2016 - MOMENI - Degradation and Hemostatic Properties of Polyphosphate Coacervates

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Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341

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Full length article

Degradation and hemostatic properties of polyphosphate coacervates

Arash Momeni, Mark Joseph Filiaggi ⇑
School of Biomedical Engineering, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5, Canada
Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Applied Oral Sciences, Dalhousie University, 5981 University Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sodium polyphosphate is a linear polymer formed from phosphate units linked together by sharing oxy-
Received 2 February 2016 gen atoms. Addition of calcium to a solution of sodium polyphosphate results in phase separation and
Received in revised form 6 May 2016 formation of a polyphosphate coacervate best described as a polymeric rich viscoelastic material.
Accepted 1 June 2016
Polyphosphate coacervate is an interesting candidate as a biomaterial based on its ability to bind with
Available online 2 June 2016
different cations and to be loaded with drugs. Here, in vitro degradation and hemostatic properties of
polyphosphate coacervates are comprehensively evaluated. We show that polyphosphate coacervates
degrade and dissolve at a fast rate, losing half of their original mass in a week and transforming to mainly
pyrophosphate after 4 weeks. This burst dissolution phase happens earlier for the coacervate prepared
Degradation from very short chain polyphosphate but overall using longer polyphosphate chains does not increase
Hemostasis the coacervate longevity significantly. Substitution of Ca with Sr or Ba does not affect the hydrolysis of
coacervates but slows down their dissolution into the media. In a whole blood clotting assay, coacervates
profoundly decrease the clotting time especially when very long chain polyphosphates are used. While
coacervate chain length and divalent cation type were found to significantly affect prothrombin time
and thromboplastin time compared to the control, no discernible trends were observed. Platelets adhere
in large numbers to coacervates, especially those containing long chain polyphosphate, but the cell mor-
phology observed suggests that they might not to be fully activated. Overall, the long chain polyphos-
phate coacervate holds a great potential as a resorbable hemostatic agent.

Statement of Significance

Divalent cation additions to a sodium polyphosphate solution result in polyphosphate coacervates, or

highly viscous gel-like materials, having great potential in bio-applications such as drug delivery and
hemostasis. As these coacervates degrade in aqueous environments, we undertook a comprehensive eval-
uation to better understand the impact of polyphosphate chain length and divalent cation substitution on
this hydrolytic response in order to better predict degradation behavior in the body. Furthermore, there is
great interest in the role of polyphosphates in hemostasis following recent publications showing that pla-
telets secrete polyphosphates upon thrombin stimulation. In this paper, we evaluate the hemostatic
potential of polyphosphate coacervates as bulk constructs, demonstrating that indeed these materials
hold great potential as a degradable hemostatic agent.
Ó 2016 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Sodium polyphosphate (NaPP) is an inorganic polymer with the

following chemical formula:

⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Biomedical Engineering, Dalhousie Univer- A phase separation occurs for solutions of NaPP in the presence
sity, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5, Canada. of divalent cations (MII); MII with large ionic radius (e.g. Sr2+ and
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.J. Filiaggi). Ba2+) induce flocculation while smaller MII (e.g. Mg2+ and Ca2+)

1742-7061/Ó 2016 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341 329

induce coacervation [1]. The term coacervation is defined as the cation and phosphate ion release. The potential of polyphosphate
separation into two liquid phases, while flocculation is the forma- coacervates as bulk constructs in hemostasis is also evaluated by
tion of floc or flake solids [2]. The phase separation of polyelec- using conventional blood clotting assays including whole blood
trolytes in the presence of MII is governed principally by clotting time, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time and
hydrophobic and electrostatic forces [3]. In the case of NaPP, the platelet adhesion.
phase separation is induced by the screening of the negative
charges on polyphosphate chains by condensed MII and also forma- 2. Materials & method
tion of hydrophobic MII-phosphate complexes [4]. Experimentally
we have observed that polyphosphates coacervates rather than 2.1. Starting materials
flocculates can still be obtained if some of the Ca2+ is substituted
with Sr2+ or Ba2+, but their physical properties, including rheology, NaPPs with different Dp (20 to 1E+04) were prepared fresh and
are profoundly different from their Ca2+-only counterparts [5]. characterized as comprehensively reported [20]. Briefly, NaPPs
Polyphosphate coacervates flow properties are also highly depen- with Dp < 500 were produced by heating NaH2PO4H2O (Sigma-
dent on polyphosphate average degree of polymerization (Dp ) [5]. Aldrich) at 700 °C for 1 h to obtain an NaPP glass, followed by ace-
We believe polyphosphate coacervate is an interesting candi- tone fractionation to yield batches of NaPP with varied Dp . NaPPs
date as a biomaterial based on its simple chemistry, hydrolysis into
with Dp > 500 were produced by heating KH2PO4 (Sigma-Aldrich)
simple byproducts (i.e. phosphate salts), ability to bind with differ-
at 775 °C for 30 min to obtain a potassium Kurrol salt, followed
ent cations and to be loaded with drugs. In fact, polyphosphate
by an ion exchange process to replace potassium with sodium.
coacervates are directly related to the widely investigated phos-
Subsequent to these acetone fractionation and ion exchange pro-
phate bio-glasses with the general chemical formula (MI2O)x or
cesses, the NaPP solutions were freeze-dried to yield NaPP powders
(MIIO)x(P2O5)1x where x is close to 0.5 and MI represents a monova-
that were characterized by liquid 31P NMR and viscosity to deter-
lent cation such as Na+. The potential of such phosphate glasses has
been previously evaluated in tissue engineering [6], therapeutic ion mine Dp . It is also very important to know the exact mol of phos-
release [7], and drug delivery [8]. There are also a few studies on the phorus per g of NaPP, as NaPP batches prepared using the
potential of polyphosphate coacervates as a glass precursor for coat- methods described above all contain residual water [20]. There-
ing [9,10]. Recently, the potential of silver loaded polyphosphate fore, using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spec-
coacervates as an antibacterial agent was also demonstrated [11]. troscopy (ICP) (OptimaTM 7300 V ICP-OES, Perkin Elmer
Great interest has also developed regarding the role of Instruments, USA) this ratio was determined for each batch. NaPP
polyphosphate in hemostasis following the 2004 discovery by Ruiz powders were stored at 20 °C. A commercial NaPP with Dp of 27
et al. [12] that showed specific platelet organelles, known as dense was also used in these investigations (ICL Performance Products LP,
granules, are rich in polyphosphates; upon thrombin stimulation Missouri, USA). 1 M MII solutions were prepared from chloride salts
platelets secrete these polyphosphates within a minute. This find- of calcium (CaCl22H2O), strontium (SrCl26H2O) and barium
ing triggered several studies by other groups focusing on the role of (BaCl22H2O) (Sigma-Aldrich) and used as the source for MII in sub-
polyphosphate in the coagulation cascade [13–17]. These studies sequent coacervate preparation. Tris buffer saline (TBS) was pre-
concluded that polyphosphate acts at 3 different points in the pared using Tris base and Tris HCl and NaCl, all from Sigma-
blood coagulation cascade: (1) triggering the contact pathway by Aldrich. Fetal bovine serum (FBS) was also from Sigma-Aldrich.
activating factor XII; (2) accelerating the activation of factor V by Sodium azide (Sigma-Aldrich) was added to FBS at 0.1% g/mL to
thrombin and factor Xa; and (3) increasing the stability of fibrin. prevent bacterial growth. All other materials were of reagent
In all of these experiments soluble NaPP was used. This approach grade.
could be debated since, in vivo, platelets release polyphosphates
and calcium simultaneously resulting in the formation of 2.2. Preparing polyphosphate coacervates
polyphosphate precipitates, coacervates or particles; it is therefore
essential to determine if calcium polyphosphate precipitates/coac- In this study, all coacervates were prepared by adding MII solu-
ervates are equally as important as their precursor, soluble NaPP, tions to the NaPP solutions to a total MII/P molar ratio of 0.5. Six
in hemostasis. Recently, Donovan et al. considered this postulation distinct formulations were prepared for degradation studies as
using calcium polyphosphate nanoparticles and showed that these shown in Table 1, and another six formulations were prepared
nanoparticles are also a potent activator of the contact pathway for blood studies as shown in Table 2.
[18]. For degradation studies the three variables were polyphosphate
We recently utilized coacervation process to develop an aque- Dp , Sr2+ or Ba2+ substitution and the type of degradation medium.
ous, radiopaque, resorbable, in situ-forming embolic agent [19]. To investigate the effect of Dp , Ca2+-only formulations 1, 4 and 6
Embolization is a minimally invasive interventional radiology pro- (Table 1) were prepared using NaPPs having greater than one order
cedure used to block blood flow in a targeted blood vessel. This of magnitude difference in their initial Dp ; here, Dp of 0.2 ± 0.0 E
procedure is used to treat many conditions including: tumors, +02, 6.0 ± 1.0 E+02 and 0.9 ± 0.1 E+04, as determined by liquid
aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations. The polyphosphate 31
P NMR and viscosity were used. To evaluate the effect of Ca2+
liquid embolic agent is comprised of two aqueous solutions; one substitution with Sr2+ or Ba2+, formulations 2 and 3 were prepared
consisting of NaPP and the other containing divalent cations, which which have similar Dp to formulation 1 except that 30% of the Ca2+
form a coacervate on contact. These two solutions could be sepa- is replaced with these larger cations to yield theoretical Sr/P or
rately delivered to the injection site using a dual lumen catheter Ba/P molar ratios of 0.15; substitutions beyond this 30% thresh-
in order to form the coacervate in situ blocking the blood vessel. old results in precipitates that flocculate rather than aggregate to
Further development of polyphosphate coacervates for bio- form a coacervate. Formulation 5 is identical compositionally to
applications such as embolization requires understanding their formulation 4, with the resulting coacervate maintained in FBS
degradation behavior and hemostatic ability. In this paper, the rather than the TBS used for the other experimental groups.
degradation response is evaluated as a function of initial polyphos- For formulations 1, 4, 5 and 6 1% (w/v) NaPP solutions were pre-
phate Dp , the type of incorporated MII and degradation medium by pared in deionized water and then enough 1 M Ca2+ solution is
measuring the overall weight loss, decrease in Dp and divalent added to reach a theoretical Ca/P molar ratio of 0.5. For each NaPP
330 A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341

