Zelfstudie Van Blastula Naar 3 Kiemlagen
Zelfstudie Van Blastula Naar 3 Kiemlagen
Zelfstudie Van Blastula Naar 3 Kiemlagen
Korte beschrijving: Deze zelfstudie heeft als onderwerp “Van blastula naar drie kiemlagen” en
behandelt de gastrulatie en de vorming van de lichaamsassen bij nematoden, amfibieën,
vogels en zoogdieren. Lees de tekst goed door, bestudeer de gelinkte bestanden en
beantwoord aansluitend de vragen. Gebruik de antwoorden als basis voor het
microscopiepracticum 1 en voor de presentatie van het bijbehorende onderwerp van de mini-
Zelfstudie van blastula naar drie kiemlagen
Samengesteld uit: Developmental Biology, 6th edition,Gilbert SF,Sunderland, (MA): Sinauer Associates,
2000. Te vinden op: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books en Jeremy Nance and James R. Priess (2002). Cell
polarity and gastrulation in C. elegans. Development, vol. 129, 387-397, www.wormatlas.org: Alimentary
system: Intestine.
We will present an overview of the developmental patterns among the metazoa. Figure 1 illustrates the major
evolutionary trends of metazoan development. The most striking pattern is that life has not evolved in a
straight line; rather, there are several branching evolutionary paths. We can see that metazoans belong to
one of three major branches: Diploblasts, protostomes, and deuterostomes.
Figure 1: Major evolutionary divergences in extant animals. Other models of evolutionary relationships
among the phyla are possible. This grouping of metazoa is based on embryonic, morphological, and
molecular criteria.
Sponges develop in a manner so different from that of any other animal group that some taxonomists do not
consider them metazoans at all, and call them “parazoans.” A sponge has three major types of somatic cells,
but one of these, the archeocyte, can differentiate into all the other cell types in the body. Individual cells of a
sponge passed through a sieve can reaggregate to form new sponges. Moreover, in some instances, such
reaggregation is species-specific: if individual sponge cells from two different species are mixed together,
each of the sponges that re-forms contains cells from only one species. In these cases, it is thought that the
motile archeocytes collect cells from their own species and not from others. Sponges contain no mesoderm,
so the Porifera have no true organ systems; nor do they have a digestive tube or circulatory system, nerves,
or muscles. Thus, even though they pass through an embryonic and a larval stage, sponges are very unlike
most metazoans. However, sponges do share many features of development (including gene regulatory
proteins and signaling cascades) with all the other animal phyla, suggesting that they share a common
Diploblastic animals are those who have ectoderm and endoderm, but no true mesoderm. These include the
cnidarians (jellyfish and hydras) and the ctenophores (comb jellies). In these animals, the mesoderm is
rudimentary, consisting of sparsely scattered cells in a gelatinous matrix.
Most metazoans have bilateral symmetry and three germ layers. The animals of these phyla, known
collectively as the Bilatera, are classified as either protostomes or deuterostomes. All Bilateria are thought to
have descended from a primitive type of flatworm. These flatworms were the first to have a true mesoderm
(although it was not hollowed out to form a body cavity), and they may have resembled the larvae of certain
contemporary coelenterates.
There are two divisions of bilaterian phyla, the protostomes and the deuterostomes. Protostomes (Greek,
“mouth first”), which include the mollusc, arthropod, and worm phyla, are so called because the mouth is
formed first, at or near the opening to the gut, which is produced during gastrulation. The anus forms later at
another location. Phyla in the deuterostome (Greek,“mouth second”) lineage include the chordates and
echinoderms. Although it may seem strange to classify humans, fish, and frogs in the same group as starfish
and sea urchins, certain embryological features stress this kinship
The evolution of organisms depends on inherited changes in their development. One of the greatest
evolutionary advances, the amniote egg, occurred among the deuterostomes. This type of egg, exemplified
by that of a chicken (Fig. 2), is thought to have originated in the amphibian ancestors of reptiles about 255
million years ago. The amniote egg allowed vertebrates to roam on land, far from existing ponds. Whereas
most amphibians must return to water to lay their eggs, the amniote egg carries its own water and food
supplies. It is fertilized internally and contains yolk to nourish the developing embryo. Moreover, the amniote
egg contains four sacs: the yolk sac, which stores nutritive proteins; the amnion, which contains the fluid
bathing the embryo; the allantois, in which waste materials from embryonic metabolism collect; and the
chorion, which interacts with the outside environment, selectively allowing materials to reach the embryo.
