3M Insurance Law
3M Insurance Law
3M Insurance Law
LAWS GOVERNING INSURANCE Doctrine of Subrogation – the insurer after paying the
amount covered by the insurance policy steps into the shoes of
AS we said, insurance is a special contract. The law that the insured
applies to insurance contracts is now RA 10607.
2. Purposes of subrogation condition in policy
Q: Now in the event that there are other matters that are not
addressed, what are the laws, if any, that apply to conflicts or Its principal purpose is to make the person who caused the
issues that arise from insurance? loss, legally responsible for it and at the same time prevent the
A: Civil Code and other Special laws shall apply suppletorily. insured from receiving a double recovery from the wrongdoer
and the insurer.
From the book…
So the injured cannot run after the insured having received
1. Insurance Code of 1978 compensation from the insurance company. The insured also
2. Civil Code – cannot run again the third party who caused the loss or
a. Articles 739 and 2012 on void donations damage. So who should run against the third party? It should
b. Article 2011 now be the insurance company.
c. Articles 2021-2027 with respect to life annuity
contracts 3. Right of subrogation applicable only to property
d. Article 2207 on the insurer’s right of subrogation
3. Special Laws – among such special laws on insurance are:
Subrogation is not applicable to life insurance contract because
a. Insurance Code (PD 612, as amended)
the pecuniary value of human life can seldom be determined
b. Revised Government Service Insurance Act of
with accuracy.
1977 (PD No. 1146) – for government employees
c. The Social Security Act of 1954 – for private
4. Privity of contract or assignment by insured of
claim not essential
4. Others – in addition, there is
a. RA No. 656, known as the “Property Insurance The defendant cannot raise the defense of privity of contract.
b. RA 4898 providing life, disability and accident For example, XYZ Company is the insurer of a building owned
insurance by D Company. Now, here comes Pitt (?), Pitt suffers a slip and
c. EO 250 increasing the insurance benefits of fall. You remember your torts? Pitt now goes after D, the
barangay officials insured. Now, XYZ will come to the rescue of D by paying for
the damages caused by the injury suffered by Pitt. Notice that
So insurance contract is primarily governed by the insurance there is really no privity of contract between Pitt and XYZ but
code but if it does not provide for a particular matter, the
XYZ it still liable to pay Pitt because of the insurance contract
between XYZ and D. Remember that when an insurance company exercises its right
of subrogation the insurance company can only recover from
So the privity of contract, therefore, is not a proper defense in the third party that amount which the insured can recover
an insurance contract. What is necessary is only the from the third party. It cannot ask for more or for less, this is
subrogation receipt. If the insurance company intends to because of the principle of indemnity and subrogation.
recover, it must prove that it was the negligence, for example,
on the part of the maintenance operator that caused the slip 9. Exercise of right of subrogation by insurer
and fall or the injury. It can now go after the maintenance discretionary
Is it mandatory that the insurance company exercise its right
5. Loss or injury for risk must be covered by the policy of subrogation at all times?
Under Article 2207 of the Civil Code, the cause of the loss or NO. The insurance company is not under any pain of law to
injury must be a risk covered by the policy to entitle the exercise its right of subrogation. The right of subrogation can
insurer to subrogation. be exercised only in accordance with the sound discretion of
the insurance company. Sometimes the insurance company
It simply means that the loss must be one of those would just forego claiming refund for the damages that it has
enumerated in the policy. In insurance law, the insurer will try paid to the insured for practical reasons. If it is not a big
to really minimize his loss. As much as possible, when amount, the insurance company would just forego refund.
something happens, they will run thru a check list because
they really want to minimize its loss or to share the loss with 10. Loss of right of subrogation by act of the insured or
other insurance companies. Now, if the insured wants to insurer
recover as much as possible, all the risks that the insured can
imagine must be indicated or included in the policy itself. If If the insured enters into a settlement with the third party, can
there are risks not covered by the policy, you can have it the insurance company still run after the third party?
covered by paying additional premium. Otherwise, the insured
will not be paid at all. The settlement entered into by the insured with the third party
diminishes or releases the third party of any liability. If
6. Right of insured to recover from both insurer and payment has already been paid by the insurance company,
third party
after payment but, let’s say, there is still a recoverable
amount, the release of the third party also affects the
Basis: Principle of Indemnity
insurance company’s right of subrogation. The insurance
company also cannot seek refund for the amount paid but
No double recovery. However, if the amount paid by the
what can happen is the insured has the obligation to pay back
insurance company does not fully cover the injury or loss, the
to the insurance company whatever amount it has paid to the
aggrieved party, i.e. insured, can recover the deficiency from
third party. For defeating the insurer’s right of subrogation, the
the person responsible for the loss or injury.
insured is under obligation to return to the insurer the amount
NOTE: This is wholly applicable only to property insurance. In paid thereby entitling the latter to recover the same.
life insurance you have as many insurance policies as you can
afford. Now, I want you to look at the case of Manila Mahogany
Manufacturing Corp vs. CA, 154 S 650 and Pioneer
7. Right of insured to recover from insurer instead of Insurance & Surety Corp. vs. CA, 175 S 668.
the third party
11. Effect of assignment by insured of its right against
As long as the insured can show that he has an insurance third party to insurer
contract with the insurance company, the insured can right
away ask for indemnity. That is why it is always good to be In a case where the insured (shipper) has assigned its rights
covered by insurance policies. If the insurer would ask the against defendant (carrier) for damages caused to the cargo
insured to seek redress from the third party, you will later on shipped to the insurer which paid the amount represented by
learn that it is an act of unfair claim settlement which can the loss, the case is not between the insured and the insurer
suspend the license of the said insurance company. but one between the shipper and the carrier because the
insurance company merely stepped into the shoes of the
8. Right of insurer against third party limited to shipper.
amount recoverable from latter by the insured
As the insurer is subrogated merely to the rights of the
insured, it can necessarily recover only the amounts So again, the provisions of the Civil Code apply suppletorily.
recoverable by the insured from the party responsible for the The provisions of the Civil Code may be applied to matters of:
ü Perfection of the insurance contract – was the insurance incidental to any other legitimate business or activity of the
contract perfected considering that the acceptance by the surety;
insurance company of the policy or the application for
insurance was not received by the other party? (3) Doing any kind of business, including a
ü Consent – it is also very essential. Was the policy vitiated reinsurance business, specifically recognized as constituting
by error? the doing of an insurance business within the meaning of this
ü Nullity of the contract for false or fraudulent consideration Code;
ü Rescission – what are the effects of rescission? Under the
civil code, it is mutual restitution (4) Doing or proposing to do any business in
ü Common law wife – disqualified from becoming a substance equivalent to any of the foregoing in a manner
beneficiary because of article 2012 in relation to article designed to evade the provisions of this Code.
In the application of the provisions of this Code, the fact that
There was actually a BAR question, 2 or 3 years ago, no profit is derived from the making of insurance contracts,
where this was asked. Common law wife and their agreements or transactions or that no separate or direct
children were made beneficiaries of a life insurance policy. consideration is received therefor, shall not be deemed
The legal family then questioned the inclusion of the conclusive to show that the making thereof does not constitute
common law wife, was the designation of the beneficiaries the doing or transacting of an insurance business.
valid? What about the children of the common law wife
and the policy holder? (c) As used in this Code, the term Commissioner means the
ü Award of moral and exemplary damages in case of Insurance Commissioner.
unreasonable delay in the payment of insurance claims.
Concept of Insurance
Q: What is a contract of insurance?
There is a body of jurisprudence that is established in more A: A “contract of insurance” is an agreement whereby one
sophisticated jurisdictions in North America, etc. If there are undertakes for a consideration to indemnify another against
questions on interpretation, you can apply established loss, damage or liability arising from an unknown or contingent
interpretations given by the courts of the said jurisdiction when event. (Sec. 2(a))
it can be proven that the statutes in question were actually
lifted from those jurisdictions. You can bring in the Q: What is the consideration here?
interpretation of the jurisdiction, other than the Philippine A: The consideration is the premium paid by the insured to the
jurisdiction, and apply it to your own case. insurer.
(Ma’am talking about the development of the insurance So in insurance contract, the one factor that distinguishes it
industry and the Philippine economy) from other contracts is that the consideration is specifically
called a “premium”. Failure to pay premium will terminate the
SEC. 2. Whenever used in this Code, the following terms shall insurance contract.
have the respective meanings hereinafter set forth or
indicated, unless the context otherwise requires: Q: If you belatedly pay the premium, will it cure the defect in
the contract?
(a) A “contract of insurance” is an agreement whereby one A: It depends on the policy. In life insurance policy, there is
undertakes for a consideration to indemnify another against such a thing as a “grace period”. The grace period may be for
loss, damage or liability arising from an unknown or contingent a period of thirty days and within that period you can still pay
event. the premium and it’s as though your payment never lapsed. In
property insurance, however, it is very crucial that you pay the
A contract of suretyship shall be deemed to be an insurance premium on time; otherwise, the contract will simply lapse.
contract, within the meaning of this Code, only if made by a
surety who or which, as such, is doing an insurance business Contract of Suretyship
as hereinafter provided. It is only an insurance contract if made by a surety who or
which, as such, is doing an insurance business.
(b) The term doing an insurance business or transacting an
insurance business, within the meaning of this Code, shall Doing an Insurance Business
Q: How do you define “doing an insurance business”?
(1) Making or proposing to make, as insurer, any A: The term doing an insurance business or transacting an
insurance contract; insurance business, within the meaning of this Code, shall
(2) Making or proposing to make, as surety, any (1) Making or proposing to make, as insurer, any
contract of suretyship as a vocation and not as merely insurance contract;
(2) Making or proposing to make, as surety, any 1. Consensual – there must be a meeting of the minds
contract of suretyship as a vocation and not as merely between the parties
incidental to any other legitimate business or activity 2. Voluntary
of the surety; 3. Aleatory – something must happen before the other party
(3) Doing any kind of business, including a is bound to perform his obligation; dependent upon a
reinsurance business, specifically recognized as contingency
constituting the doing of an insurance business within 4. Executed as to the insured after the payment of the
the meaning of this Code; premium and executory on the part of the insurer
(4) Doing or proposing to do any business in 5. Conditional – subject to the happening of an event insured
substance equivalent to any of the foregoing in a against
manner designed to evade the provisions of this 6. A contract of indemnity – you are indemnified only in so
Code. (Section 2(b)) far as the loss you suffered
7. Personal contract
Q: Sometimes you come across companies that put out
advertisements for insurance coverage, are these companies
considered engaged in insurance? November 24, 2014
A: YES. They are engaged in the business of insurance
because they are proposing to make an insurance contract but, (Ma’am reviewing last meeting’s discussion)
of course, at that stage there no perfected contract of
insurance yet. In other words, you have to fill up the details (in DISTINGUISHING ELEMENTS OF THE CONTRACT OF
the application) and send it to the insurance company. Is there INSURANCE
a perfected insurance contract once the insurance company
receives the application? Not yet, the insurance company must The contract of insurance made between the parties is
accept the application and such acceptance must be relayed to distinguished by the presence of 5 elements, namely:
the applicant. It is only when the insurance company has made 1. The insured possesses an interest of some kind
known to the applicant that they have accepted the application susceptible of pecuniary estimation, known as “insurable
that a perfected contract of insurance arises. If there is no interest”;
perfected contract, the contract is null and void. 2. The insured is subject to a risk of loss through the
destruction of that interest by the happening of
In the application of the provisions of this Code, the fact that designation perils;
no profit is derived from the making of insurance contracts, 3. The insurer assumes that risk of loss;
agreements or transactions or that no separate or direct 4. Such assumption of risk is part of a general scheme to
consideration is received therefor, shall not be deemed distribute actual losses among a large group or substantial
conclusive to show that the making thereof does not constitute number of persons bearing similar risk; and
the doing or transacting of an insurance business. 5. As consideration for the insurer’s promise, the insured
makes a ratable contribution called “premium,” to a
general insurance fund.
The subparagraph of section 2 tells us that just because no
profit was derived from contract does not mean that there is
no perfected insurance contract.
I did mention in our past meeting that in so far as insurance
Now let’s go to the determination of the existence of the
companies, in their business of insurance, what they are most
concerned with is how they could come up with schemes to
cope with risk.
The inherent uncertainty of events can be described in terms
of chance or probability. A person usually makes some sort of
Elements of the contract:
calculation, perhaps instinctively, before deciding to engage or
1. Subject matter – the subject matter is the thing insured in
not to engage in an activity. So similarly, an insurance
the policy
company also makes calculations. An insurance company may
2. Consideration – is the premium
jack-up the premium if the applicant is considered “high risk”
3. Object or purpose – transfer and distribution of risk of loss
or when a building is already old. There are people called
“insurance adjuster” who evaluates the pecuniary value of the
In a nutshell that is what an insurance contract is.
loss and the insurance company would consider highly their
1. Limiting the probability of loss
These are the characteristics that set the insurance contract
For example, many industries utilize complex, dangerous
apart from other contracts.
machinery, which place the employees who use them at
some risk. However, the probability that an employee will
lose a finger or hand in a cutting machine is reduced if when it provides medical care, but the insurance is designed,
guards or other safety devices are used around the cutting first and foremost, not to help health care providers but to
device. Sometimes, insurance companies would advise the help individuals who incur medical bills. The health insurer
management that there should be hazards installed to pays the provider for health care services directly rather than
minimize the probability of the occurrence of an accident paying it the insured. This is same with the concept of
that would cause damage or loss. transportation insurance explained earlier, that the insurance
company directly pays the provider but it is to the benefit of
2. Limiting effects of loss the insured. The example here (book) is the auto repair shop
that fixes the insured’s automobile – you have a car that
For example, you are a passenger in a vehicle. In case suffered damage because of collision, the insurance company
collision occurs, for sure, there will be damage, but how will pay the auto repair shop directly not because the auto
would you limit the effects of loss? By encouraging the repair shop is privy to the insurance contract. Payment was not
wearing of seat belt, among others. for the benefit of the repair shop but is for the benefit of the
3. Self-insurance or self-financing
4. Ignoring risk No-fault Insurance
5. Transferring risk to another It is the term that you often hear in compulsory motor vehicle
insurance. When we say “no-fault insurance,” there is no need
These are the different devices of which insurance companies to determine who is at fault at the first instance before the
may reduce the risk. insurance receipt is released. As long as damage is incurred
and is proven, then the insurance company has no recourse
FIELDS OF INSURANCE but to pay the insured.
Q: What is the difference between first-party and third-party What is an all-risk policy? It means it covers all risks except
insurance? those excepted in the policy. So, in an all-risk, the insurance
company covers everything with a few exceptions.
In first-party insurance, the contract between the insurer and
the insured is designed to indemnify the insured for loss Who bears the burden of proof?
suffered directly by the insured. All-risk Specified risk
Burden is with the insurer to Burden is ordinarily placed
In third-party insurance, on the other hand, the insured’s loss prove that the loss falls within with the insured to initially
is “indirect” in the sense that the third party suffers the an explicit exception to prove that the loss falls within
“direct” loss. The liability insurer will reimburse the insured for coverage. the policy’s provisions on
any liability the insured may have to the third party, but in the coverage.
event of payment, the insured merely serves as a conduit for
transmission of the proceeds from the insurer to the third ü If the loss is due to normal wear and tear, the loss is not
party. It is third-party because ultimately, the proceeds are fortuitous and, therefore, is not insurable.
received by a third-party. Example of which is a motor vehicle ü You have to remember that when you have an all-risk
insurance. policy, it does not mean that the insurance company
cannot put up a defense. If the loss is by reason of fraud,
Life Insurance if there is wilful act or negligence on the part of the
Q: Is life insurance a first-party or third-party insurance? insured, then that can be raised as a defense
A: It is a first-party insurance. There are instances, however,
that the owner of the policy designates a beneficiary to receive CONSTRUCTION OF INSURANCE CONTRACTS
the proceeds of the policy, but this does not mean that the
insurance is third-party. General Rule: Contracts of insurance are to be construed or
interpreted liberally in favor of the insured and strictly against
Health Insurance the insurer. Why? A policy of insurance is a contract of
Health insurance can be categorized as a third-party adhesion, that is to say, most of the terms of the contract do
insurance. The health care provider suffers a loss in a sense not result from mutual negotiation between the parties.
Sec. 6. Every person, partnership, association, or corporation
Exception: When the intention of the policy is clear or the duly authorized to transact insurance business as elsewhere
language is sufficiently clear to convey the meaning of the provided in this code, may be an insurer.
So it can be a person, a corporate entity, an association, a
CHAPTER 1 corporation. What about a non-profit organization? Can it
THE CONTRACT OF INSURANCE conduct the business of insurance? A non-profit organization,
you have to determine first if that non-profit organization is an
TITLE 1 association. If it is an association or a corporation, partnership
WHAT MAY BE INSURED duly organized under the laws of the Philippines and complying
with the requirements under the Insurance Code then that
SEC. 3. Any contingent or unknown event, whether past or nonprofit-organization can also be in the Business of
future, which may damnify a person having an insurable insurance.
interest, or create a liability against him, may be insured
against, subject to the provisions of this chapter. Now, Section 7:
The consent of the spouse is not necessary for the validity of Sec. 7. Anyone except a public enemy may be insured.
an insurance policy taken out by a married person on his or
her life or that of his or her children.
All rights, title and interest in the policy of insurance taken out So we know who can be an insurer. Now we have to know
by an original owner on the life or health of the person insured who can be the insured. Section 7 says that, anybody except
shall automatically vest in the latter upon the death of the a public enemy may be insured.
original owner, unless otherwise provided for in the policy.
How do you define a public enemy?
SEC. 4. The preceding section does not authorize an insurance
A public enemy designates a nation with whom the Philippines
for or against the drawing of any lottery, or for or against any
is at war and it includes every citizen or subject of such nation.
chance or ticket in a lottery drawing a prize.
The term may be taken to mean “alien enemy.” A mob,
however numerous they may be, or robbers or thieves
SEC. 5. All kinds of insurance are subject to the provisions of
whoever they may be, are never considered public enemies for
this chapter so far as the provisions can apply.
purposes of the above provision.
Lottery What about a private corporation? It’s not a nation. Can a
private corporation be treated as a public enemy? How can
If you take out an insurance for lottery, that cannot be a legal you tell that a private corporation is a public enemy? Is there a
insurance. A contract of insurance is not a wagering contract test that we used? What do you look at to determine
but a contract of indemnity. Class, you cannot have a valid citizenship of a corporation? What do you mean by the control
insurance contract over a lottery or a raffle. test?
Who are parties to the insurance contract? The insurer Atty. Angeles: Citizens of a nation which our country is at war.
and the insured So if the controlling stockholders are not citizens of a nation
against which we are at war then they are not considered
Who may be insured? Section 6 public enemy.
Let’s take a look at Section 8. 1. loss the proceeds shall be payable to the mortgagee
. . .“a mortgagor of property effects insurance in his
own name providing that the loss shall be payable to 2. that the policy of the insurance is assign to the
the mortgagee, or assigns a policy of insurance to a mortgagee.
In those 2 instances the insurance policy is still deemed to be
So we have two situations. The mortgagor takes on an in the interest of the mortgagor. So he does not lose his
insurance policy for the property in his own name but provides insurable interest over the property. However, (this is the
that the loss shall be payable to the mortgagee or assigns the important part) any act of his, meaning the mortgagor prior to
policy itself to the mortgagee. Did the mortgagor loss his the loss which would otherwise avoid the insurance. Actions
interest over the property? The answer is NO. The mortgagor prior to the loss that would nullify the insurance will have the
continues to have insurable interest over the property and same effect although the property is in the hands of the
such he does not ceased to be a party to the original contract. mortgagee. Let’s try to visualize that.
What is the effect now of that arrangement? What is the effect The mortgagor instead of strictly following the policy that
on the mortgagor’s actions? What happens now when he states no flammables in the building. He nonetheless puts
performs certain actions during the period of the insurance flammable materials inside the building. That fact alone would
contract? What are the consequences of his actions? What is have nullified or avoided the insurance because that would be
the effect if the mortgagor performs an act prior to the loss in violation of the policy. Even if the deed or the title to the
that will abort the insurance? What is the effect on the land together with the building has already been delivered to
insurance? the mortgagee. Even if the deed has already been delivered to
the mortgagee, what happens? It will still void the insurance
Insurance of the mortgagor for the benefit of the policy. Why? Because these actions were in violation of the
mortgagee or policy assigned to the mortgagee. policy. In this arrangement the mortgagee actually suffers.
Under Section 8, where the mortgagor of the property effects Now, vice versa, if the mortgagee wants to perform actions
insurance in his own name providing that the loss shall be that the mortgagor would have otherwise been allowed to
payable to the mortgagee, or assigns a policy of insurance to perform the mortgagees action would be, for example, the
the mortgagee, the following are the legal effects: mortgagor does not pay the premium and then the mortgagee
pays the premium, that would still benefit the insurance policy.
1. The contract is deemed to be upon the interest of the
mortgagor, hence, he does not cease to be a party to the . . . “but any act which, under the contract of
contract; insurance, is to be performed by the mortgagor, may
be performed by the mortgagee therein named, with
2. Any act of the mortgagor prior to the loss, which the same effect as if it had been performed by the
would otherwise avoid the insurance affects the mortgagee mortgagor”.
even if the property is in the hands of the mortgagee;
So actions done by the mortgagor prior to the loss which
3. Any act which under the contract of insurance is to be would nullify the insurance contract, would affect the
performed by the mortgagor may be performed by the mortgagee in the same manner that actions performed by the
mortgagee with the same effect; mortgagee will redound to the benefit of the mortgagor. That’s
the simple restatement of Section 8.
4. In case of loss, the mortgagee is entitled to the
proceeds to the extent of his credit; and What is the extent of the insurable interest of the mortgagor to
the value of the property? When we are talking of property
5. Upon recovery by the mortgagee to the extent of his insurance, because it is a contract of indemnity when the
credit, the debt is extinguished. owner of the property suffers loss, he/she may only get the
value of the loss not the value of the property itself. So if the
Let’s try to simplify Section 8. building is partially damaged, the owner does not get the value
or the cost of the entire building. The owner will only get
Let’s take a look at section 8 because it is a basic provision whatever has been lost, that portion that is considered as lost.
that will guide the relationship of the mortgagor and a As far as the mortgagee is concerned his insurable interest is
mortgagee. Earlier we said that when the mortgagor of a again limited to the credit. If there has been partial payment
and the loss occurs. How much is he entitled to recover? Only example or of the mortgagee that entered into a mortgage
the balance of the credit. That’s just what each of them is contract with the mortgagor.
entitled to recover.
Sec. 9. If an insurer assents to the transfer of an insurance
I want you to go over, just read through the Insurance by the from a mortgagor to a mortgagee, and, at the time of his
mortgagor for his own interest and insurance of the mortgagor assent, imposes further obligation on the assignee, making a
for the benefit of the mortgagee or policy assigned to the new contract with him, the act of the mortgagor cannot affect
mortgagee. the rights of said assignee.
Insurance by mortgagee of his own interest Section 9 Discusses about transfer or assignment of insurance
policy. Can the insurance policy be transferred? Of course, but
Right of mortgagee in case of loss under certain conditions.
Where the mortgagee, independently of the mortgagor, What is the consequence or the effect when the insurance
insures his own interest in the mortgaged property, he is company assents or gives consent to the transfer of the
entitled to the proceeds of the policy in case of loss before insurance policy to the mortgagee? What is the exception?
payment of the mortgage.
Section 9 only gives the effect if the insurer agrees to the
Subrogation of insurer to the right of mortgagee transfer of the policy and, at the time of his assent, imposes
new obligations on the assignee.
In such case, the mortgagee is not allowed to retain his claim
against the mortgagor but it passes by subrogation to the What about the actions of the mortgagor can it affect the
insurer to the extent of the insurance money paid. rights of the assignee? No, only when the insurance company
imposes further conditions/obligations thereby making a new
Change of Creditor
contract. Why? Why is it the actions of the mortgagor do not
affect the new contract? What is the legal operation that took
In other words, the payment of the insurance of the
place there? Novation, because the original insurance contract
mortgagee by reason of the loss does not relieve the
was novated.
mortgag0r from his principal obligation but only changes the
Let’s take a look at the different policies and how does section
9 apply as to fire policy.
Insurance by the mortgagor of his own interest
Fire policy is not transferrable without the consent of the
For his own benefit
insurance company, because a fire policy is a personal policy.
The mortgagor may insure his own interest as owner for his The insurance company needs to give consent to the transfer
of the policy because he wants to know if the new party is
benefit. In case of loss, the insurance proceeds do not inure to
reliable, there is no fraud, or if he is a party that the insurance
the benefit of the mortgagee who has no greater right than
unsecured creditors in the same. company does not want to insure.
For the benefit of mortgagee What about marine policy? It says generally it is assignable
even though without the consent of the insurer unless required
It is competent, however, for the mortgagor to take out by the terms of the policy. However the author believes that it
insurance for the benefit of the mortgagee, where he pays the is still not assignable without the consent of the insurer.
insurance premium, making the loss payable to the mortgagee.
Casualty policy, it’s more like liability insurance, it is also not
There is a discussion under the topic insurance by the assignable unless the insurance company gives consent.
mortgagor of his own interest. There is a discussion of what is
the standard mortgage clause. As to Life policy, the policy may be freely assigned before or
after the loss occurs, to any person whether he has any
A “Standard mortgage Clause” containing a collateral insurable interest or not. The assignee, whether that assignee
independent contract between the mortgagee and the insurer has insurable interest or not. But of course the person taking
may be attached. life insurance must have insurable interest. And we will find
out later on what are those insurable interests.
A standard mortgage clause is an agreement whereby the
mortgagee and the insurer enter into a separate contract. Now Right of the mortgagor to assign insurance policy to
do you ask is there a need for standard clause for all mortgage mortgagee is recognized in Section 9. Remember it is possible
contract. This is it actually. But there are also mortgage to assign the proceeds of the policy to the mortgagee. It is
contracts where the – in banks for example. The Banks would allowed under section 8. Section 9 only refers to situation
require endorsements(?) of the fire insurance policy. An where the insurer assents to the transfer but further imposes
endorsement(?) would be for the benefit of the bank for obligations. In that case, the actions of the mortgagor do not
affect the new contract between the insurance company and
the mortgagee. Why? Because the original contract of Section 10 par. C) Of any person under a legal obligation to
insurance is considered novated. him for the payment of money, or respecting property or
services, of which death or illness might delay or prevent the
What are the kinds of insurable interest? performance.
Section 10 Every person has… If you are financial executive who runs the business of your
employer, the latter has an insurable interest over your life
Student: Under Section 10 par.C, the insurance is taken out by because if anything happens to you your employer will suffer
the insured upon the of the life of the other. The assured here greatly for your loss.
is the creditor while the insured here is the debtor because the
creditor takes out an insurance policy for his benefit upon the Sec. 10 par. D) Of any person upon whose life any estate or
life of the debtor so that in the event of the happening of the interest vested in him depends
risk insured against such as the death of the debtor, the
creditor may still claim the insurance proceeds proper. Example: A receives as legacy , the usufruct of a house. The
ownership of which is vested in B. It is provided in the legacy
What is the meaning of insurable interest being pecuniary in that should B die first, both the usufruct and the ownership of
interest? the property will pass to C.
In general, a person is deemed to have an insurable interest in In this case, A has an insurable interest in the life of B for A
the subject matter insured where he has a relation or will suffer pecuniary loss by B’s death.
connection with or concern in it that he will derive pecuniary or
financial benefit or advantage from its preservation and will To sum it up, the insurable interest in the life or health of a
suffer pecuniary or financial benefit or advantage from its person is one that is defined in section 10. All other
destruction, termination, or injury by the happening of the relationships there can be no insurable interest. You may have
event insured against. an interest but not insurable. In other words, if the nature of
the insurance cannot be found under sections 10 pars. A, B,C,
Two general classes of life policies: or D, then it is not an insurable interest at all.
1) Insurance upon one’s life- In one class are those You play golf. It seems that your cuddy brings you luck. You
taken out by the insured upon his own life for the benefit of always win whenever he is your cuddy. You tell to yourself that
himself, or of his estate, in case it matures only at his death, you have an insurable interest over the life of your cuddy. You
or for the benefit of a third person who may be designated as may have interest over his life but it is not insured. It is not an
beneficiary. insurable interest that can allow to get insurance policy for
you. The law is very specific. It is not one of those allowed by
2) Insurance upon life of another- In the other class the law.
belong policies taken out by the insured upon the life of
another . There are certain insurance policies that are tainted with fraud
such as when a wagering policy has been taken out by the
REMEMBER: insured on his life at the behest of a third person who is
named as beneficiary. Evidence of a wagering policy is usually
An application for insurance on one’s own life does not usually found in such facts as:
present an insurable interest question. On the other hand,
when one applies for insurance on the life of another for the a.) That the original proposal to take out insurance was
former’s benefit, he must have an insurable interest in the life that of the beneficiary;
of that person.
b.) That premiums are paid by the beneficiary;
Section 10 par. A) indicates that the husband has an insurable
interest in the life and health of himself, of his wife and of his c.) That the beneficiary has no interest, economic or
children. emotional, in the continued life of the insured;
What about insurable interest over the life of their mother or d.) The insured designates himself as the beneficiary.
father? Where does it fall?
On finding that such policy is primarily a wager, the court will
It falls under Section 10 par. B) Of any person on whom generally void the policy entirely.
depends wholly or in part for education or support, or in whom
he has a pecuniary interest. In any case, there is no question that under our law, a person
has an insurable interest in his own life. But if the policy is
Let’s say you are in graduate school and your father is paying applied for and owned by someone other than the insured, the
for your tuition fee, do you have insurable interest over the life applicant-owner must have insurable interest in the life of the
of your father? It seems so because your father is paying for insured.
your matriculation.
Similarity between a life insurance policy and a civil donation A: Yes, unless there is express waiver in the policy.
A life insurance policy is no different from a civil donation Q: Who can be the legal beneficiary?
insofar as the beneficiary is concerned. Both are founded upon
the same consideration: liberality. A beneficiary is like a donee, A: The beneficiary in a life insurance policy may be either the
because from the premiums of the policy which the insured insured himself or his personal representatives or someone
pays out of liberality, the beneficiary will receive the proceeds other than the insured. Where the beneficiary designated is a
or profits of said insurance. person other than the insured, such person may occupy one of
three relations to the insured: a.) insured himself, b.) third
Insurable interest in the life of another person who paid a consideration, and c.) third person through
mere bounty of insured.
The mere fact that two persons are engaged to be married
does not give one an insurable interest in the life of the other. Q: Does a beneficiary need to have an insurable interest?
The law talks of spouses and not fiancées. It is very specific.
However an insurance policy can be taken out over the ring A: NO. beneficiary ka lang eh. You are merely the recipient of
that is given to the fiancé. the liberality of the insured.
Insurable interest in life of person upon whom one depends for Limitations in the appointment of beneficiary
education or support or in whom he has a pecuniary interest.
We said in the early of the course that the provisions of the
Blood or material relationships fit the concept of insurable Civil Code applies suppletorily to insurance contracts. Under
interest. The following have an insurable interest in each Article 2012, any person who is forbidden from receiving any
other’s life since under the provisions of Article 195 of the donation under Article 739 cannot be named beneficiary. So
Family Code, they are obliged to support each other: this provision puts the limitation on the designation of the
beneficiary. We know that insured can designate his own
a) The spouses; beneficiaries in both that he can also change them unless he
has expressly waived his right. But that right to designate his
b) Legitimate ascendants and descendants; own beneficiary is limited by Article 2012 of the Civil Code
which further refers to Article 739.
c) Parents and their legitimate children and the
legitimate or illegitimate children of the latter; Article 739. The following donations shall be void:
d) Parents and their illegitimate children and the 1.) Those made between persons who were guilty of
legitimate or illegitimate children of the latter; adultery or concubinage at the time of donation;
e) Legitimate brothers and sisters, whether of the full or 2.) Those made between persons who were guilty of the
half-blood. same criminal offense, in consideration thereof;
The relationship that is covered by this category refers to a 3.) Those made to a public officer or his wife,
relationship brought about by family or blood not by in laws or descendants and ascendants, by reason of his office.
Applying the same to insurance contracts, if the beneficiary of
. So if you insure somebody because you depend on that the insurance policy is guilty of adultery or concubinage even
person for education or support, that means that education or without finding of guilt, that designation of such beneficiary is
support is owed to you because of blood relationship. Even null and void.(NB: we’re only talking of parties directly
illegitimate relationship, it is still insurable because there is a engaging in concubinage and not their children.)
blood relationship that can be established.
When pecuniary benefit essential.
Out of adulterous relationship of A and B, three children were
In other cases, mere blood relationship does not create an born. If the designation of the beneficiaries in the insurance
insurable interest in the life of another. There must be an policy was B (mistress) and our three children. So B’s share in
expectation of pecuniary benefit in the life of the insured to the policy is null and void pursuant to Article 739 while the
sustain the insurance, that is, a risk of actual monetary loss illegitimate children’s shares are not because they are not ones
from his death. in the adulterous relationship.
Section 11. The insured shall have the right to change the Q:During the lifetime of the insurance policy, does the
beneficiary in the policy, unless he has expressly waived this designation of the beneficiary limit the insured’s control over
right in said policy. the benefits of the policy? Does the beneficiary have the
control over the policy itself?
Q: Can the insured changed his beneficiary?
A: NO because the beneficiary’s right over the proceeds is Sec. 11. The insured shall have the right to change the
realized only when the loss of life has already occurred. Upon beneficiary he designated in the policy, unless he has expressly
the death of the insured, that’s when the right of the waived this right in said policy.
beneficiary accrues. The beneficiary has only an inchoate right.
So much so that the insured decides to surrender the policy, Section 11 deals with the beneficiaries. By the way, a
the beneficiary can do nothing about it. The insured can do beneficiary can be both natural and juridical person. An
anything on the policy even without the consent of the employer of a high ranking executive can be a beneficiary in
beneficiary. the life insurance policy they may have taken on the life of the
Q: When the designation of beneficiary is irrevocable, what is
the nature of his right? Kinds of Beneficiary:
Q: What happens now when the insured wants to surrender There is no reason for the beneficiary to become one when he
the policy or pays out a loan, what he should do? has no insurable interest over the life of the insured but the
insured nevertheless specifies that the third party is the
A: He must obtain the consent of the beneficiary. Without the beneficiary to the proceeds of the insurance policy.
consent of the beneficiary, all actions of the insured in the
policy are rendered void. In the second and third kind of beneficiary, the proceeds of the
life insurance policy become the exclusive property of the
Measurement of vested interest of beneficiary in policy beneficiary upon the death of the insured. Once the death
occurs (life insurance policy) the rights of a revocable
The vested right or interest of the beneficiary in a policy beneficiary becomes vested in the beneficiary himself/herself.
should be measured on its full value and not on its cash From that time on, it becomes his property right. It is
surrender value for in case of death of the insured, said translated now into a property right in favor of the beneficiary
beneficiary is paid on the basis of its face value. Face Value is himself. So once it becomes a property right he can actually
the value of the policy as stated on the cover of the policy. assign the proceeds, that is one of the effects of ownership.
Cash surrender value is the accumulated value that the You can assign, transfer to the one whomever you want to
schedule of the insurance company gives to a particular policy transfer or you can transfer to an assignee the proceeds which
at some point in the life of the insurance contract. So if you you will be receiving from the insurance policy. But such right
have parents and say na isurrender na lang natin itong policy, only ripens when death of the insured occurs.
kailangan na natin ng pambayad sa bar exam because the
insurance policy has a cash surrender value. It may not be the We also discuss the limitations in the appointment of
full value of the policy but if your policy has been in existence beneficiary. So anyone can be appointed as beneficiary. There
for several years and it has big face value, in all probability are limitations. And one of the major limitations set forth is
you’ll have big cash surrender value especially if you did not under Article 2012 of the Civil Code. Article 2012 refers to
pay out a loan. It is only when you take out a loan that your Article 739 which enumerates the people who cannot donate
policy is really affected. among themselves or who cannot receive donations or whose
act of donating is rendered null and void.
An application of loan under the policy and the surrender of
the policy by the insured constitute acts of disposition or Art. 739. The following donations shall be void:
alienation of property rights of the beneficiary and not merely
management or administration because they involve the (1) Those made between persons who were guilty of adultery
incurring or termination of contractual obligations. So when the or concubinage at the time of the donation;
insured exercises such and if the designation of the beneficiary
is irrevocable, those acts are not permitted without the (2) Those made between persons found guilty of the same
consent of the beneficiary. When you exercise those acts, you criminal offense, in consideration thereof;
are already exercising acts of ownership.
(3) Those made to a public officer or his wife, descendants and
December 15, 2014 ascendants, by reason of his office.
In contrast to that if it is an irrevocable beneficiary; the Measurement of vested interest of beneficiary in the
beneficiary acquires an absolute and vested interest to all the policy
benefits accruing from the policy. All the benefits accruing
from the policy from the date of its issuance and delivery. What is the measurement of the vested interest of your
What does that mean? What is the significance of that? The beneficiary in the policy?
insured losses control over the policy, over his own policy and
practically for all intents and purposes surrenders the policy to The vested right or interest of the beneficiary in a policy
the irrevocable beneficiary. Because the right of the beneficiary should be measured on its full face value and not on its cash
becomes vested upon its issuance and delivery, the beneficiary surrender value.
can take out a loan to the extent stated in the schedule of the
values(?) because now he has a property right in the policy. The cash surrender value is taken from the schedule provided
for by insurance companies depending on the life of your
Can the owner/ insured continue to exercise ownership during insurance policy. They have a schedule. If your policy has been
the time that he is alive notwithstanding the irrevocable in existence for so many number of years, they have
designation of the beneficiary? Is there an instance where the equivalent cash value for that policy at that point in time of the
insured can avail the benefits of the insurance policy despite life of the policy. The measurement of the vested interest of
the irrevocable designation? your beneficiary in the policy is the full face value. So if your
insurance policy says that you are insured for 5Million, the
The beneficiary has thus a property right in the policy of which beneficiary gets the full amount of 5Million. We must
could not be deprived without his consent. remember in the Nario case that the application of a loan,
surrender of the policy, these are acts that constitute
Okay, understand section 11 and understand also the disposition or alienation of property rights. They are not merely
irrevocable designation concept. The rights once irrevocably acts of administration because they involve terminating or
designated, the rights now transferred to the beneficiary and incurring contractual obligations.
the rights become vested in him and he has all the rights. But
the insured is still the insured. An application of loan under the policy and the surrender of
the policy by the insured constitute acts of disposition or
What will the insured do to be able to still enjoy the benefits of alienation of property rights of the beneficiary and not merely
the policy? - If the beneficiary consents. That’s why the hard of management or administration because they involve the
thing about irrevocable designation is anything you want to do incurring or termination of contractual obligations (Nario vs.
with the policy you have to get the consent of the beneficiary. Philippine American Life Insurance Co., 20 scra 436)
That’s all. You can still continue enjoying the benefits. Actually
the insured still owns the insurance policy itself. The proceeds Where beneficiary dies before the insured
are owned already by the irrevocable beneficiary but that does
not render the owner of the policy useless or inutile. You can There are two views, what are these two views? What is the
still avail of a loan, get the cash surrender value. Now if you do criticism of the first view?
not get the consent of the beneficiary you cannot do that. But
if you get the consent of the beneficiary then you can still do 1. View that beneficiary’s representative is entitled to
those things. You have to get the consent. insurance proceeds
It would necessarily follow as a consequence of the vested The beneficiary designated may be the insured or his estate, a
interest rule, where the right to change the designated specifically designated person or persons, or a class or classes
beneficiary is expressly waived in the policy, that if the of person
beneficiary dies before the insured, his rights so vested should
pass to his representatives, and on the death of the insured, 1. Children
the proceeds of the policy should belong, not to estate of the
insured, but to the representatives of the beneficiary. But this The word “children” used to designate beneficiaries, is broad
result, however logical in form, does great violence to the enough to include the following:
purpose of the insured, who must have intended, in the
ordinary case, to provide a fund for the support after his a. Adopted child; or
death, of those whom he was accustomed to support during
his lifetime. He can scarcely have intended to make a provision b. An adult child not forming a part of the household of
for the distributes and legatees if the deceased beneficiary, the insured; or
who may well be persons without claim to his bounty or
interest in his life. c. After-born children even of a marriage subsequently
2. View that estate of the insured is entitled to insurance
proceeds The word “children” in an insurance policy ordinarily means a
descendant of the first degree and is never intended to include
It is believed that where the beneficiary predeceases the grandchildren.
insured, the estate of the insured should be entitled to the
2. Husband; wife or widow
proceeds of the insurance especially where the designation is
subject to the express condition to pay the beneficiary if he
The word “wife: in the description of the beneficiary of life
survives the insure or “if surviving”. However, most but not all,
insurance is generally regarded as descriptio personae, and the
courts hold that the mere fact that such policy is made payable
fact that one who otherwise answer the description does not
to the designated beneficiary, “his executors, administrators,
have the legal status of the wife of the insured does not
or assigns,” is sufficient to negative the implied condition that
prevent her from taking as beneficiary, when she is designated
death of the beneficiary before maturity of the policy
by name, although the word “his wife” were added. However,
terminated all his rights to it.
if the beneficiary is not named but is designated merely by a
It is simple if the beneficiary dies, if you invoke the first view, status, such as “the husband”, “wife”, or “widow” of the
you are actually asking the insured to give out money to insured, the legal husband or wife as ascertained at the death
of the insured, is entitled to the benefits of such insurance.
people he doesn’t even know. So that is the objection to the
first view, that the insured was only being liberal, or being
If the designation is merely wife, it merely describes the
generous to the person or the beneficiary itself. But if the
person. If there is a name of the person it will be given more
representatives of the beneficiary will partake of the proceeds
preference, more weight than the general designation of
after his death it would be too much of an imposition on the
“wife”. If there is no name appearing in the policy, it is only a
insured for him to be compelled under the law to give out his
designation of the husband or wife, widow of the insured then
funds to people he doesn’t even know or care about.
it is taken to mean the legal wife or the legal husband. What if
The second view on the other hand, is that if the beneficiary they’ve never been married? If they’ve never been married,
dies before the insured the proceeds will go to his estate. In that’s __ determined provided there is no other party
the example, the estate of the insured should be entitled to interested to share in the pie. The problem always arises when
there are other parties claiming their shares in the proceeds.
the proceeds of the insurance especially where the designation
is subject to the express condition to pay the beneficiary if he
3. Husband and children; wife and children
survives the insured or “if surviving”. However, most but not
all, courts hold that the mere fact that such policy is made
A policy payable to the wife of the insured and “their children”
payable to the designated beneficiary, “his executors,
includes children by another wife, although the prevailing view
administrators, or assigns.” When you have a phrase worded
state that the beneficiaries are limited to children common to
in that way there is no other choice but to interpret it in the
both. But if the designation is made to the insured’s “wife and
manner the insured wishes, that is to pay to the beneficiary, if
children” or “my wife and children”, the insurance is deemed
he dies, “his executors, administrators, or assigns,”. When the
for the benefit of all children of the insured, whether by the
policy is worded in such a way you cannot deny his heirs,
named wife or those of another.
executors from getting hold of the policy because it was
intended by the insured. 4. Family
Go over the discussion on designation of beneficiary. The term “family” is sometimes used to indicate the recipient
of the proceeds of an insurance policy. In deciding whether a
Designation of Beneficiary
particular person claiming a share of the fund is of the family
of the insured, the court will ascertain whether that person
was so regarded by the insured. If he was so regarded, he will The word “interest” mentioned in Section 12 means the right
be allowed to participate although in no way related to the of the beneficiary to receive the proceeds of the life insurance
insured. policy. It does not mean insurable interest since the
beneficiary need not have an insurable interest in the life of
5. Heirs or legal heirs the insured.
When a life policy is made payable to the insured’s “heirs” or Ma’am: We talk of insurable interest only in property
“legal heirs”, these terms will not ordinarily be construed as insurance. Interest here as mentioned by the law is actually an
indicating merely the heirs at law but rather that class of interest over the right of the beneficiary to receive the
persons who would take the property of the insured in case he proceeds of the life insurance policy.
died intestate.
