StephanieKMiller CandidateSurvey
StephanieKMiller CandidateSurvey
StephanieKMiller CandidateSurvey
Stephanie K. Miller
2. Age
Judge (appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court to the Lopez Cepero vacancy in the 6th
subcircuit in January of 2017)
5. Current hometown, and neighborhood if Chicago. If subcircuit candidate: How long have you
lived there?
West Bucktown/Humboldt Park neighborhood where I have lived with my wife and twins since
I practiced as an attorney for 18 years handling both civil and criminal matters. My focus as
an Assistant Public Guardian was on civil child protection matters and work in probate court
representing disabled adults in civil guardianship proceedings. As an Assistant State’s
Attorney I worked in Child Protection Court as well as a special prosecutor in the sex crimes
unit where I handled cases involving adolescent and child victims. I spent several years in the
State’s Attorney’s Office as the lead attorney in a felony trial courtroom supervising other
attorneys and prosecuting high profile cases including murders. As a Judge I have been
assigned to the 1st Municipal Division where I worked handling traffic matters, misdemeanors
and felony preliminary hearings. I am currently assigned to the pretrial services division
where I preside over bond hearings on cases ranging from misdemeanors to sex crimes and
9. List all professional, business, fraternal, scholarly, civic, charitable, or other organizations to
which you belong.
Besides the above listed bar associations and judicial organizations I am active in my
neighborhood with several civic organizations. I am a part of the West Bucktown
Neighborhood Association, Maplewood and Lucy Flowers Park Advisory Council and the
Friends of Goethe School.
I have been a lifelong democrat even when I lived in Indiana, where I grew up. As an
appointed Judge I am running as a democrat for the Lopez Cepero vacancy that I currently
hold. Prior to being on the bench, I canvassed, campaigned and phone banked for several now
elected officials in the area.
12. Have you run for judge before? When and for which seat?
13. List your published writings, with dates and with links if available.
While in law school I wrote for both the Children’s Legal Rights Journal and the Public
Interest Law Reporter.
I have spent my entire legal career in public service helping those that need it most. Being a
judge has allows me to continue to serve the public on a level that impacts a wide variety of
citizens in all socioeconomic classes. I want to continue to serve my community and I believe I
am equipped to continue to do that as a judge.\ with my breadth of experience as na attorney
and a judge.
15. What are the most pressing issues facing the justice system and why?
16. How will your experiences help you serve as a good judge?
I have practiced in front of judges who were knowledgeable and compassionate and those that
were not. Being a judge for the past year has been an immense honor and one I do not take
lightly. I recognize the qualities that a judge needs to possess to be effective and I try to
emulate those on a daily basis. My entire legal career has been in the courtroom litigating
motions and trials and now presiding over those very same things. Some attorneys handle
matters on paper and not in courtrooms but my background on and off the bench as prepared
me to continue to serve as judge.
I am a Puerto Rican, a lesbian, a wife and a mother of twins. I have spent almost 15 years
giving back to the community where we have raised our family. My children go to a local
Chicago Public School and we are all very involved in making our area the best it can be for all
of its residents. My professional career has always been in public service and being a judge
has solidified my desire to continue to serve the public.