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Assessment Rubric

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Assessment Rubric for ePortfolio

Although this ePortfolio is designed to meet the criteria of the TQS capstone project, the rubric
includes only meeting and exceeding expectations. I hope to exceed expectations in all areas for
my ePortflio, demonstrating my growth and continued commitment to lifelong learning.

Criteria Meeting expectations Exceeding Expectations

Purpose / Audience • Purpose is explained and • Purpose is explicitly
supported explained; clear intention is
• Intended audience is clear held throughout portfolio
• Purpose is relevant to • Intended audience is clear
chosen audience throughout the portfolio
• Purpose is reflective • Purpose demonstrates
reflection of learning

Chosen Artifacts • Artifacts are purposeful, • Chosen artifacts represent

supported through learning growth as
reflection connected to the overall
• Demonstrate an array of
knowledge building through
different forms (ie. posts,
essays, media, videos, etc.)
Reflections • Reflections are • Reflections demonstrate
meaningful and growth over time, a change
demonstrate accumulated in perspective in overall
knowledge and learning learning
• Reflections are relevant • Reflections are clearly
and supported by chosen connected to well-chosen
artifacts artifacts that highlight
particular aspects of growth
Theme • Theme is clear, creative, • Theme reflects learning
supported growth, is unique,
• Theme is purposeful personal, and creative
• Theme is evident across
the portfolio and ties
together the overall
learning process
Evidence of Knowledge • Demonstrates • Demonstrates deep
Building understanding of current understanding of current
theory and research theory and research,
through chosen artifacts proposing areas of further
• Makes connections study, based on chosen
between concepts artifacts
presented across courses • Makes deep connections
between concepts presented
and underlying
Assessment Rubric for ePortfolio

understandings between
courses, educational
context, and personal biases

Design / Organization • Design is relevant to the • Design reflects the theme

theme clearly throughout
• Contains various working • Organization
hyperlinks and media demonstrates solid ability
• Organized in a clear to manipulate media,
manner, easy to follow hyperlinks and content in
• Aesthetically pleasing a clear, concise manner
• Visually engaging and
interactive for chosen
Format • Portfolio is referenced and • Portfolio is referenced and
cited using APA cited correctly throughout
formatting with few to no the portfolio, using APA
grammatical errors formatting
• Portfolio is free of
grammatical errors

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