Tio - Mediated Photocatalytic Degradation of A Textile Dye Derivative, Bromothymol Blue, in Aqueous Suspensions
Tio - Mediated Photocatalytic Degradation of A Textile Dye Derivative, Bromothymol Blue, in Aqueous Suspensions
Tio - Mediated Photocatalytic Degradation of A Textile Dye Derivative, Bromothymol Blue, in Aqueous Suspensions
Photocatalysed degradation of a textile dye derivative, bromothymol blue, has been investigated in aqueous suspensions of titanium dioxide
under a variety of conditions. The degradation was monitored by measuring the change in substrate concentration as a function of irradiation
time employing UV spectroscopic analysis technique. In these studies, a number of byproducts are formed during the photooxidation process,
which can potentially be harmful to the environment, therefore, we have studied the mineralization of the pollutant by measuring the total or-
ganic carbon (TOC) as a function of irradiation time. The degradation kinetics were studied under different conditions such as pH, catalyst con-
centration, substrate concentration, different types of TiO2 and in the presence of electron acceptors such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2),
potassium bromate (KBrO3) and ammonium persulphate (NH4)2S2O8 besides molecular oxygen. The degradation rates were found to be strongly
influenced by all the above parameters. The photocatalyst, titanium dioxide (TiO2) Degussa P25, was found to be more efficient as compared
with other TiO2 powders. All the electron acceptors markedly enhanced the degradation of the pollutant under investigation.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 571 2703515; fax: þ91 571 2702758.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Muneer). TiO2 þ hn / e þ
cb þ hvb ð1Þ
0143-7208/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
444 M.M. Haque, M. Muneer / Dyes and Pigments 75 (2007) 443e448
O2 þ e
cb / O2
ð2Þ solution for irradiation experiments. The photocatalyst, tita-
nium dioxide Degussa P25, was used in most of the experi-
H2 O þ hþ þ ments, and other catalyst powders, namely, Hombikat
vb / OH þ H ð3Þ
UV100 (Sachtleben Chemie GmbH), PC500 (Millanium Inor-
It has been suggested that the hydroxyl radicals (OH ) and ganics) and TiO2 obtained from Travancore Titanium Products
superoxide radical anions (O2) are the primary oxidizing spe-
(TTP), India, were used for comparative studies. Degussa P25
cies in the photocatalytic oxidation processes. These oxidative contains 75% anatase and 25% rutile with a specific BET sur-
reactions would result in the bleaching of the dye. Alterna- face area of 50 m2 g1 and a primary particle size of 20 nm
tively, direct absorption of light by the dye, can lead to charge [22]. Hombikat UV100 consists of 100% pure anatase with
injection from the excited state of the dye to the conduction a specific BET surface area of 250 m2 g1 and a primary par-
band of the semiconductor as summarized in the following ticle size of 5 nm [23]. The photocatalyst PC 500 has a BET
equations: surface area of 287 m2 g1 with 100% anatase and primary
particle size of 5e10 nm [24] and TiO2 obtained from Travan-
Dyeads þ hn / Dyeads ð4Þ core Titanium Products (TTP), India, has a BET surface area
of 9.82 m2 g1. The other chemicals such as NaOH, HNO3,
Dyeads þ TiO2 / Dyeþ
ads þ TiO2 ðe Þ ð5Þ hydrogen peroxide, potassium bromate and ammonium persul-
Earlier studies [7e18] have shown that heterogeneous pho- phate used in the study were obtained from Merck.