Table 1
Degradation studies; Theoretical and experimental composition and water content of different coacervate formulations used in degradation studies (numbers show
average ± STD).

Formula Original NaPP Dp Theoretical molar Degradation Dissolved coacervate Dp Experimental molar ratio (n = 3)e Water content (wt.%)
(n = 3)a ratiob mediumc (n = 3)d (n = 3)f
Ca/P Sr/P Ba/P Ca/P Sr/P Ba/P
1 6.0 ± 1.0E+02 0.50 N/A N/A TBS 3.8 ± 0.2E+02 0.41 ± 0.01 N/A N/A 39.3 ± 0.4
2 6.0 ± 1.0E+02 0.35 0.15 N/A TBS 4.2 ± 0.8E+02 0.28 ± 0.00 0.12 ± 0.00 N/A 38.6 ± 0.8
3 6.0 ± 1.0E+02 0.35 N/A 0.15 TBS 6.4 ± 1.6E+02 0.25 ± 0.00 N/A 0.13 ± 0.00 33.1 ± 0.3
4 0.9 ± 0.1 E+04a 0.50 N/A N/A TBS 1.0 ± 0.3E+03 0.40 ± 0.01 N/A N/A 40.0 ± 0.4
5 0.9 ± 0.1 E+04a 0.50 N/A N/A FBS 1.1 ± 0.2E+03 0.37 ± 0.01 N/A N/A 41.1 ± 0.8
6 0.2 ± 0.0E+02 0.50 N/A N/A TBS 0.2 ± 0.0E+02 0.45 ± 0.00 N/A N/A 44.0 ± 1.3
Dp of NaPP used in preparation of the coacervates, determined by viscosity in formulations 4 and 5 and by NMR in all other formulations.
MII/P molar ratio used in preparation of the coacervates.
TBS: Tris-Buffer-Saline; FBS: Fetal-Bovine-Serum.
Dp of polyphosphate chains inside the coacervates as determined by NMR after their dissolution in EDTA.
MII/P molar ratio of the coacervates determined by ICP after their dissolution in EDTA.
Weight% water inside each formulation determined by weighing the coacervates after freeze-drying.

Table 2
Hemostasis studies; Theoretical and experimental composition and density of different coacervate formulations used in hemostasis studies (numbers show average ± STD).

Formula Original NaPP Dp (n = 3)a Theoretical molar Dissolved coacervate Dp (n P 5)c Experimental molar ratio (n P 5)d Density (g/mL) (n = 6)e
Ca/P Sr/P Ba/P Ca/P Sr/P Ba/P
1 1.0 ± 0.1E+04a 0.50 N/A N/A 0.2 ± 0.1E+04 0.40 ± 0.02 N/A N/A 1.65 ± 0.15
2 3.6 ± 0.7E+02 0.50 N/A N/A 4.4 ± 0.6E+02 0.40 ± 0.02 N/A N/A 1.60 ± 0.15
3 1.6 ± 0.4E+02 0.50 N/A N/A 1.9 ± 0.3E+02 0.40 ± 0.01 N/A N/A 1.65 ± 0.07
4 0.3 ± 0.0E+02 0.50 N/A N/A 0.4 ± 0.0E+02 0.41 ± 0.01 N/A N/A 1.68 ± 0.11
5 1.6 ± 0.4E+02 0.35 0.15 N/A 1.8 ± 0.3E+02 0.26 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.01 N/A 1.78 ± 0.10
6 1.6 ± 0.4E+02 0.35 N/A 0.15 1.7 ± 0.2E+02 0.26 ± 0.01 N/A 0.13 ± 0.01 1.85 ± 0.08
Dp of NaPP used in preparation of the coacervates, determined by viscosity in formulations 1 and by NMR in all other formulations.
MII/P molar ratio used in preparation of the coacervates.
Dp of polyphosphate chains inside the coacervates as determined by NMR after their dissolution in EDTA.
MII/P molar ratio of the coacervates as determined by ICP after their dissolution in EDTA.
Coacervate density as determined by weighing a coacervate volume of 0.25 mL.

