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Intel SA-00086 Detection Tool User Guide

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Intel-SA-00086 Detection Tool

User Guide

Revision 1.01
November 2017

Document: User Guide

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2 User Guide
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 4

2 Using the Intel–SA–00086 Detection Tool ............................................................. 5

2.1 Obtaining the Intel-SA-00086 Detection Tool.............................................. 5
2.2 System Requirements ............................................................................. 5
2.3 Installing the Tool – Linux* ...................................................................... 6
2.4 Running the Linux* Console Tool .............................................................. 6
2.5 Installing the Tool – Windows* ................................................................. 6
2.6 Running the GUI Tool .............................................................................. 6
2.7 Running the Windows* Console Tool ......................................................... 8
2.8 Results .................................................................................................. 9
2.9 Registry Location .................................................................................... 9
2.10 XML .................................................................................................... 10
2.11 Console Return Codes ........................................................................... 10
2.12 Identifying Impacted Systems Using the Intel-SA-00086 Detection Tool ...... 11
2.13 iCLS Health .......................................................................................... 11

Figure 1. Example of Intel–SA–00086–GUI Output to Screen ...................................................... 7
Figure 2. Example of Intel-SA-00086-Console Output ................................................................. 8

Table 1-1.
Intel-SA-00086 CVE Entries – Search at https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/search ..................... 4
Table 2-1.
Intel-SA-00086 Console Command Line Switches ....................................................... 8
Table 2-2.
Meaning of the Risk Assessment in the Output ........................................................... 9
Table 2-3.
Intel-SA-00086 Console Return Codes .................................................................... 10
Table 2-4.
Intel-SA-00086 Console Output Values ................................................................... 10
Table 2-5.
Criteria to determine if a System is Vulnerable to Intel - SA-00086 Using the Intel-SA-
00086 Detection Tool ....................................................................................... 11
Table 2-6. iCLS Status Messages ........................................................................................... 11


User Guide 3

1 Introduction
This document will step you through multiple processes to detect the security
vulnerability described in Intel-SA00086. Read the Public Security Advisory at
https://security-center.intel.com/advisory.aspx?intelid=INTEL-SA-00086 for more

Table 1-1. Intel-SA-00086 CVE Entries – Search at https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/search

Intel® Manageability Engine Firmware 11.0/11.5/11.6/11.7/11.10/11.20 CVE-2017-5705


Intel® Trusted Execution Engine 3.0 CVE-2017-5706


Server Platform Service 4.0 CVE-2017-5706


If you are a user of a single Windows* PC and you wish to determine its
status: We provide the Intel-SA-00086 Detection GUI application (Intel-SA-00086-
gui.exe) for local analysis of a single or standalone Windows* system.

If you want to determine the status for multiple Windows* machines: We

have provided the Intel-SA-00086 Detection Tool console (Intel-SA-00086-
console.exe) application. This tool can perform detection and write its findings to the
local Windows* Registry, and (optionally) to an XML and/or txt file, for subsequent
collection and analysis.

If you are a user of a Linux* system and you wish to determine its status: We
provide the Intel-SA-00086 Detection console application (intel_sa00086.py) for
analysis of Linux* systems.


4 User Guide
Using the Intel–SA–00086 Detection Tool

2 Using the Intel–SA–00086

Detection Tool
What is the Intel-SA-00086 Detection Tool?

The Intel-SA-00086 Detection Tool can be used by local users or an IT administrator

to determine whether a system is vulnerable to the exploit documented in Intel
Security Advisory Intel-SA-00086.

The Detection Tool is offered in two versions for Windows* and a single version for
• For Windows* there is an interactive GUI tool that, when run, discovers the
hardware and software details of the device and provides an indication of risk
assessment. This version is recommended when local evaluation of a Windows*
system is desired.
• The second version, for Linux* and Windows* is a console executable that can
perform the risk assessment and optionally save the detection information to the
Windows* registry (Windows* only), to an XML and/or text file. This version is
more convenient for IT administrators wishing to perform bulk detection
operations across multiple machines.

