Kode Icd X (Gigi)

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K00 Disorders of Tooth Development & Eruption

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K00.0 Anodontia
2 K00.1 Supernumerary Teeth
3 K00.2 Abnormalities of Size & Form of Teeth
4 K00.3 Mottlet Teeth
5 K00.4 Disturbance in Tooth Formation
6 K00.5 Hereditary Disturmabce in Tooth Structure, Not Elsewhere Classified
7 K00.6 Disturbance in Tooth Eruption
8 K00.7 Teething Syndrome
9 K00.8 Other Disorders of Tooth Development
10 K00.9 Disorder of Tooth Development, Unspecified

K01 Embedded & Impacted Teeth

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K01.0 Embedded Teeth
2 K01.1 Impacted Teeth

K002 Dental Caries

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K02.0 Caries Limited to Enamel
2 K02.1 Caries of Dentine
3 K02.2 Caries of Cementum
4 K02.3 Arrested Dental Caries
5 K02.4 Odontoclasia
6 K02.8 Other Dental Caries
7 K02.9 Dental Caries, Unspecified

K003 Other Diseases of Hard Tissues of Teeth

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K03.0 Excessive Atrition of teeth
2 K03.1 Abration of Teeth
3 K03.2 Erotion of Teeth
4 K03.3 Pathological Resorption of Teeth
5 K03.4 Hypercementosis
6 K03.5 Ankylosis of Teeth
7 K03.6 Deposits on Teeth
8 K03.7 Posteruptive Colour Changes of Dental Hard Tissues
9 K03.8 Other Specified Diseases of Hard Tissues of Teeth
10 K03.9 Diseases of Hard Tissues of Teeth, Unspecified

K04 Diseases of Pulp & Periapical Tissues

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K04.0 Pulpitis
2 K04.1 Necrosis of Pulp
3 K04.2 Pulp Degeneration
4 K04.3 Abnormal Hard Tissues Formation in Pulp
5 K04.4 Acute Apical Periodontitus of Pulpal Origin
6 K04.5 Chronic Apical Periodontitis
7 K04.6 Periapical Abcess With Sinus
8 K04.7 Periapical Abcess Without Sinus
9 K04.8 Radicular Cyst
10 K04.9 Other & Unspecitied Diseases of Pulp & Periapical Tissues
K05 Gingivitis And Periodontal Diseases
No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K05.0 Acute Gingivitis
2 K05.1 Chronic Gingivitis
3 K05.2 Acute Periodontitis
4 K05.3 Chronic Periodontitis
5 K05.4 Periodontosis
6 K05.5 Other Periodontal Diseases
7 K05.6 Periodontal Diseases, Unspecified

K06 Other Disorders of Gingiva And Edentulous Alveolar Ridge

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K06.0 Gingival Recession
2 K06.1 Gingival Enlargement
3 K06.2 Gingival and Edentulous Alveolar Ridge Lesions Associated with Trauma
4 K06.8 Other Specified Disorders of Gingiva and Edentulous Alveolar Ridge
5 K06.9 Didorders of Gingiva and Edentulous Alveolar Ridge, Unspecified

K07 Dentofacial Anomalies ( Including Malocclusion )

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K07.0 Major Anomalies of Jaw Size
2 K07.1 Anomalies of Jaw - Cranial Base Relationship
3 K07.2 Anomalies of Dental Arch Relationship
4 K07.3 Anomalies of Tooth Position
5 K07.4 Malocclution, Unspecified
6 K07.5 Dentofacial Functional Abnormalities
7 K07.6 Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
8 K07.8 Other Dentofacial Anomalies
9 K07.9 Dentofacial Anomalies, Unspecified

K08 Other Disorders of Teeth and Supporting Strucures

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K08.0 Exfoliation of Teeth Due to Systemic Causes
2 K08.1 Loss of Teeth Due to Accident, Extraction or Local Periodontal Diseases
3 K08.2 Atropy of Edentulous Alveolar Ridge
4 K08.3 Retained Dental Root
5 K08.8 Other Specified Disorder of Teeth and Supporting Structures
6 K08.9 Disorder of Teeth and Supporting Structures, Unspecified

K09 Cyst of Oral Region, not Elsewhere Classified

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K09.0 Developmental Odontogenic Cyst
2 K09.1 Developmental Cyst of Oral Region
3 K09.2 Other Cyst of Jaw
4 K09.8 Other Cyst of Oral Region, not Elsewhere Classified
5 K09.9 Cyst of Oral Region, Unspecified

K10 Other Diseases of Jaw

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K10.0 Developmental Disorders of Jaw
2 K10.1 Giant Cell Granuloma, Central
3 K10.2 Inflamatory Conditions of Jaw
4 K10.3 Alveolitis of Jaw
5 K10.8 Other Specified Diseases of Jaw
6 K10.9 Diseases of Jaw, Unspecified

K11 Diseases of Salivary Glands

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K11.0 Atrophy of Salivary Gland
2 K11.1 Hypertrophy of Salivary Gland
3 K11.2 Sialodenitis
4 K11.3 Abscess of Saivary Gland
5 K11.4 Fistula of Salivary Gland
6 K11.5 Sialothiasis
7 K11.6 Mucocele of Salivary Gland
8 K11.7 Disturbances of Salivary Gland
9 K11.8 Other Diseases of Salivary Gland
10 K11.9 Diseases of Salivary Gland, Unspecified

