Dow Corning 993 Product Info

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Product Information

Dow Corning® 993 Structural

Glazing Sealant
FEATURES Two-part silicone rubber
• Meets European standard for
structural glazing as developed by APPLICATIONS
EOTA working groups • Two-part silicone sealant for structural glazing
• Excellent adhesion to a wide range
of substrates including coated, TYPICAL PROPERTIES
enamelled and reflective glasses, Specification Writers: These values are not intended for use in preparing
anodised and polyester paint specifications. Please contact your local Dow Corning sales office or your Global
coated aluminium and stainless Dow Corning Connection before writing specifications on this product.
• High level of mechanical Test method* Property Unit Value
properties Base: as supplied
• Odorless and non-corrosive cure Color and consistency Viscous white paste
• Excellent stability through wide Specific gravity 1.32
temperature range: -50ºC to 150ºC Viscosity (100s-1) mPa.s 150,000
• Resistant to ozone Curing agent: as supplied
• Stable viscosity for A & B Consistency Viscous paste
Specific Gravity
components, no heating required - Catalyst black 1.05
• Suitable for use in impact-resistant - HV/GER black 1.06
window systems in new - Clear & grey catalyst 1.01
construction and retrofit in existing Viscosity (20s-1)
buildings - Catalyst black mPa.s 25000
- HV/GER black mPa.s 100000
- Clear & grey catalyst mPa.s 25000
BENEFITS ASTM D93 Flash point - closed cup ºC 28
• Structural capability As mixed
Color and consistency White / black / grey**
• The cured product exhibits
non-slump paste
excellent weathering Specific gravity 1.30
characteristics, and a high Viscosity (100s-1) mPa.s 40,000
resistance to ultra-violet radiation, Working time (25ºC/77ºF, minutes 10 to 30
heat and humidity 50% R.H.)
• Lot matching of base and curing Tack-free time (25ºC/77ºF, minutes 80 to 100
agent not necessary 50% R.H.)
• Different grey shades available Corrosiveness Non-corrosive
As cured - after 7 days at 25°C and 50% RH
(please refer to our color card)
ISO 8339 Tensile strength MPa 0.95
ASTM D624 Tear strength kN/m 6.0
ISO 8339 Elongation at break % 130
ASTM D2240 Durometer hardness, shore A 40
Sealant dynamic design load Pa 140,000
Sealant static design load Pa 15,000
Service temperature range ºC -50 to +150
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials.
ISO: International Standardisation Organisation.
Please refer to our color card (ref. 62-1633a-01).
DESCRIPTION is important when selecting components suitable for meter mix equipment
Dow Corning® 993 Structural Glazing for a project that adhesion and that uses a follower plate system for
Sealant is a two-component, neutral compatibility tests are carried out, and the catalyst.
curing silicone formulation specifically found to be successful, before the Preparatory work
developed for the structural bonding of project starts. Clean all joints and glazing pockets,
glass, metal and other building removing all foreign matter and
components. Neutral alkoxy; cures at Mixing and dispensing contaminants such as grease, oil, dust,
room temperature giving off a small To obtain the ultimate physical water, frost, surface dirt, old sealants, or
amount of alcohol. properties from Dow Corning 993 glazing compounds and protective
Structural Glazing Sealant it is coatings.
TECHNICAL recommended that the base and curing
agent are thoroughly mixed using an Metal, glass and plastic surfaces should
SPECIFICATIONS AND airless mixing system found on most be cleaned by mechanical or solvent
STANDARDS existing commercially available two- procedures. Where used, solvent should
Dow Corning 993 Structural Glazing part silicone dispensing machines. In be wiped on and off with clean, oil- and
Sealant combines excellent unprimed case of smaller applications only special lint-free cloths.
adhesion to a wide range of building two-part hand-mixing cartridge systems
substrates with high levels of physical (Semco/CAS) should be used to avoid Priming
properties over a wide range of incorporation of air into the material. Priming is not usually required when
temperature. It exhibits excellent using Dow Corning 993 Structural