batch, the exact mol of phosphorus per g of NaPP is known based and the assumption that all of the MII used during preparation
on ICP elemental analysis. Calculations were carried out for each was trapped inside the coacervate. Subsequently, the volume of
individual batch of NaPP to determine the volume of 1 M Ca2+ (or 200 mM EDTA solution required to dissolve each piece was calcu-
other cations) required to reach the theoretical divalent cation to lated assuming the need for 1.2 mol of EDTA for each mol of MII.
phosphorus molar ratio of Table 1. For formulations 2 and 3, first Using this approach, complete coacervate dissolution was rou-
Sr2+ or Ba2+ solutions were added to the 1% (w/v) NaPP solutions tinely achieved in less than one hour. Following dissolution, the
to achieve a theoretical Sr/P or Ba/P molar ratio of 0.15 before add- amount of Ca, Sr, Ba and P was determined using ICP and the ratio
ing Ca2+ solution to obtain a total MII/P molar ratio of 0.5. All solu- of MII/P reported as an experimental molar ratio.
tions were subsequently mixed for 5 min and the resulting To determine the weight% water content in each sample, three
coacervate collected from the bottom of the beaker for composi- additional pieces sampled from the coacervates were weighed,
tional, structural, degradation analysis and for corresponding blood then freeze-dried using a FreeZoneÒ 1 Liter Benchtop Freeze Dry
studies. System (Labconco Corp., USA) at 43 °C in pressures lower than
To evaluate the hemostatic properties of these constructs, 6 dis- 13.3 Pa until a constant mass was achieved. The decrease in weight
tinct coacervate formulations (Table 2) were prepared in a manner following freeze drying was used to determine the weight% water
similar to that described above. The effect of polyphosphates Dp inside each coacervate.
was assessed using Ca2+-only formulations 1–4. To evaluate the To assess coacervate density, six individual samples from each
impact of larger cations on this response, formulations 5 and 6 formulation, each having a volume of 0.25 mL, was weighed; accu-
were prepared with similar Dp to formulation 3 except that 30% rate volume determinations were possible owing to the liquid-like
of the Ca2+ required for coacervation was substituted with Sr2+ or behavior of these coacervates that aided in collection of these
Ba2+. samples.

2.3. Characterizing polyphosphate coacervates 2.3.2. Degree of polymerization

Using the same EDTA-dissolved samples, polyphosphate Dp
2.3.1. Composition, water content and density within the coacervates was determined immediately after dissolu-
Coacervate composition was analyzed by ICP. A minimum of tion by a Bruker AV300 MHz NMR spectrometer at 101.26 MHz,
three small pieces sampled from each formulation was dissolved using a 15° pulse, 65536 (64 k) data points giving a 0.8 s acquisi-
in 200 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA) tion time, a 7.0 s repetition rate and greater than 100 scans. Spectra
at a pH of 10. The mol of MII present in each sample was roughly were analyzed by Bruker TopSpin 1.3 software and reported using
estimated based on the known volume of the original coacervate the d scale, with positive values downfield, and were referenced to
A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341 331

