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Tabel Rumus Tenses

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+ S + V2 S + (V1 + [s/es]) S + shall/will + V1

SIMPLE - S + did + not + V1 S + do/does + not + V1 S + shall/will + not + V1

? did + S + V1 do/does + S + V1 shall/will + S + V1

+ S + (were/was) + (V1+ing) S + (am,are,is) + (VI+ing) S + shall/will + be + (V1+ing)

CONTI- S + (were/was) + not + S + (am,are,is) + not +
- (VI+ing) S + shall/will + not + be + (V1+ing)
NUOUS (V1+ing)
? (were/was) + S + (V1+ing) (am,are,is) + S + (V1+ing) (shall/will) + S + be + (V1+ing)

+ S + had + V3 S + (have/has) + V3 S + (shall/will) + have + V3

PERFECT - S + had + not + V3 S + (have/has) + not + V3 S + (shall/will) + not + have + V3

? had + S + V3 (have/has) + S + V3 (shall/will) + S + V3

S + had + been + S + (have/has) + been + S + shall/will + have + been +
+ (V1+ing) (V1+ing) (V1+ing)
S + had + not + been + S + (have/has) + not + been + S + shall/will + not + have + been
CONTI- - (V1+ing) (V1+ing) + (V1+ing)
NUOUS had + S + been + (have/has) + S + been + shall/will + S + have + been +
? (V1+ing) (V1+ing) (V1+ing)

to do to be to have shall/will
V1 V2 V1 V2 V3 V1 V2 V1
I do did am was been have had shall

we do did are were been have had shall

you do did are were been have had will

they do did are were been have had will

he does did is was been has had will

she does did is was been has had will

it does did is was been has had will

Pembentukan Pola Kalimat Tenses

Simple Present Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Infinitive (Verb1) + Object

Digunakan untuk menyatakan:

1. Kebiasaan sehari-hari:
- I have breakfast at 7.00.
- I get up early in the morning.
2. Pekerjaan yang sering kali dilakukan:
- I always visit my grandmother.
- He often comes late.
3. Kebenaran umum:
- The earth goes round the sun.
- The river Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean.
4. Suatu pernyataan pada saat sekarang:
- I love him.
- He likes coffee.
- John is a clever boy.

Jika kata kerja dalam bentuk present ini digabungkan dengan subjek orang ketiga tunggal maka
harus ditambah akhiran -s. Ada beberapa aturan dalam mencantumkan akhiran -s ini, yaitu:

1. Untuk kata kerja pada umumnya, tambahkan -s. Contoh:

- play » plays
- eat » eats
- run » runs
2. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran –s, –ss, –sh, –ch, –x, –z, dan –o, tambahkan –es.
- catch » catches
- miss » misses
- fix » fixes
- go » goes
3. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran konsonan+y, –y diganti dengan –ies. Contoh:
- fly » flies
- cry » cries
- hurry » hurries

Kalimat dalam bentuk present tense juga terkadang disertai adverb of time atau kata keterangan
waktu. Beberapa adverb yang sering digunakan misalnya every day, every week, today, tonight,
this week, dan lain-lain.
Selain itu juga terkadang disertai adverb of frequency atau kata keterangan yang menerangkan
“seberapa sering”, yaitu often, always, generally, usually, seldom, sometimes, dan lain-lain.

Present Continuous Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Be (is/am/are) + [Verb1 + ing] + Object


 John is reading a book.

 I am watching a movie now.
 They are playing football.

Bentuk present continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sedang
berlangsung pada saat sekarang.
Keterangan waktu yang dipakai: now, at present, at this moment, dan lain-lain.
Salah satu ciri bentuk continuous adalah penggunaan akhiran –ing pada kata kerjanya. Ada
aturan dalam penggunaan akhiran –ing ini, yaitu:

