Production of Nata de Coco - A Natural Dietary Fibre Product
Production of Nata de Coco - A Natural Dietary Fibre Product
Production of Nata de Coco - A Natural Dietary Fibre Product
Research Paper
Nata de coco is a natural dietary fibre food product obtained by static fermentation of any sugar rich substrate using
Gluconacetobacter xylinum. Nata producing microorganism has been isolated from sugarcane juice and was used to produce
nata. The yield of nata was about 250 gL-1 in coconut water medium. G. xylinum (sju-1) produced more quantity of nata
with thickness accounting to 13 mm and 15 mm in HS medium and mature coconut water medium, respectively. The
water holding capacity, hardness and crude fibre content of nata produced from coconut water medium were found to be
87.14%, 41 N and 11.25g respectively. The developed nata was formulated successfully in sugar syrup base using natural
colorant obtained from beet root pigment. It could be concluded that the mature coconut water can very well be exploited
for the development of nata-a value added fibre food, using G. xylinum (sju-1).
Keywords: Nata de coco, static fermentation, Gluconacetobacter xylinum, coconut water medium, value added fibre food
A large amount of mature coconut water is weight. The water trapped in the cellulose matrix is
discarded during the course of coconut processing. highly useful for its application in food industry as
Value addition of this nutritious liquid waste for a jelly like food. It has a distinct textural properties
the production of nata by static fermentation is like a firm chewy, soft and smooth surface and is
considered beneficial not only for reducing pollution rich in fibre. Apart from nata, many potentially high
problem but also producing a natural dietary fibre. value markets exist for thin film bacterial cellulose,
Bacterial cellulose produced by Gluconacetobacter including acoustic diaphragms, artificial skin, pulp
xylinum (formerly Acetobacter xylinum) at the air- and paper industry artificial blood vessels, liquid
liquid interface of coconut water is popularly known loaded medical pads, super-sorbers and specialty
as nata-de-coco. Nata derived from Latin word natare membranes. The production of nata is receiving
which means "to float" from fermenting coconut a great attention because of its wide application
water or fermenting rotting fruits. Nata can grow in possibilities (Keshk and Sameshima, 2006).
coconut milk, an abundant domestic waste product
Nata is relatively expensive to produce and as such
or in a nutrient medium. It is a white, gelatinous food
is unlikely to replace traditional sources of cellulose.
product popular in Philippines, Japan and Malaysia
Medium costs limit commercial use of nata. So use
(Kongruang, 2008). Being microbial cellulose, it is
of alternative substrates is one way to reduce the
highly hydrophilic, holding water over 100 times its
cost of producing nata. Coconut water is a tasty and
Production of Nata de Coco - a Natural Dietary Fibre Product from Mature Coconut Water...
Table 1. Physicochemical Characteristics of nata de coco food supplement used to control serum triglycerides
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characteristics medium medium Conclusion
Wet weight of 180.00 250.00
cellulose(g/L) Nata de coco prepared using mature coconut water
±0.82 ±0.21
could serve as a healthy dietary fibre food. It can be
Moisture (%) 92.27 92.90
used in desserts, ice cream and as salad dressings.
±2.10 ±3.12 G. xylinum (sju-1) strain isolated from fermented
pH (final) 4.00 4.50 sugarcane juice produced more quantities of nata
±0.16 ±0.07 than the earlier strains. Nata has got a high market
Thickness (mm) 13.00 15.00 potential in South East Asian countries.
±0.14 ±0.01
Hardness (N) 43 41
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