Mathematics Lesson Plan 6/2/18 Year Three: Maths Focus
Mathematics Lesson Plan 6/2/18 Year Three: Maths Focus
Mathematics Lesson Plan 6/2/18 Year Three: Maths Focus
Date: 6/2/18 Day: Tuesday Year Level: 3 Learning Area: Maths- Revising three digit numbers Type of Lesson: Revision/skill
development Learning Environment: Classroom
What do students already
know/ understand/can
This is a revision lesson of Three-digit numbers.
Focus Questions
Content descriptor/
Activities and Management Considerations Assessment
Proficiency Strand/s
- Then in groups students will work with the support cards 2 to make three-digit
Recognise, model,
numbers on the word expander and then use the support cards to make the
represent and order
numbers to at least 10 three-digit name and say it (make sure they use the hyphen appropriately).
000 (ACMNA052 -
Scootle )
Main Body
- Work through the support questionings in the student journal 1.2 with the
whole class before letting them work independently. Double check that
everyone knows what he or she is meant to be doing.
-work booklet or value houses to the tens of thousands.
- Have students come sit on the mat. Draw two value houses. Write a number
on the board and have two students try to make that number in the value
house. Have students say those numbers. Try get through every student. Use
the hand signal strategy to have students come up in pairs competing with an
appropriate levelled partner.
Tailored Plan
- One on one help for students who need it