The entire structure is encased in a shell that allows the diffusion of oxygen but is hard enough to protect the
embryo from environmental assaults and dehydration. A similar development of egg casings enabled
arthropods to be the first terrestrial invertebrates. Thus, the final crossing of the boundary between water and
land occurred with the modification of the earliest stage in development: the egg. Zie verder thema 4.
Fig. 2.: Diagram of the amniote egg of the chick, showing the membranes enfolding the 7-day chick embryo.
The yolk is eventually surrounded by the yolk sac, which allows the entry of nutrients into the blood vessels.
The chorion is derived in part from the ectoderm and extends from the embryo to the shell (where it will
exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide and absorb calcium from the shell). The amnion provides the fluid
medium in which the embryo grows, and the allantois collects nitrogenous wastes that would be dangerous
to the embryo. Eventually the endoderm becomes the gut tube and encircles the yolk.
Gastrulation is the process of highly coordinated cell and tissue movements whereby the cells of the blastula
are dramatically rearranged. The blastula consists of numerous cells, the positions of which were established
during cleavage. During gastrulation, these cells are given new positions and new neighbors, and the
multilayered body plan of the organism is established. The cells that will form the endodermal and
mesodermal organs are brought inside the embryo, while the cells that will form the skin and nervous system
are spread over its outside surface. Thus, the three germ layers - from the outside to the inside ectoderm,
mesoderm and endoderm - are first produced during gastrulation. In addition, the stage is set for the
interactions of these newly positioned tissues. The movements of gastrulation involve the entire embryo, and
cell migrations in one part of the gastrulating embryo must be intimately coordinated with other movements
occurring simultaneously. Although the patterns of gastrulation vary throughout the animal kingdom, there
are only a few basic types of cell movements. Gastrulation usually involves some combination of the
following types of movements (Fig. 3):
- Invagination. The infolding of a region of cells, much like the indenting of a soft rubber ball when it is
- Involution. The inturning or inward movement of an expanding outer layer so that it spreads over the
internal surface of the remaining external cells.
- Ingression. The migration of individual cells from the surface layer into the interior of the embryo.
- Delamination. The splitting of one cellular sheet into two more or less parallel sheets.
- Epiboly. The movement of epithelial sheets (usually of ectodermal cells) that spread as a unit,
rather than individually, to enclose the deeper layers of the embryo.
Figure 3: Types of cell movements during gastrulation. The gastrulation of any particular organism is an
ensemble of several of these movements.
Axis Formation
Some of the most important phenomena in development concern the formation of embryonic axes (Fig. 4).
Embryos must develop three very important axes that are the foundations of the body: the anterior-posterior
axis, the dorsal-ventral axis, and the right-left axis. The anterior-posterior (or anteroposterior) axis is the line
extending from head to tail (or mouth to anus in those organisms that lack heads and tails). The dorsal-
ventral (dorsoventral) axis is the line extending from back (dorsum) to belly (ventrum). For instance, in
vertebrates, the neural tube is a dorsal structure. In insects, the neural cord is a ventral structure. The right-
left axis is a line between the two lateral sides of the body. Although we may look symmetrical, recall that in
most of us, the heart and liver are in the left half of the body only. Somehow, the embryo knows that some
organs go on one side and other organs go on the other.
Fig. 4: Axes of a bilaterally symmetric animal. A single plane, the midsagittal plane, divides the animal into
left and right halves. Cross sections are taken along the anterior-posterior axis.
During early cleavage, each asymmetrical division produces one founder cell (denoted AB, MS, E, C, and D),
which produces differentiated descendants, and one stem cell (the P1-P4 lineage). The descendants of each
founder cell divide at specific times in ways that are nearly identical from individual to individual. In this way, the
exactly 558 cells of the newly hatched larva are generated. The descendants of the founder cells can be
observed through the transparent cuticle and are named according to their positions relative to their sister cells.
For instance, ABal is the “left-hand” daughter cell of the Aba cell, and ABa is the “anterior” daughter cell of the
AB cell (Fig. 5A).
