AC215 - Cash Budget Management PDF
AC215 - Cash Budget Management PDF
AC215 - Cash Budget Management PDF
Cash Budget
SAP AG 1999
Release 4.6B
July 2000
5003 9284
SAP AG 1999
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Level 2 Level 3
AC815 5 days
Loans Management for
Financial Services
AC816 3 days
AC030 3 days AC810 3 days Loans Management for
Basic Functions in
Treasury Overview Treasury Management AC820 4 days
Securities Management
AC825 3 days
Money Market, Foreign
Exchange and Derivatives
AC830 3 days
Market Risk Management
AC805 3 days
AC010 5 days Cash Management
Financial Accounting
and Reporting AC215 1 day
Cash Budget
SAP AG 1999
Course Prerequisites
SAP AG 1999
Target Group
Project team
People involved in
Decision makers
Duration: 1 day
SAP AG 1999
Course outline
Course objectives
Course content
Overview diagram
Business scenario
Implementation guide (IMG)
SAP AG 1999
Course Outline
SAP AG 1999
Course Objectives
SAP AG 1999
Course Content
SAP AG 1999
Course Overview Diagram
Introduction START
Master Data
Payment Transfers
Information System
SAP AG 1999
Business Scenario - 1
SAP AG 1999
Business Scenario - 2
SAP AG 1999
The Treasury Model
Differences between Cash Management and Cash
Budget Management
Business transactions in Cash Budget Management
Functions in Cash Budget Management
SAP AG 1999
Overview: Unit Objectives
SAP AG 1999
Course Overview Diagram
Master Data
Payment Transfers
Information System
SAP AG 1999
The Treasury Model
Buy Sell
financial Payment Cash Payment financial
asset order order asset
FI- Funds
Financial Budgeting Liquidity
Management plan
SAP AG 1999
Cash Budget Management, with its analysis of liqudity figures and plan figures, is closely linked
with Cash Management and Funds Management.
The task of Cash Budget Management (financial budgeting) is to:
- Identify impending funds shortages/surpluses promptly
- Control payment flows in light of the liquidity situation
Differences Between Cash Management and CBM
Revenues Revenues
Customer group X Sales revenues
Customer group Y Liquid. investmts
... Other
Expends Expends
Vendor group X Material
Vendor group Y Personnel
... Taxes
SAP AG 1999
Cash Management and Cash Budget Management consider different timeframes; while Cash
Management is concerned with short-term liquidity, Cash Budget Management looks at the medium
and long terms. This means that the two applications must classify revenues and expenditures
differently:; Cash Management classifies revenues and expenditures by vendor/customer group, in
order to assess the likelihood of payment flows being realized. Cash Budget Management classifies
revenues and expenditures by revenue and expenditure item, to enable you to plan future payment
Cash Budget Management and Funds Management
While Cash Budget Management is concerned with the liquidity of your business, Funds
Management covers the payment flows in the individual responsibility areas.
The task of Funds Management is to safeguard the plan estimated values for revenues and
expenditures in individual responsibility areas. The values are fixed in the budget plan.
Business Transactions in Cash Budget
Down Bank
payment clearing
SAP AG 1999
Vendor Expenditure
100 - 100
SAP AG 1999
Transactions posted in the feeder systems are recorded in Cash Budget Management as items
affecting liquidity. You can configure the display to meet your specific information
You use Cash Budget Management reporting to do this.
Cross-Company Code Cash Budget Management
and Currencies
FM area
Cash Budget Management
SAP AG 1999
You combine a number of company codes in one financial management (FM) area, for the purpose
of carrying out cash budget management over several company codes at once.
The company codes can have different currencies. The FM area currency need not be the same as
any of these.
