Seventeen Syllables
Seventeen Syllables
Seventeen Syllables
By Hisaye Yamamoto
-discribes the first time Rosie
realized her mother wrote haikus
-haiku represents a kind of Oriental
religious and poetic experience
Her mother reads her haiku she has
written and Rosie pretends to
enjoy and understand it-this is the
first hint of deception
-the theme is one of deception,
which can be seen at various points
through the story ‘’Rosie and her
father lived for a while with two
women, her mother and Ume
Hanazono-means a ‘’flower
Tome- a symbol -japanes husband
Ume-which blosoms and bears fruit
just in three months
17-symbol of communist
-the story elaborates on the
priceeding destruction of woman
who aspires and initiates