TS - May 2016
TS - May 2016
TS - May 2016
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MAY 2016
44 10
10 The carnival is coming
Dennis Moss offers a guide to his
favourite Irish Mayfly loughs FEATURES 44 Trout from a trickle
Louis Noble goes out on a limb to catch
18 Lessons from a single fly 24 “Big trout don’t take dry-flies” brown trout from a border stream
Yvon Chouinard fishes all year with only Trout-fishers are often misled by maxims 51 An evening visitor
one pattern, in salt and freshwater and half-truths, argues Stan Headley Henry Giles encounters a mysterious
38 Shooting heads versus spey lines 30 Mayfly in France fisherman in Norway
Which floating line is best for late-spring Finlay Wilson enjoys rich sport on 58 Trusting the science of the seas
and summer salmon fishing? Ian Gordon a visit to one of Normandy’s highly Tony Andrews and Sarah Bayley Slater on
looks at the options exclusive chalkstreams the Atlantic Salmon Trust’s past and future
76 The magic of micro-trebles
First of a two-part exclusive from
Jens Bursell on how to catch more
sea-trout and salmon
Editor’s letter
Andrew Flitcroft urges you to have your
say on draft Scottish wild fisheries laws
54 Newsreel
The latest news and reports from the
world of game fishing
61 Casting about
Richard Donkin considers the potential
impact of technology on salmon fishing
62 Letters
Your views on game-fishing matters
82 Crossword
A chance to win a Guideline Fario rod
98 Tried and tested
Korkers wading boots on long-term trial 83 Clues to the hatch
Advice on choosing the right
99 Fly tying imitation from Don Stazicker
Foxy Tails cashmere goat hair and
Semperfli straggle string reviewed
88 Salmon surgery
100 Property Crawford Little gives his view on
Dream houses with fishing for sale grilse, backing and dibbling
www.trout-and-salmon.co.uk May 2016 5
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HE OTHER DAY a press decades? Have they been or are they
release from RSPB willing to back a plan to sufficiently cull
Scotland dropped into these birds to help bring our endangered
my e-mail inbox. The salmon back to abundance. I think not!
title of the document
the disappearing duck”. Why would provisions for a Wild Fisheries (Scotland)
they be sending me this? I thought. Bill and a draft Wild Fisheries Strategy is
The next line said, “RSPB Scotland underway. It is basically asking that
says angling could help save the ministers be given powers to enforce a
common scoter.” My ears pricked up. new fisheries management framework. As
Surely it would be a first if the RSPB an angler, or club officer or fishery owner,
were encouraging angling? There had it is your opportunity to provide feedback.
to be a catch. Dr Aileen McLeod, minister for
It turned out that the disappearing Environment, Climate Change and Land
duck, the common scoter, is found in Reform, is adamant it is very much a draft
northern Europe, Asia and to a lesser bill and “nothing has been set in stone”.
degree in the Scottish Highlands (specifically the She urges you to grasp this opportunity to shape the
Flow Country of Caithness and Sutherland). Its future of angling in Scotland. Given the recent
numbers in the Highlands are under threat and a categorisation of rivers in Scotland we know only too
three-year research project (supported by Scottish well that Scottish Government are intent on change,
Natural Heritage (SNH), the Wildfowl and Wetlands so I’d urge you to voice your opinions.
Trust (WWT) and The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)) The deadline is May 2.
has been carried out to determine the cause(s). Okay, Proposals include the creation of Fisheries
so what has this got to do with angling? Management Organisations (FMOs) and Fisheries
Well, according to Dr Mark Hancock, from the Management Areas. FMOs will replace existing
RSPB’s Centre for Conservation Science, “Of all the Fishery Boards, in some cases expanding the area
lochs we investigated during this work, scoters bred they cover (other rivers) to form larger Fishery
most often at those with the shallowest water and the Management Areas (FMAs) of which there will be 15
most large, freshwater invertebrates.” or so covering Scotland. It appears their size will be
These ducks eat crustaceans and molluscs in the determined by economics (local funding) and they
sea and insects and small fish in fresh water. will be managed at a local level. What the
Dr Hancock went on to say, “It soon consequences will be for areas not
became clear that there were more managed by an FMO, or if FMOs will
insects where there were fewer brown “I wonder if the RSPB be responsible for coarse as well as
trout, so it looks like scoters are being
limited by a lack of food in places
has heard of ‘The strange migratory fish, is unclear.
There is also a proposal for a wild
where the fish are eating it all.” The case of the disappearing fisheries levy on owners or occupiers
research found “in areas of the north of fisheries for all species (not only
Highlands where angling activity has Atlantic salmon’” salmon and sea-trout). This levy will
dropped off and fish numbers have meet or contribute towards
increased, more trout angling is potentially one way expenditure incurred by Scottish Ministers and
to boost freshwater insect life”. One of the FMOs in promoting the conservation of freshwater
suggestions born from the RSPB’s findings is “At lakes fish and their habitats, best practice in the
used for trout fishing, trout reduction by increased management of wild fisheries and other functions
angling should be trialled to see if this increases required under the Act. However, concern has been
invertebrate abundance and scoter use.” expressed that this levy alone would not sufficiently
This, dear readers, is ironic. Our friends at the fund fisheries management across Scotland and that
RSPB want us to catch and kill native wild trout so the a “management and development levy” raised from
scoter has more food. I wonder if the RSPB has ever “persons who fish in wild fisheries”, should be
heard of “The strange case of the disappearing considered as an additional funding mechanism. In
Atlantic salmon”, the offspring of which have been other words, a rod licence!
decimated by protected cormorants and goosanders To have your say, visit: consult.scotland.gov.uk
on rivers throughout Scotland for the past two and search “wild fisheries”.
floodgate in June, 2015. Sea-trout also figure in catches, particularly at the floodgate end, and don’t
be surprised to catch a pollack. Fishing is by fly only. Traditional flies are usually the order of the
day, including Teal, Blue and Silver, Invicta, Silver Stoat, Claret Bumble, Soldier Palmer,
Blue Zulu, Dunkeld, Doobry, Clan Chief and Kate McLaren.
Booking Boat permits (£40 for a full day) can be bought at the Stòras Uibhist office, in person, by
phone (01878 700 101) and by e-mail ([email protected]). Visit www.southuistfishing.com
The carnival is coming Dennis Moss offers a guide to his favourite Mayfly
loughs and tells you when and how to fish them
P H O T O G R A P H Y: D E N N I S M O S S
S A DEDICATED brown trout angler For me the hatch begins on Derg in April (weather
I am fortunate to live in a country permitting) as the fish rise in the water looking for
with an abundance of excellent wild surface fly, and finishes in June on Sheelin. I’ll aim to
brown trout fishing. Ireland’s fish some of the other loughs in-between.
limestone loughs can produce Timing your visit to coincide with the main hatch
amazing sport from boat or bank and on a particular lough is the key to getting the most
the cream of the season is probably the Mayfly hatch. from the Irish Mayfly: get it right and some of
It is a festival of fishing not to be missed. Ireland’s stunning wild trout will be your reward.
Wet-fly sport on Ree can be good in the emergence period, though this fish took a dry Ginger May in an afternoon hatch.
Lessons from
a simple fly
Yvon Chouinard fishes all year with only one pattern,
in salt and fresh water
N THE VARIOUS outdoor pursuits and Brown for a whole season and a Blue Charm for
crafts in which I’ve been involved – from another. He caught as many salmon as before and,
mountaineering and whitewater kayaking in fact, found his success with either fly was hardly
to spear fishing and tool making – the PATAGONIA
different. Art Flick, the Catskill angler and fly-tyer
progression from novice to master has who wrote The Streamside Guide to Naturals and Their
always been a journey from the complex to Imitations, ended up using mostly one fly, the Grey
the simple. An illustrator becomes an artist when he Fox variant. Jim Teeny has used only the Teeny
can convey his message with fewer brush strokes. Nymph since 1971. Some of the most successful
Yvon Chouinard
Fishing with a fly seems to have gone in the salmon fishermen in Canada use only
is the founder
opposite direction: it has become a needlessly the Muddler Minnow.
of the
complex and expensive pastime where anglers Patagonia My scheme was to use only one style of fly for
choose from hundreds of fly-lines, high-tech rods, clothing all trout, salmon and saltwater fish.
and trout reels with drags that can stop a truck. We company. Years ago, the American angler George LaBranche
all know that palming the rim of a reel with a simple He is the author considered the myriad aspects of using dry-flies to
click-drag can stop any trout or salmon, but the of Simple Fly catch trout and ranked their importance. The
industry has become dependent on building Fishing and position of the fly on the water he ranked first.
insecurity in the minds of their customers—if we Let My People Second, the action of the fly. Third, the fly’s size.
aren’t outfitted with the latest gear and au courant Go Surfing. Fourth and fifth, the form and colour of the fly. For
signature fly, can we really be enjoying ourselves? the way I typically fish with wet-flies, I rank the fly’s
(I must admit that I, too, have multiple rods and reels action as most important, followed by size and
and I’ve caught myself cursing for not having the presentation. I believe most anglers place too much
exact fly for that specific stage of importance on form and colour.
that particular mayfly…) The Pheasant Tail and Partridge
More than 30 years ago, I was “The position of the fly on the (PT) is a neutral fly that fairly
introduced to the original method imitates most mayfly and caddis.
of fishing with a fly first described water he ranked first. Second, It probably has its roots in the time
in the second century AD by
Claudius Aelianus. This form of
the action of the fly” of Dame Juliana Berners in 1496
when she wrote a treatise
fishing is still practised in parts of describing the wet-fly patterns used
Spain, Italy and Japan, in addition to places where within England at that time. Frank Sawyer, the river
people cannot afford modern gear. I’ve adapted keeper on the Avon, has been attributed as the
this simple tenkara style to the large rivers of the developer of the modern Pheasant Tail nymph.
Americas with great success. The combination Some years before, George Skues was already
of the long tenkara rod (no reel) and soft hackle tying a version of the soft-hackle PT.
wet-flies has proven for me to be the most My one-fly season began in the winter and spring
effective way to catch trout on a fly. of 2015 when I used the PT on the flats of the
I usually fished the soft hackles with a brace of Bahamas and Cuba. Bonefish that have been fished
different flies. Then I started noticing that most heavily can get spooky. If they “blow up” when you
times, regardless of the hatch, the fish took the strip the fly it’s probably because they have seen too
Pheasant Tail and Partridge. If that was so, why many shiny hooks, bright eyes, and flashabou. I tied
bother with the other patterns? Why not see how saltwater PTs on size 6 and 8 weighted bronze-
far I could go fishing an entire season with coloured hooks. I used long hackles from the backs of
only one style of fly? grouse necks and tied on two at a time to give a
Like most new ideas in fishing, this one had been bushier look. With a small strip, the hackles pulsate
thought of before: Arthur Wood, the advocate of like a jellyfish or shrimp. This plain brown fly rarely
greased-line fishing for salmon, used only a March spooked the wary bones and even worked well over
P H O T O G R A P H Y: J O N A T H A N T O M L I N S O N
18 May 2016 www.trout-and-salmon.co.uk
When you tie only one
style of fly over and
over, there’s no need
light sand bottoms where you would normally use them about 30 inches apart. The two-fly system
a lighter-coloured fly. I’ve since used the PT for many increases the friction further and gives a different
other saltwater fish. action to each fly. I can’t emphasise enough the
Fishing for trout in the spring and summer in importance of giving action to the fly. Like your
Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, I fished a size 10 as house cat, fish are predators. Slowly pull a toy mouse
an attractor. When a hatch came on, I would switch to across the floor and the cat will go into its predator
the appropriate size. Regardless of the colour of the stance. Stop pulling and give it a twitch—the cat
naturals or whether they were mayflies, caddis or pounces. Grizzly bears and tigers love it
stoneflies, the PT in the proper size out-fished the when you run.
more exact imitations. In early July I applied my one-fly approach to the
My wet-fly technique is simple. I cast 45-degrees salmon of the Hawke River in Labrador. The flies
downstream and mend the line to slow the swing. were tied on size 10 and 12 low-water salmon hooks
When the line starts to straighten, I slowly lift the rod and were fished mostly with a Portland hitch on the
to straighten it even more. Once the line is straight, surface. In a week I landed about 20 proper salmon
I give an occasional twitch with the tip of the rod. and a few grilse. Later, on the Haffjardara in Iceland
I’m trying to imitate an emerging caddis or mayfly I had similar luck. Most of the fish were grilse and I
swimming to the surface or struggling from its used the sensitivity of a 10 ft 5-weight rod to give
shuck. Nine out of ten times the take is right after the action to the fly. The occasional twitch with the
twitch. The flexible tip of the tenkara rod is perfect hitched fly was especially effective at inducing a take
for imparting this subtle action. in slower water. I wasn’t trying to
I’ve found that a proper twitch is prove a point anymore; it was
the most difficult thing to master “I give an occasional simply the most effective way to
in swinging wet-flies. Almost
everyone overdoes it. A big twitch
twitch with the the rod tip. catch these salmon. I’ve since taken
to hitching the PT for trout, which
will send a wave of slack down the I’m trying to imitate an often leads to explosive takes.
line giving time for the fish to eject In September I had an
the fly. Remember, you are trying emerging caddis…” opportunity to fish for steelhead for
to entice a take, not scare the fish. five days on the Babine River in
If you’re getting bites but few hooked trout, it’s either British Columbia. On the first day there was only six
a small fish or there’s slack in the line. inches of visibility. It cleared to a foot on the second
Modern fast- and medium-action rods are not day, but I had no confidence that a fish would be able
designed to impart movement to the fly; they’re built to see my small flies. I put on a sink-tip line with a big
to cast heavy flies a long distance – usually beyond dark Intruder and caught one small steelhead.
the fish. Add the typical 5- or 6-weight line and the On the third day I still couldn’t see my boots but
line droop at the end of the rod prevents any sort of the water was clearer and the parr were active in the
twitch transferring to the fly. The best you can do is shallow riffles, feeding on caddis and green drakes
lower the tip to the water and try to give the smallest in the afternoon. I thought if the parr could see the
hand-strip. When I want to use a rod and reel, I use a tiny naturals then surely the adults could see my size
cane rod or a 10 ft 2-weight rod with a 1-weight line to 10 PT. Sure enough, I started catching some large
avoid the line droop. I also tie knotted leaders steelhead. I even caught two sockeye salmon,
because the increased water friction helps to which is unusual so late in the season and so
straighten the line. far from the sea.
When fishing a brace of flies I tie the larger fly on Conditions continued to improve and I switched to
the point and the smaller on the dropper, keeping a floating line and a hitched PT. Even fishing behind
After several anglers had fished through this run, without success, Success in the Bahamas. Bonefish rarely see flies without glitter
this brownie fell for a size 12 PT on a tenkara rod. so they are not afraid to bite a size 8 weighted PT.
The standard,
un-weighted nymph,
tied in various sizes to
imitate a given hatch.
The Dai-Riki 075 and Tiemco one-and-a-half to two turns. The thorax when wet
3769 are similar hooks that Use a neck from an older looks a lot like the air bubble
both sink a bit and can better bird shot later in the season of an emerging fly. It’s an
imitate a rising emerger. so the feathers will be stiffer important improvement over
Searching for steelhead
on the Babine River,
British Columbia.
other anglers who were throwing traditional gaudy plastic concoctions—outfits for a Barbie doll, as the
steelhead flies, the PT was producing fish up to writer Tom McGuane calls them. But midges and
37 inches. Many times when using large rubber BWOs are active swimmers and a size 20 or 22
waking flies for steelhead you get boils but no takes. sparsely tied PT fished on the surface with a tiny
I believe this is because the flies are too large. twitch can be as effective as any fly.
Rarely do I get only a boil with the small flies. In this Am I going to continue using only one fly for the
situation, I’m convinced it was the most effective fly rest of my life? My tying table looks pretty brown
and technique I could have used. and boring… also, I feel the lessons
We think anadromous fish take have been learned. Action and
flies even though they are not “We humans think of ourselves size are more important than
feeding because it’s a memory style and colour.
from when they were parr-eating as perpetual teenagers; Limiting options forces
insects. If that’s so, it would
explain why a small fly works so
maybe salmon do, too?” creativity. Fishing for a year with
only the PT has given me deep
well especially when there’s a knowledge about what to do with
hatch. We humans think of ourselves as perpetual that simple brown fly and a deeper understanding
teenagers; maybe salmon and steelhead do, too? of fish. It has taught me that choosing a more
In the late autumn and through the winter, when simple life doesn’t mean choosing an
the only hatches happening are tiny midges and impoverished life. Rather, simplicity can
blue-winged olives, most American anglers stoop to lead to a more satisfying way of fishing
throwing streamers and gross rubber-legged and and a more responsible way of living.
You don’t need big flies for big fish. This trout took a size 14 PT. A Babine steelhead that fell to a hitched PT fly.
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“Big trout don’t
take dry-flies”
Stan Headley argues that trout-fishers are too often
misled by maxims and hindered by half-truths.
Here he busts six enduring myths
Stan Headley
has been
fishing for trout
since he was a
It’s overcast with boy and is
a soft westerly. author of Trout
Weather conditions & Salmon Flies
may appear perfect
to us but they are
of Scotland
not the reason why and The Loch
a fish may feed. Fisher’s Bible.
P H O T O G R A P H Y: J O N A T H A N T O M L I N S O N
24 xxxxxxxxx 2016 www.trout-and-salmon.co.uk
M Y T H: “CON DITIONS A R E PER F E CT ” shrimp, caddis larvae and snails. Sunlight is
Our understanding of the activity and feeding the catalyst without which the food chain will
patterns of fish is so weak that we really don’t have a struggle to exist.
clue when conditions will be “perfect”, when fish will Another omnipresent myth that clouds our
be active and when not. To simply look outside or at a thinking concerns trout breeding. A large proportion
weather forecast before going fishing can lead to of wild trout anglers believe that the overwhelming
bitter disappointment. Feeding fish, particularly in majority of trout – if not all – spawn every winter.
fertile waters, will feed when opportunity presents This belief couldn’t be further from the truth. In any
itself, and that means when there are plenty of food wild population of trout only a percentage of fish will
items such as in a hatch or bloom. And blooms spawn in late autumn/winter. This means that in
or hatches can be triggered by factors beyond the spring the greater bulk of fish caught will
our comprehension, there being so many be non-spawners (maidens), while the spawners
factors involved. will be virtually comatose in deep water
It is often thought that mild south-westerly winds waiting for the late-spring food bonanza
and high cloud cover will always provide good before becoming active.
fishing. It is also thought that bright weather plus cold While we’re on the subject of fish being comatose,
northerly or easterly winds provide hopeless fishing trout, being cold-blooded creatures, have the ability to
conditions. Neither prophesies can be relied upon. I render themselves inactive for long periods of time
remember some years back when I was closely during the year. This generally happens in the spring
monitoring what made good and bad fishing (see above) and after the binge feeding that happens
conditions on a particular loch, that mild westerly in the late spring/early summer. How often have you
weather was proving hopeless and sudden easterly heard of folks searching the waters with fish-finders
cold snaps saw better-than-average catches and coming across large populations of fish in open
being returned. water, which prove impossible to catch?
For example, I was out on Loch Leven one evening One of the interesting aspects of this behaviour is
in June with my club. It that many of the trout
was bright, very cold and caught when general
windy – virtually hopeless “Hunger is a very alien water lifeform activity is
conditions, with no hope of low have empty
a hatch. I thought “top of concept when applied to stomachs. I am almost
the wind” to take any
advantage of reduced wind
fish behaviour” wholly convinced that
these fish have only
chill and shelter that was recently become active
available. After a couple of fishless hours we decided after a comatose spell and are more opportunistic
to head a bit further down the wind in the region of than fish that are more tuned into the natural cycles.
Castle Island, which had been providing some sport Another aspect of this behaviour generates
in better conditions. Shortly after getting into that other great myth – “They’ve got to get hungry
position, I saw a fish rise… then another. Gulls had sometime!” Well, no they don’t. Trout have no need to
arrived from nowhere and were obviously feeding. feed on a daily basis because, again, they are cold
I switched to dry-flies and managed three good fish blooded. In very fertile, productive bodies of water,
in what turned out to be a frenetic but short-lived trout get very hatch-centric and they binge-feed
buzzer hatch. From an objective perspective, if it when the going is good. And fishing outside hatch
hadn’t been a club outing I would have been periods can be very unproductive and frustrating.
tucked up at home in front of a blazing Hunger is a very alien concept when applied
hearth thinking I was missing nothing to fish behaviour.
in such hellish conditions.
You pay your money and take your chances.
Anthropomorphism is a clumsy word that should
be tattooed on an extremity of every fly-fisherman.
It means crediting animals or other non-cognitive
creatures with human behaviour, emotions or
thoughts, and is one of the major stumbling blocks
that bedevil fly-fishermen. Where this wrong
thinking affects us most is in trying to understand
trout feeding regimes and basic behaviour.
In the early months of the season, many
fisherman expect to find fish in deep water.
While large numbers of fish may well inhabit
deep water in the spring, they will not be feeding
and be, to a great extent, uncatchable. Feeding fish
The typical Highland loch environment (the
former) will produce high quantities of small fish in
any given year, and to identify young from old fish is
inherently difficult. I believe that in such locations
bigger-than-average fish display a positive reaction to
the water ecology, and should be preserved at all
costs. A general, positive harvesting campaign will
not affect stock levels, and will provide improved
feeding throughout the population. This should be
of prime importance in any c-and-r policy.
In the latter, every fish in the low population will
be capable of good growth, achieving trophy fish Experienced anglers carry lines of many densities
proportions. Small fish are tomorrows “lunkers”, because each can offer a subtly different fly presentation.
and should be preserved at all costs. A high quantity
of sexually-mature big fish competing for spawning Where is everything going wrong? Well, assuming
space at the end of the year will lead to redd- that it’s a level playing field and your flies are
overcutting and potential population diminishment. theoretically acceptable, one can only assume that
In such scenarios the removal of the odd adult fish, your presentation is “off”.
Catch-and- which has already passed on its genes in previous Presentation is a factor of fly-fishing that most
release should years, does no harm, as long as some degree of ignore. An old friend once tried to convince me that
be imposed on restraint is observed. presentation is more important than pattern. I
a water-by-
water basis. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating – c-and-r couldn’t accept that then; I can accept it now. And
is a valuable tool if used like a scalpel; used as a what has led me to change my mind? The
bludgeon it is worse than useless. proliferation in modern fly-line choice and nymph
tactics for rainbow trout, that’s what. I now believe
M Y T H: “ YOU CA N M A K E DI F F ER EN T that it is better to present the wrong fly well than the
L I N E S WOR K I N T H E S A M E WAY ” right fly badly. Good presentation convinces trout;
Here’s the situation: You and your buddy are fishing bad presentation puts them right off.
buzzers from a boat. He is catching, you are not. He’s Every line option, every change in retrieve style,
fishing a midge tip, and you’ve got on your favourite will present your flies differently to the fish. Don’t
full floater. You reckon the fish must be a bit deeper – think you can replicate the presentation of one
at a level he is reaching but you are not – so you add a density of line with another.
few feet of mono to let your flies sink a bit deeper.
Nothing changes. You still don’t catch, and he’s into M Y T H: “ BIG T ROU T D ON ’ T
his zillionth fish. He is becoming so smug you want to TA K E DRY-F L I E S”
hit him with an oar. I have heard that there is a growing myth that big
trout won’t take a dry-fly. This puzzles me greatly
because I have always believed the exact opposite.
