980 Behavior Based Safety Program PDF
980 Behavior Based Safety Program PDF
980 Behavior Based Safety Program PDF
• A unit or department may be selected and recognized for it’s outstanding efforts at
integrating safety procedures or improving it’s safety performance. Performance
may be measured by observation, formal audit results and/or workers compensation
accident claim data.
Note: Everyone has clear responsibility for safety and is expected to practice the “highest degree of
safety”. This program is designed to help us change behaviors so that safety becomes part of
the standard operating procedure and is widely valued across all campus units. It is designed as
a motivational tool to get employee’s “involved”. Data and information on units that need to
improve will be provided and communicated so that everyone has a clear understanding of
challenges we need to overcome.
Behavior Guidelines:
Positive Safety Behaviors
Changing the way you usually do your job to a safer method
Reminding co-workers about taking safety precautions
Consistently wearing your personal protective equipment
Consistently using safety program procedures
Reminding co-workers that they should be wearing personal protective
equipment – motivating them
Providing feedback to supervisors that some employee’s are not following safety
procedures or wearing their personal protective equipment.
Recognition Guidelines:
• A safety recognition certificate will be presented to the employee/unit at a group meeting to
celebrate and recognize their contributions to the safety program. The certificate should be
mounted in a bulletin board area for department wide recognition.
• A lunch certificate may be awarded to an employee to have a lunch meeting with the campus
safety officer.
• Departmental recognition as appropriate.
• Supervisors/managers should make special note of and recognize the employee/unit at a
departmental/group meeting.
• At the end of each calendar year a special lunch celebration may be arranged with all
nominated employees, safety officer, department directors to recognize our safety program
accomplishments in creating a safer work environment at Southwestern University.