Urban and Rural Problems
Urban and Rural Problems
Urban and Rural Problems
“Downtown Decay Poses Problem for Community,” the headline said. The downtown district of Charleston, South
Carolina, has some of the most beautiful older homes in the country, but it also has its share of dilapidated housing.
According to the news article, “There are two distinct sides to downtown Charleston, the postcard perfect homes and the
crumbling, rundown houses. Dilapidated buildings near the crosstown aren’t just eyesores, they’re becoming safety
hazards.” A neighborhood activist criticized city officials for ignoring the problem of rundown, dangerous houses. “It’s
out of sight, out of mind,” he said. Ignoring this problem “wouldn’t happen in the tourist areas,” he added, “but why
should it happen in the community where people live and work every day?”
Source: Davenport, 2012.Davenport, M. (2012, January 11). Downtown decay poses problem for community. WCSC TV.
Retrieved from http://www.live5news.com/story/16501227/downtown-decay-poses-problem-for-community.
America’s cities are centers of culture, innovation, fine dining, world-class medical research, high finance, and so many
other hallmarks. Yet, as this news story from Charleston reminds us, our cities also have dilapidated housing and many
other problems. So do the nation’s rural areas. This chapter examines urban and rural problems in the United States.
We will see that many of these problems reflect those that earlier chapters discussed. But we will also see that some
problems are worse in cities precisely because they are cities (and therefore are crowded with traffic and many buildings and
people). And we'll see that some problems are worse in rural areas precisely because they are rural (and therefore are
isolated with long distances to travel). These defining features of cities and rural areas, respectively, should be kept in mind
as we examine the problems occurring in these two important settings for American life.
One of the most significant changes over the centuries has been urbanization, or the shift from rural areas to large cities.
Urbanization has had important consequences for many aspects of social, political, and economic life (Kleniewski &
Thomas, 2011).Kleniewski, N., & Thomas, A. R. (2011). Cities, change, and conflict (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
The earliest cities developed in ancient times after the rise of horticultural and pastoral societies made it possible for people
to stay in one place instead of having to move around to find food. Because ancient cities had no sanitation facilities, people
typically left their garbage and human waste in the city streets or just outside the city wall (which most cities had for
protection from possible enemies). This poor sanitation led to rampant disease and high death rates. Some cities eventually
developed better sanitation procedures, including, in Rome, a sewer system. Still, the world remained largely rural until the
industrialization of the nineteenth century. We return to industrialization shortly.
During the American colonial period, cities along the eastern seaboard were the centers of commerce and politics. Boston,
New York, and Philadelphia were the three largest cities in population size. Yet they were tiny in comparison to their size
today. In 1790, the year after George Washington became the first president of the new nation, New York’s population was
only 33,131; Philadelphia’s was 28,522; and Boston’s was 18,230 (Gibson, 1998).Gibson, C. (1998). Population of the 100
largest cities and other urban places in the United States: 1790–1990. Washington, DC: US Census Bureau. Today, of
course, cities of this size are called small towns. New York’s population is vastly higher, at about 8.2 million; Philadelphia’s
is 1.5 million; and Boston’s is 618, 000.
US cities became more numerous and much larger during the nineteenth century because of two trends. The first was
immigration, as waves of immigrants from Ireland and then Italy and other nations began coming to the United States
during the 1820s. The second was industrialization, as people moved to live near factories and other sites of industrial
production. These two trends were momentous: People crowded together as never before, and they crowded into living
conditions that were often squalid. Lack of sanitation continued to cause rampant disease, and death rates from cholera,
typhoid, and other illnesses were high.
Crime also became a significant problem, as did riots and other mob violence beginning in the
1830s. This type of mass violence was so common that the 1830s have been called the “turbulent
era” (Feldberg, 1980).Feldberg, M. (1980). The turbulent era: Riot and disorder in Jacksonian
America. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Most of this mass violence was committed by
native-born whites against African Americans, Catholics, and immigrants. Native whites resented
their presence and were deeply prejudiced against them. During the three decades beginning in
1830, almost three-fourths of US cities with populations above 20,000 had at least one riot. This
wave of mass violence in the nation’s cities led Abraham Lincoln to lament, “Accounts of outrages
committed by mobs form the everyday news of the times…Whatever their causes be, it is
common to the whole country” (Barkan & Snowden, 2008, p. 34).Barkan, S. E., & Snowden, L. L.
Muckraker Lincoln
(2008). Collective violence. Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY: Sloan.
Steffens wrote a classic
work, The Shame of the
American cities grew even more rapidly after the Civil War as both industrialization and
Cities, that criticized the
immigration continued. By the early years of the twentieth century, US cities on the East Coast municipal corruption
were almost unimaginably crowded, and their living conditions continued to be wretched for characterizing many US
many of their residents. Their city governments, police forces, and business worlds were also cities at the turn of the
notoriously corrupt. In 1904, Lincoln Steffens, a renowned “muckraking” journalist, published twentieth century.
his classic work, The Shame of the Cities (Steffens, 1904),Steffens, L. (1904). The shame of the
cities. New York, NY: McClure, Phillips. which was a collection of six articles he had written Source: “Lincoln
Steffens,” Wikipedia, Last
for McClure’s Magazine. In this book, Steffens used biting prose to attack the municipal
modified August 19,
corruption of the times in Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and other cities. In the original
2009, http://commons.wi
articles that compose the book, he named names: He listed by name people who gave and
received bribes and those who were corrupt in other ways. A decade earlier, another muckraker, ncoln_Steffens.jpg.
Jacob Riis, had published How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New
York (Riis, 1890),Riis, J. (1890). How the other half lives: Studies among the tenements of New
York. New York. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons. a book of searing photographs of poverty in the largest US city. The books by
Steffens and Riis remain as vivid reminders of what cities were like a century ago, and perhaps are still like today in some
As Americans moved west after the Civil War and during the twentieth century, western cities appeared almost overnight
and expanded the pace of urbanization. Continued industrialization, immigration, and general population growth further
increased the number and size of US cities. Internal migration had a similar impact, as waves of African Americans moved
from the South to Chicago and other northern cities.
Figure 14.1 Populations of Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles, 1790–2010
Note: New York annexed Brooklyn in 1898; therefore, New York’s population beginning in 1900 includes Brooklyn’s population.
Sources: Gibson, C. (1998). Population of the 100 largest cities and other urban places in the United States: 1790–1990. Washington,
DC: US Census Bureau; US Census Bureau. (2012). Statistical abstract of the United States: 2012. Washington, DC: US Government
Printing Office. Retrieved from http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab.
Figure 14.1 "Populations of Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles, 1790–2010" depicts the growth of Chicago, New York, and
Los Angeles from 1790 to 2010. Chicago and Los Angeles first appear in the graph when they began to rank in the largest
one hundred cities.
Note that the populations of New York and Chicago show some decline after 1950. This decline reflects two other trends
affecting cities in the past half-century: (1) the movement of people from cities to suburbs; and (2) the movement of
Americans from northern cities to southern and southwestern cities. Reflecting this second trend, and also reflecting
increases in immigration from Mexico and Asia, southern and southwestern cities have grown rapidly during the past few
decades. For example, during the 1970–2010 period, the populations of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Phoenix, Arizona,
more than doubled, while the populations of Cleveland, Ohio, and Detroit, Michigan, both fell by about half (see Figure 14.2
"Population Change from 1970 to 2010 for Selected Cities").
Figure 14.2 Population Change from 1970 to 2010 for Selected Cities
Source: US Census Bureau. (2012). Statistical abstract of the United States: 2012. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Retrieved from http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab.
This trend in urbanization aside, the fact remains that the United States has become much more urbanized since its
formation. Today, more than three-fourths of the US population lives in an urban area (defined generally as an
incorporated territory with a population of at least 2,500), and less than one-fourth lives in a rural area. As Figure 14.3
"Urbanization in the United States (Percentage Living in Urban Areas)" shows, the degree of urbanization rose steadily
through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries before slowing down by the end of the last century.
Figure 14.3 Urbanization in the United States (Percentage Living in Urban Areas)
Sources: http://www.census.gov/population/www/censusdata/files/table-
4.pdf; http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/census_issues/archives/metropolitan_planning/cps2k.cfm.
Global Urbaniza on
If the United States has urbanized during the last two centuries, so has much of the rest of the world. Only 3 percent of the
world’s population lived in urban areas in 1800. By a century later in 1900, 14 percent of the world’s population lived in
urban areas, and twelve cities had populations over 1 million. Just a half-century later in 1950, the world’s urban population
had doubled to 30 percent, and the number of cities over 1 million grew six times to eighty-three cities.
Today, more than half the world’s population lives in urban areas, and the number of cities over 1 million stands at more
than four hundred. By 2030, almost two-thirds of the world’s population is projected to live in urban areas. The number
of megacities—cities with populations over 10 million—rose from three in 1975 to sixteen in 2000, and is expected to reach
twenty-seven by 2025 (Population Reference Bureau, 2012).Population Reference Bureau. (2012). Human population:
Urbanization. Retrieved from http://www.prb.org/Educators/TeachersGuides/HumanPopulation/Urbanization.aspx.