In Orkney some years back, I was experimenting
with the dry-fly as a replacement for standard wet-fly
tactics for wild browns. I caught all my heaviest fish
from all the major lochs – bar Stenness, which is
brackish – on dry-fly.
Why should a dry-fly be attractive to bigger trout?
My theory, such as it is, is that nutritional economics
lies at the heart of this mystery. Small trout can race
about attacking anything and everything in sight and
get a decent nutritional return on their effort from
eating small, fast, active food items. For a big fish to
do this would be suicide. Big fish burn up a lot of
energy moving about and to get a positive return
from a food item it either has to be big or, at least,
require a minimum of energy to hunt down and eat.
In a nutshell, big trout like a sure thing, and nothing’s
surer than slow or static food items. (Is this why so
many big trout are caught on Buzzer patterns?) I
believe that fish instinctively know this.
What can be more effortlessly eaten than a fly
trapped in the surface film? What can be more
frustrating and nutritionally void than chasing a fast
nymph to the surface, only to have it snapped up in
front of you by a quarter-pounder. To slip up a calm
lane, sipping down hatching fly, is a very good deal for
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Mayfly in France
Finlay Wilson enjoys wonderful sport – and food
and wine – on a visit to one of Normandy’s usually
highly exclusive chalkstreams
P H O T O G R A P H Y: A R K A D I D E R A K O F F
Finlay fishes up
the crystal-clear
Oribquet as it slides
through meadows
in late June.
S MUCH AS I love Scotland, I’ve On the first morning Kadi took me to fish the St
always held a flame for France. Martin de Bienfaite parcour (beat) where the Orbiquet
There are many reasons for this: runs through a heady mixture of farmland and
fond memories of family camping meadow, back gardens and old mills, all fringed with
holidays where a boy could fish all thick bankside vegetation and overhanging willow
day under searing sun or muggy trees. The temperature was cool under intermittent
sky wherever there was water; cloud and the wind blustery but as ever when fishing
touring the length and breadth of somewhere for the first time, expectations were high.
this stunning country with a rock- We started near the bottom of the stretch, spread out
and-roll band in my twenties; the and edged our way upstream looking for action. After
food, the wine and the weather. One just a few minutes I saw my first Orbiquet trout rise,
of my sisters now lives there, my tight under an overhanging branch where the current
two daughters love the place and sped, slowed and eddied and where it was almost
my partner is fluent in the language. impossible to get a drag-free drift of the fly. It was a
However, finding good fly-fishing there, for many decent fish, of course, but I wouldn’t be seeing
years at least, proved far from easy. I’d drive for hours it any closer up.
to rivers after recommendations only to find them Edging upriver I then saw a sizeable neb appear
barren of any decent-sized fish, on their bones or, in just off the overhanging branch of a willow, in mid-
one particularly miserable case, completely devoid of stream. I started creeping towards it, wading tight to
any water at all. I’ve sat on restaurant terraces in the bank and treading ever so cautiously around
idyllic market towns like L’Isle sur la Sorgue in patches of luscious green ranunculus. A dark torpedo
Provence, and St-Jean-Peid-de-Port in the foothills of shape shot from the cover of the weed at my feet,
Borders-based the Pyrenees and watched fine trout and grayling across the narrow stream and away. Lesson learnt!
Finlay Wilson holding in the current, growing large and fat, and However, the rising fish that I’d been targeting came
is an completely untouchable within Peche Interdite zones. up again lazily. This was going to be a lot of fun. I got
experienced My fishing fortunes in position and waited.
guide and across the channel There had been no
instructor, who
runs the
improved dramatically,
however, after meeting
“Then the most magnificent obvious hatch so far and
this fish was a sporadic
Dawyck Estate
beat on the
Arkadi de Rakoff, a thing happened. A large, riser, but eventually it
Londoner who runs showed again and I
upper Tweed
ClubFishWorld and who languid upwing came sailing covered it with a Griffith’s
spends a fair deal of his
time in Normandy. Kadi
down the stream” Gnat. I then tried a
Jingler, my go-to general
introduced me to the olive imitation. The fish
Rilse, where Charles Ritz fished in another era. He put came up, nosed the fly, but didn’t take.
me in touch with guides on the upper Dordogne and Then the most magnificent thing happened. A
some of her tributaries, like the Ceres and the large, languid upwing came sailing down the stream,
Maronne, where I’ve enjoyed fine, if testing, fishing. unmistakably a Mayfly. This was as unexpected as it
So, when I got a call from Kadi telling me he was was welcome. Being late June I was under the illusion
involved with a project on a fabulous little river called that it was too late for such appearances, but it had
the Orbiquet, another chalkstream near his base in been a cold spring and conditions were obviously
Normandy, I was as keen as Dijon mustard. favourable. Up came that big neb to intercept the
The scheme, more of which later, is the brainchild considerable morsel. The sun started to break
of Orbec resident Christian Dubois, and in essence is through the cloud and more Mayfly began to pop up. I
all about allowing this fine natural resource to fulfil quickly changed to a large deer hair emerger pattern
its true potential as a wild trout fishery for the benefit and up came the fish. After a feisty encounter at very
B E L OW of all. It wasn’t until the end of June that I managed to close quarters a stunningly marked Orbiquet trout
Finlay’s first
Orbiquet trout
make the trip, but the river was in good order and was cajoled to the net – my first, and a real cracker.
took a deer hair had been fishing reasonably well despite an I could see a couple of trout rising another 100
emerger. unusually chilly spell. yards upstream so reluctantly came out from among
the overhanging willows and walked further up the
meadow. By the time I’d got up to where the activity
had been, the Mayfly hatch had petered out and all
was quiet. I covered the spot cautiously a couple of
times, marked it, and vowed to return. There was
plenty more water to investigate.
In a delightful little speedy run tight to the wall of
the Moulin du Fossard restaurant I spotted another
riser. Not a big trout but it was feeding steadily and I
covered it with a small gnat, which it refused. I
eventually tempted it to a size 14 Olive Paradun and a
lovely little ¾ lb fish came to hand. I caught up with
Kadi, who’d also enjoyed some sport further
upstream when the Mayflies had appeared. We’d only
covered about a third of the stretch but there were
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Being thicker and with the
whole length of a line catching
the current, a floating Spey line
will swing much quicker than
a shooting head.
SPE Y L I N E A fly fished on a
As the fly comes into shooting head will
slower water, a Spey need to be retrieved
line will keep it to keep it moving
swinging for longer. in slack water.
spey line). His success was all about watercraft and The angler uses great many pools where deep wading and fishing
a high rod
presenting the fly in the correct way, or as well as he position to hold the fly on a short line produced results but a long
possibly could. If he came back to fish today, would he his running line line didn’t – it really is all about the speed and
use modern tackle and methods? You bet he would – off the water and angle that the fly is fished in a particular part
hence better
anything to give him an edge. control the
of the pool.
Arthur Wood, often referred to as the Grandfather swing of his Reading the pool and knowing where the fish are
of Greased Line Fishing, also put much emphasis on shooting head. likely to be is the main part. Once we know that, it’s
the speed and angle that the fly was fished. He all about how we target them best with the tools we
seldom got in the river when fishing his beloved have. In my experience most salmon are caught
Cairnton on the River Dee. Instead, aided by croys between 15 and 25 yards from the angler. I believe
and groynes, he would gradually lengthen his line that’s because at these distances we can fish the fly
from each platform while fishing in his shoes. He exactly the way we want. If we can read the water,
would cast a progressively longer line at varying understand where the fish may be and know how to
angles, culminating in a long downstream cast and cover them, then the most important thing is to be
holding the rod tip high to slow down his small fly as able to control our fly properly.
it swung from side to side. The right line to use is the one that allows you to
The advent of the shooting head provided an easier cover the water, and the fish, most effectively.
tool with which to produce the same result as both of Remember, the thicker the line, the more the force
these experts. Arthur Wood would have found the of the river will act on it. A shooting head will move
shooting head much easier to cast than his double- faster but is easier to control due to the thin running
taper silk line, and more effective in slowing the fly line. A traditional spey line will move at a consistent
during the first third of the swing. He could have speed and is easier to mend (which is particularly
controlled his fly comfortably without getting his feet useful when wading) however it is more difficult to
wet. John Ashley-Cooper may also have enjoyed the control the depth at which the fly swims.
benefits of a shooting head, but knowing the pool as If you are a beginner who has learned to cast with
well as he did, I’m sure he would have been wading shooting-head lines, it is worth making the step up
and fishing a traditional spey line when the water and learning to cast a spey line as it will give you
was at his optimum height. This was really about more options as to how you fish a pool, particularly
controlling the speed of the fly; something I could once the water warms in May and throughout the
associate with perfectly myself. I can think of a summer months.
Option A Option B
Option C
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Choose a 5 wt
for river trout
Louis covers
a rise from a
precarious perch
on the Cynllaith.
HE AFON CYNLLAITH is part of the
Severn Rivers Trust passport scheme.
I’d seen it several times on previous
trips to one of my favourite rivers, the
Tanat, and it had looked tempting as it
trundled along the border between
England and Wales. Now, finally, having bought my
book of Trust vouchers, it was time to give it a go.
The excellent Trust website (see fact file) had given
me an insight, including directions, and so I headed
to Tynewydd farm, a point three-quarters of the way
up the three-mile beat. I had more than enough
water to explore in a full day.
As I crossed the farm bridge, the Cynllaith looked
inviting in the soft early-summer sunlight. The level
had been high recently but had fallen back. I’d seen
photographs of good trout caught on even higher
water and so I was confident that today would be a
good day (a dangerous feeling, I know).
In my experience, trout in these small streams will
respond to the nymph but they are usually free-
rising and the cream of the sport is to the floating fly.
Fly life in the area is good so decent hatches of all of
the olives can be expected, particularly the small
dark and small spurwings later in the season. Caddis
are present and plenty of smaller stoneflies, but the
jewel in the crown has to be the Mayfly, which are
prolific and great sport can be experienced when the
time is right. I was delighted to see a few fluttering
off as my day progressed, which heralded exciting
sport in the next couple of weeks. This is not
The fish are free-rising: itÕs a fertile river with good hatches of upwings.
surprising as the Cynllaith’s mother river, the Tanat, Double Duster or Double Badger is invaluable when
and its mother, the Severn, have superb hatches. fish are preoccupied with caenis.
Fly choice doesn’t have to be complicated on these It was approaching mid-day and medium olives
streams and any of the general patterns will score. were starting to hatch, as well as a smattering of
The one that I find unbeatable is the Grey Duster. In Mayfly. The olives brought up fish, but the Mayfly
its standard form it has to be one of the most reliable were largely ignored. What the fish were interested
patterns but I have a fondness for a variation of mine in was my Double Duster, which was taken
called the Double Duster – enthusiastically despite
Louis Noble
tied with two hackles. the preponderance of
is a qualified
These small streams “These small streams demand olives – illogical, but it
demand a pattern that is just goes to show what a
instructor and
full-time guide easily visible against a pattern that is easily visible great utility pattern it is.
on the the tree shadows and
floats well.
against the tree shadows” As I worked upstream
covering a variety of runs
Welsh Dee.
Another reliable pattern and pools I often saw
is the famous Double Badger, whose similar front rising fish in the narrow necks under overhanging
and rear hackles are also easily seen, and the black branches. I was using a 7 ft 4 wt rod, but with a
Knotted Midge, which is deadly when small black fly 5 wt line that really helps to load the rod when
are in the air. These can all be fished in sizes from making short casts. Casting into tight spaces calls
18 to 12 and the large Dusters can be highly for a shorter leader and I tend to use 7 ft of tapered
effective when the Mayfly is about. I normally fish nylon with a breaking strain of around 3 lb.
a size 16, which is an excellent imitation of the An alternative would be to use a 4 ft furled leader
various stoneflies and general terrestrials. A tiny with 3 ft of tippet. I kept my casting accurate and
Most casting is
from the bank, but
the river was only
knee-deep when
Louis visited.
Around every
corner is a new
brought several pretty fish of 9 in-10 in to hand. challenge. Here
Louis prises a
The size of trout in such small streams never ceases fish from under
to surprise me, presumably a reflection of water low branches.
quality and food. All the Severn Rivers Trust
waters are catch-and-release for truly wild fish.
The Cynllaith is predominantly a trout river but
it’s also a major spawning ground for
salmon and sea-trout. Double Duster
Aiming to make the most of my day, I returned Hook Size 12-18 Partridge PH-SLD
to the farm. Raising and missing a decent trout Thread Black Danville 6/0
fairly quickly I then worked my way up to where the Flymaster or similar Body Blue
stream became quite narrow and it was obvious that rabbit underfur, spun on to thread
navigating the beat would become difficult in places. Hackles Black/cream badger cock
Rather than continue to the top of the water at
the bridge by Pont y Glascoed I decided to work This pattern presents a lighter image
downstream of the farm in sections to explore some than the Double Badger (overleaf)
attractive pools and runs. Wading was easy and at and is a match for pale stoneflies.
this depth, about 1 ft, all I needed were thigh waders. The slightly wide gape of the hook is
This delightful river embodies all that is good an advantage with double-hackle
about small streams where every twist and turn flies. The rear hackle should be
presents a new challenge. slightly shorter than the one at the
I could not, however, have imagined the challenge head – use four/five turns for each.
that awaited me around one bend. I arrived at Keep the rabbit fur body fairly loose.
Double Badger
Hook Size 12-18 Partridge PH-SLD
Thread Black Danville 6/0 Flymaster or
a pool so deep that chest waders wouldn’t have been similar Body Bronze peacock herl, quite
sufficient. To its left was a tangled mess of tree roots. bushy Hackles Black/cream badger cock
At the neck and just around the tangle, several
good-quality fish were rising enthusiastically to what The herl body gives a much darker
was clearly a hatch. The odd Mayfly was fluttering and more solid overall profile than
off. Both the depth and lack of casting space behind the Double Duster.
me made a conventional approach impossible, so I
had to attempt the unconventional. The tree roots
were still connected to the remnants of a fallen tree heart-stopping, slashing rise that was impossible to
and the only option appeared to be to crawl along the miss, a superb fish of well over 12 in plunged to the
branch to the roots, which might just give me a depths, dragging the rod tip down before splashing
chance to cast. I gingerly made my way along the wildly on the surface as I tried to control it. Sadly, we
trunk, holding on with one hand to prevent a fall into parted company as the fly catapulted back to me.
very deep water. One-handed casting was just The pool had gone quiet after the commotion, so
possible and I was relieved to be able to guide the with a thumping heart I retraced my steps to the
fly beyond and behind the roots where fish security of the bank to reflect on what was one of the
continued to rise. In the next 15 minutes I hooked more precarious episodes of my fishing life. I was
and landed three beautifully marked wild trout that tired but elated and it just shows what super sport
fought like hell, diving so deep into the pool that can be enjoyed in these small streams if we’re
the rod tip was submerged. To land a fish meant prepared to invest the time and effort to seek
a backwards crawl to water that I could drop them out. I don’t know if the Afon Cynllaith
into. It was hard work. represents the best of the Severn Trust passport
I got back into position and flicked a Double Duster waters but I do know that 2016 will find me
up to the head of the pool. The fly was met with a exploring many more.
TACKLE: Thigh waders will usually be adequate, with most casting done from
the bank. A shorter rod of 7 ft-7 ft is all that’s needed.
FOOD: Excellent beer and meals from The Green Inn, Llangedwyn, SY10 9JW.
48 May2016
May 2016 www.trout-and-salmon.co.uk
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An evening
Henry Giles encounters a mysterious
fisherman in Norway
HERE IS A man who lives on the upper Gaula
throughout the summer months, alone in an old
house. He drinks in the evening and fishes by
day. Last week I came back from the river at dusk
to find him at our lodge sharing a bottle of wine
with my Dutch housemates.
I asked him how he was getting on.
He paused at his cigarette: “There is a pool I like to fish, where
Henry Giles
I don’t like the salmon and the salmon don’t like me. The fish
caught his first
are brown and I know them well.”
trout on fly on
The cigarette glowed and, bracing at the armrests, he eased
back into an ancient leather chair that creaked with tradition.
Clough River in
1979. He now “I’m having no luck with them, and they’re not having much
lives in luck with me,” he said, unrolling the last words with a slow
Cambridgeshire deliberation before shooting a haunted look across the newly
and ekes out his gathered harvest via the open living-room window.
holidays fishing The Upper Gaula beat is 20 miles up the Rognes road in a
on the bleak, steep-sided valley where ancient spruce and bracken
Miramichi, Nith border boulder-strewn pots and fast runs and it is rare
and Gaula. to see another angler. It is mournful and yet
intoxicating in its isolation.
I fished it once as a wet August afternoon turned to dusk.
It was a brooding, menacing session, with the foothills of the
Trondelag uplands rising far above. At one point a long-deserted
but still-grand house emerged through the trees. Deserted?
I looked again and thought I saw a light on in an upper window…
The river below was a place of shadows – and slippery
boulders on which one courted disaster. It was an oddly
unnerving experience, which stood out from a more standard
fishing week on the beats downstream.
I asked him what it was like living in such a place and
wasn’t he lonely?
“Oh, I wanted to be on my own,” he said, with a jerky
movement of his right hand. “That’s the deal and I arranged
it with the club. That always was my dream at any rate and…”
another puff “…I managed to swing it.”
His eyes narrowed and he grinned weakly – or perhaps
grimaced – through curls of smoke.
Speaking in a Low German accent he looked in reasonable
shape, bristles of dark red spreading from the sides of his face,
eyebrows dense and black, although his hand shook slightly as
he poured himself a top-up and small colonies of broken blood
vessels cascaded through the skin near his cheekbones.
The embers were still glowing with past vigour and a
charisma that remained palpable. He held court effortlessly,
the other fishermen listening carefully to his every word and
observation between stilted, conspiratorial bouts of laughter.
As he left he toured our kitchen and “borrowed” a bottle of
wine and a box of matches, swinging the vino into an outsized
coat pocket in one seamless movement.
He leant forward to me and put an arm around my shoulder.
“Have fun,” he said. “Enjoy your time here.”
Then he turned and walked out of the door into the
Norwegian night.
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Contact the newsdesk Trout and Salmon, Media House, Lynchwood, Peterborough PE2 6EA. Tel: 01733 395 144.
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Salmon and trout to benefit from fish passage laws in England and on River Spey
HE UNITED the decline in salmon stocks.”
Kingdom In Scotland, the Spey Fishery
Government and Board (SFB) has welcomed the
Scottish recent re-classification by the
Environment Scottish Environment
Protection Agency Protection Agency (SEPA) of
have announced separate Spey Dam as a “barrier to fish
measures to improve the passage passage” as this designation
of salmon, sea-trout and brown places an obligation on the
trout in rivers. agency to find a solution to the
UK Government will this long-standing problems
month propose legislation to caused by the obstacle to
remove obstructions and build salmon migration.
fish passes to provide a route Spey Dam was completed
around obstacles such as weirs soon after the Second World
and water intakes in English War and since then the dam has
rivers. Taking action to improve severely curtailed access by
fish passage will be a legal Spey Dam is now officially classified a "barrier" to fish migration. salmon to the extensive
requirement for some critical spawning above. If
obstructions. Arlin Rickard, chief executive of The improvements are made, salmon would
Fisheries minister George Eustice Rivers Trust, said: “Our national network have better access to 12 miles of good
said: “Improving and restoring our of Rivers Trusts will be working closely spawning habitat on the upper Spey as
rivers is key to the Government’s vision with water companies, drainage well as four miles of its tributary, the
for a cleaner, healthier environment— authorities, river owners and farmers to River Markie, to which access is
but we can’t do this alone. That’s why the seek cost-effective solutions to enable currently barred.
work of organisations like The Rivers fish to migrate freely.” Roger Knight, director of SFB, said:
Trust is so important, and we are Mark Lloyd, chief executive of the “There is an abundance of juvenile
increasingly working in partnership to Angling Trust and Fish Legal, said: “We salmon immediately below the dam, in
take action to protect iconic species like are delighted to see a firm commitment stark contrast to the scarcity of juvenile
salmon, including by ensuring them from the [UK] Government to bring this salmon above it. In 2014, no salmon fry
safe passage in our rivers. legislation forward at last after many at all were found above the dam. These
“Addressing the decline in fish stocks years of delay. Introduction of this issues arise from the performance of the
not only benefits the environment, but legislation is a key demand in the fish pass in the dam and the water flows
boosts the economy too, improving Angling Trust’s Save Our Salmon emanating from it, compromising the
angling opportunities and benefiting campaign, because urgent and ability of adult salmon to migrate
commercial freshwater fisheries, widespread action to ease thousands of up-river and the ability of salmon smolts
helping the rural economy to thrive.” barriers to migration is vital to reverse to descend on their way to sea.”
and sea-lice
Salmon & Trout Conservation
Scotland (S&TCS) has again
Glasgow Angling
The team from Mackenzie DTX have teamed up with Professor Gary
Savage, former Formula One World Team Champion and one of the world’s
leading experts in carbon and composites to bring to market what has An exceptional range of light-line river fly rods
to be regarded as the most advanced fly rod ever made! With Professor ranging from 8’ #3 to 10’ #4, that will appeal to the
Savage’s help, Scott Mackenzie and his team have designed and built a most discerning fly angler. The SLV Fly Rods from Okuma feature quality
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The rods themselves are made in the UK, and feature the very best SO0047 8ft 4 #3 £179.99 £90.00 beginning fly angler and seasoned pro alike.
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SO0052 10ft 4 #3 £199.99 £100.00 SV8085 14ft #9/10 4 £149.99 £50.00
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MC0067 13ft 4 #8 £949.00
Loop’s new Evotec series are manufactured
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and have a wonderful, precise and balanced
action. Loop’s “Perfect Curve” philosophy Code Length Action Handle AFTM Pcs RRP Now
LP0240 9ft Fast X-Grip #5 3 £279.00 £173.00
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LP0513 10ft Med. Fast Cork Mix #8 3 £329.00 £197.00
NE provides ultimate grip in all situations.