In case the interest of a beneficiary in a life insurance policy is
6. Estate or legal representatives of deceased forfeited as provided in Sec. 12, the nearest relatives, not
otherwise disqualified, of the insured shall receive the
The words “estate”, “representative”, or “legal proceeds of the insurance in accordance with the rules on
representatives”, when used in designating beneficiaries, are intestate succession provided in the Civil Code.
to be construed in their strict technical sense and the courts
will ordinarily assume that they are used to mean executors or The nearest relatives of the insured in the order of
administrators, unless it appears that the insured intended to enumeration are the following:
use these expressions in the sense of heirs or next kin.
1. The legitimate children;
Words used in designating the beneficiaries of a life policy will
not be given their technical significance but will be construed 2. The father and mother, if living;
broadly in order that the benefit of the insurance shall be
received by those intended by the insured as the object of the 3. The grandfather and grandmother, or ascendants
bounty. The beneficiary designated may be the insured or his nearest in degree, if living;
estate, a specifically designated person or persons, or a class
or classes of persons. 4. The legitimate children;
3. Husband and children; wife and children a. Brothers and sisters of the full blood;
6. Estate or legal representatives of deceased 7. In default of the above, the State shall be entitled to
receive the insurance proceeds.
(Ma’am: Just read. Please see the explanation in the book)
Liability of the insurer on death of insured
Consuegra vs. GSIS
Death at the hands of the law- It does not affect the liability of
If no beneficiary is designated in the life insurance policy, the the insurer.
proceeds thereof will go to the legal heirs in accordance with
law. It has been held, however, that where women, innocently For example, you are convicted criminally and you have to
and in good faith, contracted marriage with the same man, the suffer death penalty. Is the insurance company freed from
insured, and the latter did not designate any beneficiary who paying your beneficiaries in the insurance policy? NO, the
would receive the proceeds of his life insurance, each family insurance company continues to be liable unless it is one of
shall be entitled to one half of the insurance benefits. the exceptions in the policy.
Section 12. The interest of a beneficiary in alife insurance Death by self destruction- The insurer is not liable in case the
policy shall be forfeited when the beneficiary is the principal, insured commits suicide intentionally, with whatever motive,
accomplice, or accessory in willfully bringing about the death when in sound mind.
of the insured; in which event, the nearest relative of the
insured shall receive the proceeds of said insurance if not Death by suicide while insane- The suicide of an insured while
otherwise disqualified. insane does not discharge the insurer from his liability on his
Ma’am: But later on, we will see under section 180, there is a the person insured has no title, either legal or equitable, to the
period within which insurance policy can be contested on the property insured.
basis of insanity and beyond that period it could no longer be
contested. Meaning, the insurance company could no longer Mere factual expectation of loss does not constitute an
raise the defense of insanity. insurable interest.
Section 13 defines insurable interest in property. It provides b. An inchoate interest founded on an existing interest;
that every interest in property, whether real or personal, or
any relation thereto, or liability in respect thereof, of such • A stockholder has an inchoate interest in the property
nature that a contemplated peril might directly damnify the of the corporation of which he is stockholder, which is founded
insured, is an insurable interest. on an existing interest arising from his ownership of shares in
the corporation. His insurable interest is limited to the extent
Principle: Anyone has an insurable interest in property who of the value of his interest or to his share in the distribution of
derives a benefit from its existence or would suffer loss from the corporate assets upon dissolution.
its destruction.
c. An expectancy, coupled with an existing interest in
Note that under the law, it is not necessary that the interest is that out of which the expectancy arises.
such that the event insured against would necessarily subject
the insured to loss. It is sufficient that the risk of loss might • A farmer may insure future crops if they are to be
occur and pecuniary injury would be the natural consequence. grown on land owned by him at the time of the insurance of
the policy, or although the crops are to be raised by him on
What is more, although a person has no title, legal or the land of another, provided the crops will belong to him
equitable, in the property, and neither possession nor right to when produced.
possession, yet he has an insurable interest if he is so situated
with respect to the property that he will suffer loss as the Sec. 15. A carrier or depository of any kind has an insurable
proximate result of its damage or destruction. interest in a thing held by him as such, to the extent of his
liability but not to exceed the value thereof.
Unlike the civil law concept of jus perit domino, where
ownership is the basis for consideration of who bears the risk The reason for this provision is that the loss of the thing may
of loss, in property insurance, one’s property insurance, one’s cause liability to the carrier or depository to the extent of its
interest is not determined by concept of title, but where the value.
insured has substantial economic interest in the property.
Under the General Bonded Warehouse Act, a warehouseman,
Ma’am: Substantial economic interest is the key in determining licensed to engage in the business of receiving commodities for
your insurable interest. A mortgagee may take out an storage, is required to insure the same against fire.
insurance policy over the property mortgaged but he does not
have title over the property itself yet he takes out an insurance Sec. 16. A mere contingent or expectant interest in anything,
because he have an insurable interest and that comes in under not founded on an actual right to the thing, nor upon any valid
the concept of substantial economic interest in the property. contract for it, is not insurable.
Legal expectation of loss or benefit Ma’am: Do you have insurable interest over your legitime?
The expectation of benefit to be derived from the continued According to the author, the right to legitime may form the
existence of property must have a basis of legal right, although legal basis of a compulsory heir’s insurable interest. However,
the person insured must have a basis of legal right, although in a case decided by the Supreme Court which was decided in
the late 2000, there were twelve children. Now the parents The doctrine of waiver or estoppels cannot be invoked since
while still alive decided to sell some of their properties to some the public has an interest in the matter independent of the
of their children. There were several properties that were sold consent or concurrence of the parties.
to six of the children and so the six other children instituted an
action to nullify the deed of sale because they were saying it How do we measure the indemnity in insurance contracts?
would impair their legitime. The Court ruled that their right to
their legitime is an inchoate right. The parents while alive can General Rule: The amount of insurance fixed in the policy of a
choose to dispose of their properties whatever they want. And marine or fire insurance is not the exact measure of indemnity
it was determined that there was consideration in the deed of to which the insured is entitled, but the maximum indemnity
absolute sale. The Court allowed the sale to be valid. which he might obtain. The insured cannot recover in excess
of his actual loss.
It seems the author is saying that the heir can insure his
legitime. Well if it is find with the heir that he pays for the Exception:
insurance premium, why not? But he cannot come to court and
say I have already right to my legitime because I already pay a.) In valued policies (Sec.61), however, the valuation of
for my insurance premium. the thing insured is conclusive between the parties thereto in
the adjustment of loss, if the insured has some interest at risk,
Sec.17. The measure of an insurable interest in property is and there is no fraud on his part, although it might be proved
the extent to which the insured might be damnified by loss or that the actual value of the thing is less.
injury thereof.
b.) Similarly, the principle of indemnity cannot be invoked
by the insurer who agreed to repair or replace the thing
In case of a contract of mortgage, a mortgagor has an
insured with a new one even though the cost of the
insurable interest equal to the value of the mortgaged property
undertaking may exceed the original amount of the insurance.
and a mortgagee, only to the extent of the credit secured by
the mortgage. In property insurance, the amount appearing on
January 5, 2015 (Happy New Year)
the policy itself is the limit of the amount the insured may
claim. But if it can be proven that the loss or damage was far
(Ma’am reviewing past discussions)
less than the amount appearing in the insurance policy, then
what will be paid is the actual loss. Why so? Because the
insurance is a contract of indemnity.
Sec.18. No contract or policy of insurance on property shall be
As we’ve said class, insurance companies have certain
enforceable except for the benefit of some person having an
mechanisms, devices which their liabilities are diminished.
insurable interest in the property insured.
What are these? One of these is concealment.
Cha vs. Court of Appeals What is concealment?
The contract of lease provides that any fire insurance policy
SEC. 26. A neglect to communicate that which a party knows
obtained by the lessee over his merchandise inside the leased
premises without the consent of the lessor is deemed assigned and ought to communicate, is called a concealment.
or transferred to the lessor. It held that such automatic
assignment is void for being contrary to law and public policy, Two aspects
hence, the insurer cannot be compelled to pay the proceeds of
the policy to the lessor who has no interest in the property ü “which a party knows”
insured. If a party doesn’t know, there is no concealment because
you will not be hiding anything.
No the lessor has no insurable interest. The owner of the
building is primarily interested in the payment of the rentals of ü “ought to communicate”
the lessee. So regardless if the merchandise of the lessee It is a duty imposed on the person applying for an
stored in the building will be destroyed by fire or not still the insurance policy
interest of the lessor with respect to the lessee is still existing
to the extent of the rentals so since the rentals are not based If you fail in these two aspects then there is concealment.
on the merchandise therefore the lessor has no interest.
Four primary concerns of the parties to an insurance
Where the insurance is invalidated on the ground that no contract.
insurable interest exists, the premium is ordinarily returned to
the insured unless he is in pari de licto. In making a contract, so highly aleatory as that of insurance,
the parties have 4 primary concerns, to wit:
1. The correct estimation of the risk which enables the insurer’s option. Now we have to relate that with Section 48,
insurer to decide whether he is willing to assume it, and if class. Let’s look at section 48 –
so, at what rate of premium;
2. The precise delimitation of the risk which determines the SEC. 48. Whenever a right to rescind a contract of
extent of the contingent duty to pay undertaken by the insurance is given to the insurer by any provision of
insurer; this chapter, such right must be exercised previous to
3. Such control of the risk after it is assumed as will enable the commencement of an action on the contract.
the insurer to guard against the increase of the risk
because of change in conditions; and After a policy of life insurance made payable on the
4. Determining whether a loss occurred and if so, the death of the insured shall have been in force during
amount of such loss. the lifetime of the insured for a period of two (2)
years from the date of its issue or of its last
If the loss never occurred the insurance company can never be reinstatement, the insurer cannot prove that the
liable. So you can, year-in and year-out, buy insurance for your policy is void ab initio or is rescindable by reason of
building or for your house but when the risk never occurred, the fraudulent concealment or misrepresentation of
the insurance company can never be liable under the policy. the insured or his agent.
Same with life insurance, ordinarily a life insurance is an
insurance for life all the way to age 99 but when you don’t The second paragraph, there is a period imposed by law
want to pay that long, what will you do? Make sure your policy beyond which the insurance company can no longer contest
is earning dividends. During your lifetime, when you are able the policy on the ground of concealment or misrepresentation.
to work, you are able to pay the premiums over that policy and So, we know that concealment, whether intentional or
for a certain period of time, let’s say 20 years, dividends will unintentional, will cause the injured party to rescind the
accrue and no loan payments is set-off against the dividends, contract of insurance but we also know that if the policy of the
in time it will accumulate to such degree as it can pay-off your insurance has been enforced for a period of more than 2 years
yearly premium. That’s how you manage your insurance policy, already (we are talking here of life insurance), so on the third
especially life insurance policy. year, the insurance company cannot rescind or prove that the
insurance is void ab initio because there is concealment or
So concealment and representation are very important in the misrepresentation. So you have to make sure that if
sense that these pertain to information that the insurance mandadaya ka, your policy must be more than 2 years old so
company need to have to be able to assess the extent of the that the insurance company can no longer question the validity
insurer’s eventual liability when the risk happens. (ma’am of your policy.
talking about how the US deals with insurance fraud)
Devices for ascertaining and controlling risks –just go Now, do you need to prove fraud? NO. There is no need to
over it J prove fraud because, as we’ve learned, whether intentional or
unintentional, if there is concealment then the policy is
What are the requisites of concealment? The four voidable.
requisites are:
What do you think is the reason why the insurance
1. A party knows the fact which he neglects to communicate company need not prove fraud? The reason why there is
or disclose to the other; no need to prove fraud is because if you impose such condition
2. Such party concealing is duty bound to disclose such fact on the insurance company, that means that you have to prove
to the other; clearly that an intention was there to defraud the insurance
3. Such party concealing makes no warranty of the fact company. It is really too much of an obligation to be imposing
concealed; and on the insurance company. The insurance company will
4. The other party has not the means of ascertaining the fact actually be wasting resources just to investigate an applicant
concealed. thoroughly of whether he/she is guilty of fraud, or whether the
representations made by the insured can be relied upon. At
What is the effect of concealment? best, the insurance company can only rely on the good faith of
the applicants.
SEC. 27. A concealment whether intentional or unintentional
entitles the injured party to rescind a contract of insurance. There is a presumption that if you file an application for a life
insurance policy that all the information stated in that
What is the effect of rescission? Mutual restitution, the application are true and there are no other information that
parties are restored to their original condition. The premium may be useful to the insurance company to assess the risk
will have to be returned to the insured. properly. For example, if you apply for an insurance policy,
there is a section (in the policy) asking if you have been
Rescission, actually, may or may not be resorted to by the hospitalized for a particular illness, so they provide for a list of
party. It depends, that is only an option for him. Failure on the illnesses. Now you tend to forget that you have been confined
part of the insured to disclose conditions affecting the risk, of for that illness because it has been quite some time and the
which he is aware, makes the contract voidable at the illness is not that threatening that you easily forget about it,
e.g. diarrhea, and if in the future something happens to you (e) Those which relate to a risk excepted from the policy and
and the insurance company discovers that you failed to which are not otherwise material.
indicate that you have been hospitalize, they may say that you
have concealed some information from them. So, it is really When there is a specific inquiry from the insurance company,
important that if you believe that that information may change then you ought to reply accurately. Otherwise, there is no
the way that the insurance company would look at you as a need to communicate these matters.
risk, then you have to come forward. I believe that the
insurance company would not really disallow your application, What is materiality?
they would just ask for a higher premium.
SEC. 31. Materiality is to be determined not by the event, but
Let’s go to Section 28… solely by the probable and reasonable influence of the facts
upon the party to whom the communication is due, in forming
What are the matters that must be communicated even his estimate of the disadvantages of the proposed contract, or
in the absence of inquiry? in making his inquiries.
SEC. 28. Each party to a contract of insurance must How do you measure materiality? So materiality is determined
communicate to the other, in good faith, all facts within his not by the event, but solely by the probable and reasonable
knowledge which are material to the contract and as to which influence of the facts upon the party to whom the
he makes no warranty, and which the other has not the means communication is due, in forming his estimate of the
of ascertaining. disadvantages of the proposed contract, or in making his
This section makes it the duty of each party to a contract of
insurance to communicate in good faith all facts within his So if the insurance company needed to know this information,
knowledge only when: and it is not one of those under Section 30, then you have to
apply the test of materiality. In an example, under
1. They are material to the contract; subparagraph (a), the applicant concealed the fact that he had
2. The other has not the means of ascertaining said facts; pneumonia, diabetes and syphilis, the policy is avoided
and although the cause of the death (e.g. plane crash) is totally
3. As to which the party with the duty to communicate unconnected with the material fact concealed or
makes no warranty. misrepresented. What was the material fact concealed here?
The fact of his illnesses. Decision held that the insurance
So, it’s important that the fact which you ought to company can raise that as a defense, the insurance company
communicate must be material to the contract. Under the can argue that there was concealment. You know why class?
annotation of section 28, the author sights few examples of You are taking money from the insurance company. The
instances where the health conditions were concealed. moment the insurance company sees a way out of its
Example, an applicant for life insurance concealed that he was obligation it will really try its best to get out of its contractual
treated or hospitalize for pneumonia. You must disclose these obligation.
facts even when not inquired into where the facts are material
to the risk assumed by the insurer. So we can conclude that In other words, if the information concealed was not material,
when you are taking out a life insurance policy, any condition then there is no concealment. That’s the bottomline. It would
suffered, pwera na lang siguro cold, must be indicated in your seem that any disease could me material to a life insurance
application. policy.
The test is: If the applicant is aware of the existence of some So section 32, just read that…
circumstances which he knows would influence the insurer in SEC. 32. Each party to a contract of insurance is bound to
acting upon his application, good faith requires him to disclose know all the general causes which are open to his inquiry,
that circumstance, though unasked. equally with that of the other, and which may affect the
political or material perils contemplated; and all general usages
SEC. 30. Neither party to a contract of insurance is bound to of trade.
communicate information of the matters following, except in It talks about matters which the parties ought to know.
answer to the inquiries of the other: General usages of trade are those that are open to inquiry, in
(a) Those which the other knows; other words magtanong ka lang alam mo na. So the insurance
(b) Those which, in the exercise of ordinary care, the other company is given the task or ought to know matters, e.g.
ought to know, and of which the former has no reason to areas frequently hit by typhoon.
suppose him ignorant;
(c) Those of which the other waives communication; SEC. 33. The right to information of material facts may be
(d) Those which prove or tend to prove the existence of a risk
waived, either by the terms of insurance or by neglect to make
excluded by a warranty, and which are not otherwise material;
inquiry as to such facts, where they are distinctly implied in
and other facts of which information is communicated.
SEC. 38. The language of a representation is to be interpreted
So, there is a duty for you to obtain information and that duty by the same rules as the language of contracts in general.
is expected where the fact that ought to have been
communicated is material to the policy. But what if the other Insurance contract is just another form of contract.
party waives it? So this duty can actually be waived under
Section 33. SEC. 39. A representation as to the future is to be deemed a
promise, unless it appears that it was merely a statement of
How does waiver happen? By expressly stipulating it in the belief or expectation.
contract itself or by failure to make inquiry.
What is an affirmative representation? What does it constitute?
Just look at the cases mentioned there. Will the insured be
How about promissory representation?
faulted for not being able to distinguish between “peptic ulcer”
and “tumor?” No, in the absence of evidence that the insured
SEC. 40. A representation cannot qualify an express provision
had sufficient knowledge as to enable him to distinguish
in a contract of insurance, but it may qualify an implied
between “peptic ulcer” and a “tumor,” his statement, that said
tumor was “associated with peptic ulcer of the stomach”
should be construed as an expression made in good faith of his
belief as to the nature of his ailment and operation. Representation must be an active statement on the part of the
SEC. 34. Information of the nature or amount of the interest
of one insured need not be communicated unless in answer to SEC. 41. A representation may be altered or withdrawn before
an inquiry, except as prescribed by Section 51. the insurance is effected, but not afterwards.
SEC. 35. Neither party to a contract of insurance is bound to So why is it important that there is no
communicate, even upon inquiry, information of his own misrepresentation? It is important because the
judgment upon the matters in question. representation was made the basis for the insurance company
entering into an insurance contract. The insurance company is
What is your opinion? Your opinion does not matter. So you relying on the representation and on the basis of your
need not communicate your opinion. If there is a question in representation it has made its assessment on your insurability.
the policy, “How long do you think you will live?” So it is calling In liability insurance, the same principle applies.
for an opinion, so even if you answer, “may be 50 more
years,” but you did not live that long, the insurance company SEC. 42. A representation must be presumed to refer to the
cannot take it up against you for it is not considered date on which the contract goes into effect.
SEC. 43. When a person insured has no personal knowledge
So let’s move to representation… of a fact, he may nevertheless repeat information which he has
upon the subject, and which he believes to be true, with the
TITLE 5 explanation that he does so on the information of others; or he
REPRESENTATION may submit the information, in its whole extent, to the insurer;
and in neither case is he responsible for its truth, unless it
SEC. 36. A representation may be oral or written. proceeds from an agent of the insured, whose duty it is to give
the information.
What is representation? It is a statement by the insured at
the time of, or prior to, the issuance of the policy, relative to Section 43 talks about information obtained from third
the risk to be insured, as to an existing or past fact or state of persons.
facts, or concerning a future happening, to give information to
the insurer and otherwise induce him to enter into the SEC. 44. A representation is to be deemed false when the
insurance contract. facts fail to correspond with its assertions or stipulations.
The representation may pertain to a facts or a situation, past, When the facts failed to correspond to its assertions, of course
present, or future. So when you say representation, you that is false representation.
positively indicate or affirm a fact or situation which occurred
in the past or is on-going. Now, does it have to be strictly interpreted? Or can substantial
compliance enough? Substantial truth is enough.
How do you distinguish representation from
concealment? SEC. 45. If a representation is false in a material point,
whether affirmative or promissory, the injured party is entitled
SEC. 37. A representation may be made at the time of, or to rescind the contract from the time when the representation
before, issuance of the policy. becomes false.
Take note that in this provision, the right to rescind by the Take note, the 2-year period for questioning the policy may be
insurance company is waived by the acceptance of insurance shortened but it cannot be extended by stipulation.
premiums despite knowledge of the ground for rescission.
Defenses not barred by inconstestable (see enumeration
SEC. 46. The materiality of a representation is determined by in the book)
the same rules as the materiality of a concealment.
January 10, 2015
What is the test of materiality of a representation? It is the
same as concealment. It is not determined by the event but by Review of Title 5:
the reasonable and probable influence it has on the person
Remember that rules on representation are more or less the
who is making the assessment.
same with concealment; same requirement of materiality. In
representation, there has to be substantial compliance in
SEC. 47. The provisions of this chapter apply as well to a
material aspect of the insurance policy. It does not need a
modification of a contract of insurance as to its original literal or strict compliance.
2nd par.of Section 48 provides that after a policy of life
SEC. 48. Whenever a right to rescind a contract of insurance insurance made payable on the death of the insured shall have
is given to the insurer by any provision of this chapter, such been in force during the lifetime of the insured for a period of
right must be exercised previous to the commencement of an two years from the date of its issue or of its last reinstatement,
action on the contract. the insurer cannot prove that the policy is void ab initio or is
rescindable by reason of the fraudulent concealment or
After a policy of life insurance made payable on the death of misrepresentation of the insured or his agent. This provision
the insured shall have been in force during the lifetime of the applies to life insurance with its incontestable clauses.
insured for a period of two (2) years from the date of its issue
or of its last reinstatement, the insurer cannot prove that the Incontestability means that after the requisites are shown to
policy is void ab initio or is rescindable by reason of the exist, the insurer shall be estopped from contesting the policy
fraudulent concealment or misrepresentation of the insured or or setting up any defense, except as is allowed, on the ground
his agent. of public policy. (MEMORIZE)
Section 48, we’ve taken that earlier. The 2nd paragraph The remedy when there is misrepresentation is rescission. It is
pertains to life insurance policies. the same when there is concealment.
It happens when the insurance company fails to contest the If the insured has already filed an action in court to collect the
policy by reason of concealment or misrepresentation. amount of the insurance, the insurer cannot anymore rescind
the policy. The rescission of the insurer of the policy must
So section 48 speaks of commencing an action on the contract. come before an action is commenced before the court. The
So you must exercise first, you simply have to write a letter to right to rescind, however, is waived by acceptance of
the other party informing of your decision to rescind the premiums.
contract, before the commencement of a civil action could be
had over the insurance policy. Requisites for incontestability
Requisites for incontestability Under our law, in order that the insurance shall be
incontestable, the following requisites must be present:
1. The policy is a life insurance policy;
2. It is payable on the death of the insured; and (1) The policy is a life insurance policy;
3. It has been in force during the lifetime of the insured for
(2) It is payable on the death of the insured; and
at least two years from its date of issue or of its last
(3) It has been in force during the lifetime of the insured for at
least two (2) years from its date of issue or of its last
Why reinstatement? What is the significance of this word?
Sometimes the insured fails to pay the premium even within
the grace period given under the policy and so the policy Ma’am: Incontestable clause applies only to life insurance
lapses. When the policy lapses, the insured has the option to
policies. Do not apply it when is at issue is a property
reinstate the policy. How? By just paying the premium due. insurance.
When the policy is reinstated 6 months down the road, the
reckoning point, of the 2-year period, will be the date of the Effect when policy becomes incontestable
When a policy of life insurance becomes incontestable, the endorsement appear? That endorsement appears in the policy
insurer may not refuse to pay the same by claiming that: itself. It is important in the sense that it is required by law. We
cannot assume that because of the movement in the deed of
(1) the policy is void ab initio; or mortgage, the insurance policy is automatically liable to the
main parties involved in the transaction. If there is
(2) it is rescissible by reason of the fraudulent concealment of endorsement but not indicated in the policy itself, then the
the insured or his agent, no matter how patent or well- insurance will not be liable.
founded; or
Unless applied for by the insured or owner, any rider, clause,
(3) it is rescissible by reason of the fraudulent warranty, or endorsement issued after the original policy shall
misrepresentations of the insured or his agent. be countersigned by the insured or owner, which
countersignature shall be taken as his agreement to the
Since the law speaks of a policy in force for two years, the contents of such rider, clause, warranty, or endorsement.
expression "void ab initio" should be understood in the sense
of "voidable" and the fraud contemplated should refer to fraud Ma’am: This particular paragraph assumes that it is the
in the inducement.4 (see Art. 1338, Civil Code.) insurance company that initiated the RCWE.
The Policy Group insurance and group annuity policies, however, may be
typewritten and need not be in printed form.
Sec. 49. The written instrument in which a contract of
insurance is set forth, is called a policy of insurance. Compliance of the insured with conditions of policy
It is the written document embodying the terms and Insurance companies have the same rights as individuals to
stipulations of the contract of insurance between the insured limit their liability and to impose whatever conditions they
and the insurer. deem best upon their obligations not inconsistent with public
policy. The compliance by the insured with the terms of the
Ma’am: There is no verbal policy of insurance. It must be in a policy is a condition precedent to the right of recovery. Read
written instrument. Fortune Insurance & Surety Co., Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 244
SCRA 308 [1995].)
Sec. 50. The policy shall be in printed form which may contain
blank spaces; and any word, phrase, clause, mark, sign, A policy of insurance is a contract of adhesion. Consequently,
symbol, signature, number, or word necessary to complete the where the language used in an insurance contract or
contract of insurance shall be written on the blank spaces application is such as to create ambiguity, the same should be
provided therein. resolved liberally in favor of the insured and strictly against the
party responsible therefore. However, if there are
Ma’am: All these must be contained in the insurance policy. If circumstances that will point out that the insured has the
they are not and conflict arises, it may render your insurance capacity, knowledge and expertise, all of these to protect his
policy rescissible. interest, then the court will decide in favor of the insurance
company and against the insured.
Any rider, clause, warranty, or endorsement purporting to be
part of the contract of insurance and which is pasted or It is well-settled that "contractual limitations of liability found in
attached to said policy is not binding on the insured, unless the insurance contracts should be regarded by courts with a
descriptive title or name of the rider, clause, warranty, or jaundiced eye and extreme care and should be so construed as
endorsement is also mentioned and written on the blank to preclude the insurer from evading compliance with its just
spaces provided in the policy. obligations. This is on the part of the insurance company but is
equally applicable to the insured.
Ma’am: The keyword is RCWE. So You have a main policy. You
have riders, clause, warranty, or endorsement which are A policy of insurance is different from the contract of
usually found in a separate document. All these RCWE must in insurance. The policy is the formal written instrument
the descriptive title of your attachments, must be found in the evidencing the contract of insurance entered into between the
policy itself. Otherwise, it will not be binding. insured and the insurer. It is the law between them.
Last year’s exam in Insurance: How will the insurance Ma’am: Do not use these terms interchangeably.
company be liable? This was on the basis of Sec.50. So
whenever there’s a movement in the life of the insurance Perfection of insurance contract.
policy, endorsements particularly, property was mortgaged to
the bank. The bank must ask the insured to have the A contract of insurance, like other contracts, must be assented
insurance policy transferred in the name of the bank or at least to by the parties either in person or by their agents. Under the
indicated that it was already mortgaged to the bank then the law, assent or consent is manifested by the meeting of the
endorsement is a very vital act to make the insurance company offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the cause which
are to constitute the contract. (Art. 1319, Civil Code.)
liable. Dapat talaga nakaendorse. And where does the
If an application for insurance has not been either accepted or Ma’am: Cover notes are different from binding slip. The former
rejected, there is no contract yet as it is merely an offer or form part of your policy itself.
Offer and acceptance in insurance contract
The mere signing of an application for life insurance and the
payment of the first premium do not bind the insurer to issue a The applicant usually makes the offer to the insurer through an
policy where there is no evidence of any contract between the application for insurance which is usually attached to policy
parties that such acts should constitute a contract of and made a part of the insurance contract.
1. In property and liability insurance
The contract, to be binding from the date of the application,
must have been a completed contract, one that leaves nothing It is the insured who technically makes an offer to the insurer,
to be done, nothing to be completed, nothing to be passed who accepts the offer, rejects it, or makes a counter-offer. The
upon, or determined, before it shall take effect. There can be offer is usually accepted by an insurance agent on behalf of
no contract of insurance unless the minds of the parties have the insurer.
met in agreement.
2. In life and health insurance
Similarly, the contract is not perfected where the applicant for
life insurance dies before its approval or it does not appear The situation depends upon whether the insured pays the
that the acceptance-of the application ever came to the premium at the time he applies for insurance.
knowledge of the applicant.
(a) If he does not pay the premium, his application is
The acceptance of an insurance policy must be unconditional, considered an invitation to the insurer to make an offer, which
but it need not be by formal act. he must then accept before the contract goes into effect. If he
pays the premium with his application, his application will be
Ma’am: Because it is a contract, the parties may add additional considered an offer. Life and health insurance agents,
terms and conditions, that’s why it is necessary for you to look however, do not have the authority to bind immediately the
the policy itself. If there are terms and conditions that are insurers they represent. Instead they customarily issue a
unique to your circumstances which the insurance company binding receipt that makes the coverage effective on (1) the
feel are necessary to protect its interest in the insurance, the date of the application, or (2) the date of the medical
insurance companies will add the terms and conditions already examination, if the insurer determines later that the applicant
in the printed form. Likewise for the insured, if the insured also was insurable on that date. The binding receipt is, therefore, a
wants more of protection, because of his special circumstance, conditional acceptance by the insurer.
the insured may so indicate in the policy itself.
(b) Where the application for insurance constitutes an
The parties may impose additional conditions precedent to the offer by the insured, a policy issued strictly in accordance with
validity of the policy as a contract as they see fit. The usual the offer is an acceptance of the offer that perfects the
conditions found in the application for insurance or in the contract.
policy are that the contract shall not become binding until the
policy is delivered and the first premium paid. These conditions What about offer and acceptance, because this is also found in
are valid and enforceable. Until the conditions are fulfilled, the basic contract law. Do they also apply to insurance contract?
policy is of no binding effect. Yes they do. The applicant usually makes the offer which is in
the form of an application. The applicant fills out an application
There is no valid and binding insurance contract where no form; they do this sometimes with the assistance of an
premium is paid unless credit is given or there is a waiver or insurance agent. You will check those boxes whether you are
some agreement obviating the necessity for prepayment of the smoking, you have serious illnesses before, medical procedures
premium. But where the premium has been previously paid, performed, family history is also there. So these are all
the contract is perfected upon approval of the application information contained in an application for a life insurance
although the policy has not yet been issued, unless there is a policy. You also apply for property insurance; there are also
stipulation to the contrary. forms that you have to fill out. Because those forms are the
basis for making a reasonable assessment of how much a risk
The binding deposit receipt is intended to be merely a you are, how much a risk your business is and the proper
provisional or temporary insurance and to be binding only payments you ought to pay for the policies.
upon compliance with the conditions precedent indicated in the
policy. In life insurance, a "binding slip" or "binding receipt" In property and liability insurance it is the insured who
does not insure by itself. technically makes an offer to the insurer, and the insurer either
accepts it or rejects it, or makes a counter-offer. So if the
Cover notes. — They may be issued to bind the Insurance insurance company does not 100% approve your application
temporarily pending the issuance of the policy. Coverage then you may make a counter-offer. In life and health insurance the
can begin depending upon their terms. situation depends upon whether the insured pays the premium
at the time he applies for insurance. If you do not pay the
premiums, if you do not issue a check, you do not give the What is the effect of delivery of policy?
cash equivalent of the premium at the time the application is
submitted, the application is merely considered as an invitation Delivery conditional
to the insurer to make an offer to you. Life and health
insurance agents, however, do not have the authority to bind Where there is conditional delivery of an insurance policy, non-
immediately the insurers they represent. So what do they do? performance of the condition precedent prevents the contract
They customarily issue a binding receipt that makes the from taking effect.
coverage effective on the date of the application, or the date
of the medical examination, if the insurer requires the Delivery unconditional
applicant that - in a way it is a conditional acceptance.
The unconditional delivery of an insurance policy
Importance of delivery of policy corresponding to the terms of the application ordinarily
consummates the contract, and the policy as delivered
What is the importance of the delivery of the policy? becomes the final contract between the parties.
Delivery is the act of putting the insurance policy – the physical Rider in a contract of insurance
document – into the possession of the insured. The delivery of
the policy is important in at least 2 ways: A rider is a small printed or typed stipulation contained on a
slip of paper attached to the policy and forming an integral
a. As evidence of the making of a contract and of its part of the policy.
terms; and
Riders are usually attached to the policy because they
b. As communication of the insurer’s acceptance of the constitute additional stipulations between the parties.
insured’s offer
So it forms an integral part of the policy. By the way, what is a
Absence of delivery rider? Sometimes you have accident riders. You take out a life
insurance policy, payable upon the death of the insured. Death
The delivery of a policy is not however, a prerequisite to a here is the loss that is being insured against. But let’s say you
valid contract of insurance. The contract may be completed did not die, there was an accident. The insured severed an
prior to delivery of the policy or even without the delivery of arm, finger, hand. You did not die, you are simply rendered
the policy depending on the intention of the parties. incapacitated. How can you pay(?) now your premiums
because the policy is not extinguished by your accident. What
Modes of delivery of policy happens is, the insurance companies or its agents usually
advice you take out a rider. Riders require you to pay
Actual/Constructive delivery additional premiums but they are not as big as the premiums
on the life insurance policy itself. They add up for each rider
There can be no contract of insurance unless the minds of the that you take. You are assessed a separate premium. Once
parties have met in agreement. However, actual manual their descriptive title is included in the blank space of the
transfer of the policy is not a prerequisite to its validity unless policy itself, it forms an integral part of the insurance. Don’t
the parties have so agreed in clear language. Constructive forget the requirement that it must be indicated in the main
delivery may be sufficient. policy itself.
It can be actual delivery or constructive delivery. So if your Necessity for riders, etc
insurance agents fail to deliver the contract, does that mean
that the contract is void ab inito, null and void, or rescissible? The necessity for riders, etc. is found in the fact that in the
No. not necessary. Actual manual transfer of the policy is not a conduct of insurance business, it often becomes necessary to
prerequisite for its validity unless the parties have agreed in a add a new provision to a policy, or to modify or waive an
language that is clear. existing provision, or to make any desired change in the policy.
This saves the trouble and expense of making an entirely new
Delivery, primarily a matter of intention contract.
In the final analysis, whether or not the policy was delivered Now do you only add riders at the beginning of the issuance of
after its issuance, depends, not upon its manual possession by the policy? Riders may come in in the middle of the life
the insured but rather upon the intention of the parties which insurance policy itself.
may be shown by their acts or words. It may depend on the
wording of the application for Insurance, But possession by the Rule in case of conflict between a rider, etc. and
insured raises the presumption that the policy was delivered to printed stipulations of a policy
the insured, while possession by the insurer is prima facie
evidence that no delivery was made. When there is an inconsistency between a rider and the
printed stipulations in the policy, the rider prevails, as being
Effect of delivery of policy
more deliberate expression of the agreement of the that enough? No, because it did not comply with the
contracting parties. requirement of Section 50 that descriptive title of the rider
must be indicated in the policy itself. Hindi yan pwede istaple
Examples: lang it must be indicated in the policy itself.
1. The fire insurance policy on a building excludes loss What is the effect of lack of description?
by earthquake. For the payment of an additional premium, the
insurer attached a rider, in which it agrees to indemnify the Any rider, clause, warranty or endorsement purporting to be
insured against loss by earthquake. part of the contract of insurance and which is pasted or
attached to said policy is not binding on the insured unless the
The rider becomes a part of the policy and supersedes any descriptive title or name of the rider, etc. is also mentioned
part of the policy in conflict with its provisions. and written on the blank spaces provided in the policy. The
lack of description will not affect the other provisions of the
So a fire insurance policy may sometimes not include policy except where without such rider, etc., the contract
Earthquakes. Sometimes the policy will state that fire would be incomplete.
originated by earthquake will not be covered. Where there is a
strong earthquake and fire results, the fire insurance policy will Effect of Failure of insured to read policy
not include that as one of the risks they are willing to cover.
Why? Because they say you do not have control when Majority rule
earthquake happens. If the insured wants total coverage
against fire, recovery from fire whatever the cause is. Then the In most jurisdictions, the fact that it is customary for insured
insured must secure a rider stating exactly that. In the persons to accept policies, without reading is judicially
example, the insurer attached a rider, in which the insurance recognized. It follows that such acceptance is not negligence
company agrees to indemnify the insured against loss by per se and in proceedings to reform insurance contracts, most
earthquake. The rider becomes part of the policy. It will now courts hold that the insured’s acceptance and retention of the
prevail against other stipulations in the contract. policy unread is not such laches as will defeat his right to
2. A printed stipulation provides that any other
insurance upon all or part of the thing covered by the policy The basis for the decisions is that insurance contracts are
should be notified in writing to the company, or the policy will “contracts of adhesion” and not of bargaining, that is, the
be avoided, but a clause was inserted by typewriter to the insured purchases the contract prepared solely by the insurer.
following effect “Subject to clauses G and A and other
insurance with a special short period attached to the policy.” Minority rule
There is here sufficient notification to the company that other On the other hand, there are many courts which apply to
insurances existed. insurance contracts the rule general contract law that one who
accepts a contractual instrument is conclusively presumed, in
So the rider indicated by a typewritten clause said that there the absence of fraud or mutual mistake, to know and assent to
are other insurance procure with a special short period its contents. The insured has the duty to read his policy and is
attached to the policy. The insurance company is procured bound by his contract as written whether he reads it or not.
with notice that there other policies of insurance.
Usually you don’t read the policy at all. You only read the
Attached papers on insurance policy policy when your insurance company refuses your claim for
payment of the proceeds. But the courts also will require the
As a general rule, a rider, slip or other paper becomes a part of insured the basic requirement at least to know the major
a contract or policy of insurance if properly and sufficiently stipulation of the contract.
attached or referred to therein in a manner as to leave no
doubt as to the intention of the parties in such respect. Insurer’s duty to explain policy
In other words, as long as they are in the policy itself they are In most jurisdictions, if the terms of an insurance policy are
part of the insurance contract. clear, unambiguous, and explicit, the insurer has no affirmative
duty to explain the policy or its exclusions to the insured.
Section 50 (pars 2 and 3) states the requirements that must be
observed in order that a rider etc., may be binding on the This principle, however, is subject to some important caveats.
insured. Section 50 is very important, insurance companies
must take care that additional terms, additional enforcements 1. Reasonable expectations of insured
must be indicated in the insurance policy itself. Later when we
discuss forms of policies. The Insurance Commission also pre- The doctrine of “reasonable expectations” can operate to
approved the wordings of riders, there are pre-approved forms impose de facto a duty on the insurer to explain the policy’s
for riders. Just like the main policy of insurance. The pre- coverage to the insured.
approved rider form will be stapled in the main policy itself. Is
2. Options available to insured So if the property is owned by several co-owners, the different
co-owners or their names must be indicated or reflected in the
In the area of motor vehicle insurance where legislations have policy itself.
made certain kinds of coverage optional, usually uninsured or
underinsured motorist insurance, courts have sometimes 6. The risks insured against; and the period during
imposed a duty on the insurer to explain the options to the which the insurance is to continue
It is important that the period of the policy is likewise
3. Information expected by insured from insurer’s agent indicated. Property insurance is usually annual. It is usually for
a year, 12 noon or 12 midnight something like that. Different
Agents owe their customers a duty to exercise the skill and from life insurance policy. Sa life insurance policy it is usually
care that a reasonable agent would exercise in the the premium that is falling due on a certain period of the year.
circumstances. This duty encompasses many situations i an If you pay your premiums annually, they will send you a
obligation to explain to the customer the kinds of coverage statement to remind you of your __ payments. That’s how the
available and to help the insured in choosing an appropriate life insurance policy is. The period of the life insurance policy is
coverage. necessarily the whole life of the person.
4. Contractual rights of insured after denial of coverage Risk, peril, hazards distinguished
When the insured disputes a denial of coverage, the duty of So what is a risk, peril and hazards? How do you distinguish
good faith and fair dealing may impose an obligation on the one from the other?
insurer to alert the insured on his rights.
1. Risk is the chance of loss or the possibility of the
Reasonable expectation, what is that? The doctrine of occurrence of a loss, based on known and unknown factors. If
“reasonable expectations” can operate to impose de facto a a loss is absolutely certain to happen or not to happen, no risk
duty on the insurer to explain the policy’s coverage to the is involved.
insured. So they will not go at length to read to you each and
every paragraph contained in the policy. If they read to you, 2. Peril is the contingent or unknown event which may
explain to you, pointed out to you the coverage and the cause a loss. It is the contingency that one insures against. Its
exceptions that would already been a substantial compliance of existence creates the risk, and its occurrence results in loss. It
the doctrine of reasonable expectations. may be covered or excluded by a policy of insurance.
(a) The parties between whom the contract is made; Sec. 52. Cover notes may be issued to bind insurance
temporarily pending the issuance of the policy. Within sixty
(b) The amount to be insured except in the cases of open days after issue of cover note, a policy shall be issued in lieu
or running policies; thereof, including within its terms the identical insurance
bound under the cover note and the premium therefor.
(c) The premium, or if the insurance is of a character
where the exact premium is only determinable upon the Cover notes may be extended or renewed beyond such sixty
termination of the contract, a statement of he basis and rates days with the written approval of the Commissioner if he
upon which the final premium is to be determined; determines that such extension is not contrary to and is not for
the purpose of violating any provisions of this Code. The
(d) The property or life insured Commissioner may promulgate rules and regulations governing
such extensions for the purposes of preventing such violations
(e) The interest of the insured in property insured, if he is
and may by such rules and regulations dispense with the
not the absolute owner thereof; and
requirement of written approval by him in the case of
extension in compliance with such rules and regulations.
(f) The risks insured against; and the period during
which the insurance is to continue
The cover note is merely a written memorandum of the most
important terms of a preliminary contract of insurance,
Sec. 51 enumerates what the policy of insurance must contain. intended to give temporary protection pending the
Their inclusion in insurance policies is essential to enable the investigation of the risk by the insurer, or until the issue of a
parties to determine easily the nature and effect of the formal policy, provided it is later determined that the applicant
contract entered by them thereby avoiding lawsuits. was insurable at the time it was given.