Overview: Unit Summary
SAP AG 1999
Master Data
Commitment item categories
Item categories and functional split
Financial transactions
Hierarchy maintenance
Commitment item and G/L account
Rules of thumb for assignment
SAP AG 1999
Master Data: Unit Objectives
SAP AG 1999
Course Overview Diagram
Master Data
Payment Transfers
Information System
SAP AG 1999
Commitment Item Categories
Summarization Item
Summarization: 11
Financial trans: 30
Change history
Item category: 3
Account Asst Item
Change documents
Expenditures: 111
Financial trans:
trans: 30
Item category: 3 Long text
Before you can use Cash Budget Management, you must create commitment items (account
assignment items). You can integrate them into a summarization hierarchy, by entering the
higher level summarization item in each commitment item when you create it.
Account assignment items must have the same financial transactions and item categories as the
summarization items above them.
Item Categories and Functional Split
Opening balance
Item Category Sales revenues
Liquid. investmts
1 Balance Other
2 Revenue Expenditures
3 Expenditure Material
Closing balance
SAP AG 1999
The item category regulates integration by balance, revenues, or expenditures, thereby fixing
the functional split in Cash Budget Management.
Financial Transactions
30 Expenditure/revenue
50 Free
60 Payables/receivables
70 Free
80 Bank clearing
90 Payments
SAP AG 1999
The financial transactions are prescribed: you cannot change them. The exceptions are financial
transactions 50 and 70. You can use these to create a differentiated payables/receivables display.
You can enter descriptions for the correspondiing value types, 53 for financial transaction 50 and 56
for financial transaction 70.
Hierarchy Maintenance Using SAP Network
Display area
SAP AG 1999
You can use the SAP Network Graphic to create commitment items in the hierarchy.
There are three working areas in the graphic:
The "Display area" shows the hierarchy in a graphical representation.
The "Node area" is where you determine whether you are processing a commitment item or a
summarization item.
You use the "Navigation area" to define the view in the display area.
Setting Up And Maintaining Commitment Item
Domestic Foreign
Acct asst
Expends 1 Expends 2 Expends 3 Expends 4 (commitment)
SAP AG 1999
In the network graphic, you can maintain separate hierarchy trees for an FM area.
The relationships you define here also determine the relationships between objects in reporting.
The principle of immediate effect integration of the financial transaction and commitment item
category applies in every hierarchy. You determine how many levels the hierarchy has.
You enter the commitment item - G/L account assignment in the company code section of the
G/L account.
Commitment Items and G/L Accounts
SAP AG 1999
You define the commitment item in the company code part of the G/L account.
The commitment item field does not appear in the G/L account master unless you have assigned
the company code to the FM area and the field selection permits it.
When you post to this account, the system copies the commitment item to the document line,
where you can change it if necessary.
Rules of Thumb for Assigning Financial
Transactions - 1
90 Define in bank accounts
SAP AG 1999
Rules of Thumb for Assigning Financial
Transactions - 2
Payables/receivables: Define in
60 vendor/customer reconciliation accounts
SAP AG 1999
Commitment Item Assignment Report Program
Company code
Commitment item
FM area
SAP AG 1999
The assignment report program for G/L account supplies information on what assignments exist, or
are missing, between commitment items and G/L accounts.
Master Data: Unit Summary
SAP AG 1999
Master Data: Exercises
1-1 Accounting -> Treasury –> Cash Budget Management -> Master Data -> Commitment
Item – Account Assignment -> Create
1-2.1 Accounting -> Treasury –> Cash Budget Management -> Master Data ->
Commitment Item –> Summarization -> Create
1-2.2 Accounting -> Treasury –> Cash Budget Management -> Master Data
Hierarchy -> Change
Choose subtrees:
Select "Expenditures" => Edit -> Connect 1111, 1112, 1113, 1126##
1-3 Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Master Data -> Individual
Processing -> In Company Code
Field Name or Data Type Values
Company code AC##
G/L account 449000
Commitment item 1126##
Value types and financial transactions
Update chain
Update from Financial Accounting to Cash Budget
Management (integration)
Carrying balances forward
SAP AG 1999
Update and Integration
Unit Objectives
SAP AG 1999
Course Overview Diagram
Master Data
Payment Transfers
Information System
SAP AG 1999
Value Types and Financial Transactions
Financial Accounting
Vendor Expenditure
100 - 100
Value type:
Commitment Commitment
item item
Financial Financial
transaction: transaction:
60 > 30
Invoice Expenditure
SAP AG 1999
Bank Accounts
Bank Expenditure
clearing payable
3 100 100 2 100 100
1 100
1 Invoice 60 30 60 30 54
2 Outgoing check 80 60 80 30 55
3 Bank posting 90 80 90 30 57
SAP AG 1999
The value type determines how business transactions are displayed in reports.
