Navi Sailor 3000 Software Description

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VERSION 3.00.01

Edition 2

© Transas Marine Ltd. July, 2003

© Transas Marine Ltd. 2003
All rights reserved. The information contained herein is proprietary to Transas Marine Ltd.
and shall not be duplicated in whole or in part.
The technical details contained in this manual are the best that are available at the date of issue
but are subject to change without notice. Transas Marine Ltd. pursues the policy of continuous development.
This may lead to the product described in this manual being different from the product delivered after its publication.
Microsoft and Widows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
This document contains:
Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software ..............................................................11
NS Screen and Chart Panels .............................................................................13
NS Screen ................................................................................................13
Main Chart Panel......................................................................................14
Dual Chart Panel ......................................................................................15
Work with Panels......................................................................................16
NS Cursors .........................................................................................................17
Free Cursor ..............................................................................................17
Graphics Cursor .......................................................................................18
Control Panel ......................................................................................................19
Control Panel Windows ............................................................................19
Config Panel .......................................................................................................32
General Page ...........................................................................................32
License Info Page.....................................................................................35
Weather Parameters Settings Page.........................................................35
Radar Settings Page ................................................................................37
Time Zone Page .......................................................................................37
Com Trace Panel Page ............................................................................39
Alarms Panel ......................................................................................................40
Active Alarms Page ..................................................................................40
General Alarms Page ...............................................................................41
Area Alarms Page ....................................................................................42
AIS Alarms Page ......................................................................................43
Monitoring Panel.................................................................................................45
Ship Position Page ...................................................................................45
Route Monitoring Page.............................................................................48
Navigational Alarms Page ........................................................................51
Route Panel ........................................................................................................54
Area for Handling Routes and Turning on the Editor ...............................54
Area for Switching Routes and Functional Panel.....................................55
Route and Schedule Elements Table.......................................................55
Functional Panel Area ..............................................................................56
Add Info Panel ....................................................................................................59
Area for the Control of the User Chart Object Display .............................59
User Chart Handling Area ........................................................................60
Area for Search for and Editing of the User Chart Objects ......................60
Manual Corrections Panel ..................................................................................64
Area for Turning on and Control of Updating Object Display...................64
Area for Search for and Editing of Updating Objects ...............................65
Targets Panel .....................................................................................................69
Target Display Setting Area .....................................................................69
Target Table .............................................................................................71
AIS Panel............................................................................................................72
Voyage and Static Data Page ..................................................................72
Messaging Page.......................................................................................74
Seaway Data Page...................................................................................77
Interrogation Page....................................................................................78
Long Range Page ....................................................................................80
Channel Management Page.....................................................................81
Protected R4 Settings Page .....................................................................84

NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2). 1

Logbook Panel ................................................................................................... 87
Table of Events and Event Parameters................................................... 87
Settings Group ......................................................................................... 89
Chart Panel ........................................................................................................ 90
Chart Search and Loading Area .............................................................. 90
Chart Information Display Adjustment Area ............................................ 91
Tasks Panel ....................................................................................................... 94
SAR Page ................................................................................................ 94
Tides Page............................................................................................... 96
Info Panel ......................................................................................................... 102
Description of Chart Manager Utility Interface ................................................... 103
Purpose ............................................................................................................ 105
Main and Functional Menus............................................................................. 105
Chart and Table Panels ................................................................................... 106
Chart Panel ............................................................................................ 106
Table Panel............................................................................................ 107
Dialogue Boxed Which Appear in the Process of the CM Operation .............. 109
Add License Window ............................................................................. 109
Update Window...................................................................................... 110
Summary Information Windows............................................................. 111
Description of Data Tool Utility ............................................................................ 113
Purpose ............................................................................................................ 115
Data Tool Utility Window.................................................................................. 115
Toolbar................................................................................................... 116
Internal Group ........................................................................................ 116
External Group....................................................................................... 117
Internal and External Panels Area ......................................................... 117
Information Panels Area ........................................................................ 119
File Converting Windows ................................................................................. 119
Deck Log Book Converter Window........................................................ 119
Select Items and Deselect Items Windows ........................................... 120
File Data Display Windows .............................................................................. 121
Text File Data Display Window.............................................................. 121
Graphic File Data Display Window ........................................................ 123
Datum Transformation Utility ............................................................................... 125
General ............................................................................................................ 127
Colour Diagrams Utility......................................................................................... 129
General ............................................................................................................ 131
First Aid Utility ....................................................................................................... 133
Purpose of First Aid Utility................................................................................ 135
Compatibility with operating systems............................................................... 135
Running First Aid Utility.................................................................................... 135
Functions of First Aid Utility ............................................................................. 136
Description of NAVTEX Manager Utility .............................................................. 137
Purpose ............................................................................................................ 139
NAVTEX Receiver Utility.................................................................................. 139
Utility Main Menu ................................................................................... 139
State Indicator........................................................................................ 140
Message Display Window...................................................................... 140

2 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

NAVTEX Viewer Utility .....................................................................................141
NAVTEX Viewer Utility Window .............................................................141
Database Filtering (Message Selection) Parameters Window...............145
NAVTEX Message Viewing and Editing Window...................................146
Highlighted Coordinates Editing Window ...............................................148
NAVTEX Message Database Viewing and Editing Window ..................148
NAVTEX Message Database Reduction Window..................................151
NAVTEX Message Search Window .......................................................152
Description of Play Back Utility ............................................................................155
Purpose ............................................................................................................157
Play Back Control Window ...............................................................................158
Restore Configuration Utility ................................................................................161
General .............................................................................................................163
Description of Ship Model Utility..........................................................................165
Purpose ............................................................................................................167
Utility Start Window...........................................................................................169
Prototype Selection Window.............................................................................169
Principal Ship Characteristics Editing Window.................................................171
Hull Parameters Editing Window ......................................................................172
Additional Hull Parameters Editing Window .....................................................173
Propeller Parameters Editing Window..............................................................173
Power Plant Parameters Editing Window.........................................................175
Ruder Parameters Editing Window ..................................................................176
Engine Telegraph Parameters Editing Window................................................177
Additional Engine Telegraph Parameters Editing Window...............................179
Combinator Diagram Window...........................................................................179
Window for Editing Results of the Test Turning Manoeuvres ..........................180
Window for Editing Additional Parameters of Turning Manoeuvres.................181
Window for Editing Results of Test Acceleration/Deceleration ........................182
Error Message Window ....................................................................................183
Calculated Model Quality Assessment Window ...............................................185
Window for Decoding the Obtained Quality Assessment Results....................186
Test Manoeuvre Display Window .....................................................................187
Turning Circles Panel .............................................................................187
Acceleration/Deceleration Panel ............................................................188
Main Window of the Advanced Editing Mode...................................................189
Main Menu..............................................................................................189
Functional Menu .....................................................................................190
Loaded Model Description Panel ...........................................................191
Status Bar...............................................................................................191
Description of System Configuration Utility........................................................193
Purpose of System Configuration Utility ...........................................................195
Graphic User Interface Page..................................................................195
Service Page ..........................................................................................196
User Configuration Window..............................................................................196
Basic Chart Panel Page .........................................................................197
Skins Page .............................................................................................198
Info Panel Setup Page ...........................................................................198

NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2). 3

Service General Settings Window ................................................................... 199
General Page......................................................................................... 199
Advanced Database Page ..................................................................... 200
Fall Back Modes Page........................................................................... 201
Service Protected Settings Window................................................................. 202
General Page......................................................................................... 203
Display Page.......................................................................................... 204
ARPA/RADAR Page .............................................................................. 205
AIS Page................................................................................................ 206
COMPorts Settings Page....................................................................... 207
Sensors/Accuracy Page ........................................................................ 209
NMEA Output Page ............................................................................... 210
Autopilot Output Page............................................................................ 211
ARPA NMEA Output Page .................................................................... 212
Upload Route Page ............................................................................... 213
Own Ship Setup Page ........................................................................... 214
Description of Weather Forecast Manager Utility .............................................. 215
Purpose ............................................................................................................ 217
Main Menu Toolbar .......................................................................................... 217
Request Page .................................................................................................. 218
Request Name Group............................................................................ 219
Weather Parameters Group................................................................... 219
Area Group ............................................................................................ 220
Time Steps Group.................................................................................. 220
Time Range Group ................................................................................ 221
Information Panel................................................................................... 221
Delivery Page................................................................................................... 221
Check Mail Mode Group ........................................................................ 222
Official Messages Group ....................................................................... 222
Forecast State Group ............................................................................ 223
Information Panel................................................................................... 223
Forecasts Page ................................................................................................ 224
Receiver Weather Forecast Table ......................................................... 224
Management Group ............................................................................... 225
Setting for Automatic Management Group ............................................ 225
Index ...................................................................................................... 227

4 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

This chapter provides general information for the work
with document.

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003

Revision History

New edition 2, revised and expanded. As compared to previous edition 1
(July, 2002) the following changes have been made:
• In Chapter 1:
– Description of a warning displayed during the operation with ENC format
charts has been added to Control Panel section in paragraph Charts Area
Window (page 22). Item “AIS VDL Data Display” has been added to
paragraph Display Panel Window (page 30);
– In Config Panel section:
In paragraph License Info Page description of the NS version in use has
been added (page 35);
Description in paragraph Com Trace Panel Page (page 39) has been
– AIS Alarms Page paragraph has been added to Alarms section (page 43);
– AIS Panel section has been introduced (page 72);
– Description of Close and Unmark button has been added to Info Panel
(page 102).
• In Chapter 2, description of a new Install SA crt button used for handling S-57
charts has been added to paragraph Add License Window in Dialogue Boxes
Which Appear in the Process of the CM Operation section (page 109);

• In Chapter 3, some changes have been made in the table in “Data Tool Utility
Window” section, paragraph Internal Group (page 116);
• In Chapter 4, description of “Datum Transformation” utility has been added
(page 125);
• In Chapter 5, description of “Colour Diagrams” utility has been added
(page 129);
• In Chapter 6, description of “First Aid” utility has been added (page 133);
• In Chapter 9, description of “Restore Configuration” utility has been added
(page 161);
• In Chapter 11:
– Description of Climate checkbox has been removed from paragraph Advanced
Database Page in Service General Settings Window section (page 200);
– In Service Protected Settings Window section:
The number and names of pages have been changed (page 202);
In paragraph General Page, description of Display group has been deleted
(page 203);
Display Page paragraph has been added (page 204);
Description of ARPA/RADAR Page paragraph has been modified
(page 205);
AIS Page paragraph has been added (page 206);
description of Version group has been added to the paragraphs NMEA
Output Page, Autopilot Output Page, ARPA Output Page
(page 210-212).
• In Chapter 12, description of Set selected data for all parameters button has been
deleted from paragraph Weather Parameters Group in Request Page section
(page 219).

Preamble. 7
Data Required for Handling This Description


The aim of this book is to give the user some idea of the components and capabilities of
Navi-Sailor 3000 chart system (the NS in what follows). The book contains the
description of the NS software per se and the auxiliary programs (utilities) which are
required for the support of the NS operation and expansion of its capabilities.

The description is divided into thirteen parts:

Chapter 1 Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software.

Chapter 2 Description of Chart Manager Utility.

Chapter 3 Description of Data Tool Utility.

Chapter 4 Description of Datum Transformation Utility.

Chapter 5 Description of Colour Diagrams Utility.

Chapter 6 Description of First Aid Utility.

Chapter 7 Description of NAVTEX Manager Utility.

Chapter 8 Description of Play Back Utility.

Chapter 9 Description of Restore Configuration Utility.

Chapter 10 Description of Ship Model Utility.

Chapter 11 Description of System Configuration Utility.

Chapter 12 Description of Weather Forecast Manager Utility.

Index Key Words.

• Navi-Sailor 3000 (version 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2);

• Navi-Sailor 3000 (version 3.00.01). Operating Principles (edition 2);

• Navi-Sailor 3000 (version 3.00.01). User Manual (edition 2);

• Navi-Sailor 3000 (version 3.00.01). Technical Reference (edition 2);

• Navi-Sailor 3000 (version 3.00.01). Installation Guide (edition 2).

8 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

List of Abbreviations

AIS – Automatic Identification System;

ARCS – Admiralty Raster Chart System;

ARPA – Automatic Radar Plotting Aid;

BTW – Bearing to Way Point;

CPP – Controllable Pitch Propeller;

CM –Chart Manager utility;

CMG – Course Made Good;

COG – Course Over Ground;

CPA – Closest Point of Approach;

DGPS – Differential Global Positioning System;

DR – Dead Reckoning;

DTW – Distance to Way Point;

ENC – Electronic Navigational Chart;

ER – Echo Reference;

ERBL – Electronic Range and Bearing Line;

ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival;

ETD – Estimated Time of Departure;

FPP – Fixed Pitch Propeller;

GC – Great Circle;

GMT – Greenwich Mean Time;

GPS – Global Positioning System;

GZ – Guard Zone;

HDG – Heading;
IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission;

IMO – International Maritime Organisation;

INFO – Information;

m – metre;

min – minute;

MMSI – Maritime Mobile Service Identities;

MOB – Man Overboard;

MSF – midship frame;

NAVTEX – Navigational Telex;

nm – nautical mile;

Preamble. 9
Printing House Conventions

NMEA – National Marine Electronics Association;

NS – Navi-Sailor;

PS – Positioning System;

PTA – Planning Time of Arrival;

RIB – Radar Integrated Board;

RL – Rhumb Line;

RMS – Route Mean Square (error);

RPM – Revolution Per Minute;

SAR – Search And Rescue;

sec – second;

SMG – Speed Made Good;

SOG – Speed Over Ground;

STG – Speed To Go;

TCPA – Time to Closest Point of Approach;

TTG – Time To Go;

UTC – Universal Time Coordinated;

WGS-84 – World Geodetic Datum;

WP – Way Point;

XTE – Cross Track Error.


Sample of an entry Comments on the use

USER MANUAL To highlight documents which there are references to

Control Panel To highlight, in a printed document, names of this

document sections
Select User Configuration To highlight, functions, Navi-Sailor interface elements,
etc. described in the document
_NSxx00.exe To highlight messages, commands, files and other
Windows OS information
<Current OS HDD drive>\ Program Files\ To highlight a path to the menu, file, etc
<Enter> To highlight keyboard key names
TASKS LIST To highlight, in a printed document, menu items mentioned in
this document
“Master” To highlight, in a printed document, names (of a utilities,
NS stations, etc.)

10 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Description of Navi-
Sailor 3000 Software
This chapter contains description of the NS 3000
program interface.

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003

NS Screen and Chart Panels


NS Screen
The main purpose of the NS screen is to display, on the electronic chart, the ship
position, navigational data and all kinds of reference information. In addition, the NS
screen can display additional data and control tools.

To enable the display of electronic charts and associated information, “Main” and
“Dual” panels are used. The data and control tools are arranged on the Control
Panel. The rest of information and functionality for the control of the NS environment
is contained on functional panels. The panel layout can be presented
diagrammatically as shown below:

This layout can be changed by the operator at will. With certain settings, the Control
Panel may not be displayed on the screen. Only one functional panel or “Dual” panel
can be displayed simultaneously with the “Main” panel.

You can change vertical dimensions of functional panels and of “Dual” chart panel
by using the cursor. As the cursor is positioned on the bottom boundary of the
“Main” panel, it will change its form, then get hold of the boundary and set it at the
desired height. If the two chart panels are arranged vertically, this functionality is
retained for altering horizontal dimensions (this arrangement is possible for chart
panels only).

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 13

NS Screen and Chart Panels

Main Chart Panel

“Main” panel is the principal chart panel. The panel consists of two areas:

• Chart Area;
• Toolbar.

Chart Area
The Chart Area is designed for the following purposes:

• To display electronic charts showing classes of chart information (determined on

“Charts” Panel);
• To display the ownship symbol with motion vectors;
• To display the route loaded for proceeding by in the Navigation Mode;
• To display the targets and AIS objects.
Displayed in the top left corner of the Chart Area is the panel orientation
symbol: an arrow showing direction to the north.

The toolbar contains the following control buttons:

• To return to the display of the ownship symbol (similar to the function of

Ahead Control Panel button);
• To set the ship symbol in the position of the cursor which appears
when this mode is turned on;
• North Up chart display orientation;

• Head Up chart display orientation (by the ship’s heading);

14 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

NS Screen and Chart Panels

• Course Up chart display orientation (by the direction of the current leg
of the route loaded for proceeding by);
• To turn on relative motion function;

• To turn on true motion function;

• To increase the chart display scale by the fixed scale value;

• To decrease the chart display scale by the fixed scale value;

• To display the chart on the original scale;

• To call Info cursor for obtaining information;

• To display HCRF format chart viewing panel;

• To call MOB mode.

Dual Chart Panel

This panel is an additional chart panel where the ship symbol is permanently
displayed. The panel is not displayed if any of functional panels are turned on
(activated), and vice versa: when it is displayed, no functional panels can be seen.

“Dual” panel consists of the following areas:

• Chart area. Shown in the top left corner of this area is the panel
orientation symbol: an arrow showing direction to the north;

• Toolbar. Functions of toolbar buttons available on “Dual” panel, correspond to

the functions of buttons on “Main” panel (see page 14). The following buttons
are used in addition:
– To turn on Auto Zoom function;

– To arrange chart panels horizontally;

– To arrange chart panels vertically.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 15

NS Screen and Chart Panels

Work with Panels

For the NS operator’s convenience, the system implements a function for saving the
current condition of “Main” chart panel when the functional panels are switched. This
function’s operation can be shown in a table:
Panel name To open panel To switch the open panel
with the tab
Config P P

Alarms P P

Monitoring P P

Route L* K

Add Info L K

Manual Correction. L K

Targets S H


Log Book P K

Chart P K

Tasks L K


H – the display (chart boundaries) of the chart panel is saved, along with the
last orientation (North/Head/Course) and motion (True/Relative) settings
which were made on this panel before;

K – the display (chart boundaries) of the chart panel which was set on this panel
before it is saved; orientation setting is North, motion setting is True;

L – the display (chart boundaries) of the chart panel which was set in the
previous active functional panel is saved; orientation setting is North,
motion setting is True;

L* – for “Route” panel only: if a route has been selected, the focusing on the
edited route is made automatically;

S – the ship is displayed on the screen, Ahead function performed

automatically. The last chart panel orientation (North/Head/Course) and
motion (True/Relative) settings are retained;

P – the display (chart boundaries) of the chart panel is saved, along with the last
orientation (North/Head/Course) and motion (True/Relative) settings which
were made on the previous active functional panel.

16 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

NS Cursors


Free Cursor
The NS provides a capability to use a free cursor which is moved over the entire
screen by the trackball/mouse acquiring various forms in different NS areas.

In the functional panel areas, the cursor acquires the form of an arrow and operates
as a standard Windows cursor.

Free Cursor in Main Panel

In the chart area of “Main” panel, the cursor may have a form of different tools
switched by pressing the right trackball/mouse button:

• Free View cursor;

View cursor has some additional capabilities as it is positioned on certain objects
acquiring a distinctive form in the process:

– Standard View cursor shape. As the left trackball/

mouse button is pressed, Review function is
turned on, whilst the cursor acquires the form of
a graphics cursor;

– View cursor appearance when positioned on a

target. A press on the left trackball/mouse button
calls the target data card;

– View cursor appearance when positioned on a

lighthouse. A press on the left trackball/mouse
button calls the lighthouse data card;

– View cursor appearance when positioned on a

waypoint. A press on the left trackball/mouse
button calls the WP data card.

• Free Zoom cursor.

Standard Zoom cursor appearance. A press on the left trackball/mouse
button turns on Zoom function whilst the cursor assumes the form of
graphics cursor.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 17

NS Cursors

• Free ERBL cursor.

Standard ERBL cursor appearance. A press on the left trackball/mouse
button turns on ERBL function whilst the cursor assumes the form of a
graphics cursor. After a second press on the left trackball/ mouse
button, the cursor obtains the second form of the graphics cursor.

• Free Info cursor.

As Info function is enabled (by pressing Info button on the Control
Panel or on the Chart Panel), the acquisition marker appears which
can be positioned on the necessary object. A press on the left
trackball/mouse button opens “Info” panel, and the cursor assumes
the form of a standard Info cursor.

Free Cursor in Dual Panel

In the chart area of Dual panel, the free cursor has two forms:

• ERBL cursor whose functions are similar to the functions of ERBL cursor in “Main”
• Ship cursor.
Standard Ship cursor form. A press on the left trackball/mouse button
places the ship symbol in the cursor position.

Graphics Cursor
The graphics cursor is used during the operation of some of NS functions and
represents an intersection of lines corresponding to the latitude and longitude of the
given point, but the form of the graphics cursor can be changed as required on
“Config” panel:

• Long – the cursor is shown in the form of an intersection of two lines

across the entire chart panel;
• Short – the cursor is shown in the form of a small cross.

Such cursor is moved by using the trackball/mouse. It is also possible to manually enter
the coordinates of the point where the cursor should be positioned (after switching the
activity from the cursor to the Information Window by pressing <Tab> key).

18 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Control Panel

Besides, during the operation with the digitizer connected to the NS, its executive
buttons can be used for the control of the graphics cursor operation
The Information Window which appears in the menu area simultaneously with the
graphics cursor, can contain the following data:
• Name of this window reflecting the NS functional capability using the graphics
• Cursor position coordinates;
• Values of its direct and reverse bearings and distance from the ownship position
(in miles and metres);
• CPA/TCPA to the place indicated with the cursor.
A modification of the graphics cursor is an acquisition marker. This auxiliary NS
tool represents a square orange coloured box with a dot in the centres, and is
used in various functions for the acquisition of objects displayed on the NS
screen. To control the acquisition marker and obtain information on its position,
use the procedure similar to that detailed for the graphics cursor.

The NS Control Panel consists of a number of windows. Which windows will be
included in the Control Panel is determined in “System Configuration” utility in “User
Configuration” section (see page 198).
Windows are displayed in the right hand part of the NS screen. In addition, all the
displayed windows can be moved (by dragging them with the cursor or by double
clicking the left trackball/mouse button in the window area) onto the chart panel.
To return the window to its place, press button. If the Control Panel does not
contain any windows, the area is filled with chart information.

Control Panel Windows

Sensors and Network Window

“Sensors and Network” window is intended for the display of information on the
station status in the network configuration and turning on of the targets and radar
picture display.
Depending on the network configuration and connected sensors, the window may
contain the following:
• Master – to show the “Master” status of the station in the network configuration;
• Slave – to show the “Slave” status of the station in the network configuration;
• ARPA-A – to turn on the display of the main ARPA targets;
• B – to turn on/off the display of the auxiliary ARPA targets;
• AIS – to turn on the display of AIS targets;
• RIB – to turn on the display of RIB targets;
• Overlay – to turn on the display of a radar picture.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 19

Control Panel

Alarms Window

“Alarms” window is designed for the display of the alarm status. The window
contains the following:

• ALARM – indicator button showing the alarm system status:

– Red flashing light – there are some unacknowledged alarm messages
– Red constant light – there are some effective, though operator acknowledged,
alarm messages;
– Grey (the button is greyed) – there are no alarm messages.
In addition, a press on the ungreyed button displays a list of effective alarm
messages with the indication of their generation time. The list displays alarm
messages in the following way which depends on their status:
– Bold type – the alarm message is currently effective and is not acknowledged;
– Regular font – the alarm message is currently effective but has been
acknowledged by the operator.
• Sounder depth – the name of the latest generated effective unacknowledged
alarm message (when all the alarm messages are acknowledged “No new
alarms” message is displayed);
• Position Dropped – button with the message meaning that the ship symbol is not
displayed on the chart. With a press on the button, the display of the ship
symbols is restored. After the restoration of ship symbol display (also with the
use of Ahead function), Transas logo appears in the place of a message.

Time Window

“Time” window is intended for the display the current time. There may be two types
of time values in the window: UTC and ship time, to switch between them, press the
button with a picture of the clock face (ship time if the button is pressed, UTC if it is
• UTC/Ship – information on which time is currently displayed;
• 00:00 W/E – time zone or the difference between the ship time and UTC
(not displayed if UTC is selected). The format is hh:mm;
• 01-01-01 – display of the current date according to the selected time type.
The format is dd-mm-yy;
• 00:00:00 – display of the current time. The format is hh:mm:ss.

20 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Control Panel

Primary Window

“Primary” window is intended for the display of the primary positioning system and
coordinates obtained from it.
Depending on the positioning sensor status, “Primary” window displays information
in the following form:
• When no data is received from the positioning system, its name and the last
received data values it provided, are shown in the red colour;
• When unreliable data is received, it is only this data values which are shown in
the red colour;
• In case of loss of DGPS signal in the differential mode, the letter “D” in the name
of the mode is shown in the red colour is set. If Diff. mode lost alarm is not
enabled on “Ship position” page of “Monitoring” panel, the name turns to GPS;
• If there is an offset to the ship position coordinates, the window displays
corrected coordinates and a special symbol: the red triangle. As a free cursor is
positioned on this triangle, the correction value is displayed on the pop-up
prompt window.

Secondary Window

“Secondary” window is intended for the display of the secondary positioning system,
and of the bearing and range to the position obtained for the Primary positioning

Depending on the positioning sensor status, “Secondary” window displays

information in the following form:

• When no data is received from the positioning system, its name and the last
received data values it provided, are shown in the red colour;
• When unreliable data is received, it is only this data values which are shown in
the red colour;
• In case of loss of DGPS signal in the differential mode, the letter “D” in the name
of the mode is shown in the red colour. If Diff. mode lost alarm is not enabled on
“Ship Position” page of “Monitoring” panel, the name turns to GPS;
• If there is an offset to the ship position coordinates, the window displays
corrected coordinates and a special symbol: the red triangle.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 21

Control Panel


“COG\SOG\HDG\LOG” window is designed for the display of ship motion parameters.

