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Curb Angle

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3 Ambient temperaturc storcge tank design

Figure 3.57 The use of two angte secrions or rwo thickened roof and shellplates to increase ihe area n in" rooftol]rl"rr"olnpr"""ion ton"

From a practical point of view, both the BS and API Codes take 3.7.9 3 Effect of internal pressure and tank diameter on re'
the view that for construction purposes, (unless there are spe- quired compression area
cial circumstances which are given in Section 3 7 9 2), then Forthe BS Code, the effect ofthe varying internal design pres-
tanks must be provided with a top curb angle of a certain mini sure for a ranqe of iank diameters is demonstrated in Figure
mum srze. 3.61, for the following tank design parameters.
The reason for this is to:
a) l\.4aintain shell circularity during construction
b) Give a landing for the roof plating
c) Give a landing for the roof handrail stanchions (where Jit-
ted) in? 5 5
Roofslopel L Minimum curb angle sizes for fixed roof tanks rano= 0.2 02 0.2

In the BS Code, the minimum size of curb angle which shall be 9i1s!l ll:!l 0 rs6l
fltted to the tank shall be that derived from equation 3 68 or as 12A 124 120
given in Table 4 of the Code (Figure 3.58) whichevef is the
greater. Here From equation 3.68:
Mininum size curb angle (mm)
A reoutreq
50pR2 Here
6ol!9l9 ' Sc tan 0
60x60xB From Figure 3.55, the available roof plate area
=wn.t = o.6u/i ooo. n, . t xg equ3 72

The available shell plate area

Figure 3.58 L4inimum size of curb angle from BS 2654

=w".t=0.6",/iooo+txt equ 3.73

The corresponding requirements to the APl650 Code are given From Figure 3.65 it can be seen howthe compression zone/re-
quirements increase dramatically over the range of tank diame-
in clause of the Code and are shown in Figure 3.59.
ters, when moving from a non-pressure through to a high- pres-
Minidum size culb angle (mm) sure ratino. This is because, in equation 3.68 the pressure
50x50x5 increases bya factorot ta.zg i.e.52! linearly whilst Lhe value
,11._18 50,50^6
for the tank radius is being squared.

Figure 3.59 Corresponding requirements API 650 for minimum curb angle
3.7.9,2 Cases where minimum curb angle requirements do
not apply
The stipulations given in Figures 3.58 and 3.59 do not apply to
the following:
a) Open top tanks.
b) Tanks having self-supportlng roofs to API 650
- these are
governed by specific requirements given in clauses 3.10.5 1.751 sR<31
and 3.10.6 ofAPl 650 which can result in roof-to-shell con-
nections as 'detail a' of Figure 3.55 or'detail h' of Figure
c) For the API Code only.
- Tanks = I m diameter
< which
have the top angle formed by flanging the top edge of the
shell as shown in Figure 3.60. Figure 3.60 Top edge of shell flanged io form a landing for the roof plales


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