Where technical document chains are created (in the above example with financial transaction
30), the line item is included too, from the invoice through to the payment.
The value categories most important for Cash Budget Management are:
51 Purchase order
54 Invoice
55 Bank clearing
57 Payment
Integration Betwen Financial Accounting and Cash
Budget Management
Database server
FM area = active
G/L account
Index Docs FMEP FMSU
SAP AG 1999
Where an FM area is activated, each accounting document leads to the following updates in
Cash Budget Management:
- Line item file ( FMEP )
- In totals : revenues/expenditures ( FMSU )
See the structure of the files in the repository.
If Cash Budget Management is not yet active, but the company code is already assigned to the
FM area and the commitment items are defined in the G/L account or you enter them when you
make a posting, the commitment item is included with the document and can be copied to Cash
Budget Management later.
Carrying Balances Forward
Carry balance
SAP AG 1999
The function for stipulating a fiscal year interval has been removed from the system for Release 4.6.
It is not possible to update all balance periods online. The closing balance must be carried forward at
the year end.
Activating Cash Budget Management
Accounting document
Company code XYZ
Yes No
SAP AG 1999
If you already have Financial Accounting (FI) when you activate Cash Budget Management,
you can transfer the postings made up to then to Cash Budget Management collectively.
Update and Integration Unit Summary
SAP AG 1999
Update and Integration: Exercises
1-2 Display the document in financial accounting? Which commitment item appears as the
account assignment in the expenditure line?
Update and Integration: Solutions
1-1 Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Payable -> Document Entry ->
Field Name or Data Type Values
Company code AC##
Vendor T-f15A00
Invoice date Today's date
The organizational factor: FM area
Update control
Planning layout and plan version
The steps involved in implementing Cash
Budget Management
Different procedures for going live
Taking over cash holdings
Activating Cash Budget Management
SAP AG 1999
Configuration and Organization:
Unit Objectives
SAP AG 1999
Course Overview Diagram
Master Data
Payment Transfers
Information System
SAP AG 1999
Maintaining FM Areas
Val. factors
Currency: USD
SAP AG 1999
You can combine as many company codes as you want in one FM area. Each of the company
codes can have a different currency and fiscal year variant.
Defining Fiscal Year Variants
FA02 K3
SAP AG 1999
By assigning the fiscal year variant, you are stipulatíng how Cash Budget Management is to be
split over time.
You can plan and display the payment flows and cash holdings for any period(s) you wish. The
period split for each FM area is per the fiscal year variant.
Update Control
No purchase orders
No parked documents
FM area ledger only
Bank lines as of posting date
Expenditure/revenue summarization
Clearing in batch RFFMRP18
SAP AG 1999
No purchase orders: The system does not record a purchase order commitment.
No parked documents: The system does not record a commitment for parked documents.
FM area ledger only: Normally, Cash Budget Management records data in the local currencies of
all the company codes and FM areas concerned. If you activate this switch, data is recorded in the
FM area currency only, thereby ensuring that line items are not duplicated.
Bank lines as of posting date: In Cash Budget Management, payment and bank clearing are
recorded as of the value date. Set this switch to have this done as of the posting date instead.
Expenditure/revenue summarization: This switch affects the number of "technical update chains"
in Cash Budget Management. The number of line items is reduced because the system disregards
additional information, such as accounts.