LP0113 13ft 6 Med. Fast Double #8 4 £489.00 £299.00
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Trusting the science
of the seas
What has the Atlantic Salmon Trust achieved? Tony Andrews reflects on
his time at the helm and his successor, Sarah Bayley Slater, explains the
science that underpins her hopes for the salmon’s future
river catchments. That prompted salmon post-smolts at sea. That
the question, “Does the AST need work was the cue for Ken Whelan
ONCE ASKED a senior to exist, and if it does, what should and colleagues working within
government scientist be its role?” As the incoming NASCO, to raise funds for the
what is distinctive about director in 2008 that was my Atlantic-wide SALSEA Project,
the contribution made by first challenge. whose purpose was to learn about
the AST. He replied, “It’s The “existence” question salmon distribution at sea.
independent, creative encouraged a long debate, during SALSEA gave us a quarry of data
and measured”. He added that the which options such as merging about salmon distribution at sea –
Trust’s reputation depends on with other organisations, how salmon use the ocean. That
these values. Those words are still hibernating, setting up an data is being analysed and will aid
valid, but advances in science and emergency fund, or simply our understanding over the
the management of wild salmon disbanding and disbursing the coming years as, through
and sea-trout over the SALSEA 2, we concentrate on
last decade have the causes of the decline in
radically changed the “AST’s Three Pillars strategy salmon abundance and,
context for government wherever possible, find ways
and non-government – ocean, coast and freshwater of mitigating this trend.
organisations. The
challenge for the Trust
– links the stages of the whole We have also kept a focus
on the old chestnuts of mixed-
was to adapt to
those changes.
life of the salmon” stock netting and salmon
farming. The fractious nature
Prior to 2008 AST’s of the debate on those
role was to respond to the research funds to other charities, were all subjects helped AST define its new
needs of fishery managers and considered. Some critics of the “Three Pillars” strategy – ocean,
B E L OW researchers pretty much on an ad Trust said publicly that there were coast and freshwater. AST acts as
A sampling hoc basis. While we had access to too many organisations and it was coordinator, instigator and
trawl, part of
the SALSEA top scientists and generous time for the AST to admit that and communicator to link the stages
project. benefactors, it was clear that rivers go. Others felt the Trust would of the whole life of the wild
be better within another Atlantic salmon.
organisation. I saw my role at that We also needed to state publicly
time as keeping the debate going that AST is not a lobbying
to ensure that its conclusion would organisation, not beholden to a
respect the vision and generosity subscribing membership, nor do
of our predecessors. we represent those that exploit the
I was lucky to have in Dick fish, and we avoid duplicating the
Shelton, former head of the work of other NGOs. The positives
Government’s Faskally Laboratory, are that we work on an
a research director with the vision international ecosystem basis
and spirit of adventure to (wherever the salmon swims), our
encourage AST “to go to sea”. AST work in freshwater supports the
had always been concerned with work of others, the work is based
marine exploitation, especially in on sound evidence, and we find
in the marine environment is the
A B OV E improve fishery management, Douglas Miller, and new directors pelagic by-catch eDNA project.
AST has and influence decision-makers. on the board. Ivor Llewelyn, Salmon are killed accidently in
commissioned AST’s current strategy addresses director for England and Wales pelagic fishing nets, but we have
research that
may identify issues of by-catch, managing and Professor Ken Whelan, no idea how widespread this is
the DNA of small streams, guidance for research director will be giving among the pelagic fleets, how big
salmon bycatch managers in stock assessment, continuity to the executive team. a threat it poses, and where and
in the nets of
trawlers. extending knowledge of sea-trout, Founded in 1967, AST has when it is taking place. AST has
supporting sustainable salmon developed into an organisation commissioned research being
farming, tracking salmon in that is identifying gaps in conducted by University College
coastal waters and at sea, and knowledge on salmon and sea- Dublin to develop new eDNA
developing programmes in public trout survival, and supports technology to determine the
information. research to improve management. presence of salmon DNA on nets,
As I depart I feel the AST’s need This is particularly important desks and holds of ships. The first
to exist is no longer in question in the marine phase of the phase of the project has been to
and the charity is in good shape lifecycle. Marine mortality of develop and field test the eDNA
for my successor, Sarah Bayley salmon and sea-trout has techniques that can then be used
Slater, to take its work to a higher increased significantly and AST is to determine whether by-catch by
level. Sarah’s appointment is a the primary salmonid pelagic fishing nets is an issue.
vital moment for the Trust conservation NGO operating in What is eDNA? Environmental
because, for the first time, AST the marine environment. DNA (eDNA) is DNA that is
will be led by an experienced There are two new projects I released from an organism into
professional with the skills to believe will make a big difference. the environment. Sources of
deliver results at a time of massive The first is the acoustic tracking of eDNA can include secreted faeces,
challenge for salmon and sea- salmon and sea-trout smolts in mucous, shed skin and carcasses.
trout. I wish her well. lower rivers and estuaries. The DNA of a range of aquatic
Acoustic tracking uses acoustic organisms can be detected in
SARAH BAYLEY SLATER transmitters and receiving water samples at very low
systems to remotely track fish. concentrations enabling
studied Aquaculture and Fisheries They can be used to monitor the researchers to identify which
Management at the University of behaviour, movement, habitat species have been present.
Aberdeen/Scottish Agricultural use, and survival of juvenile The AST is dedicated to the
College and is the former operations
director of the Rivers and Fisheries
salmonids migrating from conservation of salmon and sea-
Trusts of Scotland. She has also freshwater into saltwater. trout and we are investing in
worked for the Association of West Monitoring the movement of cutting-edge research and
Coast Fisheries and the Rivers and smolts helps fishery managers to projects. We’ll be accessing our
Lochs Institute.
understand impacts such as networks with national and
predation, aquaculture and international organisations and
WENTY-SIXTEEN barriers to fish migration and policy-makers in order to have the
will be an survival. Collecting this evidence greatest impact. Anglers can play
interesting year at informs management practices an active role by supporting the
the Atlantic Salmon and influences policy to mitigate AST. A key intention of mine is to
Trust (AST). As well against negative impacts. make sure that anglers are kept
as my appointment, AST works closely with the informed and understand the
AST has a new chairman, Robbie Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF), results of their support.
No wonder
Will new technology remove the mystique from
salmon fishing? asks Richard Donkin
ASTING TO A fish you can products among other things. One of its
see is one of the great joys arms, FishTec, has begun marketing
of chalkstream fishing. something called FishSpy aimed at carp
It’s less common in anglers. FishSpy is an underwater camera
Scottish salmon fishing that allows anglers to monitor their baits,
where everything is streaming live footage to their iPads
scaled up and the fish lie in deeper pools. or smart phones.
But there are rivers and pools where I suppose the carp guys need something
fish might be seen in their lies. to maintain their interest. I often watch
Sometimes a cliff or bridge might offer an them on our local pond, lying on their camp
advantage to do some spotting. In Iceland beds in their tents, with teams of four rods
it’s quite common to see fish and then lined up, legering with their “boilies”. One
work out ways to cast to them. In of the few things they have in common
Newfoundland many of the streams in with salmon anglers is that each might
summer are crystal clear, revealing be fishing for hours, days even,
stacks of fish reluctant to leave their lies without so much as a tug.
unless goaded to do so by frequent floated Suppose this technology strays in to
drifts of a Bomber. salmon fishing? It’s not supposition as the FishTec
In his classic work, Salmon Fishing, Hugh Falkus people, I’m told, are working on a camera rig that
wrote of experiments casting flies to fish while a might be used for salmon. It’s only a matter of time
friend, spotting from a bridge, relayed information before sophisticated camera mounts give
on a fish’s reaction or lack of it. Falkus was curious, Richard us access to salmon lies.
as we all are, as to why the salmon would ignore the Donkin is a If the cameras aren’t underwater they could be
fly time and again, then turn in time and take it. journalist hovering above. There are cheap small drones
The mystery of such behaviour is part of the allure. and has fished available now with gimble-mounted cameras that
Wouldn’t it be dull if every cast brought in Norway can be positioned over a lie, allowing the operator to
a guaranteed take? and Iceland. see fish resting or passing through just as clearly as
But how do we preserve that essential mystery His favourite could be seen if standing on a low bridge. But is this
when all the time our knowledge of fish behaviour is river is the what we want?
growing, while the means to broaden that knowledge Aberdeenshire It’s not what I want, but what I want is immaterial.
is also expanding? Dee The general trend of technological development is
When you trot down to your pool for that first cast, that if a technology exists, someone will seek to use it
you feel encouraged if you’ve seen a to their advantage. The monitoring
fish showing in the stream. It may of salmon is advantageous to those
well be a running fish that has long “Drones can be positioned engaged in gathering data for
since passed by the time you’re in conservation. But I wouldn’t want to
position to shape up a cast. But, who over a lie, allowing the see a detailed picture of the
knows? It may be part of a pod. It may
well have jumped next to a lying fish;
operator to see fish” population of a beat at any given
time. That might be disheartening,
that often happens. In summer you particularly in the spring when fish
become familiar with the residents that show now are often running through in ones and twos.
and again, otherwise hugging their lie like a limpet. There’s a grapevine of sorts already. If a beat lower
Sometimes you never see a fish for day after day, downstream is catching, the chances are that fish
but that doesn’t mean they’re not there. All the same, are heading your way. I’ve seen fish leaping into
there must be many times, probably the vast pools and I’ve caught them in doing so. I’ve run up
majority of times, that our cast isn’t covering a fish. the side of pools to take advantage of a pod passing
It’s rather like advertising without being able to through. That strikes me as fair play. But I’m not sure
target that eager-to-buy customer with any precision. I’d want to track them like a pheasant or a grouse.
What if you could get a better picture? What if you Whatever you think about camera and fish-finding
could see a new fish in the pool and where it is technologies, the point I’m making is that you will
lying up? How do you feel about that prospect? need to think about them, particularly if you’re a
The reason I ask is that relatively inexpensive gillie or a beat owner. Riparian owners will need to
technology is emerging to afford us just such an think about them and will need to draw up a policy
opportunity. During the winter I was contacted by on their use, sooner rather than later. The cameras
BVGAirflo, the Welsh group that makes fishing are coming. Mark my word.
Victorian attitudes? reducing grayling populations might shortage of food and/or poor habitat.
EDDIE MCINTYRE’S letter in the May sustain or even enhance salmon It is now well understood that in a
issue of Trout and Salmon is a complete numbers. Yes, grayling eat salmon eggs, good environment, populations of
nonsense. To blame grayling for the and so do trout, and so do salmon parr. salmon (juveniles, of course), trout
decline in salmon numbers is Victorian Grayling and salmon parr also eat trout and grayling can live in balance as
in its attitude. eggs but we know of no evidence that each species has slightly different
Perhaps Mr McIntyre and his friend this egg feast has any noticeable or requirements and each occupies a
would care to tell us how many hen significant effect upon any of the slightly different niche in a river. To
salmon they have returned to the river populations of fish involved. manage these populations in such a
over the years and how many they have Nature has a wonderful ability to way as to reduce one in order to boost
killed. One hen salmon killed would produce a super abundance of eggs at another is almost always unsuccessful.
have produced more eggs than all the a particularly vulnerable stage of the For many years keepers on our
grayling in the river could have eaten. lifecycle of many animals. This southern chalkstreams took out
Bob Preston, Wiltshire situation is complicated, of course, by grayling in order to enhance trout
the current low numbers of salmon numbers. This had no noticeable effect
EDDIE MCINTYRE IN the April issue of present on the redds. Significant on trout numbers and with hindsight
this magazine asks the question “Should population effects tend to occur later was a complete waste of time. The
we still kill grayling?” and suggests that in the lifecycle and usually involve a practice came to an end 20 or more
years ago. On some salmon rivers it
was customary to kill all trout on the
grounds that they ate salmon parr
Memory-free lines prove disappointing and eggs and to kill them would boost
salmon numbers. In fact, no effect could
I WAS stimulated to write by memory than I would have be seen and we think the practice has
Matthew Trevithick’s question to expected, even after treatments like ceased because it is now understood
Trout Surgery (T&S, April). I am that suggested by Ronnie Glass.
that resident trout are important
primarily a stillwater trout fisher, While I appreciate that in the
and last year, for various reasons, circumstances described there
fertilisers of sea-trout eggs.
I decided to down-size from 7 wt to could be an advantage in a “kinky” There are clearly a number of
5 wt gear (something that I have not line, I have generally found it to be a factors contributing to the decline in
regretted one bit). I bought the usual problem especially when fishing salmon numbers – fish farms, climate
range of lines, all of them from dry-flies on a still summer evening. change and high-seas netting to name
reputable makers, and as I fish Many years ago I was shown a few. To kill grayling would not solve
throughout the year I was careful to “memory plastics” that could return or even alleviate the problem. All
choose lines that were described as to a preformed shape even after that would be achieved would be a
having little or no memory. considerable distortion. So why degrading of the grayling population,
However, I was disappointed not make lines with a strong which would benefit no one. Grayling
to find that most of the lines I memory-for being straight? are now protected in England and
purchased have somewhat more Douglas Bone, Suffolk Wales under policy 11 of the EA’s
Trout and Grayling Fishery Strategy,
and the European Grayling is
protected under Annex V of the
Habitats Directive. This allows
exploitation of the listed species by
man within the wild but may be
subject to management measures to
ensure their favourable conservation
status is not jeopardised. We would
suggest to Eddie McIntyre and anyone
else who is interested in fishery
management that they should join
Coils caused by line The Grayling Society, become
memory can rob you of
distance and accuracy. informed about grayling and enjoy
Having arrived, Bob 3 was taken for a night trip to the
Itchen with Jon and Steve, and Bob 3 was christened as it
The original Bob fishes a sea pool at dusk.
bent softly into three beautiful sea-trout.
service. I sent the reel off to get a quote some light on one of the causes.
Homemade floatant for repair and service and was quite The fishing rights on many of the
I HAVE just read the letter in the surprised to receive the reel back within rivers near me are held by fishing
December edition of your excellent four days, repaired and serviced free of clubs. Having enquired about the
magazine regarding an old-fashioned charge. I believe this to be superb possibility of a salmon and sea-trout
method of keeping gut floating when service and would recommend membership I have been put off by the
fishing the dry-fly. The sheep-dropping Daiwa UK to anyone. astronomical cost. I have a profession
method was not confined to north-east Michael Nunn, Lincolnshire and a young family and I simply cannot
Scotland. I recall my grandfather telling justify the £400 and more that is asked
me before the Second World War of for. (For the record, a top-of-the-range
arguments between his gamekeeper Fin-clipped Tweed fish games console costs £300 and lasts
and a neighbouring shepherd, who was I HAVE just defrosted a grilse of about much longer than a year.) Conversely,
a Scot, over the relative merits of various 4 lb that I caught on a lower beat of the trout memberships to fish the same
sheep breeds – the keeper maintaining Tweed last October and noticed that its stretches of the same rivers are
that the hardy Herdwick sheep on the adipose fin is missing and that there is a less than £100. The only reason I
family’s Cumbrian hill place were by far scar where it ought to be. It has all the can see to make salmon memberships
the superior to the Blackface because of appearance of a fin-clipped fish. more expensive is the perception
the huge amount of rain their fleece had There is no hatchery on the Tweed, that salmon fishermen can afford it.
to cope with on the fells, and so had far and I am told that the nearest river that Well, I can’t.
more waterproofing chemicals present. has a hatchery is the Tyne but that the As a consequence I have wandered
Whether this is true or not I have not fish are not fin-clipped on that river. further afield to fish water with
been able to check, as there are no I would be most interested to know restricted day-tickets and ten-year
Herdwicks in this part of the world. whether other Tweed fishers caught a waiting lists. Ahead of a night’s sea-
One other thing I do recall is the fin-clipped fish last year and whether trouting I have met members walking
old keeper used to take a clump of wool anyone knows from where they their dogs along the bank who say they
from the shoulder of a young ewe and may have come. have not fished this year, that the
soak it in sheep urine for a year in an Frank Alexander, via e-mail conditions are wrong, that there are no
old Bovril bottle. Flies soaked in this fish. The same night I have had three
revolting stuff floated like corks. sea-trout to 5 lb in a few hours. If they’re
How he got the liquid I am not sure. Member’s bill not going to fish why do they continue to
Lupton Constantine, Chelsea, London I SEE and hear a lot of discussion about take a membership, effectively blocking
the declining number of game-fishers, those of us who would like to join?
particularly for salmon, and how we’re It is up to the clubs if they want to
Well done, Daiwa losing young people to video games. have extortionate prices and extensive
AFTER MY last trip to the Scottish As a man in my mid-thirties and a keen waiting lists, but I suggest that they do
Borders I decided that my reel needed a angler I believe I may be able to shed their rivers and fish a disservice.
The more people who fish a river then august body may not have mentioned I think many anglers feel abandoned
the more of us there are to speak up on “angling” in its title before, but its by these organisations over issues such
its behalf and challenge threats to our members are certainly anglers and one as catch-and-release and hatcheries. If
fish. I persist because I love the sport. I presumes they fund its work. Or perhaps you wish to kill a fish for the table and
wonder how many other potential they don’t. Perhaps the membership has therefore not hook a fish just for “sport”,
members have been permanently put shrunk and now it must seek funding you must defend yourself – the S&TC
off by the same difficulties? from national and European quangos won’t help you. If you’re seeking support
We would all like to see more people that are more easily attracted to for the costly but proven work of
taking up our sport, but when the cost of organisations with “conservation” in hatcheries (Iceland, Tyne and Lochy),
living has never been higher or young their title, rather than cruel “angling”. don’t expect the AT to give its backing.
families more squeezed, perhaps we Then there’s the Angling Trust (AT), Yet these are the entirely legitimate
need our angling clubs to look again at which I think has done a fair job of concerns of game-fishers.
how they run their memberships. being “One Voice For Angling” but which Instead, it seems, we must all become
Derek Raymore, Devon has, I read, taken £1m from Government auction bidders, tree planters and gravel
(via the Environment Agency) to cleaners; powerless labourers and
promote angling. That sounds like good donors who must leave the survival of
Have we lost our voice? news. But the worry is the Trust will not our quarry to earnest young biologists
ARE THE INTERESTS of fly-fishers now be able to hold its paymaster and its and political schmoozers.
being adequately represented by those paymaster’s paymaster to account. AT and S&TC might describe their
that claim to champion their cause? I In Scotland, there is no credible actions as realpolitik, and may wish
can’t be the only one to have noticed a national angling body. The Scottish to project an image acceptable to the
shift in emphasis. Anglers National Association appears BBC’s One Show viewers, but please
Most notable is the Salmon & Trout particularly compliant. Can it ever be don’t forget that anglers have
Association’s name change to Salmon & forgiven for taking money from fish long memories.
Trout Conservation UK (S&TC). This farmers to fund competition fishing? Graham Brown, via e-mail
Salmon Fishing
in Asturias!
Eagle Brae’s own salmon fishing on your doorstep: dual bank fly only
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Eagle Brae, Strathglass, Beauly, Highland, IV4 7LE • 07738076711
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Specialists in tackle for all of
your destination fishing trips
Our team of experienced anglers
are here to help and advise
Connect fly lines £29.99 each
NEW FOR 2016! Feather floater WF3 to WF7
WYCHWOOD Rocket floater WF5 to WF8
Little Dipper 5 ft sink tip WF6 to WF8
Big Dipper 10ft sink tip WF6 to WF8
The Hoverer 1” per sec sink WF6 to 8
Ghost intermediate 1.5” per sec WF6 to WF8
Mid Zone 3” per sec WF6 to WF8 Casting
Low Zone 5” per sec WF6 to WF8 pool on
Deck Zone 7” per sec WF6 to WF8 premises
All new taper design. Welded front loop.
68 How to fish from a boat
70 Two ways with Buzzers
76 The magic of micro-trebles
83 Clues to the hatch 88 Salmon surgery
91 Salmon fly of the month 92 Trout surgery
95 Trout fly of the month
Gavin Brown, boatman on the River Tweed’s famous Junction pool,
explains what to expect when salmon fishing from a boat
Why fish from a boat and not the bank? Take it in turns
The main advantages of fishing from a boat are that you can cover On a beat where fishing
lies that are beyond the range of a cast from the bank and fish from a boat is your best
streams that are too deep or wide to wade. There are also pools chance of a fish and there
and runs where confused water (such as back eddies) lies between are more rods in the party
you and fish-holding lies and line and fly control is difficult from the than there are boats, a
bank – the conflicting currents will stop your bait or fly from good boatman will arrange
Gavin Brown swinging round in the preferred manner. If you fish from a boat, a rotation so that each rod
is one of
the most
these barriers can be overcome. gets a stint afloat.
boatmen on
the River
Tweed and is
the inventor
of the
Shrimp fly.
56 April
68 May 2016
2016 www.trout-and-salmon.co.uk
Peter Hartley
is an Angling
Trust level 2
coach, a
member of
the Game
(GAIA) and
the current
President of
the English
Fly Fishing
the reservoir
season bank
fishing and, in
particular, buzzer
fishing can
provide some of the best sport of
the season. The annual stocking
of rainbow and brown trout is
underway, supplementing a stock
of prime grown-on fish that
during the mild winter will have
continued to feed and pack on
weight. The introduction of
stocked fish stirs these resident
trout into action. They will be
rested and, with the current high
water levels, cruising and feeding
in deep water close to the bank. In
most places wading will not be You must watch the fly-line
necessary and a floating line and like a hawk to see if it
straightens or if it lifts at
a team of three – or in some cases the end of the rod tip.
four – buzzer imitations are often
all that is required to catch them.
Peter Hartley
casts a team
of Buzzers at
Pitsford Water.
Getting your Buzzers to the correct depth and fishing them very slowly is more important than their appearance.
at Pitsford Water in
Northamptonshire. Pitsford
was built in 1956 to supply
water to Northampton,
which is six miles to
the south.
The reservoir (a Site of
Special Scientific Interest)
is split in two by a road
causeway. The small part
at the northern end and
nearest to the fishing lodge
and shop is an excellent
place to start in the
opening weeks of the
This Pitsford rainbow took a Buzzer in the point position, indicating it was feeding near the lakebed. season as fish are always
stocked here. Because this
part of the reservoir is
“The droppers do not need to tangles, and this happens to us largely a nature reserve,
all, it is easy to snip it off at the
be very long: in my view, five loop and tie on another length. It
space is limited and you
can only really fish from
inches is quite long enough” is certainly a great deal easier and the bank on the right-hand
much quicker than retying the side of the boat jetty.
whole leader. The droppers do not Fish the whole length
Avoid tangles need to be very long: in my view, of this bank up to the
line of buoys in the
The ability to avoid tangles when five inches is quite long enough. Walgrave Arm. This is
you fish with a long leader that The main reason for tangles is shallow in places and
has flies on two or three droppers poor casting. Many anglers blame you may need to wade.
is important for your enjoyment. the wind, but the reality is you can The deeper “bung-
If you do get a tangle, rather than cast effortlessly with three or four fishing” water is in the
retying the whole leader every flies and you will catch more fish. bigger part of the reservoir.
time, you can tie a blood loop (see This applies not only to Buzzer or From the Gorse Bank, the
Cliffs and at Stone Barn
diagram, below) on your leader at wet-fly fishing, but also to dry-fly
Bay, you have at least
the desired spacing, to which you fishing, too. It is definitely worth 8 ft-10 ft of water in front of
tie your dropper. This knot is not persevering until you master you. The water is brimful at
to everyone’s taste, as it looks fishing a full team of three or four the start of the season and
bulky. However if the dropper flies. Slowing down your casting you do not have to wade in
stroke, forming a wider loop of these areas – the fish will
fly-line and casting a manageable come in quite close to the
How to tie the Blood Loop bank. When you land a fish
length of line are the keys to
it is worth getting your
reducing tangles in a multi-fly flies straight back in the
cast. Concentrate on presentation water as the shoals
rather than distance. usually keep on the
move, swimming
Use stiff leader along the banks.
The quality of the leader material If you purchase an
is also significant in reducing Anglian Water season
ticket you can drive your
tangles. Try to avoid buying the car to all of the places
most expensive brands. While mentioned as well as being
they have a smaller diameter and able to fish at Rutland
are very strong, they are also Water, Grafham Water
more supple than the less- and Ravensthorpe.
expensive and stiffer makes The 2016 Pitsford season
I prefer for bank fishing. Stiffer, starts on February 27
(finishes January 31, 2017).
thicker leader is not nearly as A full eight-fish day permit
likely to tangle as state-of-the-art from the bank is £26
fluorocarbon. The fish are not (catch-and-release/
line-shy early in the season so use
In the first of a two-part exclusive, Jens Bursell explains how his
new micro-treble rigs can double the number of salmon and sea-trout
you catch compared to traditional techniques
P H O T O G R A P H Y: J E N S B U R S E L L
Jens Bursell
is a biologist,
author and
editor-in- On Jens’ L-rig
chief of the the micro-treble
Danish dangles loosely in a
fishing bloodloop to expose
magazine the gape and points
Fisk & Fri. of the hook. This rig
Visit: www. works best with flies
bursell.dk up to 4 cm in length.