5. The interest of the insured in property insured, if he is Cover notes (also called binder) may be issued to afford
not the absolute owner thereof; and
immediate provisional protection to the insured until the
insurer can inspect or evaluate the risk in question and issue premium of the intended insurance coverage but in no case
the proper policy, or until the risk is declined and notice less htan P500.00.
thereof is given.
Why is there a cover note? Because sometimes insurance
Atty. Angeles: So the binding slip is not a cover note. In life company will take time to assess the kind of risk that you are
insurance policy the binding slip does not have the same insured against. Sometimes they cannot inspect the property
contractual obligation as a cover note. Cover notes yes, they you want to be insured right away. Sometimes you have to call
bind the insurance company temporarily pending the issuance the experts. So the cover note is just really to cover the
of the policy. But under the condition that within sixty days a transition period that’s why it is still binding between the
policy shall be issued in lieu thereof, including within its terms insurer (and the insured), because the insured is already ___
the identical insurance bound under the cover note and the in. You want the property covered already but the insurance
premium therefor. company still unable to make a definite offer of the amount of
premium that will be demanded from you. That’s why there is
Second paragraph, cover notes may be extended or renewed such a thing as a cover page.
beyond such sixty days with the written approval of the
Commissioner. In life insurance where the agreement is made Sec. 53. The insurance proceeds shall be applied exclusively
between the applicant and the insurance agent no liability shall to the proper interest of the person in whose name or for
attach until the insurer approves it. whose benefit it is made unless otherwise specified in the
Look at the rules on cover notes. Sometimes insurance
companies will require additional premiums for cover notes. Applied exclusively to the proper interest of the person - so the
benefits will not inure to other persons that are not included in
Rules on Cover Notes the insurance contract itself. Again the 3rd person has no right
either in a court of equity or in a court of law to the proceeds
1. Insurance companies doing business in the Philippines
of the policy unless there be some contract of trust, express or
may issue cover notes to bind insurance temporarily, pending
implied, between the insured and third persons.
the issuance of the policy.
Read this paragraph class (RCBC vs. CA), this is very
2. A cover note shall be deemed to be a contract of
important. This particular provision applies when there are
insurance within the meaning of Section 1(1) of the Code.
many parties to a contract or the insurance policy. For
example, the building has been mortgaged to another so the
3. No cover note shall be issued or renewed unless in
bank has interest on the credit extended to you. As owner you
the form previously approved by the Insurance Commission.
also have your own insurance interest.
4. A cover note shall be valid and binding for a period
Thus, where the insurance policies on the mortgaged
not exceeding 60 days from date of its issuance, whether or
properties have been endorsed by the mortgagor to the
not the premium therefor has been paid, but such cover note
mortgagee-bank, the proceeds being exclusively payable to the
may be cancelled by either party upon at least 7 days notice to
bank by reason of the endorsement, these policies cannot be
the other party.
attached by the mortgagor’s other creditors up to the extent of
the mortgagor’s outstanding obligation in the bank’s favor.
5. If a cover note is not so cancelled, a policy of
insurance shall, within 60 days after the issuance of such cover Under Section 53, to the extent of the mortgagor’s obligation
note, be issued in lieu thereof. Such policy shall include within with the bank, his interest in the subject policies had been
transferred to the bank effective as of the time of the
its terms the identical insurance bond under the cover note
and premium therefor. endorsement, It is basic that the first mortgagee has superior
rights over junior mortgagees or attaching creditors. (Rizal
6. A cover note may be extended or renewed beyond Commercial Banking Corporation vs. CA 289 scra 292)
the aforementioned period of 60 days with the written
approval of the Insurance Commission, provided that such In other words, your other creditors will not have any hold on
the proceeds of the insurance policy. Because when the owner
written approval may be dispensed with upon the certification
endorses the contract of insurance in favor of the bank the
of the president, vice-president, or general manager of the
insurance company concerned that the risks involved, the proceeds will redound only to the benefit of the bank. The
value of such risks and/or the premiums therefor have not as other creditors of the mortgagor will have no say, or will have
no interest in the proceeds of the policy. Going back to Section
yet been determined or established and that such extension or
renewal is not contrary to and is not for the purpose of 53, it shall apply exclusively to the proper interest of the
violating any provisions of the Insurance Code, or of any of the person in whose name or for whose benefit it is made unless
otherwise specified in the policy.
rulings, instructions, circulars, orders or decisions of the
Insurance Commissioner.
Sometimes there are questions where, included in the facts is
a deliberate attempt for you to be misled. For example, “the
7. Insurance companies may impose on cover notes a
deposit premium equivalent to at least 25% of the estimated parties deemed agreed”, ok lang yan if the law says, “unless
the parties agreed.” When you say that the parties agreed that
means that agreement is also allowed under the law. But if it is the policy may be from time to time defined, especially as to
not in the first place allowed then even if the parties agreed the subjects of insurance, by additional statements or
that agreement of the parties will not validate an otherwise indorsements.
void contract. Remember that. Not all contracts are made by
the consent of two people on all aspect or features of the An open policy is one in which the value of the thing insured is
contract. If it is not allowed under law, even if the parties not agreed upon, but is left to be ascertained in case of loss.
agreed to such terms it will not validate the contract at all. In So there is no definite figure that is stated in the face of the
Section 53 while it says, “shall be applied exclusively to the policy itself. How do you determine the amount of the loss?
proper interest of the person in whose name or for whose Only when the loss happens and the parties agreed on the
benefit it is made,” if the parties did so agree then that is an value of the thing insured.
exception to the rule in Section 53. If there is an agreement
between the bank (mortgagee) and the owner that other Value policy is one which expresses on its face an agreement
creditors may partake certain percentage of the proceeds. that the thing insured shall be valued at specified sum.
Then that will be allowed under Section 53. That is the only
excuse there. That is the only way out of this provision. Going back to open policy why do you think this kind of
policies exist? Sometimes there are transactions, example, you
Sec. 54. When an insurance contract is executed with an are a bonded warehouse. So goods come in and out. When
agent or trustee as the insured, the fact that his principal or you took up a policy, you cannot say that the value of the
beneficiary is the real party in interest may be indicated by property is 100Thou today, tomorrow, every week or every
describing the insured as agent or trustee, or by other general month thereafter. Because you’re a warehouse, you cannot
words in the policy. limit yourself to the exact value of the property at the time the
policy is taken. So if necessarily, it has to be an open policy,
This is where one who took up the insurance is not the owner the parties will agree to the amount of the insured only when
himself but merely an agent. Then there is a principal that an the loss occurs. So when the loss occurs then you will have to
insurance agent is working for. The interest of the principal evaluate the extent of the loss, the value of the loss. Valued
must be indicated also in the policy itself. policy eksakto, so you know how much it’s worth. When you
take out just a regular fire insurance or property insurance for
Sec. 55. To render an insurance effected by one partner or a residential building you take out a valued policy.
part-owner, applicable to the interest of his co-partners or
other part-owners, it is necessary that the terms of the policy What is running policy? A running policy is one which
should be such as are applicable to the joint or common contemplates successive insurances, and which provides that
interest. the object of the policy may be from time to time defined,
especially as to the subjects of insurance. How do you do that?
Sec. 56. When the description of the insured in a policy is so By additional statements or indorsements. Successive policies,
general that it may comprehend any person or any class of so it’s one policy after another. These policies are usually
persons, only he who can show that it was intended to include common in commercial establishments.
him can claim the benefit of the policy.
Sec. 63. A condition, stipulation, or agreement in any policy of
Section 56, pertains to the description of the insured insurance, limiting the time for commencing an action
thereunder to a period of less than one year from the time
Sec. 57. A policy may be so framed that it will inure to the when the cause of action accrues, is void.
benefit of whomsoever, during the continuance of the risk,
may become the owner of the interest insured. Section 63, this is some sort of a Statute of Limitations,
“condition, stipulation, or agreement in any policy of insurance,
Sec. 58. The mere transfer of a thing insured does not limiting the time for commencing an action thereunder to a
transfer the policy, but suspends it until the same person period of less than one year from the time when the cause of
becomes the owner of both the policy and the thing insured. action accrues, is void.” You cannot agreed that the insurance
policy to have this kind of limitation. It shortens the period
Sec. 59. A policy is either open, valued or running. within which you can commence an action against the
insurance company, that stipulation is void.
Sec. 60. An open policy is one in which the value of the thing
insured is not agreed upon, but is left to be ascertained in case
of loss.
“One year from the time when the cause of action accrues.”
Sec. 61. A valued policy is one which expresses on its face an When does a cause of action accrues in an insurance policy?
agreement that the thing insured shall be valued at specified
sum. When cause of action accrues
Sec. 62. A running policy is one which contemplates The right of the insured to the payment of his loss accrues
successive insurances, and which provides that the object of from the happening of the loss. However, the cause of action
in an insurance contract does not accrue until the insured’s
claim is finally rejected by the insurer. This is because before Section 64, how to cancel a non-life insurance policy. “No
such final rejection, there is no real necessity for bringing suit. policy of insurance other than life shall be cancelled by the
insurer except upon prior notice thereof to the insured,” prior
Since a “cause of action” requires as essential elements not notice is a condition sine qua non. They also have to make
only a legal right of the plaintiff and a correlated obligation of sure that, “no notice of cancellation shall be effective unless it
the defendant, but also an act or omission in violation of the is based on the occurrence, after the effective date of the
said legal right, the cause of action does not accrue until the policy, of one or more of the following.” So take note of the
party obligated (insurer) refuses, expressly or impliedly, to prerequisites for cancellation.
comply with its duty to the insured to pay the amount of
insurance. (a) non-payment of premium;
In other words, the period for commencing an action under a (b) conviction of a crime arising out of acts increasing the
policy of insurance under Section 63 is to be computed not hazard insured against;
from the time when the loss actually occurs but from the time
when the insured has a right to bring an action against the (c) discovery of fraud or material misrepresentation;
(d) discovery of willful or reckless acts or omissions increasing
Atty. Angles: The cause of action accrues when the risk the hazard insured against;
happens or arises, right? Not necessarily. Sometimes the law
gives you a chance to bring an action where your claim was Increasing the hazard, if it does not increase then it is not a
finally denied by the insurance company. So when your claim ground for cancellation.
was finally denied that’s the time when your cause of action
accrues. In other words, the fire took place in January 2012; (e) physical changes in the property insured which result in the
you filed a claim against the insurance company. There is a property becoming uninsurable; or
process you have to go through before the claim is finally
denied. You kept on reminding the insurance company to If there are physical changes which you have made in the
process your policy as soon as possible. They replied saying, property uninsurable walang problema yan. Let’s say, if your
“we will sent investigators to investigate the cause of fire.” The physical change is to put up a higher fence. Yes indeed there
investigators would have to render a report etc etc. So when is a physical change, but it will not result to the property
the time the back and forth of correspondence was finally done becoming uninsurable. What is imagine here actually is you
it was already at the end of the 2nd year. When does the assured that your warehouse will contain non-combustible
cause of action accrue? What is the cause of action? The goods and then midway on the life of the policy, you decided
denial of your application. Unjust naman masyado diba if the to store goods, materials probably that are easily combustible
fire took place in January 2012 and the final denial of your then that will fall under (d) reckless acts increasing the hazard
claim took place only in December of 2014. Alangan naman insured against.
the 1 year period will accrue or commence at the time the fire
took place, it’s unfair. You have to argue that the cause of (f) a determination by the Commissioner that the continuation
action accrued upon the final denial of your claim. of the policy would violate or would place the insurer in
violation of this Code.
Sec. 64. No policy of insurance other than life shall be
cancelled by the insurer except upon prior notice thereof to the Sec. 65. All notices of cancellation mentioned in the preceding
insured, and no notice of cancellation shall be effective unless section shall be in writing, mailed or delivered to the named
it is based on the occurrence, after the effective date of the insured at the address shown in the policy, and shall state (a)
policy, of one or more of the following: which of the grounds set forth in section sixty-four is relied
upon and (b) that, upon written request of the named insured,
(a) non-payment of premium; the insurer will furnish the facts on which the cancellation is
(b) conviction of a crime arising out of acts increasing the
hazard insured against; Section 65 gives you the forms of the notice of cancellation.
How notice of cancellation should be sent? First of all it must
(c) discovery of fraud or material misrepresentation; be in writing. They cannot call you, text you. So it must be in
writing that your insurance policy is being cancelled. Mail or
(d) discovery of willful or reckless acts or omissions increasing delivered, how will the notice of cancellation be served? Snail
the hazard insured against; mail or courier? Well it doesn’t mention, as long as you have
proof that it has been delivered, it’s been received by you. And
(e) physical changes in the property insured which result in the shall state:
property becoming uninsurable; or
(a) which of the grounds set forth in section sixty-four is relied
(f) a determination by the Commissioner that the continuation upon and
of the policy would violate or would place the insurer in
violation of this Code.
(b) that, upon written request of the named insured, the SECTION 58. The mere transfer of a thing insured does not
insurer will furnish the facts on which the cancellation is based transfer the policy, but suspends it until the same person
becomes the owner of both the policy & the thing insured.
So the two items must appear in the notice of cancellation. If
you so desire they will furnish you with the facts on which the The transfer of the thing insured does not result to the transfer
cancellation is based. Section 64 and 65 go hand in hand. It of the policy in the insurance contract. It has only the effect of
talks about how the policy is cancelled, what are the grounds suspending the insurance until the purchaser becomes the
for cancellation. We know that before a policy is cancelled owner of the policy as well as of the property insured.
there must be a written notice of cancellation, prior notice. And
what are the grounds of notice of cancellation and how is the The delivery by the vendor of his insured motor vehicle to his
notice of cancellation made and/ or delivered. Sufficiency, it’s vendee without any written endorsement to transfer the policy,
important. Is the notice of cancellation sufficient? any loss that the motor vehicle might suffer will not give the
vendee the standing to lay claim against the insurer of the
Sec. 66. In case of insurance other than life, unless the vendor. The liability of the insurer does not automatically
insurer at least forty-five days in advance of the end of the attach by the mere transfer of the thing insured. The buyer
policy period mails or delivers to the named insured at the must make an effort to secure the transfer or endorsement of
address shown in the policy notice of its intention not to renew the policy in his favor.
the policy or to condition its renewal upon reduction of limits
or elimination of coverages, the named insured shall be For exceptions to this rule, see Sections 20-24 and 57.
entitled to renew the policy upon payment of the premium due
on the effective date of the renewal. Any policy written for a SECTION 57. A policy may be so framed that it will inure
term of less than one year shall be considered as if written for to the benefit of whomsoever, during the continuance of the
a term of one year. Any policy written for a term longer than risk, may become the owner of the interest insured.
one year or any policy with no fixed expiration date shall be
considered as if written for successive policy periods or terms The insurance may be applied to the interest of the person
of one year. claiming the benefit of the policy, by showing that he is the
person named or described or that he belongs to the class of
persons comprehended in the policy. In this case the transfer
Section 66 on the other hand deals with the renewal of a non-
of the policy is automatic, that is no endorsement is necessary.
life insurance policy. There’s also a requirement of 45 days.
“…the named insured shall be entitled to renew the policy
SECTION 59. A policy is either open, valued or running.
upon payment of the premium due on the effective date of the
renewal.” Here it focuses on the renewal of the non-life policy. SECTION 60. An open policy is one in w/c the value of
That’s why when you get the insurance policy of your car, your the thing insured is not agreed upon, but is left to be
house the insured shall be entitled to the renewal of the policy. ascertained in case of loss.
So it is assumed that you are going to renew your policy. What
is the requirement? “upon payment of the premium due on the It is one in which a certain agreed sum is written on the face
effective date of the renewal. Any policy written for a term of of the policy not as the value of the property insured, but as
less than one year shall be considered as if written for a term the maximum limit of the insurer's liability (i.e., face value), in
of one year”. Look at Section 66, assumption is you are going case of destruction by the peril insured against. The insured
to renew your policy unless you sent out a notice of must establish the fair market value (FMV) of the insured
cancellation or the insurance company decides that it will not property at the time of the loss. If the FMV exceeds the
renew the policy. Non renewal is different from cancellation. maximum, the latter will control; if below, the former will
Non renewal, paabutin mo talaga yong katapusan ng insurance control. The insurer, however, only pays the actual cash value
period. Cancellation may happen during the life of the policy of the property as determined at the time of loss.
itself. Section 66 deals with a different situation from Section
64 and 65 (grounds for cancellation). The policy can be on its SECTION 61. A valued policy is one w/c expresses on its
6th or 7th month and then the insurance company decides to face an agreement that the thing insured shall be valued at a
cancel. Here, in the renewal it means that the policy has lived specific sum.
out its period. So that’s the two situations that are being
addressed by these three last provisions. It is one in which the parties expressly agree on the value of
the subject matter of the insurance.— the face value of the
Review: policy and the value of the thing insured. In the absence of
fraud or mistake, the agreed value of the thing insured will be
Section 58 should be correlated to Section 20. The latter paid in case of total loss of the property, unless the insurance
applies when there is a transfer of the object insured from the is for a lower amount.
insured to another person. The former says that the transfer of
the thing insured does not carry with it the transfer of the SECTION 62. A running policy is one w/c contemplates
insurance policy. successive insurances, & w/c provides that the object of the
policy may be from time to time defined, especially as to the
subjects of insurance, by additional statements or Warranty is a statement or promise by the insured set forth in
indorsements. the policy itself or incorporated in it by proper reference, the
untruth or nonfulfillment of which in any respect and without
This kind of policy is intended to provide indemnity for reference to whether the insurer was in fact prejudiced by
property which cannot well be covered by a valued policy such untruth or nonfulfillment, renders the policy voidable by
because of its frequent change of location and quantity, or for the insurer.
property of such a nature as not to admit of a gross valuation.
It also denotes insurance which contemplates that the risk is Kinds of Warranties
shifting, fluctuating or varying, and which covers a class of
property rather than any particular thing. (1) An express warranty is an agreement contained in the
policy or clearly incorporated therein as part thereof whereby
Ma’am: You usually see this when you are dealing with the insured stipulates that certain facts relating to the risk are
inventories. or shall be true or certain acts relating to the same subjects
have been or shall be done.
Sec. 63. A condition, stipulation, or agreement, in any policy of
insurance, limiting the time for commencing an action (2) An implied warrranty is a warranty which from the
thereunder to a period of less than one year from the time very nature of the contract or from the general tenor of the
when the cause of action accrues, is void. words, although no express warranty is mentioned, is
necessarily embodied in the policy as a part thereof and which
If the period fixed is less than one year from the time the binds the insured as though expressed in the contract.
cause of action accrues, the stipulation would be void. The
period for commencing an action under a policy of insurance Warranties distinguished from representations.
under Section 63 is to be computed not from the time when
the loss actually occurs but from the time when the insured There are well recognized distinctions between warranties and
has a right to bring an action against the insurer. representations in contracts of insurance, to wit:
Where the policy provided that if a claim be made and (1) Warranties are considered parts of the contract, while
rejected, an "action or suit" should be commenced representations are but collateral inducements to it;
within twelve months after such rejection otherwise the claim (2) Warranties are always written on the face of the
would prescribe, a complaint or claim filed by the insured with policy, actually or by reference, while representations may be
the Office of the Insurance Commissioner would now be written in a totally disconnected paper or may be oral;
considered an "action" or "suit" the filing of which would have
the effect of tolling or suspending the running of the (3) Warranties must be strictly complied with, while in
prescriptive period. The new Insurance Code empowers the representations, substantial truth only is required
Insurance Commissioner to adjudicate disputes relating to an
insurance company's liability to an insured under a policy (4) The falsity or nonfulfillment of a warranty operates
issued by the former to the latter. as a breach of contract, while the falsity of a representation
renders the policy void on the ground of fraud and
The purpose of provisions or stipulations in insurance policies
for notice of cancellation to the insured, is to prevent the Ma’am: The remedy for both is rescission although the grounds
cancellation of the policy, without allowing the insured ample are different.
opportunity to negotiate for other insurance in its stead for his
own protection. (Saura Import & Export Co., Inc. vs. Phil. (5) Warranties are presumed material, while the insurer
International Surety must show the materiality of a representation in order to
defeat an action on the policy.
Co., 8 SCRA 143 [1963].)
Before a representation will be considered a warranty, it must
The notice need not be delivered personally to the insured. It be expressly included or incorporated by clear reference in the
may be mailed. (Sec. 65.) But there is no proof that the notice, policy and the contract must clearly show that the parties
assuming it complied with the other requisites or conditions intended that the rights of the insured would depend on the
mentioned, was actually mailed to and received by the insured, truth or fulfillment of the warranty.( Please read the case
where all that the insurer offers to show that the cancellation illustrated in the book)
was communicated to the insured is its employee's testimony
that the said cancellation was sent "by mail through our Unless the contrary intention appears, the courts will presume
mailing section" without more. (Malayan Insurance Co., Inc. that the warranty is merely affirmative. An affirmative warranty
vs. Cruz-Amaldo, 154 SCRA 672 [1987].) is one which asserts the existence of a fact or condition at the
time it is made.
Sec. 68. A warranty may relate to the past, the present, the
future, or to any or all of these.
What happens to violations of immaterial provisions?
Sec. 69. No particular form of words is necessary to create a The breach of any provision which is not material will
warranty. not avoid the policy (Section 74). However, the
parties may expressly stipulate that the violation of a
Sec. 70. Without prejudice to section fifty-one, every express particular provision (although immaterial) in the policy
warranty, made at or before the execution of a policy, must be shall avoid it. (Sec 75) By such stipulation, the parties
contained in the policy itself, or in another instrument signed convert an immaterial warranty into a material one.
by the insured and referred to in the policy as making a part of
it. Sec. 75. A policy may declare that a violation of specified
provisions thereof shall avoid it, otherwise the breach of an
Representation is found in the application form which does not immaterial provision does not avoid the policy.
form part of the policy itself. Warranty, on the other hand,
must be contained in the policy itself and can never be found
in the application form for insurance policy. If contained in I’ve mentioned earlier that the omission to fulfill the warranty
another instrument, it must be signed by the insured and does not avoid the policy. If the loss occurs prior to the time of
referred to in the policy as making a part of it. Mere reference performance, or when the performance is unlawful or when
alone is not sufficient to give this effect. Please correlate this the performance has become impossible.
to the 2nd par.of Sec. 50 which provides that warranty is not
binding to the insured even if it is signed by the insurer where What happens if there is waiver or estoppel? Do those
the descriptive title of the warranty is not mentioned or written doctrines of estoppels or waiver apply?
in the blank spaces provided for in the policy.
Breach of warranty operates to discharge the insurer from
Sec. 71. A statement in a policy, of a matter relating to the liability unless the insurer is liable because of a waiver of
person or thing insured, or to the risk, as a fact, is an express the warranty or an estoppels.
warranty thereof.
1. The omission to fulfill a warranty or condition will
Opinions and beliefs are not considered as warranty. likewise be excused where there is a waiver on the
part of the insurer. Failure on the part of the insurer
to assert a forfeiture upon breach of warranty or
Sec. 73. When, before the time arrives for the performance
condition, after knowledge thereof, amounts to a
of a warranty relating to the future, a loss insured against
happens, or performance becomes unlawful at the place of waiver or estoppel.
2. Under estoppels, the insurer is precluded, because of
the contract, or impossible, the omission to fulfill the
some action or inaction on its part, from relying on an
warranty does not avoid the policy.
otherwise valid defense as against the insured who
has been induced to enter into the contract by the
The general rule is that a violation of a warranty avoids the insurer’s representation or conduct.
insurance, give me the exceptions.
So the Doctrine of waiver or estoppel can be raised as a
Section 73, which refers to those warranties relating to the defense or as a counter-argument in favor of the insured. If
future, provides 3 exceptions: the insurance company continued the relationship knowing the
violation of the warranty then the insurer cannot back out of
1. When loss occurs before time of performance its contractual obligations under the policy because the insurer
2. When performance becomes unlawful is estopped from asserting the breach or the insurer is deemed
3. When performance becomes impossible to have waived its right to avail of eviction(?).
Sec. 74. The violation of a material warranty, or other Sec. 76. A breach of warranty without fraud merely
material provision of a policy, on the part of either party exonerates an insurer from the time that it occurs, or where
thereto, entitles the other to rescind. it is broken in its inception, prevents the policy from
attaching to the risk.
What is the course of action of the injured party when there is
a violation of the warranty? Can you give me the distinction between warranty and
The violation of the terms of contract of insurance
entitles either party to terminate contractual relations. The term “warranty” and “conditions precedent” are often
Under Section 74, the insurer is entitled to rescind a used interchangeably or synonymously. However, some
contract of insurance for violation of a warranty only courts have recognized material differences.
if said warranty is material; otherwise, the breach
thereof will not avoid the policy. 1. As to effect
Warranty does not suspend or defeat the operation of probable and reasonable influence of the facts upon
the contract, but a breach affords either the remedy the party to whom the representation is made, in
expressly provided in the contract or that furnished by forming his estimates of the disadvantages of the
law, while condition precedent is one without the proposed contract or in making his inquiries.
performance of which the contract although in form
executed by the parties and delivered, does not Both parties can be guilty of misrepresentation. The insurance
spring into life. company can also misrepresent certain facts to the insured.
In other words, a condition precedent is a limitation Likewise the insured is usually the one guilty of
to the attachment of the risk, whereas a warranty misrepresentation if there is misrepresentation. So the same
does not necessarily have that effect. test is applied to both representation and violation warranty. It
2. As to nature must be a violation of a material one. If it is not material
If the insured person contracts and warrants that if warranty, then there is no ground, it would be unreasonable
representations made by him in his application for on your part to seek for rescission of the insurance contract.
insurance are not true, the policy shall be null and The remedy is rescission.
void, such statements are not conditions precedent
but rather of the nature of a defeasance. Also, What about violation of immaterial provisions? Does that void
promissory warranties are usually regarded as the policy? No, unless such violation is a specified provision in
conditions subsequent to be performed after the the contract. You have to determine if the violation is a
policy has become a valid contract, non-performance violation of a material warranty or just an immaterial warranty.
of which will work a defeasance. If it is violation of a material warranty either party may seek
for a rescission of the contract on the ground of breach of
Conditions are actually more like - there is already a valid contract, he did not comply with the warranty. If an
contract. When there is already a valid contract, the contract is Immaterial warranty has been violated it doesn’t automatically
to be executed and one of the parties merely needs to comply void the policy. However, if it is so stated in the policy itself
with certain conditions. But a violation of a warranty goes to you can’t do anything about it; the violation of a particular
the very core of the validity of the contract itself. That’s how provision no matter how immaterial will avoid it.
different they are. Sometimes they are used interchangeably.
But when you are confronted with facts where in such a way if Effects of breach of warranty by insured
the terms, stipulation are not complied with it would render
the contract null and void then that would be more likely a The breach referred to in Section 76 is without fraud. In order
violation of a warranty. But if it is merely a restriction of a that the insurer may be entitled to rescind a contract of
process(?), then it is more likely a condition. insurance on the ground of breach of warranty, fraud is not
essential. Falsity, not fraud is the basis of liability on warranty.
What are exceptions in an Insurance Policy?
1. Without fraud
Exceptions are inserted in a contract of insurance for When there is no fraud, the policy is avoided only
the purpose of withdrawing from the coverage the form the time of breach (Sec 76).
policy, as delimited by the general language 2. With fraud
describing the risk assumed some specific risks which When there is fraud, the policy is avoided ab
the insurer declares himself unwilling to undertake. initio, and the insured is not entitled to the return
of the premium paid.
In other words, these terms that you will find in an insurance
policy: warranties, conditions precedent, exception they have I want you to go over the discussion on Conditions in
certain significance when they appeared in an insurance policy. insurance policy. There is a condition precedent and condition
What is tricky there is when one is very closely related to the subsequent. This is just for the academic discussion on what
other. We must know what distinguishes one from the other. these two animals are.
In section 74, what is the remedy? Rescission, the remedy
when there is a violation of a material warranty or other Let’s take a look at
material provision of a policy. It talks about material. When
you test a materiality for warranty, where do you find that? In Effects of breach on legal relations of parties
representation - they have the same test of materiality that
applies to warranty. Warranties, conditions, and exceptions affect the legal
relations of the parties quite differently.
Sec. 46. The materiality of a representation is
determined by the same rules as the On binding force of contract
materiality of a concealment.
The occurrence of a breach of warranty or condition
even though such breach be but temporary renders
Test of materiality the entire contract defeasible or voidable and even
The materiality of the representation is to be though such breach may not have affected the risk or
determined not by the event, but solely by the contributed to the loss in any way. But the occurrence
of an excepted peril, does not in the least affect the January 26, 2015
binding force of the contract.
On liability where there is waiver PREMIUM
1. Fortuitous event
• Will not prevent the forfeiture of the policy when
premium remains unpaid.
• The rule is not affected by the fact that the non- 3. SEC. 83. In case of an over insurance by several insurers
payment is due to war or that the insured has not other than life, the insured is entitled to a ratable return of
been negligent. the premium, proportioned to the amount by which the
aggregate sum insured in all the policies exceeds the
2. Condition, conduct or default of insurer – indeed no insurable value of the thing at risk.
excuse whatever will avail to prevent a forfeiture except
only when the non-payment has in some way been Let’s go back to the beginning of this title…
induced by the condition, conduct or default of the
insurer. We understand that an insurance contract, in order to be valid,
binding and enforceable, must have a consideration.
Thus, non-payment is excused:
a) Where the insurer has become insolvent and has It is also important to distinguish premium from an
suspended business, or has refused without assessment. All payments of premiums and assessments are
justification a valid tender of premiums; or but contributions from all members of the insuring organization
b) Where the failure to pay was due to the wrongful to make good the losses of individual members. However the
conduct of the insurer as when the insurer induced distinctions are:
the beneficiary under a policy to surrender it for
cancellation by falsely representing that the insurance PREMIUM ASSESSMENT
was illegal and void, and returning the premiums Levied and paid to meet Collected to meet actual
paid; or anticipated losses losses
c) Where the insurer has in any wise waived his right to The payment of premium, Legally enforceable once
demand payment. after the first, is not levied, unless otherwise
enforceable against the agreed
Is credit extension on the payment of premium valid? insured
Not a debt Considered a debt if properly
Yes. Section 78 of the Insurance Code, in effect, allows waiver levied, unless otherwise
by the insurer of the condition of prepayment by making an expressly agreed
acknowledgment in the insurance policy of receipt of premium
as conclusive evidence of payment so far as to make the policy But we will concentrate on the effects of payment and non-
binding despite the fact that premium is actually unpaid. payment of the premium. There is a long discussion here
(book) of three important cases, and these cases highlight
Instances where the insured is entitled to recover different situations that will affect the validity of an insurance
premium contract – Phil. Phoenix vs. Woodworks, 92 SCRA 219;
Makati Tuscany vs. CA, 215 SCRA 462; UCPB General
1. SEC. 80. A person insured is entitled to a return of Insurance vs. Masagana Telemart, 356 SCRA 307.
premium, as follows:
(a) To the whole premium if no part of his interest in the Before we go to the cases, let’s take a look at Section 77:
thing insured be exposed to any of the perils insured
against; SEC. 77. An insurer is entitled to payment of the premium as
(b) Where the insurance is made for a definite period of soon as the thing insured is exposed to the peril insured
time and the insured surrenders his policy, to such portion against. Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, no
of the premium as corresponds with the unexpired time, policy or contract of insurance issued by an insurance company
at a pro rata rate, unless a short period rate has been is valid and binding unless and until the premium thereof has
agreed upon and appears on the face of the policy, after been paid, except in the case of a life or an industrial life policy
deducting from the whole premium any claim for loss or whenever the grace period provision applies, or whenever
damage under the policy which has previously under the broker and agency agreements with duly licensed
accrued: Provided, That no holder of a life insurance intermediaries, a ninety (90)-day credit extension is given. No
policy may avail himself of the privileges of this paragraph credit extension to a duly licensed intermediary should exceed
without sufficient cause as otherwise provided by law. ninety (90) days from date of issuance of the policy.
agency agreements with duly licensed intermediaries, a ninety receipts for the installment payments stated the following
(90)-day credit extension is given. reservations:
What if the payment is in check? 2. Acceptance of this payment shall not waive any of
Well, check is a legal tender so that is also considered payment the company rights to deny liability on any claim
in cash as long as the payment was tendered at the time the under the policy arising before such payments or after
insurance policy was issued. the expiration of the credit clause of the policy; and
3. Subject to no loss prior to premium payment. If
Does an unpaid premium constitute a debt? there be any loss such is not covered.
Non-payment of the balance of the premium is not a ground
for cancellation of the contract. This is the decision in Insured realized that it was paying for something but the
Philippine Phoenix. insurance company will not honor its obligation when the loss
arises because of the conditions found in the insurance policy.
Now, let’s go back to the cases I’ve mentioned. These cases Kaya nagstop si insured.
talk about the non-payment of premium. What happens to the
contract of insurance? Can premium be on installments? The insurer’s intention is to
honor policies’ payable on installments. You look at the facts of
Phil. Phoenix vs. Woodworks: This was a partially the case. The facts say that in previous years the insurance
performed contract, there was payment of the premium but company received payment in installments, so now the
not of the entire amount. In so far as the insurance company insurance company cannot turn around and say, “hindi naman
is concerned, there is meeting of the minds, there was delivery kayo nagbayad ng full.” Such acceptance in previous years
of fire insurance policy to the insured. On September 22, the speaks loudly of the insurer’s intention to honor the policy
insured paid P3,000 on account of the total premium worth issued to petitioner. Basic principles of equity and fairness
P6,000. There was a balance of P3,000. The insurance would not allow the insurer to continue collecting and
company now went to the court to collect on the balance. Now accepting the premiums, although paid on installments, and
the insured is saying that it was not a valid contract because later deny liability on the lame excuse that the premiums were
the premium was not fully paid. not prepared in full. Section 77 merely precludes the parties
from stipulating that the policy is valid even if premiums are
What did the court say? There was a perfected contract of not paid, but does not expressly prohibit an agreement
insurance. As the contract had become perfected, the parties granting credit extension, and such an agreement is not
could demand from each other their respective obligations. In contrary to morals, good customs, public order or public policy.
the case of the insurer, it had the right to demand from the
insured the completion of the payment of the premium or sue You have to be careful of the credit extension clause. In all
for rescission. So these were the two options available to the contracts, class, there may or may not be a credit extension
insurer: clause. Now, if a problem is presented to you, in the exam,
1. demand the fulfilment of the obligation which is for that says there is a credit extension clause, then that clause is
the insured to fully pay the insurer; or a stipulation that has been agreed upon by the parties. In
2. if the insured fails to pay on demand, ask for the other words, they cannot back-out of that agreement and
rescission of the contract of insurance itself. claim that the insurance premium was not paid in full. Section
So the partially paid insurance policy is deemed a perfected 79 of the Insurance Code in effect allows waiver by the insurer
contract. Why? The contract of insurance has already been of the condition of prepayment by making an acknowledgment
performed. So it is not a defense that the premium has not in the insurance policy of receipt of premium as conclusive
been fully paid. evidence of payment so far as to make the policy binding
despite the fact that premium is actually unpaid.
Makati Tuscany vs. CA: This is a case where the insurance
company, in previous years, accepted payments in Let’s go back to Sec. 77…
installments. You know class, when the premium for
multimillion policies is big, sometimes the clients cannot pay Section 77 states that no policy or contract of insurance issued
outright the premium so they would pay in installments. In this by an insurance company is valid and binding unless and until
case, it is a peculiar feature that in the previous years, the the premium thereof has been paid. What are the
insurance company accepted installment payment on the exceptions?
premium. In the last year, when the insurance policy was
renewed the insured made two installment payments, both 1. Life insurance and industrial insurance policy within a
were accepted by the insurance company. The keyword there grace period;
is accepted. Thereafter, the insured refused to pay the balance 2. Makati Tuscany case – when there is an agreement
of the premium. Bakit kaya? All of a sudden the insured allowing the insured to pay the premium installments and
desisted from fully complying with the payment of premium. partial payment has been made at the time of loss;
Why? It is because the policy, issued by the insurance 3. When there is an agreement to grant the insured credit
company, did not contain a credit clause in its favor and the extension for the payment of the premium (Art. 1306, CC)
and loss occurs before the expiration of the credit terms;
4. Estoppel bars the insurer from invoking Section 77 to the condition of prepayment, the acknowledgment being
avoid recovery on a policy providing a credit term for the declared by law to be conclusive evidence of premium
payment of the premiums, as against the insured who payment.
relied in good faith on such extension; and
5. Section 79. So, it just affirms that the policy is legally binding. In other
words, the insurer may still dispute if there is evidence to the
Let’s take a look at Section 79… contrary, why not? The court will still receive that evidence.
SEC. 79. An acknowledgment in a policy or contract of Instances where the insured is entitled to a return of
insurance or the receipt of premium is conclusive evidence of premium
its payment, so far as to make the policy binding,
notwithstanding any stipulation therein that it shall not be 1. Section 81
binding until the premium is actually paid. 2. Section 82
3. Section 83
It says “conclusive,” but can it be disproved? YES! It can be
disproved through actual or real evidence. Sections 80-83 deal with return of premium.
UCPB General Insurance vs. Masagana Telemart: In this SEC. 81. If a peril insured against has existed, and the insurer
case, nasunog ang building ng Masagana, and then Masagana has been liable for any period, however short, the insured is
went to UCPB, the insurance company, and tendered the not entitled to return of premiums, so far as that particular risk
checks for the balance of the premium. The cashier of UCPB is concerned.
accepted the checks and, in fact, issued receipt. On the same
day, the checks were returned to Masagana. UCPB raised the SEC. 82. A person insured is entitled to a return of the
defense that the premium was not fully paid. premium when the contract is voidable, and subsequently
annulled under the provisions of the Civil Code; or on account
The Court held that the credit extension is valid and that the of the fraud or misrepresentation of the insurer, or of his
payment of the premium, even after the loss has occurred, agent, or on account of facts, or the existence of which the
must be accepted by the insurance company. The insured can insured was ignorant of without his fault; or when by any
recover from the said loss as long as the payment is still within default of the insured other than actual fraud, the insurer
the period. never incurred any liability under the policy.
Now, I want you class to just go over the receipt of A person insured is not entitled to a return of premium if the
acknowledgment of premium. Here, the law establishes a legal policy is annulled, rescinded or if a claim is denied by reason of
fiction. Section 79 says: fraud.
SEC. 79. An acknowledgment in a policy or contract of SEC. 83. In case of an over insurance by several insurers
insurance or the receipt of premium is conclusive evidence of other than life, the insured is entitled to a ratable return of the
its payment, so far as to make the policy binding, premium, proportioned to the amount by which the aggregate
notwithstanding any stipulation therein that it shall not be sum insured in all the policies exceeds the insurable value of
binding until the premium is actually paid. the thing at risk.
The author said that this merely establishes a legal fiction in Section 80
the payment of premium. The reason for the rule is founded
on the fact that when the policy contains such written
acknowledgment, it is presumed that the insurer has waived
(a) To the whole premium if no part of his interest in the shall retain a premium in accordance with the following
thing insured be exposed to any of the perils insured scale for the time the policy has been in force.”
Then follows the scale:
Let’s say you took out a fire insurance policy, for a period of 1 For 1 month or less – 20% of the Annual Rate
year, from Dec. 21, 2014 to Dec. 21, 2015. Walang sunog, so For 2 months - 30% of the Annual Rate
can you say, “My building has never been exposed to peril.”
Can you get back the premium from the insurance company?
Of course not! As your building stood there, it has really been In other words, this is the pre-agreed rate placed by the
exposed to the risk of fire. insurer in the policy itself. If there is a short period rate in your
policy, and if you decide to surrender it on the 2nd month, the
What this means is, for example in marine insurance, the insurance company will retain 20% of the annual rate.
insured got insurance for the voyage, from port A to port B,
but the ship never left. Because it never left the port, it never Go over the example in the book.
went for a voyage, you can say that it was never exposed to
the peril insured against. That’s what it meant. Once the ship Which one takes precedence, the short period rate in
sails, it is already exposed to the perils of the sea, to the perils the policy or Section 80 (b)? Of course you give credence
insured against. So, you cannot recover your insurance to the short period rate in the policy. You follow what is stated
premium even if it arrived safely at the destination. Ok? in the policy.
How much do you recover if the thing insured was Now, before you get the amount that’s due you, the law says
never exposed to peril? The whole premium. that after deducting from the whole premium any claim for loss
or damage under the policy which has previously accrued. So
(b) Where the insurance is made for a definite period of time there is a definite period of time and there is a short period
and the insured surrenders his policy, to such portion of the rate, you are entitled only to the excess or unexpired term,
premium as corresponds with the unexpired time, at a pro rata right? Unless there is a short rate period. Now, where losses
rate, unless a short period rate has been agreed upon and occurred, let’s say from month 1 to month 12, you surrender
appears on the face of the policy, after deducting from the the policy on month 6, you still have 6 more months to go. If
whole premium any claim for loss or damage under the policy within the first 6 months of the policy, there were losses, for
which has previously accrued: Provided, That no holder of a example you insured a building and in that building there were
life insurance policy may avail himself of the privileges of this valuables that were taken out or a portion of it was burned.
paragraph without sufficient cause as otherwise provided by You claimed for coverage for that partial part, you don’t
law. actually surrender your entire policy. The insurance company
will only pay you for that particular portion that was burned.
So, you bought a car and you took out an insurance for 1 year. Now, this loss will be deducted from the premium that’s due
Now, on the 6th month you decided to sell the car but you you. Let’s say the value of that partial destruction is P5, 000,
don’t want to indorse the policy in favor of the new buyer. you paid a premium of P10,000, so you are going to deduct
What happens? You take hold of your insurance policy and the value of that partial loss from the whole premium and then
then go to the insurance company and tell the insurance whatever is the excess iyan ang marerecover mo. Ok? So, it
company, “I’ve sold the car but I still have 6 months more to doesn’t mean that the basis of the unexpired 6 months is going
go on the policy. Can I get back the premium for the to be the premium itself that I paid at the beginning of the
remaining 6 months since I am no longer the owner of the policy. So the net premium will now be the one that will be
car?” So where the insurance is made for a definite period of used in calculating the unexpired term.
time and the insured surrenders his policy, to such portion of
the premium as corresponds with the unexpired time, at a pro Now, I want you to look closely at Section 83…
rata rate. So only the value of the unexpired term, unless a
short period rate has been agreed upon and appears on the SEC. 83. In case of an over insurance by several insurers
face of the policy, after deducting from the whole premium other than life, the insured is entitled to a ratable return of the
any claim for loss or damage under the policy which has premium, proportioned to the amount by which the aggregate
previously accrued. sum insured in all the policies exceeds the insurable value of
the thing at risk.
What is a short period rate?
What do you mean by double insurance? Can there be
The short period rate is actually defined by the policy itself, it double insurance on life insurance?
is indicated in the policy.
So there is no double insurance in life insurance policy. Why?