retention of adhesive and mechanical Dow Corning 993 Structural Glazing Glazing Sealant. However, it is essential
properties after ageing as detailed by Sealant should be mixed in a ratio of that adhesion be tested prior to use.
the EOTA Technical guide: 10:1 base to curing agent by weight, or Specific primer recommendations will
• 1000 hours exposure to ultra equivalent 7.8:1 by volume for optimal be made by Dow Corning Technical
• violet radiation in hot water properties. At this mix ratio, the sealant Services Department on a project basis.
immersion (ISO DIS 11431) typically exhibits a working time of 10- Please contact Dow Corning for further
• Resistance to salt spray 30 minutes and allows units to be advice.
(ISO 9227 NSS)* handled within two hours. Small
• Resistance to SO2(ISO 3231) variations in mixing ratio can be Masking and tooling
• Resistance to extreme temperature tolerated, but these should not exceed Areas adjacent to joints may be masked
(ISO 8339) 11:1 to 9:1 by weight or 8.9:1 to 7.3:1 to ensure a neat sealant line. Do not
• Document ATG 98/H680 (UBAtc) by volume to ensure minimum allow masking tape to touch clean
• CE Marked as structural glazing properties are obtained. surfaces to which the silicone sealant is
sealant component according to to adhere. Tooling should be completed
ETAG002, the European Technical Lot matching of Dow Corning 993® in one continuous stroke within 5
Guidelines for structural glazing Base and Dow Corning 993® Curing minutes after sealant application.
with a level of attestation of 1. Agent is not required. Before use it is Masking tape should be removed
(external quality audit) valid in all recommended that the curing agent be immediately after tooling.
EC countries stirred to ensure homogeneity of all
• Meets structural glazing sealant components. Dow Corning 993 Curing Equipment cleaning
requirements according to Agent will react with atmospheric When not being used it is recommended
EN13022, SNJF VEC + VI VEC moisture and therefore should not be that the dispensing equipment be purged
exposed to air for prolonged periods of either with the base component, or
HOW TO USE time. flushed with a suitable solvent such as
Dow Corning 993 Structural Glazing Dow Corning® 3522 Concentrated
Sealant offers unprimed adhesion to Different catalysts are available for Cleaning Solvent. If cured sealant has
most coated and uncoated glasses as Dow Corning 993 Structural Glazing built up inside the equipment, flush the
well as most metal spacers. The sealant Sealant: equipment for the appropriate time with
is compatible with Dow Corning® • Dow Corning 993® Structural Dow Corning 3522 Concentrated
Neutral Curing Construction Sealants Glazing Catalyst is a medium Cleaning Solvent, using a solvent
such Dow Corning® 791 Silicone viscosity paste, fast cure, which is recirculation system. This solvent
Weatherproofing Sealant, and suitable for meter mix equipment dissolves cured silicone sealant and
Dow Corning® Neutral Curing using a pressure pot or follower provides optimum cleaning
Insulating Glass Sealants such as plate system for the catalyst. performance.
Dow Corning® 3362 HD Insulating • Dow Corning 993® HV/GER
Glass Sealant, as well as most Structural Glazing Catalyst is a
commonly used glazing components. It viscous paste, fast cure, which is
Dow Corning is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.
We help you invent the future is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.
2011, December 15 XIAMETER is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.
Ref. No. 62-0918L-01 SEMCO LCC is a registered trademark of a Fläkt Woods Company.
©1998-2011 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved.
MAINTENANCE at You can also obtain be accurate. However, because
No maintenance is needed. If sealant a copy from your local Dow Corning conditions and methods of use of our
becomes damaged, replace damaged sales representative or Distributor or by products are beyond our control, this
portion. Dow Corning 993 Structural calling your local Dow Corning Global information should not be used in
Glazing Sealant will adhere to Connection. substitution for customer’s tests to
compatible cured silicone sealant which ensure that our products are safe,
exhibits a clean knife-cut or abraded USABLE LIFE AND effective, and fully satisfactory for the