MAGINE IF you could
double the number of
fish you catch. Well, this
is actually possible to do
with the vast majority of
artificial flies and lures
used for predators, including
salmonids. Now you would be
entitled to think I’m crazy, but
before you start laughing, read on.
In Denmark it’s very popular to
fish for sea-trout directly off the
coast. The most used techniques
are flies tied on single hooks in
sizes 1-10 on a fly-rod or
bombarda (weighted float), or “The effect of using the new methods is, roughly, a
spinning lures mounted
traditionally or “in-line” with sensational doubling of the number of fish caught”
either trebles in sizes 1-6 or
singles in sizes 3/0-1. Many fish with asymmetrically mounted are the same no matter what flies A B OV E
that “bite” the fly or spinner are micro-trebles, where I involved a or lures are used underlines the On the reloose-
rig the micro-
either not hooked or lost during group of experienced and highly point that the effectiveness of the treble hangs
the fight. The result is the same: skilled test anglers, you can see in principle with asymmetric freely in a
you miss out on a lot of fish. the scheme (A) below. downscaled trebles is universal. hooklink under
the fly. This rig
To shed light on this in 2008 On the flies tied on single hooks When pooling the data the overall is used for
I started a detailed survey of sea- in sizes 1-10 we found that the picture is that flies and lures small flies in
trout “contacts” (fish that touched landing rate was only 42 per cent fished traditionally with hooks of stillwater and
when fishing
the hook) on different methods, (1,134 contacts and 476 landed), size 10 or bigger gives an average larger flies or
and set out to solve the problem by but when fishing exactly the same landing rate of 41 per cent, lures in the
designing new methods with a sizes and patterns of flies with my whereas the landing rate of current. The
length of
focus on trebles of size 12 or new methods involving exactly the same flies and lures hooklink is
smaller mounted asymmetrically asymmetrically mounted micro- fished with my new methods with adjusted by
to better expose the hook – which trebles the landing rate was asymmetric micro-trebles of size pushing the
would enable me to use smaller boosted to 90 per cent (1,263 12 or smaller gives a landing rate powergum
stopknot up
and better-penetrating hooks. contacts and 1,134 landed). of 88 per cent. or down.
(NB: An example of a With traditional lure-fishing The difference in landing rates
symmetrically mounted hook methods, primarily with metal between traditional methods
is one pushed into a standard spoons, we had a landing rate of versus my new methods with
tube-fly. An example of an only 41 per cent (1,776 contacts asymmetric micro-trebles has
assymetrically mounted hook is and 724 landed), but with my new been tested statistically with chi-
one that hangs beneath or at an methods on exactly the same squared tests: the difference is
angle to the fly.) baits, we had a landing rate of strongly significant (p‹0.001) –
86 per cent (1,271 contacts and eliminating any doubt that the
D OU BL E T H E N U M BER 1,096 landed). shown pattern could be caused
OF F ISH YOU CATCH The fact the pattern in landing by coincidences.
The results of my survey of rates for traditional techniques As the frequency of “bites” on
traditional versus new methods versus asymmetric micro-trebles these new methods is the same as
it’s possible to achieve with my normally only happens in less points. The hooks also need to be
new techniques is that the than 50 per cent of the “bites”. strong enough to cope with the
combination of better penetration No matter how hard you strike. extra pressure on the hook caused
and shorter hook points creates a by a potential leverage effect from
hooking scenario where the hook HOW TO S OLV E the lure during the fight.
can get a firm hold almost T H E PROBL EM The purpose of developing my
anywhere in the mouth of the There is a reason why bigger hooks new techniques has been to get
trout or salmonid – even when the are normally used for relatively around this issue. Or in other
effective transmission of power to small fish, such as sea-trout: words, to make it possible to use
the hook point in the strike is low sometimes bigger lures are small trebles, size 12 or smaller, B E L OW
or moderate. By contrast, the needed to induce the take or get on all sizes and types of flies and Danish angler
larger hooks over size 10 mainly into the right fishing distance or artificial baits, enabling me to Rasmus Ovesen
get a hold in the deeper soft depth. And bigger lures demand explore the full potential of the with a huge
tissues, in the tongue, around the bigger hooks in order to get the superior penetration possible caught on
jaw or in the “jawangle”, which right exposure of gape and hook with micro-trebles. an L-rig.
Quite early in the process of designing new
mounting systems I realised that it was possible
Some would think that, in general, a single-hook causes less damage to
a fish than a treble. This is probably true if you compare hooks of the to boost the landing rate with asymmetrically
same size, but not when sizes are different. mounted down-scaled trebles on practically all
A big single-hook, such as this size 2 Gamakatsu F314, which is often baits for all predatory species.
used for big sea-trout streamers and shrimp imitations, leaves a wound
that is ten times bigger than that left by the size 18 micro-treble to the For salmonid fishing this has resulted in systems
left, which can be used on the same fly with new techniques such as the designed to increase the landing rate on tube-flies,
release-rig. Even when one, two or three points penetrate the fish, the single-hook flies and baits/spinners. The most
micro-treble causes less damage.
Read the details in the article “How much damage do your hooks do”
important rigs for fly-fishers are the “L”, Reloose
at: www.bursell.dk/articles/fishing/freshwater/salmonids/show/200. and Release rigs. You can find out how to tie these
rigs in next month’s issue.
Blitz £450.00 Rocket from £169.99 Streamtec from £89.99 Super Stik from £109.99
Terms and Conditions The winners will receive the prizes as stated above. If for any reason beyond the promoter’s control it is not possible to provide the stated prize, the promoter reserves the right to award
an alternative prize of no lesser value. The promoter’s choice of prize is final. There is no cash alternative available. No entries can be returned and the promoter will enter into no correspondence. Prize draw
takes place on May 10, and the winners will be notified within 14 days of the draw. The winners will be chosen at random from the correct entries received. We reserve the right to use the winners in any publicity.
No employees of Flyfish Europe or other companies involved in this promotion are eligible to enter. The Editor’s decision is final. The promoter excludes responsibility for applications that are lost/delayed/
incomplete. A list of winners is available from Trout and Salmon, Media House, Lynchwood, Peterborough PE2 6EA, upon receipt of an SAE. For full competition terms and conditions please go to:
www.bauerlegal.co.uk/competition-terms.html For our Privacy Policy visit www.bauerdatapromise.co.uk. Bauer Media Group consists of Bauer Consumer Media Ltd, Bauer Radio Ltd and H. Bauer Publishing Ltd.
Unsure what fly to use when you spot a rising river trout?
Don Stazicker offers advice that will help you to choose the correct imitation
based Don
Stazicker is a
A Hare’s Ear nymph may be your experienced
favourite pattern but don’t tie it on trout
without reason. fisherman,
fly-tyer and
instructor. He
Don't jump in! is widely
Favourite Fly Syndrome is the belief travelled and
that artificial flies exist that are so has guided
attractive to fish that we should use extensively in
Study the menu the USA. He
them regardless of fish obviously
Insects on rivers around the world can be surprisingly similar with some also makes
eating insects that they completely fly-fishing
local variations. Consider the following groups of insects and their life
fail to match. videos
stages when deciding what fly to choose.
Therefore, don’t just put on your (flyfishing
Mayflies – sub-surface nymphs, floating nymphs, emergers, stillborn lessons.tv)
favourite fly, jump in and start fishing.
duns, duns, drowned duns, spinners, blown-over spinners, sunk spinners. and is the
Doing this without working out what
Stoneflies – nymphs, adults, egg-laying adults, spent adults. river
insects are being taken is a great way
Caddis – pupae, emergers, adults, diving adults, spent adults. conservancy
to fish a hatch unsuccessfully. Just
an assortment of insects or does one form predominate? possible to fit a fine mesh over
It’s a good idea to put this sample into a jar for detailed your regular landing net.
examination when you get home. You can learn much
about the trout’s eating habits (diversity and frequency).
Go back a stage
If you feel you have identified the
hatching insect and are still getting no
response to good presentations of your
fly consider going back a stage in the life
cycle of the insect.
If you have been fishing a dry dun, go
to an emerger pattern. If fishing an
emerger, go to a floating nymph.
e. Sometimes
cial in or just below the
ce film is the difference between
success and failure.
Sometimes it is
necessary to time your
cast to match the
trout’s feeding rhythm.
On a windy day
the daddy long-
legs is a popular
terrestrial food.
Look under the trees
Don’t assume that all rises are to aquatic insects. Many
instances of rise activity are caused during the warmer
months by land-based insects falling or being blown into Show them something different
the river. Larger, heavier insects, such as beetles, fall to the If you are having no success matching the hatch, then go to the other extreme
surface with a significant splash – deliver your fly a little and show the trout something completely different. Show them a big terrestrial
harder to imitate this impact. when they are feeding on small duns. Twitch your fly when they are taking
Look for fish rising under trees, examine streamside dead-drift naturals. Fish a bright attractor fly the same size as the naturals.
vegetation and expect such activity on windy days when This can work surprisingly often when your artificial is only one fly among
the weakly flying terrestrials are blown on to the water. many naturals during a heavy hatch.
Perfect your
Don’t be tempted to change your fly
too quickly if a fish refuses it. Bear in
mind that many refusals are due to
drag from a poor presentation and
not because the fly is incorrect.
Anything that helps with
presentation will be of use here: get
closer to the fish, alter your angle of
approach to minimise drag, use a
longer or finer tippet, and keep your
line off the water and out of
conflicting currents.
The closer the fish is to the surface,
the smaller its window and the more
accurate your casting will need to be
Many factors can adversely effect presentation: drag is a common culprit. for the fish to see your fly.
Fly Fishing Subscription Box
The finest Trout and Salmon flies, matched to
the hatch, and delivered to your door every
month from just £5.99
Use discount code 1MONTHFREE1 for your
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Low-water dibbling
Crawford Little
has fished for
salmon at
home and
Q spend four summer
weeks each year at
Torrisdale, Sutherland.
Each week we fish the
Association Water of the Naver,
abroad for because we love it. However, for
50 years. the last two years neither of us
Having worked have had success. We generally
in rural estate
fish Ally’s Shrimps, in what is
he now runs a usually low water. Local opinion
consultancy is that we use small shrimps or
on the
black flies. We would gladly
management follow any advice you can offer. To dibble, raise your rod
of salmon BELINDA ELLIOTT DAWES, and control the flies as
they swing across the
fisheries via e-mail surface of the stream.
and other
fishing for salmon in low
water conditions, it will and heavy lines. Far better to use dropper strand to be about 5 in
pay dividends to adopt a something like a 12 ft double- long when you have attached the
cautious approach to the river. hander with a 7 or 8 line. Or a dropper fly, which should be
Salmon can see, and salmon can single-handed rod of about 10 ft. something like a size 6 double. On
“hear”. So avoid being silhouetted Such rods allow you to fish with the point, knot on a smaller fly.
on the riverbank, only wade when finer leaders when using small Find a stretch with a good
it is necessary, wear drab colours, flies. And think long and hard current. The ideal would be a fast
and endeavour to fish “fine and before employing casts such as but not too shallow stream. One
far off”. Little wonder that deer the double-spey, which inevitably with rocks and boulders that
stalkers tend to make excellent create “rip” on the water surface. create resting lies for summer
low-water salmon-fishers. Perhaps too many salmon-fishers fish. No need for a long line. The
Incidentally, if you have a dog, have forgotten the advantages of a idea is to cast quite square, or
take care that it doesn’t run freely neat and accurate overhead cast? even slightly upstream, and raise
over the riverside rocks and Get to know the water you are your rod so the dropper cuts the
shingle. Salmon may mistake the fishing. You are lucky in that you surface as it swings down and
patter of a small dog’s pads and can spend four weeks on the across. You can lengthen line – but
B E L OW claws for those of an otter. Naver each summer. You will have only up to that point where you
A dibbled fly
causes an In low water conditions, there is been discovering where the lose control of the dropper and it
enticing wake. little if any place for strong rods salmon rest in different water sinks below the surface, however
conditions, the best taking spots high you raise your rod – when
and so on. That sort of local you’ll need to wind in a yard of
knowledge is invaluable. line to regain control.
Finally, we cannot leave any The take, when it comes, will
discussion of low, warm water on stretch your nerves to their limit –
the Naver, or similar rivers such with the salmon breaking surface
as the Helmsdale, without mention under your rod tip. But don’t be in
of the productive method of a rush to tighten. And as with any
“dibbling (or dapping) a dropper”. surface technique, you must steel
To make a start, tie up a 10 lb yourself to the fact that for every
leader with a dropper added some fish hooked, three might miss the
4 ft above the point. You want the fly entirely, or just pluck at it.
water conditions,
when would you
expect to see the
earliest runs of grilse? I am
abundance. On some rivers,
such as the Tweed, late-
running grilse in October and
November might weigh into
the mid teens of pounds and
thinking particularly of the will be recorded as salmon,
Spey. Might the first grilse rather than grilse. It is only by Modern backing probably won’t rot if often submerged.
be there in late May? scale reading that you will tell
DAVID LLOYD, via e-mail the difference.
“Use the finest gut (leader) you dare to fish with. With small flies there is no doubt whatever that gut
shows up relatively like a cable, and the sight of it does not induce a fish to take readily. I have found that
the finer the cast, the more fish I hook. The limiting factor is arrived at when the number of fish by which
you are broken in play on fine casts exceeds the number you have failed to hook because the cast is heavy.
Only experience can decide this for the individual.”
When ordering please quote “T&S 200 flies and box” and the code “0058TS”.
Postage and packing is £6.99. Tel: 0141 212 8880.
Fax: 0141 331 6340. E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://readeroffers.fishingmegastore.com/0058TS
Post: Glasgow Angling Centre, 29 Saracen Street, Glasgow G22 5HT.
Ross Macdonald ties a classic hairwing for
summer salmon and sea-trout
COTTISH HAIRWINGS are one of the the Executioner. We all tweak patterns to suit our
most enduring fly styles. I’m very fond of tastes and Bob did this, too, working from the Silver
them and have featured a number in this Stoat, but with a few additional flourishes,
column: Garry Dog, Hairy Mary, Stoat’s particularly the red butt and jungle cock.
Tail, Tosh and Munro’s Killer are all tied He had no name for it until one was suggested by
in a broadly similar style. The main one of his rods, Mrs Harbour. Executioner was a
differences are the colours of materials and perhaps a reference to an angler at Craigellachie on the opposite
longer wing in the case of the Killer. bank. This chap would quickly dispatch the fish he
The Executioner is another member of this family Macdonald landed and would gut them there and then. Having
and was created on the Spey by Easter Elchies gillie, is a well- watched this process on a number of occasions,
the late Bob Johnston, in the mid-1970s. It is held in known the Easter Elchies bank had named him the
high regard for summer fish and sea-trout. and tyer who Executioner. And so the fly was named in his
I was surprised to find very little information about has a lifelong honour. I think it’s a great story. I have no idea
the origins of the fly in books and on websites but I passion for who the gentleman was, but he certainly
salmon flies
can usually find a thread to pull somewhere and, and the knew how to care for his catch.
once again, that fine Spey angler, Graham Ritchie, stories The tying is similar to other hairwings. But I have
pointed me in the right direction, recommending behind them. two suggestions. I would use white thread for the
He is based in
that I speak to Keith McLaren of Arndilly, who was on Aberdeen. body, which will help the glo-brite floss to, well, glow.
Easter Elchies in 1970s with Bob Johnston. Visit: Red floss doesn’t darken over white thread but it does
I am sure that, like me, many of you reading this salmonflies.
over black thread.
will already have assumed, with good cause, that co.uk My other suggestion is to use a silver hook. The
the Executioner was named to reflect its prowess conservative part of me believes that at least two
as a killing pattern. Well, it wasn’t: the story things in this life should always be black – hooks and
behind the naming of the fly is more football boots – but times change and there are
interesting than that. a few patterns I like to dress on silver hooks and
Keith recalls being at Easter Elchies at the time the Executioner is one. To my eye it looks better.
when Bob Johnston first tied the fly we know today as Dress the fly on both and decide for yourself.
Ronnie Glass
is a Tweed
and chairman
of Kelso,
and the
He has been
a national
champion on
rivers and
and is fishing
of the Orvis
shop, Kelso.
Tense sport. Fishing with two rods. Every second counts. Taking it easy. Picking a fly, with all the time in the world.
at fishing. He had taken up fishing frustrations the younger “me” had
WHEN HELPING novices as a way to relax, but now wanted trying to improve my catches.
and improvers, either in to catch more fish. With the help Perhaps it is the fact that I live in
the shop or on the water, of my mate and his own drive and the countryside that removes the
I always emphasise ambition, within two seasons he “relaxing in the country” element.
the fun factor. Unfortunately, had certainly “got better”. I was Today, if I want a relaxing day, I
almost all beginners have to go amazed then, the following year, book a single boat on a fishery and
through a frustrating period of to discover that he had gone back after banter in the car park, spend
constant tangling, hooking to simply “wetting a line”. His the day simply flicking out a team
bushes and trees, and fishing fishing was no longer relaxing of dry-flies. No tactical decisions,
with inappropriate flies, often in and had become an extension of line changes or competition from
the wrong places, before success his stressful job. the other end of the boat – Heaven.
to use un-ribbed flies, so I am sure it pull it tight before tying it in. But
AN INCIDENT during a is just a confidence thing. Under this turned it blue rather than pearl
major competition on certain circumstances one may well and I lost faith in it. After all, I was
Rutland Water convinced out-fish the other – that is all part of not getting the effect I was seeking.
me that the rib was a day on the water. However, many anglers use
important. I had caught five fish I found that the pearl used in stretched pearl with success, once
quite quickly but then had no offers some pearl mylar tubing was again showing that confidence plays
for ages. We decided to move and slightly thicker and stronger than such a large part in our sport.
Add a strand of white poly yarn to form the fly’s breathers, Secure the lurex and nylon to the shank with close thread
then wind the thread to the bend. Catch in lengths of clear turns then dub on a pinch of seal’s fur. Wind the dubbing
nylon mono and pearl lurex. towards the eye to form the body.
3 4
When the fur has reached a point just short of the eye, take Secure the loose end of the pearl lurex with tying thread.
hold of the pearl lurex and wind it over the body in open, Then carefully wind the nylon so that each turn sits directly
evenly spaced turns. on top of the lurex one.
5 6
As each turn of nylon is applied it should be pulled tight to Once the last pinch of fur has reached the eye cast off the
secure the lurex. Secure the loose end of the nylon then thread with a whip finish. Finally, trim the ends of the yarn to
dub on a small thorax. form the breathers.
WHAT IS your favourite nylons seemed to flash like a jewel under
leader material and colour? the surface and I lost confidence in them.
My local shop stocks green, I am sure that confidence is the key.
brown and clear nylon. Every brand and colour has its followers
Surely clear must be the least and detractors.
visible, so why have coloured nylon? A recent video I watched has got
GRAHAM PURVIS, via e-mail me re-thinking what fish notice
underwater. It showed that in
I DONÕT think there is certain light conditions, clear
anything in trout fishing nylon shows up as a thin jewel-
that divides opinion more like flash, yet in others it is
than leader materials. I almost invisible. The surprise to me
seldom use nylon because I am was a dark brown leader (presumably
convinced that top-quality fluorocarbon, fishing, and he was very successful. Maxima Chameleon) blending, almost
having seen it (or rather not seen it) My choice of Mirage was vindicated a unnoticeable, with the background
underwater, is the best. couple of years ago when two expert river riverbed. However, it was easily seen in
When fluorocarbon was first anglers came into the shop after a day on other lights and open water. This may
introduced there were also many the Tweed. One had been catching lots of explain why anglers disagree so much
occasions when an angler who was trout, the other, using the same set-up about the merits of each brand.
catching lots of fish using it gave their and fly, had struggled until he borrowed My advice is to try various leader
boat partners some to try and they a length of his friendÕs tippet. materials and form your own opinions.
suddenly started to catch fish, too. In the past, I have caught many Keep thinking that no manufacturer is
It was no coincidence. hundreds of trout using nylon. My going to sell a line that does not help you
But even now there are great debates favourite material had a tinge of smokey- to catch fish. Although, I did once try a
about which brand of fluorocarbon is the grey but production stopped and I finally short-lived brand that produced an ultra-
best. My own favourite, Orvis Mirage, settled on a very washed-out green nylon. violet line that shone electric blue in the
was loved by two of my teammates, yet So, why not use clear nylon? The simple water. I was convinced it scared the trout
the other three did not like it at all with answer is that I never had much success away Ð and I caught a fish on my first cast
one preferring the cheaper Fulling Mill with it. With the exception of Tynex, a stiff when I changed to my normal material
World Class in 7 lb for almost all his and thick clear material, all the clear (at that time, pale-grey nylon).
CAN YOU explain the
differences between
tip- and mid-flex rods?
via e-mail
WITH A tip-flex rod (A) the
lower end nearer the hand
is stronger and stiffer than
the tip. This makes a
powerful rod where most of the
flexing is done near the tip. This leads A B C
to high line speed and results in
Tip-flex: timing is critical; Mid-flex: offers lots of feel; Through-flex: ideal for
longer casts. Tip-flex rods are of most you can achieve long casts. easier for beginners to cast. roll-casts on small rivers.
use when fishing stillwaters, where
the ability to cast further or control a greater sensitivity, allowing you to the forward and backward stroke.
heavier sinking line can make a big feel what is happening on the end of There are also through-flex rods (C)
difference to how many fish you the line and is therefore better suited where the rod flexes all the way to the
catch. These rods require you to to fishing in rivers or subtle imitative hand. These are mainly used on
carefully time the cast and can be methods on stillwaters. These rods small streams, where their soft action
tiring for a beginner to use all day. are easier for beginners to use offers great sensitivity and can
With a mid-flex rod (B) the lower because it is easier to feel the line enhance the enjoyment of short casts
end is not so stiff and allows the rod in the air during casting and hence to smaller (or sometimes, not so
to flex closer to the hand. This gives you can improve your timing of small) trout or grayling.