Depending on the sensor status, “COG\SOG\HDG\LOG” window displays

information in the following form:

• When no data is received from the positioning system, “COG” and “SOG”
names and the last received data values are shown in the red colour;
• When unreliable data is received from the positioning system, it is only COG
and SOG values which are shown in the red colour;
• In the absence of data from the gyro, the letters “HDG” and the last received
course value are shown in the red colour;
• In the absence of data from the log, the word “LOG” and the last received speed
value are shown in the red colour;
• When unreliable data is received from the gyro, the course value is shown in the
red colour;
• When unreliable data is received from the log, the speed value is shown in the
red colour.
If the positioning system sensors are disconnected, instead of “COG” and “SOG”,
“CMG” and “SMG” are displayed, with the latest values from the compass and log

Charts Area Window

“Charts Area” window is designed for the adjustment of the chart display on the chart
panel and display of chart usage warnings:
• Chart number – to call a menu with a list of charts under the ship position (if the
ship symbol is displayed on the chart) or the list of all the charts available in the
ship folio. Shown on the button is the current chart number;
• 1:10,000 – to call a menu listing fixed scale values. The button shows the current
screen scale;
• Autoload – to turn on the function for the automatic loading of charts. There is an
indicator to the right of the button:
– ON – the function is turned on (Autoload button is greyed);
– OFF – the function is turned off;
– FIX – to fix the current chart.
• Man. Corr. – to turn on the display of the updating layer. The display is ON if the
button is pressed, OFF if released. If the button is greyed, there are no updating
objects on the chart;
• DANGEROUS SCALE – the current chart display scale is more than 5 fixed scale
values larger than the original chart scale;

22 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Control Panel

• NOT RECOM. SCALE – the current chart display scale is up to 5 fixed scale values
larger than the original chart scale;
• LAYERS LOST – standard display information layers are not shown (see page 92);
• LOOK UP BETTER CHART – there is a larger scale chart under the ship position
than the one currently used;
• ENC DATA AVAILABLE – there is an ENC format chart under the ship position;
• HCRF CHART RESCALED – original HCRF chart scale has been changed;
• HCRF IMG TRANSFORM – HCRF format chart projection has been transformed;
• HCRF Mode – HCRF format chart priority has been set.

Add Info Area Window

“Add Info Area” window duplicates user chart loading and display functions of “Add
Info” panel.
The window contains the following information:
• A/B – to turn on the display of the user chart loaded in the respective layer (А or В);
• Load Chart – to load charts into the respective layer (А or В) form the displayed
user chart list. If the chart is loaded, its name is shown on the button. To change
charts, select the chart form the list, to unload a chart, select Unload Chart.

Display Panel Window

“Display Panel” window is intended for the display of various data types. The window
consists of eight displays which are selected from the list opened by pressing the button
with the name of one of displays in the top part of the window.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 23

Control Panel

System Information Display

“System Information” display is intended for presenting the following data:

• Drift – drift direction and speed. If at least some of the data received from the
positioning system, gyro or log is unreliable or not available, the drift value is
shown in the red colour;
• Current – summary value of the surface and tidal currents calculated for the
current time at the current ship position;
• Sf. contour – current safety contour value determined by the NS. When the safety
contour is changed automatically, its value is displayed in the red colour until the
associated alarm message is acknowledged;
• True wind – true wind direction and speed (from the wind sensor data). If
unreliable data is received from the wind sensor, its value is shown in the red
colour. In the absence of data from the wind sensor, the words “True wind” and
the last received values are shown in the red colour;
• Rel. wind – relative wind direction and speed (from the wind sensor data). If
unreliable data is received from the wind sensor, its value is shown in the red
colour. In the absence of data from the wind sensor, the words “Rel. wind” and
the last received values are shown in the red colour;
• Water t°° – water temperature value from the temperature sensor data. In the
absence of data from the temperature sensor, the words “Water t°” and the last
received value are shown in the red colour;
• Depth – value of water depth under the keel (from the sounder data). In the
absence of data from the sounder, the word “Depth” and the last received depth
value are shown in the red colour;
• Tide height – expected tidal height value calculated for the current time at the
reference point closest to the ship position, and the name of this reference point.

24 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Control Panel

Primary Status Display

“Primary status” display is used for presenting data from the primary positioning
system data. In the absence of data from PS positioning systems (or in absence of
valid GGA sentence), there are empty fields on the display.

With the primary (satellite) positioning system:

• Fixed UTC – UTC time which the data is provided for;

• Latitude – latitude coordinate;
• Longitude – longitude coordinate;
• Quality – positioning quality indicator (GPS operating mode);
• Satellites – number of satellites used for the positioning;
• HDOP – HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision) value;
• Data age – age of differential corrections;
• Station ID – name of the station, which transmits differential corrections for the
DGPS used by the primary positioning system (where the differential mode is

With ER primary positioning system:

• Target Identification – reference point number;

• Bearing – target bearing value;
• Distance – target range value;
• 95% RMS error – ship position 95% RMS error.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 25

Control Panel

With DR primary positioning system:

• Sailing under DR – time of sailing in DR ship positioning mode;

• 95% RMS error – ship position 95% RMS error.

Schedule Information Display

“Schedule Information” display serves for presenting information connected with
sailing according to the schedule.

For the display of data, it is necessary to load a route on “Route Monitoring” page of
“Monitoring” panel (see page 49). The schedule elements whose values differ from
those set on “Route Monitoring” page of “Monitoring” (Out of Schedule) panel are
shown in the red colour.

The display contains the following data:

• WP – to select a WP number for the display of associated schedule elements.

The line to the right shows the name of the WP if any was given by the operator;
• ETA – estimated time of arrival in the selected WP calculated from the remaining
distance and current speed (UTC/Ship depending on the setting made in the
Control Panel);
• TTG – time to go to the specified WP calculated with regard to the actual ETA;
• PTA – planned time of arrival in the specified WP set by the operator or taken from
the schedule, for the STG calculations in the line below;
• STG – operator-entered planned speed of proceeding to the specified point for
the PTA calculations in the line above;
• Schedule – to set a PTA value according to the schedule loaded for the
monitored route on “Route Monitoring” page of “Monitoring” panel.

26 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Control Panel

Located in the bottom part of the display is a calculator of distances between any
two waypoints of the monitored route:

• From/To – numbers of waypoints between which the distance is measured;

• Distance – distance between the set waypoints.
Route Data Display
“Route Data” display is intended for the display of data as the ship is proceeding
along the route to the next waypoint.

The display contains the following data:

• Route – name of the monitored route. As Last WP passed alarm is generated, the
word “Route” is shown in the red colour;
• WP – number and name of the WP which the ship is proceeding to. The WP
name is shown in the black colour if the WP is selected automatically, and in the
blue colour if selected manually;
• Course – direction of the monitored route leg which the ship is proceeding by if
the leg is of RL type; or the initial course in case of the GC leg. As Off Course
alarm is generated, the word “Course” is shown in the red colour;
• New course – direction of the next route leg;
• XTE – actual distance from the current route leg. As Out of XTE alarm is
generated, the letters “XTE” are shown in the red colour;
• BTW – bearing to the next WP;
• DTW – distance to the next WP;
• TTG – time to go to the next waypoint calculated with regard to the actual speed
• ETA – the estimated time (UTC) of arrival in the next WP, the remaining distance
and current speed taken into account.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 27

Control Panel

Located in the bottom part of the display is a calculator for prompt ETA and TTG
calculations for any point of the monitored route where:

• WP – selected WP number;
• TTG – time to go to the selected WP calculated with regard to the current speed
• ETA – estimated time of arrival in the selected WP, the remaining distance and
current speed (SOG) taken into account.
Environment Data Display
“Environment Data” display is used for controlling the display of tide, tidal and
surface current, and weather parameter values (weather forecast).

The display contains the following data:

• Tides – to turn on the display of tidal height values;

• Tidal Currents – to turn on the display of tidal current vectors;
• Weather forecast – to turn on the display of received weather forecast;
• Surface Currents – to turn on the display of surface current vectors;
• Currents velocity values – to display digitally the values of current speed;
• Animate – to control the graphic display of hydrometeo parameters. Each button is
used for the display of a corresponding parameters specified to the left;
• Settings – to open “Weather Parameters” page of “Config” panel for setting the
display of weather parameters.

28 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Control Panel

Radar Settings Display

“Radar Settings” display is intended for the radar picture adjustment:

• Range – to set the radar picture scale:
– Auto – automatic setting of the radar picture scale to suit the current radar
– Manual – manual setting of the radar picture scale (in the line to the left of the
• Rings – interval in the display of fixed range rings which is set automatically to
suit the radar picture scale;
• Show – to turn on the display of range rings;
• Brightness – to control brightness of the radar picture;
• Gain – to control video signal gain;
• Rain – to control the rain clutter suppression level;
• Sea – to control the sea clutter suppression level;
• Target – to acquire a target on the NS screen:
– Acquire – to acquire a target. After the acquisition of a target, its motion
parameters are shown on the chart panel and in the target table;
– Cancel – to cancel the target acquisition. After the target has been cancelled,
its motion parameters are not shown any more.
• Guard Zone – to set a guard zone manually:
– Set – to call a cursor for setting the guard zone limits;
– Clear – to remove the set guard zone.
• Auto GZ – to set the radius value for a guard zone circle set automatically
(though not displayed);
• ON – to turn on automatic guard zone.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 29

Control Panel

AIS Messages Display

“AIS Messages” display is intended for the display of received AIS messages.

The display contains the following data:

• From – identifier of the station (MMSI number) which transmitted the message;
• To – station which the message is addressed to:
– Our ship only – own ship only;
– All stations – all the AIS objects.
• Type – type of the received message (“Normal Text”, “Safety Text” and “Target”);
• Text of the received message (up to 153 characters for “Normal Text” message
and 156 characters for “Safety Text” message);
• Show new message – to display by default the text of the last received message;
• Show Sender – to display and highlight on the Chart Panel the target which the
message has been received from;
• – buttons for viewing received messages (up to 100 most recent
• – buttons for setting the first and last received messages (up to 100
AIS VDL Data Display
“AIS VDL Data” display is intended for the display of data broadcast by the

The display contains the following data:

• Source – current positioning system used by the transponder;

• Latitude – latitude value supplied by the positioning system used by the

30 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Control Panel

• Longitude – longitude value supplied by the positioning system used by the

• COG – value of course over the ground supplied by the positioning system used
by the transponder;
• SOG – value of speed over the ground supplied by the positioning system used
by the transponder;
• HDG – heading value supplied to the transponder by the course detection (gyro)
• ROT – values of direction and rate of turn supplied to the transponder by the
Rate-of-Turn sensor.

Operational Panel Window

The window contains the following functional buttons:

• Ahead – to return to the display of the ownship symbol. The screen is re-drawn in
the process, the ship symbol moving in the direction opposite to the current
course. In the true motion mode, even with the ship on the NS screen, the
screen is re-drawn relative to the ship symbol in accordance with parameters set
in “General” page of “Config” panel;
• Review – to call the cursor for viewing charts;
• ERBL – to call the NS ERBL;
• Zoom – to call the cursor for the selection and display of the required chart
fragment or the required sailing area on the chart panel;
• Event – to make a manual entry of data in the electronic ship logbook for the
current moment, and to place a special mark on the ownship track;
• Info – to call the cursor for selecting an object and/or a chart whose data will be
displayed in “Info” panel which will appear.

Tasks List Box

The box contains the following functional buttons:

• Tasks List – to display a list of functional panels. Functional panels are displayed
when the appropriate menu lines are selected;
• Help – to open “Help NS 3000” window.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 31

Config Panel

Lower Data Group

Lower Data group includes:

• Vectors – to call a menu for setting the lengths of the own ship and target motion
vectors. Fixed option allows a constant vector length to be set (in proportion to
the screen size), the rest – by the set time value (in minutes);
• Show – to turn on the constant display of the Control Panel. With the check box
not checked, the panel is displayed by pressing “Show” button;
• Depth in meters – information on the depth measurement units used in the NS.
Measurement units are set in “System Configuration” utility;
• WGS-84 – to warn that the NS uses charts based on WGS-84 datum.

To display “ Config” panel select the appropriate TASKS LIST menu line on the Control
“Config” panel is intended for the setting of the NS configuration and consists of the
following pages:

• General;
• Licence Info;
• Weather Parameters Settings;
• Radar Settings;
• Time Zone;
• COM trace panel.

General Page

“General” page consists of the following elements:

• Display Color Set group;

• Timer Alarm group;
• End of Watch Alarm group;
• Chart Panel cursor group;
• Display reset to group;
• AutoZoom Settings group;
• Exit Program area.

32 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Config Panel

Display Colour Set Group

Display Colour Set group is designed for selecting the screen colour palette to suit the
outside illumination:

• Daylight;
• Twilight;
• Dusk – night with moon;
• Night – moonless night;
• Dusk inverted – night with moon (Control Panel text inverse colour);
• Night inverted – moonless night (Control Panel text inverse colour).

Timer Alarm Group

Timer Alarm group is designed for the control of the timer functions:

• Every – setting of the alarm to be generated over the time specified in the line to
the right;
• At – setting of the alarm to be generated at the time specified in the line to the right;
• Off – to turn off timer functions.

End of Watch Alarm Group

End of Watch Alarm group is intended for setting the period of time before the end of
the current watch when an alert will be generated. The order of watches is set in
“System Configuration” utility (see page 199).

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 33

Config Panel

Chart Panel Cursor Group

Chart panel cursor group serves for setting the following types of the graphics cursor:

• Short;

• Long.

Display Reset To Group

Display Reset to group is used for setting the calculated screen redraw boundaries –
percentage ratio of the screen length and distance from the ship symbol to the
screen boundary (30 – 70 per cent).

Auto Zoom Settings Group

Auto Zoom Settings group is intended for the adjustment of Auto Zoom functionality

• Maximum scale – maximum electronic chart scale as the ship is passing the
current WP in “Dual” panel;
• Time of update – DTW analysis frequency.

Exit Program Area

Exit Program area contains a button with the same name which is designed for
terminating operation and existing from the NS environment.

34 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Config Panel

License Info Page

“License Info” page is intended for the display of data on the NS 3000 software
product license and the functions allowed to be used (licensed). The licenses,
whose term expires in 5 days, are highlighted in the red colour. This page also
specifies the installed NS 3000 version.

For the NS to be used an MKD, “AIS Transponder Functionality” license should be


Weather Parameters Settings Page

“Weather Parameters Settings” page is intended for setting and adjusting the display
of weather parameters received and processed by “Weather Forecast Manager”
utility. The page is divided arbitrarily into the two groups:

• Show group;
• Parameters settings group.

Show Group
Show group contains checkboxes for turning on the display of weather parameters.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 35

Config Panel

Parameter Settings Group

Parameters Settings group consists of nine windows with the names corresponding to the
weather parameters.

The windows serve for the adjustment of the parameter display on the NS chart panel
and may contain the following:

• Colour – palette for selecting the colour of the displayed parameter (available for
all the parameters);
• Contour steps – plot interval value for the contour lines of the displayed parameter;
• Direction mark length (Windmark length) – displayed vector length value;
• UKMO contours (isobars) – lines of equal parameter values from the UKMO data;
• Calculated contours (isobars) – calculated lines of equal parameter values;
• Contour value in (Calculated isobar value in) – numbering of lines of equal parameter
• (Base) UKMO grid value in – parameter value grid from the UKMO data;
• Wind speed value in – numbering of the displayed wind vectors with speed values;
• Calculated wind (direction) marks – calculated vectors of the parameter direction
and value;
• UKMO wind (direction) marks – calculated vectors of the parameter direction and
value from the UKMO data;
• Wind contours – display of lines of equal wind speed values;
• Direction marks value – numbering of the displayed vectors with parameter values.

36 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Config Panel

Radar Settings Page

“Radar Settings” page serves for the auxiliary settings of the radar picture. The page
contains the following elements:

• Radar 1/Radar 2 – to switch the radar band in use (X-Mode/S-Mode)(unavailable

for the time being);
• Transparency – to set the radar picture transparency (from 0 – opaque to 3 –
almost transparent);
• Target sensitivity – to set the sensitivity threshold for the identifying the reflected
radar signal as a target (unavailable for the time being);
• Echo colour – colour palette for selecting colour of the displayed radar picture;
• Overlay window – to set/remove a rectangular area where the display of a radar
picture is permitted:
– Set – to call a cursor for setting the display area;
– Reset – to cancel the radar picture display limiting area.
• Accumulation – to turn on the radar picture scan-to-scan correlation and
smoothing to improve the contrast.

It is ill advised to use Accumulation mode in case of a large ship yaw.

Time Zone Page

“Time Zone” page is designed for the setting (change of time zones) of the ship time.
The page contains the following elements:

• Current time zone settings group;

• Schedule time zone change group.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 37

Config Panel

Current Time Zone Settings Group

Current time zone settings group contains the following elements:

• UTC time – line for the display of the current UTC time;
• Ship time – line for the display of the current ship time;
• Time zone – line for the display of the time zone (difference between the current
ship and UTC time).

Schedule Time Zone Change Group

Schedule time zone change group contains the checkbox for enabling (checkbox
checked) the change of time zone function and a line for change settings:

• Change at ship time – line for the input and display of the ship time when the time
zone is required to be changed (clock put forward/back);
• New ship time will be – line for the input and display of the new ship time;
• New time zone will be – line for the input and display of the new time zone.

38 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Config Panel

Com Trace Panel Page

“COM Trace” page is intended for the display and recording of IEC 61162-1,
61993-2 or NMEA 0183 format messages/sentences provided to the NS from the
external sensors (“Input” group) or transmitted by the NS to the external devices
(“Output” group). The page contains the following elements:

• Connected sensors – group of buttons corresponding to the external devices

connected via “System Configuration” utility (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000.
INSTALLATION GUIDE (EDITION 2) document). The buttons allow selection of a
sensor or external device, which the exchange of messages with is shown on
the data display window;
• Port – group of indicators of the COM ports which the sensors and external
devices are connected to;
• AIS – indicator of an external device which the exchange of messages with is
shown in the data display panel;
• COM – number of the COM port which the selected external device or sensor is
connected to;
• Baud rate – data exchange rate of the COM port set in “System Configuration”
utility (see page 207);
• Trace Filter – message display filter:
– Input – to turn on the display of messages supplied to the NS from the
external sensors (“Input” group);
– Output – to turn on the display of messages transmitted by the NS to the
external devices (“Output” group).
• Duration – duration of recording a flow of messages in comtrace._____ file;
• Record COM trace – recording of the message stream from all the COM ports to
comtrace._____ file;
• Data display window:

– Dir – direction of the message stream (Input or Output);

– Data – messages of IEC 61162-1, 61993-2 or NMEA 0183 format.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 39

Alarms Panel

To display “Alarms” panel select the appropriate TASKS LIST menu line on the control

“Alarms” panel is intended for the display of the alarm system status and consists of
the following pages:

• Active alarms;
• General alarms;
• Area alarms;
• AIS Alarms.

Active Alarms Page

“Active Alarms” page represents a list of effective alarm messages.

Each line of the list is divided into four elements:

• Alarm name;
• Received (UTC) – UTC time when the alarm appeared (hh:mm:ss);
• Acknowledged (UTC) – UTC time when the alarm message was acknowledged;
• Age of alarm – alarm effective time (hh:mm).
Sorting capability is provided for each element of the alarm list. To perform this
function, press on the name of the necessary element.

Whenever any of the alarms terminates, the corresponding line disappears from the list.

40 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Alarms Panel

General Alarms Page

“General alarms” page is a list alarms generated during the NS operation except the
alarms associated with area type objects. Each individual alarm is provided with an
indicator which shows its status. The indicator may mean the following:

• Unfilled – the alarm function is not enabled;

• Green – the alarm function is enabled but the alarm is not generated;
• Red – the alarm function is enabled, the alarm was generated and then
acknowledged by the operator (the message is on the list on “Active Alarms” page);
• Red flashing light – the alarm function is enabled, the alarm was generated but
was not acknowledged by the operator (the message is on the list on “Active
Alarms” page).
“General alarms” page is divided into six areas according to the functionality
determining the following alarm lists:

• Antigrounding – alarms associated with the safety parameter settings in the

monitoring of dangers to navigation;
• Route – alarms associated with the positioning system status and safety
parameter settings during the sailing along the route;
• Sensor – alarms associated with the status of external indicators and sensors;
• Network – alarms associated with the status of the NS network configuration;
• Others – alarms associated with the change of time zones, timer operation and
user charts filling;
• Target/Radar – alarms associated with the target designation systems.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 41

Alarms Panel

Area Alarms Page

“Area alarms” page is a list alarms generated during the NS operation in connection
with the area type objects. Each individual alarm is provided with an indicator which
shows its status. The indicator may mean the following:

• Unfilled – the alarm function is not enabled;

• Green – the alarm function is enabled but the alarm is not generated;
• Red – the alarm function is enabled, the alarm was generated and then
acknowledged by the operator (the message is on the list on “Active Alarms” page);
• Red flashing light – the alarm function is enabled, the alarm was generated but
was not acknowledged by the operator (the message is on the list on “Active
Alarms” page).
Area alarms page is divided into two areas in accordance with groups of area type
objects displayed on the vector electronic charts in TX-97 and ENC formats (see
page 53):

• Basic areas – group of main objects;

• Additional areas – group of additional objects.

42 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Alarms Panel

AIS Alarms Page

“AIS alarms” page is intended for displaying the status of SAAB R4 alarm and text
messages (up to 200 most recent messages) sent by the transponder to the NS.
The page contains the following items:

• Control buttons:
– AIS alarms – to turn on the display of the alarm generation in “Alarms” window
on the Control Panel;
– Record log – to turn on the recording of the transponder text messages to the
day files stored in AIS.Log folder (C:\Transas\NS_3000\AIS.Log)∗. Log on line
shows the date of the transponder message log entry.
• Active Alarms group;
• Alarm Traffic table;
• Get Non-Functioning Time – to request for information on the transponder silence

– to look through day files use “Data Tool” utility (see Chapter 3).

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 43

Alarms Panel

Active Alarms Group

Active Alarms group is a list of alarm messages which occurs in the course of SAAB
R4 transponder operation. The alarm generation is enabled on “Protected R4
Settings” page. Next to the name of each alarm message is an indicator which may
stand for the following:

• Unfilled – the function of this alarm message is not activated;

• Green colour – the function of this alarm message is activated but no alarm has
been generated;
• Red colour – the function of this alarm message is activated, an alarm was
generated and then acknowledged by the operator (the message is on the list on
“Active Alarms” page);
• Red flashing colour – the function of this alarm message is activated, an alarm
was generated but not acknowledged by the operator (the message is on the list
on “Active Alarms” page).

Alarm Traffic Table

Alarm Traffic table displays text messages sent by the transponder to the NS. The
table contains the following columns:

• Time – UTC time when the message from the transponder was received;
• Type – message type:
– Alarm – messages about change of alarm generation status;
– Text – information messages;
– Msg – service messages about transponder OFF periods.
• Description – contents of the message;

44 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Monitoring Panel

• Status – message status;

– Activated – alarm has been generated (for “alarm" messages);
– Deactivated – the cause of alarm generation has been eliminated (for “alarm”
– Acknowledged – alarm was generates and then acknowledged by the operator
(for “alarm” messages);
– Information message – the message is of informative character only (for “text”
– From 03-03-14 19:19 (10d5h23m) – date and time when the transponder was turned
off and the duration of the transponder OFF status (for “msg” message).

To display “Monitoring” panel select the appropriate line of TASKS LIST menu on the
Control Panel.
“Monitoring” panel is designed for the adjustment of the navigation mode (monitoring
of the ship position on the chart) and setting of alarm generation parameters as the
ship is approaching dangers to navigation.
The panel consists of the following pages:

• Ship position;
• Route Monitoring;
• Navigational Alarms.

Ship Position Page

“Ship Position” page consists of the following groups:

• Positioning system monitoring area;
• Primary and secondary positioning system windows.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 45

Monitoring Panel

Positioning System Monitoring Area

The positioning system monitoring area serves for the setting of alarm generation
parameters. This area contains some checkboxes which are not activated unless
alarm generation settings are other than zero:
• Diff. mode lost – alarm generation time after the loss of DGPS signal in the
monitoring of the differential mode;
• Prim/Sec diverged – divergence between the primary and secondary positioning
systems; and alarm is generated if this value is exceeded.

Primary Positioning System Window

The “Primary Positioning System” window contains the following groups and areas:

• Positioning Source group;

• Correct position group;
• Ship motion parameters display and input area;
• 95% RMS error group.
Positioning Source Group

The Positioning Source group contains a button for the selection of the positioning
system from the list. Connection of the positioning systems is made via “System
Configuration” utility (see page 209). As the NS is connected to the transponder of
an external GPS receiver, the positioning system (PS1 GPS or PS2 GPS) set in
“Primary Positioning System” window will serve as the source of data.

46 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Monitoring Panel

Correct Position Group

The Correct Position group represents windows and buttons for the display and editing of
the current coordinates and their corrections for the given positioning system:

• Position – window for the display of the current coordinates received from the
positioning system or input of coordinates for the dead reckoning mode;
• Offset – window for the input and display of the ship position coordinates offset
(for the positioning systems only);
• By Target – to enter the correction by referencing the ship position to the radar
picture (by identifying a radar target and its corresponding object on the
electronic chart);
• By ARPA cursor – to enter the correction to the ship position coordinates by the
corrected ARPA cursor position;
• By ARPA ERBL – to enter the correction to the ship position coordinates by the
corrected ARPA ERBL position;
• By Cursor – to enter the correction by specifying new coordinates with the NS
graphics cursor;
• Cancel offset – to cancel the entered corrections.
Ship Motion Parameters Display and Input Area

The area is designed for the display of the ship motion parameters and of their
source if the log and compass are connected to the NS, and manual input of the
ship motion parameters if the log and compass are not connected.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 47

Monitoring Panel

95% RMS Error Group

95% RMS error group contains the following elements:

• Radius – area for the display of the calculated ship position 95% RMS error;
• Display RMS circle – display of the ship position 95% RMS error on the NS Chart

Secondary Positioning System Window

The groups of the “Secondary Positioning System” window are functionally similar to
the corresponding primary system areas.