For example (in the book): Because life is incapable of pecuniary estimation. So if a
person is capable of taking out more than 1 life insurance
“It is hereby agreed that, in the event of this policy being policy that is fine provided you can afford to pay the premium.
surrendered by the insured for cancellation, the company Double insurance is more on property insurance
Sec. 83. An agreement not to transfer the claim of the insured
So section 82 simply says that if there is over insurance by against the insurer after the loss has happened, is void if made
several insurers, the insured is entitled to a ratable return of before the loss except as otherwise provided in the case of life
premium. Now, you are the insured, you are responsible for insurance.
getting all these insurances for your property. Now, you want
to discontinue some of these insurances, how much could you Ma’am: You have here two parties: the insurer and the
get back from your insurers? This provision states that the insured. At the beginning of the contract, they right away
insured is entitled to a ratable return of the premium, agree that the insured cannot transfer the claim against the
proportioned to the amount by which the aggregate sum insurer after the loss has happened. That contract is void
insured in all the policies exceeds the insurable value of the because the insurance contract is a personal contract.
thing at risk. However, if the transfer of the claim is that after the loss has
Let’s go to the example (refer to the book): occurred, the peril insured against has already happened, at
that point in time the transfer of the claim in favor of the third
X insures his house which has an insurable value of party has become valid because it is now merely a money
P1,500,000 as follows: claim against the insurance company.
Insurer Amount of Premiums paid Sec. 84. Unless otherwise provided by the policy, an insurer is
Insurance liable for a loss of which a peril insured against was the
A Co P 1,200,000 P 24,000
proximate cause, although a peril not contemplated by the
B Co. 600,000 12,000 contract may have been a remote cause of the loss; but he is
P 1,800,000 P 36,000 not liable for a loss of which the peril insured against was only
a remote cause.
So the amount of his insurance is P 300,000 more than the
insurable value of his house. The total premium paid was P The insurer assumes liability only for a loss proximately caused
36,000. In this case, there is an over-insurance of P300,000. by the perils insured against although a peril not insured
The proportion is now computed as follows: against may have been a remote cause of the loss. But the
insurer is still liable even if the proximate cause is not the peril
Over insurance: P300,000/P1,800,000 = 1/6 insured against if the immediate cause is the
peril insured against.
So how much can X recover from A company? From B
company? What is proximate cause?
A Co. P 24,000 x 1/6 P4,000 Proximate cause is that which, in a natural and continuous
B Co. P 12,000 x 1/6 P2,000 sequence, unbroken by any new independent cause, produces
an event and without which the event would not have
So, he cannot go back to A and ask that he recover the whole occurred.
P 24,000. Everything has to be prorated. Alright, that’s
basically the explanation if you are trying to recover your Proximate cause is the efficient cause — the one that sets
premium if there is over insurance. others in motion — to which the loss is to be attributed,
although other and incidental causes may be nearer in time to
Where insurance is illegal the result and operate more immediately in producing the loss.
What’s void is definitely illegal. Can the parties recover? No, Proximate cause is not, therefore, equivalent to immediate
the parties cannot recover unless they are not in pari delicto. cause.
Remember that.
The question that needs to be asked is: If the event
That’s it for premium, class. Please read the three cases that I did not happen, could the injury have resulted? If the answer
gave you earlier. is NO, then the event is the proximate cause.
February 9, 2015 If the perils insured against is a remote cause, the insurance
company is not liable.
LOSS Example:
Ma’am: This is the meat of the insurance contract. Loss covers If fire causes an explosion which results in a loss, fire is the
proximate cause of the loss while explosion is the immediate
accident leading to physical injury, death if it is life insurance,
cause. The insurer is liable where either peril is covered by the
property damage, or destruction if it is property insurance. policy .
Maam: There was a fire. It was not yet burning or damaging. Thus, damages to goods by being trampled on or
But because of fire, the explosives stored in that building thrown about in the efforts to put out the fire are
exploded which caused the destruction of a nearby structure covered by the policy of fire insurance.
for example. Looking how old the structure, can you say that
the fire is the proximate cause? Yes, it is because if the fire did
not start, the explosives would not have exploded and the Sec. 86. Where a peril is especially excepted in a contract of
structure would not have been destroyed. insurance, a loss, which would not have occurred but for such
peril, is thereby excepted although the immediate cause of the
When fire a friendly fire. loss was a peril which was not excepted.
So long as a fire burns in a place where it was intended to The insurer is not liable if the proximate cause of the loss is a
burn, and ought to be, it is to be regarded as merely an peril excepted from the policy although the immediate cause is
agency for the accomplishment of some purpose and not as a a peril not excepted.
hostile peril. It is a friendly fire.
The insurance company has the burden of proving that the
Example: a fire burning in a furnace or stove. loss is caused by the risks excepted and for want of such
proof, the company is liable. The insured, on the other hand,
When fire a hostile fire. has only to prove the fact of loss.
It is hostile when it occurs outside of the usual confines or Sec. 87. An insurer is not liable for a loss caused by the willful
begins as a friendly fire and becomes hostile by escaping from
act or through the connivance of the insured; but he is not
the place where it ought to be to some place where it ought
exonerated by the negligence of the insured, or of the
not to be.
insured’s agents or others.
Example: where a fire in a chimney, due to the ignition of soot
The insurer is not liable for a loss caused by the intentional act
there, caused soot and smoke to issue from the stove so as to
(e.g., suicide) of the insured or through his connivance. Such
damage the property insured, the court very properly held the
loss is not within the contemplation of a contract of insurance
damage due to a hostile fire. The fire was intended to bum in
one of the requisites of which is that the risk should not be
the stove and not in the chimney.
subject in any wise to the control of the parties.
Sec. 85. An insurer is liable where the thing insured is rescued
Ma’am: That’s why if the insurer is able to prove that there is
from a peril insured against that would otherwise have caused
willful act or connivance, then the insurer will not be held
a loss, if, in the course of such rescue, the thing is exposed to
liable. If the cause of fire in the building was a willful act like
a peril not insured against, which permanently deprives the arson or if there is connivance like when you knew that a
insured of its possession, in whole or in part;or where a loss is
jewelry shop was not properly secured but you didn’t take the
caused by efforts to rescue the thing insured from a peril
necessary steps to secure it, if the insurer can prove that the
insured against.
insured is grossly negligent in securing its property, then the
insurance company may be off the hook.
Two cases contemplated by this section:
Will the rule apply if there is only simple negligence?
a) The insurer is liable where the insured is permanently
deprived of the possession, in whole or in part, of the One of the purposes for taking out insurance is to protect the
thing insured by a peril not insured against provided insured against the consequences of his own negligence and
it is shown that said property would have been that of his agents. Thus,
lost by the peril insured against had there been it is a basic rule in insurance that the carelessness and
no attempt to rescue it. negligence of the insured or his agents constitute no defense
on the part of the insurer. The doctrine of contributory
Thus, the loss of goods by theft during the removal of negligence does not in any way apply to rights under a
the goods to save them from loss by fire is covered contract of insurance.
by a policy against fire unless, of course the policy
itself contains a stipulation exempting the insurer Mere negligence or carelessness on the part of the insured or
from liability for such loss. of his servants, although directly causing or contributing to the
loss, usually is one of the risks covered by the insurance and
b) The insurer is liable where the loss is caused by does not relieve the company from liability.
efforts to rescue the thing insured from a peril
insured against. But gross negligence or recklessness on the part of the
insured, the consequence of which must have been palpably
Here, it is the efforts to rescue the obvious to him at the time, will relieve the insurer from
thing that caused the loss. liability.
Case: • So remember this is very basic in insurance law. This is
one of the oft-repeated defenses of the insurance
Wife started a fire that damaged the house and some of its company. There was a connivance or the peril happens
contents. because of the willful act of the insured but the insurance
company is not exonerated by the simple negligence of
Facts: H had an argument with his wife, W, and left his home. the insured or of its agents.
After he left, W started a fire that damaged the house and
some of its contents. H filed a claim on the insurance policy Notice and Proof of loss
that covered the house. The policy was in the names of H and
W. These are the conditions after loss has occurred. In the earlier
chapters, we discuss condition precedent. Now condition
Issue: Can H, an innocent co-insured, collect the policy when precedent must complied with. Your interpretation, a lot of you
the jointly insured party started the fire. said the contract must be construed liberally in favor of the
insured and strictly against the insurer. That will only come
Held: Yes. H was not guilty of wrongdoing. When an insurance into play if there is really vagueness in the situation between
policy is ambigiuous or unclear, it must be construed against the parties. But is there is clearly stipulation condition
the insurer. The intentional destruction of the property by one precedent, that stipulated condition precedent must be
of the co-insured should not be interpreted to deny recovery complied with. Otherwise, it amounts to breach of material
by the other co-insured unless the policy specifically so states. warranty.
Since the policy does not so state, H is entitled to recovery for
the damages to his property interest as covered by the policy. Notice and proof of loss are conditions after the loss has
Important things to remember under the chapter loss:
Sec. 88. In case of loss upon an insurance against fire, an
• Determine whether the peril insured against is the insurer is exonerated, if notice thereof be not given to him by
proximate cause or immediate cause of the loss. an insured, or some person entitled to the benefit of the
• The effect of agreement to transfer the claim of insurance, without unnecessary delay.
insured before or after a loss. Before a loss has
occurred, an insurance policy is not assignable When is the notice required to be given to the
insurance company?
without the consent of the insurer. After a loss has
occurred, the insured has an absolute right to transfer The notice must be given "without unnecessary delay." Notice
or assign his claim against the insurer. of loss be given immediately or forthwith requires the giving of
• Just go over the examples of hostile and friendly fire notice within a reasonable time.
in the book.
• Sections 85 and 86. Go over with these provisions. What constitutes a reasonable time for giving notice depends
on the circumstances of the particular case although the courts
The circumstances envisioned by these two provisions
construe the requirement of immediate notice liberally in favor
are very complicated. When they arise, there’s of the insured. Thus, notice will be considered as given
probably more than one peril happening. That’s why immediately, forthwith, as soon as possible or "without
you have to come up with sections 85 and 86. unnecessary delay," if it has been given "as soon as
circumstances permitted the insured, in the exercise of
Sec. 85. An insurer is liable where the thing insured is rescued reasonable diligence, to communicate."
from a peril insured against that would otherwise have caused
a loss, if, in the course of such rescue, the thing is exposed to So however the mode of informing the insurance company
a peril not insured against, which permanently deprives the whether it is in writing or thru phone calls, it must be done
insured of its possession, in whole or in part; or where a loss is without unnecessary delay.
caused by efforts to rescue the thing insured from a peril
insured against. Sec. 89. When a preliminary proof of loss is required by a
policy, the insured is not bound to give such proof as would be
Sec. 86. Where a peril is especially excepted in a contract of necessary in a court of justice; but it is sufficient for him to
insurance, a loss, which would not have occurred but for such give the best evidence which he has in his power at the time.
peril, is thereby excepted although the immediate cause of the
loss was a peril which was not excepted. Conditions after loss that must be fulfilled before the
insured becomes entitled to the benefit of the policy:
Sec. 87. An insurer is not liable for a loss caused by the willful
act or through the connivance of the insured; but he is not • notice of loss must be given to the insurer (Sec.
exonerated by the negligence of the insured, or of the 88.);and
insured’s agents or others.
• when required by the policy, a preliminary proof of company gets adjusters to do the investigation for them. And
loss must likewise be given. (Sec. 89.) with the notice of loss, you are apprising the insurance
company that the peril, loss, or damage is there so that they
It is called preliminary because maybe it will be can act right away before the evidence is lost. And also to
supplemented later on by other proofs. insure that there is no fraud involved. With regard the damage
to property, informing the insurer will enable him to take
While an insured, in submitting his proof of loss is measures to limit the damage of the property itself in case it is
"not bound to give such proof as would be only partially damaged.
necessary in a court of justice" under Section 88,
the same section does not give him any justification Formal notice of loss is not necessary if the insurer already has
for submitting false proofs. actual notice.
When does double insurance exist? Yes there is. All requisites are met.
Sec. 95. A double insurance exists where the same person is Is there over-insurance?
insured by several insurers separately in respect to the same
subject and interest. NONE. There is no over-insurance.
Yes. (e) Each insurer is bound, as between himself and the Illustartion:
other insurers, to contribute ratably to the loss in proportion to
the amount for which he is liable under his contract. X insurance company issued a fire policy covering a building
owned by Y. Z insurance company accepted reinsurance
Ma’am: Take note that the choice is with the insured. The coverage under the policy. Thereafter, Y married H, an ex-
insured can choose among his insurers from whom he will convict for arson. All the members of the board of directors of
collect subject to the right of the paying insurer to recover X were invited as guests at the wedding and knew who H was.
from the other insurers what it pays to the insured. That is Subsequently, the building was completely destroyed by fire.
why it is so important to reveal to them if you have other
insurance policies. If you did not reveal that you have taken May X recover from Z notwithstanding that X did not disclose
out other insurance policies, that is a major breach of a H's previous conviction for arson?
material warranty. No. Generally, when a contract of insurance has been entered
into, the insured cannot be charged with fraudulent
Transcriber’s note: Please refer to the examples illustrated in concealment by reason of the fact that he fails to disclose
the book esp.for the computation. Ma’am just said that this matters material to the risk arising thereafter. Section 96,
section is a matter of computation and it is self-explanatory. however, covers knowledge or information possessed by the
insurer "whether previously or subsequently acquired, which
TITLE 12 are material to the risk."
Thus, a policy may be avoided where the reinsured conceals
What is reinsurance? the fact that a loss has taken place or that the property is
over-insured where he has knowledge thereof.
It is a contract whereby one party, the reinsurer, agrees to
indemnify another, the reinsured (original insurer), either in
Sec. 99. A reinsurance is presumed to be a contract of
whole or in part, against loss or liability which the latter may
indemnity against liability, and not merely against damage.
sustain or incur under a separate and original contract of
insurance with a third party, the original insured.
In reinsurance, the reinsurer agrees to indemnify the insurer,
not against actual payment made but against liabilities
In this kind of contract, who pays the insurance premiums?
incurred. Therefore, it is by no means necessary that the
insurer shall first have paid a loss accruing, as a condition
It is the insurance company.
precedent to his demanding payment of the reinsurer. In fact,
the insolvency of the insurer, which precludes him from
fulfilling in full the obligation incurred to the insured under the depending on the make/type and classification of the vehicle.
original policy, does not in any wise affect the right of the By making the insured shoulder the amount of the deductible
insurer to demand payment in full under the policy of stipulated in the policy, small "nuisance claims" are eliminated
reinsurance and this is true even if the original insured should and this in the long run helps provide for lower insurance
decide not to enforce his claim against the insurer. premium. The insurer is liable only in excess of the deductible
or the stated amount to be deducted from the loss.
Does the principle of subrogation apply in reinsurance? Furthermore, the insure shoulders a portion of the cost of
brand new parts to replace damaged parts of his depreciated
Yes. A reinsurer, on payment of a loss, acquires the same parts. He is charged with what is called "depreciation" or
rights by subrogation as are acquired in similar cases where "betterment" for the improvement on his vehicle. Insurance is
the original insurer pays a loss. for indemnity and not for profit.
The original insured may also maintain an action directly Sec. 101. Marine Insurance includes:
against the reinsurer in those cases in which the circumstances (1) Insurance against loss of or damage to:
attending the making of the contract of reinsurance amount to
a novation of the original contract and hence, operate to
(a) Vessels, craft, aircraft, vehicles, goods, freights,
discharge that contract and the original insurer from all
cargoes, merchandise, effects, disbursements, profits,
obligations thereunder. The original insurer, however, will be
moneys, securities, choses in action, evidences of
released only when the insured agrees with the insurer and
debts, valuable papers, bottomry,
reinsurer to the novation.
and respondentia interests and all other kinds of
property and interests therein, in respect to,
According to Ma’am study the following terms in preparation
appertaining to or in connection with any and all risks
for the just in case it will be asked by a tricky examiner:
or perils of navigation, transit or transportation, or
while being assembled, packed, crated, baled,
The amount of loss payable is affected by stipulations in the
compressed or similarly prepared for shipment or
policy such as "franchise clause" in a marine cargo policy
while awaiting shipment, or during any delays,
under which no loss is payable if it does not reach a certain
storage, transhipment, or reshipment incident
amount, otherwise the entire loss is payable; "co-insurance
thereto, including war risks, marine builder's risks,
clause" in fire insurance
and all personal property floater risks;
see Sec. 172.); "deductible clause" in motor vehicle
insurance against loss or damage which provides for the (b) Person or property in connection with or
deduction of a stipulated amount from the damage payable; appertaining to a marine, inland marine, transit or
and "contribution clause" in case of double insurance, (see transportation insurance, including liability for loss of
Sec. 94[1].) or damage arising out of or in connection with the
construction, repair, operation, maintenance or use of
The deductible clause is a standard feature in the the subject matter of such insurance (but not
loss/damages cover in motor vehicle insurance and may vary including life insurance or surety bonds nor insurance
against loss by reason of bodily injury to any person …or while being assembled, packed, crated, baled,
arising out of ownership, maintenance, or use of compressed or similarly prepared for shipment or
automobiles); while awaiting shipment, or during any delays,
(c) Precious stones, jewels, jewelry, precious metals, storage, transhipment, or reshipment incident
whether in course of transportation or otherwise; thereto, including war risks, marine builder's risks,
and all personal property floater risks;
(d) Bridges, tunnels and other instrumentalities of
transportation and communication (excluding Shipment, you are preparing these things for shipment. You
buildings, their furniture and furnishings, fixed are packing them and while these objects are being prepared
contents and supplies held in storage); piers, for shipment they can be covered by Marine Insurance.
wharves, docks and slips, and other aids to navigation
and transportation, including dry docks and marine Paragraph b;
railways, dams and appurtenant facilities for the
control of waterways. (b) Person or property in connection with or
(2) "Marine protection and indemnity insurance," meaning appertaining to a marine, inland marine, transit or
insurance against, or against legal liability of the insured for transportation insurance, including liability for loss
loss, damage, or expense incident to ownership, operation, of or damage arising out of or in connection with
chartering, maintenance, use, repair, or construction of any the construction, repair, operation, maintenance or
vessel, craft or instrumentality in use of ocean or inland use of the subject matter of such insurance (but not
waterways, including liability of the insured for personal injury, including life insurance or surety bonds nor
illness or death or for loss of or damage to the property of insurance against loss by reason of bodily injury to
another person. any person arising out of ownership, maintenance,
or use of automobiles);
From the net: Choses in Action …in connection with inland marine, transit or
transportation insurance,
The right to bring a lawsuit to recover chattels, money, or a de
bt. In other words you are envisioning a situation where the
object of the insurance is not necessarily on sea. It can be on
A chose in action is a comprehensive term used to describe a land and yet it can be covered by a marine insurance policy.
property right or the right to possession of something that can Why will you get a marine insurance policy and you can get
only be obtained or enforced through legal action. It is used in let’s say property insurance over a shipment of rice. Why? You
contradistinction to chose in possession, which refers to cases know property insurance is quite limited, marami yang
where title to money or Property is in one person but exclusions. Minsan you get property insurance to ensure your
possession is held by another. goods only against fire and then there are several exceptions
under the policy. In marine insurance in most cases it is an all-
Examples of a chose in action are the right of an heir to risk policy. That means that whatever is the cause for the loss
interest in the estate of his or her decedent; the right to sue or damage, unless otherwise provided for in the policy itself is
for damages for an injury; and the right of an employee to presumed to be an all risk policy. That is a very significant
unpaid wages. departure from ordinary property insurance. Again you are
looking at goods, objects, personal properties, infrastructure.
So that can be also part of a marine insurance policy. All being prepared for transportation, all necessary to
Bottomry, we will find out later on what is bottomry, transportation, all related to transportation. Subparagraph B is
Respondentia, valuable papers. what is referred to as inland marine insurance.
You will see that the list here is very encompassing. (c) Precious stones, jewels, jewelry, precious
metals, whether in course of transportation or
…all other kinds of property and interests therein, in otherwise;
respect to, appertaining to or in connection with any
and all risks or perils of navigation, transit or Otherwise, meaning if they are stored in a warehouse. It’s not
transportation. being transported it can still be covered by Marine insurance.
Pearls they come under par C because they are covered by the
All of these must pertain to navigation. Transit means moving word jewelry. If it is in storage or safety deposit box of the
one object to another. There is a movement of goods or bank, in the vault, pwede pa rin yan covered by Marine
transportation. Transportation, another term for the shipment Insurance.
of goods or delivery of goods.
“…whether in course of transportation or otherwise;” topography of the port that they approaching. There’s really
Nakastorage siya sa safety deposit box ng bank for one year no need for lighthouses.
but the goods every now and then are being transported, that
can be covered by Marine Insurance. Why not Property What else would come to your mind as aid to navigation?
Insurance? As I’ve said the determining factor at the end of Anyway this just gives you a very encompassing picture of
the day is whether you can afford the premium for a marine what can be covered by marine insurance policy.
insurance policy because most of the time it is an all risk
policy. It is your choice if you can afford just a property …including dry docks and marine railways, dams
insurance, then you get a property insurance for let’s say fire, and appurtenant facilities for the control of
Theft or robbery. waterways.
But if you want a wider coverage you have the option of taking Dams are covered by marine insurance because if it is part of a
out marine insurance. Especially if you are an alahera. Once waterway it’s part of the transportation of goods.
you bought it you have to get insurance to cover the goods
that you bought. Never be an alahera without a proper Ok we now go to
insurance. I ask these car garages, these businesses ought to
have insurance policies. If something happens, there’s fire, (2) "Marine protection and indemnity
theft, the customer can recover from them. These business insurance," meaning insurance against, or against
establishments should secure an Insurance policy to cover legal liability of the insured for loss, damage, or
their business. In the event of loss or damage is afflicted on expense incident to ownership, operation,
the property of the clients, the clients have easy access to chartering, maintenance, use, repair, or construction
compensation. If you are an owner of business establishment of any vessel, craft or instrumentality in use of
you must also have in mind that insurance is really part and ocean or inland waterways, including liability of the
parcel of your business cause. Kahit na bigasan, kunan mo ng insured for personal injury, illness or death or for
insurance policy yan so you will not be bankrupted by loss of or damage to the property of another
calamities. person.
(d) Bridges, tunnels and other instrumentalities of It also includes legal liability. Another term for legal liability
transportation and communication (excluding is casualty insurance. When you are made liable, you don’t
buildings, their furniture and furnishings, fixed want to get from your own funds so you get an insurance
contents and supplies held in storage); piers, policy just in case you are made liable under a judgment. For
wharves, docks and slips, and other aids to example, in tort law, employers have vicarious liability to their
navigation and transportation, including dry docks employees. If you are running a warehouse for example and
and marine railways, dams and appurtenant there was a lot of moving of goods inside the warehouse and
facilities for the control of waterways. one employee is negligent. The driver of the forklift
accidentally hurt a passerby. Who was at fault?? It’s the
Excluding, that is the operative word there, there is a limiting employee but as far as the third person is concerned, he will
word. sue not the employee but the employer. Because under the
tort law the employer is liable for the actions of the employee.
…(excluding buildings, their furniture and So if you are the employer you don’t have any control of the
furnishings, fixed contents and supplies held in actions of your employees 24/7, you better get - and your
storage). business may prove hazardous at some point in time. There
are times when liability may be committed by your employees
What kind of insurance will cover these exclusions? You take so you take out casualty insurance.
out a regular property insurance. They are not insurable
under marine insurance policy it’s clearly stated there, but the So marine protection and indemnity insurance this is an
owner has the option of getting a simple property insurance insurance against or against legal liability of the insured for
to cover furnishings, fixed contents and supplies held in loss, damage, or expense incident to ownership, operation,
storage. chartering, maintenance, use, repair, or construction of any
vessel, craft or instrumentality in use of ocean or inland
…piers, wharves, docks and slips, and other aids to waterways. Ocean or inland waterways So yung mga rivers.
navigation and transportation,
…including liability of the insured for personal injury,
(Maa’m explains the distinction between piers and wharves) illness or death or for loss of or damage to the
property of another person
Aids to navigation - lighthouse. Can they be insured? Do you
think lighthouses are rendered irrelevant nowadays in view of So that is the whole of the coverage of marine insurance. It’s
the technology that our ships are supposed to have? Well if not limited to ocean going vessels, not limited to freight of
you are talking about relevance, there are substitutes for ocean going vessels. It’s more than that. As long as it is ___ to
lighthouses now, the instrumentation, most instruments of or related to transportation of goods. Parang naging
big ships are powered by computers they can even see the transportation insurance ang marine insurance except that it
does not cover motor vehicles, there is a separate law for If you come from a manufacturing outfit you have container
motor vehicles. vans. When you move your goods to the container vans these
container vans have certain distances and then when they get
Transportation Insurance defined to their transshipment point they will unload. From trucks to
vessels, and then from trucks again, then maybe a smaller
Transportation insurance is concerned with the perils ship, the entire process will be the delivery process. This
of property in (or incidental to) transit as opposed to comes under what is considered as inland marine insurance. If
property perils at a generally fixed location. you are conscientious enterprise owner then when you get an
insurance for business like that, that will be considered under
Going back to your jewelry in storage in a safety deposit box, inland.
that will still be considered in transit if the situation will arise
where ___ and moved out to another location. You are in the It also covers risks of lake, river, or other inland waterway
business of buying and selling of jewelry, the moment you take transportation and other waterborne perils outside of those
out of the supplier’s premises, make sure that you are covered risks that fall definitely within the ocean marine category. So if
by insurance. If you get robbed along the way, if there is any they are not allowed under the ocean marine category then
loss along the way you will be covered by marine insurance. they will be properly covered under inland marine insurance,
Going back to par A - storage, transhipment, or reshipment Why did we discuss Section 99 extensively? Because this gives
incident. you a picture. When you say marine insurance the first thing
that come to your mind barko yan. NO. It can even cover
Transhipment, or reshipment, from point to point. for example bridges, jewelries, it is really wide classification of insurance.
a 100 sacks of rice from Central Luzon is transported to Cebu Marine insurance can be divided into two categories: Ocean
for final destination to Iloilo. The goods are actually Marine Insurance, Inland Marine Insurance.
transshiped from Pangasinan, the goods traveled by land to
the port of Batangas and then from there it is loaded onto a February 23, 2015
vessel shipped to Cebu. From Cebu is again loaded to another
vessel for final shipment to Iloilo. That whole process can be Before we proceed, class, I just have to mention a few things,
covered by Marine insurance. I want to point out the new provisions in the Insurance Law…
Major Division of Marine Insurance SEC. 78. Employees of the Republic of the Philippines,
including its political subdivisions and instrumentalities, and
1. Ocean Marine Insurance government-owned or -controlled corporations, may pay their
An insurance against risk connected with navigation, insurance premiums and loan obligations through salary
to which a ship, cargo, freightage, profits or other deduction: Provided, That the treasurer, cashier, paymaster or
insurable interest in movable property, may be official of the entity employing the government employee is
exposed during a certain voyage or a fixed period of authorized, notwithstanding the provisions of any existing law,
time. rules and regulations to the contrary, to make deductions from
the salary, wage or income of the latter pursuant to the
When you talk about marine insurance, it is there in agreement between the insurer and the government employee
the outset that you are talking of vessels. Vessels that and to remit such deductions to the insurer concerned, and
will be plying the oceans and laden with cargo for collect such reasonable fee for its services.
profits or whatever other insurable interest they are
making. This provision formalizes all the important agreements that
GOCCs, being financially independent or GOCCs being
2. Inland Marine insurance financially viable with insurance providers to cover medical
Covers primarily the land or over the land coverage to their employees. So, this provision formalizes this
transportation perils of property shipped by railroads, practice and provides for the legal basis for the act of these
motor trucks, airplanes, and other means of government offices and GOCCs to enter into insurance
transportation. It also covers risks of lake, river, or contracts with insurance providers and giving authority to their
other inland waterway transportation and other paymaster, cashier or treasurer to deduct insurance premium
waterborne perils outside of those risks that fall from the salaries and wages of these employees.
definitely within the ocean marine category.
There is a new Section 8. A second paragraph is provided
under this section:
This is what we will be talking about, it is transshipped over
land. This inland marine insurance, the concept has been
SEC. 82. A person insured is entitled to a return of the
brought about by the way goods are being shipped from point premium when the contract is voidable, and subsequently
to point as businesses expanded to the next country, province,
annulled under the provisions of the Civil Code; or on account
state and eventually abroad. The means of transporting goods
of the fraud or misrepresentation of the insurer, or of his
also varies, so sometimes from the depot for example it’s
agent, or on account of facts, or the existence of which the
transported by trucks.
insured was ignorant of without his fault; or when by any The phrase “perils of the sea” or “perils of navigation” includes
default of the insured other than actual fraud, the insurer only those casualties due to the unusual violence or
never incurred any liability under the policy. extraordinary action of wind and wave, or to other
extraordinary causes connected with navigation.
A person insured is not entitled to a return of premium if the
policy is annulled, rescinded or if a claim is denied by reason of Perils of the sea vs. perils of the ship
Perils of the sea Perils of the ship
It simply translates the several Supreme Court decisions that Include only such losses as Include losses which, in the
where there is fraud employed, you cannot return the premium are of extraordinary nature or ordinary course of events,
in case the policy is annulled. arise from overwhelming results:
power which cannot be a) From the natural and
And then, under Title 11 Double Insurance, look for that guarded against by the inevitable action of the
provision that deals with what happens when there is over ordinary exertion of human sea;
insurance by double insurance. That is now Section 96, and skill or prudence, as b) From the ordinary wear
there is now paragraph (b) and (c). It simply changes the distinguished from the and tear of the ship; or
wordings of the law. Very important, the opening of the ordinary wear and tear of the c) From the negligent
section now reads… voyage and from injuries failure of the ship’s
suffered by the vessel in owner to provide the
SEC. 96. Where the insured in a policy other than life is over consequence of her not being vessel with proper
insured by double insurance: seaworthy. equipment to convey the
cargo under ordinary
(a) The insured, unless the policy otherwise provides, may conditions.
claim payment from the insurers in such order as he may
select, up to the amount for which the insurers are severally You should be able to distinguish perils of the sea from perils
liable under their respective contracts; of the ship. In simpler terms, perils of the sea pertain to the
violent, not just the action of the wind and the waves but
(b) Where the policy under which the insured claims is a violent and unusual. Why? Marine insurance policy covers only
valued policy, any sum received by him under any other policy perils of the sea. Hence, if it is perils of the ship, the insurance
shall be deducted from the value of the policy without regard company will not be liable. Marine insurance policies are all-
to the actual value of the subject matter insured; risk policies but they may provide certain exceptions.
Remember, class, that even if you have an all-risk policy,
(c) Where the policy under which the insured claims is an marine insurance covers only perils of the sea. It is only in
unvalued policy, any sum received by him under any policy marine insurance policy that the discussion on perils of the sea
shall be deducted against the full insurable value, for any sum and perils of the ship is very important.
received by him under any policy;
If the sail is lost because of the wind, can that be considered
(d) Where the insured receives any sum in excess of the perils of the sea? Is that covered by the marine insurance
valuation in the case of valued policies, or of the insurable policy? If the wind is strong BUT it is not a violent wind, it will
value in the case of unvalued policies, he must hold such sum not be covered by the marine insurance policy because it is
in trust for the insurers, according to their right of contribution something expected. It is not unusual for a ship to lose its sail
among themselves; by reason of the wind. But, if it is the mast that is completely
broken off by a violent action of the sea, then that means that
(e) Each insurer is bound, as between himself and the other
the damage would fall under the perils of the sea.
insurers, to contribute ratably to the loss in proportion to the
amount for which he is liable under his contract.
Right away, when an insurance company is presented with a
claim for insurance under a marine insurance policy, all that
This clarifies now the position that there is no over insurance the insured will need to prove is proof of loss or damage.
in a life insurance policy. That’s it! The burden is right away shifted to the insurance
company to prove that the loss or the damage was caused by
Let’s continue with marine insurance…
an exception to the all-risk marine insurance policy. The
insurance company will try its very best to get out of the
We have discussed open marine insurance policy. Remember
insurance policy. How? By proving that the proximate cause of
that in marine insurance, we are not only dealing with the
the loss or damage is excepted from the coverage.
vessel itself, there are many insurable interests in marine
insurance policy depending on the position where you are in in
The book cited the case of Go Tiaco vs. Union Ins. Society
relation to the vessel. Your insurable interest may be that of
of Canton, it’s an old case. A similar decision was reiterated in
the owner, charterer, vendee or consignee, vendor of goods
the case of Cathay Insurance Co. vs. CA. What is the gist of
carried by the vessel itself.
the decision in these two cases? Loss was caused to the cargo
Perils of the sea of rice by the entrance of sea water through the ship’s
defective pipe, of which the shipowner was apprised but failed a. F.O.B. (free on board):
properly to repair. Damage to the structure of the ship that i. FOB Factory – buyer assumes
pertains to the seaworthiness of the vessel would fall under responsibility when the goods leave the
perils of the ship. factory; or
ii. FOB point of destination – buyer does
“All risks” marine insurance policy not assume responsibility until the
goods are received from the carrier.
It creates a special type of insurance which extends coverage b. C.I.F. (cost, insurance, and freight) – the seller
to risks not usually contemplated and avoids putting upon the assumes complete responsibility for securing all
insured the burden of establishing that the loss was due to necessary insurance; and
peril falling within the policy’s coverage. c. C & F (cost and freight) – the buyer procures his
own insurance.
It saves the insured the burden of proving that the loss or 3. In the case of a vendee/consignee of goods in transit –
damage was caused by a peril that’s covered by the policy. whether or not the contract was perfected is an essential
consideration in determining who has insurable interest at
Development of inland marine insurance that point of transit.
a. No perfected contract of sale – the owner of the
As you can see, the development of the inland marine goods remains to have insurable interest even if
insurance can be seen as an offshoot of commercial there is a consignee waiting there at the end of a
enterprises. journey. The possible consignee, at the other
end, doesn’t have insurable interest.
Sub-Title 1-B b. Perfected contract of sale – consignee may
INSURABLE INTEREST already have an equitable title over the goods in
transit. Hence, the consignee may claim insurable
What is the insurable interest of the owner of the ship? interest in the goods.
SEC. 102. The owner of a ship has in all cases an insurable **BREAK**
interest in it, even when it has been chartered by one who
covenants to pay him its value in case of loss: Provided, That SEC. 103. The insurable interest of the owner of the ship
in this case the insurer shall be liable for only that part of the hypothecated by bottomry is only the excess of its value over
loss which the insured cannot recover from the charterer. the amount secured by bottomry.
As long as you are the legal owner of the ship and you take SEC. 104. Freightage, in the sense of a policy of marine
out an insurance policy, you have a right even if it has been insurance, signifies all the benefits derived by the owner,
chartered. You know, this thing about chartering, I guess, is either from the chartering of the ship or its employment for the
applicable to airplanes as well. (cheka about Cebu Pacific being carriage of his own goods or those of others.
a mere charter party)
What is a loan on bottomry?
The charterer of a ship has an insurable interest in it to the
extent that he is liable to be damnified by its loss. The charter It is one which is payable only if the vessel, given as a security
party will now have an interest over the vessel itself and one for the loan, completes in safety the contemplated voyage.
of the obligations of a charter party is to pay the legal owner
damages in case of loss provided that in this case the insurer What is a respondentia loan?
shall be liable for only that part of the loss which the insured
cannot recover from the charterer. Similar to loan on bottomry only that it is secured by the cargo
or some part thereof.
Insurable interest and sale contracts
What is the meaning of freightage?
1. In case of a vessel – the insurable interest is commonly
possessed by the owner, and also if money has been It is the benefit which is to accrue to the owner of the vessel
borrowed, by one who holds mortgage on the vessel. If from its use in the voyage contemplated or the benefit derived
the vessel is mortgaged, or hypothecated by bottomry, from the employment of the ship.
the one who owns the mortgage of the vessel has an
insurable interest in the vessel itself. One who leases the It may be derived from:
vessel may agree to assume responsibility for its 1. The chartering of the ship;
insurance, in which case he has an insurable interest. 2. Its employment for the carriage of his own goods; and
2. In the case of cargo – the insurable interest is in the 3. Its employment for the carriage of the goods of others.
shipper or the consignee depending upon the terms of
sale. The following are some of the common terms of It actually refers to income derived from the chartering of the
sale: ship. It is another word for income, rental income.
• Bareboat meaning walang crew, walang victuals, boat
What is the insurable interest of the owner/lender of a lang. It is the chartered party who will man the ship
vessel hypothecated by bottomry? for voyage.
1. Owner – has an insurable interest only in the excess of its 2. Contract of affreightment
value over the amount of the bottomry loan; • The owner of the vessel leases part or all of its space
2. Lender – has an insurable interest to the extent of the to haul goods for others. It is a contract of special
loan. service to be rendered by the owner of the vessel
who retains the possession, command and navigation
What is the meaning of expected freightage? of the ship, the charterer or freighter merely having
use of the space in the vessel in return for the
SEC. 105. The owner of a ship has an insurable interest in payment of the charter hire or freight.
expected freightage which according to the ordinary and • It is only the space that is being leased. The charterer
probable course of things he would have earned but for the or freighter merely having use of the space in the
intervention of a peril insured against or other peril incident to vessel in return for the payment of the charter hire or
the voyage. freight. The contract may either be (a) voyage charter
or (b) time charter.
This is expected income. We’re not talking only of the physical • The charterer is free from liability to third person in
structure of the ship itself but also of the expected freightage respect to the ship.
that he will get out of leasing or chartering the ship.
**maam talking about container ships and the US
warship/carrier for 20 minutes J
SEC. 106. The interest mentioned in the last section exists, in
case of a charter party, when the ship has broken ground on
March 2, 2015
the chartered voyage. If a price is to be paid for the carriage
of goods it exists when they are actually on board, or there is Let’s go back a little. Section 108, the types of charter parties.
some contract for putting them on board, and both ship and
goods are ready for the specified voyage.
Sec. 108. The charterer of a ship has an insurable interest in
it, to the extent that he is liable to be damnified by its loss.
The chartered party also has insurable interest in expected
freightage. A charter party is a contract by which an entire ship or some
principal part thereof is lent by the owner to another person
What is the insurable interest in expected profits? for a specified time or use.
SEC. 107. One who has an interest in the thing from which By the way, I already verified what’s the difference between a
profits are expected to proceed has an insurable interest in the pier and a wharf. A wharf, it’s a structure that may include
profits. piers. A wharf is made up of structure that sits parallel to the
coastline. It’s made up of buildings, other structures that will
What is the extent of the insurable interest of the service virtually vessels, ships. As long as it runs parallel to the
charterer of a ship? coastline it’s called a wharf. A wharf may also include
structures that protrude into the sea. These structures are
SEC. 108. The charterer of a ship has an insurable interest in called piers, they protrude towards the sea and they are also
it, to the extent that he is liable to be damnified by its loss built on top of columns. That’s the main distinction between a
wharf and a pier. When you talk about pier, it’s just a simple
So the ship may value P20M but if the chartered party insured structure. The wharf itself is a complete structure and it is
it only for P2M and then the vessel suffers loss, the chartered supported by columns that go all the way to the seabed.
party’s interest is only to the extent that he will be damnified Sometimes by wear and tear if the port authority is not careful
by the loss. in the maintenance of the wharf by sheer action of the sea
they can actually eat up the columns that support the wharf.
What are the types of charter parties?
We discussed about the bareboat or demise charter. Demise is
1. Bareboat or demise charter not just a synonym for death or the passing of a person. Under
• The shipowner turns over full possession and control Maritime insurance law demise is simply another word for
of his vessel to the charterer, who then undertakes to lease.
provide a crew and victuals and supplies and fuel for
her during the term of the charter. Then you have contract of affreightment where what is being
• The charterer becomes, in effect, the owner of the leased is just a space. In a Bareboat or demise charter you are
voyage or service stipulated, subject to liability for leasing an unfurnished vessel. Under the contract of
damages caused by negligence. affreightment you are leasing space, all of it or just a part of it.
You also have a voyage charter or trip charter which is a So Concealment here applies to both the
contract for the carriage of goods from one port to another. underwriter/insurance company and to the insured. The matter
And then a time charter. of concealment in misrepresentation in marine insurance is
much stricter than under the general insurance law. Why?
What do you mean by owner pro hac vice? - “By this instance”. Because of the risk involved. The subject of insurance is out
In other words when you are the charter party, the charterer there in the sea and if anything happens, if the object of
in the demise or bareboat charter the charterer is treated as insurance whether it be the vessel or the cargo once they are
the owner pro hac vice of the vessel. The charterer assuming destroyed, damaged, exposed to any of the peril insured
in large measure customary rights and liabilities of the against, the loss or the damage most of the time involves huge
shipowner. amounts. So the law looks up marine insurance with higher
standards, stricter standards than the regular (perhaps)
I want you to read in relation to this topic San Miguel Corp property insurance.
vs. Heirs of S. Inguito 384 scra 87 and Caltex vs.
Sulpicio Lines 315 scra 709. The rules as to concealment or misrepresentation are more
strict in cases of marine insurance than fire insurance. This is
Q: So in such case if you have a demise or bareboat charter, because of the nature, the different character of the insurance
when do we usually have this? Could you imagine a situation involved and the surrounding circumstances.
when this kind of contract may exist?
A: Usually bareboat charter is resorted to by companies that Sec. 110. In marine insurance, information of the belief or
need to transport their goods or merchandise in bulk and when expectation of a third person, in reference to a material fact, is
they really need the space of the boat. NFA for example material.
sometimes resort to bareboat charter party to ship the rice.
What else? Motor vehicles. The motorcycle industry is really a The information, opinion or belief of the third party unlike in
big industry in the Philippines. How do they ship from the the general insurance law is a material element in marine
manufacturing plant all the way to their distributors insurance. In section 35, it is not material at all it can be
nationwide? So they resort to bareboat or demise charter in disregarded but in marine insurance the opinion, expectations
lease of space. of third persons are material to the insurance contract of
marine insurance.
Let’s go to concealment.
Section 111, prior loss, just read that
Sub-Title 1-C
CONCEALMENT Sec. 111. A person insured by a contract of marine insurance
is presumed to have knowledge, at the time of insuring, of a
What is concealment in Marine issuance? prior loss, if the information might possibly have reached him
in the usual mode of transmission and at the usual rate of
Concealment in marine insurance is the failure to communication.
disclose any material fact or circumstance which in
fact or law is within, or which ought to be within the
knowledge of one party and of which the other has Sec. 112. A concealment in a marine insurance, in respect to
no actual or presumptive knowledge. any of the following matters, does not vitiate the entire
contract, but merely exonerates the insurer from a loss
Sec. 109. In marine insurance each party is bound to resulting from the risk concealed:
communicate, in addition to what is required by section (a) The national character of the insured;
twenty-eight, all the information which he possesses, material (b) The liability of the thing insured to capture and
to the risk, except such as is mentioned in Section thirty, and detention;
to state the exact and whole truth in relation to all matters that
(c) The liability to seizure from breach of foreign laws
he represents, or upon inquiry discloses or assumes to
of trade;
(d) The want of necessary documents;
What is the difference between concealment in marine (e) The use of false and simulated papers.
insurance and the general provision on concealment?
What is representation under Marine Insurance? Q: What about the nature of the ship?
A: The vessel must be in a fit state as to repair, equipment,
The rules governing representations with respect to crew and in all other respects to perform the voyage insured
insurance policies have been held to apply to marine and to encounter the ordinary perils of navigation. She must
insurance policies. also be in a suitable condition to carry the cargo put on board
or intended to be put on board.