AY IS ONE of my favourite
fishing months. We are now – or
at least should be – experiencing
that all-important transition
from late spring to early
summer. Things are warming
up, and so is the fishing. Trout are experiencing a
transition, too. As the water warms, and with it the
trout’s core temperature, and metabolic rate, it will be
compelled to eat, more and more, to balance the
books. Wild fish know where, when and what to look
for. Freshly stocked fish will need a period of
adjustment, and contrary to what any wild/brown
trout “specialist” may have you believe, it’s a very
short one, and nothing to do with “brains”. It’s simply Hook Sizes 10-16 Kamasan B170 or B175 Tail Cock hackle or duck flank
to do with waking up to the fact that dinner no longer Rib Gold wire, (oval for larger dressings) Body Hare's ear/mask, grey squirrel,
comes in pellet form, from above, at noon each day. plus a pinch of pearl Ice Dub or Gold Lite-Brite or combinations thereof
The freshly stocked trout now has to be proactive, Throat hackle (for Diawl-style version) Cock hackle or duck flank
rather than reactive, and that means observation. The Thread Olive, brown or tan UTC70
penny drops in a matter of days, and a freshly stocked
rainbow will soon be picking out nymphs and corixa or suggestion of natural food is concerned, is vitally
as confidently and efficiently as a wild, mature important; as much a part of the deception, if not
brown. Trout react too, and are a product of their more so, than the dressing. As a rule of thumb, with
environment, and feeding, by and large, is an most flies, the sparser the dressing the slower it
instinct, not the result of a prolonged “education”. should be fished. For this reason I tend to fish Diawl-
With the warming of the weather, water and core style nymphs when a figure-of-eight retrieve is needed,
temperature of the trout, their ability and eagerness and slimmer, no-hackle nymphs (and Buzzers) static.
to search for a passing meal greatly increases. Here Both styles can be happily mixed on a cast of three,
Rob Denson
then are two lightly dressed nymphs that suit my has fly-fished
though, and retrieve speed and fly selection fine-
springtime clothes, and more importantly, suit for trout for tuned according to results. If the fish are on the fin
perfectly the needs of springtime trout, old, young, 25 years, and on the feed, then three nymphs of this style are
visiting all
wild and stocked. Subsurface fauna are in transition, four corners
hard to beat. I prefer a floating line for static
too; on the move and on the change, and slowly but of Britain and nymphing, allowing the flies to sink to practically
surely coming to the attention of hungry fish. Both Ireland, any given depth, and giving a vertical presentation.
nymphs are examples of a simple theme, which, with his love of fly-
Once we introduce a little more movement and pace
few materials, plus a little thought and care, can cover tying, into the retrieve, then intermediate lines of varying
a great deal of your nymphy needs for the bulk of the photography sink rates facilitate a more horizontal presentation.
and a rolling
season. It’s another case of a suggestive blank canvas wave I’ve tied and fished nymphs in this style for as long
on to which the trout will project its fondest desires. Website: as I can remember and, almost 30 years on, I find
Buzzers, shrimp and lice will be covered from the off, robdenson. them as productive and as confidence-inspiring as
followed by ephemerid nymphs, damsels, sedge ever. Use the two nymphs featured here as a rough
pupae and pinfry. In many waters, several of those guide and have fun with the template. I know you’ll
species will be present at the same time, as their life- have fun fishing them.
cycles overlap – a great time to fish patterns like these.
To get the best from this style of nymph, we need to
fish them slowly; sometimes painfully slow, or static. T Y I NG TI P S
The behaviour of the flies, especially when imitation n Keep dressings lean, but rough them up with velcro for a buggy, lively
look – loose hair and fur moves, and suggests legs and appendages.
n Vary the fur and hair shades: try darker shades at the head and thorax.
n Try different colours of cock hackle for the tail and throat. Cock hackle
often has good translucency, and creates a very tempting and natural
glow. Try olive, ginger, brown, cree, furnace/Greenwell’s, badger, yellow
The Diawl and orange. Barred feathers such as bronze mallard, mandarin,
version, for gadwall and teal also make excellent tails/throats.
when a faster
retrieve is
n Keep the sparkle in the dubbing sparse – a little goes a long way.
Vision has released a new range of treatments to keep flies and lines
floating properly. Ultra Float II is a silcone-based dry-fly gel:
Subzero Pants from Vision
squeeze a little on to your fingers and work it gently into dry-fly
are fishing trousers that
dressings. Powder Float is a shake-and-dry treatment using silicone
don’t really look like fishing
powder, with two different-sized openings at either end. It also has
trousers. Their PrimaLoft
a loop for easy attachment to your vest.
insulation means they are
Spray and Cast is a fly-line cleaner and lubricant that's very easy to
lightweight and very
use: simply spray it on to your line while it’s on the reel. Nano Silicon
warm, as well as quick-
Float comes in a handy upside-down bottle with chain attachment.
drying and breathable. The
This is a liquid floatant that doesn’t leave a surface slick and can
outer material is rip-stop
be applied straight to the fly from the bottle.
nylon with a light water-
Nano Fly Spray is a spray-on water-repellent that you squirt
repellent coating. With a
straight on to a fly and allow to dry. Brush and Float is a fine-powder
cut and pockets like a
silicone floatant with a handy brush applicator. Work it into dry-fly
regular pair of trousers you
dressings to keep them dry or apply to nymphs to create the
don’t necessarily have to
added attraction of an air bubble.
be going fishing to
Price: from £4.99
appreciate them. Perfect
Tel: Guide Fly Fishing, 01977 681 300. Web: visionflyfishing.co.uk
for cold days early or late in
the season. Available in Spray on your dry-
sizes Small to XXXL. flies before fishing. A line treatment
Price: £109.99. you can use with
Tel: Guide Fly Fishing, the line on a reel.
01977 681 300.
Web: visionflyfishing.co.uk
The brush
applicator is
great for CDC.
Drop the fly in and
give it a shake to
dry the dressing.
The Evotec CAST series of rods from Loop has models in three different actions
(tempos): fast, medium-fast and medium. The blanks are built using Loop’s Dynamic
Core Technology (DCT) which improves recovery and therefore accuracy. The
Medium bends deeply, which may suit the traditional caster, while the Fast would
perhaps suit more modern styles and shooting-head lines. We tried the medium-fast
13 ft 2 in 8 wt and found it to be a very enjoyable rod to cast, even with
a fast-sinking tip and heavy tube. There is good feel in the handle as the
rod loads, the tip recovers well and is accurate.
There are 30 rods in the range, including 19 single-handers, three switch rods and
eight double-handers (see table below).
Loop Wool is a range of mid- and base-layer clothing that utilises the benefits of
merino wool. All the garb is warm and extremely comfortable. The Net top and
bottoms offer excellent breathability. The Hood Sweater (£79) has a built-in
balaclava for extra protection, while the Headover (£29) can be worn as scarf,
neck-warmer or balaclava. Hot Wool socks are worth a special mention: after a
long day on a cold spring river they kept our feet warm from start to finish. The
wool is light and has been treated to make it itch-free and
resist shrinking when washed. It is odour-resistant, too.
Price: Net top, £69; bottoms, £69. Hot Wool socks, £23.
Tel: Mark Patterson, 07771 892 506. Web: looptackle.com
Tested by Peter Gathercole
ONCE, WADING boots were little more
than oversized hiking boots, with the
possible addition of felt soles. But good
tackle companies gain an edge by Peter liked the wire
identifying the precise needs of modern laces, which are
fly-fishers and Korkers have done quickly tightened
exactly that in developing two and released.
innovations that have served me well as
I’ve fished all around the world in the
past seven years.
The first is interchangeable
(OmniTrax) soles, which can be swapped Boots are
to suit different locations and types of supportive, fitting
fishing. Soles available are Vibram, felt snugly from sole
with stud, Vibram with stud, and rubber to ankle.
Korkers make four types of
with aluminium bars. sole to suit different terrain.
When travelling by air, strict weight
limits on luggage makes carrying two
sets of boots impractical – so having a
single pair that can be adapted by
changing sole-type is a real benefit. “Only once has the mechanism jammed,
For wading on rivers, tungsten studs
are extremely popular. Indeed, where briefly, caused by lava sand in Iceland”
there’s any amount of algae on the
riverbed the grip afforded by these hard knurled reel. Tension is released by because they’re still sodden and heavy.
metal studs is vital to safe wading. The pulling the top of the reel away from the Are they worth it? If you fish locally,
dilemma is that studs and, for that boot, which disengages the mechanism wading on the same terrain all season,
matter, felt soles are not ideal for and allows the wire to be loosened possibly not. But if you’re a travelling
walking any real distance. and the boot removed. angler like me, one day on a boat, next
However, where studs are especially The advantage over normal laces is day rocks, and then grass, they are
inappropriate is when fishing from a that it’s easier and quicker to achieve a good investment.
boat. If the chance of standing on your the required tension and also to undo.
fly-line wasn’t enough reason to avoid This is most noticeable in a situation
metal studs, perhaps the horrible when normal laces would be cold
damage caused to the boat should be. and wet. Only once have I had the
More than once I’ve seen the floor of a mechanism jam, briefly, caused by Korkers White
glass-fibre hull badly scored by an fine lava sand in Iceland. Horse boots,
unthinking angler fishing in studded Korkers boots are light and
boots. It’s something easily avoided if comfortable – the last used means they
those boot soles could be switched to fit snugly around the instep and provide
soft rubber ones. a decent level of ankle support, an
Each sole slots into a recess in the important consideration when it’s
boot’s base and is then fixed by a tough necessary to walk long distances in
elastic tab that attaches to a metal stocking-foot waders.
button on the heel. The system works I think they are well made – I’ve had
well and I have only had a sole come two pairs in seven years and I’m on the
loose twice. On neither occasion did I water three or four times a week. The Korkers Devil’s
lose the sole. light construction is pretty much Canyon boots,
Although Korkers come in a number unaffected by water – I have even used £209.99.
of models I’m especially keen on the them in saltwater with no apparent
ones with the Boa lacing system. This problems. They also dry quickly, which
technology, first used on skis and is more important than you might Contact: Korkers/Guideline (Jim Curry),
snowboards, relies on a stainless-steel imagine. More than once I’ve had to 07973 291 367; www.guideline.no
wire lace that’s tightened by turning a remove my boots from check-in luggage
nymphs and Klinkhamers.
Price: Small, £3.25; medium, £6.50; As with all Semperfli products, it comes in
Premium fur and hair supplier Foxy large, £12. colours that are coded to integrate with the
Contact: Foxy Tails, +44 (0) 1434 618 company’s compatible dubbings. There are
Tails sells this superfine, translucent 40 colours, including natural shades such
382; www.foxy-tails.co.uk
goat hair, which comes in a range of as lichen, iron blue, pale blue dun, olive, pale
vibrant and standard colours. Unlike olive, iron grey and beige, and “hotspot”
most hairs it glistens and glows colours such as fluoro yellow, fluoro green,
when backlit, which is how the fluoro red, sunburst and dark pink
fish will see it. Price: £2.99 per bobbin.
The hair averages 15 cm long and is The goat hair Contact: Semperfli, 01757 333 001;
so fine that any blunt tips go is ideal for flies www.semperfli.net
such as the
unnoticed. This increases its mobility, Tummel Monkey.
Adding flash to a mobile fur or hair wing usually involves tying it in underneath,
in-between and/or over the winging material, but you can distribute the flash more
evenly by blending it into the wing before tying on to the fly. With the use of a comb,
this process can be mastered. The result is a wing laced with subtle flash,
rather than overpowering layers of it.
Place materials together (black goat, Repeatedly split and fold the fibres to With wing prepared, secure it to the
copper tinsel strands, fine black krystal mix them evenly. A comb worked fly. Here it’s a Sunray Shadow on
hair). Divide into two equal bunches. through the fibres will help. a 1 in aluminium tube.
Offers over £1,500,000
Canterland Fishings, River North Esk
About 2.4 miles of double and single bank salmon and sea trout fishing for 5 rods
with 14 named pools.
n c l ud i ng
45 Alness 69 Outer Hebrides 77 & WA L E S
46 Annan 70 Lochy 1 Llyn Alaw 24 Isle of Man
47 Ayr 71 Loch Lomond & Leven SCOTLAND
2 Artro 25 Mawddach & Wnion
48 Beauly 72 Lake of Menteith 3 Bewl 26 Pitsford
49 Borgie 73 Nairn
79 65 6185 4 Llyn Brenig 27 Ravensthorpe
50 Brora 74 Ness 49 87 5 Bristol waters 28 Ribble & Hodder
51 Carron 75 Nith 6 Conwy 29 Rutland Water
52 Cassley 69 68 66
76 Orchy 7 Coquet 30 Seiont, Gwyrfai
52 50
53 Clyde 77 Orkney 8 Cornwall & Llyfni
54 Conon 78 Oykel 78 80 9 Dee & Clwyd 31 Severn
55 Cree & Bladnoch 51
79 Scourie 45 10 Derbyshire waters 32 South-west Wales
56 Aberdeenshire Dee
80 Shin 54 11 Cumbrian Derwent 33 Talyllyn
81 57
57 Deveron 81 Spey 48 73 63 12 Devon 34 Tees
58 Aberdeenshire Don 82 Stinchar 74
13 Dovey 35 Till
59 Doon 83 Tay
60 Earn 84 Teith
58 14 Dwyfor 36 Towy
15 Eden 37 Tyne
61 Forss 85 Thurso 56 16 Border Esk 38 Usk
62 North & South Esks 86 Tweed 17 Esthwaite Water 39 Lake Vyrnwy
63 Findhorn 87 Wick 70
64 Girvan 62 18 Eyebrook 40 Wear
19 Glaslyn 41 Wessex waters
65 Halladale 81 20 Grafham 42 Wye
66 Helmsdale 76 21 Hanningfield 43 Yorkshire Esk
67 Irvine 60
84 22 Llandegfedd 44 Yorkshire waters
68 Kirkaig & Inver 72
23 Lune
71 IN
53 R
86 O
67 35 N
59 7
75 46 CA
109 118 82 W
119 55 37
11 40
101 43
94 17
112 44
96 88 23
111 93
102 97
98 105
6 9
30 4
25 39
103 18
27 26 20
92 108 91 WA L E S 31
36 38
presented in the near future. I With the steepness of some of first of the sea-trout will have over the weekend of March 5 keep an eye on the club’s
have heard of no further salmon the highly eroded banks in the been sighted, if not caught. and 6. Despite the conditions, Facebook page. The club now
caught on the river, despite upper reaches this will probably Once again the importance of impressive numbers of grayling offers a much greater portfolio
some reasonable levels. continue for some time until the returning the bulk of any fish were caught. The competition of fishing – stillwater as well as
Northumbrian Water’s erosion slopes begin to caught cannot be overstated. – was won by Team Hanak river – so a more concerted
Fontburn Reservoir opens on stabilise. From an angling point ERIC HOPE. England. Corwen and District effort will be required to
March 12 after a pre-season of view, although the river is Angling Club entered two teams maintain the beats such as
stocking of 12,000 rainbow running clear at normal level, DEE in the event, both of which members are entitled to expect.
trout. This popular fishery offers after a spate of any size it takes AND CLWYD acquitted themselves Its acquisition of coarse lakes,
good early-season sport to lures a little longer to settle than we creditably. Iwan Lewis, one of including Llyn Bran, a prolific
and traditional fly patterns. have been used to but this THE DEE and Clwyd Local the club’s contestants and a pike water, will provide
The popular catch-and-release should ease once the banks Fisheries Advisory Group (LFAG), well-known Dee rod, told me excellent facilities for junior
permit continues this year. recover with spring growth. is made up of officers of clubs that there were no exceptional anglers as well as the chance of
The brown trout season The results of last year’s whose members fish rivers in grayling caught – only fish to a pike on fly for those who fancy
opens on March 22 with rods electro-fishing activities by the these catchments and officers about 2 lb 8 oz, which just goes having a go at this increasingly
out on the Northumbrian West Cumbria Rivers Trust have of Natural Resources Wales, to show the quality of grayling popular sport.
Anglers’ Federation Waters. been published and are who are charged with looking fishing on the Dee! Local rods As the salmon and trout
Wet-flies such as Greenwell’s available to read on the WCRT after our rivers. We meet have been fishing regularly with season is barely open I have
Glory, March Brown, Black website. Despite the quarterly to discuss all things some success but seem purposely tried to make this
Spider, Partridge and Orange, devastation following Storm fishy. In an effort to improve the reluctant to report their catches, report as positive as I can. The
Partridge and Yellow and Snipe Desmond at least we now have effectiveness of angler which is a shame.The salmon high water that has been
and Purple are still the choices a reasonably accurate representation at these season opened on March 3, but maintained throughout the
of the diminishing numbers of assessment of the previous meetings Keith Allanson, John to date (March 9), I have no whole of the close season
trout anglers who fish the river. state of the salmonid population Rowe, Iwan Lewis and I have reports of fish, although the bodes well for the coming
Weighted nymphs such as across most of the catchment. been asked to seek your views, high water has encouraged season. I should like to remind
Goldhead Hare’s Ear and One assumes that although as anglers who fish the two you that both the Dee and
Pheasant Tail are also very many parr, juveniles and eggs catchments, and present them Clwyd systems have fished very
popular in early spring. will have been lost, a fair to a pre-LFAG meeting, so that a well over the past few seasons
Salmon should be running in percentage will have survived, more angler-based agenda for Dee enjoys for sea-trout, numbers on the
greater numbers by the time particularly in those areas meetings can be drawn up. So if Dee, especially, having
this report is read, and sea-trout where the river stayed within you have concerns about your
dramatic apparently increased
should soon make an
the flood plain. Elsewhere we
expect a steady repopulation as
fishing or the way your rivers
are managed by “the powers
increase in dramatically over recent years.
A number of rods on the Clwyd
The Pauperhaugh Bridge
area has suffered disruption
migrant fish return. A recent
walk on the upper river showed
that be”, please let us, or one of
your club committees know, so
sea-trout accounted for 50-plus fish last
year, and not all during night
due to repair work on the bridge that despite serious movement that they can pass on your sessions. The Clwyd usually
foundations. Anglers are of the river in several places, views to one of us. We have yet maintains a little colour so sea-
advised to avoid the area until invertebrates are present in to decide how the results will be anglers to venture forth as far trout can provide sport by
the work has completed, and to moderate numbers. fed back, but I’m sure we will upriver as the Junction beat day and night. –
park in the top layby. – Predatory birds are again come up with something. Please above Corwen. Members of ALLAN CUTHBERT.
DAVID CARRICK. causing concern, with more participate: the LFAGs are there Wirral Game Fishing Club have
than 250 cormorants seen to facilitate meaningful been putting in a concerted DERBYSHIRE
CUMBERLAND roosting on Derwentwater. discussions between anglers effort at Bryn y Pys, which WATERS
DERWENT Laser scaring trials are being and officers of NRW. usually yields a fish during the
conducted as the catchment in On the Dee despite the first week of the season: as that AS I write, in mid March, both
THE EFFECTS of the December its present recovery mode is water having remained week is far from ended let’s Ladybower and Foremark
megaflood continue to be felt unable to sustain such numbers. relatively high, Corwen and hope the beat lives up to its have now opened for the 2016
on the Derwent as each By the time this report is District Angling Club at last previous record. season. During the first week,
successive spate brings another published we should be seeing a hosted the HANAK grayling On the Clwyd and Elwy, Foremark reported 2,193 fish
load of silt into the system. few salmon in the river and the competition, which was fished water remains high: I have no caught by 181 anglers, giving a
reports of anglers yet wetting a rod average of 12.1, with the
line on either river. However, biggest fish reported a stunning
Rhyl and St Asaph Angling Club 8 lb 4 oz brown trout. Bank and
has been hard at work with river boat anglers enjoyed equal
maintenance, including work to success and all of the main
improve the general in-river areas were productive. Most
habitat by adding brash and line densities seemed to have
timber to the banks to provide worked well, although opinion
protection for juvenile fish from was that floating lines had the
predators, not least cormorants, edge. As was to be expected at
which John Davidson, the this time of year, black-and-
intrepid river maintenance guru, green lures, Cat’s Whiskers and
reports are present in Damsels seem to have been the
increasing numbers. patterns of choice. However, it
The weir at Maes Elwy is very likely that the
continues to be the source of overwintered fish will respond
much concern; the proposed to more subtle patterns.
hydro-power scheme has not Carsington opens on March 12
yet started and concern about and every available boat was
the stability of the weir remains booked well in advance of
a high priority. Vale of Clwyd opening day. I look forward to
Angling Club has recommenced my first visit of the season to
its Sunday working parties, so this boat-only water.
those wishing to help should Although affected by heavy
DOVEY during April and May. May can I started fishing Grafham, you LUNE sink-tip in the slower parts of
produce some fine sport with would be banned for the season deeper pools.
TODAY (March 8) while talking trout likely to be showing more if you were seen releasing fish! THE LUNE was at a good fishing Spring salmon numbers also
to two fieldworkers doing an interest in surface flies. – As I write, brown trout are height through most of February showed an encouraging upturn
environmental survey on the CUMBRIAN ROD. still out of season until April 1 but, as is the norm these days, last year: 229 were recorded
Bridge Flats, a fresh sea-trout of and the winter restrictions are fishing effort was low. Other through Forge Weir over the
about 2 lb jumped in front of us. GLASLYN still in force for the west bank of than myself and a couple of same period and several multi-
I now have the report for last the lake. There is no fishing in other hardy souls fishing above sea-winter fish were caught
season, when 2,030 sea-trout MAY IS always a pretty reliable Savage’s Creek until April 1. To Kirkby Lonsdale, I didn’t see, nor between Halton and Kirkby
were caught and just over 1,400 month, and if we do get was told of, anyone out wetting Lonsdale in May. If water levels
of that total returned. There favourable fishing conditions a line. I never touched, saw or favour angling this spring,
were 43 double-figure sea-trout anglers should get a fish or two; heard anything while I was on there should be a good chance
with a very high proportion of the bigger sewin will be moving Grafham rods the river, but I did hear that of this being repeated.
sea-trout between 7 lb and 9 lb. upriver along with salmon. those fishing above Kirkby Tickets for the Lune Rivers
The biggest sea-trout, If we do get settled weather average over Lonsdale connected with a Trust beats at Skerton, Halton
18 lb 12 oz, fell to A. Renwick. the night fly could well worth couple of very early sea-trout, and Crook-o-Lune together with
The average weight of sea-trout trying, and never overlook the seven fish on which were reported to be fresh tickets for the LDAA waters at
was a few ounces under 4 lb. tidal sections – the fish have to
Salmon fishing was again run through here.
opening day and around the 2 lb 8 oz mark.
The fish-counter at Forge Weir
Caton remain available from
Bankhouse Fly fishery at
poor, although end-of-season There is a new rule in place has always recorded a few fish Lancaster Road, Caton LA2
conditions – dry and sunny – from this season onwards. Only of this size going through in 9HX. Tel: 01524 770 412. Tickets
were a major factor. two salmon may be kept in any date more than 8,000 fish have February but I have never heard for both salmon and sea-trout
Thirty-seven salmon were one season and only four sewin been stocked and this stocking of any being caught this early. are also available for the prolific
caught, with 24 of that total per day. Only barbless hooks will continue throughout April Last season 406 sea-trout Luneside beat from Fawcett’s of
returned. The biggest salmon, a may be used when worming and May. The shop is now open were recorded through Forge Lancaster. Tel: 01524 32033.
late-season fish of 21 lb, was in the tidal area. seven days a week. Weir before the end of May and Those wishing to try further
returned by local angler Melvin There are six species of fish a number of sea-trout between upriver, where it can be equally
Arnold on fly. Average weight of you could potentially catch on PROSPECTS 3 lb and 5 lb were caught in good from April onwards, should
salmon was 8 lb. The fly-only the Glaslyn: flounder, mullet, The water is very cold, so an April, with one of the best try Tebay Anglers, where tickets
catch-and-release extension at bass, brown trout, sea-trout and increase in temperature catches of the season reported are available from the Cross
the end of the season produced salmon, and I think we offer will help the early-season from the lower Rawthey that Keys at Tebay, the Post Office at
only one salmon – for Karl Hall. tremendous value for money. buzzer fishing. It was feared month. While night-time Orton or from Graham caves,
– G. H. THOMAS. A season ticket for visiting that the invasive shrimp temperatures at this time of secretary of Tebay Anglers.
anglers costs £85. would affect fly hatches, but year are often too cold to bring Tel: 01539 624 321. All these
EDEN For any information the buzzer fishing last fish to the surface or on the beats are easily accessible
regarding river conditions and season was the best for a take, sea-trout can often be from the M6 motorway.
