February 25, 2018 - Bulletin

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Parish Office: 724-258-7742 • Parish Fax: 724-258-8733 • Madonna Catholic Regional School: 724-258-3199
Website: stdamienofmolokai.org • Email: [email protected]
Diocesan Victim Hotline: 1-888-808-1235


Fr. William R. Terza ............................................. Pastor St. Damien of Molokai is a Catholic parish family which recognizes and
[email protected] embraces the gifts and talents of our faith filled people. The life of our
Deacon Al Poroda.............................Permanent Deacon patron saint inspires us to lead lives of love, hope and charity. Moving
[email protected] or 724-258-7742 x 13 forward, we will grow through our liturgy, teachings and outreach to all,
Mrs. Kathryn Wray ............................. Director of Music with the help of God and the gifts received through the Holy Eucharist.
[email protected]
Mrs. Patricia Forsyth ................. Asst. Director of Music
[email protected]
Mrs. Kathy Miller ............................ Lead Administrator
[email protected]
Mrs. Kathy Miller ................................. Faith Formation
[email protected]
Phyllis DeMedio .............................................. Secretary
[email protected]
Peggy Romeo ................................................... Secretary
[email protected]
Helena Glaneman .......... Safe Environment Coordinator
[email protected] or 724-503-7325
Gloria DeRosa Alfred Galilei Steven Markovich
Richard Pantaleo Randall Rodriguez
Joyce Amatangelo Kathleen Barkey Thomas Caudill
Nancy Cole Sandra Craig Kris D’Andrea
James Greaves Thomas Kustron Denise Majoris
Anna Markovich Juliann Romasco Walter Tabory
Saturday Vigil .................................................. 4:00 p.m.
Sunday ........................................8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Monday–Friday ............................................... 8:00 a.m.
Tuesday................................................... 8:30–9:00 a.m.
Saturdays ................................................ 3:00–3:30 p.m.
All Masses & Reconciliation are at St. Damien
of Molokai Church 722 West Main Street
BAPTISMS: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 12:15 p.m. and 4th
Sunday at Mass.
WEDDINGS: Please make arrangements by calling the
Parish Office 6 months in advance.
Page Two St. Damien of Molokai Parish, Monongahela


The Second Sunday of Lent Feb. 25: 9:30-10:45am Grades 1-8
March 4: 9:30-10:45am Grades 1-8 &
March 11: 9:30-10:45am Grades 1-8
Saturday, February 24, 2018 March 17: CONFIRMATION RETREAT
4:00pm George Hutchko March 18: 9:30-10:45am Grades 1-8
(Nancy & Tom Ruschak)
Sunday, February 25, 2018
8:30am Living and Deceased Members WORLD FAMOUS ST.
of the Parish DAMIEN DONUTS
11:00am Joseph & Gladys Sholtis WILL BE ON SALE
(Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Benney) NEXT WEEKEND,
Monday, February 26, 2018 MARCH 3RD & 4TH.
8:00am David Kahl (Tod McDonald)
8:45am Stations of the Cross with the
children Tuesday Morning Bible Study (Parish Cen-
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 ter) Every Tuesday morning from 11:00am-
8:00am Mary Ferguson 12Noon)
(George & Martina Stasko)
Wednesday, February 28, 2018— Servants of the Little Way (Chapel) The
8:00am Robert Rhodes (Kim Curcio) first Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
8:00am Stanley Ravish Holy Hour—(Church) The third Wednesday
(Armand & Gerry Ferrara) of each month @ 7:00pm
Friday, March 2, 2018
Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel) This Friday
8:00am Kathleen Boros (Chuck Marciak) from 12:00noon—6:00pm. Call 724-747-
1:30pm MCRS School Mass
7071 for scheduling.
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 3, 2018 Catholic Men’s Fellowship The 1st & 3rd
4:00pm Valeria Ghilani Saturday of each month at 7:30-8am at St.
(St. Damien Altar Rosary/Christian Mothers) Damien for Adoration, to St. Francis for
Sunday, March 4, 2018 8:30am Mass and then to breakfast.
8:30am Living and Deceased Members
of the Parish Holy Name Society (Church) Second Sun-
11:00am Geno & Rita Pieraccoli day of each month with Rosaries at 8am and
(The Falappi Family) then to the parish park for the meeting after
the 8:30am Mass.
Rest In Peace
In the charity of your prayers we The Way of The Cross
kindly ask that you please pray for the
repose of the soul of Betty Ann Giannini. Monday mornings at 8:45am,
May God grant her eternal rest, may Perpet- with the children
ual Light shine upon her soul and may all the and
souls of the faithful departed, through the
mercy of God, Rest In Peace . Friday evenings at 6:30pm
St. Damien of Molokai Parish, Monongahela Page Three