K12 Stomatitis and Related Lesions

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K12.0 Recurent Oral Aphthae
2 K12.1 Other Forms of Stomatitis
3 K12.3 Cellulitis and Abscess of Mouth

K13 Other Diseases of Lip and Oral Mucosa

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K13.0 Diseases of Lips
2 K13.1 Cheeck and Lip Biting
3 K13.2 Leukoplakia and Other Disturbances of Oral Epithelium, Including Tongue
4 K13.3 Hairy Leukoplakia
5 K13.4 Granuloma and Granuloma - Like of Oral Mucosa
6 K13.5 Oral Submucous Fibrosis
7 K13.6 Irritative Hyperplasia of Oral Mucosa
8 K13.7 Other and Unspecified Lesions of Oral Mucosa

K14 Diseases of Tongue

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 K14.0 Glossitis
2 K14.1 Geographic Tongue
3 K14.2 Median Rhomboid Glossitis
4 K14.3 Hypertrophy of Tongue Papillae
5 K14.4 Atrophy of Tongue Papillae
6 K14.5 Plicated Tongue
7 K14.6 Glossodynia
8 K14.8 Other Diseases of Tongue
9 K14.9 Diseases of Tongue, Unspecified

C00 Malignant Neoplasms of Lip
No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 C00.0 External Upper Lip
2 C00.1 External Lower Lip
3 C00.2 External Lip, Unspecified
4 C00.3 Upper Lip, Inner Aspect
5 C00.4 Lower Lip, Inner Aspect
6 C00.5 Lip, Unspicified, Inner Aspect
7 C00.6 Commissure of Lip
8 C00.8 Overlapping Lesion of Lip
9 C00.9 Lip, Unspicified

C01 Malignant Neoplasm of Base of Tongue

C02 Malignant Neoplasm of Other and Unspecified Parts of Tongue

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 C02.0 Dorsal Surface of Tongue
2 C02.1 Border of Tongue
3 C02.2 Ventral Surface of Tongue
4 C02.3 Anterior Two - Thirds of Tongue, Parts Unspecified
5 C02.4 Lingual Tonsil
6 C02.8 Overlapping Lesion of Tongue
7 C02.9 Tongue, Unspecified

C03 Malignant Neoplasm of Gum

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 C03.0 Upper Gum
2 C03.1 Lower Gum
3 C03.9 Gum, Inspecified

C04 Malignant Neoplasm of Floor of Mouth

C05 Malignant Neoplasm of Palate
C04 Malignant Neoplasm of Other and Unspecified Part of Mouth
C07 Malignant Neoplasm of Parotid Gland
C08 Malignant Neoplasm of Other and Unspecified Major Salivary Gland
C04 Malignant Neoplasm of Other and III Defined Sites In the Lip, Oral Cavity and

D10 Benign Neoplasm of Mouth and Pharynx
No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 D10.0 Lip
2 D10.1 Tongue
3 D10.2 Floor of Mouth
4 D10.3 Other and Unspecified Part of Mouth
5 D10.4 Tonsil
6 D10.5 Other Part of Oropharynx
7 D10.6 Nasopharynx
8 D10.7 Hypopharynx
9 D10.9 Pharynx, Unspecified


Q35 Cleft Palate

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 Q35.0 Cleft Hard Palate Bilateral
2 Q35.1 Cleft Hard Palate Unilateral
3 Q35.2 Cleft Soft Palate Bilateral
4 Q35.3 Cleft Soft Palate Unilateral
5 Q35.4 Cleft Hard With Soft Palate Bilateral
6 Q35.5 Cleft Hard With Soft Palate Unilateral
7 Q35.6 Cleft Palate Medial
8 Q35.7 Cleft Palate Uvula
9 Q35.8 Cleft Palate Unspecified Bilateral
10 Q35.9 Cleft Palate Unspecified Unilateral

Q36 Cleft Lip

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 Q36.0 Cleft Lip Bilateral
2 Q36.1 Cleft Lip Medial
3 Q36.2 Cleft Lip Unilateral

Q37 Cleft Palate With Cleft Palate

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 Q37.0 Cleft Hard Palate With Cleft Lip Bilateral
2 Q37.1 Cleft Hard Palate With Cleft Lip Unilateral
3 Q37.2 Cleft Soft Palate With Cleft Lip Bilateral
4 Q37.3 Cleft Soft Palate With Cleft Lip Unilateral
5 Q37.4 Cleft Hard Palate With Cleft Lip
6 Q37.5 Cleft Hard Palate With Clefy Lip
7 Q37.8 Unspecified Cleft Palate With Cleft Lip Bilateral
8 Q37.9 Unspecified Cleft Palate With Cleft Lip Unilateral

Q38 Other Congenital Malformation of Tongue, Mouth and Pharynx

No. Kd. ICD X Diagnosa
1 Q38.0 Congenital Malformation of Lip, not Elsewhere Classified
2 Q38.1 Ankyloglossia
3 Q38.2 Macroglossia
4 Q38.3 Other Congenital Malformation of Tongue
5 Q38.4 Congenital Malformation of Salivary Glands and Ducts
6 Q38.5 Congenital Malformation of Palate, not Elsewhere Classified

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