THE FIRST Eden salmon of the catches, contact me on 07776 number of years. Let’s hope tempted around dusk with a Tebay Anglers held their
season was caught on the 060 748. – I. W. GORDON. it continues. – small Silver Stoat’s Tail or AGM in March and announced
Holmegate beat by Robin PETER HARTLEY. Mallard and Claret fished on a that 2015 rod catches were
Goodfellow on Feb 24. The 18 lb GRAFHAM
springer took a Toby just in front
of the fishing hut. Another THE LAKE, which is now full,
springer of 9 lb was caught by has started the season in good A BEAT TO TRY THIS SPRING
Lindsay Nelson on a red form with an excellent rod
Flying C at the Wires. average for the opening
The following day Warwick weekend of 7.84 fish per return.
Hall got off the mark, Audrey I suspect this is mainly returns
Spence landing a 14 lb salmon from boat anglers, who had an
on a Flying C in Crow Wood. Tim excellent time moored up on the
Bacon followed this with a 14 lb north shore. The wind was a
salmon on fly from the same strong south-westerly, which
beat. A further two salmon of made bank-fishing on this shore
about 9 lb were caught on virtually impossible. Anglers
spinner by David Bamford at fishing the south shore found
Warwick Hall on March 9. the fishing much more difficult
Information from the counter and there were a number of
showed movements of salmon blanks from Gaynes Cove
during January, which is and Plummer bank .
promising. Boats moored off Deep
The Holmegate beat Water Point and G buoy found
produced an unusual fish on the most productive method to
March 8. John Sinclair was be a floating or intermediate River Spey, Kinchurdy
fishing a Tyneside Anglers’ line combined with a Pitsford
The Kinchurdy beat lies within the Cairngorm National Park and comprises two
Syndicate rod in front of the Pea, Damsel nymph and Viva.
scenic miles of upper Spey salmon and sea-trout fishing. Here you will find 19 stunning pools
fishing hut when he hooked No surprises there. On the south
and a gillie who is happy to impart his knowledge of the river to ensure the best
what he thought was a big shore boats anchored off the
possible chance of a fish.
brown trout. The fish turned out Seat had good sport using fast-
Access to the water is excellent, and vehicles may be taken to within yards of most pools. Boats are
to be a 4 lb tiger trout. Where sinking lines and small Boobies,
provided to help cover some of the water, and to get to the opposite bank.
on earth did this come from? retrieved slowly along the
The beat has a well-appointed fishing hut.
Was it washed out of a bottom. No large fish were
stillwater fishery during the reported and many fish were Day-tickets for salmon cost from £60.
horrendous floods? released, as season tickets now Contact Tom Carter, FishPal. Tel: 01573 470 612.
Trout anglers will be out on allow the fish to be returned. Purchase tickets online at http://www.fishpal.com/Scotland/Spey/Kinchurdy
the river in greater numbers Life changes: in the 1960s when
Stephen J Fawcett ☎
01524 32033 SUBSCRIBE NOW! TO [email protected] CATCH & RELEASE
Est 1975 Tackle
See T&SJanuary
Gunsmiths, Fishing Tackle & Country Clothing
JACKETS 150N Large Items Incl Rods & Waders: 24hr £7.99 £29.99 EACH
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RING FOR CHEAPEST UK FLY LINE PRICE RING FOR BEST UK PRICE ( Premium fishing gear quality since 1935 18" £70.99
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NEW PLUS 3 10' 3" 6# .......... RRP £249.50 OUR PRICE £199.99
NEW PLUS 3 14' 3" 10# 6PC RRP £385.00 OUR PRICE £308.00
UK CASH PRICE B8838 Ultralite Disc Drag 8/9# Reel + s/spool + case .....................£190
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RING FOR DETAILS & BEST UK PRICES C8842 J.L.H. Ultralite 7# Reel incl spare spool + case + box ............£125
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NOW RING FOR THE BEST UK LAMSON PRICE RRP £290.00 AZUL WADER RIO GALLEGOS RIO C7050 Perfect 3⅜" early check, ivorine handle, 4 cusps ................£500
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MARQUIS MODELS AT DISCOUNT PRICES ( £240.00 RRP £150.00 C8854 Sunbeam 8/9# Fly Reel incl case and line .......................................£90
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F I SH I NG R E P ORTS England and Wales
Department. The project will be silt run-off on to the redds. considerable number of fish
officially launched at the fishery “The EA has stated that were never recorded in official
association’s AGM on April 22. significant amounts of silt (PSI catch returns for one
Thanks to efforts by local level of 50 per cent) is now the reason or another.
anglers a series of obstructions ‘expected level’ in our There has been considerable
preventing salmon reaching the chalkstreams (some of our sites gravel movement and erosion in
upper catchment have been on the Avon haven’t yet got some areas and we have no
removed in recent years. As anywhere near that level). idea how many fish spawned in
Charles Dutton explained, “There is a massive decline the main stem or the major
“Research by GWCT has of fly-life, particularly the blue- tributaries. Very few dead fish
demonstrated that juvenile winged olive, due to silt have been found, as always
salmon survival rates are displacing overwintering eggs. used to be the case, and no
significantly better in the upper This species is highly sensitive doubt most kelts have already
catchment where there’s less to siltation. At the moment made it back to sea.
siltation and possibly less we’re fighting a losing battle.” Goosanders are visible in
predation. There’s now more – GRAHAM MOLE. many areas; I am told that up to
spawning and juvenile habitat 40 birds were seen in one flock
available to salmon in the Frome WYE in the Hereford City area in
catchment than any time in recent weeks. As usual,
living memory.” WITH FIVE days of the new restrictions on any real
Meanwhile, the EA’s Heb season behind us as I write, reduction in numbers are
Leman has been Googling the there have been no reports of draconian and fail to address
companies that advertise springers landed, though a what is a real problem.
fishing on the Test and Itchen. possibly new fish was lost Trout fishing has been very
Both, of course, are SSIs, with on the lower river. slow off the mark and things
the Itchen a notch even higher In truth conditions are now need to warm up considerably.
as an SAC. But, Heb’s found, becoming much better after the Fish should be in good condition
there was only one mention that opening days were dogged by and hopefully respond when fly
a fishery was an SSI and that high, coloured water chilled by a hatches get going.
was on the Itchen. His question: little snowmelt.
“How can we expect rods to There should be fish in the
engage with the importance of river right up to Builth Wells by
FREDERICK H. E. the SSSI when those selling or now, although it could be that Wye opening
BULLER, MBE owning the fishing never many of the very early running
dogged by
1926 - 2016
mention it? There’s lots of talk fish are no more or perhaps just
of tradition, history, Halford, running later. There has been a
FRED BULLER’S colossal contribution to angling Skues, waxing lyrical about this small increase in Wye springers
high, coloured
extends well beyond his widely acclaimed The Domesday and that but not a mention of
their designated status. If this
of late, but bear in mind this
component of the run was a
Book of Giant Salmon . The result of more than 40 years of
research and investigation, delving back through history were New Zealand or the major contributor to the Wye’s
and across the globe, this vast tome records salmon of States they’d be saying ‘it’s so total in the past – a position
50 lb or more and is both a fitting tribute to what many special it’s been designated’.” now occupied by the 2SW fish The salmon beat at Letton,
class as the king of fish, and a hugely significant He adds, “Every hut should have for the past few decades. The opposite the Red Lion fishing, is
and valuable resource. an information SSSI species list days of 1,000 fish before the under new management with,
But Fred wrote books just as widely acclaimed by the showing the local species and end of March are now but a so far as I can ascertain, no
coarse-fishing community, including Pike, often cited as its habitat. This would educate memory and is one of the news as to how, or if, the beat
the foundation of modern pike angling,and rods and hopefully engage them reasons why the middle river will be available this year to day
The Domesday Book of Mammoth Pike. with their surroundings and now performs pretty poorly. It or season rods. Plenty of day
Fred’s last book, volume two of The Domesday Book of move away from the ‘neat and obviously takes a huge number rods are available through the
Giant Salmon, is soon to be followed by tidy’ gardening that is presently of fish to stock the river from Wye and Usk Foundation.
a third volume. Fred provided the foreword to this new how our rivers are managed.” top to bottom and the springers Please keep a lookout for
edition, as David Hatwell, who assisted with both previous Meanwhile, if ever we’re in were the main component of fin-clipped fish as there are sure
editions, takes on Fred’s request that he continue need of a wake-up call we middle beats up to May to be some and, if possible,
researching huge Atlantic salmon and produce should heed this warning from or early June. take a quick photo.
the third volume. Dr Cyril Bennett, the Salisbury Expectations are high among Late report: The river has
Fred’s massive involvement in the tackle trade began club’s guru of invertebrate some this year, but we need to again gone into spate as I write
when he opened Chubbs of Edgware in 1947. His part in sampling. He writes: “Professor at least maintain the current rod this (March 9) and is very
the development of carbon-fibre rods was notable, along Penny Johns at Bristol catch to remain optimistic that heavily coloured, so anglers will
with other innovations in tackle, often the result of University has said catches will improve continue to be frustrated for a
collaborating with many of the other luminaries of the ‘Intensive farming, with further. The river has always few days. – GEOFF FRANKS.
time. Together, through the application of science and agricultural run-off (containing been subject to big fluctuations
logic, by providing practical solutions, born out of sediments, nutrients, herbicides in catches – not always
experience, experimentation and a thoroughness for detail
bordering on the obsessive, they redefined angling.
and pesticides) is now the single
largest polluter of our rivers and
weather dependent, either. A
wet year often gives a higher
Not only a scholar of the highest order, Fred was also a if we don’t address this problem return as all available fish can ABERDEENSHIRE
true gentleman, a sportsman and a skilled all-round angler. soon the consequences for our
water resources are going to be
run the river and populate all the
beats. This is not always the
Hooked from childhood, Fred’s 80 years dedicated to
angling leaves us and future generations with huge, and will get worse.’ case, however, and sometimes I BEGIN WITH with an apology
the richest of legacies. “The Game & Wildlife the fish are just not there. for a glaring omission in my last
Conservation Trust says the Catches are better monitored report – and a very impressive
ROBERT MARSTON WALKER survival rate of the unique now than they have ever been fish caught on Feb 4. Ian Ross,
genetic strain of salmon in the and are a better reflection of visiting from the Tweed with
Frome and Avon is down to fish numbers in the river. It’s two Bemersyde gillies, was
about two per cent due to true to say that in the past a rewarded with a cracking 25 lb
BORGIE were more dog-walkers and when compared to the number already hard pressed to fund the Our second fish, 16 lb, came
birdwatchers on the banks than killed by frequent discharges of higher costs involved in looking off Upper Netherdale on
FOLLOWING THE first salmon of anglers. In fact, the best catch raw sewage in Glasgow. Thanks after the salmon. Caution is March 8 and fell to F. Watt. As I
the season on February 8, the fell to one of the wardens who to poor fishing conditions last being advocated by anglers, but write (March 10) levels are
river was hardly fished (perhaps had time on his hands and an summer and autumn, catches there seems to be a desire to again up after melting snow.
half an hour per day by one rod) empty river all to himself. were relatively poor but the impose new demands by the This should distribute fish
in the next five weeks. He managed to find a few spawning grounds were filled to time the new Scottish through the system and with
On March 14 this fleeting grayling willing to take a nymph. capacity with salmon. Government is voted in. more settled and milder
approach paid off with a The best weighed just over 1 lb If a significant number of weather forecast prospects
brace (8 lb and 10 lb, neither but even the smaller fish made Clyde anglers go elsewhere, the PROSPECTS look good for the rest of March.
sea-liced) landed. the effort worthwhile. In the reduction in angling effort will Trout were rising freely in The Deveron, Bogie and Isla
The first tenants were due on first few days of March, the fish result in poorer catch returns, March, and by May they Rivers Trust is still running the
March 21. – ANDREW were in tip-top condition, giving the impression that the should be feeding on the scheme sponsored by Chivas in
GRAHAM-STEWART. giving the impression that Clyde is indeed in decline. As abundant fly-life. which you receive a bottle of
spawning was the last thing one member of the Association Greenwell’s Glory, Black Chivas Regal if you return a
CARRON on their minds. said, it is not the number of fish Spider, March Brown, salmon up to the end of May.
On waters looked after by being caught that demonstrates Harelug nymph and Dark The trout season will be
CONDITIONS IN the four weeks the United Clyde Angling the health of a river, it is the Olive should all be open in another week and with
after the first fish of the season Protective Association, salmon number of fish reaching the accepted. – excellent trout in the river, and
on Feb 17 were far from optimal. anglers were unable to gravel beds that should be TOM McGREGOR. fish between 2 lb and 5 lb
Generally there was too much purchase a permit. Everything assessed. This is where the regularly caught, anglers could
water (it has been a dismally had been put on hold because good science ought to come in. CREE AND switch to these if they feel
wet late-winter period), often the conditions that came with The next stage of the Wild BLADNOCH despondent about
fluctuating wildly. As I write on the lease renewal, from the Fisheries Reform is coming hard salmon fishing.
March 13 the second springer of Crown Assets’ representative, on the heels of the farce that NEWTON STEWART Angling Availability for trout and
the year is still awaited. were so outlandish that there has already affected several Association opened the new salmon fishing is plentiful and a
The forecast for the next was no alternative other rivers. This will see the season on March 1 and call to Turriff Tackle on
week or so is dry, so before long than to refuse to sign. formation of the fishery celebrated their 70th 01888 562 428 will see you
the issue is likely to be lack of Eventually, a compromise management organisations, anniversary at the Belted fixed up. – F. R. H.
water! There is very little snow was reached. The permits were which should have been making Galloway Visitor Centre.
in the high hills to melt. – obtained from the printer and the important decisions locally. Although the Cree was running DOON
ANDREW went on sale three months later It has still not been decided how at 8 ft and unfishable, a toast to
GRAHAM-STEWART. than they should have done. No many of these the country the river was made, and the IN MY opinion the Doon should
such compromise has been needs. It has still not been Association’s oldest member, never have been given category
CASSLEY reached with the unelected assessed how much they will Avon McKeand, cast the first 1 status, and I am sure that
bureaucrats who are acting on cost. It has still not been agreed line of the season. when the 2015 catch returns
UP TO March 12 there was still behalf of the Scottish who should pay for them, The big flood on the Cree at become available it will be
nothing to report. Water levels Government. The Wild Fisheries especially on those rivers where the end of December caused a reclassified in a year’s time.
have been reasonable but the Reform has been making there has never been a salmon huge shift of gravel into the The bailiffs were out
pools have only been decisions without the use of the fishery board. lower part of Linloskin pool, and regularly, attempting to collect
occasionally and “good science” which it was With all species supposedly completely destroyed the broodstock for the hatchery, but
intermittently covered. promised would direct all being looked at, it is clear that fishing platform. Linloskin beat even after being granted an
The first tenants were due on recommendations. the Central Belt plays host to proprietor Jamie Hyslop has extension to our stripping
March 14. – ANDREW Despite steadily improving many more different species recently removed the concrete- licence until the end of January,
GRAHAM-STEWART. catches over the past 30 years, than the rest of Scotland put and-steel remains from the pool we ended up with just three hen
the entire Clyde has been together. To manage rivers, and hopes to replace it soon. fish. I am regularly on the river,
CLYDE labelled as declining and lochs, and even ponds, Although good numbers of and just like last year, I’ve yet to
compulsory catch-and-release effectively for these mainly rods have been out on both Cree see a kelt thrashing about in
THERE HAS been relatively little has been imposed. The number alien species will be an and Bladnoch, only kelts have Burnpool at Holms.
happening on the Clyde. Bailiffs of salmon actually killed by enormous drain on the been caught so far. At the time Tight lines lines to all Doon
and river wardens said there anglers on the Clyde is trivial resources of those who are of writing (March 11) there anglers for 2016, and let’s all
appears little prospect of heavy ignore the Government
rain for at least a week. categorisation and return all
However, since temperatures fish caught. Anglers are the
slowing down egg development NAIRN to assist with estimating smolt NESS fish reported this season.
was paying dividends. runs; this should give a more The first day of March saw
As of March 12 the eggs ON MARCH 5 Nairn AA’s accurate assessment of IT IS highly unusual for the main another big rise in water – over
in the hatchery were just opening ceremony was held at migrating smolt numbers than stem of the River Ness to get off 6 ft at SEPA’s Drumlanrig gauge
starting to hatch – Jubilee Bridge, and club relying on other juvenile the mark before the upper – but since then the river has
some two weeks later than members met and discussed the sampling methods, notably tributaries, but on February 16 dropped away and settled down
some northern rivers. Fry are state of the river and prospects electro-fishing. at Ness Side Paul King landed to become ideal for grayling
likely to be planted out in mid for the forthcoming season Nairn AA has been able to a 9 lb sea-liced salmon. fishing. In fact it has been a
April. – ANDREW before dispersing, some to a extend its fishings slightly by Upstream, Dochfour’s first bumper few weeks with good
GRAHAM-STEWART. warm fireside, others to stand leasing the stretch from Clava of the season was recorded on grayling being caught in
for hours in a freezing river. Only Bridge to the viaduct, left bank March 3 – 10 lb (liced) to Iain numbers, especially in the
HELMSDALE the odd kelt was caught. only. Though short, this stretch Hall in the Weir. middle reaches.
On the 8th, however, having has several pools and some With frequent frosts the Friars Carse has provided
BY EARLY March the total for spent the previous day clearing very nice fly water. water temperature in the River good sport, all parties catching
the river to date was four – part of the left bank to make a At the time of writing (March Moriston remained low; grayling, many around 2 lb with
hardly setting the heather pool fishable at Rosefield, 14) snowmelt has produced a consequently fish were the biggest at 2 lb 8 oz. Ian
alight. For the most part Gordon Rennie returned and his spate of around 1 m on the reluctant or slow to enter the Griffin took a grayling of 21
the weather had been fly was taken by a springer first Firhall gauge, and it is to be river from the loch. Fishing inches on a Gold Willie Gunn
open and very wet with cast. The fish jumped once on hoped that this will induce more effort in the Moriston up to the while fishing for salmon. He
fluctuating water levels the way down the pool, and fish to run. – ANDREW time of writing (March 14) has
(often 2 ft and above) and the again on the way back up, before GRAHAM-STEWART. been fairly light. The first
occasional hard frost making three strong runs salmon of the season was
(down to minus 10 deg C). downstream which had to be NAVER landed on February 22 – 10 lb to Early Nith
Catches picked up turned, for it was not possible to John McIsaac on a Devon. John
significantly in the week of follow due to a clump of trees on AS WAS the case in 2015, the Boyd had the second on March sea-trout fall
March 7 with at least
six landed; the water level was
the near bank. After a spirited
20-minute fight a pin-bright 18 lb
Naver has started better than
any other far north river. Up to
12 – 11 lb in the Graveyard.
Perhaps benefiting from the
to grayling
more settled (hovering around
1 ft) and by the Saturday the
salmon was netted. The lip-
hooked fish was quickly
March 5 some dozen spring
salmon had been landed. The
tardiness to enter the river, the
Glenmoriston Estate boats on
weather was positively photographed and released total for 2015 has now been Loch Ness enjoyed
springlike. without being taken confirmed as 1,935. This considerable success, returning
Eggs in the hatchery out of the water. amounts to a 52 per cent 14 salmon for the season to reported seeing salmon and
were all hatched by Prospects for more captures increase on 2014 and is some March 12 with the heaviest at suggested a couple may have
early March. The cold snap in are good as the bailiff has seen 450 fish above the ten-year 18 lb (Billy Neil) and 16 lb (Angus been fresh but it is impossible
February helped prevent any fish of a similar calibre running. average. Last season was the Mackenzie). Robert Ralston to say until they are landed.
premature development. Fry The Nairn District Salmon most prolific for rods for 35 enjoyed a red-letter day Trevor Shreeve, however, did
should be planted out in the Fishery Board met on March 7 years. The spring total was 90 (March 12) with three – manage a fresh fish – a sea-
second week of April. – and discussed conservation per cent up on 2014. – 8 lb, 8 lb and 10 lb. trout of about 1 lb, hooked while
ANDREW strategy. A decision was made ANDREW To the south-west of the fly-fishing for grayling.
GRAHAM-STEWART. to purchase a rotary screw trap GRAHAM-STEWART. system, Peter Thomas landed a A party of anglers from the
10 lb salmon on Feb 26 in the Crownkingfishers landed 34
Estuary of the River Garry. grayling on the Boatford beat
Then on March 12 Scott Ramsay at Thornhill, the biggest a
A BEAT TO TRY THIS SPRING caught a magnificent fresh-run
24 lb-plus cock salmon in the
splendid fish of 3 lb.
At Drumlanrig, grayling
Estuary of the South Bank of the have been the main quarry,
River Oich. – ANDREW Hugh Skeoch’s party having the
GRAHAM-STEWART. best day on the lower beat with
31 fish to 2 lb. Barjarg have had
NITH their share of grayling anglers
with similar results.
ON OPENING day the river was Drumlanrig are looking into
settling and clearing after the the idea of a ladies’ day on the
biggest rise of the year on Feb river with a suggested date of
17. The river was opened by the May 27. Details to follow. –
provost of Dumfries, Ted ED BAXTER.
Thompson, who blessed the
river with Scotland’s finest. A NORTH ESK
few brave souls went out on the
river but nothing fresh was FROM DAY one the river has
reported. performed, with beats such as
It’s been a difficult winter for Canterland, Gallery, Pert and
grayling anglers with the river Stracathro providing excellent
big and coloured most of the sport. The recovery from the
time, but with the river now huge spates of January has
River Tyne, Eltringham quite low and settled a number been rapid and I am full of
are venturing out, even though praise for the huge effort put in
Eltringham’s 1.6 miles of single-bank salmon fishing on the south bank of the Tyne is about three
the salmon and sea-trout by many beats to get the river
miles upstream of the tidal limit. The upper pool, Merryshields, is opposite the Bywell Fishings. The
season has begun. One was fishing again. Some good has
water offers a good mixture of glide, stream and pool.
Colin Simmons, fly-fishing at come of it, too, as on, for
Day-tickets for salmon cost £40. Barjarg on Feb 28. As well instance, the Luther pool on
Contact Tom Carter, FishPal. Tel: 01573 470 612. catching grayling, he hooked a Pert, which has improved
Purchase tickets online at http://www.fishp.al.com/England/Tyne/Eltringham fresh sea-trout of 1 lb 8 oz. This enormously. The eddy of recent
is the first fresh migratory years has gone and there
reported only one fish in in February and Cargill one. nine for the same periods
February, a 19-pounder caught However, things have picked up respectively. Newtyle, on the
by Tay Board chairman, Bill a little more recently and so, for other hand, had three for
Jack. Waukmill had its first early March, Ballathie has February and two for early
fish in early March, a 9 lb sea- reported five and Cargill six. On March. On first visits to the Tay,
liced fish, but Fishponds has Cargill, Steve Curnow had two Gavin Perry and Andrew
not added to the two in early fish on a silver Toby, David Thomas had 15-pounders each.
