Blockchain in IOT, Opportunities & Challenges: Workshop On IOT Msrit S Chetan Kumar (

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Blockchain in IOT,

Opportunities & Challenges

Workshop on IOT
S Chetan Kumar ([email protected])
What is
• Briefly: Bitcon is a distribution database of records OR public ledger

• Each transactions in the ledger is verified by consensus of majority of

participants in the system DISTRIBUTED CONCENSUS

• Once entered, the entry in the ledger can never be erased

An Example:
• It is a crypto currency, the ownership of this currency and
transactions are governed by block chain
• Each transaction is protected through a digital signature
• Each transaction is broadcast to every node in the Bitcoin network
and is then recorded in a public ledger after verification
• Verifying node needs to ensure two things before recording any
• Spender owns the cryptocurrency—digital signature verification on the
• Spender has sufficient cryptocurrency in his/her account: c
History of BitCoin
• In year 2008, anonymous author with the name of Satoshi Nakamoto
published a paper entitled “Bitcoin: A Peer-To-Peer Electronic Cash System”
• 2008
• August 18 Domain name "" registered
• October 31 Bitcoin design paper published
• November 09 ​Bitcoin project registered at
• 2009
• January 3 Genesis block established at 18:15:05 GMT
• January 9 Bitcoin v0.1 released and announced on the cryptography mailing list
• January 12 First Bitcoin transaction, in block 170 from Satoshi to Hal Finney
The Transaction
• Each owner transfer the coin to
next by signing the previous
• The payee can verify the chain
of ownership
• How do stop double spending ?
• The owner can send two
transaction to two different
• Who would be new owner
A distributed time server
• The double spending can be stopped, if there a time stamp
• The new owner is one who received the money first
• Can be easily implemented if there is a universal time stamp server

• Which is not possible !! We need a distributed time server

Chaining the blocks
• To implement distributed time server, agree on a certain task, completing
the task is “Proof of Work”
• A task can be to find a random number, when added gives a specific Hash

• Nodes that preform the work are called ‘miners’

• Miners gets rewarded for the task completed
Adding it together
• New transactions are broadcast to all nodes.
• Each node collects new transactions into a block.
• Each node works on finding a difficult proof-of-work for its block.
• When a node finds a proof-of-work, it broadcasts the block to all
• Nodes accept the block only if all transactions in it are valid and not
already spent.
• Nodes express their acceptance of the block by working on creating
the next block in the chain, using the hash of the accepted block as
the previous hash.
• Distributed: No centralized controller, completely peer to peer and
distributed record

• The ledger is broadcasted to all, can be verified using public key


• Immutable record: Once a block is added, it can not be changed, if

changed, need to re-do the entire block, to satisfy the “Proof of work”
Application of blockchain
• Crypto currency
• Smart contracts
• Decentralized Notary
• Digital assets
• Supply Chain
• Digital Rights management
• Stock trading
• Identity management
• Document storage
What is IOT ?
• Connecting “Things” that can operate independently

• Things (sensors) are connected to other things


• Has computing power to perform certain coordinated


• Creates a smart world: smart homes, smart street,

smart city
What is happening today
• IOT in mainstream consumer applications
• Smart homes, google home, amazon eco, smart watches etc.
• IOT in mainstream Industrial applications
• Solar power production monitoring
• Industrial safety monitoring systems
• IOT in mainstream personal/medical applications
• Fitbits, diabetic monitoring, BP/heart rate monitoring
• IOT in mainstream community applications
• Pollution monitoring, environment/locality monitoring
IOT and Block Chain
• IOT is distributed system, but
• Today most of these works with support from centralized infrastructure
• The sensors & actuators can talk to each other, but can not execute
coordinated tasks, without trust

• A de-centralized system like Block Chain can help

• A smart contracts can be established and executed across peer group

of devices, with trust !

• Can form a low cost and low maintenance trusted eco system
Opportunity: New paradigm in manufacturing
Just in Time manufacturing
• Just in time manufacturing
• All manufacturing done using 3D printer
• No inventory!!

• Consider: You see a car and want to purchase

• Take photo and upload to just time manufacturing portal
Just in Time manufacturing
• The request received at fullfillment center, job created
• Automated 3D modelling and design by designing software
• The job transferred to 3D printer and laser cutting machine
• Required tasks performed
• The job and material transferred to other unit/organization using an
drone OR driverless vehicle
• The more designs and tasks performed in other unit, and transferred
• Final product shipped back to user, in a drone/diverless vehicle
How does this work

Smart Smart Smart Smart

Order Placed Contracts Contracts
Contracts Contracts

USER Design Center Move job to Final

Other unit Shipment
How ?
• Require distributed trust system

• Each unit (a group of devices) must operate autonomously

• Each unit must perform the task, complete the contracts

• Must link the whole system via a common goal (for eg. Manufacturing
a car)
Smart Contracts
• Smart contracts are computer protocols that facilitate, verify, or
enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract, or that make a
contractual clause unnecessary.
Opportunity: Security
A Distributed Security System
• To onboard devices in a secure way

• Centralized system do now work well.. IOT is distributed !!

• A secure system to exchange peer-to-peer data

• A secure system to accept and act on commands

Block chain for security
• Identify management Block chain based PKI
• Eliminates need for centralized system for key management

• Integrity management
• A keyless signature structure using block chain

• Reduce attacks, using block chain based network services


• New technology
• While well adopted, still not many understand the core technical details
• Not well exposed in other areas, barring crypto currency
• Processing power
• Require quite a bit of processing power
• Can IOT devices afford ? Can Audino run this ?
• But remember moorse law, computing power will increase and cost gets
• Storage
• Seeks significant storage
• Can IOT devices support this ?
• There may be miners like devices for IOT, how do we incentivize them ?

• Scalability
• IOT is all about scale, million, billions of devices (50billion by 2020 ?)
• Can the algorithm scale well at these numbers
• Currently there is around 16M bitcoins and will max out at 21M
[email protected]

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