Is there any distinction or difference between how
representation in general insurance law treated from marine I want you to memorize Section 116. Reasonably fit, it does
not require that the ship must be in a perfect condition. It does
not require a brand new anchor; it does not require a rust-free
Pretty much the same definition as representation is defined
boat or deck. It merely requires reasonable fitness to perform
under the general provision. The only big distinction there is,
the service and to encounter the ordinary perils of the voyage.
in Marine insurance law intent plays a big role in avoiding the
What are the ordinary perils of the voyage? Storms will have to
policy. If it is intentionally false in any material respect the
be considered an ordinary peril of the voyage, unless it is
insurer may rescind the entire contract. What happens if it is
maybe a category 6 or 7 then that would be unusual. But if it
not intentional? If the misrepresentation is not intentional or
just a strong winds or waves - unless probably if it’s a tsunami,
fraudulent but the fact represented is material to the risk the
that is an unusual action of the sea.
insurer may also rescind the contract from the time the
representation become false. That’s the distinction. In marine
Contemplated by the parties to the policy, that’s why you have
insurance if the misrepresentation may not be intentional but if
to look at the nature of the voyage. You have to look at the
the fact misrepresented is material to the risk the insurer still nature of the service and the nature of the ship because they
has the option to rescind the contract from the time the
all have different requirements. They will all be under different
representation becomes false.
circumstances if you are talking about a regular passenger
ship, or a container ship. So if a __ goods for example, is the
Sec. 113. If a representation by a person insured by a vessel fit to carry the cargo that is shipped on that vessel? For
contract of marine insurance, is intentionally false in any example you are shipping barrels of oil and then you decide to
material respect, or in respect of any fact on which the get a rickety wooden ship. Nothing in that ship is fire retardant
character and nature of the risk depends, the insurer may and an accident happens. The ship was clearly unseaworthy
rescind the entire contract. for that particular cargo, for that particular voyage. Failure of
common carrier to maintain in seaworthy the vessel involved in
Sec. 114. The eventual falsity of a representation as to
the contract of carriage is a clear breach of its duty. There are
expectation does not, in the absence of fraud, avoid a contract
certain provisions in the civil code that will be considered hand
of marine insurance. in hand with the standards required under the insurance law.
Take note of the case of Caltex vs. Sulpicio Lines. Sec. 117. An implied warranty of seaworthiness is complied
with if the ship be seaworthy at the time of the
Because of the implied warranty of seaworthiness, of commencement of the risk, except in the following cases:
shippers of goods are not expected when transacting
with common carriers, to inquire into the vessel’s (a) When the insurance is made for a specified length
seaworthiness, genuineness of its licenses and of time, the implied warranty is not complied with
compliance with all maritime laws. unless the ship be seaworthy at the commencement
of every voyage it undertakes during that time;
As far as the shipper is concerned, if they decided to ship their (b) When the insurance is upon the cargo which, by
goods on your vessel, the fact that you are in the business of the terms of the policy, description of the voyage, or
shipping is already good enough for them to assume that your established custom of the trade, is to
vessel is seaworthy. They don’t have to go to PH Port be transhipped at an intermediate port, the implied
Authority, maritime authority to check if your vessel underwent warranty is not complied with unless each vessel
annual repair, if your whole crew is properly trained or licensed upon which the cargo is shipped, or transhipped, be
to undertake the duties. The fact that they are in business it is seaworthy at the commencement of each particular
presumed that the ship is seaworthy. There is no need to voyage.
inquire further or make an effort to inquire seaworthiness of
the vessel. So the duty rests upon the common carrier to make
sure that the vessel is seaworthy. If anything happens to the When is seaworthiness complied? Does it have to be complied
vessel the presumption is the owners are negligent. Negligence all the way to the end of the journey?
is presumed where the vessel for example sinks when there is
no reason for the vessel to sink, there is no storm there is no When it is transshipped it must be - when you say transship,
unusual action of the elements in the area and all of a sudden Transship being transferred from one port to another. If the
the vessel sank. The presumption is, you did not exercise due vessel had to make several stops because it’s a cargo policy
diligence in the maintenance of your vessel. then at the commencement of each voyage the vessel must be
seaworthy. So it’s probably from A to B and then you start
If you are a carrier, what is the standard of care that the your journey from B to C, seaworthiness must commence
common carrier is expected to exercise? Extraordinary when the ship leaves port B. But it can suffer defects during
diligence. The degree of care that is demanded from the the entire trip, that’s ok, it does not negate the seaworthiness
common carrier is extraordinary diligence. If it is extraordinary of the vessel. But upon the arrival at the next port the damage
diligence if an accident happens the presumption right away is must be repaired, because if there is undue delay that would
that that carrier did not exercise the extraordinary diligence be taken against the ship owner when the insurance is made:
required. As a general rule common carriers are presumed to
have been at fault or to have acted negligently for the loss, (a) When the insurance is made for a specified length of
destruction or deterioration of goods unless they prove that time, the implied warranty is not complied with unless
they observe diligence. the ship be seaworthy at the commencement of every
voyage it undertakes
Criterion of Seaworthiness
So that’s the time policy.
A perfect vessel or one impervious to the assaults of the
elements is not required; nor is the best and most skillful form For cargo policy that is paragraph b.
of construction required, but only such as is sufficient for the
kind of vessels insured with reference to their physical and (b) When the insurance is upon the cargo which, by the
mechanical condition, the extent of its fuel and provisions terms of the policy, description of the voyage, or
supply, the quality of its officers and crew, and its adaptability established custom of the trade, is to be transhipped at an
for the service in which they are employed. (San Miguel Corp intermediate port, the implied warranty is not complied
vs. Heirs of S Inguito) with unless each vessel upon which the cargo is shipped,
or transhipped, be seaworthy at the commencement of
Sufficient - that is the standard there. If you look at this each particular voyage.
decision of the court - the nature of the service, nature of the
voyage as well as the nature of the ship all come into play. The issuance of a certificate
What is notable here is that it is not required that the ship be
in perfect condition but all the three - what is it for, what is it Take note of this, Deltan Transport Lines vs. CA. I actually
being used for. The fuel and provisions are they apt to the asked this in the exam last year.
length of time that the journey will take for the vessel. These
The issuance of certificate neither negates the
are the things will come into play in determining whether the
presumption of unseaworthiness triggered by
ship is seaworthy or not, the kind of cargo that’s loaded on
unexplained sinking or establishes seaworthiness.
your ship.
Here, there was a defense that was raised by the ship-owner.
He said, “we have a certificate issued by the maritime
authority that the vessel was seaworthy.” No amount of Sec. 119. Where different portions of the voyage
certification from anybody can prove otherwise. What is contemplated by a policy differ in respect to the things
required under the law is that seaworthiness must refer to the requisite to make the ship seaworthy therefor, a warranty of
actual condition of the vessel at the commencement of the seaworthiness is complied with if, at the commencement of
voyage. Actual condition does not mean that if you present a each portion, the ship is seaworthy with reference to that
certificate let’s say from Marina that certified that your ship is portion.
seaworthy even if they inspected your ship and you will
present that to counter the accusation that your ship was not Seaworthiness during voyage in stages
seaworthy, the court will not take that into consideration
because what the court will look at will be the actual condition Always at the commencement of each portion. A ship is
of the ship at the time of commencement of the voyage. seaworthy with reference to that portion. This is a voyage
Section 118, the scope of the seaworthiness of the vessel
Sec. 120. When the ship becomes unseaworthy during the
Sec. 118. A warranty of seaworthiness extends not only to the voyage to which an insurance relates, an unreasonable delay
condition of the structure of the ship itself, but requires that it in repairing the defect exonerates the insurer on ship
be properly laden, and provided with a competent master, a or shipowner's interest from liability from any loss
sufficient number of competent officers and seamen, and the arising therefrom.
requisite appurtenances and equipment, such as ballasts,
cables and anchors, cordage and sails, food, water, fuel and When the ship becomes unseaworthy during the voyage to
lights, and other necessary or proper stores and implements which an insurance relates, an unreasonable delay in repairing
for the voyage. the defect exonerates the insurer on ship or shipowner's
interest from liability from any loss arising therefrom. Now we
Q: Can you explain what the scope of the seaworthiness of the know that the vessel must be seaworthy at the
vessel is? commencement of each voyage.
A: Seaworthiness requires that the vessel must have
equipment and appliances appropriate to the voyage in which If it is a time voyage, at the commencement of each voyage. If
it is engaged and the cargo it carries; it must have sufficient the vessel suffers any damage before reaching its destination
number of competent officers and men; and if the insurance is there is a need for the owner of the ship, of course upon
on the cargo, the same must be properly loaded, stowed, information from the master that the defect must be repaired
dunnaged and secured so as not to imperil the navigation of otherwise the delay will exonerate the insurer from any loss
the vessel or to cause injury to the vessel or cargo. arising therefrom.
It’s very clear what is the scope of the seaworthiness of the Sec. 121. A ship which is seaworthy for the purpose of an
vessels, we have repeated that. It only does not extend to the insurance upon the ship may, nevertheless, by reason of being
condition of the structure of the ship itself, but requires that it unfitted to receive the cargo, be unseaworthy for the purpose
be properly laden, and provided with a competent master, a of the insurance upon the cargo.
sufficient number of competent officers and seamen, and the
requisite appurtenances and equipment, such as ballasts, Q: What is seaworthiness as to cargo? If you are an insurer for
cables and anchors, cordage and sails, food, water, fuel and the cargo what is the seaworthiness required?
lights, and other necessary or proper stores and implements A: The seaworthiness of a vessel is also to be determined with
for the voyage. regard to the nature of the cargo which she undertakes to
transport, the requirement being that she shall be reasonably
So if it is a 4-day voyage you must be properly laden for a 4- capable of safely conveying the cargo to its port of destination.
day voyage. The shipping industry because of the technology,
advancements of maritime industry has really gone a long way.
Sec. 122. Where the nationality or neutrality of a ship or cargo
(nagchika si Maam sa history of the maritime industry in
is expressly warranted, it is implied that the ship will carry the
the1600s, whale hunting J)
requisite documents to show such nationality or neutrality and
that it will not carry any documents which cast reasonable
All these equipments you have to have it in the ship itself, you
suspicion thereon.
have the proper stores and implements. There is an industry
that caters to the needs of the ships. If you get a contract to
Q: What about the warranty as to nationality or neutrality?
replenish, like water, that’s a big contract. If your contract is
just to supply fresh meat, that’s your business then that will A: 1.) A warranty of national character may be gathered from
really keep you afloat. There are ships whose voyages are very the language of the policy describing the vessel as the
long sometimes they change crew in the middle of the voyage. “Philippine”, “American”, ”British” or “Spanish”, etc., although
They replenish and they change crew. an exception has been made where the fact recited could have
no relation to the risk. A warranty of nationality does not mean
that the vessel was built in such country, but that the property
belongs to a subject thereof. It refers to beneficial ownership Four (4) cases of Deviation
rather than to the legal title.
1. Departure from the course of sailing fixed by
2.) A warranty of neutrality imports that the property insured is mercantile usage between the places of beginning
neutral in fact, and shall be so in appearance and conduct, and ending specified in the policy;
that the property shall belong to neutrals, and that no act of 2. Departure from the most natural, direct, and
the insured or his agent shall be done which can legally advantageous route between the places specified if
compromise its neutrality. the course of sailing is not fixed by mercantile
Usually we are talking here of the neutrality of the ship and 3. Unreasonable delay in pursuing the voyage;
when you say neutrality of the ship or nationality of the ship 4. The commencement of an entirely different voyage.
you are looking at who is the beneficial owner of the ship. This
has reference to the registration of the ship, what flag does it So those are the four cases of deviation. Now what is the
fly. voyage insured? When did you depart from the voyage? If it is
describe by the places from beginning to end and then you did
Where the nationality or neutrality of a ship or cargo is not follow that particular voyage. Who prescribed that voyage?
expressly warranted, so it is in the contract itself there is a The voyage is fixed by mercantile usage. For example in the
warranty of nationality. A warranty that it will fly under the Philippines, if the voyage is only from Cebu to Antique but you
British flag, a warranty that it will fly under the Philippine flag, opted to go from Cebu to Caticlan and you went to another
is implied that the ship will carry the requisite document to port. Obviously that is a departure from the prescribed voyage
show such nationality or neutrality and that it will not carry any because in the mercantile usage the straight path is always the
documents which cast reasonable suspicion thereon. This is fastest path. So that’s one.
very important when especially for ships to travel in
international waters. If you are travelling on the shipping lane Q: What if there is no route that is fixed by the mercantile
in international waters that is practically a free for all. But your usage, what is the standard?
insurance may require an express warranty that the ship will A: It is that way between the places specified, which to a
only fly under this national flag or the ship will be a neutral master of ordinary skill and discretion, would mean the most
ship. natural, direct and advantageous.
A warranty of neutrality imports that the property insured is And then when you commenced a new voyage, that is also a
neutral and shall be so in appearance and conduct. Just deviation and when there unreasonable delay in pursuing the
remember that you are looking at the beneficial ownership voyage that will also count as deviation.
rather than the legal ownership
Now, any deviation is illegal but there is also proper deviation.
Let’s look at voyage and deviation. When the deviation is proper that will not be taken against the
Sub-Title 1-F
THE VOYAGE AND DEVIATION Q: There is also proper deviation. When is deviation proper?
A: (Section 126)
Sec. 123. When the voyage contemplated by a marine
insurance policy is described by the places of beginning and
ending, the voyage insured in one which conforms to the Sec. 126. A deviation is proper:
course of sailing fixed by mercantile usage between those (a) When caused by circumstances over which
places. neither the master nor the owner of the ship has any
Sec. 124. If the course of sailing is not fixed by mercantile
(b) When necessary to comply with a warranty, or to
usage, the voyage insured by a marine insurance policy is that
avoid a peril, whether or not the peril is insured
way between the places specified, which to a master of
ordinary skill and discretion, would mean the most natural,
direct and advantageous. (c) When made in good faith, and upon reasonable
grounds of belief in its necessity to avoid a peril; or
Sec. 125. Deviation is a departure from the course of the (d) When made in good faith, for the purpose of
voyage insured, mentioned in the last two sections, or an saving human life or relieving another vessel in
unreasonable delay in pursuing the voyage or the distress.
commencement of an entirely different voyage.
(b) When necessary to comply with a warranty, or Sec. 124. A deviation is proper:
to avoid a peril, whether or not the peril is
insured against; (a) When caused by circumstances over which neither the
(c) When made in good faith, and upon reasonable master nor the owner of the ship has any control;
grounds of belief in its necessity to avoid a (b) When necessary to comply with a warranty, or to avoid a
peril; or peril, whether or not the peril is insured against;
(c) When made in good faith, and upon reasonable grounds of
So comply with the warranty and to avoid a peril, whether or belief in its necessity to avoid a peril; or
not the peril is insured against. And then made in good faith, (d) When made in good faith, for the purpose of saving human
and upon reasonable grounds of belief in its necessity to avoid life or relieving another vessel in distress.
a peril.
Effect of Proper deviation
(d) When made in good faith, for the purpose of
saving human life or relieving another vessel in
The insurer is not exonerated from liability for loss happening
after proper deviation. The effect is as if there were no
Made in good faith again and this time for the purpose of deviation.
saving human life or relieving another vessel in distress. The
When is deviation improper
deviation must be in good faith, it is a requirement that the
deviation is in good faith. There is no intention to cut corners,
no intention to defraud. These are allowed deviations. If it is Sec. 125. Every deviation not specified in the last section is
merely to save property it is not proper deviation. It says here improper.
relieving another vessel in distress. The vessel must be in
distress. For example you are going to deviate because
another vessel decided to call you to move some cargo to your Effect of improper deviation
ship that is a deviation that is not proper.
Where there has been any deviation or change of the risk
Sec. 127. Every deviation not specified in the last section is without just cause, the insurer becomes immediately absolved
improper. from further liability under the policy for losses occurring
subsequent (not before) to the deviation. And the fact that
Sec. 128. An insurer is not liable for any loss happening to the the deviation did not increase the risk, or in any wise
thing insured subsequent to an improper deviation. contribute to the loss suffered, is wholly immaterial.
What is Deviation? Ma’am: Do not confuse yourself with these kinds of losses.
Total loss is quite different from Partial loss. Constructive loss
Any unexcused departure from the regular course or route of is not equivalent to Partial loss. So remember that the
the insured voyage or any other act which substantially alters classification of loss as actual or constructive will only come
the risk, or, an unreasonable delay in pursuing the voyage or into play when we talk of total loss. There’s no such thing as
the commencement Constructive Partial loss. Partial loss has no categories. Please
of an entirely different voyage. do not confuse.
What is constructive total loss? thing is destroyed although the materials of which it consisted
still exist.
A constructive total loss, or, as it is sometimes called, a
"technical total loss," is one in which the loss, although not Ma’am: Shipment of sacks of rice from Port A to Port B. Along
actually total, is of such a character that the insured is entitled, the way nabasa ang rice. While the sacks of rice were not lost,
if he thinks fit, to treat it as total by abandonment. the fact that they were found wetted were determinative that
they suffered actual total loss as they no longer remain the
Why is it important to know the distinction between actual and same kind of thing as before.
constructive total loss?
Example if 45 sacks of rice were shipped from Port A to Port
B. In the midway, 35 sacks got wet and the other 10 sacks
It is highly important that the two kinds of total loss be didn’t, there can still be actual total loss because what is
carefully differentiated, for upon them depends the whole intended to be delivered is 45 sacks of rice although only
doctrine of abandonment, so important in portions thereof suffered damages.
the law of marine insurance.
In cases of actual total loss, no abandonment is necessary; but Pan Malayan Insurance Corp. vs. Court of Appeals, 201
if the loss is merely constructively total, an abandonment SCRA 382 [1991]
becomes necessary in order to recover as for a total loss.
Ma’am: Occurrence of a constructive total loss is a condition
for the exercise of the right of abandonment in order to An actual total loss is suffered where the cargo, by
recover from the marine insurance. the process of decomposition or other chemical agency, no
longer remains the same kind of thing as before. Thus, in a
What is actual total loss? case, the insured rice seeds found wetted were determined to
be lost and rendered valueless to the insured for planting
An actual total loss exists when the subject matter of the or seeding purposes since the wetting or contact with water
insurance is wholly destroyed or lost or when it is so damaged had definitely activated their tendency to germinate. The rice
as no longer to exist in its original character. seeds were treated and would germinate upon mere contact
with water.
Sec. 130. An actual total loss is caused by: The shipowner's or ship agent's liability is usually coextensive
with his interest in the vessel such that a total loss thereof
a) A total destruction of the thing insured; results in its extinction. In our jurisdiction, the limited liability
rule is embodied in Articles 587, 590 and 837 under Book
b) The irretrievable loss of the thing by sinking, or by being III of the Code of Commerce, thus:
broken up;
Art. 587. The ship agent shall also be civilly liable for the
c) Any damage to the thing which renders it valueless to the indemnities in favor of third persons which may arise from the
owner for the purpose for which he held it; or conduct of the captain in the care of the goods which he
loaded on the vessel; but he may exempt himself therefrom by
d) Any other event which effectively deprives the owner of abandoning the vessel with all her equipment and the freight it
the possession, at the port of destination, of the thing may have earned during the voyage.
Art. 590. The co-owners of the vessel shall be civilly liable in
the proportion of their interests in the common fund for the
Ma’am: Any event means anything which effectively results of the acts of the captain referred to in Article 587.
deprives the owner of the possession of the thing
insured. That by the time it reaches the destination, Each co-owner may exempt himself from this liability by the
that event that happens along the way will render the abandonment, before a notary, of the part of the vessel
object of the insurance unavailable or useless to the belonging to him.
insured or the owner.
Ma’am: If there is co-ownership, it will be half-half. In order
for co-owner A to exempt himself from the liability by
The complete physical destruction of the subject matter as in abandoning his own share in the vessel.
the case of fire is not essential to constitute an actual total
loss. Such a loss may exist where the form and specie of the Art. 837. The civil liability incurred by shipowners in the case
prescribed in this section, shall be understood as limited to the
value of the vessel with all its appurtenances and freightage What is the length of time required to raise this
served during the voyage. presumption?
What are the two kinds of average? Ma’am: The loss is shared proportionately on the basis of
the interest befitted by the sacrifice and NOT totally.
1.) Gross or general averages which include damages
and expenses which are deliberately caused by the Requisites to the right to claim general average
master of the vessel or upon his authority, in order to contribution
save the vessel, her cargo, or both at the same time
from a real and known risk. (1) There must be a common danger to the vessel or
2.) Simple or particular averages which include all
damages and expenses caused to the vessel or to her (2) Part of the vessel or cargo was sacrificed deliberately;
cargo which have not inured to the common benefit
and profit of all the persons interested in the vessel (3) The sacrifice must be for the common safety or for
and her cargo. the benefit of all;
Give examples of general average. (4) It must be made by the master or upon his authority;
The effects jettisoned to lighten the vessel, whether they (5) It must not be caused by any fault of the party asking
belong to the cargo, to the vessel, or to the crew; the damage the contribution;
caused to the vessel which had to be opened, scuttled or
broken in order to save the cargo.
(6) It must be successful, i.e., resulted in the saving of
Give examples of particular average. the vessel and/or cargo; and
The damage suffered by the cargo from the time of its (7) It must be necessary.
embarkation until it is unloaded; the damage and expenses
suffered by the vessel from the time it is put to sea from the
port of departure until it anchors in the port of destination;
Ma’am: The party who exercises this right is the owner of the
wages and victuals of the crew when the vessel is detained or
cargoes sacrificed to save the vessel of the ship owner and the
embargoed by legitimate order or force majeure.
other cargoes.
Who shoulder the general average?
What is the extent of the liability of the insurer for
A general average loss must be borne equally by all of the
general average?
interests concerned in the venture as it inures to the to the
common benefit and profit of all the persons interested in the
He is liable for his proportion of all general average loss
vessel and her cargo.
assessed upon the thing insured.
Who shoulder the particular average?
What is the extent of the liability of the insurer for
A particular average loss is suffered by and borne alone by the
owner of the cargo or of the vessel, as the case may be as this particular average?
kind of average loss occurs under such circumstances that it
does not Where it has been agreed that an insurance upon a particular
entitle the unfortunate owners to receive contribution from thing, or a class of things, shall be free from particular
other owners concerned in the venture as where a vessel average, a marine insurer is not liable for any particular
accidentally runs aground and goes to pieces after the cargo is average loss not depriving the insured of the possession, at
saved. the port of destination, of the whole of such thing, or class of
things, even though it becomes entirely worthless. ( Art. 136)
(4) It must be made within a reasonable time after
If such particular average loss has the effect of "depriving the receipt of reliable information of the loss (Sec. 141.);
insured of the possession at the port of destination of the
whole" of the thing insured, then the marine insurer will be (5) It must be factual (Sec. 142.);
(6) It must be made by giving notice thereof to the
In the absence of any contrary stipulation, the insurer is liable insurer which may be done orally or in writing (Sec.
for particular average loss. 143.); and
What is the scope of insurance against actual total (7) The notice of abandonment must be explicit and must
loss? specify the particular cause of the abandonment.
(Sec. 144.)
Sec. 137. An insurance confined in terms to an actual total
loss does not cover a constructive total loss, but covers any
loss, which necessarily results in depriving the in sured of the When is abandonment necessary?
possession, at the port of destination, of the entire thing
insured. When the loss is only technically total, the insured cannot
claim the whole insurance without showing due regard to the
• An insurance against "total loss only" will cover any interest which the underwriter may take in the abandoned
total loss, whether it is actual or constructive. property. Therefore, whenever the underwriter by prompt
• Where the insurance is against "absolute" total loss or action might be able to save some portion of the insured
"actual" total loss, the insurer will not be liable for property, he is entitled to timely notice of abandonment
constructive or technical total loss. by the insured and he cannot be made liable for a total
• If the insured is deprived of the possession of the loss without it.
entire thing insured at the port of destination, the
insurer is liable because the permanent non-arrival NB: But there is no obligation upon the insured to abandon. It
thereof is really an actual total loss. is a matter of his own election. If he omits to abandon, he may
nevertheless recover his actual loss. (Sec. 155.)
Sec. 138. Abandonment, in marine insurance, is the act of the
insured by which, after a constructive total loss, he declared When the vessel is totally lost, abandonment is not
the relinquishment to the insurer of his interest in the thing required as there is no vessel to abandon. By reason of
insured. such total loss, the liability of the ship's owner or agent for
damages extinguished in the absence of any finding of fault on
What is abandonment? other part.
It is the act of an insured in notifying the insurer that owing to When constructive total loss exists.
damage done to the subject of the insurance, he elects to take
the amount of the insurance in the place of the subject (1) According to the English rule, when the subject
thereof, the remnant of which he cedes to the insurer. matter of the insurance, while still existent in specie,
is so damaged as not to be worth, when repaired, the
Ma’am: Only in marine insurance is there is a right of cost of the repairs.
abandonment. And remember that only in constructive total (2) According to the American rule, when it is so
loss, there is a need to ascertain whether there is a notice of damaged that the cost of repairs would exceed one-
abandonment or none. This is not available in the case of half of the value of the thing as required. The
actual total loss. American rule is ordinarily spoken of as the "fifty
percent rule."
Requisites for valid abandonment. (3) In the Philippines, the insured may not abandon the
thing insured unless the loss or damage is more than
The requisites for a valid abandonment in marine insurance three-fourths of
are: its value as indicated in Section 139.
(1) There must be an actual relinquishment by the person
insured of his interest in the thing insured (Sec. Under the first paragraph of Section 139, any particular
138.); portion of the thing insured separately valued by the
policy may be separately abandoned as it is deemed
(2) There must be a constructive total loss (Sec. 139.); separately insured.
(3) The abandonment be neither partial nor conditional Whether a contract is entire or severable is a question of
(Sec.140.); intention to be determined by the language employed by the
Oriental Assurance Corp. vs. Court of Appeals, 200 abandonment was made that there was then in fact no
SCRA 459 [1991] total loss, the abandonment becomes ineffectual.
Ruling: The right of the insured to abandon and recover for a total loss
depends upon the state of facts at the time of the offer
The policy in question showed that the subject to abandon, and not upon the state disclosed by the
matter insured was the entire shipment of 2,000 cubic meters information received, or upon the state of loss at a prior or
of logs. It was held that the fact that the logs were loaded in subsequent time. (The loss must exist at the time of
two different barges did not make the contract of insurance abandonment)
several and divisible as to the items insured because the
logs on the two barges were not separately valued or What is the effect of subsequent events to the right of
separately insured, for only one premium was paid for abandonment?
the entire shipment making only one cause or
consideration. The logs having been insured as one • If the abandonment when made is good, the rights of
inseparable unit, the totality of the shipment of logs should be the parties are definitely fixed, and do not become
the basis for the existence of constructive total loss. changed by any subsequent events.
• If, on the other hand, the abandonment, when made,
What is the criterion as to extent of loss? is not good, subsequent circumstances will not affect
it so as retroactively, to impart to it a validity which it
The extent of the injury to the vessel is to be considered with has not at its origin.( the invalidity of the
reference to its general market value immediately before the abandonment is not cured by the subsequent loss of
disaster. The expenses incurred or to be incurred by the the thing insured)
insured recovering the thing insured {e.g., expenses of
refloating a vessel) are also taken into account. Instances that do not justify abandonment
Sec. 140. An abandonment must be neither partial nor • the insured cannot abandon when the thing insured is
conditional. safe; or
• when he knew, at the time of his offer to abandon,
Must the abandonment be absolute? that the vessel has been repaired and is successfully
pursuing her voyage .
Yes. The abandonment must be entire and cover the whole
interest insured; it must be unconditional, unfettered by Instances justifying abandonment.
contingencies and limitations.
The insured may abandon for a total loss under a marine
What if only a part of a thing is covered by the insurance policy in case of capture, seizure, or detention of the
insurance? ship or cargo; restraint by blockade or embargo; where
through no fault of the owner, funds for repair cannot be
The insured need only abandon that part. raised; where the voyage is absolutely lost; or where under
urgent necessity, the master of a vessel at an intermediate
When must abandonment be made? port, makes a sale of the insured property.
When the insured has received notice of a loss, he must elect But If, after a valid abandonment has been made, the insured
within a reasonable time whether he will abandon to the property was recovered, the insured cannot withdraw the
insurer, and if he elects to abandon, he must give notice abandonment.
How is notice of abandonment made?
But where the information is of a doubtful character
the insured is entitled to a reasonable time to make The law requires no particular form for giving notice of
inquiry. (Sec.141) Thus, if from information first received, abandonment.
the character of the loss is not made clearly to appear, the
insured is entitled to a sufficient interval to ascertain its real (1)The notice may be made orally unless the policy requires it
nature, but he cannot wait an undue length of time to see to be in writing, and even then a notice by telegraph is
whether it will be more profitable to abandon or to claim for a sufficient if it otherwise complies with the requirements.
partial loss. After the property passes beyond the control of
the insured, as from an unjustifiable sale, an abandonment is (2) If the notice be done orally, the insured must submit to the
too late. insurer within seven days from such oral notice, a written
notice of the abandonment. (Sec. 143.)
Sec. 142. Where the information upon which an By whom and to whom notice made.
abandonment has been made proved incorrect, or the
thing insured was so far restored when the
(1) The abandonment need not necessarily be made by Under Section 147, the interest of the insured over the thing
the insured but may be made by an authorized agent, covered by the policy will be transferred to the insurer,
and an agent having an authority to insure has prima notwithstanding the lack of abandonment, as if there
facie an authority to abandon. had been a formal abandonment, in case the insurer pays
for a loss as if it were an actual total loss. The
(2) The abandonment may be made to an agent of the acceptance by the insured of the payment is deemed an offer
underwriter and abandonment to a broker who is of abandonment on his part. Hence, the insurer is entitled to
agent for both parties is sufficient. whatever may remain of the thing insured, or its proceeds or
Sec. 144. A notice of abandonment must be explicit, and must Sec. 148. Upon an abandonment, acts done in good faith by
specify the particular cause of the abandonment, but need those who were agents of the insured in respect to the thing
state only enough to show that there is probable cause insured, subsequent to the loss, are at the risk of the insurer,
therefor, and need not be accompanied with proof of interest and for his benefit.
or of loss.
The captain or master continues to be the agent of the insured
The notice of abandonment must be explicit, and not left open until abandonment, but from the moment of a valid
as a matter of inference from some equivocal acts. There must abandonment, the master of the vessel and agents of the
be an intention to abandon, apparent from the communication insured become the
to the insurer, and a relinquishment of all rights to the insurer. agents of the insurer, and the latter becomes responsible for
all their acts in connection with the insured property and for all
But there is no abandonment although the insured may have the expenses and liabilities in respect thereof.
given notice of an intention to abandon, if he continues to
claim and use the property as his own. When can the insurer be held liable for expenses and
wages of the crew?
The grounds for the abandonment must be stated with such
particularity as to enable the underwriter to determine whether The effect of the abandonment retroacts to the time of the
or not he is bound to accept the offer. However, it is sufficient loss. (Sec. 148.) The title of the insurer becomes vested as of
if the notice shows probable cause for the abandonment; nor that date and he is responsible for the reasonable expenses
is it required that it be accompanied with proof of interest or of incurred by the master after that date in an attempt to save
loss. (Sec. 144.) the vessel. Insurers are also liable for the wages of seamen
earned subsequent to the loss, but take free from any lien or
Sec. 145. An abandonment can be sustained only upon the liability for wages earned prior thereto.
cause specified in the notice thereof.
What is the effect of insurer’s refusal to accept
The insured must state sufficient grounds for the abandonment on insured’s rights.
abandonment to make it valid and he cannot avail himself of
any ground of abandonment other than that stated at the time Sec. 149. Where notice of abandonment is properly given, the
thereof. rights of the insured are not prejudiced by the fact that the
insurer refuses to accept the abandonment.
What is the effect of abandonment?
What are the forms of acceptance?
A valid abandonment transfers to the insurer the interests in
the subject matter covered by the policy subject to the rights Sec. 150. The acceptance of an abandonment may either
and interests, if any, of third persons. The insurer acquires express or implied from the conduct of the insurer. The mere
thereby the entire interest insured, together with all its silence of the insurer for an unreasonable length of time after
incidents, including rights of action which the insured has notice shall be construed as an acceptance.
against third persons for the injury. In other words, the insurer
becomes entitled to all the rights which the insured possessed Thus, where the insurer refused the abandonment of a ship
in the thing insured. but took possession of the same for the purpose of making
repairs and retained it for an unreasonable time, he will be
The effect of the abandonment retroacts to the time of the deemed to have accepted the abandonment.
loss. (Sec. 148.)
Mere silence after notice would not operate as an
What is the right of the insurer who pays partial loss as acceptance, if it is not "for an unreasonable length of time."
actual total loss?
What are the effects of acceptance?
An election and notice of abandonment is a condition
precedent to a claim for a constructive total loss.
(1) Upon receiving notice of abandonment, the insurer abandonment. On the other hand, Section 154 applies where a
may accept or reject the abandonment. If he accepts, valid abandonment has been made but the insurer refuses to
he becomes at once liable for the whole amount of accept the same without any valid reason.
the insurance, and also becomes entitled to all rights
which insured possessed in the thing insured, Measure of Indemnity
(2) The acceptance of an abandonment fixed the rights of
the parties; whether expressed or implied, is Section 156 refers to a valued marine policy. The object of a
conclusive upon them (Sec. 151.), and irrevocable. valuation in a policy is to fix in advance the value of the
(Sec. 152.) property and thus avoid the necessity of proving its actual
(3) the acceptance of an abandonment stops the insurer value in case of loss.
to rely on any insufficiency in the form, time, or right,
of abandonment. The insured value must be taken to be that which
is stated in the policy. It is conclusive upon the parties
The only exception provided by law is the case where the provided that (a) the insured has some interest at risk and (b)
ground upon which it was made proves to be unfounded. there is no fraud on his part.
(Sec.152.) Under Section 145, an abandonment can be
sustained only upon the ground specified in the notice thereof. What if the valuation is fraudulent?
The insurer is entitled to rescind the contract.
When is the insurer entitled to freightage?
Can the parties adduce evidence to prove the real value
When abandonment is validly made, the interest of the insured of the thing insured in a valued marine policy?
in the thing covered passes to the insurer.
The insurer of the ship becomes the owner thereof after an General Rule: Neither party can give evidence of the real value
abandonment, and his title becomes vested as of the time of of the thing insured. This is because of the object of a
loss. Hence, freightage earned subsequent to the loss belongs valuation in a policy that is to fix in advance the value of the
to the insurer of said ship. But freightage earned previously property to avoid the necessity of proving its actual value in
belongs to the insurer of said freightage who is subrogated to case of loss.
the rights of the insured up to the time of loss.
What is the exception?
What is the effect of refusal to accept a valid
abandonment on insurer’s liability. when the thing has been hypothecated by bottomry or
respondentia before its insurance and without the knowledge
(1) If the insurer declines to accept a proper of the person who actually procured
abandonment, he is liable as upon an actual the insurance, the insurer may show the real value but he is
total loss less any proceeds the insured may have not entitled to rescind the contract unless he can prove
received on account of the damaged property as that the valuation was in fact fraudulent.
when the insured succeeds in selling the property as
damaged. Sec. 157. A marine insurer is liable upon a partial loss, only
(2) If the abandonment was improper, the insured may for such proportion of the amount insured by him as the loss
nevertheless recover to the extent of the damage bears to the value of the whole interest of the insured in the
proved. property insured.
What is the effect of insured’s failure to make Section 157 contemplates co-insurance.
If the value of his interest exceeds the amount of insurance,
Sec. 155. If a person insured omits to abandon, he may he is considered the co-insurer for an amount determined by
nevertheless recover his actual loss. the difference between the insurance taken out and the value
of the property.
The insured has an election to abandon or not, and cannot be
compelled to abandon although abandonment is proper. He Note this Section applies only if (1) the loss is partial and (2)
may await the final event, and recover accordingly for a total the amount of insurance is less than the insured's entire
or a partial loss, as the case may be. insurable interest in the property insured.
himself. The insured is considered a co-insurer to the by the valuation.
uninsured portion of P 100K (P1M-P900K).
Discuss the rules for estimating loss under an open
Clearly, Section 157 applies in this case. The loss suffered is policy of marine insurance.
only partial(i.e., out of 900k insured amount, only 500k were
damaged) and the amount of insurance is less than the Section 161 refers to an open policy.
insured's entire insurable interest in the property insured (i.e.,
the insurable interest amounts to P1M but only 900K thereof In determining the loss under an open policy of marine
were insured) insurance, the real value of the thing insured must be proved
by the insured in each case. This section lays down the value
If it is total, then the insurer is liable for the full amount of to be
P900K. On the other hand, if the property is insured to its used for indemnity purposes
full value, the insured is entitled to recover the full amount of
the partial loss of P 500K. (a) The value of a ship is its value at the beginning
of the risk, including all articles or charges
Sec. 158. Where profits are separately insured in a contract of which add to its permanent value or which are
marine insurance, the insured is entitled to recover, in case of necessary to prepare it for the voyage insured;
loss, a proportion of such profits equivalent to the proportion
which the value of the property lost bears to the value of the Note: the value is to be taken as of the commencement of the
whole. risk and not its value at the time she was built.
The formula may be stated as follows: (b) The value of cargo is its actual cost to the
insured, when laden on board, or where that
Value of property lost over cost cannot be ascertained, its market value at
Value of whole property insurance = the time and place of lading, adding the
Rate x the amount of the profit insured= charges incurred in purchasing and placing it
amount to be recovered on board, but without reference to any loss
incurred in raising money for its purchase, or to
Illustration: any drawback on its exportation, or to the
fluctuation of the market at the port of
Assuming that the amount of the profits insured is destination, or to expenses incurred on the way
P20/000.00, the value of the whole cargo from which such or on arrival;
profits are expected to be realized is P80,000.00, and the value
of the goods lost is P48,000.00, then the insured is entitled to Note: The expected profits from the cargo are not considered
recover P12,000.00 computed as follows: since they can be covered by a separate insurance.
P48K/P80K= 3/5(rate) X P20K= P12K (c) The value of freightage is the gross freightage,
exclusive of primage, without reference to the
What is the valuation where only part of a cargo or cost of earning it; and
freightage insured is exposed to risk.
Note: The gross freightage and not the net freightage is the
Where cargo is insured under a valued policy but only a basis for determining the value of the freightage.
portion of the cargo is actually carried by the vessel at the time
of loss, the valuation will be reduced proportionately. The Primage is excluded from gross freightage. It is a small
insurer is bound to return such portion of the premium as compensation paid by a shipper to the master of the vessel for
corresponds with the portion of the cargo which had been his care and trouble bestowed on the shipper's goods and
exposed to the risk. (Sec. 159) which the master is entitled to retain in the absence of an
agreement to the contrary with the owners of the vessels.
Sec. 160. When profits are valued and insured by a contract
of marine insurance, a loss of them is conclusively presumed (d) The cost of insurance is in each case to be
added to the value thus estimated.
from a loss of the property out of which they were expected to
arise, and the valuation fixes their amount.
Sec. 162. If cargo insured against partial loss arrives at the
port of destination in a damaged condition, the loss of the
insured is deemed to be the same proportion of the value
Where the value of the profits insured is fixed at PI00,000.00
which the market price at that port, of the thing so damaged,
and the cargo out of which said profits are expected to arise is
completely lost by the peril insured against, the insured can bears to the market price it would have brought if sound.
recover the total amount of P100,000.00. The loss of the profit
of P100,000.00 is conclusively presumed from the total loss of The formula may be stated as follows:
the cargo and the insurer is bound
Market price in sound state of the insured value of the property sacrificed for the general
Less: Market price in damaged state benefit;
= Reduction in value (depreciation)
b)subrogating him to his own right of contribution; or
Reduction in value/ Market price in sound state= Rate x
Amount of Insurance = Amount of recovery c)demand contribution from the other interested parties as
soon as the vessel arrives at her destination.
In other words, the insured need not wait for an adjustment of
Suppose that goods valued at P500,000.00 and insured for the average.
P300,000.00 were damaged on the way so that their market
price at the port of destination was only P400,000.00. Exceptions. — However, there can be no recovery for general
Assuming that the market price of the goods would have average loss against the insurer:
brought if sound is also P500,000.00, the amount recoverable
is P60,000.00 determined as follows: (a) after the separation of the interests liable to
contribution, that is to say, after the cargo liable for
P500,000.00 - P400,000.00 = P100,000.00 contribution has been removed from the vessel; or
(b) when the insured has neglected or waived his right
P100,000.00 or 1/5xP3oo/ooo.OO = P60,000.00 to contribution.
That the liability of the insurer shall be limited to the
proportion of contribution attaching to his policy value
What is Port of Refuge Expenses? where this is less than the contributing value of the
thing insured.
Under Section 163, however, expenses incurred in repairing
the damages suffered by a vessel because of the perils insured The formula may be stated as follows:
against as well as those incurred for saving the vessel from
such Amount of Insurance/ Value of the thing=
perils, such as the expenses of launching or raising the vessel Rate X Proportion of general limit of insurance= liability of the
or of towing or navigating it into port for her safety, are items insurer
to be borne by the insurer in addition to a total loss if that
afterwards takes place. Illustration:
This is exception to the general rule that a marine insurer is If the vessel worth P8,000,000.00 was insured by A for only
not liable for more than the amount of the policy. P4,000,000.00 with Y Co., then Y Co. is liable for only 1/2 of
P800,000.00, the proportion of the general average loss
Sec. 164. A marine insurer is liable for a loss falling upon the assessed upon the vessel, while A is liable to contribute the
insured, through a contribution in respect to the thing insured, other P400,000.00.
required to be made by him towards a general average loss
called for by a peril insured against: Provided, That the liability What is the extent of the liability of the insurer in case
of the insurer shall be limited to the proportion of contribution of partial loss of ship or its equipment?
attaching to his policy value where this is less than the
contributing value of the thing insured Sec. 166. In the case of a partial loss of a ship or its
equipment, the old materials are to be applied towards
Sec. 165. When a person insured by a contract of marine payment for the new. Unless otherwise stipulated in the policy,
insurance has a demand against others for contribution, he a marine insurer is liable for only two-thirds of the remaining
may claim the whole loss from the insurer, subrogating him to cost of repairs after such deduction, except that anchors must
his own right to contribution. But no such claim can be made be paid in full.
upon the insurer after the separation of the interests liable to
contribution, nor when the insured, having the right and March 9, 2015
opportunity to enforce contribution from others, has neglected
or waived the exercise of that right. Title 2
Gen. Rule: The insurer is liable for any general average loss
where it is payable or has been paid by the insured in
consequence of a peril insured against. We finished marine insurance, we start with fire insurance
The insured may either: Q: How do you define Fire Insurance? And what is fire-and-
extended coverage?
a) hold the insurer directly liable for the whole
A: Fire insurance is a contract of indemnity by which the A: Section 173. If there is no valuation in the policy, the
insurer, for a stipulated premium, agrees to indemnify the measure of indemnity in an insurance against fire is the
insured against loss of, or damage to, a property caused by expense it would be to the insured at the time of the
hostile fire. commencement of the fire to replace the thing lost or injured
in the condition in which at the time of the injury;
Fire-and-extended coverage includes not only insurance
against loss by fire, but also insurance in the so-called “allied Q: What it the measure of indemnity under a valued policy?
lines” but only when such risks are covered by extension to fire A: The effect of a valuation in a policy of fire insurance is the
insurance policies or under separate policies subject to the same as in a policy of marine insurance. (Sec 61)
payment of additional premiums.