Route Monitoring Page

“Route Monitoring” page is designed for the loading of the monitored route and
schedule, setting of the route element parameters, as well as for the adjustment of
the alarm generation during the ship’s sailing along the route and according to the
schedule. The page contains the following elements:

• Area for Turning on the Display of the Ship Motion and the Route Parameters;
• Area for Switching Ship Symbol Display;
• Area for Switching the Own Ship Symbol Orientation;
• Route group;

48 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Monitoring Panel

• Waypoints group;
• Track settings group;
• Alarms group.

Area for Turning on the Display of the Ship Motion and Route

The area contains buttons for turning on/off the display of the following parameters:

• Head line – ownship compass course line;

• COG vector – motion vector (over the ground);
• HDG vector – vector of motion relative to the water (log speed and compass course);
• XTE – deviation from the route line (set during the route generation) (see page 55);
• Arrival circle – WP change circle;
• Turns – turn radius arc on the turn to another route leg;
• WP names – names of waypoints set in the route plan on the Chart panel.

Ship Symbol Display Switching Area

The area is used for the display of the ship position on the Chart panel in the form of
the ship contour (when the current screen scale is commensurate with the ship
dimensions) or the ship symbol (regardless of the scale).

Area for Switching the Own Ship Symbol Orientation

The area is intended for switching orientation of the own ship symbol display either
along the ship's true motion (COG) vector, or along the vector of the ship's motion
as per the course detector (gyro) reading.

Route Group

Route group enables loading and unloading of monitored routes and a schedule by
using the following buttons:

• Load Route – to select and load a route from the offered list;
• Set schedule – to select and load a schedule for the loaded route from the offered
• Unload – to unload the previously loaded route and schedule.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 49

Monitoring Panel

Waypoints Group

Waypoints group contains buttons and windows for the input values used for
calculating mutual positions of the route elements and the ship:

• Next Waypoint – to select the mode of setting the next WP for calculating
parameters of motion along the route:
– Auto selection – to switch WP’s successively in the automatic mode. The WP
closest to the ship position is selected automatically;
– Manual selection – to set the next WP number manually. Input of the next WP
number is made in the appropriate window.
• Arrival Circle – to set the radius of the WP change circle for the generation of an
alert about the arrival in the WP and switching to the next one:
– Same for All WP’s – to set manually for all the route points in the window to the
– From Route Table – to set automatically form the data entered in the route.
• Turns – to set parameters of the turn radius arc for the display of an approximate
track on the turn on another route leg:
– Same for All WP's – to set manually for all the route points in the window to the
– From Route Table – to set automatically form the data entered in the route.

Track Settings Group

Track settings group is used for the selection of the ownship track display parameters:

• Track colour – to set the colour of the displayed ownship track (from the moment
when the colour is selected from the colour palette);
• Plot interval – to select (from the list) a plot interval of the ownship track display
on the NS screen;
• Own ship track – to set the duration of the ownship track display;
• Track history – to load and display the archived ownship track by the date set in
the control;
• Focus on Track – to display the selected archive ownship track in the centre of the
Chart Panel.

50 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Monitoring Panel

Alarms Group

Alarms group is intended for turning on/off and setting of safety parameters for the
alarm generation during the sailing along the route and according to the schedule:

• Off chart – to enable the alarm generation if the ship sails beyond the chart
boundary with Chart Autoload mode off;
• Last WP passed – to enable alarm generation as the last WP of the monitored
route is passed;
• Out of XTE – to enable alarm generation when the ship deviation from the route
line is larger than the value set during the route planning (turning on by default);
• Out of schedule – to enable and set of alarms generated when the ship is behind
or ahead of the schedule;
• WP approach – to enable alarm generation as a set period of time before the
approach to the WP;
• Off leg course – to enable and set parameters of the alarm generated if the
deviation between the current course (COG) and the route leg line direction
exceeds the set value.

Navigational Alarms Page

“Navigational Alarms” page is designed for the setting of safety parameters. The
page contains the following elements:

• Area for Turning on the Display of Safety Parameters;

• Antigrounding alarms group;
• Safety parameters group;
• Area alarms group.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 51

Monitoring Panel

Area for Turning on the Display of Safety Parameters

The area contains buttons for turning on/off the display of set safety parameters
referenced to the ship symbol:

• Navigation danger ring – circle with a radius equal to Nav. danger safety parameter
• Anchor watch ring – circle with a radius equal to Anchor watch safety parameter
• Safety vector – vector whose direction corresponds to the ship course, and the
length to the distance covered by the ship proceeding at the current speed over
the set time.
Time is set in Safety contour field of Antigrounding alarms group and in Approach to
area in field of Area alarms group.

If you press Safety vector button, both vectors will be displayed.

Antigrounding Alarms Group

Antigrounding alarms group contains checkboxes for enabling/disabling safety

parameters, and boxes for setting their numeric values:

• Nav. danger – to enable and enter the distance for the alarm generated upon the
approach to the isolated danger to a distance less than the set one;
• Add Info danger – to enable the alarm generation upon the approach to the user
chart objects with “Danger” and/or “Depth” attributes to a distance less than the
set one (with Nav. danger alarm enabled);
• Safety contour – to enable and enter the advance time for an alarm generated
upon the approach to the safety contour;
• Sounder depth – to enable and enter the minimum depth value for an alarm
generated upon the reception of data from the echo sounder;
• Anchor watch – to enable and enter the radius of a circle for an alarm generated
upon the ship's exit from this circle.

52 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Monitoring Panel

Safety Parameters Group

Safety parameters group is intended for the setting and viewing of safety parameters in
the Navigation Mode:

• Check on scale larger than – to take into account all the charts with a scale larger than
the set one for a check for the availability of dangers to navigation;
• Safety contour – window for the input of the safety contour parameter value;
• Safety depth – window for the input of the safety depth parameter value;
• Shallow contour – window for displaying value of the deep water contour
delineating the colour highlighting of the shallow area for ENC format charts;
• Deep contour – window for displaying the parameter value of the shallow water
contour delimiting the colour highlighting of the deep water area for ENC format

Area Alarms Group

Area alarms group is used for setting the safety parameters applicable to the area
type objects referring to the certain areas:

• Approach to area in – window for the input of advance time for an alarm generated
upon the approach to the areas selected on “Basic areas” and “Additional areas”
• Basic areas – window containing checkboxes for the selection (assigning danger-
to-navigation status) from the main group of those areas which will be tracked
by the NS system;
• Additional areas – window containing checkboxes for the selection (assigning
danger- to-navigation status) from the additional group of those areas which will
be tracked by the NS system.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 53

Route Panel

To display “Route” panel, select the appropriate line of TASKS LIST menu on the Control

“Route” panel is designed for the planning of routes and generation of schedules.
The panel consists of the following elements:

• Area for handling routes and turning on the editor;

• Area for switching routes and functional panel;
• Route and schedule elements table;
• Functional panel area.

Area for Handling Routes and Turning on the Editor

Area for Handling Routes and Turning on the Editor contains the following elements:

• New – to display a blank table for the generation of a new route;

• Load Route – to load a route for viewing or editing by the name selected from the list;
• Unload Route – to unload a route by the name selected from the list;
• Focus on Route – to promptly find the active route on the NS Chart Panel;
• WP Editor – to turn on the graphic route editor;
• Save – to save the active route;
• Name – to enter the active route name.

54 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Route Panel

Area for Switching Routes and Functional Panel

The area contains the following buttons:

• Hamburg-Bilbao – names of loaded routes. As a button is pressed, the route

becomes active and can be edited in the table or on the NS screen by using the
graphic editor;
• Monitor – to prompt loading of the current route plan in the Route Monitoring mode;
• Functional Panel – to display the Functional Panel.

Route and Schedule Elements Table

Route and Schedule Elements table represents a table which can contain the
following data (by columns):

• WP – WP number;
• Name – WP name set by the operator manually;
• Lat – WP latitude coordinate set by the operator manually, or automatically with
the use of the graphic editor;
• Lon – WP longitude coordinate set by the operator manually, or automatically
with the use of the graphic editor;
• RL/GC – route leg type from the previous to the current WP, set by the operator;
• Distance – distance from the previous to the current WP;
• Course – course from the previous to the current WP;
• Total Distance – summary distance between the initial (0) and current WP by the
route legs;
• Port XTE – safe zone to the left of the route leg, set by the operator;
• Stb. XTE – safe zone to the right of the route leg, set by the operator;
• Arrival Circle – radius of a circle whose crossing initiates the change of the
current WP if the route is used as the monitored route;
• Turn Radius – operator-set radius of the arc for the display of an approximate
ship track on the turn;
• Rudder Angle – operator set rudder angle for the display of the ship track in the
turn point. The track is taken from the mathematical model of the ship;
• Time Zone – operator-set time zone (switching of the ship time) in the given WP;
• ETA – estimated time of arrival in a WP;

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 55

Route Panel

• Stay – estimated time of stay in the given WP;

• ETD – estimated time of departure from the given WP;

• TTG – time underway from the previous to the given WP;

• Total Time – total time underway from the start point (0) to the given WP, time of
stays taken into account;
• Speed – speed on the route leg from the previous to the given WP;
• Average Speed – average speed of sailing from the start point to the given WP.

Functional Panel Area

The Functional Panel area contains the following pages:

• Schedule;
• Check;
• Extra.

Schedule Page

“Schedule” page is designed for the generation and storage of schedules. The page
contains the following elements:

• Schedule – to select a schedule for the active route from the list;
• Calculate – to start the calculation process for the schedule which is being edited;
• New – to create a new schedule;
• Clear – to clear the schedule table of calculation results, the name of the
schedule saved;
• Save – to save the active route schedule;
• Name – to enter the name of the schedule to be saved;
• Delete Schedule – to delete a schedule selected from the list;
• Tidal Current – to take into account the tidal currents in the schedule calculations;
• Surface Current – to take into account the surface currents in the schedule
• Weather – to take into account the weather parameters in the schedule calculations.

56 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Route Panel

Check Page

“Check” page serves for checking the generated route for the dangers to navigation.
The page contains the following elements:

• Check Editor – to turn on the check of the active route leg during its generation
(or editing) for the availability of dangers to navigation. Safety parameters are
set on “Navigation Alarms” page of “Monitoring” panel (see page 51);
• Check Route Planning – to turn on the check of the entire active route for dangers
to navigation. Safety parameters are set on “Navigation Alarms” page of
“Monitoring” panel (see page 51);
• Stop – to interrupt manually the check of the entire active route for the availability
of dangers to navigation;
• <> – to view, one by one in the Information Window, messages on the identified
dangers to navigation;
• Accept – confirm the end of the check mode;
• Edit – to turn on the graphic editor in Check Editor mode for the route correction
taking into account all the detected dangers to navigation;
• Show on chart – to display and highlight the detected dangers to navigation on the
original scale chart;
• Safety parameters – safety parameters set on “Navigation Alarms” page of
“Monitoring” panel (see page 51).

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 57

Route Panel

Extra Page

“Extra” page contains buttons for the control of additional functions during the route
planning and editing:

• Reciprocal – to create a route with the WP order inverse to that in the active route;
• Link to – to link the start point of the route selected from the list to the last point
of the active route;
• Print – to print out the active route data;
• Delete – to delete a route selected from the list;
• Call Monitoring Panel – to promptly display “Route Monitoring” page of “Monitoring”
• Columns – to selected columns with route and schedule elements displayed in the
• Equalize Data – to synchronise route data in the NS network configuration;
• Upload Route – to select a route from the list and pass it to an external device;
• Name – to display on the electronic chart names of WP’s in the active route;
• XTE – to display on the electronic chart safety lines for the active route;
• Arrival Circle – to display on the electronic chart change-of-WP circle for the
active route;
• Turns – to display on the electronic chart the turn radius arc for the active route.

58 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Add Info Panel


To display “Add Info” panel select the appropriate line of TASKS LIST menu on the
Control Panel.

“Add Info” panel consists of the following the following areas:

• Area for the Control of the User Chart Object Display;

• User Chart Handling Area;
• Area for Search for and Editing of the User Chart Objects.

Area for the Control of the User Chart Object Display

Area for the control of the user chart object display consists of the following elements:

• Symbols – to turn on the display of conventional signs and symbols;

• Lines – to turn on the display of lines and areas;
• Depth – to turn on the display of depth values;
• Text – to turn on the display of the text;
• Attachments – to turn on the highlighting of objects with attached files;
• Deleted – to turn on the highlighting of deleted object;
• Colour – to turn on the orange coloured lighting of all the user chart objects.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 59

Add Info Panel

User Chart Handling Area

User Chart Handling area consists of the following elements:

• Delete chart – to delete a user chart by the name selected from the list;
• Equalize Data – to synchronise data in the NS network configuration;
• A (0 % filled)/B (0% filled) – to switch A/B active layer with an indication of filling of
the user chart loaded in this layer;
• On – to turn on the display of the active layer on the electronic chart;
• Load Chart – to load a user chart by the name selected from the list;
• Remark – to enter comments to the user chart name;
• Unload – to unload a user chart from the active layer;
• Focus on Chart – to display the user chart in the centre of the Chart Panel;
• Save – to save the user chart;
• Name – to enter the name of the user chart to be saved;
• Merge – to attach objects of the inactive layer user chart to the objects of the
active layer user chart.

Area for Search for and Editing of the User Chart Objects
The area for search for and editing of the user chart objects consists of two pages:

• Edit Objects;
• Find Object.

Edit Object Page

“Edit Objects” page contains the following areas:

• Area for creating and editing of the user chart objects;

• Area for the selection of the object category and type;
• Area for editing object attributes.

60 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Add Info Panel

Area for Creating and Editing of the User Chart Objects

Area for Creating and Editing of the User Chart Objects in the active layer contains
the following elements:

• New Object – to plot a new object on the chart;

• Edit Object – to select an existing object for editing;
• Shift Object – to select and move an existing object to the cursor indicated
• Shift All Objects – to move all the objects to the distance calculated from the shift
of a single selected object to the cursor indicated coordinates;
• Delete Object – to select and delete an object;
• Restore Object – to select and restore a previously deleted object.
Selection of Object Category and Type Area
Area for Selection of Object Category and Type contains 4 windows:

• Symbol – provides a point object symbol library;

• Lines – provides a symbol library of various line and area types;

• Depth – window for the input of the distinctive depth object value;

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 61

Add Info Panel

• Text – window for typing the text object characters.

Object Attributes Editing Area

Object Attributes Editing area contains the following elements:

• Colour palette – to assign “object colour” attribute to the object;

• Attributes – to open the window of the rest of the object attributes;
• Text – to assign “text” attribute to the object by entering the text in the window;
• Info – to assign “object information” attribute to the object by entering the text in
the window;
• Danger – to assign “danger to navigation” attribute to the object;
• Depth – to assign “object depth” attribute to the object by entering the value in
the window;
• Clear attribute fields for every new object – to cancel all the attributes for each new
• Attachments – to assign “attached file” attribute to the object by selecting a file
from the list:
– Available files – window displaying a list of files available for attaching;
– Attached files – window providing a list of files attached to the object;
– View – to view the contents of the selected file;
– Attach>> – to attach a file to the object;
– <<Detach – to detach a file from the object;
– Apply – to confirm the performed operations and close the window;
– Cancel – to cancel the performed operations and close the window.

62 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Add Info Panel

Find Object Page

“Find Object” page consists of following areas:

• Object Parameters Area;

• Object Coordinates Area.
Object Parameters Area
The area contains the following elements:

• Object symbol;
• Type – object category;
• Danger – object status as a danger to navigation;
• Modified – date and time of the most recent change of the object except the
change of its geographic position;
• State – object status.
Object Coordinates Area
The area contains the following elements:

• Latitude – object latitude coordinate (a list of latitudes for area and line type
• Longitude – object longitude coordinate (a list of longitudes for area and line type

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 63

Manual Corrections Panel


To display ”Manual Correction” panel select the appropriate line of TASKS LIST menu
on the Control Panel.

“Manual Correction” panel consists of the following areas:

• Area for Turning on of Updating Object Display;

• Area for Search for and Editing of Updating Objects.

Area for Turning on and Control of Updating Object Display

The Area for Turning on and Control of Updating Object Display consists of the
following elements:

• On – to turn on the display of the updating layer on the electronic chart;

• Equalize Data – to synchronise data in the NS network configuration;
• Attachments – to turn on highlighting of objects with attached files;
• Deleted – to turn on highlighting of deleted objects;
• Colour – to turn on orange coloured highlighting of updating objects;
• Show temporary timed objects – to turn on the display of temporary updating
objects until the time when they become effective.

64 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Manual Corrections Panel

Area for Search for and Editing of Updating Objects

Area for Search for and Editing of Updating Objects consists of two pages:

• Edit Objects;
• Find Object.

Edit Objects Page

“Edit Objects” page contains the following areas:

• Area for Creating and Editing of Updating Objects on the Chart;

• Selection of Object Category and Type Area;
• Object Attributes Editing Area.
Area for Creating and Editing of Updating Objects on the Chart

Area for Creating and Editing of the User Chart Objects in the active layer contains
the following elements:

• New Object – to plot a new object on the chart;

• Edit Object – to select an existing object for editing;
• Shift Object – to select and move an existing object to the cursor indicated
• Shift All Objects – to move all the objects to the distance calculated from the shift
of a single selected object to the cursor indicated coordinates;
• Delete Object – to select and delete an object;
• Restore Object – to select and restore a previously deleted object.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 65

Manual Corrections Panel

Selection of Object Category and Type Area

Area for selection of Object Category and Type contains 4 windows:

• Symbol – provides a point object symbol library;

• Lines – provides a symbol library of various line and area types;

• Depth – window for the input of the distinctive depth object value;

• Text – window for typing the text object characters.

66 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Manual Corrections Panel

Object Attributes Editing Area

Object Attributes Editing area contains the following elements:

• Colour palette – to assign “object colour” attribute to the object (except symbols);
• Attributes – to open a window of the rest of the object attributes;
• Modified – to display the date and time of the most recent modification of the
object selected for editing;
• Author – to enter and display the name of the operator who made the editing of
the selected object (not available for the time being);
• Start – to set and activate the time when the display of an object with “temporary
updating” status is started;
• End – to set and activate the time when the display of an object with “temporary
updating” status is ended;
• Text – to assign “text” attribute to the object by entering the text in the window;
• Info – to assign “object information” attribute to the object by entering the text in
the window;
• Danger – to assign “danger to navigation” attribute to the object;
• Depth – to assign “object depth” attribute to the object by entering the value in
the window;
• Clear attribute fields for every new object – to cancel all the attributes for each new
• Attachments – to assign “attached file” attribute to the object by selecting a file
from the list:
– Available files – window displaying a list of files available for attaching;
– Attached files – window providing a list of files attached to the object;
– View – to view the contents of the selected file;
– Attach>> – to attach a file to the object;
– <<Detach – to detach a file from the object;
– Apply – to confirm the performed operations and close the window;
– Cancel – to cancel the performed operations and close the window.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 67

Manual Corrections Panel

Find Object Page

“Find Object” page contains the following elements:

• Object Parameters Area;
• Object Coordinates Area.
Object Parameters Area
The area contains the following elements:

• Object symbol;
• Type – object category;
• Danger – object status as a danger to navigation;
• Modified – date and time of the most recent change of the object except the
change of its geographic position;
• State – object status;
• Start time – time when the object temporary updating starts to be effective;
• End time – time when the object temporary updating finishes to be effective.
Object Coordinates Area
The area contains the following elements:

• Latitude – object latitude coordinate (a list of latitudes for area and line type
• Longitude – object longitude coordinate (a list of longitudes for area and line type

68 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Targets Panel

To display “Targets” panel, select the appropriate line of TASKS LIST menu on the
Control Panel.

“Targets” panel is intended for the display of target parameters. The panel consists
of the following parts:
• Target display setting area;
• Target Table.

Target Display Setting Area

The Target Display Setting Area is designed for turning on the display of targets from
different sensors, turning on the display of ARPA instruments on the NS screen and
turning on of alarms. The panel contains the following groups:

• Show Target group;

• AIS Target identification group;
• Alarm group;
• Auxiliary button area.

Show Target Group

Show Target group is intended for the selection of the target source and contains the
following buttons:

• ARPA-A – to turn on the display of ARPA-A targets. Connection is made in

“System Configuration” utility (see page 209);
• B – to turn on the display of ARPA-B targets. Connection is made in “System
Configuration” utility (see page 209);
• AIS – to turn on the display of AIS targets. Connection is made in “System
Configuration” utility (see page 209);

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 69

Targets Panel

• RIB – to turn on the display of RIB targets. Connection is made in “System

Configuration” utility (see page 205);
• Tracks – to turn on the display of target motion tracks.

AIS Target Identification Group

AIS Target identification group is intended for turning on the display of AIS target
identifiers on the Chart panel and in the Targets table. The group contains a drop-
down list containing the following lines:
• By Name – to turn on the display of target names;
• By Call Sign – to turn on the display of targets’ callsigns;
• By MMSI number – to turn on the display of targets’ MMSI;
• None – to turn off the display of identifiers to declutter the Chart panel.
The selected identifier is shown on the button of AIS Target identification group.

Alarm Group

Alarm group contains a check box intended for the turning on of the alarm generation
when both, CPA and TCPA values of the target are smaller than the set values:
• CPA – to enter the minimum closest point of approach distance;
• TCPA – to enter the minimum time to the closest point of approach.

Auxiliary Button Area

Auxiliary Button area contains the following elements:

• ARPA Cursor – to turn on the display of ARPA cursor;

• ARPA ERBL – to turn on the display of ARPA ERBL;
• Simulator – to display the menu for the following operations on the simulated targets:
– Add Target – to call the cursor for the setting and display of new targets;
– Edit Target – to call the cursor for editing motion parameters of the existing targets;
– Delete Target – to call the cursor for selecting and deleting of targets;
– Delete All – to delete all the simulated targets.

70 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Targets Panel

Target Table

Target Table contains columns (targets) and rows with the following information on
targets (Name, CPA and TCPA rows enable the sorting of targets by the relevant

• Name – target identifier;

• Alias – target identifier (up to 8 characters) assigned by the operator (the target is
displayed on the Chart panel with this identifier regardless of settings in AIS Target
Identification group);
• CPA – closest point of approach distance;
• TCPA – time to the closest point of approach;
• COG – target course over the ground;
• SOG – target speed over the ground;
• Range – distance to the target;
• Bearing – bearing to the target;
• Bow X – distance to the point where the target crosses the own ship course;
• TBow X – time to the point where the target crosses the own ship course.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 71

AIS Panel

“AIS” panel is called by selecting the appropriate line of TASKS LIST menu on the
Control Panel.

“AIS” panel is intended for the operation with SAAB R4 transponder. The panel
consists of the following pages:

• Voyage and Static Data;

• Messaging;
• Seaway Data;
• Interrogation;
• Long Range;
• Channel Management;
• Protected R4 Settings.

Voyage and Static Data Page

“Voyage and Static Data” page is intended for setting and displaying the own ship
data transmitted by the transponder. The page contains the following items:

• Voyage data area;

• Static Data group.

Voyage Data Area

72 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

AIS Panel

This area is intended for setting the own ship voyage data. The area contains the
following elements:

• Navigation status – to select the ship’s navigational status from the list;
• Type of ship – to select the ship type from the list;
• Cargo – to select the category of the dangerous cargo carried by the ship
(available only for ships capable of carrying cargoes);
• Destination – to enter the port of destination (up to 20 characters);
• ETA – to enter the estimated time of arrival in the port of destination;
• Mean draught – to enter the mean draft;
• Persons on board – to enter the number of persons on board;
• 1 W Mode – to set the power of the transponder VHF transmitter to 1 Watt (for
tankers engaged in loading/unloading operations only);
• Edit – button for switching to the mode of editing dynamic data on the ship and
on the voyage. After the aforementioned mode is entered, this button turns to
Cancel button which serves for canceling the mistakenly entered changes;
• Apply – button for accepting changes made in the dynamic ship and voyage
data. Press this button to send new data to the transponder.

Static Data Group

Static Data group is intended for the display of the own ship identifiers which are set in
“System Configuration” utility (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (V. 3.00.01). INSTALLATION
GUIDE (EDITION 2) document) and are provided as reference information:

• Restore – to restore the own ship name and call sign in the transponder from
“System Configuration” utility;
• Name – own ship name (if the transponder settings do not match those in the
NS, the data is shown in the red colour);
• Call Sign – own ship call sign (if the transponder settings do not match those in
the NS, the data is shown in the red colour);
• MMSI – own ship MMSI;
• IMO Number – own ship IMO number.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 73

AIS Panel

Messaging Page

“Messaging” page is intended for the reception and transmission of AIS messages,
and contains the following groups:

• Send message;
• Receive message.

Send Message Group

Send message group is intended for the preparation and despatch of messages and is
opened upon the selection from the drop-down list of the transmitted message type:
• Normal Text – standard binary text message;
• Safety Text – text message with “safety” status;
• Target – message on a target.

Note: Message formats are described in NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (V. 3.00.01).

The sent messages and their status are shown in the table (the last 100 messages).