1. Untuk kata kerja pada umumnya, cukup tambahkan –ing. Contoh:

- watch » watching
- fly » flying
- eat » eating
- go » going
2. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran –e, maka –e harus dihilangkan sebelum ditambah –ing.
- love » loving
- save » saving
- argue » arguing
- rise » rising
3. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran –ee, -e tidak perlu dihilangkan. Cukup ditambahkan –
ing. Contoh:
- agree » agreeing
- see » seeing
4. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan satu huruf vokal dan satu huruf konsonan,
maka konsonannya didobel sebelum ditambahkan –ing. Contoh:
- sit » sitting
- run » running
- kidnap » kidnapping
- get » getting

Beberapa kata kerja yang tidak dipakai dalam bentuk present continuous:

1. Verbs of sense atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan indra. Contohnya see, hear, smell,
notice, recognize.
2. Verbs of emotion atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan emosi. Contohnya desire,
refuse, forgive, wish, care, hate, adore, like, dislike.
3. Verbs of thinking atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan pemikiran. Contohnya feel,
realize, understand, know, mean, suppose, believe, expect, remember, recollect, forget,
trust, mind.
4. Verbs of possessing atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan kepemilikan. Contohnya
own, owe, belong, posses.
5. Kata-kata kerja lainnya, termasuk seem, appear, contain, consist, keep, concern.

Present Perfect Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Have/Has + Verb3 + Object


 My father has just gone home.

 Jerry has never eaten strawberries before.
 We have just finished watching the game.

Bentuk kalimat present perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah
selesai dilakukan dan hasil pekerjaan itu dapat dilihat pada saat sekarang. Bentuk ini juga dapat
digunakan ketika kita membicarakan sesuatu kejadian yang dimulai dikerjakan pada masa
lampau dan hingga sekarang masih berlangsung.
Kata keterangan yang sering digunakan adalah: for, since, today, recently, lately, already, just
now, yet, so far, dan lain-lain
Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Have/Has + Been + [Verb1 + ing] + Object


 I have been working on the paper for three hours.

 Sam has been waiting for you since this morning.
 We have been living in this town since 1997.

Bentuk kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang dikerjakan di waktu lampau
dan sampai sekarang masih berlangsung.
Kata keterangan yang sering digunakan adalah: since, for.

Simple Past Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Verb2 + Object


 They went to the zoo.

 Jimmy ate all the apples on the bowl.
 I saw my uncle at the festival.

Jika kalimatnya tidak menggunakan kata kerja, maka pola kalimatnya adalah:

Subject + Be (was/were) + Complements


 I was here last night.

 Ken was a football player before the accident.
 They were late this morning.

Bentuk kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau.
Kata keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan adalah last, ago, yesterday, just now, last year,
two days ago, dan lain-lain.
Selain itu pada kalimat simple past tense sering digunakan kata used to, untuk menyatakan
suatu kebiasaan di waktu lampau yang sekarang tidak dilakukan lagi.
Contoh: When I was young I used to go school on foot.

Past Continuous Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Be (was/were) + [Verb1 + ing] + Object

Bentuk kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan:

1. Dua kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau. Satu kejadian sedang berlangsung sewaktu
kejadian yang lain terjadi.
I was watching TV when he phoned me.
(Saya sedang menonton TV saat ia menelepon.)
2. Dua kejadian yang terjadi secara bersamaan di waktu lampau.
While my father was reading a newspaper, my mother was cooking in the kitchen.
(Saat ayahku sedang membaca koran, ibuku sedang memasak di dapur.)

Past Perfect Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Had + Verb3 + Object

Bentuk kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan dua kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau,
dimana satu kejadian sudah selesai dikerjakan sewaktu kejadian yang lain terjadi.


 She had just come after he got there.

(Dia [perempuan] baru saja tiba setelah si laki-laki datang ke sana.)
 I had finished my work when the letter came.
(Aku telah menyelesaikan tugasku saat suratnya datang.)

Kata keterangan yang biasa dipakai yaitu before, after, as soon as, just, already.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Had + Been + [Verb1 + ing] + Object

Bentuk kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan berapa lama suatu kejadian berlangsung
sebelum kejadian lainnya terjadi.

 They had been playing foot ball for two hours when there was a terrible storm.
 I had been living in Bandung for there years when the war broke out.


 How long have you been waiting?