Sec. 61. A valued policy is one which expresses on its face
Q: What are these so-called Allied risk? an agreement that the thing insured shall be valued at a
A: Lightning, windstorm, earthquake, etc. specific sum.
Q: Under the fire insurance category, what is the meaning of Q: What is an option to rebuild clause?
indirect loss coverage? A: See Section 172.
A: Consequential losses. The consequence of a direct loss may
be greater than the damage itself. The mere fact that the parties have fixed a valuation in the
policy does not prevent them from stipulating in the policy
The amount of loss incurred as a result of being unable to use concerning the repairing, rebuilding, replacing of buildings or
business property or equipment (investopedia.com) structures wholly or partially damaged or destroyed. Thus, the
insurer may be given the option to reinstate or replace the
Q: Can you give us an example/kinds of indirect loss? property damaged or destroyed or any part thereof, instead of
A: 1. Physical damage caused to other property. paying the amount of the loss or damage.
2. Loss of earnings due to the interruption of business by Sec. 169. As used in this Code, the term "fire insurance" shall
damage to insured’s property include insurance against loss by fire, lightning, windstorm,
tornado or earthquake and other allied risks, when such risks
3. Extra expense or additional expenditure or charges are covered by extension to fire insurance policies or under
incurred by the insured following damage or destruction of separate policies.
the buildings or contents by an insured peril.
Q: Can you distinguish ocean marine policy from fire policy? Sec 169 gives you the definition for fire insurance. Obviously
A: 1. In marine insurance, the rules on constructive total from the term fire we know what kind of peril is being insured.
loss and abandonment apply but not in fire insurance It is not limited to fire only there is also lightning windstorm,
tornado, earthquakes etc.
2. In case of partial loss of a thing insured for less than its
actual value, the insured in a marine policy is a co-insurer If you have lightning, windstorm, tornado, earthquakes does it
of the uninsured portion, while the insured may only necessarily have to result to fire? Because there can be a
become a co-insurer in fire insurance if expressly agreed tornado but there’s no fire. Well under the definition it doesn’t
upon by the parties. need to result to fire. It can be covered by fire insurance
provided there is extended fire-and-extended coverage. So
Ma’am: Ocean marine insurance would usually connote if your policy has that coverage, the allied risks are covered as
navigation or in reference to navigation. That’s the most well. If you have a property, let’s say your neighborhood was
important definition of ocean marine insurance. Does ocean struck by – suddenly there was a tornado and the trees landed
marine insurance also include fire? If the peril insured against on your house, the property insurance against fire must also
is fire and it is in a vessel/ship or any of those items bear those extended risks, those allied risks. It has to have
enumerated under the definition of marine insurance then the that kind of coverage so that any damage, any loss cause by
ocean marine insurance will also cover the risk of fire. But in a earthquake, windstorm, tornado are likewise covered under
regular fire insurance policy, it is limited only to fires and the your policy.
allied risks as mentioned in the definition of fire insurance.
It makes you think really when you get your fire insurance
Q: What is an alteration? And what is the effect of alteration in policy to take a look at what are the different kinds of perils
the policy? insured against. Because when you say fire and the destruction
A: Sec 170. An alteration in the use or condition of a thing is not at all fire but destruction brought about by fallen trees,
insured from that to which it is limited by the policy made brought about by earthquakes. Earthquakes are very
without the consent of the insurer, by means within the control destructive they can actually cause a whole house to come
of the insured, and increasing the risks, entitles an insurer to down but there’s no fire paano yan? You say, my house is
rescind a contract of fire insurance. destroyed and then you go to the insurance company there is
no extended coverage there. The insurance company will try to
Q: What it the measure of indemnity under an open policy? find a way to get out of the insurance policy by pointing out
that the damage was not cause by fire. It important that the fire insurance. HOWEVER, most if not all of fire insurance
fire insurance policy must also have this what you call fire-and- policies now indicate or include a stipulation that makes you a
extended-coverage. We discussed in the earlier titles what is co-insurer in case the risk arises, in case the property is
fire. It should be a hostile fire, it should not be caused by damage, this is to stem the tide of people who have very
friendly fire. expensive property but will only insure for a minute amount.
**Ma’am talks about friendly fires and SAF That co-insurance is not found in the law but as a stipulation in
the contract of insurance. As we know the parties can stipulate
Take a look at what is the concept of fire. additional stipulations in the contract of insurance. Just
remember that it’s not in the law, fire insurance there is no co-
The presence of heat, steam or even smoke is evidence of fire, insurance. However most of the contracts of insurance
but taken by itself will not prove the existence of fire. So heat nowadays have a stipulation on co-insurance. So the insured is
can be evidenced of fire but if it’s just heat but there is no fire, obligated to get additional insurance because of that
there’s no fire at all. stipulation if you do not get additional insurance or if you stick
to your insurance policy you might be in breach of a warranty.
In our jurisprudence it says, fire may not be considered a
natural disaster or calamity since it almost always arises from Ocean and marine - the important distinction there is the right
some act of man or by human means. It cannot be an act of to abandonment. When is the right to abandonment exercised
God unless caused by lightning or a natural disaster or casualty or available? Only when there is constructive total loss. There
not attributable to human agency. So if it caused by fire it is no right to abandon when you have total actual loss.
connotes human intervention it’s not an act of God at all,
unless it is by lightning. But of course lightning can cause fire. Alteration
So we have to be clear about that. If it is also covered by your
fire-and-extended-coverage, the better for you to be able to Alteration is a very important feature in fire insurance policies.
recover from the insurance company. Sometimes you forget that we shouldn’t be altering buildings.
Sometimes property owners, you are looking at buildings,
Indirect loss coverage warehouses or even your very own house if you alter the use
of the house -
When property is razed by fire what you lose is not just the
building itself. But if it is a commercial building you loss the …alteration in the use or condition of a thing insured
income from the rentals, you also incur additional expenses. If from that to which it is limited by the policy
it is a partially damage building you incur expenses to clean
the damage area, to repair the damage area, all other So you alter the use or the condition and there is an express
expenses necessary to put the property back to its condition limitation in the policy stating that the structure must be used
prior to the fire. for residential purposes only or the structure is for commercial
building or a warehouse. There would be other stipulations
Loss of earnings is also an indirect loss. Additional expenses - regarding what kind of materials must be found in the building,
following the damage like clearing up is also an additional what kind of materials must not be anywhere the building.
expense. If you are looking forward to reconstructing the
building right away who is going to clean up the mess left by The contract of insurance, the policy itself will be the proof of
the fire? The property owner, the insured, that is an additional what the property should be used for. So if the property was
expense on his part and that can also be covered by the fire identified as residential then it should only be used for
insurance policy. residential purposes. If you convert your residence into a place
of business as well as a warehouse that is a major alteration of
Of course the wide the coverage the more expensive the the used of your residential building. When you do that you
premium. It all boils down to how much you can afford. If you must get the consent of the insurance company. Alteration is
want total(?) coverage the insurance company would welcome not per se illegal it does not negate the insurance contract, it
that as long as you can pay the premium. does not void the insurance contract.
Some people they have 10M worth of commercial building but If the alternation is with the express consent of the insurance
they will only insure it for 2M. Not all of the building is usually company, then fine, even if it changes the use or the condition
destroyed by fire only a portion of that. Firemen will come of the building for as long as the insurance company consents.
around and maybe try to extinguish the fire but still Why do you need the consent of insurance company? Because
remember- well if you are covered by a marine insurance you for the insurance company it’s just a matter of business. If you
will be deemed as a coinsurer for the amount that is not change it to commercial building they will charge additional
covered by the marine insurance. Here in fire insurance it is premium. That’s the business of insurance. If you add another
the actual value of the loss or the amount of the policy of the floor to the house that’s a big alteration. Does it increase the
insurance whichever is lower. If the maximum amount, if the risk? Well, maybe you can say it doesn’t increase the risk it’s
value of the policy is 2M and then the cost of the loss is just an additional building.
actually 10M you can only recover 2M. If the cost of the loss is
500k you can only recover 500k. There is no coinsurance in
But remember that this condition, if you look at Section 171 if will only store dry goods, e.g. clothing material, paper, you are
there is an alteration in the use or condition of a thing insured not supposed to be storing paint, gasoline, gas tanks. At one
but it does not increase the risk, so that alteration will not point, during the existence of the policy, a customer came and
affect the contract of insurance. asked if he could store paint as he ran out of storage in his
own stockroom. You allowed the customer, totally forgetting
Going back to my example, residential building. It was just a about the insurance policy. An accident then happened, there
starter house for your parents, one floor bungalow with 3 was conflagration. Did the storing of the paint increase the
bedrooms. You inherited the house you added a 2nd floor. Does risk? Well, I would submit that it increased the risk because it
the 2nd floor posed a risk, does it increase the risk? changed the make-up of the things stored in the warehouse.
Brunx: the addition of the 2nd floor does not pose a risk Pero kunyare brownout and you have to bring in candles and
because the liability for the risk assumed by the insurer in that the candle accidentally fell and caused fire, eventually it raised
case is relatively the same with or without the increase of the the entire building. Did that increase the risk? Well, here, it
2nd floor. says, mere negligent acts temporarily endangering the
property will not violate the policy nor the temporary acts or
Maa’m: Right, so it is usually still for fire. I will agree with that, conditions which have ceased prior to the occurrence of the
if it doesn’t increase the risk….. loss. There must be an actual increase of risk and while it is
not necessary that the increased risk should have caused or
**BREAK** contributed to the loss, still it is necessary that the increase be
of substantial character. Keywords: substantial character.
To continue… So if you stored five dozen cans of paint, 12 tanks of cooking
gas, these changes increased the risk substantially. You have
SEC. 170. An alteration in the use or condition of a thing to look at the matter that increased the risk. Kelangan, the
insured from that to which it is limited by the policy made increase must be of substantial character.
without the consent of the insurer, by means within the control
of the insured, and increasing the risks, entitles an insurer to Alright, just look at the alterations avoiding policy.
rescind a contract of fire insurance.
Alterations not avoiding policy
SEC. 171. An alteration in the use or condition of a thing
insured from that to which it is limited by the policy, which 1. Where risk of loss not increased
does not increase the risk, does not affect a contract of fire 2. Where questioned articles required by insured’s business
You are into the business of repacking. Alam nyo yung old
You have to take note of these two provisions, sections 170 style of packing? You seal the plastic by letting the corner
and 171, about alterations. These two particular provisions are pass through the flame, so they have candles. Imagine 20
very important in this title just as deviation and seaworthiness people doing the packing. What is nasunog? The
is important in marine insurance. Don’t forget, class, insurance company refuses to pay for the insurance
remember that there are many parties involved in the shipping proceeds arguing that the presence of candles
of produce or merchandise. We have the vessel owner, the substantially increased the risk. Is that a defense? No, it is
charter party, etc. and each party has a different insurable not. Why? It is because the said candles are part and
interest. In the exam, you have to analyze the problem, see parcel of the insured’s business. If the articles are
the distinctions between the actors in the problem, and avoid necessary or ordinarily used in the business conducted in
shotgun answer. the insured premises, like benzine kept in a furniture
factory for purposes of operating or for cleaning
**Maam talking about how to answer the essay problem, brief machinery.
and concise, cite the pertinent provision lang daw dapat and
explain very well. 3. Where insured property would be useless if questioned
acts were prohibited
Who is entitled to exercise the right to rescind when
there are alterations? It is the insurer. If you have a small catering business inside your house
but you only have a stove top, a range, and then you do
Let’s take a look at the character of the increase in risk: all the cooking there and then bad luck happens – you
have plenty of oil in the pot and you accidentally toppled it
Increase of hazard takes place whenever the insured property to your stove causing explosion. Do you think the
is put to some new use, and the new use increases the chance insurance company is correct to say that the conduct of
of loss. your cooking and the conflagration caused by your
cooking gas altered the condition of your property? NO!
For example, you entered into a fire insurance contract with everybody has a cooking range in their house, it does not
Phoenix Insurance Company and the policy was issued to substantially increase the risk.
cover your warehouse. You represented that the warehouse
Again the keywords are: the alterations must substantially the premises, the said stipulation will take precedence over the
increase the risk. right given by the law in favor of the insured.
**Ma’am talking about her car insurance. J Section 77 gives the insurer the right to insert terms and
conditions in the policy which if violated would avoid it. An
NOTE: There is no insurance against acts of terrorism. alteration made in the use of condition of the thing insured will
thus avoid a policy under the same section if such alteration is
Where insure has no control or knowledge of alteration expressly prohibited although it does not increase the risk.
You are an owner of a dormitory and you didn’t know that SEC. 172. A contract of fire insurance is not affected by any
some illegal business has been going on inside the dormitory, act of the insured subsequent to the execution of the policy,
or when you are an owner of a house leased to somebody and which does not violate its provisions, even though it increases
the lessee has practically altered the use of the residence. So, the risk and is the cause of the loss.
if you tell the insurance company that you have no knowledge
of the alteration. Is that a valid defense? Let’s see… Measure of indemnity
1. Insurer’s liability unaffected – The insurer is not relieved SEC. 173. If there is no valuation in the policy, the measure
from liability if the acts or circumstances by which the risk
of indemnity in an insurance against fire is the expense it
is increased are occasioned by accident, or a cause over
which the insured has no control. Thus, increase in risk would be to the insured at the time of the commencement of
resulting from adjacent premises over which the insured the fire to replace the thing lost or injured in the condition in
has no control will not avoid a policy unless actually which it was at the time of the injury; but if there is a
known to the insured. valuation in a policy of fire insurance, the effect shall be the
same as in a policy of marine insurance.
2. Insured’s knowledge presumed – It would seem, however,
that every act of the insured’s tenant substantially and
permanently affecting the conditions of the property so as SEC. 174. Whenever the insured desires to have a valuation
to constitute an increase in risk, would be presumptively named in his policy, insuring any building or structure against
known to the insured. fire, he may require such building or structure to be examined
by an independent appraiser and the value of the insured’s
This is debatable, class. This is just a presumption that interest therein may then be fixed as between the insurer and
can be defeated by contrary evidence. If you are in the the insured. The cost of such examination shall be paid for by
business of renting out houses, and then the lessee
the insured. A clause shall be inserted in such policy stating
decided to conduct a cottage industry inside your
residence and this substantially increased the risk, if you substantially that the value of the insured’s interest in such
really didn’t know about these changes, you can actually building or structure has been thus fixed. In the absence of
present evidence. any change increasing the risk without the consent of the
insurer or of fraud on the part of the insured, then in case of a
Application of Section 77 and Section 171 total loss under such policy, the whole amount so insured upon
the insured’s interest in such building or structure, as stated in
SEC. 77. An insurer is entitled to payment of the premium as
the policy upon which the insurers have received a premium,
soon as the thing insured is exposed to the peril insured
shall be paid, and in case of a partial loss the full amount of
against. Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, no
policy or contract of insurance issued by an insurance company the partial loss shall be so paid, and in case there are two (2)
is valid and binding unless and until the premium thereof has or more policies covering the insured’s interest therein, each
been paid, except in the case of a life or an industrial life policy policy shall contribute pro rata to the payment of such whole
whenever the grace period provision applies, or whenever or partial loss. But in no case shall the insurer be required to
under the broker and agency agreements with duly licensed pay more than the amount thus stated in such policy. This
intermediaries, a ninety (90)-day credit extension is given. No
section shall not prevent the parties from stipulating in such
credit extension to a duly licensed intermediary should exceed
ninety (90) days from date of issuance of the policy. policies concerning the repairing, rebuilding or replacing of
buildings or structures wholly or partially damaged or
SEC. 171. An alteration in the use or condition of a thing destroyed.
insured from that to which it is limited by the policy, which
does not increase the risk, does not affect a contract of fire Open Policy (No valuation stated)
• Measure of indemnity: The expense that is required to
Now, the law says, if the alteration doesn’t increase the risk, it replace the thing lost or injured, or to reinstate the
will not rescind the contract. However, if the insurance policy property to its condition before the fire.
itself will state that certain activities must not be conducted in
What is the reckoning period in determining the amount of the This section shall not prevent the parties from stipulating in
expense? The reckoning period is at the time of the fire. the policy concerning the repairing, rebuilding or replacing of
buildings or structures wholly or partially damaged or
So if at the time of the fire, the subject property, let’s say a destroyed.
car, is already 75% depreciated, the expense is up to the
amount needed to restore it to its 25% condition and not to its Why is this given or afforded to the parties? This is primarily
brand new condition. That is the measure of indemnity in an for the insurer. Where there is no valuation, there is usually
open policy. Another example, a piano stored in the basement. third parties that would come in and evaluate the loss or
When water enters the basement and caught the legs of the damage. Sometimes the insurance company would not agree
piano, you try to get compensation form the insurance and would look at it as an expensive valuation, maybe the
company. How much is the compensation? Only for the insurance company would want to take care of it and rebuild
amount required to put the piano back to its condition prior to or replace it thinking that it would be cheaper. The clause can
the flooding. be availed of by the insurance company. The mere fact that
the parties have fixed a valuation in the policy does not
Valued Policy (There is valuation in the policy) prevent them from stipulating in the policy. Even if an amount
has already been agreed by the parties but there is an
• Measure of indemnity: That stipulated or agreed upon by additional stipulation affording the insurer the right to replace,
the parties in the insurance policy. repair, rebuild, then that insurer may exercise such option
instead of paying outright the proceeds to the insured. It must
If there is a valuation in a policy of fire insurance, the effect be exercised within a reasonable period of time.
shall be the same as in a policy of marine insurance.
Unless the policy has limited the cost of rebuilding to the
Valuation conclusive between the parties – the measure of amount of the insurance, the insurer, after electing to rebuild,
indemnity is that amount agreed upon by the parties. ca be compelled to perform his undertaking, even though the
Remember class that property insurance is a contract of cost may exceed the original amount of insurance. If the
indemnity. Nothing is to be gained, you are not looking insurer opts to rebuild and then he realizes that it is more
forward to profiting. Kahit na P1M pa ang value ng property costly, he cannot withdraw from that obligation after exercising
but if you agreed only for P500k, the threshold of the the said option.
insurance company’s liability could be less than P500k, if the
damage is just partial, but it cannot be more than P500k. SEC. 175. No policy of fire insurance shall be pledged,
hypothecated, or transferred to any person, firm or company
Insured not a con-insurer under fire policies IN THE who acts as agent for or otherwise represents the issuing
ABSENCE OF STIPULATION company, and any such pledge, hypothecation, or transfer
hereafter made shall be void and of no effect insofar as it may
The trend now in the insurance policy is to put in the policy affect other creditors of the insured.
itself a stipulation that the insured is a con-insurer to protect
Title 3
Look at the discussion in the book. Under the usual contract of
fire insurance, the insurer, in case of a partial loss of the
subject of the contract, is required to give full indemnity for SEC. 176. Casualty insurance is insurance covering loss or
such loss up to the amount written in the policy even though liability arising from accident or mishap, excluding certain
the property be very inadequately insured. types of loss which by law or custom are considered as falling
exclusively within the scope of other types of insurance such
Why is co-insurance important? The co-insurance stipulation is as fire or marine. It includes, but is not limited to, employer’s
very important in the sense that this encourages property liability insurance, motor vehicle liability insurance, plate glass
owners to get the appropriate amount of insurance for the insurance, burglary and theft insurance, personal accident and
property. By doing so, if you pay for the proper amount vis-a- health insurance as written by non-life insurance companies,
vis the value of the property then you actually pay higher and other substantially similar kinds of insurance.
premium which is better for the insurance company. Meaning,
more money is coming in and more coverage is going around. Definition
The insured is also encouraged to protect his property by
increasing the coverage of the insurance. Remember that in It refers to any loss or liability arising from accident or mishap
marine insurance, there is co-insurance but only as far as excluding certain types of loss or liability which are not within
partial loss is concerned. If there is total loss, there is no the scope of other types of insurance, namely: marine; fire;
question that the insurer is liable. suretyship; and life.
Option to rebuild clause So, if this particular liability arose from marine, fire, surety, you
address the loss under that particular kind of insurance. If not
covered, you go to casualty insurance. Usually, this is where
court liabilities, motor vehicle accidents come under. You have 1. Torts – the insurance considered under tort is actually
the enumeration – marine, fire, surety and others – this is the casualty insurance
“and others.” 2. Criminal negligence – liability arising out of criminal
negligence also comes under casualty insurance as it is
What is an accident? accidental
3. Non-fulfilment of contract – can also be covered by
So, under this chapter, there is a discussion of what an casualty insurance
accident is. What struck me here is the example of this worker 4. Deliberate criminal acts – not covered, e.g. if you were
whose duty is lift some heavy objects and to transport these found guilty of murder, you cannot claim casualty
from point A to point B. At the process, his back snapped, he insurance because it is a deliberate act
suffered from a back injury. Now, he wanted to claim accident
insurance. The court ruled that the snapping of his back was When do you usually get casualty insurance?
not an accident but is more of an injury. • If you are a building owner, other than the property
insurance, you also get casualty insurance.
Let’s take a look at the definition here of accident. The term • Slip and fall resulting to broken shoulder or concussion. In
accident and accidental, as used in insurance contracts, have such a case, you can sue the building owner.
not acquired any technical meaning. They are construed by
courts in their ordinary and common acceptation. Thus, the
terms have been taken to mean that which happens by chance
or fortuitously, without intention or design, and which is **END**
unexpected, unusual and unforeseen. If you look at the
snapping of the back, it is more an injury but not an accident.
If you are a skydiver and your parachute did not open on time,
is that an accident? Unless you specifically got a parachute
insurance contract, that probably has a different coverage or
definition of accident, said accident is not the accident
contemplated by the health or casualty insurance.
Health insurance
March 23, 2015 SURETYSHIP
Effect of “no action” clause in policy of liability A contract of suretyship is an agreement whereby a party
insurance called the surety guarantees the performance by another party
called the principal or obligor of an obligation or undertaking in
Sometimes, we find in casualty insurance policies that they do favor of a third party called the obligee.
not allow the insured to sue the insurer as a co-defendant in a
suit to determine the latter’s liability to a third person. So, in What is included under the so-called contract of
other words, the insurer wants a judgment first against the suretyship?
insured before the third party can run after them. What did the
court say? Is that allowed? The court said that this is in It includes official recognizances, stipulations, bonds or
violation of the Rules of Court on joinder of parties. undertakings issued by any company by virtue of and under
the provisions of Act No. 536, as amended by Act No. 2206.
Example, you are the injured party and you want to recover
from the owner of a building and the building owner has a What is the nature of the liability of surety?
casualty insurance policy effective over the premises. The
building owner refuses to pay for your medical expenses so The liability of the surety or sureties shall be joint and several
you sue him under his casualty insurance policy. In order to with the obligor and shall be limited to the amount of the
file only one action, you decide to join the insurance company bond. It is determined strictly by the terms of the contract of
in the same suit as a co-defendant. So your action will be suretyship in relation to the principal contract between the
“Maria Santiago vs. DBL Realty Management Company and obligor and the obligee.
Paramount Insurance Company” that’s your suit. That is if you
want, once there is a finding of liability and the insured will be Could you explain further what solidary liability
found guilty, that the insurance company will right away be means?
adjudged in the same action.
This means that upon default by the obligor in complying with
Some insurance policies will require, before they are sued, that his obligation as secured by the bond, the surety becomes
you sue first the insured and get a judgment against the latter. primarily liable to the obligee who has right to demand
Afterwards, if you don’t get anything from the insured, you payment under the terms and conditions of the bond.
institute another action to recover from the insurance
company. That’s what is going to happen if you follow the What do you mean when we say that the liability of a
surety is a contractual one?
insurance policy of the insurance company strictly. Now, is that
a valid defense on the part of the insurance company? Let’s
It is determined strictly by the terms of (a) the contract of
take a look at the discussion (refer to the book). The query is
suretyship in relation to the (b) principal contract between the
which procedure to follow – that of the insurance policy or the
obligor and the obligee.
Rules of Court. It was held that “no action” clause policy
cannot prevail over the Rules of Court provisions aimed at
What is the relationship of the surety contract to the
avoiding multiplicity of suits. Section 5 of Rule 2 on “joinder of
contract existing between the obligor and the obligee?
causes of actions” and Section 6 of Rule 3 on “permissive
joinder of causes of parties” cannot be superseded, at least The contract between the obligor and the obligee is the
with respect to third persons not a party to the contract by a principal contract. A surety contract is a collateral contract and
“no action” clause on the contract of insurance. its basis is the principal contract or undertaking which it
So it cannot defeat the provisions of Rules of Court. It’s just
one cause of action, right? In our example, it is the right of the In order to indemnify the surety who has just been
insured to safety while in the premises which was violated by made liable under the suretyship contract, what kind of
the building owner. So, arising out of that cause of action instrument must exist?
there are actually two parties involved – the building owner
and his insurance company. Why do you have to separate There must be an “Indemnity Agreement.”
that? So, if you are the counsel for the injured party all you
have to do is implead the insurance company in the same Distinguish suretyship from property insurance
action to recover from the insured.
Now, let’s go to suretyship. It is an accessory contract. It is a principal contract.
There are always three There are only two parties:
parties: the surety; the the insurer and the insured.
principal debtor or obligor; 6. In the case of a continuing bond, the obligor shall pay the
and the creditor or obligee. subsequent annual premium as it falls due until the
It is more of a credit It is, generally, a contract of contract is cancelled.
accommodation with the indemnity.
surety assuming primary Types of bonds
The surety is entitled to There is no right of recovery 1. Contract bonds – these bonds are connected with
reimbursement for the loss it for the loss the insurer may construction and supply contracts. The position of surety
may suffer under the sustain, except when the is to answer for failure of the principal to perform in
contract. insurer is entitled to accordance with the terms and specifications of the
subrogation. contract.
Generally, a bond can only be It may be cancelled
cancelled by or with the unilaterally either by the Example, when you submit a bid, some of GOCCs require
consent of the obligee. insured or by the insurer on you to put up a contractor’s bond or a cash bond. If it is a
grounds provided by law. cash bond, you have to deliver the cash itself. If it is a
It requires the acceptance of It does not need the contractor’s bond, you have to get a performance bond
the obligee before it becomes acceptance of any third party. from a surety company. There are non-life insurance
valid and enforceable. companies that are also surety companies and are
It is a risk-shifting device. It is a risk-distributing device. engaged in the business of issuing bonds. Bond is another
word for suretyship.
Distinguish suretyship from guaranty
There may be two bonds:
SURETYSHIP GUARANTY a. Performance bond – once covering the faithful
Surety assumes liability as a Liability of the guarantor performance of the contract; and
regular party to the depends upon an b. Payment bond – one covering the payment of
undertaking. independent agreement to laborers and material men.
pay if the primary debtor fails
to do so. 2. Fidelity bonds – they pay an employer for loss growing
Surety is primarily liable. Guarantor is secondarily out of a dishonest act of his employee.
For employment purposes, usually, cashiers are required
Surety is not entitled to the Guarantor is entitled to the
to post bonds. Who else? Those positions that are
benefit of exhaustion of the benefit of exhaustion.
considered sensitive because there’s money involved. This
debtor’s assets.
is to discourage dishonesty of employees.
What is the benefit of exhaustion?
They are further classified as:
The right to have all the property of the debtor and legal
a. Industrial bond – one required by private
remedies against the debtor first exhausted before the
employers to cover loss through dishonesty of
guarantor can be compelled to pay the creditor.
employees; and
b. Public official bond – one required by public
What are the rules to follow in so far as the payment of
officers for the faithful performances of their duties
premiums in a contract of suretyhip is concerned?
and as a condition of entering upon the duties of their
The rules are as follows:
1. The premium becomes a debt as soon as the contract of
3. Judicial bonds – those which are required in connection
suretyship or bond is perfected and delivered to the
with judicial proceedings.
2. The contract of suretyship or bonding shall not be valid
Examples of judicial bonds are attachment bonds,
and binding unless and until the premium therefor has
injunction bonds and/or bonds that the court will require
been paid;
of you when the court grants your writ of preliminary
3. Where the obligee has accepted the bond, it shall be valid
injunction. The amount of the bond is such as to
and enforceable notwithstanding that the premium has
compensate the other party for loss that he may incur
not been paid;
during the duration of the injunctive period.
4. If the contract of suretyship or bond is not accepted by, or
filed with the obligee, the surety shall collect only a
I want you to take note of the case of Finman General
reasonable amount;
Assurance Corp. vs. Inocencio, it is cited in the book. The
5. If the non-acceptance of the bond be due to the fault or
decision said that, it is a settled doctrine that the
negligence of the surety, no service fee, stamps, or taxes
conditions of a bond specified and required in the
imposed shall be collected by the surety; and
provisions of the statute or regulation providing for the
submission of the bond are deemed incorporated or built remedies first. At the end of the day, you may still be liable but
into all bonds tendered under the statute or regulation, not right away. That is the benefit of exhaustion.
even though not there set out in printer’s ink. So, all the
conditions in that statute or regulation requiring the 3. Indemnity agreement
posting of the bond are deemed incorporated as part of
the terms and conditions of the bond itself. So, there is no This is a third-party contract as far as the obligee is concerned.
more need to expressly indicate or repeat the condition The obligee is not involved in the indemnity agreement. The
set in the statute in the bond itself. Ok? indemnity agreement is only between the surety and the
SEC. 178. The liability of the surety or sureties shall be joint
SEC. 177. A contract of suretyship is an agreement whereby a and several with the obligor and shall be limited to the amount
party called the surety guarantees the performance by another of the bond. It is determined strictly by the terms of the
party called the principal or obligor of an obligation or contract of suretyship in relation to the principal contract
undertaking in favor of a third party called the obligee. It between the obligor and the obligee.
includes official recognizances, stipulations, bonds or
undertakings issued by any company by virtue of and under Nature of liability of surety
the provisions of Act No. 536, as amended by Act No. 2206.
Now the liability of the surety is solidary with the obligor and it
OK. Class, always remember, in a surety contract there are is only limited to the amount indicated in the bond and not
always three types of contract. We look at the: beyond. So the contract of surety will indicate how much the
surety will be liable and you cannot enforce the surety for an
1. Principal contract amount more than what in indicated in the contract. It is
determined strictly by the terms of the contract of suretyship
This is the contract between the obligor and the obligee. The in relation to the principal contract between the obligor and
obligor is the principal or the person primarily liable under this the obligee. It is in essence a contractual obligation, a mere
contract. collateral contract.
2. Suretyship contract The surety has the duty to investigate and ascertain bond
application before it is approved. Why? The misrepresentation
It is usually procured by the obligor. As explained by the book, of the principal, under the principal contract, will not affect the
it is a guaranty. The surety is guaranteeing the obligee that right of the obligee to demand from the surety. Whose
the obligor, or the principal, will deliver or perform the responsibility is it to ensure that all representations are
obligation in favor of the obligee. So, in so far as the correct? It is the responsibility of the surety company. The
suretyship contract is concerned, the obligee is the third party. obligee simply demands payment from the surety as soon as
Who is the principal in the suretyship contract? The person the undertaking is not performed.
primarily liable is the surety company. The surety company has
entered into a contract with the obligor, who is the second What is the basis of the recovery of the surety against the
party there, in favor of the obligee, the third party. insured? The surety company will ask the insured to execute
an “Indemnity Agreement” in favor of the surety.
The surety contract is the collateral contract. Without the main
contract, there would be no suretyship contract. It is useless to SEC. 179. The surety is entitled to payment of the premium
be talking about a suretyship contract if there is no main as soon as the contract of suretyship or bond is perfected and
contract involved. delivered to the obligor. No contract of suretyship or bonding
shall be valid and binding unless and until the premium
So, what does the suretyship contract undertakes? The therefor has been paid, except where the obligee has accepted
contract of suretyship is an agreement whereby the surety the bond, in which case the bond becomes valid and
company undertakes to answer, under specified terms and enforceable irrespective of whether or not the premium has
conditions, for the debt, default or miscarriage of the obligor, been paid by the obligor to the surety: Provided, That if the
such as failure to perform a contract or certain duties, or for contract of suretyship or bond is not accepted by, or filed with
breach of trust, negligence and the like, in favor of the obligee. the obligee, the surety shall collect only a reasonable amount,
If the main party does not deliver, then the suretyship contract not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of the premium due thereon
shall be solidarily liable. as service fee plus the cost of stamps or other taxes imposed
for the issuance of the contract or bond:Provided, however,
Let’s jump to a guaranty contract. Under a contract of That if the nonacceptance of the bond be due to the fault or
guaranty, the liability of the guaranty shall not kick in until all negligence of the surety, no such service fee, stamps or taxes
properties and legal remedies are exhausted against debtor. shall be collected.
So, if you have a friend who asks you to guaranty, you always
remember that you will not be solidarily liable with your friend. In the case of a continuing bond, the obligor shall pay the
There must be a showing that the creditor has exhausted all subsequent annual premium as it falls due until the contract of
suretyship is cancelled by the obligee or by the Commissioner No, there is no over insurance in life insurance.
or by a court of competent jurisdiction, as the case may be.
What do you think is the limitation in coming out with
Rules on payment of premiums: the amount of a life insurance policy?
1. The premium becomes a debt as soon as the contract of It is limited to the capacity of a person to pay premium.
suretyship or bond is perfected and delivered to the
obligor; Life insurance
2. The contract of suretyship or bonding shall not be valid
and binding unless and until the premium therefor has SEC. 181. Life insurance is insurance on human lives and
been paid; insurance appertaining thereto or connected therewith.
3. Where the obligee has accepted the bond, it shall be valid
and enforceable notwithstanding that the premium has Every contract or undertaking for the payment of annuities
not been paid; including contracts for the payment of lump sums under a
4. If the contract of suretyship or bond is not accepted by, or retirement program where a life insurance company manages
filed with the obligee, the surety shall collect only a or acts as a trustee for such retirement program shall be
reasonable amount; considered a life insurance contract for purposes of this Code.
5. If the non-acceptance of the bond be due to the fault or
negligence of the surety, no service fee, stamps, or taxes The second paragraph is a new provision. This paragraph
imposed shall be collected by the surety; and refers to certain retirement programs that are part of the
6. In the case of a continuing bond, the obligor shall pay the benefits a company can give to the employees. You shall see
subsequent annual premium as it falls due until the later on what annuities are.
contract is cancelled.
SEC. 182. An insurance upon life may be made payable on
What is the consideration for the contract of suretyship? It is the death of the person, or on his surviving a specified period,
the premium. or otherwise contingently on the continuance or cessation of
An insurance upon life may be made payable on the death of 1. The father; or
the person, or on his surviving a specified period, or otherwise 2. The mother, in the absence or incapacity of the father;
contingently on the continuance or cessation of life. It’s not that the father or mother have no right over the
minor’s insurance proceeds. It’s just that, the court gives
An example is an endowment policy which may provide that at precedence to the authority of the judicial guardian over the
the end of a specified period, the insured will be able to get father or the mother.
lump sums.
In the absence or in case of the incapacity of the father or
Another example is a term policy, meaning the life insurance mother, the grandparent, the eldest brother or sister at least
policy is good, let’s say, only for 5 years and at the end of the eighteen (18) years of age, or any relative who has actual
5th year you are not covered anymore. Of course, your custody of the minor insured or beneficiary, shall act as a
obligation to pay premiums will also end after the lapse of the guardian without need of a court order or judicial appointment
agreed period. There are insurance policies where even if the as such guardian, as long as such person is not otherwise
period has already ended you are no longer required to pay disqualified or incapacitated. Payment made by the insurer
but you are still covered for life. pursuant to this section shall relieve such insurer of any liability
under the contract.
Every contract or pledge for the payment of endowments or
annuities shall be considered a life insurance contract for
purposes of this Code. March 27, 2015
In the old law, it is P20,000, now they have increased it to In the absence or in case of the incapacity of the father or
P500,000. So, where the proceeds of the insurance policy mother, the grandparent, the eldest brother or sister at least
exceeds P500,000, what does that mean? It means that the eighteen (18) years of age, or any relative who has actual
minor must have a judicial guardian. But, if the minor does not custody of the minor insured or beneficiary, shall act as a
have a judicial guardian, the following may exercise the rights guardian without need of a court order or judicial appointment
of the minor: as such guardian, as long as such person is not otherwise
disqualified or incapacitated. Payment made by the insurer
pursuant to this section shall relieve such insurer of any liability 2. Limited Payment Life Policy
under the contract. The premiums are payable only during a limited
period of years, usually 10, 15, or 20. When the
What are the important provisions of life insurance? specified number of premium payments have been
made, the insurance is fully paid for.
Just try to remember who has the personality to represent a
minor in as far as insurance policies are concerned. If the The policy here, the terms only required premiums to be paid
minor is the one insured who can exercise said rights on his during a limited period of years, 10, 15, 20. This has a cash
behalf? What is the threshold of the amounts? What is the surrender value. In the ordinary life insurance policy, just
threshold before judicial guardianship is required? It’s 50 make sure that there is also a feature called cash surrender
Thousand. value because after payment of 3 annual premiums your policy
earns a cash surrender value. So if After 20 years you don’t
Who are the people involved in the policy of life insurance? like the idea of paying further or you are simply in need of
1. Owner of the policy cash you can surrender the policy. But the amount of the cash
2. The person whose life is subject of the policy, surrender value is not equal to the aggregate of the premiums
also known as the cestui que vie you have paid. It’s not the same; it’s a little bit less than the
3. beneficiary total premiums you have paid in the insurance company.
Remember cestui que vie and the beneficiary of the policy. So 3. Term Insurance Policy
your father when you were young may have taken an Provides coverage only if the insured dies during a
educational/life policy for you. Your father is the owner of the limited period. It is an insurance for a fixed or specific
policy, you are the cestui que vie or the person whose life is term, such as 2, 5, or 10 years.
subject of the policy. And the beneficiary can be another
person, maybe your mother.
The premium is lower than in the case of straight life insurance
Maybe your Lola took out an educational insurance policy for because of the possibility that the insurer may not be obliged
you, your beneficiary would be your father but you are the to pay anything in proceeds whatsoever if the insured survives
subject of the policy. the term. This kind of policy, very similar to a Limited Payment
Life policy there is no investment aspect. So what is the policy
Go over the Kinds of life insurance policies. Just for your that has investment aspect? It is usually Endowment. We will
information, what are they? find out later on that there is such a thing as variable.
Mahirap ang Ordinary life policy, you know why because you How is this different from the limited payment life policy? In
pay for it 99 years. But you know how to escape from this? endowments the Premiums are a little bit higher. In other
Just don’t touch your policy. Do not take out a loan on your words, they are more expensive than a limited payment life
policy maybe for the next 15 years. And then it will just earn policy because the cash value of the policy grows more rapidly.
on its own. Your dividends, especially if it is a dividend earning
policy will accumulate enough that at some point in the life of This kind of policy differs from Limited life policy in that in the
your policy you can just let it self-liquidate. Otherwise you go Limited Payment Life Policy it is paid only upon the death of
for endowment. For Endowment you pay higher policies. Many the insured. That is one difference there. Mamatay muna ang
insurance companies consider this policy paid-up when the insured in the Limited Payment Life Policy before the proceeds
insured reaches the age of 100. Paid-up meaning to say done. will be paid but in Endowment if you survive the number of
Seriously, can you really continue living up to the age of 100? years, the period stated in the policy, then you can actually get
J Thus, the ultimate payment of the insurance proceeds the proceeds of your life insurance policy.
(either at that age or at death) is as certain as death itself.
whereas the purpose of the annuity is the scientific
Here, the insured stands a chance of being paid the proceeds liquidation of an estate.
of the policy while still alive. Endowment, this kind of policy
does not require death before payment of insurance proceeds. That’s the whole concept of annuity. You buy an annuity
After receiving the face amount of the policy, all coverage will policy, then you pay the premium but at the same time for a
terminate. The proceeds on the maturity can be paid either in number of years you receive income. Parang nagreretirement
a lump sum or as an annuity. This type represents both term kumbaga while you are still alive. Some people they invest in
insurance and a form of annuity. So this type of policy is useful annuity, payable for 5 years and then next 5 years you receive
in retirement planning. When you plan for retirement, when your annuity while you are still living. Yong endowment naman
you get to 40 for example and you are planning for retirement. you receive it at the end of the period, at the end of the period
This is a good form of investment. Maybe when you get your you lose coverage. The annuity concept it’s like buying(?) into
first salary as a lawyer, you buy your first insurance policy then a retirement plan. You want to enjoy the proceed while you
make it an endowment policy right away. By the time you are alive.
reach 50 your policy already matures and you can get either
lump sump or treat it as annuity every year. Under a life insurance contract, the estate is created at death.
Under the annuity contract the estate is fully liquidated by
Look at the Scope of life insurance death. So by the time the insured dies wala ng pera.
1. Life Insurance undertakes to protect the insured’s
family, creditors, or others against pecuniary loss Reduced to its ultimate simplicity, the idea can be expressed
which may be the outgrowth of the death of the by comparing the nature of the two types of agreements. In
insured. The loss occasioned by death against which exchange for his premium, the purchaser of life insurance
life insurance attempts to provide protection is the expects his insurer to pay his beneficiary a specified sum upon
cessation of the current earning power of the insured. his death. For his premium the purchaser of an annuity
2. Health, accident and disability insurance provide expects his insurer to pay him a periodic income as long as he
benefits for hospital or medical expenses, or for loss lives. Thus under a life insurance contract, the insurer starts
of time or earning power because of injury or illness. paying upon the death of the insured, whereas in annuity
While health insurance is written by life insurers, contract the insurer stops paying upon the death of the
injury and illness are also viewed as casualties, that insured.
is, both as life and non-life insurance; hence, such
policies may be issued by either life or non-life You have to remember the concept of annuity, I think this is
insurance companies. the only place in the whole of commercial law when you
Life insurance is not limited only to life itself but also to health encounter the business of annuity.
and accident and disability insurance. You are not dead but
you are disabled. You lose income for the family, for yourself. Remember what is the concept of annuity, what is the concept
These are features of life insurance with riders. Remember the of __, what is an endowment, what is annuity. What are the
provisions on riders; they are attached to the policy itself. differences bet these three terms? Next time na may
Those riders, you pay additional premium. But the premiums magbebenta sa inyo you tell the agent that you are looking for
are not really that hefty. an annuity policy. Of course an annuity policy is a bit more
expensive than a straight life insurance policy. Because here
Contract of life annuity you will be receiving income after a certain period and for a
particular length of time. Annuity sometimes does not wait
“By the aleatory contract of life annuity, the debtor binds until you die. Sometimes the annuity is good for five years but
himself to pay an annual pension or income during the life of you are earning. Some people they like to travel. What do you
one or more determinate persons in consideration of a capital do? When you are still a very hot lawyer, making loads of
consisting of money or other property, whose ownership is loads of money you buy an annuity. And you say at the age of
transferred to him at one with the burden of the income.” 50, “I want to get my income from that annuity policy for 5
years.” That is what you are going to spend on your vacation.