Figure 5 : A: Early development, as the egg is fertilized. The p-lineage are stem cells that will eventually form
the germ cells. The germ line segregates into the posterior portion of the most posterior (P) cell. The first three
cell divisions produce the AB, C, MS, and E lineages. B,C: Blastocoel formation. The images represent sections
through the center of embryos. B) 4-cell embryo showing a small basal separation (arrowhead); cell names are
listed. C) 26-cell embryo indicating the apical (a), lateral (l) and basal (b) surfaces of a cell lining the blastocoel
Gastrulation in C. elegans involves the movement of a subset of cells from the ventral surface of the embryo
into the blastocoel. These movements, described here as cell ingressions, occur over a period of about 3 hours
and begin at the 26-cell stage of embryogenesis. Some, or all, of the descendants of each of the early
embryonic blastomeres ingress. The ingressing cells form tissues such as the endoderm (descendants of the E
blastomere), germline (P4 descendants) and mesoderm (D descendants and a subset of AB, MS, and C
descendants; see Fig. 5A). Prior to gastrulation, the embryo consists of a hull of cells one cell in thickness.
These cells surround a small, central cavity called the blastocoel (arrowheads, Fig. 5C). For convenience, we
distinguish three types of membrane surfaces for each cell. The apical membrane faces the perimeter of the
embryo, the basal membrane faces the blastocoel, and the lateral membranes face adjacent cells within the
hull. The blastocoel forms as the basal surfaces of diametrically opposed cells gradually detach from each
other. Small openings between basal surfaces are first visible at the 4-cell stage (arrowhead, Fig. 5B).
Gastrulation in C. elegans starts just after the generation of the P4 cell in the 24-cell embryo (Fig. 6A, 6B). At
this time, the two daughters of the E cell (Ea and Ep) migrate from the ventral side into the center of the
embryo. The inward migration of the E-cells creates a tiny blastopore (Fig. 6C). The next cell to migrate through
this blastopore is the P4 cell, the precursor of the germ cells. It migrates to a position beneath the gut
primordium. The mesodermal cells move in next: the descendants of the MS cell migrate inward from the
anterior side of the blastopore, and the C- and D-derived muscle precursors enter from the posterior side (Fig.
8D). These cells flank the gut tube on the left and right sides. Finally, about 6 hours after fertilization, the AB-
derived cells that contribute to the pharynx are brought inside. After the cycles of ingression are completed, the
ventral surface of the embryo is occupied primarily by neuronal precursors. These precursors do not appear to
enter the blastocoel by ingression, but are internalized by epiboly of skin cells. During the next 6 hours, the cells
move and organize into organs, and the ball-shaped embryo stretches out to become a worm. This
hermaphroditic worm will have 558 somatic cells. An additional 115 cells will have formed, but undergone
apoptosis. After four molts, this worm will be a sexually mature adult, containing 959 somatic cells, as well as
numerous sperm and eggs.
Figure 6: Cell ingression. (A) Schematic lineage diagram of early blastomeres indicating AB and P1
descendants. (B) Lateral view of a three-dimensional model of nuclei at the 26-cell stage; anterior is left. The
subset of descendants of the early blastomeres that ingress, or give rise to ingressing cells, are indicated by the
color scheme in A; non-ingressing cells (a subset of AB descendants) are shown in grey. Ingression occurs on
the ventral surface of the embryo. Many of the cells that ingress are born on the ventral surface (E, MS and P4
descendants. Other cells, such as the C descendants, are born in dorsal or lateral positions and move to the
ventral surface prior to ingression. (C) 28-cell embryo; lateral view as in B. An MS descendant (red arrowhead)
and P4 (cyan arrowhead) are shown spreading across the apical surfaces of the E daughters (yellow asterisks).
(D) Ventral view showing MS descendants (red asterisks) and a subset of C descendants (green asterisks) prior
to ingression. The arrow indicates the cleft created by ingression of the D descendants.