(Berapa lama kamu menunggu?)
 How long had you been waiting when the bus finally came?
(Berapa lama kamu menunggu sampai akhirnya bis datang?)

Simple Future Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Shall/Will + Verb1 + Object

Bentuk ini digunakan jika kita membicarakan suatu kejadian yang akan terjadi.
Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai adalah: tomorrow, next week, next year, soon, dan lain-

 He will be here tonight.

 We shall (or we will) probably go to Los Angeles in June.

Catatan: to be going to = akan


 Do you think Tom will get the job?

 We are going to be late.

Kesimpulannya adalah, pemakaian will bisa jadi hanya sekadar perkiraan tetapi to be going to
sudah pasti akan dilaksanakan.

Future Continuous Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Shall/Will + Be + [Verb1 + ing] + Object

Bentuk kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu rencana yang sudah pasti akan

Don’t come to my house at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, because I’ll be playing tennis.
(Jangan datang ke rumahku jam 3 sore, karena saya akan sedang bermain tenis.)

Future Perfect Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Shall/Will + Have + Verb3 + Object

Bentuk kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu rencana yang sudah pasti selesai
dikerjakan pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.

X : May I borrow your book tomorrow?
Y : Sure. I’m sure I will have finished reading it by then.

Contoh lainnya:
 I will have bought a new car, when you come here again next week.
 By the time I come back from London, I hope Tina will have grown up.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Pola kalimat:

Subject + Shall/Will + Be + [Verb1 + ing] + Object

Bentuk kalimat ini digunakan jika membicarakan berapa lama suatu kejadian berlangsung
sampai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan di waktu yang akan datang.


 Betty will have been playing tennis for 7 hours by the end of this day.
 The Brows will have been living in this new house for 18 months next


arise arose arisen muncul, timbul
awake awoke awaken membangunkan, bangun
be was/were been auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu)
bear bore melahirkan, menahan
beat beat beaten memukul, mengalahkan
become became become menjadi
begin began begun mulai
bend bent bent menekukkan, membengkokkan, melipat
bet bet bet bertaruh
bite bit bitten menggigit
bleed bled bled berdarah
blow blew blown meniup, membunyikan
break broke broken memecahkan, mematahkan, merusakkan
bring brought brought membawa
build built built membangun
burn burnt, burned burnt, burned membakar
burst burst burst meledak
buy bought bought membeli
catch caught caught menangkap
choose chose chosen memilih
come came come datang
cost cost cost berharga, seharga
creep crept crept merangkak
cut cut cut memotong
deal dealt dealt membagi, berurusan
dig dug dug menggali
dive dived/dove dived menyelam
do did done melakukan
draw drew drawn menggambar
dreamt/ dreamt/
dream bermimpi
dreamed dreamed
drink drank drunk minum
drive drove driven mengemudi
eat ate eaten makan
fall fell fallen jatuh
feed fed fed memberi makan
feel felt felt merasa
fight fought fought berkelahi
find found found menemukan
fitted/ fitted/
fit mencocokkan
fit fit
flee fled fled melarikan diri
fly flew flown terbang
forbid forbade forbidden melarang
forget forgot forgotten lupa
forgive forgave forgiven memaafkan
get got mendapatkan
give gave given memberi
go went gone pergi
grow grew grown tumbuh, berkembang
hang hung hung menggantung (barang)
have had had mempunyai
hear heard heard mendengar
hide hid hidden bersembunyi
hit hit hit memukul
hold held held
nggarakan, memegang
hurt hurt hurt menyakiti
keep kept kept menjaga, menyimpan, terus
kneel knelt knelt berlutut
knitted/ knitted/
knit merajut
knit knit
know knew known tahu, mengenali
lay laid laid meletakkan, memasang
lead led led memimpin
leaned/ leaned/
lean menyandarkan, bersandar
leant leant
learnt/ learnt/
learn belajar
learned learned
leave left left meninggalkan
lend lent lent meminjamkan
let let let membiarkan
lie lay lain berbohong
lose lost lost
langkan, kehilangan, kalah
make made made membuat
bermaksud, bersungguh-
mean meant meant
meet met met bertemu
mistake mistook mistaken bersalah
misund- misund- misund-
salah paham
estand erstood erstood
pay paid paid membayar
prove proved membuktikan
put put put menyimpan, meletakkan
quit quit quit keluar, berhenti
read /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/ membaca
reset reset reset memasang kembali
rewind rewound rewound memutar kembali
rid rid rid membersihkan, melemparkan
ride rode ridden mengendarai
ring rang rung berbunyi
rise rose risen terbit, berdiri
run ran run berlari
saw sawed menggergaji
say said said mengatakan
see saw seen melihat
seek sought sought mencari
sell sold sold menjual
send sent sent mengirim
set set set menyetel
sew sewed menjahit
shake shook shaken
lengkan, bergoncang
shed shed shed membuang, menitikkan, memancarkan
shine shone shone bersinar
shoot shot shot menembak
show showed shown
shrink shrank, shrunk shrunk menyusutkan
shut shut shut menutup
sing sang sung menyanyi
sink sank sunk tenggelam
sit sat sat duduk
sleep slept slept tidur
slide slid slid tergelincir, meluncur
smelt/ smelt/
smell mencium (bau)
smelled smelled
speak spoke spoken berbicara
spell spelt/ spelt/ mengeja
spelled spelled
spend spent spent menghabiskan
spin spun spun berputar
spit spat/spit spat/spit meludah
split split split membelah, membagi
spoilt/ spoilt/
spoil manja
spoiled spoiled
spread spread spread melebarkan
spring sprung membocorkan, membuka, melepaskan
stand stood stood berdiri
steal stole stolen mencuri
stick stuck stuck menempelkan, menikam
strike struck struck mogok, melanggar, menabrak
swear swore sworn berjanji
sweep swept swept menyapu
swim swam swum berenang
swing swung swung berayun
take took taken mengambil
teach taught taught mengajar
tear tore torn merobek
tell told told mengatakan
think thought thought berpikir
throw threw thrown melempar
under- under- under-
stand stood stood
wake woke woken bangun
wear wore worn memakai
weep wept wept menangis
win won won menang
write wrote written menulis