tocatalytic oxidation processes can be used for removing color-
ing material from dye effluent in the presence of light. The 2.2. Procedure
model compound bromothymol blue (BTB, 1) is a textile dye
derivative. The photocatalytic degradation of bromothymol For experiments under UV light, stock solutions of the
blue using batch reactor in the presence of TiO2 immobilized compound with desired concentration were prepared in double
on ceramic beads and doped TiO2 has been investigated earlier distilled water. An immersion well photochemical reactor
[21]. No major efforts have been made to study the detailed made of Pyrex glass was used in this study. For irradiation ex-
degradation kinetics, which is essential from the application periment, 250 mL of the desired solution was filled into the re-
point of view. Therefore, we have undertaken a detailed study actor and the required amount of photocatalyst was added and
on the photodegradation of bromothymol blue (1) sensitized the solution was stirred for at least 15 min in the dark to allow
by TiO2 in aqueous solution examining various reaction param- equilibration of the system so that the loss of compound due to
eters, e.g. reaction pH, substrate and catalyst concentrations, adsorption can be taken into account. The pH of the reaction
type of photocatalyst and addition of several electron acceptors. mixture was adjusted by adding dilute aqueous solution of
NaOH or HNO3. The zero time reading was obtained from
blank solution kept in the dark but otherwise treated similarly
to the irradiated solution. The suspensions were continuously
purged with molecular oxygen throughout each experiment.
Irradiations were carried out using a 125 W medium pressure
mercury lamp. IR radiation and short wavelength UV radiation
were eliminated by a water circulating Pyrex glass jacket.
Samples (10 mL) were collected before and at regular inter-
vals during the irradiation for analysis.
2.3. Analysis
the ‘‘Pyrex’’ filtered output of 125 W medium pressure mer- have been written, regarding the mechanistic and kinetic de-
cury lamp, lead to a decrease in the absorption intensity as tails as well as the influence of experimental parameters.
well as depletion in TOC content. Fig. 1 shows the change The degradation and mineralization of bromothymol blue
in absorption intensity and depletion in TOC content as a func- was tested with four different commercially available photoca-
tion of irradiation time for the photocatalytic degradation of talysts, namely Degussa P25, Hombikat UV100, PC500 and
BTB in the absence and presence of the photocatalyst. Both TTP. Fig. 2 shows the degradation rate for the decomposition
the decomposition and mineralization curves can be fitted rea- and mineralization of the compound in the presence of differ-
sonably well by an exponential decay curve suggesting first or- ent photocatalysts. It has been observed that the degradation of
der kinetics. For each experiment, the rate constant was the dye derivative 1 proceeds much more rapidly in the pres-
calculated from the plot of natural logarithm of TOC and ence of Degussa P25 as compared to other employed photoca-
dye concentration as a function of irradiation time. The degra- talyst powders. In all the following experiments, Degussa P25
dation rate for the mineralization (depletion of TOC content vs was used as the photocatalyst since this material exhibited the
irradiation time) and decomposition (decrease in absorption highest overall activity for the degradation of the model com-
intensity vs irradiation time) was calculated using the formula pound under investigation.
given below: The better photocatalytic activity of Degussa P25, could be
attributed to the fact that P25 is composed of small nano-crys-
d½TOC=dt ¼ kcn tallites of rutile dispersed within an anatase matrix. The
smaller band gap of rutile ‘‘catches’’ the photons, generating
d½A=dt ¼ kcn electronehole pairs. The electron transfer, from the rutile con-
duction band to electron traps in anatase phase takes place.
where TOC is the total organic carbon, A, the absorbance, k,
Recombination is thus inhibited allowing the hole to move
the rate constant, c, the concentration of the pollutant, and n,
to the surface of the particle and react [25].
the order of reaction.