Despite all this growth, the degree of urbanization still varies around the world (see Figure 14.4 "Percentage of World
Population Living in Urban Areas"). In general, wealthy nations are more urban than poor nations, thanks in large part to
the latter’s rural economies. Still, urbanization in poor nations is proceeding rapidly. Most megacities are now in, and will
continue to be in, nations that are relatively poor or desperately poor. The number of urban residents in these nations will
increase greatly in the years ahead as people there move to urban areas and as their populations continue to grow through
natural fertility. Fertility is a special problem in this regard for two reasons. First, women in poor nations have high fertility
rates. Second, poor nations have very high proportions of young people, and these high rates mean that many births occur
because of the large number of women in their childbearing years.
Rapid urbanization poses both opportunities and challenges for poor nations. The opportunities are many. Jobs are more
plentiful in cities than in rural areas and incomes are higher, and services such as health care and schooling are easier to
deliver because people are living more closely together. In another advantage, women in poor nations generally fare better
in cities than in rural areas in terms of education and employment possibilities (United Nations Population Fund,
2011).United Nations Population Fund. (2011). The State of World Population 2011. Retrieved
from http://foweb.unfpa.org/SWP2011/reports/EN-SWOP2011-FINAL.pdf.
But there are also many challenges. In the large cities of poor nations, homeless children live in
the streets as beggars, and many people lack necessities and conveniences that urban dwellers in
industrial nations take for granted. As the United Nations Population Fund (2007)United
Nations Population Fund. (2007). Linking population, poverty, and development. Urbanization:
A majority in cities. Retrieved from http://www.unfpa.org/pds/urbanization.htm. warns, “One
billion people live in urban slums, which are typically overcrowded, polluted and dangerous, and
lack basic services such as clean water and sanitation.” The rapid urbanization of poor nations
will compound the many problems these nations already have, just as the rapid urbanization in
the industrial world more than a century ago led to the disease and other problems discussed
earlier. As cities grow rapidly in poor nations, moreover, these nations’ poverty makes them ill In large cities in poor
equipped to meet the challenges of urbanization. Helping these nations meet the needs of their nations, as this scene
cities remains a major challenge for the world community in the years ahead. In this regard, the illustrates, many people
United Nations Population Fund (2007)United Nations Population Fund. (2007). Linking live in deep poverty and
lack clean water and
population, poverty, and development. Urbanization: A majority in cities. Retrieved
from http://www.unfpa.org/pds/urbanization.htm.urges particular attention to housing:
“Addressing the housing needs of the poor will be critical. A roof and an address in a habitable
BazaNews, http://commo
area are the first step to a better life. Improving access to basic social and health services,
including reproductive health care, for poor people in urban slums is also critical to breaking the le:Delhi_Jama_Masjid_S
cycle of poverty.” treet_Scene.jpg.
Life in the megacity of Mumbai (formerly called Bombay) in India illustrates many of the
problems facing large cities in poor nations. Mumbai’s population exceeds 12.4 million, with
another 8 million living in the greater metropolitan area; this total of more than 20 million ranks Mumbai’s metropolitan
population as the fourth highest in the world. An author who grew up in Mumbai calls his city an “urban catastrophe.” He
continued, “Bombay is the future of urban civilization on the planet. God help us” (Kotkin, 2011).Kotkin, J. (2011). A leg up:
World’s largest cities no longer homes of upward mobility. Retrieved January 29, 2012,
from http://www.newgeography.com/content/002051-a-leg-up-worlds-largest-cities-no-longer-homes-upward-mobility. A
recent news story illustrated his bleak assessment with this description of life in Mumbai: “The majority of Mumbai’s
population now lives in slums, up from one-sixth in 1971—a statistic that reflects a lack of decent affordable housing, even
for those gainfully employed. Congested, overcrowded, and polluted, Mumbai has become a difficult place to live. The life
expectancy of a Mumbaikar is now seven years shorter than an average Indian’s, a remarkable statistic in a country still
populated by poor villagers with little or no access to health care” (Kotkin, 2011).Kotkin, J. (2011). A leg up: World’s largest
cities no longer homes of upward mobility. Retrieved January 29, 2012,
from http://www.newgeography.com/content/002051-a-leg-up-worlds-largest-cities-no-longer-homes-upward-mobility.
US ci es grew rapidly during the nineteenth century because of industrializa on and immigra on.
The United States is now a heavily urbanized society, whereas it was largely a rural society just a century ago.
Urbaniza on poses special challenges for poor na ons, which are ill equipped to address the many problems associated
with urbaniza on.
1. Write an essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of urbaniza on.
2. If you had your preference, would you want to live in a large city, small city or town, or rural area? Explain your answer.
1. List the assump ons of the three major sociological perspec ves concerning urbaniza on.
Once again the three major sociological perspectives offer important but varying insights to help us understand
urbanization. Table 14.1 "Theory Snapshot" summarizes their assumptions.
Theore cal
Major assump ons
perspec ve
Ci es serve many important func ons for society but also have their dysfunc ons. Func onalist theorists differ on
Func onalism the rela ve merits and disadvantages of urban life, and in par cular on the degree to which a sense of community
and social bonding exists within ci es.
Ci es are run by poli cal and economic elites that use their resources to enrich their posi ons and to take
resources from the poor and people of color. The diversity of social backgrounds found in ci es contributes to
conflict over norms and values.
Symbolic City residents differ in their types of interac on and percep ons of urban life. Ci es are not chao c places but
interac onism rather loca ons in which strong norms and values exist.
Func onalism
A basic debate within the functionalist perspective centers on the relative merits of cities and urbanization: In what ways
and to what extent are cities useful (functional) for society, and in what ways and to what extent are cities disadvantageous
and even harmful (dysfunctional) for society? Put more simply, are cities good or bad?
In essence, there is no one answer to this question, because cities are too complex for a simple answer. Cities are both good
and bad. They are sites of creativity, high culture, population diversity, and excitement, but they are also sites of crime,
impersonality, and other problems.
Since sociologists began studying urbanization in the early years of the discipline, an important question has been the
degree to which cities are impersonal and alienating for their residents. In 1887, German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies
(1887/1963)Tönnies, F. (1963). Community and society. New York, NY: Harper and Row. (Original work published
1887) raised this question when he wrote about the changes that occurred as societies changed from small, rural, and
traditional cultures to larger, urban, and industrial settings. He said that a sense of community, or Gemeinschaft,
characterizes traditional societies. In these societies, family, kin, and community ties are quite strong, with people caring for
each other and looking out for one another. As societies grew and industrialized and as people moved to cities, he wrote,
social ties weakened and became more impersonal. Tönnies called this type of society a Gesellschaft, and he was quite
critical of this development. He lamented the loss in urban societies of close social bonds and of a strong sense of
community, and he feared that a sense of rootlessness in these societies begins to replace the feeling of stability and
steadiness characteristic of small, rural societies.
One of the key founders of sociology, French scholar Émile Durkheim, was more positive than Tönnies about the nature of
cities and urbanized societies. He certainly appreciated the social bonds and community feeling, which he
called mechanical solidarity, characteristic of small, rural societies. However, he also thought that these societies stifled
individual freedom and that social ties still exist in larger, urban societies. He called these latter ties organic solidarity,
which he said stems from the division of labor. When there is a division of labor, he wrote, everyone has to depend on
everyone else to perform their jobs. This interdependence of roles creases a solidarity that retains much of the bonding and
sense of community found in small, rural societies (Durkheim, 1893/1933).Durkheim, É. (1933). The division of labor in
society. London, United Kingdom: Free Press. (Original work published 1893)
Contemporary research tends to emphasize that strong social bonds do exist in cities (Guest, Cover, Matsueda, & Kubrin,
2006).Guest, A. M., Cover, J. K., Matsueda, R. L., & Kubrin, C. E. (2006). Neighborhood context and neighboring ties. City
& Community, 5(4), 363–385. Although cities can be anonymous (think of the mass of people walking by each other on a
busy street in the downtown area of a large city), many city residents live in neighborhoods where people do know each
other, associate with each other, and look out for each other. In these neighborhoods, a sense of community and strong
social bonds do, in fact, exist.
In many urban neighborhoods, people are friendly with each other and feel a strong sense of community.
In 1938, University of Chicago sociologist Louis Wirth wrote a very influential essay, “Urbanism as a Way of Life,” in which
he took both a positive and a negative view of cities (Wirth, 1938).Wirth, L. (1938). Urbanism as a way of life. American
Journal of Sociology, 44, 3–24. He agreed with Tönnies that cities have a weaker sense of community and weaker social
bonds than do rural areas. But he also agreed with Durkheim that cities generate more creativity and greater tolerance for
new ways of thinking. In particular, he said that urban residents are more tolerant than rural residents of nontraditional
attitudes, behaviors, and lifestyles, in part because they are much more exposed than rural residents to these nontraditional
ways. Supporting Wirth’s hypothesis, contemporary research finds that urban residents indeed hold more tolerant views on
several kinds of issues (Moore & Ovadia, 2006).Moore, L. M., & Ovadia, S. (2006). Accounting for spatial variation in
tolerance: The effects of education and religion. Social Forces, 84(4), 2205–2222.