above higher than, or over The sun is above the clouds.
across from one side to the other It's dangerous to run across the road.
- following something - The boy ran after the ball.
- later than - I'll phone you after lunch.
- in opposition to - Stealing is against the law.
- in contact with - The sofa is against the wall.
along from one end to the other They are walking along the street.
among surrounded by Peter was among the spectators.
- in a circle - He walked around the table.
- near, approximately - It costs around 50 euros.
- earlier than - The day before yesterday.
- in front of - He bowed before the king.
behind at the back of Passengers sit behind the driver.
below lower than His shorts are below his knees.
beneath under The pen was beneath the books.
beside next to The bank is beside the cinema.
between in the space separating two things Mary sat between Tom and Jane.
by near, at the side of The restaurant is by the river.
close to near The school is near the church.
down from higher to lower She pulled down the blind.
for what is intended I bought this book for you.
from where something starts or originates The wind is blowing from the north.
in at a point within an area The pen is in the drawer.
in front of directly before The child ran out in front of the bus.
inside on the inner part of The bird is inside the cage.
into enter a closed space He went into the shop.
near close to The school is near the church.
next to beside The bank is next to the cinema.
off down or away from He fell off the horse.
on in a position touching a surface The plate is on the table.
onto move to a position on a surface The cat jumped onto the roof of the car.
opposite facing, on the other side Eva sat opposite Tom at the table.
- move from a closed space - He got out of the taxi.
out of
- without - She's out of work.
opposite of inside,
outside The garden is outside the house.
on the outer side
- above/across - The plane flew over the Atlantic.
- on the surface of - She put a sheet over the furniture.
past beyond She drove past the supermarket.
round in a circular movement The earth moves round the sun.
through from one side to the other The Seine flows through Paris.
The virus spread throughout the
throughout in every part of
to in the direct of / towards On the way to the station.
towards in the direction of The child ran towards her father.
under beneath, below Water flows under the bridge.
underneath beneath There was dust underneath the rug.
up towards or in a higher position She walked up the stairs.

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