2.1 Obtaining the Intel-SA-00086 Detection Tool

The Intel-SA-00086 Detection Tool download package is available at:

2.2 System Requirements

• Microsoft* Windows* 7, 8, 8.1, or 10 (Windows* 10S and Windows*10 IOT Core
are not supported)
• Windows* 2012 R2 for servers (x64)
• .Net version 4.5 or later
• HECI Driver

• Ubuntu* LTS 16.0.4 (for client), Redhat 7.2 (for Server)

User Guide 5
Using the Intel–SA–00086 Detection Tool

• Python* 2.7
• Local operating system administrative access

2.3 Installing the Tool – Linux*

• Unzip the package to a directory
• Insure that execute permission is set on the files:
− intel_sa00086.py
− spsInfoLinux64

2.4 Running the Linux* Console Tool

From the installation directory

Execute the command:


Note: The Linux* tool takes no command line options

2.5 Installing the Tool – Windows*

Unzip the downloaded package into a directory.

The console tool can be found in the DiscoveryTool subdirectory. The GUI tool can be
found in the DiscoveryTool.GUI directory.

2.6 Running the GUI Tool

Intel-SA-00086-GUI.exe is designed to run on a single system. When run, the tool
outputs the detection information to the screen.

6 User Guide
Using the Intel–SA–00086 Detection Tool

Figure 1. Example of Intel–SA–00086–GUI Output to Screen

*On SPS platforms the recovery version will be displayed in the ME

Information section.

User Guide 7
Using the Intel–SA–00086 Detection Tool

2.7 Running the Windows* Console Tool

Execute INTEL-SA-00086-console.exe from a command prompt with administrative

Intel-SA-00086-console.exe [[option...]]

Table 2-1. Intel-SA-00086 Console Command Line Switches

Command Line Option Functionality

-n, -noregistry Prevents writing results to the registry

-c, -noconsole Prevents results from being displayed on the console

-d, -delay <seconds> Delay in seconds before execution starts. If no value is

specified, the tool will have no delay.

-f, -writefile Specifies writing results to a file. The filename uses the
following format: <computername>.xml

-p <filepath>, The path to store the output file. If no path is specified, the file
-filepath <filepath> will be written to the directory that the tool is running from.

-h, -help, -? Displays these command line switches and their functions

Figure 2. Example of Intel-SA-00086-Console Output

INTEL-SA-00086 Detection Tool

Application Version: <TOOL_VERSION>
Computer Name: <COMPUTER_NAME>
Scan date: <DATE_TIME>

*** Host Computer Information ***

Processor Name: <PROCESSOR>
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise

*** Intel(R) ME Information ***

Engine: ME
SVN: 1

*** Risk Assessment ***

Based on the analysis performed by this tool: This system is vulnerable.
The detected version of the Intel(R) Management Engine firmware is considered vulnerable for INTEL-SA-00086.
Contact your system manufacturer for support and remediation of this system.
For more information refer to the SA-00086 Detection Tool Guide or the Intel security advisory Intel-SA-00086 at the
following link: https://security-center.intel.com/advisory.aspx?intelid=INTEL-SA-00086&languageid=en-fr
Saving results in: <APP_DIR>\SA-00086-<COMPUTER_NAME>L-YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm.xml

The logic used to determine a risk assessment is described in Table 2-2.

8 User Guide
Using the Intel–SA–00086 Detection Tool

Table 2-2. Meaning of the Risk Assessment in the Output

Message Meaning

Vulnerable The detected version of the Management Engine firmware is

considered vulnerable for INTEL-SA-00086.

Not Vulnerable The system meets the “Not Vulnerable” criteria described in
Identifying impacted systems using the INTEL-SA-00086 Detection

Maybe Vulnerable Tool could not communicate with the MEI/TXEI Driver. Platform
vulnerability cannot be ascertained.

Unknown • The tool did not receive a valid response when requesting hardware
inventory data from your computer. Contact the system
manufacturer for assistance in determining the vulnerability of this

• This message may be received on a server platform without a PMX

Driver installed. This driver may be not available on all of versions
of Windows* OS. If the driver is not present, the recommended
workaround is to run spsInfo or spsManuf application provided with
SPS Firmware release. Both applications will install the PMX Driver.