An example of the greater tolerance of urban residents (and thus the lower tolerance of rural residents) appears in Figure
14.5 "Urban/Rural Residence and Belief That Premarital Sex Is “Always Wrong” (%)", which depicts the percentage of
Americans in the nation’s twelve largest metropolitan areas and in its rural areas who say that premarital sex is “always
wrong.” Rural residents are twice as likely as urban residents to feel this way.
Figure 14.5 Urban/Rural Residence and Belief That Premarital Sex Is “Always Wrong” (%)
Source: Data from General Social Survey. (2010). Retrieved from http://sda.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/hsda?harcsda+gss10.
Conflict Theory
We just saw that functionalism has mixed views about the benefits and disadvantages of cities and urban life and thus of
urbanization. In contrast to this ambivalence, conflict theory’s views are uniformly critical. In this regard, recall
from Chapter 1 "Understanding Social Problems" that conflict theory assumes a basic conflict between society’s “haves” and
“have-nots,” or between the economic and political elites and the poor and people of color. This type of conflict, says conflict
theory, manifests itself especially in the nation’s cities, in which the “haves” and “have-nots” live very different lives. On the
one hand, the rich in American cities live in luxurious apartments and work in high-rise corporate buildings, and they dine
at the finest restaurants and shop at the most expensive stores. On the other hand, the poor and people of color live in
dilapidated housing and can often barely make ends meet.
Beyond this basic disparity of city life, conflict theorists add that the diverse backgrounds and interests of city residents
often lead to conflict because some residents’ beliefs and practices clash with those of other residents. In one of the earliest
statements of this position, sociologist Thorsten Sellin (1938),Sellin, T. (1938). Culture conflict and crime(No. Bulletin 41):
New York, NY: Social Science Research Council. who was writing during an era of mass immigration into American cities of
people from other nations, said that crime is the result of “culture conflict.” In particular, he wrote that crime by immigrants
often results from the clash of their traditional ways of thinking and acting with the norms of American society. As one
example, he wrote that a father in New Jersey who had emigrated from Sicily killed a teenage boy who had slept with his
daughter. The father was surprised when he was arrested by local police, because in the traditional Sicilian culture a man
was permitted and even expected to defend his family’s honor by acting as the father did!
More recent applications of conflict theory to urbanization emphasize the importance of political economy, or the
interaction of political and economic institutions and processes. In this way of thinking, political and economic elites in a
city (bankers, real estate investors, politicians, and others) collaborate to advance their respective interests. Thus urban
development often takes the form of displacing poor urban residents from their homes so that condominiums, high-rise
banks and other corporate buildings, posh shopping malls, or other buildings favoring the rich can be built. More generally,
these elites treat cities as settings for the growth of their wealth and power, rather than as settings where real people live, go
to school, work at a job, and have friends and acquaintances. Sociologists John Logan and Harvey Molotch use the
term growth machine ideology to characterize the view of the city that guides these elites’ policies and practices (Logan &
Molotch, 2007).Logan, J. R., & Molotch, H. L. (2007). Urban fortunes: The political economy of place (2nd ed.). Berkeley,
CA: University of California Press.
Consistent with the overall approach of symbolic interactionism, scholars of the city who take this approach focus on the
nature of urban residents’ interaction with each other, the reasons for their patterns of interaction, and their perceptions of
various aspects of urban life. Their work has yielded many rich, vivid descriptions of the urban life. Many and probably most
of these accounts have concerned the lives of the poor and of people of color. The late Elliott Liebow wrote two of the most
famous accounts. The first of these two was his majestic Tally’s Corner (Liebow, 1967), which depicted the lives of African
American men who “hung around” a particular street corner in a large city. His second account was Tell Them Who I Am:
The Lives of Homeless Women (Liebow, 1993),Liebow, E. (1993). Tell them who I am: The lives of homeless women. New
York, NY: Free Press.which, as its title implies, depicted the lives of urban homeless women. Yet another classic account is
William Foote Whyte’s (1943)Whyte, W. F. (1943). Street corner society: The social structure of an Italian slum. Chicago,
IL: University of Chicago Press. Street Corner Society, which examined leadership in a street gang in Chicago, Illinois.
These and other accounts all depict cities as places where various norms and values prevail, in contrast to views of cities that
depict them as wild, chaotic places. Building on these more positive accounts, recent work by sociologist Elijah Anderson
emphasizes that most poor urban residents are “decent” (as they call themselves), law-abiding people who strongly
disapprove of the crime and drug use in their neighborhoods (Anderson, 2000).Anderson, E. (2000). Code of the street:
Decency, violence, and the moral life of the inner city. New York, NY: W. W. Norton. He also emphasizes that cities are
filled with parks and other public settings in which people from different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds gather
every day and interact in various ways that help foster interracial understanding. Anderson calls these settings
“cosmopolitan canopies,” and says they “offer a respite from the lingering tensions of urban life and an opportunity for
diverse peoples to come together…Through personal observation, they may come casually to appreciate one another’s
differences and empathize with the other in a spirit of humanity” (Anderson, 2011, pp. xiv–xv).Anderson, E. (2011). The
cosmopolitan canopy: Race and civility in everyday life. New York, NY: W. W. Norton. In this manner, writes Anderson,
people from different races can at least partly overcome the racial tensions that afflict many American cities.
Other work in the symbolic interactionist tradition seeks to understand the different lifestyles of city residents. Sociologist
Herbert Gans (1982)Gans, H. J. (1982). The urban villagers: Group and class in the life of Italian-Americans (Updated and
expanded ed.). New York, NY: Free Press. authored a classic typology of urban residents based on their differing lifestyles
and experiences. Gans identified five types of city residents.
The first type is cosmopolites. These are people who live in a city because of its cultural attractions, restaurants, and other
features of the best that a city has to offer. Cosmopolites include students, writers, musicians, and intellectuals. Unmarried
and childless individuals and couples are the second type; they live in a city to be near their jobs and to enjoy the various
kinds of entertainment found in most cities. If and when they marry or have children, respectively, many migrate to the
suburbs to raise their families. The third type is ethnic villagers, who are recent immigrants and members of various ethnic
groups who live among each other in certain neighborhoods. These neighborhoods tend to have strong social bonds and
more generally a strong sense of community. Gans wrote that all these three types generally find the city inviting rather than
alienating and have positive experiences far more often than negative ones.
In contrast, two final types of residents find the city alienating and experience a low quality of life. The first of these two
types, and the fourth overall, is the deprived. These are people with low levels of formal education who live in poverty or
near poverty and are unemployed, are underemployed, or work at low wages. They live in neighborhoods filled with trash,
broken windows, and other signs of disorder. They commit high rates of crime and also have high rates of victimization by
crime. The final type is the trapped. These are residents who, as their name implies, might wish to leave their
neighborhoods but are unable to do so for several reasons: they may be alcoholics or drug addicts, they may be elderly and
disabled, or they may be jobless and cannot afford to move to a better area.
In thinking about this typology, it is important to keep in mind that city residents’ social backgrounds—their social class,
race/ethnicity, gender, age, and sexual orientation—all influence the kind of lifestyle they tend to adopt and thus the type of
resident they are according to the typology. As earlier chapters documented, these dimensions of our social backgrounds
often yield many kinds of social inequalities, and the quality of life that city residents enjoy depends heavily on these
dimensions. For example, residents who are white and wealthy have the money and access to enjoy the best that cities have
to offer, while those who are poor and of color typically experience the worst aspects of city life. Because of fear of rape and
sexual assault, women often feel more constrained than men from traveling freely throughout a city and being out late at
night; older people also often feel more constrained because of physical limitations and fear of muggings; and gays and
lesbians are still subject to physical assaults stemming from homophobia. The type of resident we are, then, in terms of our
sociodemographic profile affects what we experience in the city and whether that experience is positive or negative.
Func onalism offers both a posi ve and a nega ve view of urbaniza on. Func onalist sociologists differ on the degree of
social solidarity that exists in ci es.
According to conflict theory, economic and poli cal elites use their resources to develop ci es in a way that benefits them.
The diverse social backgrounds of urban residents also contribute to certain types of conflict.
According to symbolic interac onism, social inequality based on social class, race/ethnicity, gender, age, and sexual
orienta on affects the quality of urban experiences. In addi on to differences in their sociodemographic profiles, city
residents differ in other ways. Herbert Gans iden fied several types of urban dwellers: cosmopolites, unmarried and
childless, ethnic villagers, deprived, and trapped.
1. Write an essay that summarizes the assump ons of any two of the major sociological perspec ves on urbaniza on.
2. Which of the three perspec ves makes the most sense to you? Why?
On the other hand, many US cities are also filled with abject poverty, filthy and dilapidated housing, high crime rates, traffic
gridlock, and dirty air. Many Americans would live nowhere but a city, and many would live anywhere but a city. Cities
arouse strong opinions, pro and con, because there are many things both to like and to dislike about cities.
By definition, cities consist of very large numbers of people living in a relatively small amount of space. Some of these people
have a good deal of money, but many people, and in some cities most people, have very little money. Cities must provide
many kinds of services for all their residents, and certain additional services for their poorer residents. These basic facts of
city life make for common sets of problems affecting cities throughout the nation, albeit to varying degrees, with some cities
less able than others to address these problems. This section examines several of these problems.