Clearing in batch: Cash Budget Management data is recorded as part of the process of updating FI
documents. Evaluating the clearing information can take a long time. If you choose clearing in batch,
the time-consuming steps are postponed. The payment is first displayed in a clearing item and the
payment commitment remains in place.
Planning Layout
SAP AG 1999
Three standard layouts are available for planning. They are linked with planner profiles.
You can define your own planning layouts and assign them to the planner profiles.
Defining Plan Versions
Plan values
Version 2
Version 0
Plan values
Revenues 1,000,000
Expenditure 500,000
SAP AG 1999
Commitment item
G/L account line Commitment item Expenditures
SAP AG 1999
Cash Budget Management was not yet active when you received the invoice, so the data was
not recorded in there.
When you pay, Cash Budget Management is active.
To update the "Material" expenditure item under the "Payments" factor in the report, the system
tries to determine the "Material" commitment item from the line item (FMEP) in the invoice.
As this is not possible (because there is no Cash Budget Management item), you must enter
commitment items for:
unassigned revenues/expenditures.
Implementing Cash Budget Management - 2
Document line
SAP AG 1999
You cannot activate the FM area until you have defined the following commitment items:
Unassigned revenues (transaction 30, item category 2)
Unassigned expenditures (transaction 30, item category 3)
When you post payments which clear invoices posted before the FM area was activated, the
payments are displayed under these commitment items.
Checking Company Codes
Unassigned revenues
FM area Unassigned expenditures
SAP AG 1999
There is a checking facility which you can use before the production startup.
The system checks the company code to ensure that all the parameters required for Cash Budget
Management to run smoothly have been maintained.
If the parameters are incomplete, the system generates an error log.
Production Startup / Reorganization
Transaction Data:
Actual / Plan
Totals + line items
SAP AG 1999
Funds reservations
Payment transfers
SAP AG 1999
The diagram shows not only the data transfer made on production startup, but also Cash Budget
Management reconstruction in a system which is already active.
You must carry out the activities in background processing and must deactivate the FM area
first. You must also ensure that no other activities can be carried out in the system while the
program is running.
Taking Over Cash Holdings/Production Startup
Financial Accounting Cash Budget Management active
Commitment item: Transfer
Bank Financial trans: 30
Commitment item
transfer 800
SAP AG 1999
Before you can transfer the cash holdings (cash/bank postings, (item category 1)) posted in
Financial Accounting to Cash Budget Management, you must define a commitment item for
them to flow into:
Financial transaction: 30 Post revenue, expense...
Item category: 2 (Revenues)
The transfer is a one-time process for each company code, as part of configuration.
The values taken over are stored as from the first period of the specified year.
The FM area must be deactivated before you make the transfer.
Taking Over/Reconstructing Data from Materials
Commitment item
Program run:
SAP AG 1999
Production Startup
The program reads the commitment item from the G/L account specified in the purchase order
and generates the appropriate line item.
- Always back up your data.
- Do not enter any documents while the reconstruction is running. The periods must be closed.
- Run the reconstruction in batch.
- Run program RFFMS180 first. This enters commitment items in unassigned MM documents.
Taking Over/Reconstructing Some Data from
Financial Accounting
Cash Budget Mgt
Not active Active / Reconstruct
Posting periods 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SAP AG 1999
Production Startup
-This procedure offers a step-by step method of setting up Cash Budget Management.
-In the process, the commitment items of the G/L accounts addressed in the posting lines
are determined.
-In using this procedure, you are opting not to take over all the commitments, but only
those from certain periods and cash holdings.
Data Reconstruction
-Deleting old transaction data
Before running the partial reconstruction for the first time, you must delete the old actual
data (line items).
Taking Over/Reconstructing All Data from
Financial Accounting
FM area: FA00
Fiscal year: YYYY
Onetime run
To period: 06
SAP AG 1999
The objectives of this procedure are the same as for the partial reconstruction.
- All the documents, up to the limit you specify, are taken over at one go.
- System performance might be a problem.
You can take over the materials data and the financial accounting data in one run. However, this
is not recommended for performance reasons.