an 85% solution of H3PO4 in H2O. The peaks at approximately 0, 5 bath and shaken to visually check for blood flow. Clotting time
to 10, and 20 to 22 ppm represent the Q0 (Orthophosphates), was reported as the time required to achieve no blood flow when
Q1 (End of chain phosphorus atoms) and Q2-middle (Middle of chain the tube was shaken or rotated (n = 6).
phosphorus atoms in polyphosphates), respectively [21]. The peaks
higher than 22 ppm represent phosphate groups in the rings (i.e.
2.5.2. Prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time
metaphosphates) with the exception of the trimetaphosphate
Prothrombin time (PT) measures the time required for platelet
peak, which is at 21.4 ppm. The area under the peaks represent-
poor plasma to form a fibrin gel after addition of tissue factor; it
ing phosphate groups in the rings were separated from the
measures the state of extrinsic and common pathways of the coag-
Q2-middle peaks by Lorentzian deconvolution of the spectra in the
ulation cascade. PT was measured here in the presence of coacer-
20 to 24 ppm region. Based on the relative area under the
vates and controls. Freeze-dried normal human platelet poor
peaks, the Dp was determined according to the following equation plasma (PPP) from Biomedica Diagnostics Inc. (Windsor, NS) was
[20]: rehydrated based on manufacturer instructions and used immedi-
2  ðQ 1 þ Q 2-middle Þ ately. PT agent from Biomedica was also rehydrated and used
Dp ¼ ð1Þ immediately. PT for PPP was found to be 13 ± 1 s, in agreement
with the product certificate. With such a short time period, it
was not possible to distinguish between coacervate formulations.
2.4. Degradation of polyphosphate coacervates Therefore, a 1/6 dilution of the PT agent was used instead of pure
PT agent in all measurements in order to delay the PT. PT was sub-
A cumulative type of degradation study was performed sequently measured as follows: 0.1 mL samples each of the coacer-
whereby, every 24 h, almost all of the degradation medium was vate formulations (Table 2) were added to 2 mL round bottom
withdrawn and replenished with fresh medium. This type of degra- EppendorfÒ tubes and maintained at 37 °C in a water bath.
dation study minimizes the precipitation of degradation byprod- 200 lL of 1/6 diluted PT agent was added to each tube, and incu-
ucts into the media. At selected time intervals, a sample was bated for a maximum of 30 s at 37 °C. Subsequently, 100 lL of
sacrificed to assess dry weight loss, composition by ICP and Dp 37 °C PPP was added to each tube, and the timer started immedi-
by NMR. The cumulative amount of cations and phosphorous ately. The time required for the fibrin gel to form was reported
release was also determined. as the PT (n = 6); tubes were continuously tilted back and forth
48 small pieces sampled from each coacervate formulation in to a 45° position and the timer halted with the appearance of fibrin
Table 1, each weighing 100 ± 2 mg, were placed inside individual gel.
1.5 mL EppendorfÒ tubes. To these tubes (a total of 6 replicates  8 Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) represents the
time-points (=48) tubes for each formulation) 1 mL of 0.1 M TBS time required for platelet poor plasma to form a fibrin gel after
(pH 7.4 at 37 °C) (or FBS for formulation 5) was added and kept addition of a contact pathway activator; it measures the state of
at 37 °C on a horizontal shaker at 100 rpm. At 24 h intervals, intrinsic and common pathways of the coagulation cascade. aPTT
0.9 mL of the solution was collected and replaced by a fresh solu- was determined using a standard assay (Biomedica). aPTT for PPP
tion. The cumulative amount of released elements in these col- was found to be 38 ± 3 s, in agreement with the product certificate.
lected solutions was determined by ICP after correcting for the aPTT was measured by addition of 100 lL of 37 °C incubated aPTT
0.1 mL of media that remained. In addition, at each time point agent (ellagic acid, Biomedica) to each EppendorfÒ tube containing
(i.e., 0, 3, 12, 24, 48 h, 7, 14 and 27 days) 6 tubes containing the 0.1 mL of coacervates (Table 2), followed by immediate addition of
coacervates were collected and washed with water twice. Three 100 lL 37 °C PPP. Each tube was incubated at 37 °C for 3 min. Sub-
of these washed samples were dissolved by EDTA and analyzed sequently, 100 lL 0.02 M Ca2+ solution (prepared from CaCl22H2O)
was added, and the timer started immediately. The time for the fib-
for composition by ICP and for Dp by liquid 31P NMR as described
rin gel to form was reported as the aPTT (n = 6). For both PT and
previously. The remaining three coacervate samples were freeze-
aPTT, empty tubes and 5  3  3 mm3 pieces of SURGIFOAMÒ
dried at 43 °C in pressures lower than 13.3 Pa until a constant
soaked in water prior to measurements served as experimental
mass was reached in order to assess dry weight loss of the coacer-
and commercial controls, respectively.
vates over time. Note that for formulation 6 degradation was mon-
itored for 14 days only.
2.5.3. Platelet adhesion test
2.5. Hemostatic properties of polyphosphate coacervates A platelet adhesion test was used to quantitatively assess the
number of platelets adhering to the coacervates, complemented
2.5.1. Whole blood clotting time assay by SEM imaging to visualize this cell-coacervate interaction. This
A simple in vitro whole blood clotting time assay was used to platelet adhesion test was adapted from Ong et al. [22] and Dai
evaluate the overall hemostatic potential of formulations. et al. [23], with platelet separation from the blood achieved using
0.25 mL coacervate samples from each of the formulations a protocol developed by Cazenave et al. [24]. Rat blood was col-
described in Table 2 was added to a FalconÒ 14 mL round bottom lected by a certified veterinarian according to the university’s ani-
polypropylene tube and maintained in a 37 °C water bath; based mal ethics regulations. Roughly 3.6 mL of blood was collected in
on the size of the tube, each coacervate had an exposed contact sodium citrate tubes (3.8%) and centrifuged at 3600 rpm for
surface area of 115 mm2. 5  5  5 mm3 pieces of commercial 10 min to yield a red layer of cells at the bottom, plasma at top
gelatin sponge (SURGIFOAMÒ from ETHICONTM), giving an apparent and a buffy layer in between. The top portion of the buffy layer
surface area of 150 mm2, were used as a commercial hemostat con- and plasma were collected using a Pasteur pipette and centrifuged
trol, with empty polypropylene tubes serving as a second control. for the second time at 4400 rpm for 5 min, resulting in a pellet of
0.1 mL of 0.2 M Ca2+ solution (prepared from CaCl22H2O) was platelets along with supernatant platelet poor plasma that was dis-
added to 1 mL of fresh citrated sheep blood (CEDARLANEÒ), and carded. Platelets were re-suspended in 10 mL of buffer without any
then 0.2 mL aliquots were dispensed to each tube containing the Ca2+ or Mg2+ (140 mM NaCl, 3 mM KCl, 12 mM NaHCO3, 0.4 mM
coacervates or controls. Each tube was shaken for few seconds NaH2PO4, 0.1% glucose, pH 7.4, adjusted with 4% HEPES) [22].
and then placed in a 37 °C water bath. After 2 min, and at every The number of platelets in this suspension was determined to be
20 s interval thereafter, the tube was removed from the water 2  108/mL, as measured by a hemocytometer.
332 A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341