74 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

AIS Panel

The table columns contain the following information:

• N – number of the message in the despatch sequence (from 1 to 100 );
• Sent to – address target identifier (name if known or MMSI). “ALL” – addressees
are all the AIS objects within the transponder VHF transmitter range;
• Date/Time (UTC) – date and time when the message was sent (UTC);
• Type – type of the sent message (“Normal Text”, “Safety Text”, “Target”);
• Status – status of the sent message:
– Waiting – the message has been sent from the NS, but no acknowledgement
of its transmission has been received from the transponder;
– Sent – the message has been sent by the transponder, but no confirmation of
its delivery to the addressee has been received or confirmation is not
expected if the message was sent to all the AIS objects∗∗ (“All” identifier);
– Delivered –the message has been delivered to the addressee ;
– Failed – the message cannot, for some reasons, be sent by the transponder .
Normal Text and Safety Text Messages
After the selection of a text message, Send message group assumes the following form:

The group contains the following items:

• To All – to set for the addressee all the AIS objects within the transponder VHF
transmitter range;
• To target with MMSI – to set for the addressee a concrete AIS system object whose
MMSI is set manually in the window to the right. The addressee’s MMSI can also be
set by positioning the acquisition marker on the AIS target on the Chart Panel. The
acquisition marker is called by pressing button to the right of the input box;
• TEXT – window for the entry of the message text (up to 153 characters for
“Normal Text” message and 156 characters for “Safety Text” message);
• Send – to run the message transmission process:
– Auto – automatic selection of the transponder channels for the transmission of
– Send on channel A(B) – to transmit a message on channel A(B);
– Send on channels A&B – to transmit a message on both channels (A and B).
• Clear – to clear the line of the text input box;
• Close – to clear and close the window for the preparation and despatch of

– for “Safety Text” and “Target” messages, the event is recorded in the ship electronic

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 75

AIS Panel

Target Message
After the selection of a message about a target, Send message group assumes the
following form:

The group contains the following items:

• To All – to set for the addressee all the AIS objects within the transponder VHF
transmitter range;
• To target with MMSI – to set for the addressee a concrete AIS system object whose
MMSI is set manually in the window to the right. The addressee’s MMSI can also be
set by positioning the acquisition marker on the AIS target on the Chart Panel. The
acquisition marker is called by pressing button to the right of the input box;
• Target – to select a target the message whereon is required to be sent to the AIS
system object(s). The target is selected with an acquisition marker on the Chart
Panel. The acquisition marker is called by pressing button to the right of the
input box;
• Send – to run the process of transmitting a message about the target:
– Auto – automatic selection of the transponder channel for the transmission of
a message about the target;
– Send on channel A(B) – to transmit a message about the target on channel A(B);
– Send on channels A&B – to transmit a message about the target on both
channels (A and B);
• Clear – to clear Target line;
• Close – to clear and close the window for the preparation and dispatch of messages.

Receive Message Group

Receive Message group is intended for the reception of AIS messages. The group
includes the following elements:
• From – identifier (MMSI number) of the station which sent the message;
• To – station which the message is addressed to:
– Our ship only;
– All stations – all AIS stations.

76 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

AIS Panel

• Type – type of the received message (“Normal Text”, “Safety Text” and “Target”);
• AIS messages alarm – to turn off alarm generated by the reception of a new message;
• Show new message – to turn on the default display of the last received message text;
• Text of the received message (up to 153 characters for “Normal Text” message
and 156 characters for “Safety Text” message);
• Reply – to set the identifier of the station which sent the message as the
addressee of the reply message in Send message group;
• Show Sender – to display and highlight on the Chart Panel the target which the
message has been received from;
• – buttons for viewing received messages (up to 100 most recently
received messages);
• – buttons for setting the fist and last received messages (up to 100

Seaway Data Page

“Seaway Data” page is intended for setting the alarm and turning on the display of
symbols on an electronic chart when sailing in the Great Lakes area (St. Lawrence
Seaway system of locks).
The page contains the following groups:
• Alarms;
• Static.

Alarms Group

Alarms group is designed for the alarm generation upon receipt of the following messages:
• Weather/wind report – information on weather conditions/information on the wind
speed and direction;
• Water level report – information on the water level;
• Lock order report – information on the order of ships passing through the locks;
• Lock times messages – messages on the lock passing time transmitted by the
coastal station to the own ship.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 77

AIS Panel

Static Group

Static group if intended for turning on the display of symbols of the following objects on
an electronic chart in coordinates transmitted by the coastal station in AIS messages:

• Weather marks – meteorological stations collecting and relaying weather data;

• Water level marks – stations and buoys making water level measurements;
• Wind marks – stations making measurement of the wind speed and direction;
• Water flow marks – stations making measurements on the water flow density;
• Lock information marks – locks with information on their passage.
Symbols of objects whose related information has been viewed at least once are
shown in the blue colour, whereas symbols off objects with unviewed information are
displayed in green.

Interrogation Page

“Interrogation” page is intended for placing an inquiry with AIS objects for the
necessary information.

The page contains the following elements:

• Interrogation Setting Area;

• Interrogation Initialisation Area.

78 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

AIS Panel

Interrogation Setting Area

This area is intended for setting the type of the information requested from an AIS
object with a certain MMSI. The area contains the following elements:

• MMSI – to set the MMSI of the interrogated AIS system object, which is set in the
window to the right. The addressee’s MMSI can also be set by positioning the
acquisition marker on the AIS on the Chart Panel. The acquisition marker is called
by pressing button to the right of the input box;
• To set the type of the required information (not more than three types of information
can be requested simultaneously). As the MMSI is entered by using the acquisition
marker, the NS uses the data on the target acquired with the marker for determining
the AIS object type, which allows inquiring about that information only which can be
received from an object of this type. As an inquiry is places, displayed to the right of
each information type is its status:
– Waiting – waiting for information;
– Received – information has been received;
– No Response – information has not been received.

Interrogation Initialisation Area

This area is intended for initialising the request for necessary information from the
AIS object. The area contains the following elements:

• Interrogate – placing an inquiry with an AIS system object;

• Status – inquiry status:
– Waiting – inquiry has been sent by the NS but there has been no transmission
acknowledgement from the transponder;
– Failed – inquiry has not been sent by the transponder;
– Sent – inquiry has been sent by the transponder, but the information from the
interrogated AIS object has not been received, or has not been received in full;
– Delivered – all the information requested from the AIS system object has been
– Timeout – the set time of waiting for an answer to the inquiry is over, whereas
information from the interrogated AIS object has not been received in full.
• Timeout in – to set the time of waiting for the response (30 seconds by default);
• Ok – to confirm the end of interrogation.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 79

AIS Panel

Long Range Page

“Long Range” page is intended for handling AIS objects with the use of Long Range
communication facilities, e.g. INMARSAT-C satellite system.

The page contains the following elements:

• Table of inquiries;
• Reply Info group;
• Control buttons:
– Reply – to send a relay to a Long Range inquiry in the manual mode;
– Delete – to delete the highlighted Long Range Interrogation request/reply. In
this case the Long Range interrogation request will be deleted from the NS
memory only. In the transponder memory it will be saved for 24 hours;
– Long Range Alarm – to turn on an alarm generated by the receipt of a Long
Range inquiry.

Table with Requesting Station Data

The table contains the following columns:

• Date/Time – data and time (UTC) of a Long Range inquiry reception;

• Request Flags – type of requested information (A, B, C, E, F, I, O, P, U, W);
• Reply Flags – type of information which was sent in reply to the Long Range
inquiry (from the list of permitted information provided in Reply Info group);
• Requestor MMSI – MMSI of the requesting station;
• Requestor Name – name of the requesting station.

80 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

AIS Panel

Replay Info Group

Reply Info group is intended for setting the type of information permitted for the reply
to the Long Range inquiry, and the reply mode:

• A, B, C, E, F, I, O, P, U, W – to set the type of information permitted for the replay to

a Long Range inquiry;
• Reply mode – to set the mode of a reply to a Long Range inquiry;
– Auto – automatic transmission of permitted information;
– Manual – manual transmission of permitted information with the use of Reply
• Cancel – to cancel the previously made settings;
• Apply – to apply the previously made settings.

Channel Management Page

“Channel Management” page is intended for the display and operation control of two
VHF channels prescribed for the use by the AIS worldwide:

• AIS 1 (Channel 87B, 161.975 MHz, (2087);

• AIS 2 (Channel 88B, 162.025 MHz, (2088).
The transponder operation on these channels is monitored via vessel traffic systems
(VTS) which set special regional zones. In these zones, the VTS controls the
schedule of data exchange among the ships by setting the following regional zone

• Coordinates of the north-east and south-west corners of the zones determining

its geographic position;
• Channel A (B) – operating mode and numbers of channels A and B;
• Band Ch. A (B) – bandwidth of channels A and B (auto/12.5 KHz);
• Transitional zone – transitional zone width;
• Tx Power – transponder transmitted power level (High/Low).

It is ill advised to use the manual mode for setting regional zones if not strictly
necessary because uncoordinated changes of exchange parameters of AIS
channels (1 and 2) may result in the ship transponder exit from the UAIS system.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 81

AIS Panel

Description of Channel Management Page Items

“Channel Management” page contains the following items:

• Tx / Rx channels: – indicator of the regional zone used by the transponder. If the ship
is in none of the regional zones, High Sea is displayed in the field instead of the zone
in use. In this case, the following channel settings are used (set by default):
– Transitional zone: 0 nm (none of the zones is used);
– Channel A: – Tx / Rx, 2087 mode;
– Channel B: – Tx / Rx, 2088 mode;
– Band Ch. A: – auto (specified by channel number, see ITU-R M.1084, Annex 4);
– Band Ch. B: – auto (specified by channel number, see ITU-R M.1084, Annex 4);
– Tx Power – High.
• Table for the display, setting and editing of regional zones:
– N – zone number;
– Point 1 (NE) – field for setting the coordinates of the north-east corner of the
regional zone;
– Point 2 (SW) – field for setting the coordinates of the south-west corner of the
regional zone;
– Zone – field for the transition zone width;
– Channel A – field for setting the number and bandwidth of channel A;
– Channel B – field for setting the number and bandwidth of channel B;
– Mode – field for setting the channel operation mode;
– Power – field for setting the transponder transmitted power level;

82 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

AIS Panel

– Source – field for the display of the source which set the zone in the
transponder. Zones from the following sources only are available for editing:
Manual – regional zone is set by the user manually by means of MKD facilities;
ACA msg – regional zone is set by the user manually by means of an external
device (Navi-Sailor, Pilot, auxiliary device, etc);
DSC Ch. 70 – regional zone is received by the transponder from the coastal
station via DSC channel 70;
msg 22 – regional zone is sent to the transponder by the coastal station in
ITU-R M 1371 standard message 22.
– Updated UTC – UTC time corresponding to the change if “in use” status
(entry/exit in/from the regional zone).
• Show Area on Chart – button designed for turning on/off the display of the selected
regional zone on the NS screen. In this case for the regional zones to be
displayed, the display of Chart boundaries chart layer should be turned on;
• Delete – button designed for deleting the selected regional zone from the
• Edit – button designed for turning on the mode of regional zone editing by the user;
• Accept – button designed for the transmission of changes made in the work with
regional zones and saving them to the transponder memory.

Specific Features of Work with Regional Zones

• The transponder starts using the regional zone settings if the ship position is
within this zone;
• Regional zones should meet the following requirements:
– Size of the zone side should be from 20 to 200 nautical miles;
– Operating mode and numbers of channels A and B should comply with
ITU-R M.1084, Annex 4 requirements;
– Width of the transitional zone should be from 1 to 8 nautical miles;
– Own ship position should be closer than 500 nautical miles from the regional
zone boundary.
If parameters of the zone which is being created do not meet one of these
conditions, this zone cannot be set in the transponder:
• The maximum number of regional zones stored in the transponder memory is
equal to 8;
• If some parameters of an existing regional zone are edited, the transponder will
assume the saving of changes to be the creation of a new regional zone. In this
case the previous zone is saved;
• If there were 8 regional zones in the transponder, and a new regional zone is
created or received, the oldest of the regional zones will be deleted;
• If a newly received or newly created regional zones overlaps, fully or in part, one
or more zones already available in the transponder memory, the old zones will
be deleted;
• Regional zones received from coastal stations via DSC channel (Channel 70) or
in ITU-R M.1371 standard message 22 are not available for editing or deleting
for 2 hours from the moment when they were received;

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 83

AIS Panel

• The regional zone is deleted automatically from the transponder memory in the
following cases:
– Own ship position is at a distance of more than 500 nautical miles from the
regional zone boundary;
– More than 5 weeks have passed since the zone was saved to the
transponder memory.

Protected R4 Settings Page

“Protected R4 Settings” page is intended for the display and editing of SAAB R4
transponder settings, protected, for the security sake, with two levels of passwords.
The page contains the following items:
• Area for setting the own ship MMSI and IMO number;
• Area of GPS receivers in use;
• AIS Port programming group;
• Enable/Disable AIS Alarms group;
• Area displaying version of the installed software/hardware.
For the editing of SAAB R4 transponder settings, except the own ship static data
settings, an internal password of the NS system is used, which the NS requests to
enter after a press on Edit button.

After the input of the system password, access to the editing of the transponder settings
is provided. Apply Changes button serves for saving the changes you have made.

84 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

AIS Panel

Area for Setting the Own Ship MMSI and IMO Number

This area is intended for the display and editing of the own ship MMSI and IMO
number. This data is essential from the viewpoint of safety at sea, its editing is,
therefore, protected with the transponder internal password which is attached to
SAAB R4 transponder documentation.

The area contains the following items:

• AIS internal password – to enter the transponder internal password for changing
MMSI and IMO number;
• MMSI – to enter the own ship MMSI;
• IMO – to enter the own ship IMO number.

Area of GPS in Use

This area is intended for the display of the GPS receiver used by the transponder as
well as for the display of the GPS receiver antenna position in the ship axes id
reference. The name of the currently used GPS receiver is backlighted with the
green colour. For each antenna unit A+B=Length and C+D=Beam:

• Ship – own ship Length and Beam∗∗∗;

• External GPS – antenna position of the external GPS receiver connected to the
transponder (where the transponder settings do not match those in the NS, data
A, B, C, D is shown in the red colour);
• Internal GPS – position of the transponder’s internal GPS receiver (where the
transponder settings do not match those in the NS, data A, B, C, D is shown in
the red colour).

If External GPS and Internal GPS parameters (A, B, C, D coefficients) have been
changed in a transponder from the connected external device (MKD, Pilot Laptop),
the NS will automatically change replace them with those set in “System
Configuration” utility.

– to set this data use “System Configuration” utility (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (V.

3.00.01). Installation Guide (edition 2) document).

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 85

AIS Panel

AIS Port Programming Group

AIS Port Programming Group is intended for setting the data exchange rate for the
communication ports of SAAB R4 transponder. The group contains names of
external devices, which can be connected to the transponder. To the right of each
device, there is a drop-down list where the rate of data exchange with an external
device via this port is set.

Enable/Disable AIS Alarms Group

Enable/Disable AIS Alarms group is intended for turning on/off SAAB R4 transponder alarm.

Area Displaying Version of the Installed Software/Hardware

This area displays numbers of versions of the installed software and hardware for
the devices included in SAAB R4 transponder.

86 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Logbook Panel

To display “Logbook” panel, select the appropriate line of TASKS LIST menu on the Control

“Logbook” panel is designed for the recording of events which occurred during the
NS operation, and consists of the following areas:

• Table of events and event parameters (electronic ship log book);

• Settings group.

Table of Events and Event Parameters

The table is a set of columns (events) and of rows (event parameters). The table can
reflect the following event parameters:

• Date – date of the event;

• Time – time of the event (UTC);
• Event – name of the event;
• Primary Sensor – primary positioning system;
• Secondary Sensor – secondary positioning system;
• Lat – event latitude coordinate;
• Lon – event longitude coordinate;
• Pri/Sec Diverge – distance and direction to the secondary positioning system
(large – distance exceeding the limit set in the safety parameters);

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 87

Logbook Panel

• COG-SOG – course and speed values received from the positioning system;
• Hdg-Log – course and speed values received from the compass and log;
• Average speed – average speed in the last 10 minutes;
• WatchDist-Log – distance covered during the watch (by chart – by log);
• DayDist-Log – distance covered in 24 hours (by chart – by log);
• VoyDist-Log – summary distance passed (by chart – by log);
• Echo Depth –depth from the sounder or entered manually if the sounder is not
connected in “System Configuration” utility;
• Charts displayed – charts loaded for proceeding in Navigation Mode, the source
specified (ARCS, BSB – BSB/NDI, ENC, TRS – TX-97, SRF –Seafarer, DNC).
The following logbook fields are filled in by the operator manually:
• Remarks – operator notes;
• Wind direction – true wind direction;
• Wind speed – true wind speed;
• Wave direction – wave direction value entered by the operator;
• Wave Height – wave height value entered by the operator;
• Air temperature – air temperature value entered by the operator;
• Pressure – atmospheric pressure value entered by the operator;
• Visibility – visibility range value entered by the operator;
• Water temperature – water temperature;
• Engine RPM – main engine rpm value entered by the operator.

88 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Logbook Panel

Settings Group

Settings Group contains the following buttons:

• Date – button for calling the calendar for the selection of the archived electronic
ship logbook entry and a line for the manual date input;

• Fields – to call the menu for setting the event parameters display in the table;

• Filter – to call the menu for setting the event groups display in the table;

• Entry – to call the menu for setting Time event recording discretion;

• Reset Dist. – to set the value of the total covered distance to zero;

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 89

Chart Panel

• Print – to call the window for setting parameters (From and To – UTC time period)
for the printout of the ship logbook events.

To display “Charts” panel, select the appropriate line of TASKS LIST menu
on the Control Panel.

“Charts” panel consists of two areas:

• Chart Search and Loading Area;

• Chart Information Display Adjustment Area.

Chart Search and Loading Area

This area is represented by two pages, the only difference between them being in
the set of charts available for work. All the functions of these pages are identical:

• Complete list – provides a full ship folio chart list for work;
• By position – provides only those charts whose boundaries the ship symbol
comes within.

90 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Chart Panel

The aforementioned pages contain the following:

• Chart number input window and Find button activate the chart search function by
the number entered in the window.
If the chart with the required number has not been found, the prompt bar in the
bottom part of the area displays the following message:
– No charts found – no charts with this number have been found;
– Partial match found – a group of charts has been found, whose numbers start
with the entered characters.
• Manual chart selection window. Charts in the list can be sorted by the following
– Chart Number – chart number;
– Scale – chart scale;
– Issue date – chart issue date;
– Last Correction – latest correction date;
– Format – chart format.

• Load Chart – to load the selected chart.

Chart Information Display Adjustment Area

The area contains the following pages:

• General;
• Layers;
• ENC.

General Page

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 91

Chart Panel

This page is intended for the control of chart automatic loading and scaling which
are determined by the following parameters:

• Chart Autoload – chart loading modes switching buttons:

– ON – to turn on the chart autoload mode whereby the largest scale chart will
be automatically loaded;
– OFF – to turn off the autoload mode. As this is done, the current chart under the
ship position or the chart loaded manually is fixed until the loading mode switch;
– FIX – to turn on the chart fixing mode. As the ship symbol crosses the boundary of
such chart, the chart loading mode is automatically switched to ON position.
• Chart Autoscale – chart scaling modes switching buttons:
– ON – to load the chart on its original scale;
– OFF – to load the chart on the screen current scale.
• Scale Ratio – to set the loaded chart scale differing from its original scale by the
number of fixed scale values (+/- 5);

• Chart priority – to set the chart loading priority under the ship position:
– None – to load TX-97 (TRS) format vector charts;
– HCRF – to load ARCS and Seafarer format raster charts;
– HCRF Review – to open the window for viewing ARCS and Seafarer format

Layers Page

This page is intended for controlling the display of individual chart information
classes by using the following controls:

• Display category – to switch presentations of different display types:

– Base – to turn on presentation of objects included in the Base Display;
– Standard – to turn on presentation of objects included in the Standard Display;
– Custom – to turn on presentation of objects included in the Additional
Information Display at the user discretion;
– All – to turn on presentation of all the objects included in the Additional
Information Display.
• Spot soundings to – to turn on the display of depth values smaller than the setting
made in the relevant window (if the setting is “0” all the soundings are displayed);

92 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Chart Panel

• Isolated dangers – to turn on the display of isolated dangers with depths over
them larger than the safety depth;
• Cables, pipelines – to turn on the display of submerged cables and pipeline;
• Ferry routes – to turn on the display of ferry crossings;
• Names – to turn on the display of names;
• All depth contours – to turn on the display of all the depth contours;
• Seabed – to turn on the display of ground characteristics;
• Other information – to turn on the display of other information;
• Show All – to turn on the display of the aforementioned chart layers;
• Hide All – to turn off the display of the aforementioned chart layers;
• Scale bar – to turn on the display of chart scale graphic presentation (in the left
hand part of the screen);
• Grid lines – to turn on the display of the coordinate grid;
• Chart boundaries – to turn on the display of ship folio chart boundaries;
• Navtex – to turn on the display of NAVTEX message symbols.

ENC Page

This page is intended for the adjustment of ENC format chart display and handling:
• Accept correction – to activate the updating acceptance procedure on ENC format
charts (before the acceptance correction highlighting symbols are displayed);
• Areas – to select the style of area type object boundary display from the list (Plain
and Symbolized);
• Points – to select the style of the point type object display from the list (Paper
chart and Simplified);
• Four shades – to turn on the colour highlighting of the set depth areas;
• Shallow pattern – to turn on the display of hatching in the presentation of areas
with depths smaller than the safety contour on ENC format charts;
• Use SCAMIN – to turn on the display of an object on inadmissible scales to it
(generalisation method selection);
• Full light lines – to switch the lengths of lines delimiting the light visibility sectors;

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 93

Tasks Panel

• Highlight info – to turn on the display of highlighting for objects with “Inform” attribute;
• Show correction – to turn on colour highlighting for the objects which have
undergone some modification in the process of the latest accepted correction;
• M_quality objects – to turn on the display of accuracy symbols for the ship positioning
and soundings during the seabed contour survey on ENC format chart;
• Question mark – to turn on the display of objects which are not specified in S-52
• National names – to turn on the display of national names;
• Show All – to turn on the display of all the parameters;
• Hide All – to turn off the display of all the parameters;
• Shallow contour – to enter the value of the deep water contour delineating the
colour highlighting of the shallow area for ENC format charts;
• Safety contour – to display the safety contour value for vector format chart (for
information only);
• Safety depth – to display the safety depth value for vector format chart (for
information only);
• Deep contour – to enter the value of the shallow water contour delimiting the
colour highlighting of the deep water area for ENC format charts.

To display “Tasks” panel select the appropriate line of TASKS LIST menu on the Control
“Tasks” panel is designed for creating type routes by using the procedures
described in IAMSAR manual (SAR routes) and obtaining of tidal height information.
The panel consists of the following pages:
• SAR;
• Tides.

SAR Page

The page contains the following elements:

• Commence Search Point group;
• Own Ship Coordinates group;
• Route parameters setting area;
• Route saving area.

94 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Tasks Panel

Commence Search Point Group

Commence Search Point group contains the following:

• Window for the manual setting of the SAR route start point coordinates, and the
display of these coordinates;
• By Cursor – to turn on the display of the cursor on the chart panel for setting the
SAR route start point coordinates;
• Drift/Set – lines for the input and display of the expected drift and set at the SAR
operation site.

Own Ship Coordinates Group

Own Ship Coordinates group is designed for setting and displaying the coordinates of
the point of turn to the SAR route start point, and the expected speed of proceeding
along the route. The group contains the following:
• Current – with the checkbox checked, the current ship coordinates are obtained
from the positioning system and are then updating until the route save moment;
• Window for setting manually the coordinates of the point of turn to the SAR
route start point (with Current checkbox unchecked);
• Speed – line for the input of the expected speed of motion along the SAR route.

Route Parameter Setting Group

The route parameter setting group contains a button for calling a menu for
determining the SAR route type, and lines for the input of parameters inherent in this
route type (the set of lines is determined by the route type selection):
• Expanding Square – the expanding square search pattern determines the
following lines:
– Number of legs – number of successive route legs;
– Starting leg – start leg length.
• Parallel Track – the parallel tracks search pattern determines the following lines:
– Number of legs – number of successive route legs;
– Leg length – length of each leg;
– Track Spacing – width of zone between the parallel tracks.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 95

Tasks Panel

• Sector Search – the search by sectors pattern determines the following lines:
– Number of – number of sectors;
– Search radius – search area radius (sectors);
– Turn Angle – sector turn angle.

SAR Route Area

SAR Route area is designed for saving SAR route files and contains the following:

• SAR Route – to enter the route name;

• Save – to save a route under the name entered in the line;
• Clear – to clear all the lines for generating a new route.

Tides Page
“Tides” page is used for obtaining information on the tidal height. The page consists
of the following windows:

• Diagram;
• Table;
• Place.

Diagram Window

This window contains the following areas and groups:

• Diagram Area;
• Diagram Data Display Ares;
• Date group;
• Time group;
• Period group;
• Show group.

96 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Tasks Panel

Diagram Area

The Diagram Area contains the following:

• Time dependent tidal height change diagram:

– The blue colour shows the tidal height above the value set by the operator;
– The red colour shows the tidal height below the value set by the operator.
• Time when the tidal height will reach the value set by the operator (with Marks
check box checked);
• Cursor supplemented with an Information Window (turned on in Show group)
which contains:
– Date;
– Time;
– Tidal height.
Diagram Data Display Area

The Diagram Data Display Area contains the following:

• Name, time zone and coordinates of the selected reference point;

• Time and height of the tide in the cursor position on the tidal curve;
• Show place – to display the reference point in the centre of the Chart Panel.
Date Group

Date group is intended for setting the date for the display of the tidal curve:

• Date – to enter the date manually;

• Today – to set the current date.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 97

Tasks Panel

Time Group

Time group is used for specifying the time when the tidal height is calculated:

• UTC – UTC time;

• Time Zone – time of the selected reference point;
• Ship time – current ship time.
Period Group

Period group is intended for setting the number of days which information on the
diagram will be provided for, starting from the date set in Date group.