Axes formation
The elongated axis of the C. elegans egg defines the future anterior-posterior axis of the nematode's body. The
decision as to which end will become the anterior and which the posterior seems to reside with the position of
sperm pronucleus. When it enters the oocyte cytoplasm, the centriole associated with the sperm pronucleus
initiates cytoplasmic movements that push the male pronucleus to the nearest end of the oblong oocyte. This
end becomes the posterior pole. In the first cell division, the cleavage furrow is located asymmetrically along the
anterior-posterior axis of the egg, closer to what will be the posterior pole. The dorsal-ventral axis of the
nematode is seen in the division of the AB cell. As the AB cell divides, it becomes longer than the eggshell is
wide. This causes the cells to slide, resulting in one AB daughter cell being anterior and one being posterior
(hence their names, ABa and ABp, respectively). This squeezing also causes the ABp cell to take a position
above the EMS cell that results from the division of the P1 blastomere. The ABp cell defines the future dorsal
side of the embryo, while the EMS cell, the precursor of the muscle and gut cells, marks to future ventral
surface of the embryo. The EMS cell divides into an MS cell (which produces mesodermal muscles) and an E
cell (which produces the intestinal endoderm). The left-right axis is specified later, at the 12-cell stage, when the
MS blastomere contacts half the “granddaughters” of the ABa cell, distinguishing the right side of the body from
the left side.
Figure 7: Transverse views of anterior intestinal cells in a C. elegans larva. Adherens junctions sealing the
apical borders between individual intestinal cells (arrowheads). DC, dorsal nerve cord; VC, ventral nerve cord;
Exc, excretory cell.
Amphibian Gastrulation
The study of amphibian gastrulation is both one of the oldest and one of the newest areas of experimental
embryology. Even though amphibian gastrulation has been extensively studied for the past century, most of
our theories concerning the mechanisms of these developmental movements have been revised over the
past decade. The study of amphibian gastrulation has been complicated by the fact that there is no single
way amphibians gastrulate. Different species employ different means toward the same goal. In recent years,
the most intensive investigations have focused on the frog Xenopus laevis, so we will concentrate on its
mode of gastrulation.
Figure 8: Cell movements during frog gastrulation. The meridional sections are cut through the middle of the
embryo and positioned so that the vegetal pole is tilted toward the observer and slightly to the left. The major
cell movements are indicated by arrows, and the superficial animal hemisphere cells are colored so that their
movements can be followed. (A, B) Early gastrulation. The bottle cells of the margin move inward to form the
dorsal lip of the blastopore, and the mesodermal precursors involute under the roof of the blastocoel. AP
marks the position of the animal pole, which will change as gastrulation continues. (C, D) Mid-gastrulation.
The archenteron forms and displaces the blastocoel, and cells migrate from the lateral and ventral lips of the
blastopore into the embryo. The cells of the animal hemisphere migrate down toward the vegetal region,
moving the blastopore to the region near the vegetal pole. (E, F) Toward the end of gastrulation, the
blastocoel is obliterated, the embryo becomes surrounded by ectoderm, the endoderm has been
internalized, and the mesodermal cells have been positioned between the ectoderm and endoderm.
Figure 9: Epiboly of the ectoderm. (A) Changes in the region around the blastopore as the dorsal, lateral,
and ventral lips are formed in succession. When the ventral lip completes the circle, the endoderm becomes
progressively internalized. Numbers ii-v correspond to Fig. 12 B-E, respectively. (B) Summary of epiboly of
the ectoderm and involution of the mesodermal cells migrating into the blastopore and then under the
surface. The endoderm beneath the blastopore lip is not mobile and is enclosed by these movements.
The widening blastopore “crescent” develops lateral lips and finally a ventral lip over which additional
mesodermal and endodermal precursor cells pass. With the formation of the ventral lip, the blastopore has
formed a ring around the large endodermal cells that remain exposed on the vegetal surface. This remaining
patch of endoderm is called the yolk plug; it, too, is eventually internalized (Fig. 9). At that point, all the
endodermal precursors have been brought into the interior of the embryo, the ectoderm has encircled the
surface, and the mesoderm has been brought between them. Part of the mesoderm splits into two layers.
The space between these layers becomes the body cavity, the coelom, which stretches from the future neck
region to the posterior of the body (fig. 12).
Prior to gastrulation the two-layered blastoderm (epiblast and hypoblast) is joined together at the margin of
the area opaca, and the space between the layers forms a blastocoel (Fig.10 A). The hypoblast does not
contribute any cells to the developing embryo. Rather, the hypoblast cells form portions of the external
membranes, especially the yolk sac and the stalk that links the yolk mass to the endodermal digestive tube.
All three germ layers of the embryo proper (plus a considerable amount of extraembryonic membrane) are
formed from the epiblastic cells.