50 lL of coacervate (Table 2) or control (5  3  3 mm3 pieces incorporate into the coacervate during preparation, remaining
of SURGIFOAMÒ) was placed inside a 96-well microplate, with 8 instead inside the supernatant solution. Tables 1 and 2 also sum-
replicates per formulation. 6 of these replicates were for platelet marize the Dp of the polyphosphates inside the coacervates follow-
counting, with the remaining two samples reserved for SEM ing dissolution in EDTA (Dissolved coacervate Dp) relative to the Dp
imaging. of the starting NaPP used for coacervate formation. For coacervates
10 lL of 1 M Mg2+ (prepared from MgCl26H2O) and 25 lL of
prepared using shorter chain NaPPs (Dp < 500), a trend was seen
1 M Ca2+ (prepared from CaCl22H2O) were added to the platelet
rich buffer suspension, and then 150 lL of the resulting solution whereby the Dp of polyphosphates within the coacervates was
was added immediately to each well. The microplate was main- higher than that of the original NaPP. However, this increase was
tained at 37 °C for 1 h on an orbital shaker. The supernatant was only significant (p value < 0.01) for the formulation 4 in Table 2.
discarded and each well was washed three times with 0.01 M This observation would be consistent with some of the shorter
PBS to remove non-adhered platelets. Subsequently, 100 lL of 1% chain polyphosphates not getting incorporated into the coacervate.
Triton X-100 in PBS was added to each well and kept at 37 °C for The large STD for dissolved coacervate Dp in formulations 4 and 5
1 h on an orbital shaker to lyse any adhered platelets. Lactate dehy- (Table 1) and formulation 1 (Table 2) is due to the lack of precision
drogenase (LDH) enzyme released upon lysing was measured using of the NMR method used for measuring the Dp in this very long
a LDH/LD kit (TOX7 SIGMA In Vitro Toxicology Assay Kit, Lactic chain range. For these long chain formulations, the drop in Dp for
Dehydrogenase based). Briefly, 50 lL of the platelet lysed triton the coacervate compared to that of original NaPP is presumably
solution was added to 100 lL of a LDH mixture inside a microplate. the result of chain hydrolysis.
This LDH mixture was prepared by addition of equal volumes of Table 1 also shows the weight percentage of water inside the
LDH substrate, dye and cofactor. The microplate was covered to coacervates. A significant percentage of coacervates weight,
protect from light and kept at room temperature for 15 min. Back- around 40%, is water. This water content was significantly lower
ground absorbance was then measured at 690 nm and this value in Ba2+-loaded samples compared to all other samples. The density
subtracted from the primary absorbance wavelength measurement measurements are shown in Table 2; here it can be seen that the
at 490 nm to correct for nonspecific background values caused by Sr2+- and Ba2+-loaded formulations 5 and 6 were significantly more
well plate variability, fingerprints, etc. A SynergyTM HT microplate dense than the corresponding Ca2+-only formulation 3 (p val-
reader (BioTekÒ) was used for spectrophotometric measurement. ues < 0.05 and <0.01, respectively, based on a two-tailed student
A calibration curve based on the number of platelets and corre- t-test). The higher density observed for the Sr2+- and Ba2+-loaded
sponding absorbance was developed and used to determine the coacervates is presumably due to the higher atomic number of
number of adhered platelets. Here, different volumes of the origi- these elements and their lower water content, especially in the
nal platelet rich buffer suspension with a known number of plate- Ba-loaded samples (see Table 1), resulting in a more highly concen-
lets was lysed by addition of enough volume of 1% triton x-100 in trated coacervate. Based on single factor ANOVA analysis, Dp was
PBS to reach 100 lL in total, followed by the LDH assay as found to have no significant effect on the density of the resulting
described above. coacervates (formulations 1–4 in Table 2).
Two samples from each formulation were used for SEM imag-
ing. In these samples supernatant was removed and wells washed
3 times with 0.01 M PBS. Subsequently, 250 lL of 0.1 M PBS con- 3.2. Polyphosphate coacervates degradation
taining 2.5% glutaraldehyde and 2.0% paraformaldehyde (pH 7.4)
was added to each well containing coacervates and SURGIFOAMÒ Fig. 1 shows images for formulation 1 (Table 1) over the degra-
and left for 2 h at 37 °C. Following this fixation step, samples were dation period; similar images for all other formulations are pro-
placed in 15 mL glass vials and serially dehydrated by addition of vided in the supplementary results section. Initially all
2 mL of 25, 50, 75 and 100% ethanol. From each formulation one formulations were cohesive, gel-like materials. Formulation 1
sample was dried by a critical point dryer (Leica EM CPD300, Leica was more transparent than formulations 2 and 3, which contained
Microsystems) and the second sample was freeze-dried (FreeZoneÒ Sr and Ba, respectively. Visually, degradation for all coacervate
1 Liter Benchtop Freeze Dry System, Labconco Corp., USA) after sample groups was very similar. A white opaque layer formed on
replacement of ethanol with tert-butanol. Dried samples were the surface of the coacervate that was in direct contact with the
mounted on stubs and a 10 nm gold/palladium coating was applied degradation medium, and over time this white layer penetrates
using a sputter coater (Leica EM ACE200, Leica Microsystems) prior deeper into the coacervate, eventually transforming all of the coac-
to SEM imaging (Hitachi S-4700 FEG Scanning Electron ervate into a white opaque powder-like material that lacked any
Microscope). cohesive property and could be easily broken up.
Fig. 2 describes the weight loss of the coacervates over time.
Significant weight loss was observed for all formulations between
2.6. Statistical analysis
48 h and 1 week, followed by a reduced rate of weight loss. There
was no significant weight loss difference between medium and
Single factor ANOVA analysis and two-tailed student t-test
long chain formulations 1 and 4 except at 27 days; however,
were used to determine statistically significant differences
weight loss for the short chain Ca2+-only formulation 6 was clearly
(p-values < 0.05) between formulations and the controls.
initiated earlier at 24 h, with significantly lower weight observed
compared to medium and long chain formulations at the 24 and
3. Results 48 h time-points.
Ca2+-only coacervate (Formulation 1 of Table 1) lost signifi-
3.1. Polyphosphate coacervates characterization cantly more weight than Sr2+- or Ba2+-loaded coacervates (Formu-
lations 2 and 3 of Table 1) at 7, 14 and 27 days. Although the
Tables 1 and 2 show the experimental molar ratio of coacer- Sr2+-loaded samples appeared more stable than corresponding
vates determined using ICP. It is clear from this data that the total Ba2+-loaded samples, statistically no significant differences in
experimental MII/P molar ratio in coacervates is lower than the weight loss were noted except at 48 h.
theoretical values (0.5), with experimental values of approximately At 7, 14 and 27 days formulation 5 of Table 1 that was
0.4 obtained. This discrepancy implies that some of the MII do not maintained in FBS lost significantly less weight compared to the
A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341 333

Fig. 1. Images of polyphosphate coacervate (formula 1 of Table 1) over degradation period.

Fig. 2. Dry weight loss of the coacervates (formulations of Table 1) over degradation period (two tailed student t-test against formulation 1: ⁄ and ⁄⁄ indicate 0.01 < p-
value < 0.05 and p-value < 0.01, respectively); (two tailed student t-test against formulation 2: $ and $$ indicate 0.01 < p-value < 0.05 and p-value < 0.01, respectively); (two
tailed student t-test against formulation 4: # and ## indicate 0.01 < p-value < 0.05 and p-value < 0.01, respectively) (Bars show STD; n=3).

corresponding formulation kept in TBS (Formulation 4 of Table 1); Complementary cumulative elemental release into the degrada-
this is possibly the result of serum components accumulating tion media over the 27-day period was also determined and is pro-
inside coacervates over time or proteins binding to polyphos- vided in the supplementary results section. The data from both of
phates, delaying degradation/dissolution. these studies corresponded perfectly, confirming the accuracy of
Fig. 3a and b show the mole percentage of Ca, Sr, Ba and P our elemental measurements (i.e., the sum of the moles of ele-
remaining inside the coacervates over time. In accordance with ments inside a coacervate at a specific time point and the cumula-
weight loss results, the greatest loss of ions from the formulations tive moles of elements released into the media up to that time
occurred between 48 h and 1 week. There was no significant differ- point remains constant throughout the degradation study).
ence in the percentage of Ca and P remaining in formulation 1 vs. 4 Fig. 4 shows the 31P NMR spectra of the remaining coacervate at
except for Ca levels at 27 days; again, loss of ions was clearly initi- each degradation time point for formulation 1. NMR spectra for the
ated earlier for the Ca2+-only short chain formulation 6. The per- other formulations listed in Table 1 were similar and are provided
centage of phosphorus being lost was higher than divalent in the supplementary results section. In all formulations it is clear
cations, indicating that higher divalent cation to phosphorus molar that the number of Q2-middle phosphates (phosphates in the middle
ratios were present in the remaining coacervates. For instance, the of the chains) decreases at a dramatic rate and eventually, after
initial Ca/P mole ratio of 0.41 ± 0.01 for formulation 1 (Table 1), 27 days, they are almost completely gone. The clean sharp
reached 0.75 ± 0.01 following 27 days in media. Similarly, the ini- Q2-middle peak at time zero also changes over time into a blend of
tial Ca/P mole ratio of 0.45 ± 0.00 for formulation 6 (Table 1), peaks, implying formation of a mixture of short chains and rings
reached 0.78 ± 0.00 following 14 days in media. (e.g. phosphate groups in the middle of tripolyphosphate,
With respect to availability, Ba and Sr remained in the coacer- tetrapolyphosphate and phosphate rings). Correspondingly, the
vates significantly more than Ca (see Supplementary Figures). In small Q1 peak representing phosphate groups at the end of the
addition, the percentage of Ca and P remaining in the Sr2+- and chains increases over time, implying chain scission. The main
Ba2+-loaded formulations 2 and 3 was significantly higher than byproduct of degradation is pyrophosphate having two Q1 phos-
for Ca2+-only formulation 1, specifically after one week. Beyond phate groups. The Q1 peak for pyrophosphates is specifically iden-
this time point, the percentage of Ca and P remaining in the tified in Fig. 4, as this peak is clearly separated from other Q1 peaks
Sr2+-loaded formulation 2 was significantly higher than for the representing phosphate groups at the ends of longer chains. The
corresponding Ba2+-loaded formulation 3. other obvious byproduct of degradation is orthophosphate, Q0.
While the percentage of Ca remaining in the long chain formu- Deconvolution of the Q2 region of the spectra indicated few rings
lation 4 did not vary with media, the percentage of P remaining inside these degraded coacervates. Presumably rings are either dis-
with FBS (formulation 5) was significantly higher at 14 and solved into the media or degraded quickly into their corresponding
27 days, again presumably the result of incorporation of serum chains. In Fig. 4 very small peaks after the large Q2 peak representing
components. ring structures can be identified at 24 h, 48 h and 7 days. The relative
334 A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341