Show Group

Show group serves for setting the tidal height value determines by the operator from
the draft and the minimum passage depth:

• Marks – to turn on the display of projections of the tidal height value set by
operator transfers in the top part with the indication of time;
• Cursor data – to display the Information Window supplementing the cursor on the
tidal curve;
• Level – to set the mean tidal height value relative to the high tide and low tide;
• Window for the operator input of the tidal height level relative to the depth
specified on the chart.

Table Window

“Table” window contains the following groups and areas:

• Tidal Height Table;

• Reference Point Data Display Area;
• Date group;

98 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Tasks Panel

• Time group;
• Period group;
• Table Properties group.
Tidal Height Table

The table shows tidal values at the low and full water (Show high/low water checkbox
checked) or the tidal height calculated with a certain time discretion (Time step
checkbox checked).

Reference Point Data Display Area

The area contains:

• Name, time zone and coordinates of the selected reference point;

• Show place – to display the reference point in the centre of the Chart Panel.
Date Group

Date setting group of the display of the tidal height table:

• Date – to enter the date manually;

• Today – to set the current date.
Time Group

Time group is used for specifying the time when the tidal height is calculated:

• UTC – UTC time;

• Time Zone – time of the selected reference point;
• Ship time – current ship time.

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 99

Tasks Panel

Period Group

Period group is intended for setting the number of days which information on the
diagram will be provided for, starting from the date set in Date group.

Table Properties Group

Table Properties group is designed for setting the discretion of values shown in the table:

• Show high/low water – to turn on the display of full and low water values in the table;
• Time Step – to set or activate the discretion of values display in the table (1, 6,
10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes) starting from 00:00.

Place Window

“Place” window contains the following areas and groups:

• Reference Point Name Area;
• Reference Point Data Display Area;
• Find place group.

100 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Tasks Panel

Reference Point Name Area

The area contains a list of names (Place) of available reference points with their
coordinates (Coordinates) and time zone (Time Zone) specified.

Reference Point Data Display Area

The area contains:

• Name, time zone and coordinates of the selected reference point;

• Set Active – to set the reference point selected from the list for the display of data
in “Diagram” and “Table” windows;
• Show place – to display the reference point in the centre of the Chart Panel.
Find Place Group

Find place group contains the following:

• By name – to enter the reference point name;

• All Places – list of all the reference points contained in the database;
• Вy сursor – list of reference points within the circle with the set centre
coordinates and radius:
– Distance – to enter the radius value for the area coverage circle;
– Find – to call the cursor on the Chart Panel for setting the coverage circle

Chapter 1. Description of Navi-Sailor 3000 Software. 101

Info Panel

“Info” panel is displayed after a chart or chart object which information should be
obtained on, has been selected with the acquisition marker. The acquisition marker
appears after a press on Info button on the Control Panel or its counterpart on the
Chart Panel.

“Info” panel contains the following elements:

• The information area displays information on the chart objects of navigational

vector charts, user charts and updating objects, as well as on charts of any
format. The area represents a set of windows which you can view while moving
along the text by using standard keyboard facilities or hyperlinks highlighted in
the blue and purple colours;
• Close – to close “Info” panel;
• Unmark – to turn off the display of highlighting for objects with the turned on
Highlight attribute (only for S-57 format charts).

102 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Description of Chart
Manager Utility Interface
This chapter provides a description of the utility which
enables installation and updating of electronic charts
in different formats.

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003


“Chart Manager” (CM) utility is intended for installation of electronic charts in
different formats, installation and updating of licenses, chart updating and output of
brief information on the current folio status.

The utility window consists of the following parts:

• Main Menu;
• Functional Menu;
• Chart and Table Panels;
• Dialogue boxes which appear in the process of the CM operation for the input or
display of necessary information.
In addition the aforementioned parts, the bottom part of the screen constantly
displays a status bar specifying the free space on the computer hard disk:


The Main Menu consists of five submenus. For the user convenience sake, some
options are duplicated in the functional menu. The corresponding functional menu
buttons are specified to the right of the Main menu options:

• CHART menu:
– CHART/OPEN – to select and scan an individual chart or a collection of charts
in the set format from the carrier (used when an individual S-57 format
chart cell is required to be installed without using Catalogue.031 file);

– CHART/SCAN DRIVE – to scan the carrier;

– CHART/INSTALL – to start the chart installation process;

– CHART/UPDATE – to start the updating process for the charts of the

selected format;
– CHART/DELETE – to delete a selected chart or a group of charts;

– CHART/INFO – to obtain information on an individual selected chart;

– CHART/LICENSE – to start the license installation procedure;

– CHART/EXIT – to exit from the utility.

Chapter 2. Description of Chart Manager Utility Interface. 105

Chart and Table Panels

– SELECTION/SELECT – to select charts for further operations on them;
– SELECTION/SELECT ALL – to select all the charts;
– SELECTION/INVERT SELECTION – to toggle the chart selection.
• VIEW menu:
– VIEW/FORMAT – to select the chart format;

– VIEW/TOOLBAR – to turn on/off the display of the functional menu.

• TOOLS menu:
– TOOLS/REPORTS – to view archived log of operations performed on the chart
folio in the selected format;
– TOOLS/S57 REPORTS – S57 format/SENC format conversion logs (does not
appear on the Main Menu until S57 format charts are installed);
– TOOLS/SAVE LIST – to save the list of TX97 format charts (does not appear on
the Main Menu unless TX97 format charts are handled).

• HELP menu:
HELP/ABOUT – to obtain general reference information on the utility.


Chart Panel
“Chart” panel is intended for the graphic presentation and selection of charts from
the ship and external folio on the map of the world field.

The panel consists of two parts:

• Toolbar with the following functions:

– To increase the chart display area scale;

– To decrease the chart display area scale;

– “UNDO” – to cancel the preceding action;

– To re-draw the map of the world around the cursor's centre point
– To zoom in/out;

– ERBL – electronic range and bearing line for the measurement of

distances between any two points in the chart display area;

106 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Chart and Table Panels

– To select a fragment with a simultaneous selection of all the charts

whose boundaries are covered by this fragment;
– Chart display area scale indicator.

• Area of graphic presentation of chart boundaries with a free cursor. Depending

on the selected function, the cursors assumes the following form:

– To re-draw the map of the world around the cursor's centre point

– To zoom in/out;

– ERBL – electronic range and bearing line for the measurement of

distances between any two points in the chart display area;

– To select a fragment with a simultaneous selection of all the charts

whose boundaries are covered by this fragment;
– The button appears in the vicinity of the screen boundary for a shift
in the indicated direction along the map of the world without change
of scale;
– The button is displayed by pressing the right trackball/
mouse button for canceling the selected function.

Table Panel
“Table” panel is intended for the display and sorting of charts from the ship collection
and an external folio. Information on the charts is presented in the tabular form in
two windows: left hand window for the ship chart folio and the right hand window for
the external chart folio (found on an external carrier):

• In the ship chart folio window the data is presented as follows:

– Chart – chart number;

– Edition – chart edition in the following format:
Edition number (for S-57 format charts);
Edition date in yyyymm format (for the rest of the formats).
– Size – space in bytes occupied by the chart on the carrier;
– Last correction – date of the most recent chart updating in dd-mm-yyyy format;
– Update available – indication of the availability of updating for S-57 format chart
on the scanned disk.
Yes – updating information is available;
No – updating information is no available.

Chapter 2. Description of Chart Manager Utility Interface. 107

Chart and Table Panels

• In the external chart folio window:

– Note – chart status note:

<<Install – chart permitted for installation;
<<Update – chart permitted for installation, but the ship folio already contains
a chart with this number;
Empty line – chart installation is not permitted (no license).
– Chart – chart numbers;
– Edition – chart edition which can be presented in the following format:
Edition number (for S-57 format charts);
Edition date in yyyymm format (for the rest of the formats).
– Size – space in bytes occupied by the chart on the carrier;
– License – chart license in the following form:
Yes – there is a license for the chart, or the chart does not require a license;
No – no license for the chart; – effective license expiry date.
– Issue Data – the date of S-57 format chart issue.
Notation used:

• y= year;
• m= month;
• d = day.

108 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Dialogue Boxed Which Appear in the Process of the CM Operation



Add License Window

“Add License” window serves for the installation of licenses and contains the following:

• Directory – to install the license automatically;

• Back up – to create the license backup copy on the hard disk;
• Remove old permits – to delete the installed license (if an old license version was
• Items of permit – to install the license manually;
• Value – to type the chart permit number;
• Set – to enter the chart permit number;
• Delete – to delete the entered permit number.
• OK – to apply changes and exit;
• Permits Info button – to view of previously entered licenses;
• Install SA crt – to check if S-57 Encrypted ENC charts are original, compare the
NS Scheme Administrator Certificate (SA Certificate) which is being installed
with the certificate on the scanned S-57 Encrypted ENC carrier. The SA
Certificate is supplied by the chart manufacturer: Regional ENC Coordinating
Center (RENC). The code of the RENC whose charts are being handles is
displayed in the bottom part of “Add License” window:
• Cancel – to cancel changes and exit.

Chapter 2. Description of Chart Manager Utility Interface. 109

Dialogue Boxed Which Appear in the Process of the CM Operation

To obtain access to the operation with format S-57 Encrypted ENC license, you
should first scan the relevant chart carrier (CHART\SCAN DRIVE menu).

Update Window
“Update” window serves for the updating and may have the following pages:

• Source – serves for the search of the updating source;

• S57 Options;

S57 Options (does not appear unless S57 format is handled) allows setting the
following versions of notification about the availability of chart updating, and
inquiry about the need to perform this updating:
– Never – the message about the availability of the updating and the inquiry are
not displayed;
– For each cell – the message is displayed for each chart;
– Always – the message is displayed as each correction for each chart cell is
– Auto accept – to enable the automatic accepting of the previous updating
before the next one is installed (where there are several corrections for one
and the same cell).

110 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Dialogue Boxed Which Appear in the Process of the CM Operation

Summary Information Windows

The “Summary Information” windows may contain the following data:

• Chart – chart numbers;

• Edition – chart edition which may have the following format:
– Edition number (for S-57 format charts);
– Edition date in yyyymm format (for the rest of the formats).
• Last correction – date of the most recent chart updating in dd-mm-yyyy format;
• Size – space in bytes occupied by the chart on the carrier;
• Licensed – chart license in the following form:
– Yes – there is a license for the chart, or the chart does not require a license;
– No – no license for the chart;
– – effective license expiry date.
• Old version – previous chart edition in the ship folio;
• Result – results of operation on the chart;
• Previous correction – previous correction date in dd-mm-yyyy format;
• Last correction number – latest chart correction number;
• Last NtM – number of the last Notice to Mariners which the chart was updated
from in yyyynnnnn format.
Notation used:

• y = year;
• m = month;
• d = day;
• n = number.

Chapter 2. Description of Chart Manager Utility Interface. 111

Description of Data Tool
This chapter provides a description of the utility which allows
the NS archives to be handled.

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003


“Data Tool” utility is designed for work with the NS system archive data files and
allows the following operations to be performed:

• To copy the NS data onto an external carrier and the other way round;
• To move the NS data onto an external carrier and the other way round;
• To delete data from the NS program;
• To view and print out archive data.


“Data Tool” utility window consists of the following parts:

• Toolbar;
• Internal group;
• External group;
• Internal and External panels area;
• Information panel area.

Chapter 3. Description of Data Tool Utility. 115

Data Tool Utility Window

• To exit from the utility;

• To copy selected files;

• To move selected files;

• To delete selected files;

• To select a group of files by entering any number of characters from

their names (including extension) in “Select Items” window;
• To deselect a group of files;

• To view the contents of selected files;

• To convert the selected file from binary to text format (files with
*.cvt, *.txt extension);
• To call a window with information on the software product.

Internal Group

Internal group represents a list of archive files stored in the NS. The list consists of
the following file groups:

Name File location in the product File contents

Log Book \TRACK\*.lbk Electronic ship logbooks
Track \TRACK\*.trk, *.tgt Ownship and targets tracks
Add Info \ADD_INFO\*.ai, *.mcr Created and saved user files
Add Info import from NS \ADD INFO\*.cvt, *.cra, Created saved and converted to text
2500 *.ai, *.mcr format user files (including user files
from NS 2500)
Text to Add Info \ADD INFO\*.cvt Converted to text format user files
Add Info to text \ADD INFO\*.ai,*.mcr Created and saved user files
Attachments (text) \ADD INFO\ *.txt, *.rtf, Text files attached to the user chart
*.doc objects (Add Info)
Attachments (picture) \ADD INFO\ *.bmp, *.pdf, Graphic files attached to the user chart
*.gif, *.jpg, *.tif objects (Add Info)
Route to text \ROUTE\*.rt3,*.cvt,*.psg Created, saved and converted to text
format routes
Text to route \ROUTE\*.rt3,*.cvt,*.psg Created, saved and converted to text
format routes
Picture BMP\*.bmp Graphic files created when the screen
graphic copies are made (<Ctrl>+
<Print Screen>)
Chart List \CM\Lists\*.lst Chart lists created and saved via
“Chart Manager” utility

116 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Data Tool Utility Window

Name File location in the product File contents

Symbol Library \*.bmp Libraries of additional (user created)
Ship \SHIP\*.dat, *.mod, Ship mathematical models created
*.prv and saved via “Ship Model” utility
S57 Log \CM\DX\*.lst, *.rec, Logs of conversion of ENC charts and
*.sum updating into the internal format:
• *.lst – detailed list of all the non-
• *.rec – information on the com-
pleted updating;
• *.sum – logs of operations on the
chart folios
Facility \MARINE\*.mff Auxiliary information supplied in the
vector form for BSB format raster charts
Old Log Book \_TRACK\*.lbk Previously created electronic ship log
book files placed into _TRACK subdi-
rectory after the reconstruction of the
standard (initial ) NS system configu-
ration (“Restore” utility)
Old Track \_TRACK\*.trk, *.tgt Previously created ownship and target
track recording files placed into
_TRACK subdirectory after the recon-
struction of the standard (initial) NS
system configuration (“Restore” utility)
AIS Log \AIS.Log\*.txt Logs of events occurring with the AIS

External Group

External group allows selection of folders on the external carrier where archive data
files are stored.

Internal and External Panels Area

Internal and External panels area contains lists of and information on files on the
internal (NS directory) and external carriers in the following form:

• Name – file name;

• Time\Data – date/time when the file was created or last modified (by the computer
• Size – file size in bytes.

Chapter 3. Description of Data Tool Utility. 117

Data Tool Utility Window

On Internal panel, lines in files of Log Book and Track groups can be highlighted in the
following colours:

• Yellow – files not more than 7 days old (moving and deleting operations on files
are prohibited);
• Blue – selected files;
• White – all the rest.
In addition, functional context menu is provided by pressing the right trackball/mouse

The menu operating principle is similar to the functional buttons with a new function
added: Sort by... which calls “Sort Options” window for selecting the file arrangement

Sort Options Window

“Sort Options” window consists of the following parts:

• Sort by... group contains checkboxes for the selection of file sorting by the
following types (in the alphabetic or ascending value order):
– Name – by the file name;
– Date – by the file creation date;
– Size – by the file size in bytes;
– Type – by the file type;
– State – to set the selected files in the first lines in the alphabetic order;
– Position – to arrange files according to their arrangement on the disk.
• Back order – group – to set the file arrangement reverse to that selected in Sort
by... group;
• Toolbar:
– “OK” – to confirm the settings and start the sorting process;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the settings and close the window.

118 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

File Converting Windows

Information Panels Area

Information Panels area contains the following information:
• Total and free space on the carrier;
• Number of selected files and their size.
The red colour of Selected line means that a file not more 7 days old has been
selected from Log Book, Track or AIS Log groups (moving and deleting operations on
such files are prohibited).
The bottom status bar specifies the access path to the selected file or a group of files.


Deck Log Book Converter Window

“Deck Log Book Converter” window is designed for converting the electronic ship log
books, and is divided arbitrarily into four groups:
• Filters group permits conversion of the required event groups stored in the
electronic ship log book file;
• Date group displays the file creation date (event recording date);
• Time group is designed for setting the time interval within which the data from the
electronic ship log book will be converted (UTC time);
• Toolbar:
– “OK” – to confirm the settings and start the conversion process;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the settings and close the window.

Chapter 3. Description of Data Tool Utility. 119

File Converting Windows

Select Items and Deselect Items Windows

File selection windows have identical contents which change depending on the
selection parameters setting in Filter field. They can acquire three forms depending
on the way the checkboxes are checked:

• All Items – setting for the selection of all the files;

• Date – setting for the selection of files in the interval between the dates specified
in From and To lines;

When the button to the right of the date input box is used, selection can be
made in Select Items window by using the control buttons.

• Name – setting of the file selection by name (part of the name);

• Window toolbars:
– “OK” – to confirm the settings and start the selection process;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the settings and close the window.

120 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

File Data Display Windows


Text File Data Display Window

The “Text File Data Display” window is divided arbitrarily into two parts:

• Toolbar;
• Text display area.

• To close the display windows;

• To print out the display window text;

• To open a text box for the input of a word or character in the text:

– Find what is a line for the input of a word or character for search;

– Match whole word only – to search for a separate specified word;

– Match case – to search by the first characters (Match whole word only function is
required to be disabled);
– “Find Next” – button moves the highlighting to the next found word
– “Cancel” – to close the window.

Chapter 3. Description of Data Tool Utility. 121

File Data Display Windows

• To select the whole text;

• To cancel the text selection;

• To copy to the computer clipboard;

• To open “Font” window box for font selection;

• To open “Color” window for the selection of the underlying surface

for the text display area (white by default):

122 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

File Data Display Windows

Text Display Area

This area provides a Functional menu which is opened by pressing the right
trackball/mouse button.

The menu operating principle is similar to the toolbar buttons, with a new function
Mark selections – to highlight the selected text in the red colour (after the highlighting,
access to the functions of font change and selection of the display area colour is

Graphic File Data Display Window

The “Graphic File Data Display” window contains the following parts:

• Toolbar;
• Display area.

Chapter 3. Description of Data Tool Utility. 123

File Data Display Windows

• To close the display window;

• To print out the display area contents;

• To open “Custom zoom” window for setting the function multiplier;

• To set the display limits within the window;

• To increase the display scale;

• To reduce the display scale;

• To display on the original scale.

Display Area

This area provides a Functional menu which is opened by pressing the right
trackball/mouse button.

The menu operating principle is similar to the toolbar buttons, with a new function

Thumbanail – to turn on the reduced picture with the display of the window limits
(visible fragment) if the picture extends beyond them.

124 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Datum Transformation
This chapter provides a description of the utility which allows
converting the digital values of geographic coordinates
from the system selected by the user to WGS-84 datum
(system of coordinates based on WGS-84 reference ellipsoid).

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003


“Datum Transformation” utility is designed for converting the digital values of geographic
coordinates from the system selected by the user to WGS-84 datum (system of
coordinates based on WGS-84 reference ellipsoid).

The utility is controlled by using the following facilities:

• Cursor and trackerball/mouse buttons;

• Via the keyboard:
– <Tab> for the successive switching of activity between the utility buttons and
– Cursor control keys;
– <Enter> for confirming the selection or digital value input.
The main window is designed for selecting the necessary system of coordinates.

Chapter 4. Datum Transformation Utility. 127


The calculations window is displayed after pressure of Transform button. It is

designed for converting the coordinates from the system selected by the user to
WGS-84 datum and the other way round.

After the utility is run, the screen displays the main window where the system of
coordinates should be selected for the utility's further operation. Use Transform
button to activate the calculations window. Enter the necessary coordinate value in
their respective fields. Use >> and << buttons to have the coordinates re-calculated
in the forward or reverse direction.

128 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Colour Diagrams Utility
This chapter provides a description of the Colour Diagrams

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003


“Colour Diagrams” utility is designed for determining if the cathode ray tube is
capable of displaying the basic colour palette calibrating the monitor colour range
during the use of the Navi-Sailor ECDIS software. The requirements to the utility are
set forth in the document Special Publication No. 52, Annex A of Appendix 2,
Edition 3.0, March 1997, Part III, Item 4.

The utility's control window is designed for the utility adjustments:

• Colour Table Selection – setting of the test screen palette to suit the time
of the day:
– Day_Bright – daytime;
– Day_Whiteback – information against white background;
– Day_Blackback – information against black background;
– Dusk – dusk;
– Night – night time.
• Colour differentiation diagram – display of a test palette in the colour mode;
• Colour calibration diagram – display of test screen for the check of the monitor
calibration in accordance with IEC 61174 (item Independent monitor):
– Brightest white (CHWHT);
– Brightest magenta (CHMGF);
– Brightest yellow (CHYLW);
– Brightest grey (BKAJ2).
• Grey scale – display of a test palette in a monochrome mode;
• Quit – exit from the utility.
After the utility is run the screen displays a control window against the background of
a Colour diagram. To perform the testing adjust in turn a parameter (Colour Table
Selection) and press Colour diagram, Colour calibration diagram or Grey scale buttons of
the utility control window.

Type of the displayed test screens depends on the selected monitor type set in
“System Configuration” utility on “Display” page.

Chapter 5. Colour Diagrams Utility. 131

First Aid Utility
This chapter provides a description of the First Aid utility.

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003

Purpose of First Aid Utility


“First Aid” utility (FA) is intended:

• For TRANSAS service engineers engaged in the maintenance of navigational

• For the users who may find it necessary to identify some problems they may be
faced with in the process of the navigational system operation.
“First Aid” utility is intended for the following operations:

• NS system diagnostics;
• OS settings diagnostics;
• NS system troubleshooting;
• Collection of data required for NS system warranty servicing;
• Compiling or a request for NS system maintenance;
• Activation of “sleeping” dongles.


Compatibility with the following operating systems has been provided:

• Microsoft Windows 98;

• Microsoft Windows NT;
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional;
• Microsoft Windows XP.


The utility is run from the CD by calling <CD drive>:\FirstAid\Setup.exe file. The start
can be made both, via “Transas Integrator” (“Transas Setup” icon), and by using
Windows Explorer facilities. The first start of the FA may be associated with
registration, which may result in the need to restart the OS.

Chapter 6. First Aid Utility. 135

Functions of First Aid Utility


The FA functions designed for the support of service engineers are combined in
SERVICE FUNCTIONS menu in the top part of the utility “Main” window:

• Registry – to collect all the necessary information and a registration set of files
required for the start of the warranty service (or its prolongation). The archive
collected by Registry is compatible with “Sesame” system;
• Checking OS – to check of OS components and settings with regard to the
fulfillment of compatibility-with- navigational-systems requirements;
• Make Report – automatic collection of necessary information to be sent to the
company. In this case, it is possible to enter the text with a description of the
problem which has been the reason for contacting the company;
• Current State – automatic collection of information on the system status, which
does not require any additional steps on the operator part. It is advisable to use
this function before the start and upon the end of maintenance works on the
already installed systems as a report on the system current state and the work
• Exit – exit form the utility.
The result of operation of Registry, Make Report and Current State functions is *.ain
archive which can be saved both, to an FD (by default), and to the HDD (Copy to…

“Troubleshooting” functions serve for the diagnostics/elimination of problems which

the user may encounter during the system operation. The diagnostics call buttons
contain the name of the problem and are arranged in the central part of the utility
“Main” window.

The diagnostics represents a dialogue mode whereby the user is provided with
recommendations for the solution of a certain problem. The last recommendation is
each case is Make Report, i.e. an offer to collect information and send an appropriate
inquiry to the company.

136 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Description of NAVTEX
Manager Utility
This chapter provides a description of the utility which allows
NAVTEX messages to be received and processed.

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003


The NS system includes a special “NAVTEX Manager” application. This application
consists of two utilities: “NAVTEX Receiver” and “NAVTEX Viewer”, and allows
automatic reception and processing of NAVTEX messages. The result of the
application operation is the generation of a message database and plotting of
NAVTEX message symbols on the NS Chart Panel. In addition, the database and
messages themselves can be edited via special application functions.


“NAVTEX Receiver” utility window is divided arbitrarily into three parts:

• Utility Main Menu;

• Indicator;
• Message Display Window.

Utility Main Menu

The utility Main menu contains the following functions:

• START\STOP – to start/stop the utility operation for the reception of messages from
NAVTEX receiver;
• SETTING – to set NAVAREA area and exchange parameters of the computer COM
port which NAVTEX receiver is connected to. This function is not available
unless the utility operates in reception mode;
• OPTIONS\AUTOSTART – to automatically turn on the utility reception operating mode
at the utility start;
• OPTIONS\NIGHT – to turn on the nocturnal colour palette.

Chapter 7. Description of NAVTEX Manager Utility. 139

NAVTEX Receiver Utility

State Indicator
State indicator is intended for the display of the utility’s current state and uses the
following types of highlighting:

• Grey – the utility does is not operating in the reception mode;

• Green – the utility is ready for reception;
• Red – the utility is in the process of receiving a message.

Message Display Window

The “Message Display” window is intended for the monitoring of messages from the
NAVTEX receiver and of operations performed by the utility.

NAVTEX message has the following format (the message shown above as an

• ZCZC – message start identifier;

• T – transmitting station identifier (T – Oostende);
• A – message type identifier (A – navigational warnings);
• 41 – message number (41);
• 152309 UTC JAN – message transmission time (15.01 23:09);
• Text of the message;
• NNNN – message end identifier.
Operations logbook entry has the following format:

• Session started – operation performed;

• 19.01.00 14:34:50 – time when the operation is performed (current computer time).

140 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

NAVTEX Viewer Utility


NAVTEX Viewer Utility Window

“NAVTEX Viewer” utility window is divided into five parts:

• Utility Main Menu;

• Message Table;
• Auxiliary Menu;
• Message Database Information Window;
• Information Window of Message Database Filtering Parameters.