Reconstructing Data from Funds Reservations and
Payment Transfers
SAP AG 1999
If line items from the test phase were deleted during preparation for the production startup
(delete actual data)
if the values were changed in the FM documents, the relevant FM line items must be
Activating Cash Budget Management
FM area
SAP AG 1999
You have the option of activating Cash Budget Management for individual company codes.
- Each company code must satisfy the following criteria before you can activate it:
The company code must be assigned to an FM area.
A fiscal year variant, currency key, and plan profile must be assigned to the FM area.
You have assigned a commitment item for unassigned revenues, and another for unassigned
expenditures, to the FM area.
- If any of these criteria is not met, you cannot activate the FM area. Read the error log to find out
what you must do if this happens.
Configuration and Organization: Unit Summary
SAP AG 1999
Configuration and Organization: Exercises
1-5 Display the commitment/actual line items in the Cash Budget Management information
Configuration and Organization: Solutions
1-1 Tools –> Accelerated ASAP –> Customizing –> Edit Project –> SAP Reference IMG:
-Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial Accounting –> Maintain Financial
Management Area
- Enterprise Structure –> Assignment -> Financial Accounting –> Assign Company
Code to Financial Management Area
-Treasury –> Cash Budget Management and Financial Budgeting –> Integration –>
Define Commitment Item for Unassigned Revenues/Expenditures
1-2 Tools –> Accelerated ASAP –> Customizing –> Edit Project –> SAP Reference IMG:
- Treasury –> Cash Budget Management-> Basic Settings –> Fiscal Year Variant –>
Assign Fiscal Year Variant to FM Area
1-3 Tools –> Accelerated ASAP –> Customizing –> Edit Project –> SAP Reference IMG
- Treasury –> Cash Budget Management -> Integration –> R/3 Internal Data Transfer –
> FI Documents –> Take Over Part of Data
1-4 Tools –> Accelerated ASAP –> Customizing –> Edit Project –> SAP Reference IMG:
Annual/period planning
Planning layouts
SAP AG 1999
Planning: Unit Objectives
SAP AG 1999
Course Overview Diagram
Master Data
Payment Transfers
Information System
SAP AG 1999
Annual/Period Planning
Version 1
January 10,000
February 10,000
SAP AG 1999
You can only enter planning in account assignment items with financial transaction 30.
You can branch from annual planning to period planning.
Planning Layout
SAP AG 1999
You can use different layouts for your planning work. Three standard layouts are available. You can
define additional layouts yourself.
When carrying out planning, you can choose between "Free" and "Form-based" as the method of
input. If you choose free input, the system displays only the commitment items for which there is
already plan data in the database. In form-based input, all the commitment items are shown.
Planning: Unit Summary
SAP AG 1999
Planning: Exercises
Unit: Planning
1-1 Plan annual values for the fiscal year 200J for commitment items 1126## and 1111.
Use the form-based view.
1-3 In the Cash Budget Management information system, go to the index "Plan-period
comparison" and choose the "Plan/Actual/Commitment" report. Display your plan
values in it.
Planning: Solutions
Unit: Planning
Topic: Planning in Commitment Items
1-1 Accounting -> Treasury -> Cash Budget Management -> Financial Budgeting ->
Field Name or Data Type Values
Version 1
Period 1
Period Current period
Fiscal year 200J
Commitment item 1111
Commitment item 1126##
1-2 Accounting -> Treasury -> Cash Budget Management -> Financial Budgeting -
=> Goto -> Next Layout
1-3 Accounting -> Treasury -> Cash Budget Management -> Information System ->
Plan/Period Comparison -> Plan/Actual/Commitment Report
Payment Transfers
Payment transfers as a correction instrument
Enhanced payment transfers
SAP AG 1999
Payment Transfers: Unit Objectives
SAP AG 1999
Course Overview Diagram
Master Data
Payment Transfers
Information System
SAP AG 1999
Document Types for Payment Transfers
Document category 002
Funds transfer
Number range 02
SAP AG 1999
Payment transfers are controlled using document types. You maintain these in Funds Management
1111 50
112600 50-
Total 0
SAP AG 1999
You can use the payment transfer as a correction tool within Cash Budget Management.