surface. STORAGE intended end use. Suggestions of use
shall not be taken as inducements to
When stored at or below 30ºC ,
infringe any patent.
TECHNICAL SERVICES Dow Corning 993 Curing Agent has a
Your Dow Corning contact details usable life of 14 months from the date
of production. When stored at or below Dow Corning’s sole warranty is that our
(e-mails): products will meet the sales
Technical inquiries: 30ºC , Dow Corning 993 Base has a
usable life of 14 months from the date specifications in effect at the time of
[email protected]
of production. shipment.
Marketing: Your exclusive remedy for breach of PACKAGING such warranty is limited to refund of INFORMATION purchase price or replacement of any
Dow Corning 993 Base is product shown to be other than as
Quality Bond: available in 250kg drums and 20 liter warranted.
[email protected] pails.
Dow Corning 993 Curing Agent is
[email protected] EXPRESS OR IMPLIED
available in 25kg pails. Beside black
and clear, the curing agent is offered in WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A
a variety of grey shades. Custom colors
[email protected] MERCHANTABILITY.
may be available on request. Please
refer to our color card (ref. 62-1633a-
Your Technical Service contact 01). DOW CORNING DISCLAIMS
details (phone): LIABILITY FOR ANY
Toll Free Numbers: INCIDENTAL OR
From Belgium 0800 80 522 LIMITATIONS
From France 0805 54 04 39 This product is neither tested nor
From Germany 0800 52 50 258 represented as suitable for medical or
pharmaceutical uses. We help you invent the future. ™
From Italy 800 92 83 30
From Spain 900 813161
From United Kingdom HEALTH AND
0800 9172 071 ENVIRONMENTAL
All other countries: To support Customers in their product
For English +32 64 51 11 59 safety needs, Dow Corning has an
For French +32 64 51 11 59 extensive Product Stewardship
For German +49 611 237503 organization and a team of Product
For Italian +32 64 51 11 73 Safety and Regulatory Compliance
For Spanish +32 64 51 11 66 (PS&RC) specialists available in each
For Russian +7 495 725 43 19 area.
Fax number from all countries:
+32 64 88 86 86
For further information, please see our
Web site, or consult
HANDLING PRECAUTIONS your local Dow Corning representative.
Product safety information required for
safe use is not included. Before
handling, read product and safety data
sheets and container labels for safe use, INFORMATION – PLEASE
physical and health hazard information. READ CAREFULLY
The material safety data sheet is The information contained herein is
available on the Dow Corning Web site offered in good faith and is believed to
Dow Corning is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.
We help you invent the future is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.
2011, December 15 XIAMETER is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.
Ref. No. 62-0918L-01 SEMCO LCC is a registered trademark of a Fläkt Woods Company.
©1998-2011 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved.
Application Examples Figure 2: Section DD: 4-sided Legend
Design – supported insulating glass 1. Insulating glass unit
2. Silicone structural seal
Figure 1: System for 4 sided unit. (Dow Corning 993 Structural Glazing
structural glazing. Sealant)
3. Silicone rubber spacer block
4. Silicone setting block
5. Aluminium profile
6. Backer rod
7. Structural sealant width dimension
8. Structural sealant bite dimension
9. Weatherseal dimension
10. Silicone weatherseal
(Dow Corning 791 Silicone
Weatherproofing Sealant)
11. Silicone insulated glass seal

Figure 3: Dow Corning® 993

Figure 1B: Section CC: 4-sided
Structural Glazing Sealant – Tack-
Design – unsupported glass.
free time range.

Figure 1B: Section DD: 4-sided

Design – unsupported glass. Figure 4: Dow Corning® 993
Structural Glazing Sealant –
Snaptime range.

Dow Corning is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.

We help you invent the future is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.
2011, December 15 XIAMETER is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.
Ref. No. 62-0918L-01 SEMCO LCC is a registered trademark of a Fläkt Woods Company.
©1998-2011 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved.

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