2.8 Results
Note: The amount of data returned by the Intel-SA-00086 Detection command will depend
on if the Intel manageability driver stack is loaded on to the system. If the Intel®
Management Engine Interface (MEI) driver is present there will be a more verbose set
of data available. Some of the fields may not be supported by the manufacturer.

2.9 Registry Location

The values from the results table can be found in the following registry key:

Intel\Setup and Configuration Software\INTEL-SA-00086 Discovery Tool

User Guide 9
Using the Intel–SA–00086 Detection Tool

2.10 XML
If you choose to write results to an XML file, that file will be stored in the directory
that Intel-SA-00086-console.exe is executed from or the path specified in the
command line options. Information such as hardware inventory and OS is included.

2.11 Console Return Codes

Table 2-3. Intel-SA-00086 Console Return Codes

Number Status Meaning

0 NOTVULNERABLE | STATUS_OK Platform is not vulnerable




101 DISCOVERY_NOT_VULNERABLE_PATCHED Platform is not vulnerable, it

has been patched

200 DISCOVERY_UNKNOWN Unable to determine platform


Table 2-4. Intel-SA-00086 Console Output Values

Value Location Description

Application Version The version of the scanning tool used

Scan Date The date time the scan took place

Computer Name Hardware Inventory The name of the computer scanned

Computer The computer’s manufacturer


Computer Model The computer’s model

Processor The computer’s processor model

Engine ME, TXE or SPS

ME Version ME Firmware A string value with the full ME firmware version

Information number in the following format:

SVN Firmware Security Version Number

*** Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Refer Table 2-2


10 User Guide
Using the Intel–SA–00086 Detection Tool

2.12 Identifying Impacted Systems Using the Intel-

SA-00086 Detection Tool
Impacted systems are defined as having an affected Intel® Management Engine (ME)
firmware version as defined inTable 2-5.

Table 2-5. Criteria to determine if a System is Vulnerable to Intel - SA-00086 Using the
Intel-SA-00086 Detection Tool

Vulnerable Not Vulnerable

ME Version ME Versions 11.x.x.x with ME Versions: 11.8 and higher with SVN
SVN < 3 >=3

TXE Version TXE Versions 3.0.x.x with TXE Versions 3.1 and higher with SVN >=3
SVN < 3

SPS Version Operational and Recovery Operational and Recovery Milestone >=4
Milestones <=3 For example:
For example: • SPS_E5_04.
Both the operational
and recovery versions • SPS_E5_04. • SPS_E5_04.
must be checked for • SPS_E5_04. • SPS_E3_04.
vulnerability • SPS_E3_04.

2.13 iCLS Health

In the event that the Detection tool finds problems with the iCLS configuration, it will
print status messages as defined in Table 2-6

Table 2-6. iCLS Status Messages

Message Action

Installed iCLS Client is obsolete. Minimum • Update iCLS client software.

required version is 1.47.715.0. Update iCLS
Client software.

Service Intel® Capability Licensing Service • Insure iCLS client software is properly
TCP IP Interface is not installed. Install iCLS installed.
Client software.

Service Intel® TPM Provisioning Service is • Insure iCLS client is properly installed.
not installed. Install iCLS Client software. Contact your OEM if problem persists.

User Guide 11
Using the Intel–SA–00086 Detection Tool

Message Action

Service Intel® TPM Provisioning Service is • Insure TPM Provisioning service is running.
not running. Contact the OEM for support. Contact your OEM if problem persists.

iCLS software is installed and healthy, but • Contact the OEM for support
re-key has failed. Contact the OEM for

Network is OK but iCLS Client may require • Configure iCLS Client proxy server settings
HTTP proxy server settings to be configured as specified in the message.
in: "%%ProgramData%%\\Intel\\iCLS
Note that iCLS Client does not support auto
configuration scripts nor automatic proxy

No connection to TCS Backend. • Check network connectivity and access to

Possible causes: https://ias.intel.com.
• No network connection (Wi-Fi or other)
• No access to https://ias.intel.com (blocked
by firewall)
• No HTTP proxy configured


12 User Guide

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