Utility Main Menu

The utility Main menu contains the following submenus:

• SORT – to sort messages by the following parameters:

– BY DATE – to list messages in the order whereby the earliest received message
is assigned number 1, and so on in the ascending order;
– BY STATION – to sort messages in the alphabetical order by the transmitting
station identifier, message type identifier and message number.
• SEARCH\FIND WORD –to search for all the messages containing a certain combination of
characters or words entered in “Find Word” pop-up window (see page 152);
• SEARCH\LAST CORRECTED – to search for the last viewed message;
• SEARCH\PRECEDING CORRECTED – to search for the last but one viewed message
(when used again, messages are selected in the descending order);
• SEARCH\GO TO LETTER – to search for messages by their number in the database in
“Go to Letter” pop-up window (see page 152);
• FILTER – to select messages from the database for the display on the message
table in “Filter” pop-up window (see page 145);
• PRINT – to print out the selected (marked) message;

Chapter 7. Description of NAVTEX Manager Utility. 141

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

• STOCK – to view the work database of NAVTEX messages in NAVTEX “Stock”

window (see page 148);
• OPTIONS\AUTORENEW – to select the automatic mode of NAVTEX database updating;
• OPTIONS\NIGHT – to select colour palette of active utility windows to suit the
external illumination conditions;
• OPTIONS\FONTSIZE – to select the message table font size in “Font Size” pop-up
window (see page 153).

Message Table

The Message Table consists of identical NAVAREA region tabs (“Region 1”,
“Region 2”, etc.) and marked messages (“Marked” tab).
Each tab contains the following message parameters fields:
• Num – message number in the database;
• Date/Time – message reception date/time (current computer/ship time);
• Station/Subject – station/message type (identifiers are taken from the message
• N – message number (from the message heading);
• Latitude/Longitude – coordinates of the first position highlighted in the message text;
• Psn – number of positions (Latitude-longitude pairs) highlighted in the message text;
• UTC & Message ID – first line after the heading which is required by the normative
documents to contain the time and date of the message issue (UTC). The
second line of the message which is required by the normative documents to
contain the message text identifier (Message ID);
• Lines – number of lines in the message;

142 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

• Status:

There may be the following values in this field:

– NewAutoCharted – the message has not been viewed by the user (Examined
checkbox is unchecked in the message viewing window), coordinates were
highlighted at the time when the message was received, and the symbol was
plotted on the electronic chart;
– NewNotCharted – the message has not been viewed by the user (Examined
checkbox is unchecked in the message viewing window), coordinates were
not highlighted at the time of reception;
– CHARTED – the message has been viewed by the user (Examined checkbox is
checked in the message viewing window), and the symbol has been plotted
on the electronic chart;
– GENERAL – the message has been viewed by the user, but the message
symbol has not been plotted on the electronic chart due to the absence
(impossibility to identify) coordinates in the text.
In addition, the following notes may be made in the bottom part of Status field
– CANCELLED – the message has been cancelled (Cancelled checkbox is
checked in the message viewing window);
– Check it! – the message contains the word “Cancel” which, as a rule, indicates
the presence of information on the cancellation of the current message or
other messages.
A thick purple line serves as a graphic presentation of the reception error rate in
the message. The line crossing the entire fragment corresponds to 100% (the
message is not received).

• Cancelling/Date – message cancellation, cancellation date mark. There may be

the following options:
– Empty field – the message is effective;
– By User – the message has been cancelled by the user.
In the Message Table the rectangle is used for marking the current or selected

Auxiliary Menu

The auxiliary menu is displayed by pressing the right trackball/mouse button with the
trackball/mouse cursor in any part of the utility's main window except in the message
table and the utility menu area. The menu contains the following options:

• Show current letter – to view the current (cursor selected) message in “Letter”
pop-up window (see page 146);
• Mark current letter – to mark the current message;
• Mark all duplicates – to mark all the duplicated messages (with Duplicate status);
• Clear all mark – to clear all the previously made marking;

Chapter 7. Description of NAVTEX Manager Utility. 143

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

• Cancel marked letters – to cancel marked messages;

• Minimize window – to minimise (fold) the utility's main window;
• Night – to select the palette of the utility windows to suit the bridge illumination
• Font size – to select the message table font size in “Font Size” pop-up window
(see page 153).

Message Database Information Window

The Message Database Information Window consists of three parts:

• Letters – Number of messages in the active message table. Shown in brackets is

the overall number of messages in the database;
• Sorted by… – message sorting type in the table;
• Marked…letters – number of marked messages.

Information Window of Message Database Filtering Parameters

The Information Window of Message Database Filtering Parameters consists of five

• Filter – messages selected for display in the active table;

• Duplicates – display of identical messages:
– ON – to display all the identical messages;
– OFF – to display only the last received of all the identical messages.
• Subjects – type of displayed messages;
• Stations – type of stations whose messages are displayed;
• MaxErrorPercent – maximum admissible message reception error. Messages
whose reception error rate exceeds this value are not displayed.

144 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

Database Filtering (Message Selection) Parameters Window

“Filter” window consists of the following elements:

• Selection of messages for the display:

– All – to show all the messages including the cancelled ones;
– Only not cancelled – to exclude cancelled messages.
• Max error percent – setting of the maximum message reception error rate. Messages
whose reception error rate exceeds this value are not displayed. Setting of the
maximum error rate at 100% means the display of all the messages;
• Duplicates – selection of the duplicate message display mode:
– The checkbox is checked: all the duplicate messages are displayed;
– The checkbox is unchecked: only the last received of all the duplicate
messages is displayed.
• Subjects – selection of message types for the display from the offered list:
– The checkbox is checked: messages of all the types are displayed;
– The checkbox is unchecked: any user selected combination of message
types from the offered list is displayed.
• Stations – selection of stations from the offered list, whose messages will be
– The checkbox is checked: messages from all the stations are displayed;
– The checkbox is unchecked: messages from any user selected combination
of stations are displayed.
• “Filter” window control buttons:
– “OK” – to perform the database filtering by the set parameters;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the newly set filtering parameters and exit from “Filter”
– “Apply” – to perform the database filtering by the set parameters without
closing the window.

Chapter 7. Description of NAVTEX Manager Utility. 145

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

NAVTEX Message Viewing and Editing Window

This is a window for viewing messages and editing NAVTEX message status
(“Letter” window).

“Letter” window is called from the menu opened by clicking the right mouse button,
and consists of the following elements:

• Message text. NAVTEX messages have the following format (the message
shown on the drawing serving as an example):
– ZCZC – message start identifier;
– S – transmitting station identifier (S – Niton);
– A – message type identifier (A – navigational warnings);
– 43 – message number (43);
– Error rate – message reception error transmitted by the NAVTEX receiver;
– WZ 250 – warning type identifier and its current number;
– Text of the message. For easier editing of the coordinates specified in the
text, the following colour highlighting system is used:
Grey background is used for showing those places which are automatically
processed as coordinates;
Black colour is used for “*” symbols (reception errors) which were
encountered during the processing;
Green colour is used for highlighting the coordinates which are selected with
the active cursor in the Location cell for viewing and editing highlighted
coordinates (the first coordinate is highlighted by default).
– CANCEL WZ 247 (SA41) indicates that WZ 247 warning sent in message SA41
has been cancelled. It is highlighted with the red colour;
– NNNN – message end identifier.
• Letter Num… – message number in the database;

146 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

• REFERENCE DATUM UNKNOWN – This warning reminds the user that the geodetic
basis of the system of coordinates sent in the position message, is unknown.
Therefore, there may be deviations between the coordinates plotted on the chart
and actual position of an object or an event. Such error should not generally
exceed the value of an offset for the transfer from one system of coordinates
(e.g. European Datum) to another (e.g. WGS 84);
• Date – message reception date and time;
• Station –– station which the message was received from (determined from the
message text);
• Subject – message type (determined from the message text);
• Latitude/Longitude – coordinates sent in the message. If several pairs of
coordinates are specified in the message, the field displays the first of them;
• Status – current status of the NAVTEX message;
• Attribute assignment fields:
– Polygon – to form an area type object (Polygon) in the NS by the coordinates
specified in the given message;
– Danger – to assign danger-to-navigation attribute to the position or line/area
type objects for the processing in the NS navigation mode.
• Edit – button for turning on the mode of editing of the coordinates selected in
“Location” window (see page 148);
• NAVTEX message status change fields:
– Examined – the checked checkbox means the setting of the examined
message status;
– Cancelled – the checked checkbox means the setting of the cancelled
message status.
• Calculated error rate – message reception error rate. This value is calculated as a
ratio of the number of errors (“*” symbol) to the overall number of received
characters expressed in per cent. This value may differ from the value of the
Error rate parameter contained in the message text. But it is this particular value
which is used for comparison with the filtering parameter;
• Control buttons:
– “Mark” – to mark the displayed message in the database;
– “Print” – to print out the displayed message;
– “OK” – to save the settings and exit from the window;
– “Close” – to exit from the window without saving the settings.

Chapter 7. Description of NAVTEX Manager Utility. 147

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

Highlighted Coordinates Editing Window

“Location” window is opened by pressing “Edit” button of “Letter” window and

consists of the following elements:

• Highlighted coordinates table;

• Active cursor;
• Control buttons:
– “Add” – to add a new position to the text for the display of the symbol on the
NS screen;
– “Delete” – to delete a position from the message;
– “OK” – to save edited coordinates and exit from the window;
– “Close” – to exit from the window without saving changes you have made.

NAVTEX Message Database Viewing and Editing Window

NAVTEX message database viewing and editing window (“NAVTEX Stock” window).

“NAVTEX Stock” window is divided arbitrarily into four parts:

• NAVTEX Stock menu;

• NAVTEX Message Cells Database area;
• Information line.

148 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

NAVTEX Stock Menu

NAVTEX STOCK menu window includes the three options:

– VIEW\DATABASE – to view data on the received messages (stock.ndb file);
– VIEW\CORRECTION – to view data on the correction information entered by the
user in NAVTEX messages (stock.ncr file);
– VIEW\LOG – to view data from “NAVTEX Receiver” utility operations log
(stock.nlg file);
– VIEW\LETTER – to call a window for viewing the message which the cell selected
with the active cursor, belongs to.
– EDIT\MARK – to mark (highlight with colour) the cell which the cursor is
positioned on;
– EDIT\MARK ALL CANCELLED – to mark all the cells containing data on messages with
Cancelled status (in italics);
– EDIT\DELETE – to delete the cursor selected cell from the table (but not from the
– EDIT\COPY – to copy the database to the directory selected in “Folder for Copy”
pop-up window (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (V. 3.00.01). OPERATION
– EDIT\PASTE – to copy the database from the directory selected in “Folder for
Paste” pop-up window (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (V. 3.00.01). OPERATION
– EDIT\CLEAR – to reduce the database by the parameters set by the user in
“Deleting Letters” pop-up window (see page 151).
– SEARCH\CANCELLED – to search for all the cells containing data on messages with
Cancelled status;
– SEARCH\NONLETTER – not used;
– SEARCH\PASTED – to search for all the cells introduced from without;
– SEARCH\MARKED – to search for all the marked cells;
– SEARCH\CORRUPTED – not used;
– SEARCH\AGAIN – to repeat the previous search.

Chapter 7. Description of NAVTEX Manager Utility. 149

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

NAVTEX Message Cells Database Area

NAVTEX Message Cells Database area consists of the following columns:

• Num – cell number in the database;

• Type – type of data contained in the cell:
– D – text of the received NAVTEX message;
– L – data from “NAVTEX Receiver” utility operations log;
– C – data on changes made by the user in NAVTEX messages.
• Date – date when the information was entered in the database;
• Time – time when the information was entered in the database;
• Region –NAVAREA region;
• Letter – Number of the relevant NAVTEX message in the message table;
• Text – text contained in the cell.
The current or selected information is delineated with a rectangle.

Information Line

Information line shows the number of displayed database cells, as well as the total
number of cells in the NAVTEX message database.

150 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

NAVTEX Message Database Reduction Window

“Deleting Letters” window is opened by pressing “Clear” button of “Stock/Edit”

window and consists of the following elements:

• Days ago – NAVTEX database reduction parameter determines the number of

calendar days counted back from the current time, assigned by the user for the
storage of messages. All the cells which contain data recorded in the database
before the set time, will be deleted.
The arrow button is used for applying Date parameter by the value of Days ago
parameter if the latter was set by the manual input via the keyboard.

• Date – parameter which shows that all the cells with information recorded before
the specified date, will be deleted;
• Only Cancelled Letters – to set the condition that only NAVTEX messages
cancelled (with Cancelled status) in the time interval set by Date or Days ago
parameters, will be deleted;
• Control buttons:
– “OK” – to confirm the set parameters and perform the database reduction
– “Cancel” – to exit from “Deleting Letters” window without saving the changes.

Chapter 7. Description of NAVTEX Manager Utility. 151

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

NAVTEX Message Search Window

Window for the Search of NAVTEX Messages by the Key Word

Window for the Search of NAVTEX Messages by the Key Word (“Find Word”
window). The window consists of the following elements:

• Word to find – key word input line;

• Scope – checkboxes for setting the source during the search:
– Global – all the database;
– Visible – messages which have passed through the filter.
• Control buttons:
– “OK” – to confirm the operation;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the operation and close the window.

Window for the Search of NAVTEX Messages by Their Numbers

Window for the search of NAVTEX messages by their numbers (“Go to Letter”
window) The window consists of the following elements:

• Enter new Letter Num – message number input line;

• Control buttons:
– “OK” – to confirm the operation;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the operation and close the window.

152 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

NAVTEX Viewer Utility

Font Size Selection Window

“Font Size” window consists of the following elements:

• Viewer – line for the input of the message font size for the display in “NAVTEX
Viewer” window;
• Letter – line for the input of the message font size for the display in “Letter” window;
• Control buttons:
– “OK” – to confirm the operation;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the operation and close the window;
– “Apply” – to set the entered parameters.

Chapter 7. Description of NAVTEX Manager Utility. 153

Description of Play Back
This chapter provides a description of the utility which allows
the display of the NS archive information.

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003


“Play Back” utility is designed for playing back information archived by the NS
system in the process of operation. The utility provides the following capabilities:

• Playback of the ownship track;

• Playback of targets’ tracks;
• Playback of the radar picture;
• Playback of the entire navigational situation for the selected moment of time;
• Printing out of the electronic ship logbook fragments, route and schedule data,
“Help” panel information.

As utility operation is connected with functions used by the NS, their concurrent
operation is impossible.

In addition to the control “Play Back” window, the set of the utility windows and
panels is similar to that in the NS, with some of the functions disabled. The list of the
effective panels and disabled functions is provided in the table (for the information
on functions see the relevant windows and panels described in the NS).
Panel name Possibility to use the functions
Chart The entire functionality is available
Control The following functions are disabled:
• AIS Messages display – all functions;
• AIS VLD Data display – all functions;
• Radar Settings display:
Display adjustment functions (Brightness, Gain, Rain and Sea);
Range group function
Config The following functions are disabled:
• Time Zone page functions;
• COMTrace page functions
Alarms The entire functionality is available
Monitoring The following functions are disabled:
• “Ship Position” page:
Functions of “Primary Positioning System” window except Display RMS
circle button in 95 % RMS error area.
Secondary Positioning System window function.
• “Route Monitoring” page:
Track colour functions in Track settings area.
• “Navigational Alarms" page:
The entire functionality is available
Route The entire functionality is available
Add Info The entire functionality is available
Manual Correction All the functions are disabled except:
• ON button function;
• Attachments;
• Deleted button function;
• Colour button function
Targets The following functions are disabled:
Simulator button functions
AIS All the functions are disabled

Chapter 8. Description of Play Back Utility. 157

Play Back Control Window

Panel name Possibility to use the functions

Log Book The following functions are disabled:
• Entry button functions;
• Reset Dist button function
Chart The entire functionality is available
Tasks The entire functionality is available
Info The entire functionality is available
Help The entire functionality is available


“Play Back” window is intended for the selection of the date and time which the
situation should be played back for, and for the control of its playback. The window
contains the following elements:

• Track date – to select the date of the situation to be played back from the list;
• Time – to set and display the played back situation start time;
• Time Zone – to display the time zone which was set at the time when the played
back situation was recorded;
• Mode – to display one of the following operating modes:
– DEMO – situation playback settings mode. This mode is used for setting the
situation playback start date and time, as well as the playback time step. All
the NS functions are operating but the tracks are not played back, targets are
not displayed and the ship remains stationary in a fixed position;
– SELECT – mode for setting the point on the ownship track which the situation
playback is started from. The place is selected by using the trackball/mouse
or <↑↓> keyboard keys on the Chart Panel;
– REPLAY – playback of the situation. This is a playback of the situation selected
for viewing. The position of the ships, targets positions and their motion
vectors are reconstructed from the day archive files. At the moments of time
which correspond to the whole minutes of the modeled time, all the ships are
placed in the recorded coordinates. In the time intervals between the minutes,
the ships are moving along the straight line towards the next point. The
targets' motion vectors are smoothened out from minute to minute.
• The toolbar contains the following buttons:
– To move the ship to the beginning of the track of the selected day
– To start the fast-time ship motion back from the current position;

– To start the situation playback process (Replay);

– To stop the situation playback (switch to Demo state);

158 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3. 00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Play Back Control Window

– To start the fast-time ship motion forward from the current position;

– To move the ship to the end of the track of the selected day file.

• Start by cursor – to set the played back situation start point with a trackball/
mouse or <↑↓> keyboard keys. As this is done, the ship moves on the Chart
Panel to the point corresponding to the set time. The time is changed
(incremented/decremented) with 1 minute discretion;
• Time Step – to select time scale for the played back situation.

Chapter 8. Description of Play Back Utility. 159

Restore Configuration
This chapter provides a description of the Restore utility.

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003


“Restore” utility is designed for starting the process of re-constructing the standard
(original) NS system configuration. Files of this standard NS system configuration are
created in the process of the product copy registration for warranty servicing, and are
stored in the product's root directory (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (V. 3.00.01).

The utility's main window is designed for selecting the location of the NS system
standard configuration files.

• Product's directory – search in the product's root directory;

• Another location – search on 3.5" diskette or other specified media.
The appearance of an Information Window indicates that the process of
re-constructing NS system configuration file has been successfully completed, and
that track files have been moved from TRACK directory to _TRACK directory.

Chapter 9. Restore Configuration Utility. 163

Description of Ship Model
This chapter provides a description of the utility which allows
a ship mathematical model to be generated for the use
in the NS.

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003


The utility is designed for the generation of the ship mathematical model which is
then used in the NS operation. E.g. the ship turning circle parameters calculated on
the basis of such model are used by the NS in the display of the turning radius in the
passing of WP’s.

The utility allows a ship model to be generated by using the following source data:

• Parameters of this ship itself;

• Ship hull (L,B, etc.);
• Propeller;
• Propulsion plant;
• Rudder;
• Engine telegraph;
• Results of the trial manoeuvres (in accordance with the manoeuvring element
In addition, the utility provides a capability to check the correctness of the ship
parameter input and to make a tentative assessment of the manoeuvring
characteristics and the quality of the obtained model.

Where a new mathematical model of the ship is generated, all the principal utility
functions are required to be successively performed.

If the data of an existing mathematical model is edited: ship characteristics are

altered, it is necessary to check the compliance with the sea trials data. The trials
data is required to correspond to the entered ship characteristics, otherwise the
model will be incorrect, or the model generation impossible.

Before the mathematical model calculations, the entered data is assessed. If any
errors are identified, the system provides a message. During the calculations, there
is an iteration search of parameters ensuring the minimum deviation of the
acceleration/deceleration tracks and the turning circle obtained via the mathematical
model, from the tracks obtained in the process of the ship manoeuvring trials.

During the check, there may be two types of messages: errors and warnings
(“Check Data” window). If from the program’s viewpoint there are some errors, the
model calculations are impossible, it is necessary to check the data and eliminate
the source of errors. In case of warnings, the program may make the calculations,
but the data is required to be checked as it may contain incorrect values. The list
specifies the data which may be the source of errors, probable reasons for errors
and the possible ways to eliminate them. For a fast search of erroneously entered
data, there is a group of buttons for calling “Ship Parameter Editing” windows. Only
those buttons are enabled, which open the editing windows which may contain
incorrect data related to the highlighted warning.

Buttons opening editing windows whose data raise no doubts, are disabled (in the
window such value is marked with a red √ symbol).

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 167


Different types of the ship loading (in ballast, part or full loading) have a
considerable effect on the model characteristics. When working with the NS, it is,
therefore, advisable to have pre-calculated models of one and the same ship for
each type of loading:

• Model of the ship in ballast;

• Model of the fully loaded ship;
• Model of the partly loaded ship (generation of several models is justified if
characteristics of various version of part loading have distinct differences).
To simplify input of data when generating a new model, you can use an existing model
as the basis. To create such model, use Save with another name function after the
prototype editing. For the user convenience, and to simplify the model generation
procedure, the following model prototypes are supplied together with “Ship Model” utility:
Model name Propeller type Ship type Prototype ship

To convert models which were used in the old NS version to the new format used in
the NS 3000, Convert function is provided. After the conversion, however, such
model may require some correction.

The generated model is set as an operating model in “System Configuration” utility

and is used as the basis for calculating the model of turning (turning circle radius) to
another route leg when the WP’s are changed.

168 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Utility Start Window


The utility start window contains a description of the utility version, copyright note
and the following control buttons:

• New – to start the process of a new model generation;

• Existing – to start the process of the existing model modification;
• Convert – to convert the model used in the old NS versions to the new format;
• Advanced – to enter the mode of advanced model editing. This mode allows
deviations from the direct editing procedure and a more flexible use of the utility
• Exit – to exit from the utility;
• Help – to open help file.


Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 169

Prototype Selection Window

The “Prototype Selection” window contains the following parts:

• List for the selection of the ship prototype. It includes “no prototype” line ( of the
selection). If there is a suitable prototype for the ship which is being entered, it
would be worthwhile to specify it;
• Copy prototype parameters – to turn on the prototype data copying mode. With this
mode on, as a window is closed with a confirmation of all the changes made in it
(“Next” or “OK” button is pressed) all the values of the ship parameters are
replaced with values of the corresponding prototype parameters. The system
first displays a request to confirm the copying, as if the user has already entered
some data before, it will be replaced;
• Contour of the selected prototype;
• Principal characteristics of the selected prototype;
• Brief directions on the use of prototypes;
• Control buttons:
– “Next” – to confirm the changes you have made and go on to the “Principal
Ship Characteristics Editing” window. The button is not available if the window
was called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Back” – the button is disabled as the selection of a prototype is the first stage
in the ship model generation and editing processes. The button is not
available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Exit” – to cancel the changes you have made and exit to the utility start
window. The button is not available if the window was called from the “Error
Message” window or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “OK” – to confirm the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode.

170 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Principal Ship Characteristics Editing Window


The “Principal Ship Characteristics Editing” window consists of the following parts:

• Loading – to select the ship loading type. It enables the selection from among the
ship in ballast, part loading and full loading. This has a significant effect on the
model characteristics. It is advisable to have pre-calculated models of one and
the same ship for each type of loading;
• Comment – to enter brief comments. Comments may include any text
information, e.g. the name of the ship;
• Ship type – to select the ship type from the list. It is not available unless the
selection was cancelled (no prototype) in the “Prototype Selection” window. It
includes Other line (to cancel the ship type selection). If the ship which is being
entered falls under a specific type, it will be well to specify it;
• Control buttons:
– “Next” – to confirm the changes you have made and go on to the “Hull
Parameters Editing” window. The button is not available if the window was
called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Back” – to confirm the changes you have made and return to the “Prototype
Selection” window. The button is not available if the window was called from
the “Error Message” window;
– “Exit” – to cancel the changes you have made and exit to the utility start
window. The button is not available if the window was called from the “Error
Message” window or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “OK” – to confirm the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode.

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 171

Hull Parameters Editing Window


The “Hull Parameters Editing” window contains value input lines and control buttons:

• Length between perpendiculars – to enter the ship length between perpendiculars

(in metres);
• Length on waterline – to enter the ship waterline length (in metres);
• Breadth – to enter the maximum ship breadth (in metres);
• Breadth on waterline – to enter the ship waterline breadth (in metres);
• Displacement – to enter the ship displacement (in tons);
• Forward draft – to enter the ship forward draft (in metres);
• After draft – to enter the ship aft draft (in metres);
• Advanced – to call the “Hull Additional Parameters Editing” window (see page 173);
• Control buttons:
– “Next” – to confirm the changes you have made and go on to the “Propeller
Parameters Editing” window. The button is not available if the window was
called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Back” – to confirm the changes you have made and return to the “Ship
Principal Characteristics Editing” window. The button is not available if the
window was called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Exit” – to cancel the changes you have made and exit to the utility start window.
The button is not available if the window was called from the “Error Message”
window or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;

172 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Additional Hull Parameters Editing Window

– “OK” – to confirm the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the Main window in the advanced editing mode;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode.


The window is displayed by pressing Advanced button of the “Hull Parameters

Editing” window and includes the following elements:

• Stern type – to select the ship stern type. It enables selection from among the U-
stern, V-stern and any other shape of stern;
• Control buttons:
– “Ok” – to confirm the new selection;
– “Cancel” – to close the window without changing the parameter.


The “Propeller Parameters Editing” window includes the following elements:

• Number of propeller shafts – to enter the number of propellers (1 or 2);

• Diameter of propeller – to enter the propeller diameter (in metres);

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 173

Propeller Parameters Editing Window

• Distance from propeller(s) axis to CLP – to enter the distance from the propeller axis
to the ship centreline plane (in metres). If this is a single-screw ship, input is
impossible (the distance is equal to zero);
• Propeller type – to select the propeller type:
– FPP – fixed pitch propeller;
– CPP – controllable pitch propeller.
• Port/Stbd propeller direction of rotation – to select the direction of rotation for each
of the propellers. If there is one propeller (single-screw ship), there is only one
• Pitch ratio – to enter the propeller pitch. The input field is not available if a
controllable pitch propeller has been selected;
• Control buttons:
– “Next” – to confirm the changes you have made and go on to the “Power
Plant Parameters Editing” window. The button is not available if the window
was called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Back” – to confirm the changes you have made and return to the hull
parameters editing window. The button is not available if the window was
called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Exit” – to cancel the changes you have made and exit to the utility start
window. The button is not available if the window was called from the “Error
Message” window or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “OK” – to confirm the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode.