What is the annuity concept? That is a good way of putting aside money for you to spend at
The annuity has been called the “upside-down a later time in your life. That is the annuity concept.
application of the life insurance principle”. This
concept is based on the notion that the purpose of life “SEC. 183. The insurer in a life insurance contract shall be
insurance is the scientific creation of an estate, liable in case of suicide only when it is committed after the
policy has been in force for a period of two (2) years from the • When Liable – in a life insurance contract, the insurer
date of its issue or of its last reinstatement, unless the policy is liable in case of suicide in the following cases:
provides a shorter period: Provided, however, That suicide a. The suicide is committed after the policy has
committed in the state of insanity shall be compensable been in force for a period of 2 years from
regardless of the date of commission. the date of its issue or of its last
What is the provision similar to this one? Where there is also a b. The suicide is committed after a shorter
two year period required. period provided in the policy although within
the 2 year period; and
Incontestability clause (Sec 48) c. The suicide is committed in the state of
insanity regardless of the date of
commission, unless suicide is an excepted
“SEC. 48. Whenever a right to rescind a contract of insurance
is given to the insurer by any provision of this chapter, such
Note that the policy cannot provide a period longer than 2
right must be exercised previous to the commencement of an
years. Thus, if the policy provides for a 3 year period and
action on the contract.
the suicide is committed within said period but after 2
years, the insurer is liable.
“After a policy of life insurance made payable on the death of
the insured shall have been in force during the lifetime of the
• When not Liable
insured for a period of two (2) years from the date of its issue
a. The suicide is not by reason of insanity and
or of its last reinstatement, the insurer cannot prove that the
is committed within the 2-year period.
policy is void ab initio or is rescindable by reason of the
b. The suicide is by reason of insanity but is not
fraudulent concealment or misrepresentation of the insured or
among the risks assumed by the insurer
his agent.
regardless of the date of commission; and
c. The insurer can show that the policy was
There was a bar question on suicide. There was also a bar obtained with the intention to commit suicide
question on incontestability clause. Don’t forget the insurance even in the absence of any suicide exclusion
company cannot say, (even if the policy has already been in the policy.
effective for like 5 years), “there was
misrepresentation/concealment on their part.” They could only “SEC. 184. A policy of insurance upon life or health may pass
do that within the 2 year period from whence it was issued or by transfer, will or succession to any person, whether he has
reinstated. Beyond that even if you practically lied in your an insurable interest or not, and such person may recover
insurance policy. If the policy had been effective for the last upon it whatever the insured might have recovered.
10 years the insurance company cannot deny on the ground of
concealment or misrepresentation.
There is also a limitation in property insurance that you can
only transfer the proceeds of the insurance after the loss has
So here, essential in 183 - the insurer in a life insurance occurred. By then it will be considered a debt. But you cannot
contract shall be liable in case of suicide only when it is transfer property insurance, fire insurance policy without the
committed after the policy has been in force for a period of consent of the insurer because it is a contract of indemnity.
two (2) years from the date of its issue or of its last The insurer - there is good faith entrusted in an insurance
reinstatement, unless the policy provides a shorter policy. But a life insurance policy may pass by transfer, will or
period: Provided, however, That suicide committed in the state succession to any person, whether he has insurable interest or
of insanity shall be compensable regardless of the date of not, and such person may recover upon it whatever the
commission. insured might have recovered.
If the insured is insane whether the policy was only effected
for 6 months whether it was effected for one year or a year That’s why in a lot of mortgage, a contract of loan, some
and a half insanity excuses the insured and makes the insurer people take out a life insurance policy and assigns the
liable. When the suicide is committed in the state of insanity, proceeds of the life insurance policy to that lender. If the
always, the insurance company will be liable. Take a look at insured suffers some sort of insolvency, dies, the lender is
those instances when it is liable and when it is not liable. protected because the proceeds of the life insurance policy will
pass to him.
Liability of insurer in case of suicide
Take a look at the contract of Mortgage Redemption Insurance Unless thereby expressly required, where? In the insurance
(MRI). In a mortgage redemption insurance, the insured signs policy itself. If there is no notice required by the policy the
on to a mortgage agent, takes out an MRI for the benefit of transfer or request is still valid even if without notice to the
the lender, most of the time for the benefit of the bank. So insurer.
that if the insured/the borrower dies, the proceeds of the life
insurance policy will go directly to the lender. The loan will “SEC. 186. Unless the interest of a person insured is
automatically be considered paid off. It’s being paid already by susceptible of exact pecuniary measurement, the measure of
the MRI. indemnity under a policy of insurance upon life or health is the
sum fixed in the policy.
Remember this feature is available only in life insurance
I did mention that in life insurance policies there is no such
It can pass by transfer, will or succession to any person,
thing as measure of indemnity. What it meant really is that you
whether he has an insurable interest or not. What about in
don’t fix it anymore after the occurrence of the loss or damage
ordinary property insurance, can you actually assign the
or before loss or damage. The indemnity will be stated already
proceeds of a fire insurance policy to a person who has no
in the policy itself. You do not get a life insurance policy that is
insurable interest? I don’t think so. You cannot do that
because a fire insurance policy is a contract of indemnity. The
person to whom the proceeds shall be paid must have an
OK, we are done with life insurance. Micro insurance, that is a
insurable interest. However the book says; if it is to cover an
new provision under RA 10607.
illegal scheme the law will not allow that but you have to prove
that such is the intention of party.
Can there be waiver of the right to change beneficiary? “SEC. 187. Microinsurance is a financial product or service
that meets the risk protection needs of the poor where:
A beneficiary of an ordinary life insurance policy which
contains an express waiver of the right to change the
“(a) The amount of contributions, premiums, fees or charges,
beneficiary acquires a vested and absolute interest which
computed on a daily basis, does not exceed seven and a half
cannot be divested without his consent.
percent (7.5%) of the current daily minimum wage rate for
nonagricultural workers in Metro Manila; and
If the life insurance policy contains an irrevocable beneficiary,
what is the remedy if you want to transfer by will or succession
“(b) The maximum sum of guaranteed benefits is not more
that policy to another person? What will you do to be able to
than one thousand (1,000) times of the current daily minimum
transfer life insurance policy that has an irrevocable
wage rate for nonagricultural workers in Metro Manila.
- Obtain the consent of the beneficiary.
“SEC. 188. No insurance company or mutual benefit
Why does he need to get the consent? association shall engage in the business of microinsurance
- The beneficiary acquires a vested interest, a unless it possesses all the requirements as may be prescribed
proprietary interest already in the proceeds of by the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall issue such rules
the insurance policy itself. and regulations governing microinsurance.
Where there is no waiver, that means that the designation is This chapter is meant to address the insurance requirements
not irrevocable, the insured may assign the policy without the of those who are considered poor by economic standards so
consent of the beneficiary. they too can enjoy the coverage of insurance. But in micro
insurance, will again have to be done by insurance companies
“SEC. 185. Notice to an insurer of a transfer or bequest that have all the requirements prescribed by the commissioner.
thereof is not necessary to preserve the validity of a policy of Parang yong sa mga Bombay, mga utang-utang sa palengke.
insurance upon life or health, unless thereby expressly This is the regulating provision for that kind of business. This is
required. to afford poor members of our population to avail of insurance.
Premiums or contributions are collected or deducted prior to SEC. 190. For purposes of this Code, the
the occurrence of a contingent event and the granting of term insurer or insurance company shall include all
benefits are provided upon the concurrence of the contingent partnerships, associations, cooperatives or corporations,
event. including government-owned or -controlled corporations or
entities, engaged as principals in the insurance business,
excepting mutual benefit associations. Unless the context
Then we have the Financial Reporting framework which is a otherwise requires, the term shall also include professional
new provision as well. reinsurers defined in Section 288. Domestic company shall
include companies formed, organized or existing under the
CHAPTER II-A laws of the Philippines. Foreign company when used without
FINANCIAL REPORTING FRAMEWORK limitation shall include companies formed, organized, or
existing under any laws other than those of the Philippines.
“SEC. 189. All companies regulated by the Commission, SEC. 191. The provisions of the Corporation Code, as
unless otherwise required by law, should comply with the amended, shall apply to all insurance corporations now or
financial reporting frameworks adopted by the Commission for hereafter engaged in business in the Philippines insofar as they
purposes of creating the statutory financial reports and the do not conflict with the provisions of this chapter.
annual statements to be submitted to the Commission.
Financial reporting framework means a set of accounting and SEC. 192. No corporation, partnership, or association of
reporting principles, standards, interpretations and persons shall transact any insurance business in the Philippines
pronouncements that must be adopted in the preparation and except as agent of a corporation, partnership or association
submission of the statutory financial statements and reports authorized to do the business of insurance in the Philippines,
required by the Commission. This financial reporting unless possessed of the capital and assets required of an
framework is not the same as the financial reporting insurance corporation doing the same kind of business in the
framework used to prepare the financial statements that the Philippines and invested in the same manner; unless the
Securities and Exchange Commission may require. The main Commissioner shall have granted it a certificate to the effect
purpose of the statutory statements is to present important that it has complied with all the provisions of this Code.
information about the level of risk and solvency situation of
insurers. In prescribing the applicable statutory financial “Every entity receiving any such certificate of authority shall be
reporting framework, the Commissioner shall take into account subject to the insurance and other applicable laws of the
international standards concerning solvency and insurance Philippines and to the jurisdiction and supervision of the
company reporting as well as generally accepted actuarial Commissioner.
principles concerning financial reporting promulgated by the
Actuarial Society of the Philippines.
SEC. 193. No insurance company shall transact any insurance
business in the Philippines until after it shall have obtained a
“The assets and investments discussed in Sections 204 to 215 certificate of authority for that purpose from the Commissioner
shall be accounted for in accordance with this section. upon application therefor and payment by the company
concerned of the fees hereinafter prescribed.
“The valuation of reserves shall be accounted for in accordance
with Title 5 of this Code. “The Commissioner may refuse to issue a certificate of
authority to any insurance company if, in his judgment, such
What’s with all these new provisions? Because of what refusal will best promote the interest of the people of this
happens with college assurance plan and other smaller country. No such certificate of authority shall be granted to
insurance company that purport to offer pre-need? plans that any such company until the Commissioner shall have satisfied
himself by such examination as he may make and such
take on the characteristics of an insurance business as well.
evidence as he may require that such company is qualified by
the laws of the Philippines to transact business therein, that
CHAPTER III the grant of such authority appears to be justified in the light
THE BUSINESS OF INSURANCE of local economic requirements, and that the direction and
administration, as well as the integrity and responsibility of the
TITLE 1 organizers and administrators, the financial organization and
INSURANCE COMPANIES, ORGANIZATION, the amount of capital, reasonably assure the safety of the
CAPITALIZATION AND AUTHORIZATION interests of the policyholders and the public.
“SEC. 194. Except as provided in Section 289, no new “The Commission may adopt for purposes of compliance with
domestic life or non-life insurance company shall, in a stock capital build up requirement under this Code the recognition as
corporation, engage in business in the Philippines unless part of the capital account, capital notes or debentures which
are subordinate to all credits and senior only to common there are any written articles of agreement of the company, a
capital stocks. copy thereof must accompany such certificate.
“The President of the Philippines may order a periodic review “SEC. 196. The Commissioner must require as a condition
every two (2) years the capital structure set out above to precedent to the transaction of insurance business in the
determine the capital adequacy of the local insurance industry Philippines by any foreign insurance company, that such
from and after the integration and liberalization of the financial company file in his office a written power of attorney
services, including insurance, in the ASEAN Region. For this designating some person who shall be a resident of the
purpose, a review committee consisting of representatives Philippines as its general agent, on whom any notice provided
from the Department of Finance (DOF), the Insurance by law or by any insurance policy, proof of loss, summons and
Commission (IC), the National Economic and Development other legal processes may be served in all actions or other
Authority (NEDA), the Securities and Exchange Commission legal proceedings against such company, and consenting that
(SEC) and other agencies which the President may designate service upon such general agent shall be admitted and held as
shall conduct the review and may recommend to the President valid as if served upon the foreign company at its home office.
to adopt for implementation the necessary capital adjustment. Any such foreign company shall, as further condition precedent
to the transaction of insurance business in the Philippines,
“SEC. 195. Every company must, before engaging in the make and file with the Commissioner an agreement or
business of insurance in the Philippines, file with the stipulation, executed by the proper authorities of said company
Commissioner the following: in form and substance as follows:
“(a) A certified copy of the last annual statement or a verified “The (name of company) does hereby stipulate and agree in
financial statement exhibiting the condition and affairs of such consideration of the permission granted by the Insurance
company; Commissioner to transact business in the Philippines, that if at
any time said company shall leave the Philippines, or cease to
transact business therein, or shall be without any agent in the
“(b) If incorporated under the laws of the Philippines, a copy of
Philippines on whom any notice, proof of loss, summons, or
the articles of incorporation and bylaws, and any amendments
legal process may be served, then in any action or proceeding
to either, certified by the Securities and Exchange Commission
arising out of any business or transaction which occurred in
to be a copy of that which is filed in its Office;
the Philippines, service of any notice provided by law, or
insurance policy, proof of loss, summons, or other legal
“(c) If incorporated under any laws other than those of the process may be made upon the Insurance Commissioner, and
Philippines, a certificate from the Securities and Exchange that such service upon the Insurance Commissioner shall have
Commission showing that it is duly registered in the mercantile the same force and effect as if made upon the company.
registry of that Commission in accordance with the Corporation
Code. A copy of the articles of incorporation and bylaws, and
“Whenever such service of notice, proof of loss, summons, or
any amendments to either, if organized or formed under any
other legal process shall be made upon the Commissioner, he
law requiring such to be filed, duly certified by the officer
must, within ten (10) days thereafter, transmit by mail,
having the custody of same, or if not so organized, a copy of
postage paid, a copy of such notice, proof of loss, summons,
the law, charter or deed of settlement under which the deed of
or other legal process to the company at its home or principal
organization is made, duly certified by the proper custodian
office. The sending of such copy by the Commissioner shall be
thereof, or proved by affidavit to be a copy; also, a certificate
a necessary part of the service of the notice, proof of loss, or
under the hand and seal of the proper officer of such state or
other legal process.
country having supervision of insurance business therein, if
any there be, that such corporation or company is organized
under the laws of such state or country, with the amount of “SEC. 197. No insurance company organized or existing under
capital stock or assets and legal reserve required by this Code; the government or laws other than those of the Philippines
shall engage in business in the Philippines unless possessed of
unimpaired capital or assets and reserve of not less than One
“(d) If not incorporated and of foreign domicile, aside from the
billion pesos (P1,000,000,000.00), nor until it shall have
certificate mentioned in paragraph (c) of this section, a
deposited with the Commissioner for the benefit and security
certificate setting forth the nature and character of the
of the policyholders and creditors of such company in the
business, the location of the principal office, the name of the
Philippines, securities satisfactory to the Commissioner
individual or names of the persons composing the partnership
consisting of good securities of the Philippines, including new
or association, the amount of actual capital employed or to be
issues of stock of registered enterprises, as this term is defined
employed therein, and the names of all officers and persons by
in Executive Order No. 226 of 1987, as amended, to the actual
whom the business is or may be managed.
market value of not less than the amount herein
required: Provided, That at least fifty percent (50%) of such
“The certificate must be verified by the affidavit of the chief securities shall consist of bonds or other instruments of debt of
officer, secretary, agent, or manager of the company; and if the Government of the Philippines, its political subdivisions and
instrumentalities, or of government-owned or -controlled
corporations and entities, including the Bangko Sentral ng which is affected with public interest. It is a proper subject of
Pilipinas:Provided, further, That the total investment of a regulation and control by the state. The state has the
foreign insurance company in any registered enterprise shall sovereign duty to regulate the business of insurance. The
not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the net worth of said
business of insurance is conducted mostly by corporations.
foreign insurance company nor twenty percent (20%) of the
capital of the registered enterprise, unless previously Why? You need substantial capitalization to answer the
authorized in writing by the Commissioner. liabilities at the end of the periods provided for in your
insurance policies.
“The Commissioner may, as a pre-licensing requirement of a
new branch office of a foreign insurance company, in addition There are a lot of insurance companies that have investments
to the required asset or net worth, require the company to in real properties because with real properties their
have an additional surplus fund in an amount to be determined investments grow. It must be conservative investments; you
by the Insurance Commission. don’t want an insurance company that trades highly on
equities or securities that are very shaky. When you go for
“For purposes of this Code, the net worth of a foreign higher yield securities, investments, the risks are also very
insurance company shall refer only to its net worth in the
high. Your returns are very high but you can also lose very
“SEC. 198. The Commissioner shall hold the securities,
deposited as required in the immediately preceding section, for Also, Minimum capitalization requirements, deposits and
the benefit and security of all the policyholders and creditors of withdrawals of securities by foreign companies. (Refer to the
the company depositing the same: Provided, That the book)
Commissioner may as long as the company is solvent, permit
the company to collect the interest or dividends on the TITLE 2
securities so deposited, and, from time to time, with his SOLVENCY
assent, to withdraw any of such securities, upon depositing
with said Commissioner other like securities, the market value
“SEC. 200. An insurance company doing business in the
of which shall be equal to the market value of such as may be
Philippines shall at all times maintain the minimum paid-up
withdrawn. In the event of any company ceasing to do
capital, and net worth requirements as prescribed by the
business in the Philippines, the securities deposited as
Commissioner. Such solvency requirements shall be based on
aforesaid shall be returned to the company upon the
internationally accepted solvency frameworks and adopted
Commissioner’s written approval and only after the company
only after due consultation with the insurance industry
has duly proven in its application therefor that it has no further
liability whatsoever under any of its policies nor to any of its
creditors in the Philippines.
“Whenever the aforementioned requirement be found to be
less than that herein required to be maintained, the
“SEC. 199. Every foreign company doing business in the
Commissioner shall forthwith direct the company to make good
Philippines shall set aside an amount corresponding to the
any such deficiency by cash, to be contributed by all
legal reserves of the policies written in the Philippines and
stockholders of record in proportion to their respective
invest and keep the same therein in accordance with the
interests, and paid to the treasurer of the company, within
provisions of this section. The legal reserve therein required to
fifteen (15) days from receipt of the order:Provided, That the
be set aside shall be invested only in the classes of Philippine
company in the interim shall not be permitted to take any new
securities described in Section 206:Provided, however, That no
risk of any kind or character unless and until it make good any
investment in stocks or bonds of any single entity shall, in the
such deficiency: Provided; further, That a stockholder who
aggregate exceed twenty percent (20%) of the net worth of
aside from paying the contribution due from him, pays the
the investing company or twenty percent (20%) of the capital
contribution due from another stockholder by reason of the
of the issuing company, whichever is the lesser, unless
failure or refusal of the latter to do so, shall have a lien on the
otherwise approved in writing by the Commissioner. The
certificates of stock of the insurance company concerned
securities purchased and kept in the Philippines under this
appearing in its books in the name of the defaulting
section, shall not be sent out of the territorial jurisdiction of
stockholder on the date of default, as well as on any interests
the Philippines without the written consent of the
or dividends that have accrued or will accrue to the said
certificates of stock, until the corresponding payment or
reimbursement is made by the defaulting stockholder.
The power of the state to regulate insurance business
Because this particular industry or sector is vested with public “SEC. 201. No domestic insurance corporation shall declare or
interest. The state has the power to regulate the insurance distribute any dividend on its outstanding stocks unless it has
business and which entails the exercise of police power. met the minimum paid-up capital and net worth requirements
Generally recognized that the business of insurance is one under Section 194 and except from profits attested in a sworn
statement to the Commissioner by the president or treasurer “(a) Cash in the possession of the insurance company or in
of the corporation to be remaining on hand after retaining transit under its control, and the true and duly verified balance
of any deposit of such company in a financially sound bank or
trust company duly authorized by the Bangko Sentral ng
“(a) The entire paid-up capital stock;
suspended banking institution, to the extent deemed by the “(g) The amount, if any, by which the aggregate value of
Commissioner to be available for the payment of losses and investments as carried in the ledger assets of such insurance
claims and values to be determined by him. company exceeds the aggregate value thereof as determined
in accordance with the provisions of this Code and/or the rules
“(i) Electronic data processing machines, as may be authorized of the Commissioner.
by the Commissioner to be acquired by the insurance company
concerned, the acquisition cost of which to be amortized in “All non-admitted assets and all other assets of doubtful value
equal annual amounts within a period of five (5) years from or character included as ledger or non-ledger assets in any
the date of acquisition thereof. statement submitted by an insurance company to the
Commissioner, or in any insurance examiner’s report to him,
“(j) Investments in mutual funds, real estate investment trusts, shall also be reported, to the extent of the value disallowed as
salary loans, unit investment trust funds and special deposit deductions from the gross assets of such insurance company,
accounts, subject to the conditions as may be provided for by except where the Commissioner permits a reserve to be
the Commissioner. carried among the liabilities of such insurance company in lieu
of any such deduction.
“(k) Other assets, not inconsistent with the provisions of
paragraphs (a) to (j) hereof, which are deemed by the Those are the assets of the corporation.
Commissioner to be readily realizable and available for the
payment of losses and claims at values to be determined by Treatment of premium receivables
him in a circular, rule or regulation. We’re looking at an endowment plan of 20 years. The premium
receivables under this endowment plans are treated in the
“SEC. 203. In addition to such assets as the Commissioner may books of the corporation as assets.
from time to time determine to be non-admitted assets of
insurance companies doing business in the Philippines, the TITLE 4
following assets shall in no case be allowed as admitted assets INVESTMENTS
of an insurance company doing business in the Philippines, in
any determination of its financial condition: “SEC. 204. A life insurance company may lend to any of its
policyholders upon the security of the value of its policy such
“(a) Goodwill, trade names, and other like intangible assets. sum as may be determined pursuant to the provisions of the
“(b) Prepaid or deferred charges for expenses and
commissions paid by such insurance company. “No insurance company shall loan any of its money or deposits
to any person, corporation or association, except upon the
“(c) Advances to officers (other than policy loans), which are security of any of the following:
not adequately secured and which are not previously
authorized by the Commissioner, as well as advances to “(a) First mortgage or deeds of trust of registered,
employees, agents, and other persons on mere personal unencumbered, improved or unimproved real estate, including
security. condominiums;
“(d) Shares of stock of such insurance company, owned by it, “(b) First mortgages or deeds of trust of actually cultivated,
or any equity therein as well as loans secured thereby, or any improved and unencumbered agricultural lands in the
proportionate interest in such shares of stock through the Philippines;
ownership by such insurance company of an interest in
another corporation or business unit. “(c) Purchase money mortgages, lease purchase agreements
or similar securities executed or received by it on account of
“(e) Furniture, furnishing, fixtures, safes, equipment, library, the sale or exchange of real property acquired pursuant to
stationery, literature, and supplies. Sections 206 and 208;
“(f) Items of bank credits representing checks, drafts or notes “(d) Bonds or other instruments of indebtedness issued or
returned unpaid after the date of statement. guaranteed by the Government of the Philippines or its political
subdivisions authorized by law to incur such obligations or
issue such guarantees or of government-owned or -controlled the lease shall not, however, precede the maturity of the loan.
corporations and instrumentalities including the Bangko Sentral The phrase ‘improved real estate’ as used herein shall mean
ng Pilipinas; or land with permanent building or buildings erected thereon;
“(e) Obligations issued or guaranteed by universal banks, “(3) Lease-agreements or similar securities received on the
commercial banks, offshore banking units, investment houses sale of real estate property shall not exceed one hundred
or other financial intermediaries duly registered with the percent (100%) of the selling price of said property, or one
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas; or hundred percent (100%) of its market value at the time of its
disposition, whichever amount is lower. However, in no case
“(f) Obligations issued or guaranteed by foreign banks or shall such agreement have a maturity period not exceeding
corporations, each of which shall have total net worth of at thirty (30) years;
least One hundred fifty million US dollars ($US150,000,000.00)
or such other higher net worth as may be prescribed by the “(4) Loans secured by shares of stock of solvent corporations
Insurance Commission, as shown in their financial statements or institutions shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of:
as of the immediately preceding fiscal year; or
“(i) The weighted average market price for the one hundred
“(g) Assignments of monetary instruments such as cash eighty (180) days preceding the approval of the loan for shares
deposits, deposit certificates or other similar instruments of listed in the stock exchange; and
universal banks, commercial banks, investment houses or
other financial intermediaries duly registered with the Bangko “(ii) For unlisted shares, the adjusted book value of such
Sentral ng Pilipinas; or shares.
“(h) Pledges of shares of stock, bonds or other instruments of “(5) Loans secured by the chattel mortgages over equipment
indebtedness specified in Section 209; or shall not exceed seventy percent (70%) of the market value of
said equipment.
“(i) Chattel mortgages over equipment not more than three (3)
years old; and A life insurance company may lend to any of its
policyholders upon the security of the value of its
“(j) Such other security as may be approved by the policy such sum as may be determined pursuant to
Commissioner. the provisions of the policy.
“The loans provided in the preceding subsection shall be Every policy holder may borrow on the basis of the policy that
subject to the following conditions: he holds from the insurance company. When you talk of
borrow that means there is also a corresponding interest levied
“(1) The amount of loan secured by real estate mortgage over on your loan.
a non-agricultural land shall not exceed seventy percent (70%) It could be that you borrowed money from your policy, by the
of its appraised value, and in the case of a loan secured by a time you’re dead and your beneficiaries are looking forward to
real estate mortgage over an agricultural land, the amount of getting the proceeds, the insurance company will try to have
loan shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of its market the loan amount paid first before they gave the rest to your
value: Provided, That, in no case shall such loan have a beneficiaries. Payment of your loan would be taken out of the
maturity period in excess of twenty-five (25) years; proceeds of the insurance policy before they are turn over to
your beneficiaries.
“(2) Unless approved by the Commissioner, no loan may be
granted upon the security of a mortgage on improved real What are these investments that are allowed under the law?
estate if the improvements thereon do not belong to the owner Just go over that.
of the land, and the owner of the improvements does not sign
the deed of mortgage. However, if the owner of the land is the “SEC. 205. No loan by any insurance company on the security
Government of the Philippines or any of its political of real estate shall be made unless the title to such real estate
subdivisions and a long-term lease has been executed in favor shall have first been registered in accordance with the existing
of the owner of the improvements, the owner of the land need Land Registration Act, or shall have been previously registered
not be a party to the deed of mortgage. The expiration date of under the provisions of the existing Mortgage Law and the lien
or interest of the insurance company as mortgagee has been (25%) of the total admitted assets of such insurer as of
registered. December thirty-first next preceding the date of such
“SEC. 206. (a) An insurance company may purchase, hold,
own and convey such property, real and personal, as may have “As used in this subsection the term net earnings available for
been mortgaged, pledged, or conveyed to it in good faith in fixed charges shall mean net income after deducting operating
trust for its benefit by reason of money loaned by it in and maintenance expenses, taxes other than income taxes,
pursuance of the regular business of the company, and such depreciation and depletion; but excluding extraordinary
real or personal property as may have been purchased by it at nonrecurring items of income or expense appearing in the
sales under pledges, mortgages or deeds of trust for its benefit regular financial statement of the issuing, assuming or
on account of money loaned by it; and such real and personal guaranteeing institution. The termfixed charges shall include
property as may have been conveyed to it by borrowers in interest on funded and unfunded debt, amortization of debt
satisfaction and discharge of loans made by the company in discount, and rentals for leased properties.
payment or by reason of any loan made by the company in
payment or by reason of any loan made by it shall be sold by “(5) Preferred or guaranteed stocks of any solvent corporation
the company within twenty (20) years after the title thereto or institution created or existing under the laws of the
has been vested in it. Philippines:Provided, That if the stocks are guaranteed, the
amount of stocks so guaranteed is not in excess of fifty
“(b) An insurance company may purchase, hold, and own the percent (50%) of the amount of the preferred or common
following: stocks, as the case may be, of the guaranteeing
corporation: Provided, finally, That no life insurance company
“(1) Real properties which serve as its main place of business shall invest in or loan upon obligations of any one institution in
and/or branch offices: Provided, That such investment shall the kinds permitted under this subsection an amount in excess
not in the overall exceed twenty percent (20%) of its net of ten percent (10%) of the total admitted assets of such
worth as shown by its latest financial statement approved by insurer as of December thirty-first next preceding the date of
the Commissioner. such investment.
“(2) Bonds or other instruments of indebtedness of the “(6) Common stocks of any solvent corporation or institution
Government of the Philippines or its political subdivisions created or existing under the laws of the Philippines: Provided,
authorized by law to issue bonds at the reasonable market however, That no life insurance company shall invest in or loan
value thereof. upon the obligations of any one corporation or institution in
the kinds permitted under this subsection an amount in excess
“(3) Bonds or other instruments of debt of government-owned of ten percent (10%) of the total admitted assets of such
or -controlled corporations and entities, including the Bangko insurer as of December thirty-first next preceding the date of
Sentral ng Pilipinas. such investment.
“(4) Bonds, debentures or other instruments of indebtedness “(7) Securities issued by a registered enterprise, as this term is
of any solvent corporation or institution created or existing defined in Executive Order No. 226, otherwise known as the
under the laws of the Philippines: Provided, however, That the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987, as amended: Provided,
issuing, assuming or guaranteeing entity or its predecessors That the total investment of a domestic non-life insurance
shall not have defaulted in the payment of interest on any of company in any registered enterprise shall not exceed twenty
its securities and that during each of any three (3) including percent (20%) of the net worth of said insurance company as
the last two (2) of the five (5) fiscal years next preceding the shown by its aforesaid financial statement unless previously
date of acquisition by such insurance company of such bonds, authorized by the Commissioner.
debentures, or other instruments of indebtedness, the net
earnings of the issuing, assuming or guaranteeing institution “(8) Certificates, notes and other obligations issued by the
available for its fixed charges, as hereinafter defined, shall trustees or receivers of any institution created or existing
have been not less than one and one-quarter (1¼) times the under the laws of the Philippines which, or the assets of which,
total of its fixed charges for such year: Provided, further, That are being administered under the direction of any court having
no life insurance company shall invest in or loan upon the jurisdiction:Provided, however, That such certificates, notes or
obligations of any one institution in the kinds permitted under other obligations are adequately secured as to principal and
this subsection an amount in excess of twenty-five percent interests.
“(9) Equipment trust obligations or certificates which are acquired and any improvements thereon. The aggregate book
adequately secured or other adequately secured instruments value of the investments of any such company in all such
evidencing an interest in equipment wholly or in part within projects shall not exceed at the time of such investments
the Philippines: Provided, however, That there is a right to twenty-five percent (25%) of the total admitted assets of such
receive determined portions of rental, purchase or other fixed company on the thirty-first day of December next
obligatory payments for the use or purchase of such preceding: Provided, That the funds of the company for the
equipment. payment of pending claims and obligations shall not be used
for such investments.
“(10) Any obligation of any corporation or institution created or
existing under the laws of the Philippines which is, on the date “(b) Acquire real property, other than property to be used
of acquisition by the insurer, adequately secured and has primarily for providing housing and property for
qualities and characteristics wherein the speculative elements accommodation of its own business, as an investment for the
are not predominant. production of income, or may acquire real property to be
improved or developed for such investment purpose pursuant
“(11) Such other securities as may be approved by the to a program therefor, subject to the condition that the cost of
Commissioner. each parcel of real property so acquired under the authority of
this paragraph (b), including the estimated cost to the
company of the improvement or development thereof, when
“(c) Any domestic insurer which has outstanding insurance,
added to the book value of all other real property held by it
annuity or reinsurance contracts in currencies other than the
pursuant to this paragraph (b), shall not exceed twenty-five
national currency of the Philippines may invest in, or otherwise
percent (25%) of its admitted assets as of the thirty-first day
acquire or loan upon securities and investments in such
of December next preceding.
currency which are substantially of the same kinds, classes and
investment grades as those eligible for investment under the
foregoing subdivisions of this section; but the aggregate “SEC. 209. Every domestic insurance company shall, to the
amount of such investments and of such cash in such currency extent of an amount equal in value to twenty-five percent
which is at any time held by such insurer shall not exceed one (25%) of the minimum net worth required under Section 194,
and one-half (1½) times the amount of its reserves and other invest its funds only in securities, satisfactory to the
obligations under such contracts or the amount which such Commissioner, consisting of bonds or other instruments of
insurer is required by the law of any country or possession debt of the Government of the Philippines or its political
outside the Republic of the Philippines to be invested in such subdivisions or instrumentalities, or of government-owned or -
country or possession, whichever shall be greater. controlled corporations and entities, including the Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas: Provided, That such investments shall at
all times be maintained free from any lien or
“SEC. 207. An insurance company may:
encumbrance: Provided, further, That such securities shall be
deposited with and held by the Commissioner for the faithful
“(1) Invest in equities of other financial institutions; and
performance by the depositing insurer of all its obligations
under its insurance contracts. The provisions of Section 198
“(2) Engage in the buying and selling of long-term debt
shall, so far as practicable, apply to the securities deposited
instruments: Provided, That any or all of such investments
under this section.
shall be with the prior approval of the Commissioner.
Insurance companies may, however, invest in listed equities of
“Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no judgment
other financial institutions without need of prior approval by
creditor or other claimant shall have the right to levy upon any
the Commissioner.
of the securities of the insurer held on deposit under this
section or held on deposit pursuant to the requirement of the
“SEC. 208. Any life insurance company may:
“(3) Stocks of a corporation under the control of the insurer “(2) Such other value determined pursuant to standards and
shall be valued using the equity method which is the cost plus cumulative limitations, contained in a regulation to be
or minus the share of the controlling company in the earnings promulgated by the Commissioner.
or losses of the controlled company after acquisition of such
stocks. “(h) Notwithstanding any provision contained in this section or
elsewhere in this chapter, if the Commissioner finds that the
“(d) The stock of an insurance company shall be valued at the interests of policyholders so permit or require, he may permit
lesser of its market value or its book value as shown by its last or require any class or classes of insurers authorized to do
approved audited financial statement or the last report on business in this country to value their investments or any class
examination, whichever is more recent. The book value of a or classes thereof as of any date heretofore or hereafter in
share of common stock of an insurance company shall be accordance with any applicable valuation or method.
ascertained by dividing (1) the amount of its capital and
surplus less the value of all of its preferred stock, if any, “SEC. 215. It shall be the duty of the officers of the insurance
outstanding, by (2) the number of shares of its common stock company to report within the first fifteen (15) days of every
issued and outstanding. month all such investments as may be made by them during
the preceding month, and the Commissioner may, if such
“Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, an insurer may, at investments or any of them seem injudicious to him, require
its option, value its holdings of stock in a subsidiary insurance the sale or disposal of the same. The report shall also include a
company in an amount not less than acquisition cost if such list of investments sold or disposed of by the company during
acquisition cost is less than the value determined as the same period.
hereinbefore provided.
“(e) Real estate acquired by foreclosure or by deed in lieu RESERVES
thereof, in the absence of a recent appraisal deemed by the
Commissioner to be reliable, shall not be valued at an amount
“SEC. 216. Every life insurance company, doing business in
greater than the unpaid principal of the defaulted loan at the
the Philippines, shall annually make a valuation of all policies,
date of such foreclosure or deed, together with any taxes and additions thereto, unpaid dividends, and all other obligations
expenses paid or incurred by such insurer at such time in outstanding on the thirty-first day of December of the
connection with such acquisition, and the cost of additions or preceding year. All such valuations shall be made according to
improvements thereafter paid by such insurer and any amount the standard adopted by the company, as prescribed by the
or amounts thereafter paid by such insurer or any assessments Commissioner in accordance with internationally accepted
levied for improvements in connection with the property. actuarial standards, which standard shall be stated in its
annual report.
What are reserves in general?
“SEC. 232. No policy, certificate or contract of insurance shall
The term “reserve” or “reserves” in the law of be issued or delivered within the Philippines unless in the form
insurance means a sum of money variously computed previously approved by the Commissioner, and no application
or estimated, which, with accretions from interest, is form shall be used with, and no rider, clause, warranty or
set aside, “reserved,” as a fund with which to mature endorsement shall be attached to, printed or stamped upon
or liquidate either by payment or reinsurance with such policy, certificate or contract unless the form of such
other companies, future unaccrued and contingent application, rider, clause, warranty or endorsement has been
claims and claims accrued but contingent and approved by the Commissioner.
indefinite as to amount or time of payment.
The forms of the insurance companies are all pre-approved by amount payable under the policy shall be such as the premium
the insurance commissioner. So Standardization of insurance would have purchased at the correct age;
contracts, why do they do that? So that everybody is at a level
playing field. No confusion, no vague provisions will be allowed “(e) If the policy is participating, a provision that the company
there. The state comes in thru the insurance commissioner. shall periodically ascertain and apportion any divisible surplus
accruing on the policy under conditions specified therein;
Forms of policies
Every insurance company doing business in the Philippines is, “(f) A provision specifying the options to which the policyholder
therefore, required to submit first to the Insurance is entitled to in the event of default in a premium payment
Commissioner for approval the policy, certificate or contract of after three (3) full annual premiums shall have been paid. Such
insurance from which it intends to issue in the Philippines, as option shall consist of:
well as the application, rider, clause, warranty, or endorsement
form which will be used with, attached to, or printed or
“(1) A cash surrender value payable upon surrender of the
stamped upon, such policy, certificate or contract of insurance
policy which shall not be less than the reserve on the policy,
the basis of which shall be indicated, for the then current
policy year and any dividend additions thereto, reduced by a
“SEC. 233. In the case of individual life or endowment surrender charge which shall not be more than one-fifth (1/5)
insurance, the policy shall contain in substance the following of the entire reserve or two and one-half percent (2½%) of
conditions: the amount insured and any dividend additions thereto; and
“(a) A provision that the policyholder is entitled to a grace “(2) One or more paid-up benefits on a plan or plans specified
period either of thirty (30) days or of one (1) month within in the policy of such value as may be purchased by the cash
which the payment of any premium after the first may be surrender value.
made, subject at the option of the insurer to an interest charge
not in excess of six percent (6%) per annum for the number of “(g) A provision that at any time after a cash surrender value is
days of grace elapsing before the payment of the premium, available under the policy and while the policy is in force, the
during which period of grace the policy shall continue in full company will advance, on proper assignment or pledge of the
force, but in case the policy becomes a claim during the said policy and on sole security thereof, a sum equal to, or at the
period of grace before the overdue premium is paid, the option of the owner of the policy, less than the cash surrender
amount of such premium with interest may be deducted from value on the policy, at a specified rate of interest, not more
the amount payable under the policy in settlement; than the maximum allowed by law, to be determined by the
company from time to time, but not more often than once a
“(b) A provision that the policy shall be incontestable after it year, subject to the approval of the Commissioner; and that
shall have been in force during the lifetime of the insured for a the company will deduct from such loan value any existing
period of two (2) years from its date of issue as shown in the indebtedness on the policy and any unpaid balance of the
policy, or date of approval of last reinstatement, except for premium for the current policy year, and may collect interest in
nonpayment of premium and except for violation of the advance on the loan to the end of the current policy year,
conditions of the policy relating to military or naval service in which provision may further provide that such loan may be
time of war; deferred for not exceeding six (6) months after the application
therefor is made;
“(c) A provision that the policy shall constitute the entire
contract between the parties, but if the company desires to “(h) A table showing in figures cash surrender values and paid-
make the application a part of the contract it may do so up options available under the policy each year upon default in
provided a copy of such application shall be indorsed upon or premium payments, during at least twenty (20) years of the
attached to the policy when issued, and in such case the policy policy beginning with the year in which the values and options
shall contain a provision that the policy and the application first become available, together with a provision that in the
therefor shall constitute the entire contract between the event of the failure of the policyholder to elect one of the said
parties; options within the time specified in the policy, one of said
options shall automatically take effect and no policyholder shall
“(d) A provision that if the age of the insured is considered in ever forfeit his right to same by reason of his failure to so
determining the premium and the benefits accruing under the elect;
policy, and the age of the insured has been misstated, the
“(i) In case the proceeds of a policy are payable in installments again. Cash surrender value is the amount that the insured, in
or as an annuity, a table showing the minimum amounts of the case of default, after the payment of at least 3 full annual
installments or annuity payments; premiums, is entitled to receive if he surrenders the policy and
releases his claims upon it. What are the options that are
“(j) A provision that the policyholder shall be entitled to have available to the insured who is giving up on his insurance
the policy reinstated at any time within three (3) years from policy after 3 full annual payments? So there is the:
the date of default of premium payment unless the cash
surrender value has been duly paid, or the extension period (1) A cash surrender value payable upon surrender
has expired, upon production of evidence of insurability of the policy
satisfactory to the company and upon payment of all overdue (2) One or more paid-up benefits on a plan or plans
premiums and any indebtedness to the company upon said specified in the policy of such value as may be
policy, with interest rate not exceeding that which would have purchased by the cash surrender value.
been applicable to said premiums and indebtedness in the
policy years prior to reinstatement. Dividends are also indicated. How dividends are going to be
distributed. What are the policies that have dividends? Is it an
“Any of the foregoing provisions or portions thereof not income generating policy? So that is under forms.
applicable to single premium or term policies shall to that
extent not be incorporated therein; and any such policy may There is a case where the court is to decide if the insurance
be issued and delivered in the Philippines which in the opinion company also lends -The Insurance Company is also a lender.
of the Commissioner contains provisions on any one or more of But the lending is actually to the policy holder. The question
the foregoing requirements more favorable to the policyholder that came out before the SC is whether or not the lender’s tax
than hereinbefore required. under the internal revenue code is applicable to life insurance
policies or to insurance policies. The court said that they are
“This section shall not apply to policies of group life or not to be regarded as engaged in the lending business.
industrial life insurance. Because lending investors do not become liable for any loss or
damage of the insured and for which they are to compensate
“(f) A provision specifying the options to which the the insured. In other words, the lending business of the
policyholder is entitled to in the event of default in a premium insurance company only is an attribute of their business
payment after three (3) full annual premiums shall have been therein. But the lending investors are different from an
insurance company in the sense that an insurance company
paid. Such option shall consist of:
also undertakes the duty to compensate the insured in case of
loss or damage. In life insurance policy upon the death of the
“(1) A cash surrender value payable upon surrender of the
insured, the insurance company will have to pay out the
policy which shall not be less than the reserve on the policy,
proceeds of the life insurance policy to the beneficiaries.
the basis of which shall be indicated, for the then current
policy year and any dividend additions thereto, reduced by a
Protection functions of Life Insurance, we know that.
surrender charge which shall not be more than one-fifth (1/5)
1. Pooling of Risk
of the entire reserve or two and one-half percent (2½%) of
All insurance is a matter of pooling, of group-sharing
the amount insured and any dividend additions thereto; and
of losses.
2. Prediction of number of death claims
“(2) One or more paid-up benefits on a plan or plans specified
In addition to the pooling principle, life insurance
in the policy of such value as may be purchased by the cash
relies on the ability of the insurer to predict with
surrender value.
reasonable accuracy the number of death claims it
can expect to have in a given year.