February that I mentioned last Harrington had a 6 lb fish on a Steven Cope caught his first
month. Other beats in that area Toby, Brian Morrison a 14 lb fish, salmon, a nine-pounder on a
have yet to open the scoring. also on a Toby, Kevin Knights a pink-and-pearl Payo 110 and
Stanley Fishings’ Benchil beat 12 lb sea-liced fish, and Lewis followed it with a six-pounder
reported two fish in February McKee a 15-pounder on a Kinkuro Payo 110. Brandon
and one to mid March. There, on a pink Kynoch. Bryant had the beat’s first fly-
Lee Conway had an 8 lb fish on Islamouth also had a caught fish of the year, an
fly. However, their Pitlochrie relatively slow start to the 11-pounder on an Ice Maiden.
beat has done rather better, season, reporting only three for The one beat which perhaps
reporting ten for February and February, but has had six fish to more than any other stood out
four to March 12. Among these, March 12. These included a most last season was Dunkeld
Sam Robinson had a lovely 16 lb cracking 25-pounder for John House. Following on from that
fish, John Bennett an McElroy. The Meikleour success, it has also started 2016
11-pounder on the fly, David House and Upper Islamouth on good form, reporting ten for
Ecclestone a 15-pounder on fly, beat had four in February and February and six to March 12.
Danny Fulton a 17-pounder on four for early March. Among Among these, Duncan Goodwin
DUNCAN GLASS, BEM fly, while Ed Slaven and Peter
Fine both had 13-pounders.
those, Chris Plank caught his
first-ever springer, a seven-
caught a 7 lb fish on his first-
ever day’s salmon fishing and
1931 Ð 2016 Over the same two periods, pounder on a copper Toby then promptly caught another of
IT IS with great regret that I report the passing of a Upper Scone, which Salmo, Mark McGillivray had a similar weight. John Cransden
great Tay legend, Duncan Glass, BEM, who died peacefully alternates day about with one of 13 lb and Mike Wojtowicz had an eight-pounder harling,
in hospital on February 22. Benchil and Pitlochrie, had had a cracking six-pounder Paul Carrigan had a cracking
Duncan had a lifelong love of fishing, kindled from a seven and five respectively. Of on a Tomic Lure. 21-pounder, and Robbie Ross
childhood at Dysart on the Firth of Forth. From an early age these, Guy Oliver had a fish of The next beat up, Kercock, had three lovely fish in a day,
Duncan mastered boats, the sea and fishing for “podlies” 9 lb, Brian Brown four to 14 lb, including a sea-liced 18-pounder
(saithe), cod and lobsters. As well as becoming established Dave Downie had one of 7 lb and a 20- pounder. Finally, Brian
and Olivier Fournier one of 11 lb. Joseph had a 16-pounder
as a successful businessman, Duncan started fishing the
Tay in the 1950s. He had the magic touch as a salmon- Another beat that Tay’s Linn harling with a Tomic
traditionally can do well in drier, and Ian Dorrian had a
catcher which, combined with a drive to be the best at
cold conditions in early spring is
pool is ten-pounder harling.
whatever he did, meant that he became one of the
towering figures during the glory days of the Tay. While he Catholes. It reported 14 in
February and nine to March 12.
February However, on the beats
immediately upstream it has
fished on many Tay beats, Islamouth being a favourite, and
on other rivers, he came to concentrate on the Burnbane Again among these, Johnson
Stewart had a fish of 15 lb on a
hotspot been less remarkable.
Dalmarnock reported three for
beat, which he managed for many years – in fact
right up to last season. Devon minnow, Ken Towner a February and have yet to score
From the late ‘90s Duncan’s boundless energy focused superb 20-pounder from the in March. In February, Steven
on giving back to the river. Having seen catches decline, he boat, and David Ecclestone a reported two fish for February Grant caught his first-ever
was determined to see things put right again. He was a 13-pounder on fly. but none has been reported for salmon, a beauty of 14 lb, and
driving force behind the formation of the Tay Ghillies’ Burnmouth did not start early March. The two fish were his friend Robert had a lovely
Association and was the power that sustained it for more fishing until Feb 1 and had 16 for a 14-pounder caught by George fish of 12 lb. Dalguise has yet
than a decade before he could no longer continue as that month and also has had Hunter on a Posh Tosh and a to score and Lower Kinnaird’s
secretary/treasurer. Duncan was directly or indirectly nine so far in March. There, seven-pounder caught by only fish of the season wasn’t
responsible for raising certainly well over £100,000 Jordan Paterson had a red- Graham Sharp on a Black-and- reported until March. However,
through grants, Tay Ghillies’ fun days and other fund- letter day with three fish to yellow tube. A couple of fish Upper Kinnaird reported
raising events, which supported everything from hatchery 20 lb. Jason Stratton had a fish were also reported from five in February and one
work to clearing burns. In 2002 he also became a member of 21 lb harling and John Dewar Burnbane in February and so far for March.
of the Tay Board and later a trustee of the Tay Foundation. a sea-liced 13-pounder. three for March so far. Of these, A few fish have now started
Without Duncan’s dogged determination I do wonder However, the real hotspot in Jimmy Lapsey had an eight- sneaking into the Tummel. For
whether a hatchery would ever have been built at all. February was the Linn pool, pounder on a Vision 110, and example, Pitlochry Angling
Duncan’s achievements were recognised first when he which is shared day about Brian Joseph a cracking Club’s Dam beat reported three
was presented with the inaugural Tay Salmon between Taymount and 16-pounder on a Tomic lure. in February and has had one in
Conservation Award in 2006. In 2013 he was awarded the Stobhall, although by March With Burnbane in mind, it is early March. Saul MacKay had
British Empire Medal for voluntary services to salmon fish are now spreading through with great regret I inform you two of them at 10 lb and 16 lb on
conservation on the River Tay. the system with more ease. that Duncan Glass, BEM died fly, George Renwick had an
Through all Duncan’s fishing exploits and larger than life Stobhall reported 17 for recently (see obituary, this 11-pounder, also on fly, and
adventures, which incidentally could fill this whole February and four for early page). As many readers will Martin Wilson had a 13-pounder
magazine, his wife Jane of almost 60 years was always by March, while Taymount has know, for many years until last on fly. One fish has also been
his side. Jane was his constant fishing companion, usually reported a very impressive 32 year, Duncan managed the caught on their Sawmill beat –
playing the fish. They did everything together. Our sincere and ten for these periods Burnbane beat. Indeed he was an eight-pounder by Les Dargie.
condolences go to Jane, Lesley, Donald, granddaughters respectively. Among the Burnbane. We will all miss I have also heard that the East
Jane and Jennifer, all taught to fish by Duncan, and their Taymount fish, Gina Jones Duncan here on the Tay. Haugh beat has recently had
families. The Tay has lost a true champion and will be a caught her first-ever springer, a Glendelvine also reported a its first fish of the season.
poorer place for his passing. seven-pounder, while Andrew couple of fish for February and A few fish have also been
DAVID SUMMERS Spencer had fish to 13 lb on fly. three for early March. There, caught on the upper Tay
Moving upstream, the next John Jones caught a recently. For example, both
pair of beats is Ballathie and 16-pounder. However, the Edradynate and Upper
Cargill. Ballathie reported two Murthly 2 beat had seven and Farleyer reported their first
Alastair Peake with an early-March salmon from Dinnet on
the Aberdeenshire Dee, the fish took a Black Sheep.
Ian Shaw
caught this
beauty on the
Tyne at Bywell
on a Gold-
Willie Gunn.
Robbie Ross
landed three
fish – 8 lb, 18 lb
and 20 lb – at
Dunkeld House
on the Tay. A B OV E
Ian Wilson with a February Dee springer of
15 lb taken at Invery on a Garry Dog Drainer
Disc tube.
Ben Thompson with a
14-pounder from the Tyne
at Bywell.
Fishing guide Moray
McFarlane took this 19 lb
fish on a Cascade Skullhead
from the Guay pool at
Dalguise on the River Tay.
A B OV E Scott Ramsay with the first fish of the season
Paul Greenacre with a fat 25 lb springer from from the River Oich. The 24 lb 8 oz springer
Hoodies Pool on the Hampshire Avon. was taken on a Cascade conehead from
The fish took an Eternal Optimist. the Estuary pool.
fish of the season in early of recent years, including number of times, but never the sport was in the Kelso area, Flying C, and Dave was helped
March. However, as is often the last year. We are hopeful first, so congratulations to him. with the first fish taken on the with its landing by ex Lower
case at this time of year, some that this may happen again It weighed 7 lb and was caught Junction. Nine fish were Floors head boatman Jim Smail.
fish have been pushing right this year. Of course, on Beat 7. The second followed reported on the two websites The 12-pounder from Upper
through unseen as evidenced by although the run may a couple of days later, when for the first week and 16 for the Makerstoun was taken by Ian
the fact that fish have also been strengthen, things do Paul Smith had a fish of 9 lb on second. Unsettled water Yorkston, over from New York
caught on Loch Tay. For change at this time of year. Beat 9. The third was a seven- conditions didn’t help, with fly- state, and was caught in
example, Grant Tigwell’s Loch The water is starting to pounder from Beat 4, caught only mandatory until Feb 15. the Laird’s Cast on a
Tay Fish n Trips reported five for warm up a little and fish by D. Mackay. With high water through the Willie Gunn tube.
February and seven for early push on faster. So expect Maintenance work has winter it seemed that most of A cool, dry weekend gave us
March. Among all these, David the hotspots to move to continued on the river and one the kelts had gone. A number of fairly decent levels at the start
Duffy had an 18-pounder, a beats like Islamouth, the of the main improvements rods beats had reduced their prices of the new week on Feb 22. This
personal best, Mr MacMannan middle Tay as well as will see is a new track on Beat for the early weeks, with prices was to be a fairly good week,
had two fish in one day of 11 lb tributaries such as the Isla 8. The gives much easier access down to £30 a day. Some beats every day being fishable with
and 13 lb, Stewart Lang had one and Tummel. Loch Tay might to the hut, particularly when the frosty nights at times keeping
of 18 lb and fish of 20 lb and still be producing fish, ground is wet. Other changes levels down and cold – under
23 lb have also been caught. especially in April, and if visitors will notice is that the 40 deg F most days. It was
So that’s the situation as of there is a bit of water the road up to upper beats has been Most Tweed warm in the sun but cold out of
mid March. A good overall total lower Lyon and most repaired and the large potholes it and, for a whole week, settled
for February, especially for especially the lower Ericht that were a feature last year springers levels gave most rods a decent
some of the beats around might start to produce good have now been filled in. chance. Some beats did well,
Stanley, and hopes that things numbers. As to how you As we move into the middle coming from the Junction taking 13,
will continue to improve. It is
good to see quite a number of
might get on, well there is
still plenty of fishing
of March we would expect the
spring run to get under way and
Kelso area Hendersyde 11 and Sprouston
eight. Lower Floors had six, as
good-sized fish too, with available on the www. we should be picking up fish did Birgham Dub, with the
numbers in the mid to high fishtay.co.uk website and every day. Given that Loch Lees taking four. Ladykirk had
teens of pounds and even much of it is excellent More is full, we should have still had vacancies most days their first fish of the season on
some over 20 lb. value. – BEN LUI. reasonable water into early with rods waiting to see what Friday, as the water came into
April at least. – TIM HAWES. happens with catches and order for the lower beats. Friday
PROSPECTS THURSO conditions before booking. was also the best day of the
In terms of overall numbers TWEED The end of the second week week with 14 fish reported, the
entering the river and being AS I write this (March 11) the brought wintry weather over best fish of the week, a
caught, the latter part of Thurso has had three fish. The ALTHOUGH THE new season the Borders, with rain, sleet and 17-pounder, coming from
April/early May can see first came off on March 3 and didn’t exactly start with a bang snow on the Saturday, and a Hendersyde on Saturday. Over
some of the best runs of the was caught by local rod and there were a few fish around to cold easterly wind. This gave us 50 fish were taken for the week,
spring. Certainly that has gillie, Pat Nicol. Pat has had the keep rods interested. As in a small rise through Saturday many of them good clean fish
been the case in a number second fish off the river a previous seasons, most of the night with most of the extra and some sea-liced. This was
water coming down the Teviot. more like it – but just as we
The cold weather lasted into the were getting used to settled
third week, beginning Monday, levels and clear water the
A BEAT TO TRY THIS SPRING Feb 15, with frost over the first
two nights. These were the best
following week, beginning Feb
29, saw the water unsettled on
water conditions so far this some days. On Monday, rain
season but they weren’t to last late in the day had most gauges
long. Wet and windy weather on the rise the following
on Tuesday night and into morning. Most of this water
Wednesday morning saw levels came from the upper Tweed and
rising fast through the morning Ettrick, and peaked around 6 ft
with a lot of colour and debris. at Norham. This was just what
This made almost 12 ft on the we didn’t need and it was quite
Norham Bridge gauge, with dirty right into Wednesday. The
water coming from all over the water dropped through
system. This dropped over the Thursday and into Friday but
next couple of days but rain on rain and snowmelt gave us a
Friday had some of the upper small, dirty rise overnight into
gauges rising late in the day. Saturday. Most of the rise came
All but the Norham and from the lower Teviot with a
Sprouston gauges were falling small rise down the Leader,
the following day, the former and it was quite coloured
gauge making almost 6 ft. below Kelso.
Fourteen fish were reported for Some 60 fish were taken this
River Orchy, Craig Fishings the week, Hendersyde taking week, the Junction doing best
The Craig beat is a two-mile stretch of outstanding natural beauty in the middle of Glen Orchy. There four of them. Three of these with 11 and Birgham Dub taking
are 21 named pools with double-bank fishing. The great variety provided by these pools ensures that were taken on Friday – all of seven. Upper Floors and
there is always an opportunity to fish despite the Orchy being a natural spate-river. them by Jessica England on fly. Lower Floors, Hendersyde and
There is roadside access to all the pools. Fish were taken from Dryburgh South Wark all took five, most
The Urchaidh Falls in the middle of the beat are a temperature barrier in the early season and ensure Lower down to Lower other successful beats having a
that there are salmon in the pools immediately below the falls from mid April. By September and Birgham with the best, a single fish. The best, a superb
October the beat is well stocked with fish. Summer sport is dictated by water levels. 12-pounder, coming from Upper 24-pounder, was taken on
Makerstoun. The first fish Dryburgh Lower by John Jordan
Day-tickets for salmon cost from £50. came from the Teviot on on a gold-bodied Willie Gunn.
Contact Tom Carter, FishPal. Tel: 01573 470 612. Monday, taken by Dave On the same beat the previous
Purchase tickets online at http://www.fishpal.com/Scotland/Argyll/Craig Simpson from the Castle pool. week John Martin had a seven-
Weighing 14 lb, it took a yellow pounder on a Red Bullet.
Make the most of early
season sport for brown trout
Expert tips on going afloat for
the first time
Jon Barnes fishes the River
Tees during an April hatch
How to connect with surface-
feeding trout
SharpeÕs tackle
If you’ve caught a
memorable trout or salmon,
why not enter our monthly
competition? It’s not
always the biggest
fish that wins…
NAME OF WITNESS ................................................................................ ■ Fish entered in the April competition must be caught between April 1-30. To enter the May
competition, fish must be caught in the period May 1-31. ■ One witness is essential. ■ The editor
Telephone .................................................................................................... reserves the right to refuse an entry. ■ Complete the form in full and send to: Sharpe’s Fish of the
Month, Trout and Salmon, Media House, Lynchwood, Peterborough PE2 6EA to arrive no later than
E-mail ............................................................................................................ first post on May 5 (April competition) or June 6 (May competition). ■ Pictures are welcome.
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HIS MONTH I do this might actually be another bit
think that it is of optimistic self-delusion. I’m not
finally spring. sure they fight any harder than
For all there any other species if the truth be
were daffodils known but we have the sensation
blooming in the that they do because they
middle of February and brutal are different.
sleet in the middle of March – There was a time when we
don’t tell me, I was there – it is, introduced some steelhead on the
and I touch wood as I speak, that same basis. “Oh yes,” we opined to
the long wet winter is finally one another, “they’ll run you
behind us. ragged every time. Eat your fly,
Which is all good. chew your line and smash your
There are two issues that must top section, your steelhead will.
be addressed just now and the Take it from me. Mmmm!”
first of these is that there are What it turned out they did was
brown trout in our pond. they ate every other fish in the
They were acquired, according water, fought among themselves
to the Hon. Sec., on frightfully and refused point-blank to
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As the countryside springs to life,
Look splendid on and off the
will you be making the most of hill with this selection of tough,
the sporting opportunities? elegant country wear.
Seth Brown offers a guide to
Our pick of the finest field glasses
this absorbing year-round sport, you can buy.
including the art of using decoys.
The new XC90 is generously
equipped with technology that
John Walsh witnesses an
extraordinary sport of the
northern hills.
improves safety and driveability.
The BASC highlights the things to
remember when you’re out and
about with your shotgun.
Pigeon shooting offers the sporting
gun a chance to continue their
season through the spring.
pleasures As the countryside springs to life, will you be making
the most of the sporting opportunities?
4 May 2016 Country Sport
PRING MOST definitely sprang early this year,
and for many areas of the country winter didn’t
really bare her icy talons at all. In fact, it was one
of the warmest winters on record, with bulbous
perennials peeking through the topsoil as early
as January and trees blossoming in late February.
So what do we do with ourselves now that the
formal shooting season has come to an end and
the weather is more forgiving for venturing
outside and enjoying the countryside? Well, now
is the time to give your beloved guns some TLC, including a total
strip-down with maybe a deep clean and a stock wax. Although the game
season is at a close, this shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying your
shooting, so why not book yourself a few days of clay sport, just to keep
your eye in? It’s also a good time to book your shooting and fishing for the
year ahead – and there are some fabulous deals of which to take
advantage when booking early.
Of course, you don’t have to stop shooting for the table altogether. There
will be plenty of farmers who need their newly sown crops of peas,
cereals and oilseed rape protecting from ravenous pigeons. At this time
of the year woodpigeons flock in their hundreds and are in fantastic
condition for eating. If you have never tried a sauteed pigeon breast with
red wine and berry sauce, served atop a slice of black pudding nestled in
a rocket salad, you really haven’t lived.
Aside from shooting and fishing, the coming months are perhaps the
very best that our calendar has to offer in terms of enjoying the
countryside. There’s something magical about watching your
surroundings come to life once again after the annual hibernation.
Many bird-lovers eagerly await the arrival of the first swallows and
swifts, which signals the start of much better weather, but our
indigenous birds have a lot to offer, too. It can be truly rewarding to rise
early to listen to the dawn chorus.
As many of our animals and birds give birth to their young so new
wild plants, such as primroses and bluebells, begin germinating from
seeds sown in the previous year’s autumn breeze.
Take yourself off for a walk or a ramble as the cold, crisp mornings give
way to the warmth of liquid gold sunshine – it’s a time to feel alive and to
look forward to the fast-approaching summer months.
These are the simplest of life’s pleasures, which will reassure you that
the cold months of winter are long gone.
As well as the wonders of Mother Nature, spring provides us with
many great British country fairs, and we have compiled a list of shows for
you to visit over the coming months (see overleaf). Whether local village
fairs or national events, be sure to make the most of them, because just
like the wonders of spring they will be gone in the blink of an eye.
At many, if not all, of these events you will observe a celebration of food
and now is the perfect time to explore and expand your food horizons. A
trip to the seaside may be in order, where you will find fresh brown crab,
plaice and turbot in season – quite possibly the three tastiest bounties of
the sea. Combine these with spring greens, spring onions and early peas
from the garden to create some fresh, mouth-watering feasts. And don’t
forget the queen of green vegetables, the asparagus, which can be found
in peak condition throughout April.
Whatever you find yourself doing over the coming months,
be thankful for the bounty that is to come and be sure to
make the most of countryside living.
East Anglian Game & Country Fair – April 23-24 Field & Country Fair, Oxfordshire – June 10-11
This two-day family event welcomes world-class attractions The all-new Field & Country Fair will feature world
at the Norfolk Showground in Norwich. Attractions include: renowned gunmakers, the best in shooting accessories,
motorbike display by the Royal Signals, John Bidwell equipment and demonstrations, leading clothing and
shooting demonstrations, terrier racing, gundog training, footwear retailers, the biggest names in game fishing,
horseboarding, clay shooting, dog shows, fly-fishing, a wide selection of fine arts, rural crafts and premium
archery, children’s activities, cookery theatre and food hall, gifts, expert falconry displays, have-a-go gundog scurries
forestry area stands, falconry, shopping and much more. and an eclectic range of food and drink.
It’s a great family day out in East Anglia. Info: www.fieldandcountryfair.com
Info: www.ukgamefair.co.uk
Sussex Country Show – June 18-19
Broadlands Country Show, Hampshire – May 1-2 This popular two-day show boasts a comprehensive have-a-
This show is ideally suited to fieldsports fanatics, with the go itinerary for the whole family, including novice gundog
Gunmakers’ Roadshow showcasing the latest shotguns handling, clay-shooting tuition, survival camp, field
from top international brands, plus there’s the reformatted archery, fishing, falconry and ferreting. There will be folk
Clay Shooting Festival and final of the Chudley’s Gundog music, The Devil’s Horseman display team, rural crafts,
Championship. There’s also novice gundog handling, locally produced food and a Spitfire aerial display
clay-shooting tuition, survival camp, field archery, fishing, Accompanied children aged 15 and under can
falconry and ferreting. Accompanied children enter the show free of charge.
aged 15 and under can enter the show free of charge. Info: www.sussexcountryshow.co.uk CS
Info: www.broadlandscountryshow.co.uk
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This is just a small selection of what we have available. Contact us on 0141 331 6336 for all your hunting and shooting equipment.
A good hide at harvest time. Some
guns prefer to avoid the peak of the
woodpigeon’s breeding season.
Seth Brown offers a guide to this absorbing
year-round sport, including choosing the right
equipment and the art of using decoys
LTHOUGH I HAVE no intention of putting limitations on my sport, I
have asked myself in one of those quiet moments: if I were forced to
choose just one quarry or type of shooting for the rest of my life, which
would I choose? Faced with the grand spectacle of high driven
pheasants, or the sheer speed and exhilaration of the grouse, why
would I opt to shoot the humble woodpigeon above all others? For me,
it simply has everything I look for in my sport. The quarry is a
challenge: sharp-eyed, wary and truly wild. It requires fieldcraft and
knowledge of its habits to be consistently successful, and the shooting itself is varied, giving
every angle, height and speed of shot in a single day. Couple this with the facts that the bird is a
considerable year-round threat to farm crops, its numbers in the UK are estimated to be more
than 9,000,000 and rising every year, and there is no closed season on shooting woodpigeon,
means that sport is sustainable and available.
over the top of the net to shoot; and build your hide against a paths and the
background so that your movements are masked and you are wind direction.
not silhouetted against the skyline.