174 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Power Plant Parameters Editing Window


“Power Plant Parameters Editing” window contains the following elements:

• Propeller – to enter the propeller shaft rate of revolutions (RPM) corresponding to

the rated engine revolutions (in revolutions per minute);
• Engine power – to enter the rated engine power (in kW);
• Control buttons:
– “Next” – to confirm the changes you have made and go on to the “Rudder
Parameters Editing” window. The button is not available if the window was
called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Back” – to confirm the changes you have made and return to the “Propeller
Parameters Editing” window. The button is not available if the window was
called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Exit” – to cancel the changes you have made and exit to the utility start
window. The button is not available if the window was called from the “Error
Message” window or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “OK” – to confirm the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode.

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 175

Ruder Parameters Editing Window


“Rudder Parameters Editing” window contains the following elements:

• Number of rudders – to enter the number of rudders (1 or 2);

• Rudder area – to enter each rudder area (in square metres);
• Maximum rudder angle – to enter the maximum rudder angle (in degrees);
• Time of hard over to hard over – to enter time in seconds. This is understood as the
time which is required for switching the rudder from an extreme position to the
position 5 degrees short of the other extreme position;
• Control buttons:
– “Next” – to confirm the changes you have made and go on to the “Engine
Telegraph Parameters Editing” window. The button is not available if the
window was called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Back” – to confirm the changes you have made and return to the “Power
Plant Parameters Editing” window. The button is not available if the window
was called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Exit” – to cancel the changes you have made and exit to the utility start
window. The button is not available if the window was called from the “Error
Message” window or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “OK” – to confirm the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode.

176 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Engine Telegraph Parameters Editing Window


The “Engine Telegraph Parameters Editing” window contains the following elements:

• Button for the automatic filling out of empty fields. After it has been
pressed, the data is generated, which takes into account the already
entered information. The data entered by the user is shown in the black
colour, whilst the data generated automatically is shown in the red colour.
If the program has not been able to fill out all the cells of the engine
telegraph table, this means that the entered data in insufficient and at
least one more cell is required to be filled in by the user manually. Where
any manual editing is done in the engine telegraph table, calculation of the
cell contents are required to be repeated;
• “Combinator diagram” window call button (see page 179). The diagram
cannot be called unless all the engine telegraph items are filled in;

• Engine telegraph type – to select the engine telegraph type. It enables selection
between the literal and numeric telegraph. The appearance of the rest of the
window changes to suit the selection (positions from -10 to 10 or from FAS to
• Advanced – to call the additional “Engine Telegraph Parameters Editing” window
(see page 179). The button is active for FPP ships only;
• To select the engine telegraph range of positions. For the numerical
telegraph, the bottom limit of the range may vary from -10 to -3, whilst
the top limit may vary from 3 to 10. In case of the literal telegraph, the
only possible variation for the top limit of the range is from FAH to
FSAH, whilst the bottom limit cannot vary. To change the limit, “get
hold” of the slider with the mouse and move it to the required position;
• Setting – list of engine telegraph positions. For the numerical telegraph is it from
-10 to 10, whilst for the literal telegraph it is from FAS to FSAH;
• Spd – to enter speeds (in knots) corresponding to each engine telegraph

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 177

Engine Telegraph Parameters Editing Window

• RPM – to enter the propeller RPM (revolutions per minute) corresponding to each
engine telegraph position;
• Pitch – to enter the propeller pitch value corresponding to each engine telegraph
position. It is available for CPP ships only;
• To select the engine telegraph positions between which the power
plant change-of-mode time is set. With this option ON, the appropriate
position becomes a node position. The change-of-mode time is set
between two node positions (time it takes the power plant to switch
from the mode corresponding to one node position, to the mode
corresponding to the other node position);
• Increase time – to enter the time required for changing the power plant operating
mode in the direction of a higher telegraph position. It enables input of minutes and
seconds separately. It is set between two node positions;
• Decrease time – to enter the time required for changing the power plant operating
mode in the direction of a lower telegraph position. It enables input of minutes and
seconds separately. It is set between two node positions;
• Control buttons:
– “Next” – to confirm the changes you have made and go on to the window for
“Editing Results of the Test Turning Manoeuvres”. The button is not available
if the window was called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Back” – to confirm the changes you have made and return the “Rudder
Parameters Editing” window. The button is not available if the window was
called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Exit” – to cancel the changes you have made and exit to the utility start window.
The button is not available if the window was called from the “Error Message”
window or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “OK” – to confirm the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is not available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode.

178 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Additional Engine Telegraph Parameters Editing Window



The window is displayed by pressing Advanced button in the “Engine Telegraph

Parameters Editing” window and contains the following parts:

• Full astern power relative to full ahead power – to enter the percentage ratio between
the engine power at a full speed astern and the engine power at full speed
ahead. This information is required for a more accurate automatic filling out of
empty engine telegraph positions;
• Control buttons:
– “Ok” – to confirm a new value;
– “Cancel” – to close the window without changing the parameter.


The window is displayed by pressing Combinator diagram button in the “Engine

Telegraph Parameters Editing” window. The combinator diagram consists of
the following elements:

1 – RPM scale (shown in the red colour).

2 – Propeller pitch value scale (shown in the blue colour). Available for CPP
ships only.

3 – RPM graph (shown in the red colour).

4 – Propeller pitch value graph (shown in the blue colour). Available for CPP ships

5 – Engine telegraph positions scale.

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 179

Window for Editing Results of the Test Turning Manoeuvres

The Combinator Diagram is used for assessing the correctness of RPM and propeller
pitch input (for the controllable pitch propeller). Smooth curves without marked
peaks indicate that the data has been entered correctly. The availability of marked
peaks suggests a probable error. To exit from the window press any key or click the
mouse in any place except the heading.



The window for “Editing the Results of Test Turning Manoeuvres” contains the
following elements:

• Rudder angle for neutral effect – to enter the rudder angle (in degrees) required for
keeping the ship on the direct course;
• Auto – to select automatically the rudder angle required for keeping the ship on
the direct course. When this option is enabled the manual input is impossible;
• Port/Stbd – to select the rudder angle direction (to the starboard or portside)
required for keeping the ship on the direct course;
• Number of turning manoeuvres – to enter the number of test manoeuvres to be edited;
• Turning 1/Turning 2/Turning 3 – to select the panel for editing the results of a
specific test manoeuvre. To select the panel, click the mouse on its tab;
• Diameter of steady-state turning – to enter the turning circle diameter (in metres) for
a specific test manoeuvre;
• Appropriate rudder angle – to enter the rudder angle (in degrees) corresponding to
the entered turning circle diameter for a specific test manoeuvre;
• Port/Stbd – the rudder angle direction (to the starboard or portside)
corresponding to the entered turning circle diameter for a specific test

180 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Window for Editing Additional Parameters of Turning Manoeuvres

• Advanced – to call a window for “Editing Additional Turning Manoeuvre

Parameters”. Editing of additional parameters is optional;
• Control buttons:
– “Next” – to confirm the changes you have made and go on to the window for
“Editing the Results of Test Acceleration/Deceleration”. The button is not
available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Back” – to confirm the changes you have made and return to the “Engine
Telegraph Parameters Editing” window. The button is not available if the
window was called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Exit” – to cancel the changes you have made and exit to the utility start
window. The button is not available if the window was called from the “Error
Message” window or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “OK” – to confirm the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode.



The window is displayed by pressing Advanced button in the window for “Editing the
Results of Test Turning Manoeuvres” and contains the following elements:

• Instability loop in manoeuvrability diagram – to select the method used for

determining the width of the instability loop on the ship manoeuvrability diagram.
It enables the selection out of the automatic determining of the loop width,
indication of the absence of the loop and indication of the manual input of the
loop width;
• Instability loop width – to enter the instability loop width on the ship
manoeuvrability diagram (in degrees);
• Control buttons:
– “Ok” – to confirm the changes you have made;
– “Cancel” – to close the window without changing the parameters.

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 181

Window for Editing Results of Test Acceleration/Deceleration



The window for “Editing the Results of Test Acceleration/Deceleration” contains the
following elements:

• Number of acc/dec manoeuvres – to enter the number of test accelerations and

decelerations to be edited;
• Diagram which clearly illustrates the entered accelerations/decelerations. The blue
colour is used for showing the active deceleration manoeuvres, the red colour is
used for showing the passive deceleration manoeuvres, the green colour is used for
showing the acceleration manoeuvres. The vertical axis is graded in cables. The
height of columns corresponds to the head reach.
Shown to the left of the top edge of the column is the ship’s final speed in knots,
to the left of the bottom edge – initial speed in knots, to the right of the top
edge – time of acceleration/deceleration in minutes and seconds. Shown under
each column is the initial (lower) and final (top) engine telegraph positions.

• Track 1/Track 2/Track 3 – to edit the results of a specific test acceleration or

deceleration. To select the panel click the mouse on its tab;
• Initial engine setting – to select the engine telegraph position which is set at the
moment of the acceleration/deceleration countoff start (initial position). Selection
depends on the type and range of the engine telegraph;
• Initial speed – to enter the speed (in knots) at which the ship is proceeding at the
moment of the acceleration/deceleration countoff start (initial speed);
• Final engine setting – to select the engine telegraph position which is set at the
moment of the acceleration/deceleration countoff end (final position). Selection
depends on the type and range of the engine telegraph;
• Final speed –to select the speed (in knots) at which the ship is proceeding at the
moment of the acceleration/deceleration countoff end (final speed);

182 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Error Message Window

• Duration of manoeuvre – to enter of time (in minutes and seconds) which passed
since the moment of the acceleration/deceleration countoff start to the moment
of the acceleration/deceleration countoff end;
• Head reach – to enter the ship’s head reach (in cables) at the moment of the
acceleration/ deceleration countoff end relative to the acceleration/deceleration
countoff start;
• Control buttons:
– “Finish” – to confirm the changes you have made and start checking the
entered data. The button is not available if the window was called from the
“Error Message” window;
– “Back” – to confirm the changes you have made and return to the window for
“Editing the Results of Test Turning Manoeuvres”. The button is not available
if the window was called from the “Error Message” window;
– “Exit” – to cancel the changes you have made and exit to the utility start
window; The button is not available if the window was called from the “Error
Message” window or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “OK” – to confirm the changes you have made and close the window; The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the changes you have made and close the window. The
button is available if the window was called from the “Error Message” window
or from the “Main” window in the advanced editing mode.


The “Error Message” window contains the following parts:

• List of errors and warnings. While the check is on, there may be two types of
messages: errors and warnings. If, from the viewpoint of the program, there are
some errors in the data, the model cannot be calculated, the data is required to
be checked, and the source of errors eliminated. Where warnings are available,
the program can make the calculations, but the data should be checked, as it
may contain incorrect values. The list enumerates errors and warnings. It shows
the data which may be the source of errors, possible causes of the errors and
possible ways to eliminate them;

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 183

Error Message Window

• Buttons panel for calling the Ship Parameters Editing windows. Only those
buttons are active which call editing windows which may contain incorrect data
specified in the warning selected. The buttons calling the editing windows whose
data does not cause any doubts, are inactive:
– Prototype – to call “Prototype Selection” window;
– General – to call “Principal Ship Characteristics Editing” window;
– Hull – to call “Hull Parameters Editing” window;
– Propeller – to call “Propeller Parameters Editing” window;
– Engine – to call “Power Plant Parameters Editing” window;
– Rudder – to call “Rudder Parameters Editing” window;
– Engine Telegraph – to call “Engine Telegraph Parameters Editing” window;
– Turning – to call window for “Editing the Results of Test Turning Manoeuvres”;
– Acceleration/Deceleration (Acc/Dec) – to call window for “Editing the Results of
Test Acceleration/Deceleration”.
• Control buttons:
– “Close” – to stop the check and return to the utility start window or to the Main
window of the advanced editing mode if work is being done in this mode. The
button is available if there are no errors and the model can be calculated;
– “Cancel” – to stop the check and return to the utility start window or to the Main
window of the advanced editing mode if work is being done in this mode. The
button is available if there are some errors and the model cannot be calculated;
– “Check again” – to repeat the check. It is normally used after the editing of the
ship parameters;
– “Calculate All” – to finish the check and calculate the model. If the model data
has been changed, a window inquiring about the saving after the check is
called. Otherwise the window showing the calculations process is called. The
button is available if there are no errors (the model can be calculated), whilst
the model has not been calculated before or some changes have been made
in its parameters;
– “See Results” – to finish the check and show test manoeuvres. The button is
available if there are no errors (the model can be calculated), whilst the model
has been calculated before and no changes have been made in its parameters.

184 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Calculated Model Quality Assessment Window


The “Calculated Model Quality Assessment” window contains the following parts:

• Turning model quality – quality of the turning ability calculations;

• Acc/dec model quality – quality of acceleration/deceleration calculations.
In both cases, there is an indicator whose colour stands for the degree of the
model adequacy to the entered data. There are the following options of the
model calculations quality assessment (where the indicator colour is not
specified, some intermediate hues are used):
– Excellent – bright –green colour of the indicator;
– Good;
– Fairly good;
– Middling – yellow colour of the indicator;
– Bad;
– Very bad – bright-red colour of the indicator.
• More – buttons for calling the window for decoding the obtained quality
assessment results;
• Control button:
– “See Results” – to call the window showing the test manoeuvres;
– “Revise Model” – to call the window for editing the results of test acceleration/
deceleration. The button is enabled if the model is of a poor quality;
– “Close” – to cancel the viewing of the results or the change of model and
return to the “Main” window of the advanced editing mode. The button is
available if the work is being done in the advanced editing mode.

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 185

Window for Decoding the Obtained Quality Assessment Results



The window is displayed by pressing More button in the “Calculated Model Quality
Assessment” window and contains the following parts:

• Acceleration/Deceleration manoeuvre – deviation (in %) between the results of each

entered test manoeuvre (turning or acceleration/deceleration) and results
obtained from running the model under the same initial conditions;
• Interpretation of maximum error – decoding of the quality assessment. The quality is
assessed by the maximum deviation between the entered and obtained results.
To close the window for decoding the obtained quality assessment results press
“OK” button.

186 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Test Manoeuvre Display Window


The Test Manoeuvre Display window consists of two panels:
• Turning circles panel;
• Acceleration/deceleration panel.
To switch the panels, use the relevant tabs.

Turning Circles Panel

The “Turning Circles” panel contains the following parts:

• Vessel – to specify the ship type (displacement type) and its displacement;
• Deep water – to note that the turns are made in the deep water;
• Rudder – to specify the rudder angles used for turning;
• Manoeuvres tables specifying the following:
– V – speed at which the manoeuvre countoff is started;
– Port/Starboard – direction of the rudder angle for the manoeuvre;
– ∆ hdg – current course column;
– Columns showing time since the manoeuvre start (in minutes and seconds) at
which the current course is achieved for various rudder angles.
• “Close” – to exit to the “Utility Start” window or to the “Main” window
of the advanced editing mode if work is being done in this mode;

• Turning curves. For each rudder angle two turning curves are shown: with the
portside rudder angle and starboard rudder angle. Corresponding to each
rudder angle is its own colour of the curve. Axes are graded in cables (for
smaller ships with small turning circle radius – in the tenths of a cable);
• Start speed – to enter the speed at which the manoeuvre was started;
• Rudder angle – to enter the rudder angles at which the turning is made;
• Recalc – to re-calculate turning circles for newly entered rudder angles and new
initial speed.

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 187

Test Manoeuvre Display Window

Acceleration/Deceleration Panel

“Acceleration/Deceleration” panel contains the following parts:

• AUTOPILOT – to note that the autopilot is switched on (no deviations for the
straight course);
• Vessel – to specify the ship type (displacement type) and its displacement;
• Diagram which clearly shows the calculated accelerations/decelerations. The
blue colour is used for showing the active deceleration manoeuvres, the red
colour is used for showing the passive deceleration manoeuvres, the green
colour is used for showing acceleration manoeuvres. The length of the columns
corresponds to the head reach. Shown to the left of the top edge of the column
is the ship’s final speed in knots, to the left of the bottom edge – initial speed in
knots, to the right of top edge – time of making the acceleration/deceleration in
minutes and seconds;

• Head reach – line of distances (in cables) which the ship has advanced to;
• FSAH/STOP – to specify the initial (lower) and final (upper) engine telegraph
positions for each acceleration/deceleration manoeuvre;
• “Close” – to exit to the “Utility Start” window or to the “Main” window of
the advanced editing mode if work is being done in this mode.

188 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Main Window of the Advanced Editing Mode


The “Main” window of the advance editing mode contains the following parts:

• Main menu;
• Functional menu panel;
• Loaded model description panel;
• Status bar.

Main Menu
The Main menu includes the following submenus:

• SHIP – this submenu is intended for handling models on the computer hard disk:
– SHIP/NEW – to create a new model, to open the “Prototype Selection” window;
– SHIP/OPEN – to load an existing model;
– SHIP/SAVE – to save the edited model;
– SHIP/SAVE AS – to save the edited model under a new name;
– SHIP/EXIT – to exit from the utility.
• PARTICULARS – this submenu is designed for editing the ship parameters:
– PARTICULARS/GENERAL – to open the window for editing the principal ship
– PARTICULARS/HULL – to open the window for editing hull parameters;
– PARTICULARS/PROPELLER – to open the window for editing propeller parameters;
– PARTICULARS/ENGINE – to open the window for editing power plant parameters;
– PARTICULARS/RUDDER – to open the window for editing rudder parameters;
– PARTICULARS/ENGINE TELEGRAPH – to open the window for editing engine telegraph

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 189

Main Window of the Advanced Editing Mode

• SEA TRIALS – this submenu is designed for editing the results of test manoeuvres:
– SEA TRIALS/TURNING – to open the window for “Editing Results of the Test Turning
– SEA TRIALS/ACCELERATION/DECELERATION – to open the window for “Editing Results of
the Test Acceleration/Deceleration”.
• CALCULATE – this submenu is designed for the model calculations:
– CALCULATE/OPTIONS/SHOW WARNINGS – to turn on the mode of displaying warnings
about possible errors. If the option is turned on, it is not only messages about
actual errors (ERROR) which are shown, but also warnings about possible
errors (WARNING);
– CALCULATE/CHECK DATA – To make a check for the availability of errors and open
a “Check Completed” window if there are no errors or “Error Message”
window if there are some errors. The item is enabled if a model is loaded or a
new one has been generated;
– CALCULATE/TURNING – to edit results of the test turning manoeuvres. If the model
data has been changed, a window with an inquiry about saving after the
check is displayed. Otherwise, “Calculations Process Display” window is
called. The item is enabled if a check for the availability of errors has been
successfully completed;
acceleration/deceleration manoeuvre test. If the model data has been changed, a
window with an inquiry about saving after the check is called. Otherwise, the
“Calculations Process Display” window is called. The item is enabled if a check
for the availability of errors has been successfully completed;
– CALCULATE/RECALCULATE ALL – to make full model calculations. It includes turning
ability and acceleration/deceleration calculations. If the model data has been
changed, a window with an inquiry about saving after the check is displayed.
Otherwise, “Calculations Process Display” window is called. The item is enabled
if a check for the availability of errors has been successfully completed;
– CALCULATE/RESULTS – to open the “Text Manoeuvres Display” window. The item
is enabled if the model calculations have been successfully completed.
• HELP – this submenu is designed for obtaining help:
– HELP/CONTENTS – to call “Help” index;
– HELP/ABOUT – to open “About” window which contains Copyright information.

Functional Menu
The FUNCTIONAL menu is offered or the user convenience sake. The panel contains
buttons duplicating the principal functions of the Main menu:

• NEW – to generate a new model, to open the “Prototype Selection”

• OPEN – to load an existing model (a window for loading an existing
model is opened);
• SAVE – to save the edited model. If the model has no name (a newly
generated model), a window opens up with a request to enter the
name which it will be saved under. The button is enabled if the edited
model has been altered since the moment of its loading, generation or
previous saving;

190 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Main Window of the Advanced Editing Mode

• CHECK SHIP DATA – to make a check for errors and open the “Check
Complete” window if there are no errors or “Error Message” window) if
there are some errors. The button is enabled if a model is loaded or a
new model has been generated;
• CALCULATE SHIP MODEL – to calculate a model. If the model data has been
altered, a window with an inquiry about saving after the check is
called. Otherwise, “Calculations Process Display” window is called;
• SHIP CHARACTERISTICS PREVIEW – to call the “Test Manoeuvre Display”
window. The button is enabled if the model calculations have been
completed successfully;
• HELP – to call the “Help” index.

Loaded Model Description Panel

The panel contains a brief description of the ship model.

Status Bar

The status bar contains the following fields:

• Modified – shows that the model has been changes, and the new changes have
not been saved yet;
• PASSANG – name of the model loaded for calculations.

Chapter 10. Description of Ship Model Utility. 191

Description of System
Configuration Utility
This chapter provides a description of the utility which allows
the NS configuration setup.

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003

Purpose of System Configuration Utility


“System Configuration” utility is intended for the following purposes:

• Connection of the external devices to the NS COM ports;

• Setup of data exchange between the NS and external devices;
• Setting of the exchange parameters for the computer information ports (see

• Pre-warranty registration of the NS system copy (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000

• Setting of the NS static data;
• The NS user configuration adjustment.

Any change of parameters initially entered by the specialists in the “Service Protected
Settings” window is ill advised unless recommended by Transas Мarine.

The utility’s “System Configuration” start window is intended for the selection of
setting type and is divided into two pages accordingly:

• Graphic User Interface;

• Service.

Graphic User Interface Page

“Graphic User Interface” page is used for the selection of the NS user interface and
starting of the editing process. The page contains the following parts:

• Select User Configuration – area for editing the existing user configurations which
– List box for selecting an existing configuration from the menu;
– Edit – to edit the selected NS user configuration (to switch to “User
Configuration” window).
• Create New Configuration – group for creating a new user configuration which
– Text box for entering the name of the newly created NS user configuration;
– Create – to create a new NS configuration (to switch to “User Configuration”
window, the button is enabled after the input of the configuration name).

Chapter 11. Description of System Configuration Utility. 195

User Configuration Window

Service Page

“Service” page is designed for the initial installation of the software product, setting
or changing of parameters of the NS operation with external devices, and input of
the ship static data.

The page contains the following parts:

• General/General Settings – to set the principal NS operation parameters;

• Protected Settings – line for entering the password (service settings are protected
from unauthorised access) and “OK” button for switching to “Service
Configuration” window (in case of successful password input).


“User Configuration” window is intended for the setting and editing of the user
interface. The window is opened by pressing “Edit” or “Create” buttons on “Graphic
User Interface” page. The window contains the following parts:

• Pages:
– “Basic Chart Panel”;
– “Skins”;
– “Info Panel Setup”.
• Control buttons:
– “OK” – to confirm the settings you have made and exit to the utility start
– “Cancel” – to cancel the changes you have made and exit to the utility start

196 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

User Configuration Window

Basic Chart Panel Page

“Basic Chart Panel” page is intended for the adjustment of the user interface. The
page contains the following parts:

• Units – to set measurement units for different parameters:

– Ship and Target Speed – to set the own ship and targets’ speed measurement
units to knots (kt) or kilometres per hours (km/h);
– Distances – to set the distance measurement units to miles (nm), kilometres
(km) or statute miles (stm);
– Depths/Heights/ – to set the depth and height measurement units to metres (m),
feet (ft) or fathoms (fms);
– Draught – to set the draft measurement units to metres (m) or feet (ft);
– Wind Speed – to set the wind speed measurement units to metres per second
(m/s), kilometres per hour (km/h) or knots (kt);
– Temperature – to set the temperature measurement units to degrees
Centigrade (C) or degrees Fahrenheit (F);
– Pressure – to set the pressure measurement units, always in hectopascals (hPa).
• National Language – to select the information presentation language in the NS;
• Chart Panel – the panel is not used;
• Cursor Window – the window is not used.

Chapter 11. Description of System Configuration Utility. 197

User Configuration Window

Skins Page

“Skins” page is intended for the adjustment of the NS screen display and includes
the following parts:

• Use Skin – to turn on (by checking the checkbox) a special graphic presentation
of the NS panels;
• Select Skin Theme – to select the type of the NS panels graphic display:
– List of the NS panels graphic display themes;
– NS screen fragment with the selected graphic presentation.

Info Panel Setup Page

198 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Service General Settings Window

“Info Panel Setup” page is intended for the display of the NS Control Panel windows
and contains the following parts:

• Window selection area contains imitation of windows and a button to the right of
each of them, which indicates and name of the window and possible operation:
– Add – to include a window in the Control Panel set;
– Remove – to select a window from the Control Panel set.
• Choose Resolution – to set the resolution of the screen in use.
After “Info Panel Setup” page is opened, the space to the right of its displays a Control
Panel layout which shows all the changes made in the window selection area.


“Service General Settings” window is intended for the setting of the NS principal
operating parameters. The window is opened by pressing General Settings button on
“Service” page. The window contains the following parts:

• Page:
– General;
– Advanced Databases;
– Fall Back Modes.
• Control buttons:
– “OK” – to confirm the settings you have made and exit to the utility start window;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the settings which were not confirmed by “Apply” button
and exit to the utility start window;
– “Apply” – for the current confirmation of the settings you have made without
exiting to the utility start window.