Control experiments were carried out in all cases, employ-
ing unirradiated blank solutions. No observable loss of the 3.3. pH effect
compound occurs when the irradiation was carried out in the
absence of TiO2. The zero irradiation time readings were ob- An important parameter in the photocatalytic reactions tak-
tained from blank solutions kept in the dark, but otherwise ing place on the semiconductor particulate surface is the pH of
treated similarly to the irradiated solutions. the solution, since it dictates the surface charge properties of
the catalyst and therefore the adsorption behavior of the pol-
3.2. Comparison of different photocatalysts lutants. Influence of pH on the degradation of BTB (1) in
aqueous suspensions of TiO2 was studied at the pH range be-
Titanium dioxide is known to be the semiconductor with tween 2 and 9 under UV light source. Fig. 3 shows the degra-
the highest photocatalytic activity, is non-toxic, relatively in- dation rate for decomposition and mineralization of
expensive and stable in aqueous solution. Several reviews bromothymol blue as a function of reaction pH. The efficiency
of degradation was found to be more or less similar in the pH
0.8 0.008
0.6 0.006
0.4 0.004
0.2 0.002
0.0 0.000
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 P25 UV100 PC500 TTP
Irradiation time (min) Type of photocatalyst
Fig. 1. Depletion in TOC and change in absorption intensity as a function of Fig. 2. Comparison of degradation rate for the mineralization (TOC depletion
irradiation time for an aqueous solution of bromothymol blue (BTB, 1) in the vs irradiation time) and for the decomposition (change in absorption intensity
presence and absence of the photocatalyst. Experimental conditions: 0.25 mM vs irradiation time) of bromothymol blue (BTB, 1) in the presence of different
BTB, V ¼ 250 mL, photocatalyst TiO2 (Degussa P25, 1 g L1), immersion photocatalysts. Experimental conditions: 0.25 mM BTB, V ¼ 250 mL, photo-
well photoreactor, 125 W medium pressure Hg lamp, absorbance was followed catalysts: TiO2 (Degussa P25 1 g L1), Sachtleben Hombikat UV100
at 420 nm, cont. O2 purging and stirring, and irradiation time ¼ 90 min. (1 g L1), PC500 (1 g L1), TTP (1 g L1), and irradiation time ¼ 90 min.
446 M.M. Haque, M. Muneer / Dyes and Pigments 75 (2007) 443e448
0.0150 0.014
Degradation rate (mole L-1 min-1 * 10-3)
0.0025 0.002
0.0000 0.000
0 2 4 6 8 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
pH Substrate concentration (mM)
Fig. 3. Influence of pH on the degradation rate for the mineralization and de- Fig. 5. Influence of substrate concentration on the degradation rate for the min-
composition of bromothymol blue (BTB, 1). Experimental conditions: eralization and for the decomposition of bromothymol blue (BTB, 1). Exper-
0.25 mM BTB, V ¼ 250 mL, photocatalyst: TiO2 (Degussa P25, 1 g L1), re- imental conditions: BTB concentration (0.15, 0.25, 0.35 and 0.5 mM),
action pH (2.2, 4.6, 7.1 and 9.0), and irradiation time ¼ 90 min. V ¼ 250 mL, photocatalyst TiO2 (Degussa P25, 1 g L1), and irradiation
time ¼ 90 min.
0.020 4. Conclusion
Degradation rate (mole L-1 min-1 * 10-3)
TiO2 can efficiently catalyze the photodegradation of the
dye derivative bromothymol blue in the presence of light
and oxygen. The results of this study clearly demonstrate the
importance of choosing the optimum degradation parameters
to obtain high degradation rates of the model compound,
which is essential for any practical application of photocata-
0.005 lytic oxidation processes. Degussa P25 was found to be
a more efficient catalyst as compared to other TiO2 powders.
The electron acceptors have been found to enhance the degra-
0.000 dation rate of the pollutant.
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Catalyst concentration (gL-1) Acknowledgements
Fig. 6. Influence of catalyst concentration on the degradation rate for the min-
eralization and for the decomposition of bromothymol blue (BTB, 1). Exper- Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer used for the analy-
imental conditions: 0.25 mM BTB, V ¼ 250 mL, photocatalyst: TiO2 (Degussa ses of the samples was a gift equipment from the Alexander
P25 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 g L1), and irradiation time ¼ 90 min. von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany. Financial support
by the Department of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, India and The Muslim Association for the Ad-
Analysis of the samples after centrifugation indicates no ob- vancement of Science (MAAS), India, for providing Post Doc-
servable loss of the dye. toral Research Fellowship to Dr. M. M. Haque is gratefully
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