Figure 10: (A)Secondary hypoblast cells from the posterior margin (Koller's sickle and the posterior marginal
cells behind it) migrate beneath the epiblast. As the hypoblast moves anteriorly, epiblast cells collect at the
region anterior to Koller's sickle to form the primitive streak. The line in figure B indicates how section A is
taken. B-D: Dorsal view of the formation and elongation of the primitive streak, seen at (B) 3–4 hours, (C) 7–
8 hours, and (D) 15–16 hours after fertilization. The early movements of the migrating epiblast cells are
shown by arrows.
The primitive streak defines the axes of the embryo. It extends from posterior to anterior; migrating cells
enter through its dorsal side and move to its ventral side; and it separates the left portion of the embryo from
the right. Those elements close to the streak will be the medial (central) structures, while those farther from it
will be the distal (lateral) structures.
As cells converge to form the primitive streak, a depression forms within the streak. This depression is called
the primitive groove, and it serves as an opening through which migrating cells pass into the blastocoel.
Thus, the primitive groove is analogous to the amphibian blastopore. At the anterior end of the primitive
streak is a regional thickening of cells called the primitive knot or Hensen's node. The center of this node
contains a funnel-shaped depression (sometimes called the primitive pit) through which cells can pass into
the blastocoel. Hensen's node is the functional equivalent of the dorsal lip of the amphibian blastopore (i.e.,
the organizer). As soon as the primitive streak has formed, epiblast cells begin to migrate through it and into
the blastocoel (Fig. 11). As they enter the blastocoel, these cells separate into two layers. The deep layer
joins the hypoblast along its midline and displaces the hypoblast cells to the sides. These deep-moving cells
give rise to all the endodermal organs of the embryo as well as to most of the extraembryonic membranes.
The subgerminal cavity between the yolk and the endoderm is now termed the primitive gut (Fig. 11D). The
second migrating layer spreads between this endoderm and the epiblast, forming a loose layer of cells.
These middle layer cells generate the mesodermal portions of the embryo and extraembryonic membranes.
Those cells migrating through the node and move cranially in the midline give rise to the notochord, a
transient mesodermal “backbone” that plays an important role in distinguishing and patterning the nervous
Figure 11: Migration of endodermal and mesodermal cells through the primitive streak. (A) Dorsal view of the
primitive streak. The arrow indicates how sections B-D are taken. B-D: (B) Stereogram of a gastrulating chick
embryo, showing the relationship of the primitive streak, the migrating cells, and the two original layers of the
blastoderm. The lower layer becomes a mosaic of hypoblast and endodermal cells; the hypoblast cells
eventually sort out to contribute to the yolk sac. (C) Transverse sections at 18(C) and 25 (D) hours of
incubation showing the forming of the gut tube (biocyclopedia.com).
A significant event in the establishment of body form is folding of the flat trilaminar embryonic discinto a
somewhat cylindrical embryo. The endodermal, mesodermal and ectodermal layers of the embryonic disc
each fuse to the corresponding layer on the opposite side. The process of midline fusion transforms the flat
embryonic endoderm into a gut tube. This process can be mimicked by separating the chick embryo from its
yolk mass and pulling its edges together ventrally. By reshaping the chick embryo in a sphere its basic
similarity to an amphibian embryo at a similar stage is made evident (Fig. 12)
By 22 hours of incubation, most of the presumptive endodermal cells are in the interior of the embryo,
although presumptive mesodermal cells continue to migrate inward for a longer time. Unlike the Xenopus
mesoderm, which migrates as sheets of cells into the blastocoel, cells entering the inside of the avian
embryo ingress as individuals after undergoing an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transformation.
Figure 12: A) The usual method of removing chick embryos from the yolk in order to prepare them for
microscopic study. makes the sections appear as if the primitive gut has no ventral boundary. B, C) When
the chick embryo is separated from its enormous yolk mass and its edges are pulled together ventrally, it
resembles an amphibian embryo at a similar stage.
Epiboly of the ectoderm
While the presumptive mesodermal and endodermal cells are moving inward, the ectodermal precursors
proliferate. Moreover, the ectodermal cells migrate to surround the yolk by epiboly. The enclosure of the yolk
by the ectoderm (again reminiscent of the epiboly of amphibian ectoderm) is a Herculean task that takes the
greater part of 4 days to complete.