Fiscal Problems
One evident problem is fiscal: Cities typically have serious difficulties in paying for basic services such as policing, public
education, trash removal, street maintenance, and snow removal (at least in cold climates), and in providing certain services
for their residents who are poor or disabled or who have other conditions. The fiscal difficulties that cities routinely face
became even more serious with the onset of the nation’s deep recession in late 2007, as the term fiscal crisis was used again
and again to describe the harsh financial realities that cities continued to face even after the recession officially ended in
mid-2009 (McNichol, 2009).McNichol, D. A. (2009, May 1). Revenue loss putting cities in fiscal vise. New York Times, p.
In early 2012, almost three years after the United States officially emerged from the recession, this fiscal crisis persisted. The
mayor of Syracuse, New York, announced that her city faced a budget deficit of $16 million and called its fiscal problems
“staggering” (Knauss, 2012).Knauss, T. (2012, January 26). Former Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch to advise Syracuse on finances,
Mayor Stephanie Miner says. The Post-Standard. Retrieved
from http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2012/01/former_lt_gov_richard_ravitch.html.Mayors in Rhode Island
told their governor that their cities need fiscal aid from the state to prevent them from having to declare bankruptcy. One of
the mayors said, “We all have the same issues. Something has to be done this year. We cannot have a study commission. We
cannot say ‘we’ll wait until 2013 or 2014.’ This is do or die” (Klepper, 2012).Klepper, D. (2012, January 5). RI Gov., mayors
say state must help cities now. The Boston Globe. Retrieved
from http://www.boston.com/news/local/rhode_island/articles/2012/01/05/ri_gov_mayors_say_state_must_help_cities
_now. Detroit, Michigan, was in danger of running out of money altogether and being taken over by its state government.
The member of the US House of Representatives who represents Detroit said he was seeking aid from the federal
government: “Bottom line, I’m asking for federal aid to avoid massive layoffs, especially for our public safety workers. That’s
what we actually need to attract businesses here who create jobs. We need safe streets and we need good schools” (Oosting,
2012).Oosting, J. (2012, January 30). Rep. Hansen Clarke talks with president on Air Force One, seeks emergency aid for
Detroit. Mlive.com. Retrieved
from http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2012/01/rep_hansen_clarke_talks_with_p.html.
In response to financial problems in these and other cities across the nation, the US Conference of Mayors urged Congress
in early 2012 to provide several kinds of aid to cities, including low-interest loans for local rail and road projects and funding
for housing and job training for low-income residents (United States Conference of Mayors, 2012).US Conference of Mayors.
(2012, January 24). Statement by US Conference of Mayors president Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa in reaction to
President Obama’s State of the Union address. Retrived from http://www.usmayors.org/pressreleases/uploads/2012/0124-
Social scientists have long thought that poor urban neighborhoods pose, in and of themselves, significant health risks
for their residents. These neighborhoods lack supermarkets with fresh fruits and vegetables, and they lack safe parks
and other settings for exercise. They are also neighborhoods with high crime rates and thus much stress. For all these
reasons, they should impair the physical health of their residents. Reflecting this argument, the residents of poor urban
neighborhoods do, in fact, exhibit significant health problems compared to the residents of wealthier neighborhoods.
Although this argument might sound compelling, the residents of poor and wealthier neighborhoods might differ in
other ways that affects their respective health. For example, people living in wealthier neighborhoods are generally more
educated and more conscious of taking care of their health. If their health then is better than that of their counterparts
in poor neighborhoods, it is difficult to know how much the neighborhood setting itself plays a role in the health of
For this reason, a recent study of a real-life experiment provided compelling evidence of the importance of the quality of
a neighborhood for one’s health. In the 1990s, the federal government conducted an experiment in which 1,800 poor
urban women were randomly selected and, with their permission, assigned to move from their neighborhoods to
wealthier neighborhoods. The women were studied a decade after they moved. In particular, they were weighed and had
their blood checked for evidence of diabetes. Their results were then compared to women in their original
neighborhoods who were not selected to move away. The women who did move away ended up with somewhat lower
rates of diabetes and obesity than those who stayed behind.
The experimental design of this study allowed the researchers to conclude that the change in neighborhoods was the
reason for their improvement in these two health measures. Reflecting this conclusion, the secretary of the US
Department of Housing and Urban Development said, “This study proves that concentrated poverty is not only bad
policy, it’s bad for your health.” A news report observed that the results of this study “offered some of the strongest
support yet for the idea that where you live can significantly affect your overall health, especially if your home is in a
low-income area.”
The results of this experimental study underscore the need to improve the living conditions of poor urban
neighborhoods, as these conditions affect many life outcomes of the adults and children who live in them.
Sources: Ludwig et al., 2011; Stobbe, 2011Ludwig, J., Sanbonmatsu, L., Gennetian, L., Adam, E., Duncan, G. J., Katz, L.
F., et al. (2011). Neighborhoods, obesity, and diabetes—a randomized social experiment. New England Journal of
Medicine, 365(16), 1509–1519; Stobbe, M. (2011, October 20). Decade-long study links living in low-income
neighborhoods to poor health. The Boston Globe, p. A15.
Another problem is crowding. Cities are crowded in at least two ways. The first involves residential crowding: large
numbers of people living in a small amount of space. City streets are filled with apartment buildings, condominiums, row
houses, and other types of housing, and many people live on any one city block. Residential crowding is perhaps the defining
feature of any large city. In this regard, let’s compare the Manhattan borough of New York City with the state of Idaho.
Roughly 1.6 million people live in each location. However, in Manhattan they are packed into only about 24 square miles,
while in Idaho they live within 84,000 square miles. Manhattan’s population density, the number of people per square mile,
is 68,000 people per square mile; Idaho’s population density is only about 19 people per square mile. Population density in
Manhattan is thus 3,579 times (68,000 ÷ 19) greater than in Idaho.
New York is incredibly crowded, but other cities are also very crowded. Chicago’s population density, for example, exceeds
12,200 persons per square mile, while even a smaller city like Cincinnati (population 331,000) has a population density of
4,700 persons per square mile. Even a much smaller city like Ames, Iowa (population 51,000) has a population density of
2,360 persons per square mile. Population density in the small city of Ames is still 124 times greater than in the entire state
of Idaho. Residential crowding is thus very high in almost any city in the United States compared to a rural area.
The second type of crowding is household crowding: Dwelling units in cities (apartments and houses) are typically small
because of lack of space, and much smaller overall than houses in suburbs or rural areas. This forces many people to live in
close quarters within a particular dwelling unit, especially if they are low-income individuals or families.
Some research finds that either type of crowding produces higher levels of stress, depression, aggression and crime. Here an
interesting gender difference may exist (Regoeczi, 2008):Regoeczi, W. C. (2008). Crowding in context: An examination of
the differential responses of men and women to high-density living environments. Journal of Health and Social Behavior,
49, 254–268. Household crowding may produce depression in women but not men, and aggression in men but not women.
Although crowding of both types is a problem, then, there is little that cities can do to reduce crowding. This fact
underscores the need to undertake other efforts that might address the various consequences of residential and household
crowding. In this regard, Chapter 8 "Crime and Criminal Justice" outlined several efforts to help reduce crime and
A third problem involves housing. Here there are several related issues. Much urban housing is substandard, as this
chapter’s opening news story illustrated, and characterized by such problems as broken windows, malfunctioning heating
systems, peeling lead paint, and insect infestation.
At the same time, adequate housing is not affordable for many city residents, as housing prices in cities can be very high,
and usually higher than in rural areas, and the residents’ incomes are typically very low. Cities thus have a great need for
adequate, affordable housing. According to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (2012),US Department
of Housing and Urban Development. (2012). Affordable housing. Retrieved Janaury 31, 2012,
from http://www.hud.gov/offices/cpd/affordablehousing. housing is affordable when a household pays no more than 30
percent of its annual income on housing. Low-income households that must spend more than this benchmark may be
unable to afford clothing, food, health care, and transportation. Yet 12 million US households pay more than half their
annual incomes for housing.
Another housing issue concerns racial segregation. Although federal law prohibits segregated housing, cities across the
country are nonetheless highly segregated by race, with many neighborhoods all or mostly African American. In a widely
cited book, sociologists Douglas S. Massey and Nancy A. Denton (1993)Massey, D. S., & Denton, N. A. (1993). American
apartheid: Segregation and the making of the underclass. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. termed this situation
“American apartheid.” They said that these segregated neighborhoods result from a combination of several factors,
including (a) “white flight” into suburbs, (b) informal—and often illegal—racially discriminatory actions that make it
difficult for African Americans to move into white neighborhoods (such as real estate agents falsely telling black couples that
no houses are available in a particular neighborhood), and (c) a general lack of income and other resources that makes it
very difficult for African Americans to move from segregated neighborhoods.
Massey and Denton argued that residential segregation worsens the general circumstances in which many urban African
Americans live. Several reasons account for this effect. As whites flee to the suburbs, the people left behind are much poorer.