Input follows the sender (incorrect commitment item) receiver (correct commitment item)
+ - Amount Commitment
. item
SAP AG 1999
You use the enhanced payment transfers to make transfers between revenues and expenditures.
Before you can do this, you must define clearing items per document type for the revenue side
and the expenditure side.
You do this in Funds Management customizing.
Payment Transfers: Unit Summary
SAP AG 1999
Information System
Report selection
ALV reports
Master data indices
Totals records
Line items
SAP AG 1999
Information System: Unit Objectives
SAP AG 1999
Course Overview Diagram
Master Data
Transaction Data
Information System
SAP AG 1999
Report Selection
Totals records
SAP AG 1999
Cash Budget Management reporting is divided into master data reports, totals records, and line-item
You can see this subdivision in the report tree.
Report Selection
Totals records
SAP AG 1999
Cash Budget Management reporting is divided into master data reports, totals records, and line-item
You can see this subdivision in the report tree.
ABAP List Viewer: Plan/Actual/Commitment Report
SAP AG 1999
The planned/actual commitment report is based on the ABAP List Viewer (ALV). You can change
the variant we deliver to suit your individual requirements.
The following ALVreports are available, in addition to the one above:
Actual/commitment report with hierarchy
Actual/commitment report
Actual/commitment per company code
12 period preview report, actual and plan
Report Selection
Totals records
SAP AG 1999
Cash Budget Management reporting is divided into master data reports, totals records, and line-item
You can see this subdivision in the report tree.
Master Data Indices
SAP AG 1999
You can use these programs to check the master data values you have defined.
For example: Are commitment items defined in every G/L account?
Totals Records
Totals records
Plan/actual comparison
SAP AG 1999
Totals records are predefined drilldown reports which you can use to analyze business transactions
affecting liquidity from MM and FI from various viewpoints.
Report: Commitment/Actual - Financial Budget
Company code
Value type
SAP AG 1999
When you access the plan/actual comparison, the system first displays a drilldown list, showing
a comparison of the financial budget with the commitment/actual values. You can then evaluate
this information per company code, value type, currency, or commitment item.
You can also use the report to compare financial budgeting with the actual payments or
payment obligations.
Report: Commitment/Actual/Balance
Company code
Value type
SAP AG 1999
Company code
Value type
Trans.currency 1st Quarter
Commitment item
Display in Op.balance Revenues Expends Closing bal.
SAP AG 1999
The drilldown list enables you to display various characteristics (such as company codes or
commitment items) per the opening balance, revenues, expenditures, and closing balance. Unlike the
detail list, however, you can look at more than one characteristic configuration at a time.
Line Item Report
Totals records
Commitment/Actual -
Commitment Item
SAP AG 1999
Line Item Report
Invoice 1500
01/01/xx 1900009 2 AC00 160000 91200 1500
SAP AG 1999
You can use the commitment/actual line item report sorted by commitment item to list the line
items according to different criteria, such as company codes or value types.
Information System: Unit Summary
SAP AG 1999
Information System: Exercises
Process the reports and display variants SAP delivers so that they
meet your specific requirements.
1-1 Access the plan/actual/commitment report, then call up the field setup for the current
display variant.
1-2 Choose the field "Commitment/actual in FM area currency" for display, then store the
1-1 Accounting -> Treasury -> Cash Budget Management -> Information System ->
Report Selection -> Line Items -> Commitment/Actual Line Items by
Commitment Item
=> Settings => Current Display Variant
1-2 Choose the "Commitment/Actual in FM area currency" => Include in view and
save variant.
1-3 Accounting -> Treasury -> Cash Budget Management -> Information System ->
Report Selection -> Line Items -> Commitment/Actual Line Items by
Commitment Item
=> Settings => Display Variant => Choose.