Fig. 3. mole percentage of; a) Ca and b) P remained inside the coacervates (formulations of Table 1) over degradation period (two tailed student t-test against formulation 1: ⁄
and ⁄⁄ indicate 0.01 < p-value < 0.05 and p-value < 0.01, respectively); (two tailed student t-test against formulation 2: $ and $$ indicate 0.01 < p-value < 0.05 and p-
value < 0.01, respectively); (two tailed student t-test against formulation 4: # and ## indicate 0.01 < p-value < 0.05 and p-value < 0.01, respectively) (Bars show STD; n=3).

areas under the peaks in these NMR spectra were used to determine required for the blood to clot in the presence of coacervates and
the fraction of phosphate groups in orthophosphate, pyrophos- controls was measured and reported in Fig. 6a. All formulations
phates, in rings or chains with Dp > 2; Fig. 5a shows the results of these and the SurgifoamÒ, a commercial gelatin based hemostatic agent,
analysis for formulation 1 only. The results for other formulations were compared to an empty polypropylene tube by a two-tailed
were very similar and are provided in the supplementary results sec- student t-test. Under the conditions described in the method sec-
tion. These plots clearly demonstrate that the polyphosphate chains tion, the blood clotted in roughly 7 min in the empty tube. Surgi-
within the coacervates are transforming into mainly pyrophosphate foamÒ did not decrease the clotting time significantly, which is
and then orthophosphate. Dp of the coacervates over the degradation in agreement with a mode of action that is believed to be more
period was also calculated based on NMR data and using Eq. (1) and physical in nature rather than altering the blood clotting mecha-
results described in Fig. 5b. Independent of the formulation type, nism [25]. In contrast, all coacervates significantly decreased the
clotting time except the shortest chain, Ca2+-only formulation 4
chains rapidly shortened and, within a week, the Dp of all coacervates
(Table 2). The longest chain formulation 1 (Table 2) consistently
dropped to values lower than 10 phosphate units per chain followed
and profoundly decreased the clotting time far more than other
by their transformation to pyrophosphates after 27 days. In formula-
groups, with blood coagulating in less than 3 min. Based on single
tion 6, the initially low Dp was reduced to values lower than 10 as early
factor ANOVA analysis, the Dp of the coacervates was found to have
as 24 h. Although some significant differences in Dp were noted at a a significant effect (p value < 0.01) on the clotting time (Formula-
few time points, overall the decrease in Dp was only marginally tions 1–4 of Table 2). In contrast, single factor ANOVA analysis
affected by the MII type or the type of degradation medium. showed that divalent cation type did not have a significant effect
(p value = 0.08) on the clotting time (Formulations 3, 5 and 6 of
Table 2).
3.3. Polyphosphate coacervates hemostatic properties

3.3.1. Whole blood clotting time 3.3.2. Prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time
A figure is provided in the supplementary results section show- As noted earlier, diluted PT agent was used rather than the
ing a volume of blood that flows compared to clotted blood in the undiluted PT agent due to the exceedingly short PT achieved with
presence of a coacervate for which no flow is observed. The time the latter that made distinguishing any potential differences
A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341 335

Fig. 4. Liquid 31P NMR spectra of polyphosphate coacervate (formula 1 of Table 1) over degradation period. With the exception of the lowest spectra, all other spectra are
shifted downfield for clarity. Cyan-colored region of spectra specifies Q2-polyphosphates and metaphosphates. Green-colored region of spectra specifies Q1-pyrophosphates.
Red-colored region of spectra specifies Q1-polyphosphates with Dp > 2. Yellow-colored region of spectra specifies Q0-orthophosphates.

between formulations difficult. A 1/6 dilution increased the PT to significant effect (p values < 0.01 and <0.05, respectively) on the
54 ± 12 s as shown in Fig. 6b. All coacervates described in Table 2 number of adhered platelets.
except formulation 2 decreased the PT significantly compared to
the empty tube (Fig. 6b). SurgifoamÒ was found to increase the 3.3.4. SEM imaging of adhered platelets
PT compared to the empty tube, though not significantly. Based Adhered platelets were imaged by SEM after several sample
on single factor ANOVA analyses, both Dp of the coacervate (For- preparation steps that included either freeze-drying or critical
mulations 1–4 of Table 2) and divalent cation types (Formulations point drying prior to application of a conducting layer. No visual
3, 5 and 6 of Table 2) were found to have a significant effect (p differences were noted between samples prepared by either drying
value < 0.01) on the PT. method. Fig. 7a shows an image of platelets adhered to the longest
Formation of the fibrin gel was also visually different in the con- chain formulation 1 (Table 2). A very large number of platelets
trol (empty) tubes compared to those with coacervate. As shown completely covered parts of this sample, with significant platelet
schematically in the supplementary results section, in the absence aggregation. Generally, most of the platelets adhered to the coacer-
of the coacervate a relatively transparent fibrin gel forms implying vate surfaces were small and spherical, with very few short pseu-
homogeneity of the gel. In contrast, in the presence of the coacer- dopods as shown clearly in Fig. 7b for formulation 4 (Table 2).
vate, small discrete white particles were found to suddenly form The shape of adhered platelets on coacervates is in complete
inside the PPP, with subsequent aggregation to yield a relatively contrast to that observed on SurgifoamÒ samples. SurgifoamÒ is a
non-transparent fibrin gel. highly porous spongy gelatin, so it was not possible to image a
Fig. 6c shows the effect of coacervates on aPTT. Surprisingly in large enough surface area to represent the number of adhered pla-
the presence of coacervates aPTT increased significantly compared telets as measured by the LDH assay. Indeed, this high surface area
to the control with the exception of the short chain Ca2+-only for- could account for the capture of many cells as observed by LDH
mulation 4. The aPTT for Formulations 2, 3 and 5 was severely assay. In SEM images, only individual platelets were observed,
delayed, with values over 10 min observed. Similar to PT, based but all were fully shaped with a few very large pseudopods as
on single factor ANOVA analyses, both Dp of the coacervate (For- shown in Fig. 7c and d.
mulations 1–4 of Table 2) and divalent cation types (Formulations Representative SEM images of platelets adhered to the remain-
3, 5 and 6 of Table 2) were found to have a significant effect (p ing coacervate formulations are shown in Fig. 8. Coacervate formu-
value < 0.01) on the aPTT. lations 2, 3 and 4 were very much liquid-like, resulting in the loss
of the original surface during sample preparation arising from flow
of these coacervates. This loss of surface could be seen clearly in
3.3.3. Number of adhered platelets Fig. 8b and c, where the new surface formed is darker and
A plot is provided in the supplementary results section showing smoother in contrast to the original surface that is brighter,
the standard curve of LDH absorbance vs. number of platelets. rougher and covered with platelets. In some cases it is clear that
Using this standard curve, the number of adhered platelets on the original surface has folded away during sample preparation,
the surface of coacervates was determined and is reported in as shown by the arrows in Fig. 8c. Images were taken from sites
Fig. 6d. The greatest number of platelets adhered to the longest where minimal surface loss was observed. Qualitatively, these
chain formulation 1 (Table 2) and SurgifoamÒ. Based on single fac- images were in agreement with the platelet counts obtained
tor ANOVA analyses, both Dp of polyphosphates within the coacer- through LDH kit; Sr- and Ba-loaded samples exhibited more plate-
vate (formulations 1–4 of Table 2) and divalent cation types let attachment overall compared to their Ca-only counterparts
(Formulations 3, 5 and 6 of Table 2) were found to have a (Formulation 3), and the longest chain formulation 1 had the
336 A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341