The tax base of cities suffers accordingly, and along with it the quality of city schools, human services, and other social
functions. All these problems help keep the crime rate high and perhaps even raise it further. Because segregated
neighborhoods are poor and crime ridden, businesses do not want to invest in them, and employment opportunities are
meager. This fact worsens conditions in segregated neighborhoods even further. Consequently, concluded Massey and
Denton, racial segregation helps to keep very poor people living in deep poverty and decaying neighborhoods.
Other research supports this conclusion. As a review of the research evidence summarized this situation, “Whether
voluntary or involuntary, living in racially segregated neighborhoods has serious implications for the present and future
mobility opportunities of those who are excluded from desirable areas. Where we live affects our proximity to good job
opportunities, educational quality, and safety from crime (both as victim and as perpetrator), as well as the quality of our
social networks” (Charles, 2003, pp. 167–168).Charles, C. Z. (2003). The dynamics of racial residential segregation. Annual
Review of Sociology, 29, 167–207.
Against this pessimistic backdrop, it is worth noting that neighborhood segregation in US cities is somewhat less extensive
now than four decades ago, thanks in part to fair-housing legislation enacted during the 1960s (Roberts, 2012).Roberts, S.
(2012, January 31). Study of census results finds that residential segregation is down sharply. New York Times, p.
A13. Despite this bit of progress, racial discrimination in the housing market continues (see Chapter 3 "Racial and Ethnic
Inequality"), and most African Americans still live in neighborhoods that are heavily populated by African Americans and
hence racially segregated (Logan & Stults, 2011).Logan, J. R., & Stults, B. J. (2011). The persistence of segregation in the
metropolis: New findings from the 2010 census.Retrieved
from http://www.s4.brown.edu/us2010/Data/Report/report2.pdf. One demographer summarizes this “good news, bad
news” situation as follows: “There is now very much more black-white neighborhood integration than 40 years ago. Those of
us who worked on segregation in the 1960s never anticipated such declines. Nevertheless, blacks remain considerably more
segregated from whites than do Hispanics or Asians” (Roberts, 2012, p. A13).Roberts, S. (2012, January 31). Study of census
results finds that residential segregation is down sharply. New York Times, p. A13.
To improve the socioeconomic status and living circumstances of African Americans, then, it is critical that residential
segregation be reduced. Although Latinos live in segregated neighborhoods to a smaller degree, reducing segregation would
also help their circumstances.
The faltering economy and wave of home foreclosures of the past few years resulted in what has been called a “national
surge” of homeless children. The number of children who are homeless at least part of the year now reaches more than
1.6 million annually, equal to more than 2 percent of all American children. Because of their circumstances, they are at
greater risk than their housed peers for hunger, asthma and other chronic health conditions, and stress and emotional
They are at also greater risk for poor school performance. Amid the surge in children’s homelessness, the nation’s
schools marshaled their resources to help their homeless children. An official with a private charity that helps poor
families pointed out the obvious problem: “It’s hard enough going to school and growing up, but these kids also have to
worry where they’ll be staying that night and whether they’ll eat. We see 8-year-olds telling Mom not to worry, don’t
School districts began sending special buses to homeless shelters, motels, and other settings for homeless children and
their parents so that the children could continue attending their regular school. They also assigned social workers to
help homeless families and other personnel to bring them school supplies, to drive them to look at shelters where they
could live, and to perform other tasks. Federal legislation in fact requires schools to take extra measures to help
homeless children, but school superintendents say that the federal government has not provided them the necessary
funds to carry out the intent of the legislation. This lack of funding adds to their school districts’ already dire financial
Charity Crowell, age 9, was just one of the hundreds of thousands of homeless children the schools were trying to help.
During the semester her family became homeless, her grades fell to C’s from her usual high standard. One reason was
that she had trouble staying awake in class. She explained why: “I couldn’t go to sleep, I was worried about all the stuff.”
Another homeless student, Destiny Corfee, age 11, became homeless after her parents lost both their jobs and then their
house and had to move into their van. The family then parked the van at a Wal-Mart so that their children could go into
the store and clean themselves before they went to school. Recalling life in the van, Destiny said, “I was embarrassed
that maybe one of my friends might see me. I don’t want anybody to know that I was actually in there.”
Sources: Bassuk, Murphy, Coupe, Kenney, & Beach, 2011; Eckholm, 2009; Pelley, 2011Bassuk, E., Murphy, C., Coupe,
N. T., Kenney, R. R., & Beach, C. A. (2011, September 6). America’s youngest outcasts 2010. Needham, MA: National
Center on Family Homelessness; Eckholm, E. (2009). Surge in homeless pupils strains schools. New York Times, p. A1;
Pelley, S. (2011, March 6). Homeless children: The hard times generation. CBSnews.com. Retrieved
from http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/2003/2006/2060minutes/main20038927.shtml.
A related problem to housing is homelessness. In cities throughout the United States, men, women, and children live in the
streets, abandoned vehicles or houses, cheap motels, or trailers, or living in someone else’s home temporarily. In cities with
cold climates, homelessness can be life-threatening during the winter. But regardless of climate, the homeless are in a dire
situation. Some research finds that one-third of the homeless are victims of violence or theft during the year; this rate of
victimization is four times higher than that in the general population (Wenzel, Leake, & Gelberg, 2001).Wenzel, S. L., Leake,
B. D., & Gelberg, L. (2001). Risk factors for major violence among homeless women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16,
739–752. Homeless shelters provide some relief against crime, hunger, and the many other problems arising from
homelessness, but too few shelters exist to meet the demand, and those that do exist are underfunded.
As should be clear, the problem of homelessness cannot be understood from the problem of poverty (see Chapter 2
"Poverty"). Wealthy families that lose their homes, as after a fire, usually can expect to find suitable temporary lodging and
have their homeowners’ insurance pay for a new home (Lee, Tyler, & Wright, 2010).Lee, B. A., Tyler, K. A., & Wright, J. D.
(2010). The new homelessness revisited. Annual Review of Sociology, 36, 501–521. Poor families who can no longer pay
their rent or mortgage payments face eviction and homelessness from which they find it difficult to recover.
It is rather difficult to determine the actual number of homeless persons (Lee et al., 2010).Lee, B. A., Tyler, K. A., & Wright,
J. D. (2010). The new homelessness revisited. Annual Review of Sociology, 36, 501–521. For example, if a family is living
literally in the streets, we would all agree they are homeless. But if they are living in an abandoned building or in a cheap
motel, should they be considered homeless? Even with an adequate definition of homelessness, it is difficult to actually
count the number of homeless persons because it is very difficult to find them all. For example, if researchers count all the
homeless people who use all the shelters in a city within a given time period, they still fail to count the homeless people who
do not come to a shelter.
Keeping these definition and measurement problems in mind, it is nonetheless worth noting that the federal government
estimates 650,000 Americans to be homeless on any given night, and 1.6 million to use a shelter or other transitional
housing annually (Lee et al., 2010).Lee, B. A., Tyler, K. A., & Wright, J. D. (2010). The new homelessness revisited. Annual
Review of Sociology, 36, 501–521. Because people move in and out of homelessness, the number of people who are
homeless at least part of the year is undoubtedly much higher. National survey evidence suggests that 14 percent of
Americans have been homeless at least once in their lives, a figure much higher than that in most European nations (Lee et
al., 2010).Lee, B. A., Tyler, K. A., & Wright, J. D. (2010). The new homelessness revisited. Annual Review of Sociology, 36,
The US Conference of Mayors (2011)US Conference of Mayors. (2011). Hunger and homelessness survey: A status report
on hunger and homelessness in America’s cities. Washington, DC: Author. compiled information on homelessness in
twenty-nine cities across the country. This large study yielded the following profile of homeless adults:
A fifth problem of city life is traffic and transportation. For better or worse, a fact of city life that arises from the defining
feature of cities—many people living in a relatively small area—is that many people need to travel to get to work or school
and to visit stores, museums, and any number of other leisure-time settings. Someone living in a rural area is probably able
to drive ten miles to work in no longer than twenty minutes, but someone living in an urban area may easily take an hour or
longer to travel the same distance after crawling along in traffic and stopping at light after light, or sitting and crawling
along in long miles of traffic on an urban highway.
One manifestation of the traffic problem in cities is traffic gridlock, when traffic in all directions is barely moving or not
moving at all. Gridlock occurs in urban areas, not rural ones, because of the sheer volume of traffic and the sheer number of
intersections controlled by traffic lights or stop signs. Some cities have better public transportation than others, but
congested traffic and time-consuming commuting are problems that urban residents experience every day (see Note 14.19
"Lessons from Other Societies").
One of the costs of urbanization and modern life is traffic. Urban streets and highways are clogged with motor vehicles,
and two major consequences of so much traffic are air pollution and tens of thousands of deaths and injuries from
vehicular accidents. To reduce city traffic, many European cities are trying to make driving so burdensome that
commuters and other drivers will seek other forms of transportation. As a recent news story summarized this trend,
these cities are “creating environments openly hostile to cars. The methods vary, but the mission is clear: to make car
use expensive and just plain miserable enough to tilt drivers toward more environmentally friendly modes of
For example, Copenhagen, Munich, and Vienna have banned cars on many streets. Barcelona and Paris have replaced
car lanes with bicycle lanes. London and Stockholm now require drivers entering their downtowns to pay a heavy toll
charge. Many German cities restrict parts of their downtowns to cars that meet certain limits on carbon dioxide
emission. Other European cities have sharply limited the number of parking spaces at shopping malls and other areas,
and they have also eliminated on-street parking.
