100 Marks Project
100 Marks Project
100 Marks Project
Insurance is a financial service for collecting the savings of the public and
providing them with risk coverage. People exposed to same kind of risk are pooled
together. People facing the same risks contribute to a common fund. In case, any
individual who is part of the pool suffers a loss, he is compensated from the
common fund. It also provides capital to the society as the funds accumulated are
invested in productive heads.
“Insurance is a co-operative device to spread the loss caused by a particular
risk over a number of persons, who are exposed to it and who agree to insure
themselves against risk”
Example: in a town, there are 2000 persons who are aged 60 and are healthy. It is
expected that of these 20 persons may die during the year. If the economic value of
the loss suffered by the family of each dying person were taken to be Rs. 50,000,
the total loss would work out to Rs.10, 00, 000. If each person of the group
contributes Rs. 500 a year, the common fund would be Rs. 10, 00,000. This would
be enough to pay Rs. 50,000 to the family of each of the 20 dying persons. Thus
the risks in case of 20 persons are shared by 2000 persons.
In the words of D.S.Hansell, “Insurance may be defined as a social device
providing financial compensation for the effects of misfortune, the payment
being made from the acclimated contributions of all parties participating in the
The function of insurance is to protect you against losses you cannot afford.
Transferring the risks of a person, business, or organization -- (the insured) -- to an
insurance company, or “insurer” does this. The insurer then reimburses the insured
for “covered" losses - i.e., those losses it pays for under the policy's terms.
1. Sharing of Risk:
Insurance is a device to share the financial losses which might befall on an
individual or his family on the happening of a specified event. The event may be
death of a bread-winner to the family in the case of life insurance, marine-perils in
marine insurance, fire in fire insurance and other certain events in general
insurance, e.g., theft in burglary insurance, accident in motor insurance, etc. The
loss arising nom these events if insured are shared by all the insured in the form of
2. Co-operative Device:
The most important feature of every insurance plan is the co-operation of large
number of persons who, in effect, agree to share the financial loss arising due to a
particular risk which is insured. Such a group of persons may be brought together
voluntarily or through publicity or through solicitation of the agents.
An insurer would be unable to compensate all the losses from his own capital. So,
by insuring or underwriting a large number of persons, he is able to pay the amount
of loss. Like all cooperative devices, there is no compulsion here on anybody to
purchase the insurance policy.
3. Value of Risk:
The risk is evaluated before insuring to charge the amount of share of an insured,
herein called, consideration or premium. There are several methods of evaluation
of risks. If there is expectation of more loss, higher premium may be charged. So,
the probability of loss is calculated at the time of insurance.
4. Payment at Contingency:
5. Amount of Payment:
The amount of payment depends upon the value of loss occurred due to the
particular insured risk provided insurance is there up to that amount. In life
insurance, the purpose is not to make good the financial loss suffered. The insurer
promises to pay a fixed sum on the happening of an event.
If the event or the contingency takes place, the payment does fall due if the policy
is valid and in force at the time of the event, like property insurance, the
dependents will not be required to prove the occurring of loss and the amount of
loss. It is immaterial in life insurance what was the amount of loss at the time of
contingency. But in the property and general insurances, the amount of loss as well
as the happening of loss, are required to be proved.
To spread the loss immediately, smoothly and cheaply, large number of persons
should be insured. The co-operation of a small number of persons may also be
insurance but it will be limited to smaller area. The cost of insurance to each
member may be higher. So, it may be unmarketable.
Insurers provide insurance policies, which are legally binding contracts for
which the policy holder pays insurance premium. Under an insurance contract,
insurance companies promise to pay specified sum contingent on the occurrence of
future events. Based upon this, the functions of insurance may be discussed as
Insurance provides certainty of payment for the risk of loss. There are
uncertainty of happening of time and amount of loss. Insurance removes all
these uncertainty of happening of time and amount of loss. Insurance
removes all these uncertainty and the assured is given certainty of payment
of loss. The insurer charges premium for providing the said certainty.
The main function of the insurance is to provide protection against the
probable chances of loss. The insurance guarantees the payment of loss and
thus protects the assured from sufferings.
Risk Sharing:
When risk takes place, the loss is shared by all the persons who are
exposed to the risk. The share is obtained from each and every insured in the
shape of premium without which the insurer does not guarantee protection.
Assists in Capital Formulation:
The insurance provides capital to the society. The scarcity of capital
of the society is minimized to greater extent with the help of investment of
Prevention of Loss:
The insurance companies assist financially to the health organization,
fire brigade, educational institutions, and other organization, which are
engaged in preventing the losses of the
masses from death or damages. The insurance joins hands with these
institutions in preventing the losses of the society because the reduction in
loss causes lesser payment to the end so more saving possible which will
assist in reducing the premium. Lesser premium invites more business and
more causes lesser share to the assured. The primary function of insurance is
to act as a risk transfer mechanism. Under this function of insurance, an
individual can exchange his uncertainty for certainty.
Types of Insurance
Kinds of Insurance
The Insurance business deals in selling services and therefore due weight
age in the formulation of marketing mix for the insurance business is needed. The
marketing mix includes sub-mixes of marketing such as the people, the process,
and the physical attraction.
The public sector insurance organization have not been formulating and
innovating the marketing mix to cater to the changing needs and requirements and
increasing level of satisfaction of the users.
As it is said that,
It is a managerial process.
Individual Institutional