Thus, as avian gastrulation draws to a close, the ectoderm has surrounded the yolk, the endoderm has
replaced the hypoblast, and the mesoderm has positioned itself between these two regions. We have
identified many of the processes involved in avian gastrulation, but we remain ignorant as to the mechanisms
by which many of these processes are carried out.
Gastrulation in Mammals
Birds and mammals are both descendants of reptilian species. Therefore, it is not surprising that mammalian
development parallels that of reptiles and birds. What is surprising is that the gastrulation movements of
reptilian and avian embryos, which evolved as an adaptation to yolky eggs, are retained even in the absence
of large amounts of yolk in the mammalian embryo. The mammalian inner cell mass can be envisioned as
sitting atop an imaginary ball of yolk, following instructions that seem more appropriate to its reptilian
ancestors. The first segregation of cells within the inner cell mass results in the formation of the hypoblast
layer (Fig. 13A) The hypoblast cells delaminate from the inner cell mass to line the blastocoel cavity, where
they give rise to the extraembryonic endoderm, which forms the yolk sac. As in avian embryos, these cells
do not produce any part of the newborn organism. The remaining inner cell mass tissue above the hypoblast
is now referred to as the epiblast. The epiblast cell layer is split by small clefts that eventually coalesce to
separate the embryonic epiblast from the other epiblast cells, which form the amnionic cavity (Fig. 13B,C).
Once the lining of the amnion is completed, it fills with a secretion called amnionic (amniotic) fluid, which
serves as a shock absorber for the developing embryo while preventing its desiccation. The embryonic
epiblast is believed to contain all the cells that will generate the actual embryo, and it is similar in many ways
to the avian epiblast.
Figure 13: Tissue formation in the human embryo between days 7 and 9. (A, B,C) Human blastocyst
immediately prior to gastrulation. The inner cell mass delaminates hypoblast cells that line the blastocoel,
forming the extraembryonic endoderm of the primitive yolk sac and a two-layered (epiblast and hypoblast)
blastodisc similar to that seen in avian embryos. The cytotrophoblast and the syncytiotrophoblast will form
the chorion and placenta. (B,C) Meanwhile, the epiblast splits into the amnionic ectoderm (which encircles
the amnionic cavity) and the embryonic epiblast. The adult mammal forms from the cells of the embryonic
epiblast, the extraembryonic endoderm forms the yolk sac. (After Larsen’s Human Embryology)
Gastrulation begins at the posterior end of the embryo, and this is where the node forms (Fig. 14). Like the
chick epiblast cells, the mammalian mesoderm and endoderm migrate through a primitive streak, and like
their avian counterparts, the migrating cells of the mammalian epiblast lose E-cadherin, detach from their
neighbors, and migrate through the streak as individual cells. Those cells migrating through the node give
rise to the notochord, a transient mesodermal “backbone” that plays an important role in distinguishing and
patterning the nervous system.
The first ingressing epiblast cells invade the hypoblast and displace its cells, so that the hypoblast eventually
is completely replaced by a new layer of cells, the definitive endoderm. It is thought that the replacement of
human hypoblast cells by endoderm precursors occurs on days 14–15 of gestation, while the migration of
cells forming the mesoderm does not start until day 16 (Fig. 14B). At the end of the third week the embryo is
a flat trilaminar disc. Like the chick embryo it grows rapidly, and undergoes a process of folding that creates
the basic vertebrate body form.
Figure 14: Amnion structure and cell movements during human gastrulation. (A) Human embryo and uterine
connections at day 15 of gestation. In the upper view, the embryo is cut sagittally through the midline; the
lower view looks down upon the dorsal surface of the embryo. (B) The movements of the epiblast cells
through the primitive streak and Hensen's node and underneath the epiblast are superimposed on the dorsal
surface view. At days 14 and 15, the ingressing epiblast cells are thought to replace the hypoblast cells
(which contribute to the yolk sac lining), while at day 16, the ingressing cells fan out to form the mesodermal
De celbewegingen die plaatsvinden gedurende de gastrulatie is niet voor alle organismen gelijk.
2. Welke typen celbewegingen vinden plaats gedurende de gastrulatie bij nematoden, het amfibieën, vogels
en zoogdieren?
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