This European strategy to relieve traffic congestion differs greatly from the strategy the United States uses. As a
European environmental official explained this difference, “In the United States, there has been much more of a
tendency to adapt cities to accommodate driving. Here there has been more movement to make cities more livable for
people, to get cities relatively free of cars.”
Zurich, the largest city in Switzerland, has made special efforts to “torment drivers,” said the news story, in the hope
that drivers will seek other modes of transportation. For example, it added more traffic lights to cause more traffic
delays, and it shortened the length of green lights and lengthened red lights. It also banned cars in one of its busiest
downtown areas and elsewhere imposed speed limits of just a few miles an hour so that pedestrians are free to cross the
street whenever they want. Although store owners in Zurich worried that they would lose business after their streets
were closed to traffic, that effect has not happened because pedestrian traffic increased.
Observing traffic inching through hundreds of pedestrians and bicyclists, a Zurich traffic official was happy. “Driving is
a stop-and-go experience,” he said. “That’s what we like! Our goal is to reconquer public space for pedestrians, not to
make it easy for drivers.”
In contrast, most American cities have tried to make it easier for drivers through such measures as synchronizing green
lights and developing apps to help drivers find parking. However, these measures do not reduce the number of cars and
do little to relieve traffic congestion. Instead, they tend to make it more likely that people will want to drive in the
downtown areas. In contrast, Europe has tried to relieve traffic congestion by reducing the number of cars. Its model
offers more potential for reducing the pollution and other problems caused by traffic, and it is one that the United States
should adopt.
Source: Rosenthal, 2011Rosenthal, E. (2011, June 27). Across Europe, irking drivers is urban policy. New York Times,
To help reduce traffic congestion, cities long ago developed various means of public transportation: buses, subways, and
light rail. Some cities have better public transportation than other cities; Los Angeles has a notoriously bad reputation for
the quality of its public transportation. Yet residents of cities with relatively good public transportation still experience
severe traffic congestion, long commutes, and related problems: It is estimated that the average Chicago commuter spends
seventy hours per year just sitting in traffic jams (Greenfield, 2011).Greenfield, B. (2011, September 23). America’s most
stressful cities. Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/bethgreenfield/2011/09/23/americas-most-stressful-
cities.Public transportation is sometimes faster than commuting by car or SUV but can still be very time consuming. People
who take a bus or other public transportation can easily spend an hour or more, depending on how far they have to travel
and the quality of their city’s transportation system, traveling to a bus or train station, waiting for their transportation,
making any necessary connections, and then traveling to their workplace.
One consequence of traffic congestion is stress. As one mental health expert observed, “Commuters can experience greater
stress than fighter pilots in battle” (Greenfield, 2011).Greenfield, B. (2011, September 23). America’s most stressful
cities. Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/bethgreenfield/2011/09/23/americas-most-stressful-
cities. Another consequence is huge financial costs. Sitting in traffic wastes both time and fuel. The Texas Transportation
Institute (TTI), perhaps the leading scholarly unit for the study of traffic problems, estimates that traffic congestion costs
the nation $115 billion annually in wasted time and fuel, or $713 for every auto commuter. Traffic congestion wastes 4.8
billion hours and 1.9 billion gallons of gasoline annually, an amount that would fill more than 200,000 gasoline tank trucks
(Schrank, Lomax, & Eisele, 2011).Schrank, D., Lomax, T., & Eisele, B. (2011). 2011 urban mobility report. College Station,
TX: Texas Transportation Institute. To relieve traffic congestion, TTI recommends significant investments of public funds in
public transportation and more efficient designs in private and public transportation systems such as the greater use of
electronic toll taking and better timing of traffic lights to increase traffic flow.
Air Pollu on
Traffic congestion and the sheer amount of traffic in cities also contribute mightily to air pollution, which we consider here
as a separate urban problem. Traffic creates pollution from motor vehicles’ exhaust systems, and some cities have factories
and other enterprises that also pollute. As a result, air quality in cities is substandard.
This poor air quality has significant health consequences, as it produces higher rates of respiratory and heart disease and
higher mortality rates in cities (Stylianou & Nicolich, 2009).Stylianou, M., & Nicolich, M. J. (2009). Cumulative effects and
threshold levels in air pollution mortality: Data analysis of nine large US cities using the NMMAPS dataset. Environmental
Pollution, 157, 2216–2213. Because even fairly low levels of air pollution can have these health effects (Brunekreef,
2011),Brunekreef, B. (2011). Air pollution and health: Evidence, thresholds, standards. Air Quality & Climate Change,
45(3), 35–37.cities are unhealthy places and even deadly places for many people.
Both to increase their “carbon footprint” and to get some exercise, many urban residents bicycle in traffic to and from work
or bicycle during their leisure time. Ironically, doing so subjects them to air pollution from the traffic surrounding them.
This pollution has been shown to impair their cardiovascular and respiratory functioning (Weichenthal et al.,
2011).Weichenthal, S., Kulka, R., Dubeau, A., Martin, C., Wang, D., & Dales, R. (2011). Traffic-related air pollution and acute
changes in heart rate variability and respiratory function in urban cyclists. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(10),
Because people of color disproportionately live in cities, urban air pollution affects them more than it affects white people.
As Chapter 13 "Health and Health Care" noted, this disparity is part of the larger problem of environmental racism. Cities
are bad in many ways for their residents, and the air pollution of cities is bad for the health of their residents, who are
overwhelmingly people of color in many cities.
If urban residents in general suffer health consequences from air pollution, these consequences are particularly serious and
more common among children. Air pollution increases their rates of asthma and other respiratory diseases (Patel et al.,
2011).Patel, M. M., Quinn, J. W., Jung, K. H., Hoepner, L., Diaz, D., Perzanowski, M., et al. (2011). Traffic density and
stationary sources of air pollution associated with wheeze, asthma, and immunoglobulin E from birth to age 5 years among
New York City children. Environmental Research, 111(8), 1222–1229. These health problems in turn affect their school
performance and can have other lifelong consequences.
Our earlier discussions of crowding and of traffic congestion indicated that stress is one of the most important consequences
of these two urban problems. Stress in turn impairs the mental health of urban residents. Much research finds that urban
residents have worse mental health than rural residents. In particular, they have much higher levels of mood and anxiety
disorders and of schizophrenia (Lederbogen et al., 2011).Lederbogen, F., Kirsch, P., Haddad, L., Streit, F., Tost, H., Schuch,
P., et al. (2011). City living and urban upbringing affect neural social stress processing in humans. Nature, 474(7352), 498–
Public Educa on
Yet another issue for cities is the state of their public education. As Chapter 11 "Schools and Education" emphasized, many
city schools are housed in old buildings that, like much city housing, are falling apart. City schools are notoriously
underfunded and lack current textbooks, adequate science equipment, and other instructional materials.
Nancy Radner has been a tireless advocate for the homeless and for social justice more generally. From 2006 to 2012,
she served as the head of the Chicago Alliance to End Homelessness, which works with eighty-four homeless service
agencies and manages more than $50 million in state and federal funding for homeless services. The Alliance also
gathers and distributes various kinds of information on homelessness and coordinates political, educational, and public
relations events to increase understanding of homelessness.
Before joining the Chicago Alliance, Radner was a program officer at the Corporation for Supportive Housing, a national
organization that engages in many kinds of efforts aimed at helping the homeless and other low-income individuals find
affordable housing. She also served as a staff attorney at the Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago, where she
specialized in housing law.
In 2012, Radner left the Chicago Alliance for another social justice position when she joined the Ounce of Prevention
Fund as director of Illinois policy. The Ounce, as this Illinois organization calls itself, advocates for early childhood
education and other programs and policies aimed at helping low-income children.
Many people who receive a law degree from a top law school, as Radner did, take a job in a large law firm or with a large
corporation and spend their careers helping the wealthy. Instead, Radner chose to use her legal knowledge to help
achieve social justice for the poor. She once said of her efforts to end homelessness, “People call us starry-eyed
dreamers. But I actually say we’re steely-eyed realists because ending homelessness is not hard. We know exactly how to
do it. And what we’re trying to do is create the political will to get it fully done. We can’t prevent people from losing their
housing. But what we can do is ensure that if that happens that there’s a system in place to get them out of homelessness
really quickly.”
In working her entire career to help the poor and homeless, Nancy Radner has helped make a difference.
Sources: Kapos, 2012; Schorsch, 2010Kapos, S. (2012, January 31). Nancy Radner leaves poverty group’s top job to
direct policy at Ounce of Prevention. Chicago Business. Retrieved
from http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20120131/BLOGS03/120139929/nancy-radner-leaves-poverty-groups-
top-job-to-direct-policy-at-ounce-of-prevention; Schorsch, K. (2010, October 17). Alliance sees a path to ending
homelessness. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2010-10-17/news/ct-met-holiday-
giving-chicago-allianc20101017_1_end-homelessness-nancy-radner- homeless-system.