Fig. 5. a) Fraction of phosphates in ortho- or pyro-phosphates or in chains with Dp > 2 or rings, over degradation period for formula 1 of Table 1; b) Dp of coacervate
formulations of Table 1 over degradation period (two tailed student t-test against formulation 1: ⁄ and ⁄⁄ indicate 0.01 < p-value < 0.05 and p-value < 0.01, respectively); (two
tailed student t-test against formulation 2: $ and $$ indicate 0.01 < p-value < 0.05 and p-value < 0.01, respectively); (two tailed student t-test against formulation 4: # and ##
indicate 0.01 < p-value < 0.05 and p-value < 0.01, respectively) (bars show STD; n = 3).

highest number of adhered platelets between all coacervates. rings. Trimetaphosphate has been previously reported as one of
Aggregation of platelets into focal centers can also be seen in Fig. 8. the major byproducts of polyphosphate degradation in solution
[4]. For our study, phosphate rings were not detected in significant
amounts inside the degraded coacervates. They may have formed
4. Discussion and dissolved into the media or degraded quickly into their corre-
sponding chains.
With respect to degradation, all coacervates were found to be Chains within coacervates are continuously hydrolyzed but no
relatively stable for the first 48 h, after which rapid weight loss significant weight loss was seen until Dp becomes smaller than
and ion release were observed. This rapid weight loss was concur- 10, which took approximately 48 h to 1 week. At this point, these
rent with a significant decrease in polyphosphate Dp as exhibited short chains lose their ability to remain as an aggregate within the
by NMR measurements. Fig. 9 shows a schematic illustration of coacervate such that they are easily released into solution, leading
polyphosphate coacervate degradation. Random scission of the to a burst phase in degradation. Subsequently, degradation enters a
hydrolysable P-O-P linkage occurs when H2O or OH- attack the lagging phase where a mixture of even shorter chains – mainly
reactive center (P), yielding hydrogen and hydroxyl groups to each pyrophosphates – with their divalent cations are slowly dissolved
one of the phosphorus atoms [1,26–28]. According to this mecha- into the medium, presumably because they have a higher MII/P
nism, the ability of the water to hydrolyze the P-O-P linkage mole ratio than the original coacervate; MII/P mole ratio is increas-
depends on its ability to come close to the chain to form the com- ing over time because phosphorus is being released more quickly.
plex. MII catalyze this reaction by neutralizing the charge of the After a week, polyphosphate chains become sufficiently short that
chain, making phosphorus more susceptible to nucleophilic attack a chain network can no longer be maintained. This causes coacer-
by H2O or OH. In the absence of MII, the ability of water to attack vates to lose their cohesive gel-like appearance as they are trans-
the reactive center is very limited and as a result NaPP chains are formed into a powder-like material that easily disintegrates.
highly stable in aqueous solutions [4]. Another mechanism of It is generally accepted that the dissolution of polyphosphate
degradation is intramolecular back-biting resulting in phosphate glasses are congruent [1,27,29–31], i.e. the dissolved products in
A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341 337

Fig. 6. a) Whole blood clotting time; b) prothrombin time; c) activated partial thromboplastin time; d) number of adhered platelets, for different coacervate formulations of
Table 2 and controls (two tailed student t-test of each formula vs. empty tube: NS, ⁄ and ⁄⁄ indicate p-value > 0.05, 0.01 < p-value < 0.05 and p-value < 0.01, respectively)
(Numbers show average and bars show STD; n = 6).

the solution have identical composition (same molar ratios) with In contrast to Ca and P, most of the Sr and Ba remained within
that of the bulk glass at all times. However, we observed that the the coacervates, which is likely related to the lower dissolution of
phosphorus release rate from polyphosphate coacervate was faster Sr and Ba phosphate salts compared to Ca. This observation would
than that of divalent cations, implying that degradation/dissolu- mitigate the risk of incorporating these cations, especially Ba, into
tion of polyphosphate coacervates is not congruent. The reason polyphosphate coacervates, since rapid release of these cations
for this observed incongruent degradation can perhaps be best in vivo may lead to systemic toxicity.
illustrated using the example of a calcium hexa-polyphosphate The only previous degradation study on polyphosphate coacer-
chain with two hydrogen atoms at its two ends hydrolyzing into vates was carried out for calcium and magnesium coacervates by
3 pyrophosphates. One possible reaction is the following: Umegaki et al. [32]. Using paper chromatography and viscosity,
they showed that calcium polyphosphate coacervates degraded
H2 Ca3 P6 O19 þ 2H2 O ! 3½CaP2 O7 2 þ 6Hþ into pyro and orthophosphates within 10 days, in agreement with
our results. Additionally, the 31P NMR spectra of degraded coacer-
with [CaP2O7]2 dissolving into the solution and 100% of phospho- vates in our study resembles those obtained for degradation of cal-
rus being lost from the coacervate similar to calcium, representing cium polyphosphate glass discs [33] and fine glass powders of Mg,
congruent release. An alternative reaction can also be imagined: Ca, Sr and Ba polyphosphates [34], where similar to our observa-
tions Q2-middle peaks were found to decrease significantly while
H2 Ca3 P6 O19 þ 2H2 O ! Ca2 P2 O7 þ ½CaP2 O7 2 þ ½P2 O7 4 þ 6Hþ sharper Q1 peaks representing pyrophosphate developed after
roughly one week.
In this case [CaP2O7]2 and [P2O7]4 dissolve into the solution
Additional evaluation time points between 48 h and 1 week,
but Ca2P2O7 remains. The percentage of phosphorus being lost is
where the greatest changes in degradation were observed, might
4 out of 6 (or 67%), but the percentage of calcium being lost is only
have elucidated more differences between the coacervate groups.
1 out of 3 (or 33%). Occurrence of such reactions can explain how
The current results show that the burst dissolution phase happens
phosphorus can be released more rapidly from the coacervates
earlier for the coacervate prepared from very short chain polyphos-
than cations. One should note that these reactions are provided
phate, but in the long-term using longer NaPP chains does not
only as an example and in reality only some of the hydrogen atoms
increase the longevity of the coacervates, likely due to the extre-
may be protonated. This incongruent degradation over time results
in a more stable coacervate with higher divalent cation/P molar mely fast hydrolysis rate of the P-O-P bond as evident in Dp mea-
ratio, as reflected in the lagging phase of degradation observed. surements. Substitution of Ca with Sr or Ba does not affect the
338 A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341