General Page

Chapter 11. Description of System Configuration Utility. 199

Service General Settings Window

“General” page is designed for setting the watch schedule and the NS network
configuration. According to the functions, the page is divided into the following groups:
• Watch Organization which contains the following parts:
– Number of Watches – line for entering the umber of watches per day;
– List of Watches – table of the watch start and end times (each watch start time
corresponds to the end time of the previous watch);
– End of Watch – line for setting the end of the watch selected from the table.
• Network State which contains the following parts:
– Node Name – input of the station name;
– Selection buttons for selecting one of the listed network configurations:
Standalone – standalone station;
Master – master station;
Slave – slave station;
Backup – backup station (used in case of the “Master” station failure).

Advanced Database Page

“Advanced Databases” page is designed for the setting of the databases to be used
in the NS, and contains the following parts:

• Chart Collections – to turn on (by checking the checkbox) the display of the ship
chart collection in the following formats:
– Transas – TX-97 format charts manufactured by Transas Marine;
– ENC – ENC format charts;
– ARCS – ARCS format charts;
– BSB and GEO/NOS – BSB/NDI format charts and GEO/NOS format charts;
– DNC – DNC format charts;
– Seafarer – Seafarer format charts.

200 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Service General Settings Window

• Databases – to connect (by checking the checkbox) the databases with the
following weather data:
– Tidal – tidal height;
– Tidal Currents – speed and direction of the tidal currents;
– Surface Currents – speed and direction of surface currents.
• User Chart – to set the database (file) of the user chart symbols library:
– Select Symbol Library – to select the symbols library from the list of available
– Current Selected – to display the file (symbols library) selected for use in the
current configuration;
– Copy Active To... – to copy the selected file (symbols library) to the directory
specified in “Browse for Folder” pop-up window;
– Load New Library... – to copy the file (symbols library) selected for use to
SymbolLib subdirectory available for use in the NS.
• Ship Models – to set the ship mathematical models database (file):
– Select Model – to select the ship mathematical model from the list for the use in
the NS system;
– Current Selected – to display the selected model.

Fall Back Modes Page

“Fall Back Modes” page contains a checkbox for turning on (by checking the checkbox)
the function for the automatic switching to the dead reckoning (DR) mode.

Chapter 11. Description of System Configuration Utility. 201

Service Protected Settings Window


“Service Protected Settings” window is designed for the technical settings and input
of static data used by the NS. The window is opened from “Service” page of the start
menu after the correct password input. The window contains the following parts:

• Pages:
– General;
– Display;
– AIS;
– COMPorts Settings;
– Sensors/Accuracy;
– ARPA/AIS Protocols;
– NMEA Output;
– Autopilot Output;
– Arpa NMEA Output;
– Upload Route;
– Own Ship Setup.
• Control buttons:
– “OK” – to confirm the settings you have made and exit to the utility start
– “Cancel” – to cancel the settings which were not confirmed by “Apply” button
and exit to the utility start window;
– “Apply” – for the current confirmation of the settings you have made without
exiting to the utility start window.

202 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Service Protected Settings Window

General Page

“General” page is designed for the setup of the NS configuration and contains the
following parts:

• Tools – to enter the main NS data and adjust its interaction with WinNT OS:
– Registry... – to run the registration process (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000
– Backup... – to create a backup copy of the NS system standard configuration (see
– Control Panel... – to open WinNT setting and adjustment window (Control Panel);
– Change Password – to open the password change window.
• Sound – to select the acoustic accompaniment for the NS alarms:
– PC Speaker – via the built in speaker;
– Sound Card – via the sound card and external speakers;
– Alarm Sound – to turn on (by checking the checkbox) the acoustic accompaniment
of the alarms. The sound is turned off after the alarm acknowledgement.
• Directories of Chart Collections – to specify, in “Browse for Folder” pop-window, the
path to the directory where a certain format chart collection of a certain format is

Chapter 11. Description of System Configuration Utility. 203

Service Protected Settings Window

Display Page

“Display” page is designed for the setup of the monitor parameters and contains the
following parts:

• Monitor Type – setting of the monitor type in use for the correct colour
interpretation of format S-57 charts in the NS:
– CRT – to select Cathode Ray Tube monitor type.
– LCD – to select Liquid Crystal Display monitor type;
– Model – to select a monitor model;
– Add new model – to add a new monitor configuration files.
• Monitor Size – to specify the monitor diagonal length.

Note: With the use of LCD monitors by Jakob Hatteland the remote control of
monitor settings is implemented from the NS. Control is exercised
automatically in accordance with configuration files of the selected monitor
model (Model field) via RS 232 cable connecting the monitor and RS (LCD
Display sensor). In this case, the adjustable parameters are “Brightness”,
“Contrast” and “Colour Temperature”.

204 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Service Protected Settings Window


“ARPA/Radar” page is designed for the setting of the following parameters:

• ARPA-A Protocol – to set the connected ARPA type;

• ARPA Accuracy – to set the measurement error (see document NAVI-SAILOR

3000 (V. 3.00.01). OPERATING PRINCIPLES (EDITION 2) paragraph
Calculation Method) used in the ship position 95% RMS calculations:
– By Bearing – bearing measurement error;
– By Distance – distance measurement error.
• ARPA Alarms – to turn on (by checking the checkbox) alarm generation in the
absence of sentences from the ARPA (A/B);
• Radar Setup – to turn on RIB function in the NS:
– PCI Version – to turn on RIB function (PCI version);
– Disable – to turn off RIB function.
• Recording – to set radar picture archiving parameters:
– Recording – to turn on (by checking the checkbox) the radar picture recording
– Interval – to set the recording interval (1-60 seconds);
– Time – to set the duration of the recording (1-240 hours).

Chapter 11. Description of System Configuration Utility. 205

Service Protected Settings Window

AIS Page

“AIS” page is designed for the setting of the following parameters:

• AIS Protocol – to select the type of protocol which the transponder operates
according to:
– UAIS (IEC 61993-2) – transponder operation is according to IEC 61993-2
international standard;
– SAAB R3 (PAIS) – transponder operation is according to the proprietary SAAB
• UAIS Model – to select UAIS transponder model:
– Standard – any model of the transponder operating strictly in accordance with
IEC 61993-2 standard;
– TRANSAS/McMurdo MT-1;
– SAAB R4;
– Use NMEA Output as External GPS – to turn on/off the use of coordinates
transmitted by the NS system via “NMEA Output” channel as the
transponder's external positioning system.
• DR Settings – configuration of AIS targets DR mode:
– Use DR for AIS Targets – to turn on/off the AIS targets DR mode;
– Minimal SOG to Activate – to enter the AIS targets minimum speed whereby
their positions will be reckoned.

206 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Service Protected Settings Window

COMPorts Settings Page

“COMPorts Settings” page is used for setting up parameters of WinNT COM ports
which are used for the NS operation with external devices (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000

The page represents a table where the columns are COM ports (COM1 – COM 10),
and the columns contain the following COM port data exchange parameters:

• Port – port number;

• Baud rate – exchange rate (set by the operator, “4800” by default);

• Data Bits – number of bits per character (set by the operator, “8” by default);

• Parity – parity check (set by the operator, “None” by default);

• Stop Bits – number of stop bits (set by the operator, “1” by default);

• Monitoring – to open “Port Monitoring” window for checking the arrival of data to
the current (Test COM1 – COM 10) COM port;

• Free Port Monitoring – to open “Port Monitoring” window for checking the arrival of
data to the COM port, determined by user.

Chapter 11. Description of System Configuration Utility. 207

Service Protected Settings Window

Port Monitoring Window

To open “Port Monitoring” window, press the appropriate button of Monitoring column
on “COMPorts Settings” page; the window contains the following parts:

• Port Settings – to display and edit COM port data exchange parameters (except
the port number);
• Dump Type – to set the type of data displayed on the screen (Text/Hexadecimal);
• List View Mode – to set the data viewing mode. The checked View Last String
checkbox means display of the last line of the supplied data. If this checkbox is
not checked, arbitrary part of the data is displayed shown at the user option;
• Start/Stop Monitoring – to turn on/off display of the data arrival (monitoring);
• Information panel for the monitoring of data supplied to the computer COM port.
Apart from the data supplied to the computer COM port (Data column) the
information panel shows the direction of the data streams (Input, Output), as well as
information on the start/end of the monitoring process (User) – Dir column;
• Control buttons:
– “Apply settings” – to accept the entered data;
– “Cancel” – to cancel the entered data.

208 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Service Protected Settings Window

Sensors/Accuracy Page

“Sensors/Accuracy” page is designed for assigning the computer COM ports for the
reception of data for the sensors, and for the additional settings. The page contains
the following parts:

• Attached Sensors – list of external devices available for connection and lines for
the setting of COM port numbers. The word <None> in the line to the left of the
device means that it is disconnected. The port is connected by assigning the
port number to the appropriate external device;
• Sensors Accuracy – to set the measurement error (see document NAVI-SAILOR
3000 (V. 3.00.01). OPERATING PRINCIPLES (EDITION 2) paragraph
Calculation Method) used for the ship position 95% RMS calculation:
– Log Accuracy – speed measurement error;
– Gyro Accuracy – course measurement error.
• Miscellaneous – to turn on (by checking the checkbox) the following functions:
– Check sum NMEA input – mode for checking checksum of the messages
received by the NS system from the navigation sensors;
– Adjust system time by GPS – mode for coordinating the external time (received
by the NS from the time sensor) and system (computer) time.
• RIB – to enable (by checking the checkbox) the following data to be transmitted
to the NS:
– Heading Through RIB – RIB-converted ship course received from the gyro in the
analog form;
– Log Through RIB – RIB-converted ship speed received from the log in the
analog form.

Chapter 11. Description of System Configuration Utility. 209

Service Protected Settings Window

NMEA Output Page

“NMEA Output” page is designed for making settings for IEC 61162-1 sentences
(NMEA – 0183) transmitted to the external devices, and contains the following parts:

• Area for turning on (by checking the checkbox) the transmission of certain
sentences and the display of their contents (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000

• Area for determining the accuracy of the transmitted values (from the offered
menu) and turning on the transmission of additional data from the following
sentences (in the appropriate line):
– GLL:
Precision – precision of the transmitted coordinates;
Status – reliability degree of the transmitted coordinates (data status).
Precision – precision of the transmitted course value;
Magnet – magnetic compass data.
Precision – precision of transmitted coordinates.
– RTE:
WPNumber – number of transmitted waypoints.

210 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Service Protected Settings Window

• Append To All – to turn on (by checking the checkbox) transmission of additional

data for all the sentences:
– Check Sum – sentence checksum;
– Last Comma – comma before the checksum value.
• Version – version of the NMEA 0183 standard, used for the NMEA Output.

Autopilot Output Page

“Autopilot Output” page is designed for making settings for IEC 61162-1 sentences
(NMEA – 0183) transmitted to the autopilot, and contains the following parts:

• Area for turning on (by checking the checkbox) the transmission of certain
sentences and the display of their contents (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000

• Area for determining the accuracy of the transmitted values (from the offered
menu) and turning on the transmission of additional data from the following
sentences (in the appropriate line):
– GLL:
Precision – precision of the transmitted coordinates;
Status – reliability degree of the transmitted coordinates (data status).
Precision – precision of the transmitted course value;
Magnet – magnetic compass data.

Chapter 11. Description of System Configuration Utility. 211

Service Protected Settings Window

– WPL:
Precision – precision of transmitted coordinates.
– RTE:
WPNumber – number of transmitted waypoints.
• Append To All – to turn on (by checking the checkbox) transmission of additional
data for all the sentences:
– Check Sum – sentence checksum;
– Last Comma – comma before the checksum value.
• Version – version of the NMEA 0183 standard, used for the Autopilot Output.

ARPA NMEA Output Page

“Arpa NMEA Output” page is designed for making settings for IEC 61162-1 sentences
(NMEA – 0183) transmitted to the ARPA, and contains the following parts:

• Area for turning on (by checking the checkbox) the transmission of certain
sentences and the display of their contents (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000

• Area for determining the accuracy of the transmitted values (from the offered
menu) and turning on the transmission of additional data from the following
sentences (in the appropriate line):
– GLL:
Precision – precision of the transmitted coordinates;
Status – reliability degree of the transmitted coordinates (data status).

212 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Service Protected Settings Window


Precision – precision of the transmitted course value;
Magnet – magnetic compass data.
– WPL:
Precision – precision of transmitted coordinates.
– RTE:
WPNumber – number of transmitted waypoints.
• Append To All – to turn on (by checking the checkbox) transmission of additional
data for all the sentences:
– Check Sum – sentence checksum;
– Last Comma – comma before the checksum value.
• Version – version of the NMEA 0183 standard, used for the ARPA Output.

Upload Route Page

“Upload Route” page is designed for setting parameters of routes transmitted to the
external devices and contains the following parts:

• Output Messages – to set IEC 61162-1 (NMEA – 0183) format for the transmitted

• Output Options/WP Names – to turn on (by checking the checkbox) transmission of

WP names.

Chapter 11. Description of System Configuration Utility. 213

Service Protected Settings Window

Own Ship Setup Page

“Own Ship Setup” page is designed for specifying the ship static data and consists
of the following parts:

• Site of Stations – determining of the sensor and station positions on the ship:
– Select Station to Site – to select a sensor/station from the offered list for the further
work involved in the change/setting of its position coordinates on the ship;
– Station Position – line for the input and display of the sensor and station
positions relative to the ship centreline plane and midship frame, the following
values being positive: for X from the midship frame forward, for Y from the
centreline plane to starboard. X and Y boxes are enables if the selected
sensor or station is connected (see page 209).
• Ship contour for the display of sensor and station positions and names in the
ship reference frame;

• Signatures – to turn on (by checking the checkbox) the display of sensor and
station names next to the position symbol on the ship contour;

• Ship Setup – to enter the own ship data.

214 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Description of Weather
Forecast Manager Utility
This chapter contains a description of the utility which allows
reception and processing of weather forecasts used by the NS.

Copyright Transas Marine Ltd., 2003


The utility is designed for performing the following functions:

• To compile and dispatch orders for the reception of weather forecasts;

• To receive a weather forecast, process it and place in the database;

• To select a weather forecast from the database to be used in the NS for the
schedule calculations taking into account weather parameters.
The utility consists of the Main menu toolbar and three pages:

• Request;

• Delivery;

• Forecasts.


The set of buttons varies on different pages.

• Close all and exit – to exit from the program;

• Send current request – to send a weather forecast order formed on

“Request” page;

• Check received mail – to check if the weather forecast has been received
in the mail box;

• Cancel last request – to send a mail notification to Transas Marine

weather server about the cancellation of all the orders made earlier;

• Add new request – to compile a new order;

• Save current request – to save the current order without changing its name;

• Delete existing request – to delete the current order;

• View request as table – to display the current order data in the form of a
summary table;

• Settings – setup of mail components (required to be performed at the

installation stage);

• Software Information – information on the utility displayed in the window.

Chapter 12. Description of Weather Forecast Manager Utility. 217

Request Page


“Request” page serves for the formation of a weather forecast order and its dispatch.
The page is divided arbitrarily into the following groups:
• Request name group;
• Weather parameters group;
• Area group;
• Time steps group;
• Time range group;
• Information panel.

218 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Request Page

Request Name Group

Request name group serves for saving a compiled order for the further use and
contains the following items:

• NAME – line for the input of the order name and/or the display of the previously
compiled order list;

• To activate the line for the input of the order name;

• To save the entered/edited name of the order;

• To cancel input/editing of the order name.

Weather Parameters Group

Weather parameters group serves for the selection of weather parameters information
whereon will be obtained in the received weather forecast, and contains the
following items:

• List of weather parameters;

• Synchronize changes – to synchronise automatically the selection of a

geographic area, resolution, time step and subscription term for all the
selected parameters simultaneously (turned on by default);

Chapter 12. Description of Weather Forecast Manager Utility. 219

Request Page

Area Group

Area group serves for the selection of a geographic area which the weather forecast
will be ordered for.
To specify the geographic area of the weather forecast and accuracy of the supplied
data, use the following windows:
• Latitude – to manually enter the latitudes of boundaries (From, To);
• Longitude – to manually enter the longitudes of boundaries (From, To);
• Resolution – window for the selection of accuracy of the weather parameters
display – resolution grid.

Time Steps Group

Time steps group is designed for the setting of the received weather forecast
discretion. The area contains the following fields:
• To select fixed time values (step) which the selected weather parameter
forecast will be provided for, counting the number of hours from the beginning of
UTC day as of the forecast order date;
• All Time steps – prompt selection of all the fixed values.

220 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Delivery Page

Time Range Group

Time range group for the selection of the subscription term:

• By using the cursor on the graphics panel;

• By using the calendar;
• By entering the subscription duration in days.

Information Panel

The information panel is located in the bottom part of the utility window and contains a
tentative assessment of the received data, auxiliary information and process indicators.

The specified order size is used for calculating the payment for the supplied data.


On “Delivery” page, weather forecasts are received and the data is processed. The
page is divided arbitrarily into four groups.

Chapter 12. Description of Weather Forecast Manager Utility. 221

Delivery Page

Check Mail Mode Group

Check Mail Mode group is used for setting the method of weather forecast reception:

• Auto – automatic reception (used for operation in the local network);

• Every – semiautomatic reception;
• Manual – manual reception.

Official Messages Group

Official messages group serves for the display of weather forecast reception and
processing logs, as well as of some other messages.

222 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Delivery Page

Forecast State Group

Forecast State group displays the data processing progress monitoring. The status of
each parameter is indicated with colour:

• Blue – parameters have been ordered and are waited for;

• Red – parameters whose data is being processed;
• Black – parameters whose data has already been processed and placed in the
• Grey – parameters have not been ordered.
The bottom indication bar shows (in per cent) overall amount of the processed data
on all the parameters.

Information Panel

Information Panel is located in the bottom part of the utility window and contains
auxiliary information and indicators of processes in progress.

Chapter 12. Description of Weather Forecast Manager Utility. 223

Forecasts Page


“Forecast” page is used for the selection of the weather forecast for its further use in
the NS. The page is divided arbitrarily into three groups.

Receiver Weather Forecast Table

The table of received weather forecasts provides brief information on the received
weather forecasts where:

• Forecast date is the date which the forecast is provided for;

• Request date is the date when the order was despatched;
• Request time is the time when the order was despatched;
• Selected is indicator of the order selected for the further use.

224 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).

Forecasts Page

Management Group

Management group serves for setting the mode of forecast selection for the further

• Automatic – the last received forecast is selected automatically;

• Manual – the forecast is selected by the user;
• Show forecast parameters – to view parameters of the active (cursor selected)
forecast in “Parameters of Active Forecast” pop-up window;
• Select forecast for general use – to manually select a forecast for further work;
• Delete forecast – to delete the selected forecast from the database.

Setting for Automatic Management Group

Setting for automatic management group is used for setting the data sufficiency criterion
in the processing of the received weather forecast. This criterion determines the
completeness degree (in percent) of the weather parameters processing whereby
this forecast is considered to be operational and is accepted for further work. The
sufficiency criterion can be changed in Automatic mode only:

• Store all forecasts – to store each received forecast in the database;

• Keep … last forecasts – to store the set number of the most recent forecasts;
• “Change” – to activate Setting for Automatic Management group;
• “Apply” – to apply new set values;
• “Cancel” – to cancel the changes you have made.

Chapter 12. Description of Weather Forecast Manager Utility. 225



Accumulation 37 Call sign 73

Accuracy 94, 202, 205, 209-212, Chart installation 105, 108
Chart loading 23, 92
Acquisition marker 18-19, 75-76, 79, 102 Chart Manager 8-9, 103, 105, 116
Active layer 60-61, 65 Chart permit 108-109
Active route 54, 56- 58
Chart selection 91, 106
Add Info 16, 23, 52, 59, 116, 157 Comtrace 39
Additional areas 42, 53 Conversion log 106
Additional 92
Correction 16, 21, 47, 57, 91, 93,
information display
94, 107, 110-111, 149,
AIS 7, 9, 14, 16, 19, 30, 35, 168
39-40, 43, 69-72, 75-76, CPA 9, 70-71
78-81, 84-86, 117, 119,
157, 202, 206 CPA/TCPA 19

AIS message 76 Current chart 22-23, 92

AIS messages 30, 74, 77, 78 Current screen scale 22, 49, 92

Alarm 20, 21, 27, 32-33, 40, Current time 20, 24, 37, 38, 151
41-46, 48, 51-53, 69, 70, D
77, 80, 86, 203, 205
Danger to navigation 62-63, 67-68
Alarm message 20, 24, 40, 44
Data Tool 8, 43, 115
Archive log 106
Deleted object 59, 61, 64-65
ARCS format charts 88, 92, 200
Depth 20, 24, 32, 52, 59,
ARPA 9, 19, 47, 69, 70, 202, 61-62, 66-67, 88, 92-93,
205, 212 98, 197
ARPA cursor 47, 70 Differential mode 21, 25, 46
ARPA ERBL 47, 70 Digitizer 19
ARPA NMEA Output 202, 212-213 DNC charts 88, 200
Attached files 59, 62, 64, 67, 116 DR 9, 26, 201, 206
Auto Zoom 15, 34 Drift 24, 95
Automatic scaling 92 E
Automatic switch to 201 ECDIS 131
DR mode
Echo sounder 24, 52, 88
Autopilot 188, 202, 211-212
Electronic ship 31, 89, 116, 157
B logbook
Base display 92 ENC 9, 23, 42, 53, 88, 91,
Basic areas 42, 53 93-94, 109-110, 117, 200

BSB/NDI format 88, 200 ER 9, 25

charts ERBL 9, 18, 31, 47, 106-107

Chapter 12. Description of Weather Forecast Manager Utility. 227


Event 31, 87, 89, 119, 147 NAVTEX message 93, 139
Event parameters 87, 89 symbol
NMEA 10, 39, 209, 211-213
Expanding square 95
search NMEA Output 202, 206, 210-211
F Notice to mariners 111

Fixed range rings 29 NS network 41, 58, 60, 64, 200

Fixed scale value 15, 22-23, 92
Free cursor 17, 18, 21, 107
G Object attributes 60, 62, 67

Object category 60, 63, 68

GEO/NOS format 200
charts Object colour 62, 67

GPS 9, 21, 25, 46, 84, 85, Object information 62, 67

206, 209 Offset 21, 47, 147
Guard zone 29 Orientation 14-16, 48, 49
H Original scale 15, 23, 57, 91, 92, 124
HCRF 15, 23, 92 Output 39, 208, 211-213
HDOP 25 Ownship track 31, 50, 157, 158
IAMSAR 94 Parallel track search 95
IEC 61162-1 39, 210-213 Playback 157-158
IEC 61174 131 Polygon 147
IMO 9, 73, 84-85 Positioning system 21, 22, 24-26, 30, 31,
Info 15, 18, 31, 59, 62, 67, 41, 45-47, 87-88, 95,
102, 105, 158, 198 206

L Primary 21, 25-26, 45-46, 48, 87,

License installation 105
Primary positioning 45
PS 10, 25
Message sorting 144
Message types 145
Radar 19, 29, 37, 41, 157, 205
Minimum depth 52
Radar picture 19, 29, 37, 47, 157, 205
MMSI 9, 30, 70, 73, 75-76, 79,
80, 84, 85 Recording interval 205

MOB 9, 15 RIB 10, 19, 70, 205, 209

Monitoring 16, 21, 26, 41, 45-46, Route 14, 15, 16, 26-28, 41,
48, 55, 57, 58, 140, 157 45, 48, 49, 50-51, 54-55,
57-58, 94-96, 116, 157,
Motion vector 14, 32, 49, 158
202, 213
Route elements 50, 54-55, 58
Navigation mode 45, 147 Route leg 27, 49, 50-51, 55-56, 95,
NAVTEX 8, 9, 93, 139, 140, 142, 168
146-147, 149-153 Route plan 49, 51, 55, 58
NAVTEX database 151
reduction parameter
NAVTEX message 146, 147

228 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 (v. 3.00.01). Software Description (edition 2).



S-57 format charts 107-108, 110-111 Target table 29

SAAB 43, 44, 72, 84-86, 206 Target track 117
Safety contour 24, 52-53, 93-94 TCPA 10, 70, 71
Safety depth 53, 93-94 Temperature sensor 24
Safety parameters 51-53, 57, 87 Temporary updating 64, 67, 68
SAR 10, 94-96 Text 62, 67
SAR route 95-96 Tidal current 24, 28, 56, 201
SAR routes 94 Tidal height 24, 28, 94, 96, 97, 98,
Scaling 92 99, 201
Timer 32, 33, 41
Schedule 26, 37-38, 48-49, 51, 56,
81, 157, 200, 217 Turn radius arc 49, 50, 58
Schedule elements 26, 54-55, 58 Turning circle radius 168, 187
Screen re-draws 31, 34 TX-97 format charts 88, 200
Seafarer format charts 88, 92, 200 U
Secondary 21, 45-46, 48, 87, 157 UKMO 36
Secondary 21, 45, 87 Updating layer 22, 64
Updating object 22, 64, 102
Sector search 96
User charts 41, 102
SENC 106
Ship contour 49, 214
Wave height 88
Ship folio 22, 90, 93, 108, 111
Waypoint 17, 26, 27-28, 34, 49,
Ship model 55, 117, 167, 170, 191, 50-51, 54-56, 58,
201 167-168, 210, 212-213
Ship motion 22, 46-47 Weather parameter 28, 35-36, 56, 217-219,
parameters 220, 225
Ship position 13, 21-26, 45, 47, 49, Wind sensor 24
50, 83-84, 92, 94, 209
WP change circle 49, 50
Ship position 95% 25-26, 48, 157, 205, 209
XTE 10, 27, 49, 51, 55, 58,
Ship position 47
coordinates offset
Ship symbol 14-15, 18, 20, 22, 31,
34, 49, 52, 90, 92 Zoom 15, 17, 31, 34
Standard display 23, 92
Subscription 219, 221
Surface current 28, 56, 201
Symbol library 61, 66
System Configuration 8, 19, 32-33, 39, 46, 69,
70, 73, 85, 88, 131, 168,

Chapter 12. Description of Weather Forecast Manager Utility. 229

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