When many people think about the disadvantages of city life, they probably think about crime, a problem mentioned several
times already in this chapter. Their fears are well grounded. Simply put, cities have much higher rates of violent and
property crime than do small towns or rural areas (see Figure 14.6 "Crime Rates in Large Cities and Rural Counties, 2010
(Number of Crimes per 100,000 Residents)"). For example, the violent crime rate (number of crimes per 100,000 residents)
in 2010 was almost four times higher in the nation’s largest cities than in its rural counties, while the property crime rate
was more than twice as high.
Figure 14.6 Crime Rates in Large Cities and Rural Counties, 2010 (Number of Crimes per 100,000 Residents)
Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2011). Crime in the United States, 2010. Washington, DC: Author.
Why are city crime rates much higher? Because crime rates take the number of people into account, the answer is not simply
that cities have more people than rural areas. Nor is the answer simply that cities have higher poverty than rural areas,
because rural areas in fact have higher poverty overall, as we discuss later in this chapter. Rather, an important answer is
that cities have higher residential crowding (or higher population density) and also more household crowding, as we saw
Several reasons explain why higher residential crowding produces higher crime rates. Consider violent crime. For a violent
crime to occur, it takes two people to tangle, so to speak. Criminals cannot kill, rob, or assault someone unless there is a
“someone” to assault. In a city, there are many potential targets of violence all crowded together into a relatively small space,
and thus many potential targets for criminals. In a rural area, potential targets are spread across miles, and a robber can go
a long time without ever seeing a potential victim. Many assaults are also committed not by hardened criminals but by
people (usually men) who get angry because of some perceived insult. In a city, there is a much greater chance for
interaction to occur where someone might feel insulted, simply because there are so many people living within a small space
and bars and other venues for them to congregate. A thousand people living on one city block are more likely to encounter
each other than a thousand people living across thirty square miles in a rural area. Because there is more opportunity in a
city for insults and other problems to occur that lead to violence, more violence occurs.
Cities also have more crowded households than rural areas, as we saw earlier, and these also make a difference for at least
two reasons (Stark, 1987).Stark, R. (1987). Deviant places: A theory of the ecology of crime. Criminology, 25, 893–
911. Crowded households are more stressful, and people who experience stress are more likely to be aggressive. Further,
people (and perhaps especially young people) who live in crowded households often find they need to “get outside” to be
away from the stress of the household and to have some “elbow room” and privacy. But once outside, they are that much
more likely to interact with other people. Because, as we just noted, social interaction is a prerequisite for violence,
household crowding indirectly contributes to violence for this reason.
Residential crowding and household crowding thus combine to produce higher crime rates in cities than in urban areas. City
neighborhoods differ in their degree of both types of crowding, and those that have higher crowding rates should have
higher crime rates, all else equal. In sociologist Rodney Stark’s (1987)Stark, R. (1987). Deviant places: A theory of the
ecology of crime. Criminology, 25, 893–911. term, these neighborhoods are deviant places because their structural
features, such as crowding, almost automatically contribute to higher crime rates regardless of who is living in these
Another structural feature of cities helps to explain why they have a higher property crime rate than rural areas. Burglars
obviously cannot burglarize a home unless there is a nearby home to burglarize. In cities, there are many homes to serve as
potential targets for burglars; in rural areas, these homes are far and few between. Similarly, if someone wants to shoplift in
a store or break into a store overnight, they can more easily do so in an urban area, where there are many stores, than in a
rural area, where the landscape is filled with trees or fields rather than Walmarts or Best Buys.
Although Stark (1987)Stark, R. (1987). Deviant places: A theory of the ecology of crime. Criminology, 25, 893–911. coined
the term deviant places to refer to urban neighborhoods that had certain features that contribute to high crime rates, his
term can also refer to cities themselves. For the reasons just discussed, cities are inevitably much more likely than rural
areas to be deviant places. The defining feature of a city—large numbers of people living in a small area—guarantees that
cities will have higher crime rates than rural areas. Cities are deviant places precisely because they are cities.
Major issues and problems confron ng US ci es today include those involving fiscal difficul es, crowding, housing, traffic,
pollu on, public educa on, and crime.
Several of these problems stem directly from the fact that ci es involve large numbers of people living in a rela vely small
amount of space.
1. If you were to work for a mayor of a large city to help address one specific problem in that city, which problem would you
prefer to work on? Why?
2. Americans o en seem to blame city residents for many of the problems affec ng US ci es today, including low academic
achievement and rundown condi ons in city schools and crime in the streets. Do you think it is fair to blame city residents
for these problems, or are there other reasons for them? Explain your answer.
1. List three posi ve aspects of rural life in the United States.
2. Describe two problems of rural life in the United States.
About one-fourth of the US population and more than 40 percent of the world population live in rural areas. As the previous
section demonstrated, a dual view of cities exists: they have many advantages, but they also have many disadvantages. This
dual view also applies to rural areas, but it does so in a sort of mirror image: The advantages of cities are often disadvantages
for rural areas, and the disadvantages of cities are often advantages for rural areas.
On the positive side, and focusing on the United States, rural areas feature much more open space and less crowding. Their
violent and property crime rates are much lower than those in large cities, as we have seen. The air is cleaner because there
is less traffic and fewer factories and other facilities that emit pollution. Life in rural areas is thought to be slower paced,
resulting in lower levels of anxiety and a greater sense of relaxation. For these and other reasons, rural residents exhibit
better mental health on the average than do urban residents.
On the negative side, rural areas are often poor and lack the services, employment opportunities, and leisure activities that
cities have. Teens often complain of boredom, and drug and alcohol use can be high (Johnson et al., 2008).Johnson, A. O.,
Mink, M. D., Harun, N., Moore, C. G., Martin, A. B., & Bennett, K. J. (2008). Violence and drug use in rural teens: National
prevalence estimates from the 2003 youth risk behavior survey. Journal of School Health, 78(10), 554–561. Public
transportation is often lacking, making it difficult for people without motor vehicles, who tend to have low incomes, to get to
workplaces, stores, and other venues (Brown, 2008).Brown, D. M. (2008). Public transportation on the move in rural
America. Washington, DC: Economic Research Service. Rural residents with motor vehicles often must still travel long
distances to shop, to visit a doctor, to go to work, and to do any number of other activities. Many rural areas in the United
States lack high-speed broadband, a necessity in today’s economy. As a result, their economic development is impaired
(Whitacre, 2010).Whitacre, B. E. (2010). The diffusion of Internet technologies to rural communities: A portrait of
broadband supply and demand. American Behavioral Scientist, 53, 1283–1303. All these challenges contribute to special
problems in rural areas. We now examine some of these problems.
Rural Health
As Chapter 13 "Health and Health Care" noted, rural areas often lack sufficient numbers of health care professionals,
hospitals, and medical clinics. The National Rural Health Association (2012)National Rural Health Association. (2012).
What’s different about rural health care? Retrieved from http://www.ruralhealthweb.org/go/left/about-rural-health.points
out that although one-fourth of the US population is rural, only one-tenth of physicians practice in rural areas. Urban areas
have 134 physician specialists for every 100,000 residents, but rural areas have less than one-third this number.
Compounding these shortages are other problems. The first is that the small hospitals typical of rural areas generally lack
high-quality care and equipment. A patient who needs heart bypass surgery, brain surgery, or other types of complex
medical care is likely to have travel to an urban hospital far away.
The second problem is the long distances that ambulances and patients must travel. Because ambulances and other
emergency vehicles must travel so far, rural residents with emergencies receive medical attention more slowly than their
urban counterparts. The long distances that people must travel make it more difficult for patients with health problems to
receive medical care. For example, a rural cancer patient who needs chemotherapy or radiation might have to travel two to
three hours in each direction to receive treatment. Travel distances in rural areas also mean that rural residents are less
likely than urban residents to receive preventive services such as physical examinations; screenings for breast cancer,
cervical cancer, and colorectal cancer; and vaccinations for various illnesses and diseases.
In yet another problem, rural areas are also much more likely than urban areas to lack mental health care, drug abuse
counseling and programs, and other services related to physical and mental health.
For all these reasons, rural residents are more at risk than urban residents for certain health problems, including mortality.
For example, only one-third of all motor vehicle accidents happen in rural areas, but two-thirds of all deaths from such
accidents occur in rural areas. These problems help explain why rural residents are more likely than urban residents to
report being in only fair or poor health in government surveys (Bennett, Olatosi, & Probst, 2009).Bennett, K. J., Olatosi, B.,
& Probst, J. C. (2009). Health disparities: A rural-urban chartbook. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Rural Health Research
An additional health problem in rural areas arises from the age profile of their populations. Compared to urban areas, rural
areas have an “aging population,” or a greater percentage of adults aged 65 and older. This fact adds to the health-care
problems that rural areas must address.
The discussion of education in Chapter 11 "Schools and Education" focused mostly on urban schools. Many of the problems
discussed there also apply to rural schools. However, rural schools often face hurdles that urban and suburban schools are
much less likely to encounter (Center for Rural Policy and Development, 2009).Center for Rural Policy and Development.
