h1 Public Finance - Meaning Scope Distinction
h1 Public Finance - Meaning Scope Distinction
h1 Public Finance - Meaning Scope Distinction
"The investment into the nature and principles of state expenditure and state revenue is called public finance".
In public finance we study the finances of the Government. Thus, public finance deals with the question how the
Government raises its resources to meet its ever-rising expenditure. As Dalton puts it,” public finance is “concerned with
the income and expenditure of public authorities and with the adjustment of one to the other.”
Accordingly, effects of taxation, Government expenditure, public borrowing and deficit financing on the economy
constitutes the subject matter of public finance. Thus, Prof. Otto Eckstein writes “Public Finance is the study of the effects
of budgets on the economy, particularly the effect on the achievement of the major economic objects—growth, stability,
equity and efficiency.”
Further, it also deals with fiscal policies which ought to be adopted to achieve certain objectives such as price stability,
economic growth, more equal distribution of income. Economic thinking about the role that public finance is expected to
play has changed from time to time according to the changes in economic situation.
The goals of public finance are to recognize when, how and why the government should intervene in the current economy,
and also understand the possible outcomes of making changes in the market. In addition, public finance can involve issues
outside of the economy, including accounting, law and public finance management.
Understanding the role of the government and how changes may affect the economy are a few important aspects of public
finance professionals. When the government intervenes and takes action within the economy, the outcomes are classified
into one of three categories: economic efficiency, distribution of income or macroeconomic stabilization.
The scope of the science of public finance now-a-days has widened too much. It is due to the fact that modern states
have to perform multifarious functions to promote the welfare of its citizens. In addition to maintaining law and order
within the country and provision of security from external aggression, it has to perform many economic and commercial
The study of public finance is split up into four parts; (1) Public Expenditure (2) Public Revenue, (3) Public Debt and (4)
Budgeting etc.
Not a single individual can print notes A state can print currency notes in order to meet its
expenditure in difficult times
Let us learn about the similarities and dissimilarities between public finance and private finance.