Fig. 7. SEM images of adhered platelets to; a) coacervate formula 1 of Table 2; b) coacervate formula 4 of Table 2; c, d) SurgifoamÒ.

hydrolysis rate of coacervates but slows down their dissolution The change in PT shows that the surface is affecting the extrin-
into the media. sic and common pathways of the coagulation cascade. As observed
The whole blood clotting assay showed that polyphosphate for the SurgifoamÒ, PT is rarely affected by a foreign biomaterial
coacervates hold great potential as a hemostatic agent. The surface which typically impacts the contact pathway only.
dramatically shorter whole blood clotting times observed here However, PT measured for polyphosphate coacervates decreased
had been previously reported only for soluble NaPPs, with Ong significantly compared to the control. As previously noted, NaPPs
et al. finding that incorporation of NaPPs with Dp of 45 and 65 at accelerate activation of factor V and oppose the anticoagulant
6.7 and 10% (wt.%) into chitosan dressings accelerated blood clot- activity of tissue factor pathway inhibitor [35]. Both of these could
ting [22]. Blood clotting relies on the formation of fibrin fibers, directly shorten the PT. We also visually observed that fibrin gel
which crosslink together forming the fibrin clot. Fibrin production formed from PPP in the presence of coacervate is different from
is highly dependent on thrombin generation, the rate of which is a that which forms in its absence. This observation is in agreement
function of the rates of activation of procoagulant factors and with results that have suggested that the fibrin gel structures that
cofactors, and the inhibitory ability of anticoagulants [35]. Soluble form in the presence of NaPPs are heterogeneous [14,17].
NaPP acts at several steps that influence thrombin generation: it Biomaterial surfaces usually decrease the aPTT since they acti-
enhances the generation of factor Va; it serves as a contact path- vate the coagulation cascade through the contact pathway.
way activator; and it opposes the anticoagulant activity of tissue Surprisingly, we found that aPTT profoundly increased for
factor pathway inhibitor [35]. These effects accelerate thrombin polyphosphate coacervates compared to the control. This observa-
generation and consequently fibrin clot formation. tion might be an artifact caused by an interaction between the
The precipitated polyphosphate coacervates evaluated here pre- polyphosphate coacervate and phospholipids in the aPTT agent
sumably accelerate fibrin clot formation similar to NaPPs. Either used for these experiments. Prothrombinase complex consisting
some of the precipitated polyphosphate dissolves away and induces of Factor Va and Factor Xa assembles on negatively charged phos-
its effect in a soluble form, or proteins from plasma directly bind to pholipids, and in their absence thrombin formation would be sig-
the precipitated polyphosphate coacervate and activate. In the time nificantly hindered [18]. In vivo and in the whole blood clotting
frame of the clotting assay used here the latter postulation is more assay, phospholipids are present in large number on platelets
likely, as degradation studies showed that these coacervates are and other blood cells, eliminating such an artifact. There is also a
highly stable for 48 h. In agreement with these results, it has possibility for some factors in the contact pathway to bind with
recently been shown that calcium polyphosphate nanoparticles the polyphosphate coacervate surface, which is presumably nega-
accelerate fibrin formation in citrated plasma [18]. tively charged [18], affecting their potency. Further studies are
Our results also demonstrated that clot formation is signifi- indeed required to identify the reason for the observed significant
cantly faster for coacervates prepared from longer chain polyphos- delay in aPTT.
phates. This relationship between polyphosphate Dp and rate of The platelet adhesion test showed that platelets adhere in
clot formation has been previously reported for soluble NaPPs as large numbers to polyphosphate coacervates, especially for the
well [15]. very long chain group where they covered the whole surface,
A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341 339

Fig. 8. SEM images of adhered platelets to coacervates of Table 2; a) formula 2; b) formula 3; c) formula 4 (arrows point to folded original surface); d) formula 5; e) formula 6.

forming large aggregates. It has been previously reported that The burst phase of dissolution happens earlier for the coacervate
addition of NaPP into chitosan at 10% (wt.%) also enhances plate- prepared from very short chain polyphosphate but overall using
let adhesion [22]. longer polyphosphate chains does not increase the coacervate long-
Platelet can assume five morphological forms describing increas- evity significantly. Substitution of Ca with Sr or Ba does not affect the
ing activation: discoid or round; dendritic or early pseudopods; hydrolysis rate of coacervates but slows down their dissolution into
spread dendritic or intermediate pseudopods; spreading; and fully the media. The key to achieving durable polyphosphate coacervates
spread [36]. Based on this classification, platelets would appear to would be controlling the rate of phosphate bonds hydrolysis. Coac-
be not as fully developed on coacervates, as they did not exhibit ervates decreased the clotting time significantly especially when
the spread morphology with protruding pseudopods. In contrast, very long chain polyphosphates were used. Polyphosphate coacer-
platelets on SurgifoamÒ spread with several long pseudopods. Surgi- vates affected the extrinsic pathway by decreasing the PT, but they
foamÒ is prepared from collagen, which is known to be a potent pla- increased the aPTT presumably due to an artifact caused by phos-
telet activator [37]. Still, one should note that there is a possibility pholipid deficiency during fibrin formation. Nevertheless this result
that the extent of platelet clustering and aggregation on coacervates, was unexpected and demands additional studies. Platelets adhered
specifically the longest chain sample, was so great that it obscured in large numbers especially the long chain polyphosphate coacer-
spread platelets underlying these aggregates. vates, but they seemed not to be fully developed relative to gelatin
foam. The longest chain polyphosphate coacervate indeed holds
5. Conclusion the greatest potential as a degradable hemostatic agent, profoundly
decreasing the clotting time. Future animal bleeding models should
Polyphosphate coacervates investigated here degrade at a fast further demonstrate the polyphosphate coacervate potency as a
rate, limiting their application only to a short-term biomaterial. bulk construct for hemostasis.
340 A. Momeni, M.J. Filiaggi / Acta Biomaterialia 41 (2016) 328–341

Fig. 9. Schematic illustration of degradation of polyphosphate coacervates over time into pyro and orthophosphates. 3metaphosphate and 3polyphosphate in the second
panel are only provided as examples of degradation byproducts. The remaining charge on phosphates is balanced by hydrogen (not shown).

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