(2009). A region apart: A look at challenges and strategies for rural K–12 schools. Saint Peter, MN: Center for Rural Policy
and Development.
First, because rural areas have been losing population, they have been experiencing declining school enrollment and school
closings. When a school does close, teachers and other school employees have lost their jobs, and students have to rather
suddenly attend a new school that is usually farther from their home than their former school.
Second, rural populations are generally older than urban populations, as mentioned earlier, and have a greater percentage
of retired adults. Therefore, rural areas’ per-capita income and sales tax revenue are lower than that for urban and suburban
areas, and this lower revenue makes the funding of public schools more challenging.
Third, rural families live relatively far from the public schools, and the schools are relatively far from each other. As a result,
rural school districts have considerable expenses for transporting children to and from school, after-school athletic events,
and other activities.
Finally, it is often difficult to recruit and retain quality teachers in rural areas. This problem has forced some rural school
districts to offer hiring bonuses or housing assistance to staff their schools.
Rural Poverty
Although many US cities have high poverty rates, the poverty rate is actually somewhat higher overall in rural areas than in
urban areas. In 2010, 16.5 percent of rural residents were classified as officially poor, compared to 14.9 percent of urban
residents. However, the poverty rate in the nation’s largest cities was higher yet at 19.7 percent. The number of poor rural
residents was almost 8 million, while the number of poor urban residents (reflecting the fact that most Americans live in
urban areas) was almost 36 million (DeNavas-Walt, Proctor, & Smith, 2011).DeNavas-Walt, C., Proctor, B. D., & Smith, J. C.
(2011). Income, poverty, and health insurance coverage in the United States: 2010(Current Population Reports, P60–239).
Washington, DC: US Census Bureau.
Rural poverty is thought to be more persistent than urban poverty because of the factors that contribute to its high rate.
These factors include the out-migration of young, highly skilled workers; the lack of industrial jobs that typically have been
higher paying than agricultural jobs; and limited opportunities for the high-paying jobs of the information age. Biotech
companies, electronics companies, and other symbols of the information age are hardly ever found in the nation’s rural
areas. Instead, they locate themselves in or near urban areas, in which are found the universities, masses of people, and
other necessary aspects these companies need to succeed.
Compounding the general problem of poverty, rural areas are also more likely than nonrural areas to lack human services
programs to help the poor, disabled, elderly, and other people in need of aid (National Advisory Committee on Rural Health
and Human Services, 2011).National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services. (2011). The 2011 report to
the secretary: Rural health and human services issues. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human
Services. Because rural towns are so small, they often cannot afford services such as soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and
Meals on Wheels, and thus must rely on services located in other towns. Yet rural towns are often far from each other,
making it difficult and expensive for rural residents to obtain the services they need. For example, a Meals on Wheels
program in an urban area may travel just a few miles and serve dozens of people, while it may have to travel more than one
hundred miles in a rural area and serve only a few people. Adding to this problem is the strong sense in many rural areas
that individuals should be strong enough to fend for themselves and not accept government help. Even when services are
available, some people who need them decline to take advantage of them because of pride and shame.
Domes c Violence
One of the sad facts of rural life is domestic violence. This form of violence is certainly common in urban areas, but the
defining feature of rural areas—a relatively low number of people living in a relatively broad area—creates several problems
for victims of domestic violence, most of them women (DeKeseredy & Schwartz, 2009).DeKeseredy, W. S., & Schwartz, M.
D. (2009). Dangerous exits: Escaping abusive relationships in rural America. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University
For example, these women often find it difficult to get help and/or to leave their abusers wherever they live. However, it is
often even more difficult for rural women to do so. Rural police may be unenlightened about domestic violence and may
even know the abuser; for either reason, they may not consider his violence a crime, and abused women may be that much
more reluctant to tell the police about their abuse.
Another problem concerns the availability of battered women’s shelters, which provide invaluable services for abused
women and any children they might have. These shelters tend to be found in cities, which still do not have nearly enough
shelters. Rural areas generally lack shelters, and any shelters that exist are often long distances from the homes of abused
women. In rural areas, abused women are also more likely than their urban counterparts to lack neighbors and friends to
whom they can turn for support, or at least to live farther from these individuals. For all these reasons, rural women who
experience domestic violence face a problem that has been called “dangerous exits” (DeKeseredy & Schwartz,
2009).DeKeseredy, W. S., & Schwartz, M. D. (2009). Dangerous exits: Escaping abusive relationships in rural America.
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Like ci es, rural areas also have their advantages and disadvantages. They can be beau ful, relaxing places in which to live,
but they also lack many of the cultural advantages and other ameni es that ci es feature.
Rural areas are characterized by sparse popula ons and long distances that people must travel. These condi ons make it
difficult to provide adequate public transporta on and various kinds of human services. The poverty of many rural areas
aggravates these problems.
1. If you had your choice, would you want to live in a large city, medium-sized city, small town, or rural area? Explain your
2. Americans o en seem to blame city residents for many of the problems affec ng US ci es today, including low academic
achievement, rundown condi ons in city schools, and crime in the streets. Do you think it is fair to blame city residents for
these problems, or are there other reasons for them? Explain your answer.
1. Explain the value of a sociological perspec ve for addressing urban housing and crowding problems.
Many urban problems are not, strictly speaking, sociological or other social science problems. For example, traffic
congestion is arguably more of an engineering issue than a sociological issue, even if traffic congestion has many social
consequences. Other urban problems are problems discussed in previous chapters that disproportionately affect urban
areas. For example, crime is more common in urban areas than elsewhere, and racial and ethnic inequality is much more of
an issue in urban areas than rural areas because of the concentration of people of color in our cities. Previous chapters have
discussed such problems in some detail, and the strategies suggested in those chapters need not be discussed again here.
Still other urban issues exist that this chapter was the first to present. Two of these involve crowding and housing. Cities are
certainly crowded, and some parts of cities are especially crowded. Housing is expensive, and many urban residents live in
dilapidated, substandard housing. Here again a sociological perspective offers some insight, as it reminds us that these
problems are intimately related to inequalities of social class, race and ethnicity, and gender. Although it is critical to
provide adequate, affordable housing to city residents, it is also important to remember that these various social inequalities
affect who is in most need of such housing. Ultimately, strategies aimed at providing affordable housing will not succeed
unless they recognize the importance of these social inequalities and unless other efforts reduce or eliminate these
inequalities. Racial residential segregation also remains a serious problem in our nation’s urban centers, and sociologists
have repeatedly shown that residential segregation contributes to many of the problems that urban African Americans
experience. Reducing such segregation must be a fundamental goal of any strategy to help American cities.
Although traffic congestion is largely an engineering issue, engineers do not operate in a social vacuum. People will be more
likely to drive in a city when it is easier for them to drive, and less likely to drive when it is more difficult for them to drive.
As the Note 14.19 "Lessons from Other Societies" box illustrated, European cities have done much more than US cities to
reduce traffic congestion and thus improve air quality in their cities. Americans may resist the measures the European
nations have taken, but the success of these measures suggests that the United States should also use them to deal with the
many problems associated with traffic congestion.
Certain problems discussed in previous chapters are also more urgent in rural areas. In particular, the isolation and long
distances of rural areas poses special challenges for the provision of adequate health care and for addressing the needs of
victims of domestic violence. Ironically, some of the very features that make rural areas so attractive to many people also
make them difficult settings for other people. In view of this context, it is essential that public transportation in rural areas
be expanded, and that the many types of medical care and social and legal services commonly found in urban areas also be
expanded. Although rural residents undoubtedly do not expect to find the range of care and services available to their urban
counterparts, they should not have to suffer from a lack of adequate care and services.
Many of the problems of urban and rural life were addressed in earlier chapters. The strategies discussed in these chapters
to address these problems thus also apply to the problems examined in this chapter.
Many urban problems are associated with poverty and racial discrimina on. Reducing these problems should help relieve
urban problems.
The characteris cs of rural areas that o en make them so appealing also lead to certain problems that are especially
urgent in rural areas.
1. How do you think American ci es should try, if at all, to reduce traffic conges on?
2. Are urban problems worse than rural problems, or are rural problems worse than urban problems? Explain your answer.
1. Urbaniza on is a consequence of popula on growth. Ci es first developed in ancient mes a er the rise of hor cultural
and pastoral socie es and “took off” during the Industrial Revolu on as people moved to be near factories. Urbaniza on
led to many social changes then and con nues today to affect society.
2. Func onalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interac onism offer varied understandings of urbaniza on. Func onalists have
a mixed view of urbaniza on, while conflict theorists hold a nega ve view.
3. Ci es face many problems, several of which reflect the fact that ci es feature large numbers of people living within a
rela vely small space. Among the most serious of these problems are residen al crowding, substandard and racially
segregated housing, heavy traffic and great amounts of air pollu on, and high crime rates.
4. Rural areas face many challenges that result from their sparse popula ons and the great distances that people must o en
travel. Among other problems, rural areas have a lack of economic opportuni es in today’s informa on age and a general
lack of various kinds of human services.