom if I would have stayed longer than that I wouldn't want to leave her classroom.