1: IT Section: Name: Amir Gad Mobile Phone: 002 0107178897 E-Mail
1: IT Section: Name: Amir Gad Mobile Phone: 002 0107178897 E-Mail
1: IT Section: Name: Amir Gad Mobile Phone: 002 0107178897 E-Mail
Before start reading my CV, I would like to inform that my CV is divided into 3 sections
Information Technology, Design and Language instructing…
1: IT section
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to apply for a Designer And / Or Information Technology Job Position.
These Work Positions are ideal for my experience, skills and career interests.
I believe that I can make a significant contribution to your organization with my experience in
helping organizations to their networks; ensuring that the design of an efficiently use
organization's computer site allows all of the components, including: computers, network,
And software, to fit together and work properly.
Also monitor and adjust the performance of existing networks and continually survey the current
computer site to determine future network needs;
That was for My Information Technology side, for Design and other abilities
Please, read what follows.
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +2 0107178897
Personal Information
Analyze, log, track and complex software and hardware matters of significance pertaining
to networking connectivity issues, printer, server, and application to meet business needs.
Coordinate hardware and software installations and upgrades to ensure work is performed
In accordance with company policy.
Coordinate testing, upgrade and configuration of system files and services. Ensure changes are
in accordance with appropriate operating procedures.
Here are some programs, that I have been using till now in a profession way:
3DS Max, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash (Macromedia before) and more!
Most of my work is a mix between 2D design and 3D design, it means sometimes I design and
produce 2D products like (logos, printouts, brochure, flyers, Business cards, magazine front
pages and covers – are produced by 3D approach as a 2D press …
Graphics 2D-3D, Multimedia-presentations & Web design are the main points!
More 3D Skills:
-I have good experience in building render farm machines for high quality and fast
3D production (I’ve built, developed and managed )
- I have good experience in building powerful workstations ( single render machines )
Well, next lines in a brief I will introduce my work type as a Designer please feel free reading…
1: 3D designer
Environment maker, Landscapes maker, Modeler, Animator, Visual Effects, 3D Architect, plans,
Interiors, Exteriors, Render man & Director.
2: 2D designer
Multimedia Plus!
Well, I have designed, installed, developed and managed meeting rooms, multimedia
conference halls, in a hotel in China, and also in a company in Hurghada Egypt.
I had a good chance to work as an English Instructor in a multi language School, Institute and
Private English Teacher. Also I was an English Translator in Hurghada city, I planed and
managed 1 year of English new approach Computer related English courses.
Total Period :3 years + volunteered to instruct English for Seniors 3 months
Also I worked as (Full time/part time English Teacher/Instructor – with contract- China)
Multimedia :تصميم وتعديل جميع برامج الوسائط المتعددة وإشراف على التنفيذ – مثال
مصمم وسائط متعددة تصميم عروض الشركات -
تصميم عروض تليفزيونية وإعلنات -
تصميم برامج مخصصة لجميع الفئات -
& Architect مصمم معمارى :تصميم مبانى ثلثى البعاد – تصميم -إظهار
…Designer 3D,2D مصمم ديكور :داخلى وخارجى
etc مصمم مناظر طبيعية :لند سكيب
مصمم ثنائى وثلثى البعاد – تصميم علمات تجارية – مطبوعات – مجلت – أغلفة – واجهات
Web pages مصمم مواقع و صفحات إنترنت – مصمم مواقع تجارة إليكترونية – خدمة عملء أون لين
تكنولوجيا معلومات تصميم وتنفيذ شبكات -تصميم وتنفيذ نظم أمن داخلى وخارجى -غرفة عمليات
مدرس-مدرب تدريب الفراد على برامج الحاسب – لغة إنجليزية – تدريب الفراد لجتياز المقابلت – تدريب
الفراد فى مجال التجارة اللكترونية
Contact information:
E-mail: [email protected]