The final must-have pieces of equipment are a comfortable
seat, for reasons listed above, and a good set of binoculars to various ways of imitating a landing bird in your set-up,
watch for flight lines and pigeon movement. You can use a whether worked by strings or by the motion of the wind. In
traditional shooting stick as a seat, but I prefer a small five- the late 1990s the rotary or pigeon magnet hit the market
gallon plastic drum. I cut off the top and fit a wooden, and was seen by many as the biggest advantage in pigeon-
cushioned seat. This provides a comfortable and stable seat decoying for decades. Basically it was two wire arms on
so you can sit without fidgeting and allows you to easily twist which you mounted some dead pigeons, their wings out in a
around to deal with birds approaching from the side. If you flying position. These arms were connected to a body that
leave the seat as a removable top and add a strap or rope housed a slow-spinning motor, which was stuck into the
handle you can also use the barrel to carry your hide netting, ground by a spike and powered by a small 12-volt lamping
flask and cartridges. Commercial versions are available with battery. This slowly spun the dead birds around, 2 ft-3 ft off
rotating seats for around £20-£30. the ground, giving the eye-catching movement that’s so
As with all sports there is an additional mountain of deadly in attracting passing woodpigeon. There is no doubt
equipment you can buy to add to your arsenal. All manner of that it was very effective in the right situation – placed in a
ingenious contraptions have been invented to fool the wary hole in a high crop or laid cereal – but it was only really at its
woodpigeon, most in an attempt to add movement and best when used with traditional decoying techniques. It also
mimic a feeding flock. Flappers, bouncers and gliders are all took time to set up and was heavy to carry any distance.
Hide Hide
Landing Zone
Shorter leg to
Longer leg to allow birds easy
stop bird over- access
flying to the left
Longer leg to
stop bird over-
flying to the left
birds. If, on the other hand, the head below the netting and ground, wings tucked neatly in wind direction and the angle
birds are being attracted to the save any movement to the last as a feeding bird would look of flight lines into the field, will
decoys only to flare off before second before you rise and take – make sure you have some determine how you position
committing, they are either the shot. As passing pigeons kebab sticks or twigs from the your decoy pattern so as to
seeing you or your movement, are looking for a feeding flock hedgerow ready, to put under make the most of the available
or there is something unnatural- and safety in numbers, their chin and so keep their sport. The permutations of your
looking about the pattern, such generally the more shot birds head up in a feeding position. decoy patterns are governed
as a shot bird lying on its back. you can add to your decoy Once you have mastered this only by your imagination and
In this case, check the decoy pattern the greater its simple pattern and understand your fieldcraft, so with spring
pattern, look at your hide from pulling potential. Just brush that the shape affects how in full swing, why not get out
a distance to make sure it is them down to remove loose the birds will react to it, the and pit your wits against this
blending in well, keep your feathers and sit them on the prevailing conditions, mostly most sporting of birds? CS
Price: from £45,750
Engine: 1969 cc four-cylinder
ON’T BE FOOLED by the cage, rods and guns. The middle row can be
name, the new XC90 is a very FEATURES folded, too, for a truly cavernous effect. A boot-
different animal to the old Seven seats lowering function allows you to drop the load
model. Big strides have been Optional air- bay by 50 mm on the air suspension so you
made in terms of strength, suspension system don’t have to lift the dog quite so far.
interior space and driving dynamics. – As you might expect from a Volvo the XC90
It is available as a diesel or in two petrol has a host of safety features built into its
automatic gearbox
options, including the hybrid Twin Engine. – Intellisafe function, including collision-
The optional air-suspension system is worth Sensus avoidance technology and a clever system
adding as it leads to a fantastically refined touchscreen that will “brace” the car for impact if it detects
drive. You can tweak the system to your taste – a car approaching from behind that won’t be
and switch between drive modes that Adaptive cruise able to stop in time. What you might not
re-calibrate lots of other parameters, from control expect is the Sensus driver-orientated
throttle response to steering weight. – interface, with a sound system designed to
The all-wheel drive is more than capable Intellisafe system replicate the acoustics of the Gothenburg
when driving across fields, down beat tracks Park assist Concert Hall. There is a navigation system,
and along dirt roads. – too, of course, and voice recognition so you
Blind spot radar
The exterior design has been upgraded, – need only speak the words to switch between
giving the XC90 a premium feel. The plush Lane Keeping Aid music, directions or phone calls. Sensus links
interior accentuates the smooth, comfortable to the Volvo On Call smartphone app, which
driving experience. It is well insulated allows you to remotely seek roadside
from road noise. assistance, check the car’s status, or get
The seven-seat cabin is spacious, and even directions to the car if you’ve forgotten where
the third row of seats has enough head- and you parked it – though it might be best to wait
leg-room for adults. Both rear seats can be until you’re close before remotely asking it to
folded to give plenty of boot space for a dog honk and flash. CS
They all look cute, so how do you pick one? Rob Hardy explains the importance
N my article Which Breed? (Country Sport, While you are speaking to the breeder, take the
January), I looked at the types of gundog opportunity to ask a few questions about the litter. On
and their pros and cons, stressing the what are the puppies being fed? I would want it to be a
importance of choosing one that suited reputable brand capable of giving the puppies all the
you and the sort of shooting you plan to nutrition they need for the best start in life. Have they
do. Now that the season is over and the and the bitch been wormed recently? The bitch should
daylight hours are increasing, it is the have been treated against fleas and worms prior to
perfect time to track down your perfect her giving birth and the litter wormed again at two
future shooting companion. So where do you start? weeks of age. Have they or are they going to be
Good places are shooting websites and magazines vaccinated? Many good breeders will vaccinate their
that have advertising and classified listings for litters at six weeks with a live Parvo vaccine. These
gundog breeders and dogs for sale. Reading through questions will give you an idea of the level of care that
these will give you an idea of what is out there. You the breeder has put into the litter and whether they
will see a few kennel prefixes, such as Drakeshead, are trying to breed good, sound puppies or are just out
Tawnyhill and Chyknell, cropping up time and again. to make a fast buck. While on the subject of money, the
While I’m not saying that popular kennel names are a price of puppies can vary greatly and while I’m not
prerequisite they have become popular for a reason advising that spending more will necessarily
and offer a starting point to get to know the proven guarantee you quality, rearing puppies properly is not
bloodlines for your particular gundog breed. A little a cheap business. Quality food and treatments ensure
background knowledge of the puppies’ breeding goes the puppies get the best start in life but you have to
a long way and can save you wasted time and travel. expect this to be reflected in the price and if a puppy
If they’re a professional breeder they will probably were going cheap I would be asking myself why.
have a dedicated website, showing their facilities,
available dogs, at stud and for sale, and even copies of
their pedigrees. If it is a litter from a private sale that Understanding pedigree
catches your eye, then give them a call, and ask them Are some of the proven bloodlines for your chosen
to e-mail or post you a copy of the puppies’ pedigree breed on the pedigree? If so, does there seem to be
and Kennel Club registration form. This is important: some consistency from generation to generation?
the pedigree alone is not enough. Anyone can put Ideally, you want to see certain bloodlines and even
together a pedigree and make it look impressive, but the same dogs popping up throughout the pedigree –
without the KC registration there is no guarantee it is this is known as line breeding and means that the
worth more than the paper on which it is written. best genes of generations of proven gundogs are kept
14 May 2016 Country Sport
Focused, curious,
laidback, sad,
a litter full of little
and improved upon, which is what every responsible of the highest standard, which suggests they are
breeder should be looking to do. trainable and free from faults, such as hard mouth or
You should also see new blood (outcross) brought squeaking. As mentioned above, the first three
into the breeding pool every so often, to strengthen an generations – Sire and Dam (mum and dad),
area deemed a weakness and improve existing stock. Grandparents and Great grandparents – are ideally
Genetics is a fickle mistress and good and bad traits where you want to see that red ink. If you are buying a
can take three generations to manifest themselves, so retriever and the hip and eye scores of the parents are
it’s not like mixing paint, but a good breeder should not shown on the KC registration, then ask the breeder
have a reason for each mating, and not just that it was for a copy of their test certificates. You are looking for
his friend’s dog and he got the stud for free. Is mum a clear/pass in the case of the eyes; the hips will have
You will notice that some dog’s names are written in healthy? individual scores (eg, 3-3) – these scores should be as
red and carry FTCh before their name: this stands for This may low and balanced as possible, to indicate that the
Field Trial Champion, showing that they have won two indicate the parents have little or no problem with hip dysplasia.
or more Open Field Trials. While many fine working care being The scores are then combined to give a final score and
dogs have little or no FT Champions in their pedigree, given to compared to a breed average. I would look for each
it does show that the puppies come from working dogs the litter. parent to have a combined hip score of 10 or below for
puppies to be considered.
So you have found a litter from a genuine breeder
and like the look of the pedigree: it’s time to arrange a
visit. I have no problem with viewing pups before they
are eight weeks old. In fact you may need to do this as
soon as possible to secure a top-notch pup. But I
wouldn’t consider taking it away from the litter before
that age. This gives the breeder time to properly wean
the puppy from its mother and avoids undue stress
before it is really ready.
When you go to see the litter, take notice of their
surroundings: the room or kennel doesn’t need to be
grand but it should be in good condition, clean with a
good supply of fresh bedding and drinking water. This
indicates the care that has been given to the pups’
upbringing and their resulting health and welfare.
Country Sport May 2016 15
Bright-eyed, puppy’s eyes should be clear and not runny or sticky.
interested Weeping from the sides of the eyes can point to
and full of entropion (an in-growing eyelid), which would need
energy: this treatment by a vet. Look at the puppy’s conformation:
lab is a good are its front legs nice and straight? Is its chest deep
prospect. and broad to give stamina? The tail action should be
brisk showing the puppy is happy and full of beans,
and not subdued and frail. With a spaniel this is an
essential part of the dog’s hunting action so I would
always look for a nice lively tail action. For docked
breeds, such as spaniels – and I personally would not
buy an undocked spaniel pup because I know that,
through working, it is very likely to damage it – the
dock needs to be right: too short and it will unbalance
the dog, spoiling its action. A correct dock for a spaniel
is about one-third, leaving two-thirds. If done
correctly, at an early age, before the pup’s nervous
system is developed, docking is quick and painless.
For retriever breeds the tail shouldn’t be carried too
high. Some walk around with their tail up like a flag
and while this may not affect the dog’s working
abilities, it is unattractive, especially with the dog
working in front of you.
Imagine being faced with a litter of labradors, six to
eight almost identical black bundles running around.
Unless one puppy stands out, you need to go through
an elimination process. To shorten the odds, I would
If the puppies are young and still with their mother, pick out the ones that I like the look of and that fit my
then take note of her condition: remember she has not criteria of size and temperament and ask the breeder
long had a litter of pups so she may not be looking her to place them on the lawn where I can watch them run
best, but she should look healthy and well cared for. around. I would note how inquisitive they are – the
The breeder will be keen to keep stress to the bitch interest they show in their surroundings and me; it’s a
and the chance of disease to a minimum so respect good sign if the puppy wants to be around you.
his/her wishes if they don’t want the puppies handled. I would pick up each pup, feeling along the legs for
To be honest, there is little you can tell at this age: you obvious problems, such as rear dew claws, which are
may be able to tell the bigger or smaller pups, and unusual and need to be removed by a vet. I would
with springers and cockers you can see their colours check for navel hernias: these can be caused when the
and markings, if these are going to influence your bitch bites off the umbilical cord or by the pup
choice. The breeder will point out the dogs and dragging itself over the side of the whelping box. If
bitches, if you have a preference, but unless you must, they are just a pea-sized lump they will generally
I would not pick a puppy at this age. If I liked the litter, disappear as the pup grows, but larger half-inch
I would much sooner agree to “put my name” on a ruptures may need an operation.
puppy and return when they are older and more Its jaws and Have a closer look and make sure the pup’s eyes are
developed before I made my final choice. teeth are clear and that the teeth come together in a straight
fine – and bite: you don’t want the top or bottom jaw over- or
it’s willing under-shot as this could cause the dog to have
Identifying the right pup to carry. retrieving difficulties. Try each pup with a knotted
If I were viewing a litter for the first time I’d ask to see
the dam and the sire, too, if he were available, or at
least a picture of him. This will give you an idea of the
size and the stature the puppies might become. Faced
with a litter of pups the cuteness factor is inevitable
and you need to be attracted to a likely puppy, but this
attraction should be balanced with practicality: don’t
pick the runt because you feel sorry for it. Watch the
puppies play and note their interaction: this way you’ll
get an idea of their characters. You’ll distinguish the
bolder, bossy pups from the softer ones; the best
choice is usually the one that fits your personality. If
you’ve a gentle nature, don’t go for the little bully that
will need firm handling in the future. Likewise, a soft
pup may find life hard under a demanding trainer.
However much you might be attracted to a puppy,
you need to check that they are physically sound. The
16 May 2016 Country Sport
handkerchief to ensure they are willing to carry. This is what to switch to a different food, this should be done
Any pups you like less should be returned to the you hope gradually once it has settled into its new home. Also
kennel until you’ve whittled down the litter to the one the pup will avoid feeding the pup tit-bits and treats – stick to its
dog with which you think you could work. Remember, become: usual food to avoid problems.
you are going to spend the next ten or more years with a trusted
your choice so make sure you are happy with it. If I shooting
have doubts I walk away because if the dog is not right companion. Going home
now, I would be likely to find fault in the future. While Being taken away from the litter is stressful for a
I would listen to the breeder’s advice, it must be my puppy, so expect a mess on the way home and come
decision even if they try to convince me otherwise. armed with old towels and newspaper to put in the
When you are 100 per cent sure it’s the puppy for car. The puppy is less likely to be stressed or sick if it
you, you need to collect the paperwork – a copy of the can cuddle in a towel on someone’s lap for the journey
pedigree, KC registration and any inoculation and Now where home. If you must collect the pup on your own, a cage
worming records. Don’t forget to get the transfer of did I put or box with a covering of newspaper will keep the pup
ownership document sighed by the breeder and to my gloves? safely contained during the drive. Don’t feed the pup
leave your details with them. Buy a bag of the puppy’s Instincts are until you get home but a short stop at a quiet, safe area
food from the breeder to ensure consistency and revealed at for a stretch and a drink is a good idea; just remember
avoid diarrhoea and dehydration. Even if you intend an early age. the pup has not been fully inoculated, so avoid letting
them run around where other dogs may have been.
When you arrive home, everyone is going to be
excited to meet the new arrival, but try to keep things
calm and give the puppy space to explore at its own
pace. By all means introduce the puppy to children or
other dogs you have, but make it a controlled situation
– the puppy will be overwhelmed with all that has
happened. Like a human baby, it will quickly tire and
need to sleep regularly throughout the day. It is
important that it has a place to rest undisturbed. If the
puppy is in the house, then a travel cage or box where
its bed will be is a good way of giving it a sanctuary in
the day and a secure sleeping area at night, keeping it
out of trouble, at least until it settles into its routine.
Just make sure it always has access to a bowl of fresh
water – non-spill type travel bowls are the best option.
Good luck and good hunting. CS
Country Sport May 2016 17
Safety is the priority for all
shooters regardless of age
or experience.
The British Association for Shooting and Conservation highlights
the important things to remember when using a shotgun
T DOESN’T MATTER what type
of shooting you’re doing, be it
rough shooting, pest control or
driven birds, safety is the most
important thing to consider.
Shotguns can kill. Always be
aware of where your barrels
are pointing – and never point a gun in an
unsafe direction. Whenever you shoot,
you should know where the shot will fall
before you pull the trigger.
All this advice (previous page) might seem blindingly
obvious, but complacency can creep in with
familiarity. It’s when the guns are loaded, however,
that the real safety issues come to the fore.
For ease we’ve compiled a checklist of the basic
safety rules:
l Never point a gun, loaded or unloaded, in an
unsafe direction.
l Never shoot unless you are sure it’s safe to do so.
l Always have the safety catch on “safe” until the
moment before you fire.
l Always bear in mind the possibility of a ricochet,
particularly across water or off
branches and vegetation.
l Never fire blindly into dense vegetation.
l Never take chance low shots without a clear
fall-out zone for your shot.
l Never travel with a loaded shotgun.
l Never put down a loaded shotgun or l Never shoot at, or near, overhead obstructions, Only release
leave it unattended. power lines for example. the safety catch
l Keep your fingers away from the trigger l Be extra careful shooting near buildings when you’re
until you want to fire. or concrete structures; ricochets are a ready to fire.
l Always be steady on your feet before you shoot. real danger.
l Never shoot unless you are certain of your l At all times guard against shot carrying beyond
target and can see it clearly. the boundary of your permitted shooting area.
l Advise the land owner and/or l Never break fences, walls, consider where the shot will go,
tenant when you intend to shoot and rails or hedges. allowing for possible ricochets.
check beforehand that it’s convenient. l Try to avoid walking through standing l Do not fire at quarry unless you are
l Confirm with the land owner and/or crops and don’t allow your dog to do so. sure it’s within range and be sure you
tenant what quarry you may shoot. l Know your own limitations and those know what is behind it. If you are
l Always respect the owner’s property, of your gun and shoot responsibly. If you not sure, don’t shoot.
crops, livestock and fences and follow are not reasonably sure of a humane kill, l Be extra careful in cold and wet
the Countryside Code. Open gates rather don’t shoot. Shooting at quarry is not conditions, which can lead to loss of
than climb them and close them after you. a competition. feeling in the fingers and difficulty
If you have to climb a closed gate, l Keep your dog under control. in operating the safety catch
do it at the hinged end. l Always treat a shotgun as though it and the trigger.
l On picking up, or being handed a were loaded and keep its barrels pointing l Remember that all shooters will be
shotgun, check immediately that there in a safe direction. judged by your actions and ensure that
are no cartridges in it and that the l Avoid disturbance to livestock. your conduct is always above reproach.
barrels are clear. l Before firing your shotgun, you should l Above all – be safe and sensible. CS
Shooting, like fishing, can be a minefield for the uninitiated so to find out more, check
out the BASC website: www.basc.org.uk Here you’ll find absolutely everything you
need to get you started; from advice on filling out your licence application form, through
to etiquette on shoot days. Welcome aboard and enjoy your new sport!
Style in the
polo belt
A genuine hand-embroidered
saddle leather belt with
uality brass fittings.
Made in Argentina.
Sizes: 32, 34, 36, 40
so go
desc ib i l Th
Wate f
comp f
comes with a concealed
John Field Katy
fleece gilet
Available in a blackberry wine colour
with contrasting faux leather piping,
this form-fitting unisex gilet features
four well-positioned pockets. Perhaps £120
its most eye-catching feature is the
faux horn toggle at the collar, which
gives the vest a stylish European look.
Barbour holdall
This stylish cotton holdall is part of Barbour’s
collaboration with Land Rover. A detachable webbing
strap offers an alternative to the leather carry handles,
while aged brass-effect hardware adds extra
touches of luxury.
Kevlar-blend Ali-Gaiters
Cult New Zealand clothing brand Swazi
Swazi Severn top
Apparel has completely redesigned the humble
gaiter and created its own super-durable, Stay hands-free and keep your
quick-drying version called Ali-Gaiters. Snug- binoculars secure with Swazi
fitting, they are fitted with boot ties made from Apparel’s innovative Severn Top,
steel cable – built to last for years. which features a specially
£67.80 + P&P designed optics pocket. The
Sizes: M-L lightweight Severn has zipped
www.swazi.co.nz side pockets for keeping hands
warm. Made in New Zealand
from Aegis windshield fleece, the
Severn is designed for moving.
£126.56 + P&P
John Field Nilo cargo trousers Sizes: S-XXXL
Repel pesky mosquitos by wearing John Field’s Nilo cargo
Sizes: S-XXXL
Cordings Grenfell
shooting jacket
In collaboration with Grenfell,
Cordings have recreated this
belted shooting jacket, first made
in the 1940s. It has the same
design and fit, using the original
Grenfell Cloth and identical
production techniques True to the
original, this classic-fit shooter
has reinforced shoulders, three
external pockets and an internal
waterproof game pocket.
It has been laundered to give
a vintage look and feel.
Sizes: 38, 44.
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Essential kit
Our pick of the finest field glasses you can buy
Leica Ultravid HD-Plus 50
The latest in Leica’s revolutionary Experience nature in razor-sharp
Geovid family, this top-of-the- detail using Leica’s new Ultravid
range rangefinder has the finest HD-Plus 50 binoculars. Incorporating
glass and lens coatings and offers top-performing lenses that keep stray
optimum transmission, contrast light to a minimum, the clever design
and natural colour fidelity. It also guarantees superb colour and
features state-of-the-art laser contrast, a bright and clear view and
range-finding technology and an the sharpest detail resolution. Thanks
internal ballistic calculator with to a large objective lens diameter, the
HD card slot that allows users to HD-Plus 50 is particularly suitable
upload their own specific ballistic for use in twilight and the early-
data, whether it’s a home or factory load. evening hours.
Magnifications: 8 x 42, 10 x 42, 8 x 56. Magnifications: 8 x 50, 10 x 50, 12 x 50.
From £2,200. From £1,700.
leica-sportoptics.com .leica-sportoptics.com
Bushnell’s award-winning Legend Ultra HD binoculars feature: The ultimate in efficiency, the Fusion melds the best of Bushnell
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image; Ultra Wide Band lens coating, which maximises light Every detail is magnified with rich contrast and stunning
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RainGuard HD permanent water-repellant coating. With an multi-coated optics and BaK-4 prisms.
extremely wide field of view (113m at At the push of a button, it
1,000m), these binoculars also offer displays the exact
a close-focusing limit distance to
of 1.9m and weigh your target from
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Magnifications: 8 x 42, Magnifications:
8 x 26,10 x 42, 8 x 36. 8 x 32.
From £353. £529
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Swarovski EL range
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This is a long-range
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8.5 x 42 and 10 x 42.
From £1,640
John Walsh witnesses an extraordinary sport of the northern hills
A line of hounds
follows an aniseed
trail across the fell.
The biggest slips are often for hounds of any age most hound trailers have formed groups to train their
that have not won more than three similar or higher- pups, and they are running for about 10 minutes.
grade trails in the present and preceding season. Hounds are raced, on average, two or three times a
Most hounds fall into this category. Their owners run week. Fifty years ago their diet mainly consisted of a
them for the love of the sport and their passion for the rusk or biscuit meal, with beef, chicken, hare, rabbit
hounds. A win is to be celebrated, but they will run or fish, plus eggs, vegetables and milk. There were as
their hounds regardless. many diets as there were trainers. Often these were
Trail hounds are bred to be slightly lighter and well-kept secrets, designed to give their hounds an
leaner than foxhounds. When edge. Even today trailers have
working they will carry no their own closely guarded
extra fat. Their coats will be “Hounds are raced, secret ingredient or recipe for
clipped to avoid over-heating their hounds’ food.
and enhance their on average, two or Margaret Baxter, secretary of
Puppies are run in the year three times a week” the HTA, likens having your
own hound to training a
following their birth, so the racehorse in miniature. She
most desirable time to breed a litter is late winter or said: “The difference is that you do every single thing
early spring. The pups will then be more than a year yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you have a top-
old when the season starts the following April (pups class hound or one of lesser ability. If it does its best
must be born after Jan 1 to qualify for the following and gets round safe and sound, that’s all that counts.
email: [email protected]
Tel: 01764 - 670150
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Mike Robinson is
the UK’s leading
game chef and
owner of The Pot
Kiln, Berkshire,
and London’s
only Michelin-
starred pub The
Harwood Arms.
He is a
deerstalker and
and would
rather harvest
ingredients from
the fields and
woodlands than
a shop.
·· 1 cloves
4 garlic, crushed
cup sage leaves, finely sliced
5. While the pigeon is resting, remove the
rosemary and add the peas and sage to
·· 12 sprig rosemary
tsp grain mustard
the cider. Stir in the cream, bacon and
season (remembering that the bacon
· Splash double cream is salty!).
Sea Shanty Band
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