So there is a Grace period of 30 days
“…the policyholder is entitled to a grace period either You go to cash surrender value, we already discuss this very
of thirty (30) days or of one (1) month within which briefly but I want you to take a look at The Nature of the cash
the payment of any premium after the first may be surrender value
Nature of Cash Surrender Value
It is available to the insured – grace period. That is true to all The cash surrender value arises from the fact that the fixed
life insurance policies. There is also the cash surrender value annual premium is much in excess of the annual risk during
the earlier years of the policy, an excess made necessary in “(b) The term variable contract shall mean any policy or
order to balance the deficiency of the same premium to meet contract on either a group or on an individual basis issued by
the annual risk during the latter years of the policy. an insurance company providing for benefits or other
1. This excess of the premium paid over the annual contractual payments or values thereunder to vary so as to
cost of insurance, with accumulations of interest, reflect investment results of any segregated portfolio of
constitutes the surrender value. investments or of a designated separate account in which
2. Though this excess of premiums paid is legally amounts received in connection with such contracts shall have
the sole property of the company, still, in been placed and accounted for separately and apart from
practical effect, though not in law, it is the other investments and accounts. This contract may also
money of the assured deposited with the provide benefits or values incidental thereto payable in fixed or
company in advance to make up the deficiency in variable amounts, or both. It shall not be deemed to be a
later premiums to cover the annual cost of security or securities as defined in The Securities Act, as
insurance, instead of being retained by the amended, or in the Investment Company Act, as amended, nor
assured and paid by him to the company in the subject to regulations under said Acts.
shape of greatly-increased premiums, when the
risk is greatest. “(c) In determining the qualifications of a company requesting
3. It is the net reserve required by law to be kept authority to issue, deliver, sell or use variable contracts, the
by the company for the benefit of the assured Commissioner shall always consider the following:
and to be maintained to the credit off the policy.
4. So long as the policy remains in force, the “(1) The history, financial and general condition of the
company has practically no beneficial interest in company: Provided, That such company, if a foreign company,
it except as its custodian, with the obligation to must have deposited with the Commissioner for the benefit
maintain it unimpaired and suitably invested for and security of its variable contract owners in the Philippines,
the benefit of the insured. This is the practical, securities satisfactory to the Commissioner consisting of bonds
though not the legal, relation of the company to of the Government of the Philippines or its instrumentalities
this fund. with an actual market value of Two million pesos
These features of the insurance policy must appear in the
policy forms that are preapproved by the insurance company.
“(2) The character, responsibility and fitness of the officers and
If you get a life insurance policy from the insurance company,
directors of the company; and
99% of the time, most of the time the provisions, terms and
conditions are similar to the other insurance companies for the
“(3) The law and regulation under which the company is
same kind of policy. There may be additional provisions but
authorized in the state of domicile to issue such contracts.
these are provisions that are not considered basic under the
insurance policy. These are provisions that the insured as well
“(d) If after notice and hearing, the Commissioner shall find
as the insurer have to agree upon.
that the company is qualified to issue, deliver, sell or use
variable contracts in accordance with this Code and the
regulations and rules issued thereunder, the corresponding
order of authorization shall be issued. Any decision or order
denying authority to issue, deliver, sell or use variable
“SEC. 238. (a) No insurance company authorized to transact
contracts shall clearly and distinctly state the reasons and
business in the Philippines shall issue, deliver, sell or use any
grounds on which it is based.
variable contract in the Philippines, unless and until such
company shall have satisfied the Commissioner that its
financial and general condition and its methods of operations, What are variable contracts?
including the issue and sale of variable contracts, are not and variable contract shall mean any policy or contract
will not be hazardous to the public or to its policy and contract on either a group or on an individual basis issued by
owners. No foreign insurance company shall be authorized to an insurance company providing for benefits or other
issue, deliver or sell any variable contract in the Philippines, contractual payments or values thereunder to vary so
unless it is likewise authorized to do so by the laws of its as to reflect investment results of any segregated
domicile. portfolio of investments or of a designated separate
What are variable contracts? account in which amounts received in connection with
such contracts shall have been placed and accounted
for separately and apart from other investments and Let’s go to the different acts:
(1) Knowingly misrepresenting to claimants pertinent
You look at the Business pages of newspapers. You find there facts or policy provisions relating to coverage at issue;
a little box where they will say variable, some sort of an Index
on how the business are performing. (2) Failing to acknowledge with reasonable
promptness pertinent communications with respect to
claims arising under its policies;
A variable contract is simply a contract that has a life insurance
portion and an investment portion. What really _ here is that
Ma’am: Inuupuan lang yung claim mo sa insurance policy.
investment portion. That is the portion of the money that you
paid into the policy that fluctuates depending on the business
(3) Failing to adopt and implement reasonable
environment(/). It’s like depositing money and making your
standards for the prompt investigation of claims arising
money earn. It’s like banking with the insurance company. under its policies;
A portion of the premium is really fixed, that is the life Ma’am: Sometimes, the insurance company failed to refer the
insurance aspect of your policy. A portion of that is variable. matter to an insurance adjuster. Insurance adjuster is a third
That means that you paid, probably let’s say on the first year party who will investigate the veracity or truthfulness of your
you have a lot money, you paid 30k. Then the following year claim. He has also expertise to ascertain the value of the loss
you pay again 30k. These payments will earn depending on or the damage.
the fluctuations of the stock market, equity market, bonds
market, wherever your investments are placed by the (4) Not attempting in good faith to effectuate prompt,
fair and equitable settlement of claims submitted in
insurance company. In other words, the insurance company is
which liability has become reasonably clear; or
actually dabbing on investments, putting your funds into
investments they believe will earn you income, to generate
Ma’am: There is criteria of good faith and that the liability is
income for you.
clear. Parang simple lang, pinapahirapan pa nya.
The ultimate penalty that may be imposed by the Office of the duty to settle the claim at all costs, there is an implied duty on
Insurance Commissioner or the court for the violation of this his part to give due consideration to the interest of the insured
section is the revocation of the certificate of authority. in its exercise of the option to reject a compromise settlement
and proceed with litigation.
Claims settlement is the indemnification of the loss suffered by
the insured. The claimant may be the insured or reinsured, the
insurer who is entitled to subrogation, or a third party who has SEC. 248. The proceeds of a life insurance policy shall be paid
a claim against the insured. immediately upon maturity of the policy, unless such proceeds
are made payable in installments or as an annuity, in which
Cases: case the installments, or annuities shall be paid as they
become due:Provided, however, That in the case of a policy
Facts: On its way to Baguio, a spark coming from the maturing by the death of the insured, the proceeds thereof
generator caught a fuel line, causing fire inside engine of D's shall be paid within sixty (60) days after presentation of the
vehicle which is covered by a comprehensive motor policy. R claim and filing of the proof of death of the insured. Refusal or
(insurer) contended that there was violation of the "Authorized failure to pay the claim within the time prescribed herein will
Repair Limit Clause." entitle the beneficiary to collect interest on the proceeds of the
policy for the duration of the delay at the rate of twice the
It appeared that notice of the accident was sent to R without ceiling prescribed by the Monetary Board, unless such failure
the latter taking any action thus compelling D to have the or refusal to pay is based on the ground that the claim is
vehicle towed to Manila and repaired. fraudulent.
Art. 390. After an absence of seven years, it being unknown Section 249 refers to insurance policies other than life. The
whether or not the absentee still lives, he shall be presumed proceeds shall be paid within thirty (30) days after receipt by
dead for all purposes, except for those of succession. the insurer of proof of loss, and ascertainment of the loss or
damage by agreement of the parties or by arbitration but not
later than ninety (90) days from such receipt of proof of loss
The absentee shall not be presumed dead for the purpose of
whether or not ascertainment is had or made.
opening his succession till after an absence of ten years. If he
disappeared after the age of seventy-five years, an absence of
The fire insurance contract imposes definite obligations upon
five years shall be sufficient in order that his succession may
the insured immediately upon the occurrence of a loss.
be opened. (n)
(a) Two of these, the requirement of the notice of loss
Art. 391. The following shall be presumed dead for all and obligation to file a proof of loss, are conditions
purposes, including the division of the estate among the heirs: with which the insured must comply before there is
any liability on the part of the insurer,
(1) A person on board a vessel lost during a sea (b) Furthermore, after a fire, the insured is required to
voyage, or an aeroplane which is missing, who has do everything reasonable to prevent further damage
not been heard of for four years since the loss of the to the property insured. An insured who fails to
vessel or aeroplane; protect his property adequately from further loss after
the fire, cannot collect for the additional loss thus
(2) A person in the armed forces who has taken part occasioned.
in war, and has been missing for four years;
The fire insurance contract usually provides for two options of
settlement by the insurer: the payment of damages for the
(3) A person who has been in danger of death under loss; or the restoration of the subject matter of the insurance
other circumstances and his existence has not been to its former condition.
known for four years.
If the insurer elects to rebuild, the amount of damage
Art. 392. If the absentee appears, or without appearing his recoverable for a breach is not thereafter limited to the
existence is proved, he shall recover his property in the amount of insurance. The option to repair or replace involves
condition in which it may be found, and the price of any the insurer in the business of building construction and it is
property that may have been alienated or the property very uncommon to exercise the option. When at all possible,
acquired therewith; but he cannot claim either fruits or rents. insurers prefer to settle all losses by a cash payment.
So if a judgment is rendered by the court declaring the insured Sufficiency of proof of loss
presumably death, then that can be presented as proof to the
insurer in support of the beneficiary’s claim. While the insurer, and the Insurance Commissioner for that
matter, have the right to reject proofs of loss if they are
The sixty- period is crucial in the sense that if it is not complied unsatisfactory, they may not set up for themselves an arbitrary
with by the insurer, then that would be considered as unfair standard of satisfaction. Substantial compliance with the
claim settlement practice. requirements will always be deemed sufficient.
Sec. 249. The amount of any loss or damage for which an Where the insured's proof of loss is based on the report of
insurer may be liable, under any policy other than life insurer's adjuster which the insurer itself introduced in
insurance policy, shall be paid within thirty days after proof of evidence, the report should be given weight and credence as it
loss is received by the insurer and ascertainment of the loss or could very well be considered as an admission of its liability up
to the amount recommended. (Noda vs. Cruz-Amaldo, 151 insurer as subrogee necessarily is subject to like limitations
SCRA 227 [1987].) and restrictions.
Under policies, particularly against fire, which contain a This is the exception – the rule does not apply where it would
provision to the effect that all benefits under the policy shall be be unfair and equitable to limit the liability of the wrongdoer to
forfeited if the claim for loss be in any respect fraudulent, or if the amount stipulated between him and the insured. This
any false declaration be made by the insured or his agent to applies, class, in cases of liability insurance.
obtain any benefit under the policy, a serious discrepancy
between the actual loss and that claimed in the proof of loss, I want you to read the case of Cebu Shipyard and
shall avoid it. Engineering Works, Inc. vs. William Lines, Inc.
Who has the burden of proving fraud? Let’s proceed to liability of insurer to pay damages and
The burden of proving fraud rests on the insurer.
SEC. 250. In case of any litigation for the enforcement of any
Reference to arbitration policy or contract of insurance, it shall be the duty of the
Commissioner or the Court, as the case may be, to make a
Sometimes the insurance policy will stipulate that in the event finding as to whether the payment of the claim of the insured
of a loss, unless the company should deny liability, as a has been unreasonably denied or withheld; and in the
condition precedent to bringing an action on the policy by the affirmative case, the insurance company shall be adjudged to
insured, the latter should first submit to an arbitration is one pay damages which shall consist of attorney’s fees and other
valid at law and unless it be first complied with, no action can expenses incurred by the insured person by reason of such
be brought. But, if in the course of the settlement of the loss, unreasonable denial or withholding of payment plus interest of
the company should in any case refuse to pay, it will be twice the ceiling prescribed by the Monetary Board of the
deemed to have waived the condition precedent with reference amount of the claim due the insured, from the date following
to arbitration, and suit upon the policy will lie. the time prescribed in Section 248 or in Section 249, as the
case may be, until the claim is fully satisfied: Provided, That
Where there is an agreement to arbitrate and one party puts failure to pay any such claim within the time prescribed in said
up a claim which the other disputes, the need to arbitrate is sections shall be considered prima facie evidence of
imperative. unreasonable delay in payment.
Now in the course of the arbitration proceeding, there is Finding of unreasonable delay
hearing. After hearing, a decision was rendered in favor of the Under Sections 248, 249, and 250, the Commissioner or the
insured and despite that the insurance company still refused to Court must still make a finding that the payment of the claim.
pay. Then the insured can file a judicial action before the court That should be part of the judgment of the Insurance
to enforce the payment. Commissioner or as the case may be.
So what are the types of damages that may be Conflicting resolutions of trial court and Commission
Aside from the revocation or suspension of license, the
It is clear that under Section 250, in case of unreasonable Insurance Commissioner also has the discretion to impose
delay in the payment of the proceeds of an insurance policy, upon the erring insurance companies and its directors, officers
the damages that may be awarded are: and agents, fines and penalties, as set out in Section 438. So,
the Director could also be liable.
1. Attorney’s fees;
2. Other expenses incurred by the insured person by The finding of the trial court will not necessarily foreclose the
reason of such unreasonable denial or withholding of administrative case before the Commission, or vice versa. So
payment; there is a possibility that you have a case before the insurance
3. Interest at twice the ceiling prescribed by the commissioner and you also have a case pending in court. True,
Monetary Board of the amount of the claim due the the parties are the same, and both actions are predicated on
insured; and the same set of facts, and will require identical evidence. But
4. The amount of the claim. the issues to be resolved, the quantum of evidence, the
procedure to be followed, and the reliefs to be adjudged by directly but to the client. This is really an agreement between
these two bodies are different. That’s where the fault arise --- the lawyer and the client as to how his attorney’s fees be paid.
Civil Case Administrative In a case, the petitioner contends that while the complaint of
Case the insured prayed for P10,000 moral damages, the lower
Degree of proof Preponderance of Substantial court awarded twice the amount without factual or legal basis;
required evidence, or simply evidence, or that while private respondent prayed for P5,000 exemplary
put, such evidence amount of relevant damages, the trial court awarded P20,000; and while private
that is of greater evidence that a respondent prayed for P3,000 attorney’s fees, the trail court
weight, or more reasonable mind awarded P5,000.
convincing than might accept as
that which is adequate to justify In one case the propriety of the award of moral damages,
offered in the conclusion. exemplary damages and attorney’s fees was raised as an
opposition to it. issue. What did the court say?
Procedure to be Governed by the Commission has its
followed Rules of Court own set of rules The Rules of the Civil Code of the Philippines shall govern as to
and it is not bound the award of moral and exemplary damages. So there must be
by the rigidities of a basis when you pray for damages. It must be proved. The
technical rules of purpose of moral damages is essentially indemnity or
procedure. reparation, not punishment of correction. Moral damages are
not intended to enrich the complainant at the expense of the
These two bodies conduct independent means of ascertaining defendant. They are awarded to enable the injured party to
the ultimate facts of their respective cases that will serve as obtain means, diversions or amusements that will serve to
basis for their respective decisions. If, for example, the trial alleviate the moral suffering he has undergone by reason of
courts find that there was no unreasonable delay or denial of the defendant’s culpable action. While it is true that no proof
the claim, it does not automatically mean that there was in fact of pecuniary loss is necessary in order that moral damages
no such unreasonable delay of denial that would justify the may be adjudicated, the assessment of which is left to the
revocation or suspension of the licenses of the concerned discretion of the court according to the circumstances of each
insurance companies. It only means that the insured failed to case. So, there is no necessity of pecuniary loss or actual
prove by preponderance of evidence that he is entitled to nawalan talaga sya. It is equally true that in awarding moral
damages. damages in case of breach of contract, there must be a
showing that the breach was wanton and deliberately injurious
So we are looking at a situation where there is a pending or the one responsible acted fraudulently or in bad faith. Just
administrative action and there is also a pending court action. because your rights were violated, it does not mean that you
Remember, that if there is a finding of unreasonable delay, the deserve to be compensated by way of moral damages, there
proof supporting such finding may not be the same with that must be a blatant violation of your rights.
required by the court. The insurance commissioner may accept
your proof in order to cancel or suspend your license. It So, when you pray for damages, the court may disagree with
doesn’t mean that it requires as much evidence as the court the amount you prayed for. To determine damages, it must be
would require before it wards damages. Such finding would based on proof and it is up to the appreciation of the Court as
not restrain the Insurance Commission, in the exercise of its to how much should be awarded.
regulatory power, from making its own finding of unreasonable
delay or denial as long as it is supported by substantial So we are done with claim settlement, I have discussed to you
evidence. Please understand the mechanics of this kind of the important provisions of claim settlement and that should
proceeding between these two independent bodies, the Court guide you. Then, the next title is the about the examination of
and the Commission. companies (Title 12), appointment of a conservator,
proceedings upon insolvency (Title 15), consolidation and
While the possibility that these two bodies will come up with merger of insurance companies (Title 16), mutualization of
conflicting resolutions on the same issue is not far-fetched, the stock life insurance (Title 17)…we don’t need that. Next,
finding or conclusion of one would not necessarily be binding withdrawal of foreign insurance companies (Title 18)
on the other given the difference in the issues involved, the
quantum of evidence required, and the procedure to be Chapter IV, Title 1, insurance agents and insurance brokers.
followed. Now, as a lawyer, what would you do? Maybe FYI, just read this title. What are insurance agents?
What are their liabilities and obligations as insurance agents?
Propriety of award of moral and exemplary damages Who are insurance brokers? What is the difference any way?
and attorney’s fees
What is an insurance agent? The term refers to a person
We know class, that when we are awarded the attorney’s fees expressly or impliedly authorized to represent it in dealing with
as part of the damages, this amount does not go to the lawyer third persons in matters relating to insurance. You know class
that before you become a legitimate insurance agent you have of all land transportation operators as well as motor vehicle
to take an exam before the insurance commission office. owners.
What are adjusters? You know class, the adjusters, this group People who have a certificate of convenience to get
of people, they don’t make a fuss. They are actually key passengers from the riding public and also private motor
players in the insurance policy. vehicle owners to secure at the very least that Compulsory
Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance (MVLI). In the driver’s
March 30, 2015 parlance that’s actually the TPL (Third Party Liability
insurance). You may opt not to have a comprehensive property
Try to look at what is Mutualization of Stock Life of Insurance insurance or comprehensive car insurance coverage which
Companies. What do you mean by mutualization? simply means that you have coverage when your car is stolen,
Mutualization usually involves the insurer and the insured. when your motor vehicle suffers damage. This will be
What kind of a business is that? voluntary on your part and it will be a different kind of
insurance from the TPL insurance.
Holding Companies, what are they? How did they function? So
you now look at Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance. When you need to register your vehicle The LTO will require
you to submit the comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance or
CHAPTER VI Third Party Liability (TPL) certificate of cover along with your
COMPULSORY MOTOR VEHICLE certificate of registration and your official receipt. That is what
LIABILITY INSURANCE the law requires as basic requirement for all motor vehicles
“SEC. 386. For purposes of this chapter: What is the importance of TPL? No fault feature of the policy.
We shall see later on what NO-FAULT means under the
compulsory MVLI. Under Family Law under other jurisdiction,
“(a) Motor Vehicle is any vehicle as defined in Section 3,
there is also such a thing as NO-FAULT DIVORCE. That means
paragraph (a) of Republic Act No. 4136, otherwise known as
nobody will accuse you of psychological incapacity in order to
the ‘Land Transportation and Traffic Code’.
get annulment or to have your marriage declared void ab
initio. In other words, there is no need to have a judgment
“(b) Passenger is any fare paying person being transported rendered by the court finding fault on one of the parties before
and conveyed in and by a motor vehicle for transportation of you can have the compensation.
passengers for compensation, including persons expressly
authorized by law or by the vehicle’s operator or his agents to
What is the declared policy of the law in so far as operation of
ride without fare.
motor vehicle without insurance is done by owners? What is
the effect of your liability? Section 387
“(c) Third party is any person other than a passenger as
defined in this section and shall also exclude a member of the
It shall be unlawful for any land transportation
household, or a member of the family within the second
operator or owner of a motor vehicle to operate the
degree of consanguinity or affinity, of a motor vehicle owner or
same in the public highways unless there is in force in
land transportation operator, as likewise defined herein, or his
relation thereto a policy of insurance or guaranty in
employee in respect of death, bodily injury, or damage to
cash or surety bond issued in accordance with the
property arising out of and in the course of employment.
provisions of this chapter to indemnify the death,
bodily injury, and/or damage to property of a third-
“(d) Owner or motor vehicle owner means the actual legal party or passenger, as the case may be, arising from
owner of a motor vehicle, in whose name such vehicle is duly the use thereof.
registered with the Land Transportation Office;
Is it legal to operate motor vehicle in public highways without
“(e) Land transportation operator means the owner or owners insurance?
of motor vehicles for transportation of passengers for
compensation, including school buses. No. See Section 387
“(f) Insurance policy or Policy refers to a contract of insurance What are the other options?
against passenger and third-party liability for death or bodily
injuries and damage to property arising from motor vehicle • Cash guaranty or;
accidents. • surety bond
Against whom may a claim be made by an occupant of a Sec 386 defines what is a motor vehicle, passenger.
vehicle? SEC. 391
“(a) Motor Vehicle is any vehicle as defined in Section
“(c) Claim may be made against one motor vehicle 3, paragraph (a) of Republic Act No. 4136, otherwise
only. In the case of an occupant of a vehicle, claim, known as the ‘Land Transportation and Traffic Code’.
shall lie against the insurer of the vehicle in which the
occupant is riding, mounting or dismounting from. “(b) Passenger is any fare paying person being
transported and conveyed in and by a motor vehicle
So that’s clear if you are an occupant of a vehicle then the TPL for transportation of passengers for compensation,
will be claimed against the owner of the motor vehicle or the including persons expressly authorized by law or by
Land Transportation Operator which vehicle he was riding, the vehicle’s operator or his agents to ride without
mounting or dismounting from. If you are an occupant of a fare.
vehicle you cannot claim TPL against the insurer of the other
colliding vehicle. Taxi, jeepney, bus, mini-vans, multicab as long as you are a
paying passenger then you are considered as a passenger.
What are the requirements if any when there is a change of
ownership of a motor vehicle or a change of engine? Is there
an exception to that? SEC. 395. “(c) Third party is any person other than a passenger
as defined in this section and shall also exclude a
member of the household, or a member of the family
In case of change of owner ship of a motor vehicle, or within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity,
change of the engine of an insured vehicle, there of a motor vehicle owner or land transportation
shall be no need of issuing a new policy until the next operator, as likewise defined herein, or his employee
date of registration or renewal of registration of such in respect of death, bodily injury, or damage to
vehicle, and: Provided, That the insurance company property arising out of and in the course of
shall agree to continue the policy, such change of employment.
ownership or such change of the engine shall be
indicated in a corresponding endorsement by the
insurance company concerned, and a signed duplicate Member of the family within the second degree of
of such endorsement shall, within a reasonable time, consanguinity or affinity – relatives riding in the car. Member
be filed with the Land Transportation Office. of the household - your helper, your visiting aunt.
When they are riding on your car they don’t come under the
Against whom shall a claim be made by a 3rd party in case of definition of a 3rd party. Do they come under the definition of a
vehicular accident? A third party not an occupant. Earlier we passenger? Definitely not because under the compulsory MVLI,
talked about the occupant of the vehicle against whom he can Passenger has a very technical definition. “To ride without
claim. This time if you are not an occupant of a vehicle against fare”, so there is a little group of people who are considered as
whom can you make the claim for insurance? Section 391(c) passenger even if without paying the fare. IF they are:
In any other case, claim shall lie against the insurer of • Expressly authorized by the law. Meaning, by their
the directly offending vehicle. In all cases, the right of situation they have to be in that vehicle for the
the party paying the claim to recover against the transportation
owner of the vehicle responsible for the accident shall • or by the vehicle’s operator or his agents authorizing
be maintained. that person to ride without fare
guaranty in cash or surety bond required by this chapter is in “(ii) Light: Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00); and
“(iii) Heavy: Thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00).
“SEC. 390. Every land transportation operator and every
owner of a motor vehicle shall, before applying for the “(2) Other Private Vehicles
registration or renewal of registration of any motor vehicle, at
his option, either secure an insurance policy or surety bond
“(i) Tricycles, motorcycles and scooters: Twelve thousand
issued by any insurance company authorized by the
pesos (P12,000.00);
Commissioner or make a cash deposit in such amount as
herein required as limit of liability for purposes specified in
Section 387. “(ii) Vehicles with an unladen weight of 2,600 kilos or less:
Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00);
“(a) In the case of a land transportation operator, the
insurance guaranty in cash or surety bond shall cover liability “(iii) Vehicles with an unladen weight of between 2,601 kilos
for death or bodily injuries of third-parties and/or passengers and 3,930 kilos: Thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00); and
arising out of the use of such vehicle in the amount not less
than Twelve thousand pesos (P12,000.00) per passenger or “(iv) Vehicles with an unladen weight over 3,930 kilos: Fifty
third-party and an amount, for each of such categories, in any thousand pesos (P50,000.00).
one accident of not less than that set forth in the following
“The Commissioner may, if warranted, set forth schedule of
indemnities for the payment of claims for death or bodily
“(1) Motor vehicles with an authorized capacity of twenty-six injuries with the coverages set forth herein.
(26) or more passengers: Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00);
Section 390, There is a requirement that before applying for
“(2) Motor vehicles with an authorized capacity of from twelve the registration or renewal of registration of any motor vehicle,
(12) to twenty-five (25) passengers: Forty thousand pesos at his option, either secure an insurance policy or surety bond
(P40,000.00); issued by any insurance company authorized by the
Commissioner or make a cash deposit in such amount as
“(3) Motor vehicles with an authorized capacity of from six (6) herein required. It is the choice, the option of the motor
to eleven (11) passengers: Thirty thousand pesos vehicle owner. There are amounts specified under this section.
“(a) In the case of a land transportation operator, the
“(4) Motor vehicles with an authorized capacity of five (5) or insurance guaranty in cash or surety bond shall cover
less passengers: Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) multiplied liability for death or bodily injuries of third-parties
by the authorized capacity. and/or passengers arising out of the use of such
vehicle in the amount not less than Twelve thousand
“Provided, however, That such cash deposit made to, or surety pesos (P12,000.00) per passenger or third-party and
bond posted with, the Commissioner shall be resorted to by an amount, for each of such categories, in any one
him in cases of accidents the indemnities for which to third- accident
parties and/or passengers are not settled accordingly by the
land transportation operator and, in that event, the said cash If you are a public transportation owner this is the sum
deposit shall be replenished or such surety bond shall be required by law, 12,000 per passenger. On top of that you will
restored within sixty (60) days after impairment or expiry, as still have the amounts to pay depending on the capacity of
the case may be, by such land transportation operator, your motor vehicle.
otherwise, he shall secure the insurance policy required by this
chapter. The aforesaid cash deposit may be invested by the For private vehicles, the smaller cars (under Section B) the
Commissioner in readily marketable government bonds, and/or coverage are less than the stated amounts for vehicles use for
securities. public transportation.
“(1) Police report of accident; and “(c) Claim may be made against one motor vehicle
only. In the case of an occupant of a vehicle, claim,
shall lie against the insurer of the vehicle in which the
“(2) Death certificate and evidence sufficient to establish the
occupant is riding, mounting or dismounting from. In
proper payee; or
any other case, claim shall lie against the insurer of
the directly offending vehicle. In all cases, the right of
“(3) Medical report and evidence of medical or hospital the party paying the claim to recover against the
disbursement in respect of which refund is claimed; owner of the vehicle responsible for the accident shall
be maintained.
“(c) Claim may be made against one motor vehicle only. In the
case of an occupant of a vehicle, claim, shall lie against the In any other case, claim shall lie against the insurer of the
insurer of the vehicle in which the occupant is riding, mounting directly offending vehicle. Without of course prejudice to the
or dismounting from. In any other case, claim shall lie against right of the owner of that vehicle who was made responsible
the insurer of the directly offending vehicle. In all cases, the under this provision to recover from the vehicle that is
right of the party paying the claim to recover against the ultimately responsible for the accident.
owner of the vehicle responsible for the accident shall be
For example, a pedestrian was crossing the street. You (car A)
were at the stoplight and the sign for pedestrians to cross was
Section 391 explains the NO-FAULT feature of this insurance. on. You were stopped right in front of the pedestrian lane. This
No need to prove contributory fault, the amounts are fixed. It vehicle (Car B) behind you eventually hit you with such impact
doesn’t mean to say you that if you were able to prove that your vehicle actually moved into the pedestrian lane and
contributory fault of the other party then you can reduce your hit the pedestrian. For purposes of getting compensation for
liability. Or the insurance coverage, the proceeds can be bodily injuries right away, against whom will the pedestrian
reduced accordingly cause there was contributory negligence. claim liability? Even if Car A was not at fault, Car A’s insurer
This does not happen under NO-FAULT insurance policy. will be forced to pay the insurance proceeds but without
Provided of course that for purposes of this section: prejudiced of Car A to recover from the insurer of car B.
(a) The total indemnity in respect of any person shall If Car B does not have a TPL insurance kawawa ka. You really
not be less than Fifteen thousand pesos have to run after the other guy because under the law you
(P15,000.00); remain liable. You cannot say that you have not gotten the
compensation from the other car (car b) who collided with you.
15,000, that’s a fix amount, you don’t get more than that; you That is not a defense.
don’t get less than that. There are proofs to be submitted.
“SEC. 392. No land transportation operator or owner of motor
“(b) The following proofs of loss, when submitted vehicle shall be unreasonably denied the policy of insurance or
under oath, shall be sufficient evidence to surety bond required by this chapter by the insurance
substantiate the claim: companies authorized to issue the same, otherwise, the Land
Transportation Office shall require from said land
“(1) Police report of accident; and transportation operator or owner of the vehicle, in lieu of a
policy of insurance or surety bond, a certificate that a cash
deposit has been made with the Commissioner in such amount
“(2) Death certificate and evidence sufficient to
required as limits of indemnity in Section 390 to answer for the
establish the proper payee; or
passenger and/or third-party liability of such land
transportation operator or owner of the vehicle.
“(3) Medical report and evidence of medical or
hospital disbursement in respect of which refund is
“No insurance company may issue the policy of insurance or
surety bond required under this chapter unless so authorized
under existing laws.
If you fail to submit any of the 3, you may not be able to get
your compensation. It is a NO-FAULT but it doesn’t mean that
“The authority to engage in the casualty and/or surety lines of
it’s going to be a free handout. You need to comply with the
business of an insurance company that refuses to issue or
renew, without just cause, the insurance policy or surety bond
therein required shall be withdrawn immediately.
Paragraph C tells us against whom we should claim
compensation. This paragraph gives us two separate
You cannot be denied by an insurance company.
No land transportation operator or owner of motor intended effective date thereof. Upon receipt of such notice,
vehicle shall be unreasonably denied the policy of the Land Transportation Office, unless it receives evidence of a
insurance or surety bond required by this chapter by new valid insurance or guaranty in cash or surety bond as
the insurance companies authorized to issue the
prescribed in this chapter, or an endorsement of revival of the
cancelled one, shall order the immediate confiscation of the
plates of the motor vehicle covered by such cancelled policy.
If you were denied by the insurance company the LTO can
require you instead to put up a cash deposit. Does that ever The same may be reissued only upon presentation of a new
happen? Well, yes. Because insurance companies track your insurance policy or that a guaranty in cash or surety bond has
reliability, your track record. So you are an insurance company been made or posted with the Commissioner and which meets
and you can see that this client has a track record of erring the requirements of this chapter, or an endorsement or revival
process. You try to limit your liability by not issuing insurance of the cancelled one.
policy anymore to that company. It makes business sense; you
are trying to curtail your losses. Ma’am: For motor vehicle, the written notice of cancellation of
the policy must be given at least 15 days prior to the intended
But you need an insurance policy to let your buses run. What effective date. Upon receipt of such notice, the Land
do you do? You follow the option given by the law. You can
Transportation Office, unless it receives evidence of a new
put up a certificate that a cash deposit has been made with
valid insurance or guaranty in cash or surety bond as
the commissioner in such amount required by Section 390. And
such deposit will be to answer for passenger or TPL of such prescribed in this chapter, or an endorsement of revival of the
Land Transportation Operator. That is a remedy provided by cancelled one, shall order the immediate confiscation of the
law. plates of the motor vehicle covered by such cancelled policy.
“SEC. 393. No cancellation of the policy shall be valid unless “SEC. 394. If the cancellation of the policy or surety bond is
written notice thereof is given to the land transportation contemplated by the land transportation operator or owner of
operator or owner of the vehicle and to the Land the vehicle, he shall, before the policy or surety bond ceases to
Transportation Office at least fifteen (15) days prior to the be effective, secure a similar policy of insurance or surety bond
intended effective date thereof. Upon receipt of such notice, to replace the policy or surety bond to be cancelled or make a
the Land Transportation Office, unless it receives evidence of a
cash deposit in sufficient amount with the Commissioner, and
new valid insurance or guaranty in cash or surety bond as
without any gap, file the required documentation with the Land
prescribed in this chapter, or an endorsement of revival of the
cancelled one, shall order the immediate confiscation of the Transportation Office, and notify the insurance company
plates of the motor vehicle covered by such cancelled policy. concerned of the cancellation of its policy or surety bond.
The same may be reissued only upon presentation of a new
insurance policy or that a guaranty in cash or surety bond has Ma’am: This deals with the cancellation by the insured.
been made or posted with the Commissioner and which meets
the requirements of this chapter, or an endorsement or revival “SEC. 395. In case of change of owner ship of a motor vehicle,
of the cancelled one. or change of the engine of an insured vehicle, there shall be
no need of issuing a new policy until the next date of
Cancellation of the policy. registration or renewal of registration of such vehicle,
and: Provided, That the insurance company shall agree to
In previous title we found out how to cancel a policy. there is a continue the policy, such change of ownership or such change
period within which the notice of cancellation must be sent out of the engine shall be indicated in a corresponding
to cancel if the insurance company wishes to cancel out the endorsement by the insurance company concerned, and a
policy. Here there is also cancellation of insurance company
signed duplicate of such endorsement shall, within a
and the insured. Section 393 deals with cancellation by the
insurance company. Notice must be given to the owner or reasonable time, be filed with the Land Transportation Office.
operator 15 days prior to the intended effectivity of
cancellation. Ma’am: so for the middle of the year or the 12-year period,
from January to December, if there is a change in the
In the earlier chapter what is the period within which to send ownership what will happen in the policy. Remember that we
out the notice? See Section 66. learn in property insurance that the owner of the policy must
also be the owner of the subject of the insurance otherwise,
“SEC. 393. No cancellation of the policy shall be valid unless the insurance is effectively suspended unless these things are
written notice thereof is given to the land transportation vested with the same person.hip Here, in case of change of
operator or owner of the vehicle and to the Land ownership of motor vehicle or change of the engine, there is
Transportation Office at least fifteen (15) days prior to the no need to issue a new policy until the adte of the registration
or the renewal of registration of such vehicle. In other words, Ma’am: Within what period should the claim be filed? Notice of
the TPL( third party liability) can go on even if the new owner claim must be filed within six (6) months from the date of
did not cancel it provided it is effective. If there is change of accident otherwise, the claim shall be deemed waived. If you
are injured, it is not necessary that you yourself will file the
ownership, the original TPL can continue to be effective until
claim. You can appoint someone but make sure that there is
the next date of registration or renewal of registration of such no unnecessary delay. You present to the insurance company
vehicle. The purpose of the law is to make sure that there is concerned a written notice of claim setting forth the nature,
TPL insurance covering at any point in the life of the policy. extent and duration of the injuries sustained as certified by a
The TPL must be valid and effective at least for one year. And duly licensed physician that will give the insurance company
also the insurance company consents to the continuation of information how accident happened. How about action or suit
the policy. Such change of ownership or such change of the for recovery of damage due to loss or injury, where will you
file it? If you will see the law, you are given two options, you
engine shall be indicated in a corresponding endorsement by
may file it either the Commissioner or the courts within one (1)
the insurance company concerned, and a signed duplicate of year from denial of the claim, otherwise, the claimant’s right of
such endorsement shall, within a reasonable time, be filed with action shall prescribe. It would seem that the Commissioner
the Land Transportation Office. and the courts have concurrent jurisdiction over cases like
these. The choice is given to you.
This is important to remember because it is possible that in the
transaction, people forget to deal with the TPL. They just Rule:
concentrate on the conveying of the property itself. The court
of registration where the State is able to check whether you • Notice of claim must be filed within six (6) months
are compliant with this particular law because when you from the date of accident otherwise, the claim shall
register the LTO will never let you register without a valid TPL. be deemed waived.
That’s the only time the State is able to intervene and checked • Action or suit for recovery of damage due to loss or
injury must be brought, in proper cases, with the
if you are compliant with the law. So there is really no need to
Commissioner or the courts within one (1) year from
get a new policy you just get the consent of the insurance denial of the claim, otherwise, the claimant’s right of
company and then make that endorsement indicating that action shall prescribe.
there is a change of ownership then you wait until the next
registration period Case:
“SEC. 396. In the settlement and payment of claims, the If the written notice of claim is filed beyond six (6) months
indemnity shall not be availed of by any accident victim or from the date of the accident, that claim shall be deemed
claimant as an instrument of enrichment by reason of an waived. If the action for recovery is brought after one (1) year
accident, but as an assistance or restitution insofar as can from denial of the claim, the right of action shall prescribe,
fairly be ascertained. (see Vda. de Gabriel vs. Court of Appeals, 264 SCRA 137
Ma’am: This is the declared policy of the law. This is not
supposed to enrich the claimant. This means that you just Ma’am: Each period if unavailed of by the insured has different
comply with the requirements demanded by law. This is effects.
availed as restitution. Meaning, to put you back where you
were before the risks happen. In a way, it is still form of “SEC. 398. The insurance company concerned shall forthwith
indemnity. Hanggang doon lang at a certain point when you ascertain the truth and extent of the claim and make payment
are not fully compensated. It will not go beyond. within five (5) working days after reaching an agreement. If no
agreement is reached, the insurance company shall pay only
“SEC. 397. Any person having any claim upon the policy issued the no-fault indemnity provided in Section 391 without
pursuant to this chapter shall, without any unnecessary delay, prejudice to the claimant from pursuing his claim further, in
present to the insurance company concerned a written notice which case, he shall not be required or compelled by the
of claim setting forth the nature, extent and duration of the insurance company to execute any quit claim or document
injuries sustained as certified by a duly licensed physician. releasing it from liability under the policy of insurance or surety
Notice of claim must be filed within six (6) months from the bond issued.
date of accident, otherwise, the claim shall be deemed waived.
Action or suit for recovery of damage due to loss or injury “In case of any dispute in the enforcement of the provisions of
must be brought, in proper cases, with the Commissioner or any policy issued pursuant to this chapter, the adjudication of
the courts within one (1) year from denial of the claim, such dispute shall be within the original and exclusive
otherwise, the claimant’s right of action shall prescribe. jurisdiction of the Commissioner, subject to the limitations
provided in Section 439.
Ma’am: When is the insurance company supposed to pay you? provision of this Title? The punishment is a fine of not less
After ascertaining the truth and extent of the claim, it shall than Five hundred pesos (P500.00) and/or imprisonment for
make payment within five (5) working days after reaching an not more than six (6) months. The violation of Section 390 by
agreement. This presupposes that you have filed all the a land transportation operator shall be a sufficient cause for
necessary documents with the insurance company and that the the revocation of the certificate of public convenience issued
latter has reviewed all those documents, filed them in order. If by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
no agreement is reached, the insurance company shall pay covering the vehicle concerned. Certificate of public
only the no-fault indemnity that is the sum of P 15,000.00. So convenience is your license to operate. So once confiscated,
in other words, if you have filed your claims and you have you cannot conduct business anymore.
proved more than what we call the threshold amount (P
15,000.00) for the TPL, you can actually recover more. It’s just “SEC. 402. Whenever any violation of the provisions of this
that there must be an agreement with the insurance company. chapter is committed by a corporation or association, or by a
The latter agrees that you are entitled to more than P government office or entity, the executive officer or officers of
15,000.00 compensation because there is basis. But if there is said corporation, association or government office or entity
no agreement between the insured and the insurance who shall have knowingly permitted, or failed to prevent, said
company and the latter plans to contest your other claims then violation shall be held liable as principals.
you are only entitled to the threshold amount. Without
prejudice to the claimant from pursuing his claim further, in
If the violation is committed by a corporation, then the penalty
which case, he shall not be required or compelled by the
will be meted out to its officers of said corporation.
insurance company to execute any quit claim or document
releasing it from liability under the policy of insurance or surety
bond issued. So if there are more negotiations, that would be So Just go over the discussion on no-indemnity fault, I really
okay, you will not be prevented from proving your other claims want you to grasp the principle. The limited amount is P
but you can be paid already the P15,000, the no-fault 15,000.00. You can claim more, it’s just that P15,000 is readily
indemnity amount. available, no need to prove fault or negligence. Property
damage will be shouldered by separate policy.
“SEC. 399. It shall be unlawful for a land transportation
operator or owner of motor vehicle to require his or its drivers Certificate of cover will serve as the substantiating
or other employees to contribute in the payment of premiums. documentation that will be accepted by and filed with the LTC
during registration of motor vehicles as proof of insurance
upon such motor vehicle. It is also a secondary proof of such
If you are a land transportation operator, it is not legal for you
coverage and may be presented in the investigation of traffic
to ask your drivers or employees to contribute in the payment
accident by the MVO or in the investigation of traffic accident
of premiums.
by the MVO or LTO, or his representative, to Government
agents charged with the duty to enforce traffic laws, rules and
“SEC. 400. No government office or agency having the duty of regulations.
implementing the provisions of this chapter nor any official or
employee thereof shall act as agent in procuring the insurance Case:
policy or surety bond provided for herein. The commission of
an agent procuring the said policy or bond shall in no case Perla Compania de Seguros, Inc. vs. CA
exceed ten percent (10%) of the amount of the premiums
therefore. FACTS:
Bawal mag negosyo sa loob ng LTO. If the cooperative of the The Lim spouses opened a chattel mortgage and bought a
LTO will put up a sign saying that TPL is available here then Ford Laser from Supercars for Php 77,000 and insured it with
that is not allowed. Perla Compania de Seguros. The vehicle was stolen while
Evelyn Lim was driving it with an expired license. The spouses
“SEC. 401. Any land transportation operator or owner of motor requested for a moratorium on payments but this was denied
vehicle or any other person violating any of the provisions of by FCP, the assignee of rights over collection of the mortgage
the preceding sections shall be punished by a fine of not less amount of the car. The spouses also called on the insurance
than Five hundred pesos (P500.00) and/or imprisonment for company to pay the balance of the mortgage due to theft but
not more than six (6) months. The violation of Section 390 by this was denied by the company due to the spouses’ violation
a land transportation operator shall be a sufficient cause for of the Authorized Driver clause stating (driving with an expired
the revocation of the certificate of public convenience issued license before being carnapped):
by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Any of the following: (a) The Insured (b) Any person driving
covering the vehicle concerned. on the Insured's order, or with hispermission. Provided that
the person driving is permitted, in accordance with the
licensing or other laws or regulations, to drive the Scheduled
What is the penultimate penalty for a land transportation
Vehicle, or has been permitted and is not disqualified by order
operator or owner of a motor vehicle who violates the
of a Court of Law or by reason of any enactment or regulation
in that behalf.
Since the spouses didn’t pay the mortgage, FCP filed suit
against them. The trial court ruled in its favor ordering spouses
to pay. The appellate court reversed their decision. FCP and
Perla appealed to the SC.