It Is Good That We Are Here – As Jesus was transfigured in dazzling white

with Moses and Elijah on Mount Tabor the Apostles do not want the moment to
end. We can only imagine what it was like to see Jesus in splendor and glory and
can also understand the Apostles’ desire to stay there for ever. After all, isn’t that
what we anticipate heaven to be like? Yet, days before, these same Apostles
wanted nothing to do with Jesus telling them that he must suffer and die and that
they must take up their crosses and follow him to be his disciples. Do we, at
times, want all the glory without any of the work and suffering? During this Lenten season it is very
good that we are with Jesus in his suffering, so that we might be with him one day in his glory. The
same is true of our journey On Mission for The Church Alive! While there may be great challenges in
forming new, vibrant communities of faith, the new life possible for our parishes will shine brightly
and be reflected in our lives. May we remain devoted to prayer, fasting and good works this Lent so
that our hearts will be made ready for all that lies in store for us. Visit onmissionchurchalive.org to
learn more and to stay informed.


Delicious homemade meat ravioli will be for sale just in time for Easter. Please
place your order by calling the parish office at 724-258-7742. Price is $9.00 per
dozen and pick-up will be on Saturday, March 24th between 9:00am and 3:00pm.
Orders can be picked up in the Kitchen at the Parish Park.
Thank you for your support!

Marriage Preparation Class

Couples planning on celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage are asked to note that the
Marriage Preparation Class for our District will be held on Saturday, April 7, 2018
from 8:30am-6:00pm at Our Lady of the Valley Parish in Donora. The day starts
with a continental breakfast at 8:30am, class begins at 9:00am. The class will end with all at-
tending the 5:00pm Mass at Our Lady of the Valley together. The class will be conducted by
Deacon Al and RaeAnn Poroda. Completion of Marriage Preparation Class is required prior to
your wedding. To register, please call the parish office at 724-258-7742. Classes may also be
found at the diocesan website. Diocesan Web Page www.diopit.org


March pick-up date is: SALE
Wednesday, March 21st St. Damien of Molo-
kai T-shirts, pictured
Items needed for the month of to the left, are for
March are: Soup, Canned Fruit & sale for $15 each
(payment due at the
Vegetables, Spaghetti noodles, time of order). Or-
Cereal & Tuna ders will be accepted
at the parish office or
*Please be sure to check expiration at the fish fry. Sizes
dates on items given to the Food Bank, available are
Thank you! Small—5X.
Page Four St. Damien of Molokai Parish


A heartfelt “thank you” to Gert Wiliuszis and all of those who
worked diligently at the soup kitchen with her to prepare, pack and
deliver soup to many shut-ins in the valley. The Soup Kitchen,
“Ladles of Love”, was open from October 2017 through the first
weekend of February of this year and will reopen in October 2018.
Thank you for this outreach ministry to the community.


Members of St. Damien ARCM are reminded that we will hold our first meeting in 2018 at Fr.
Abbate Hall on Monday, March 5th. The Rosary will be recited at 6:30 pm with the meeting
immediately following. Members bringing nonperishable items for the Food Bank will re-
ceive a second door prize ticket.


Serra Catholic’s Placement Test for incoming freshmen will be held on Saturday, March 3rd
from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Please contact Mrs. Lyons at 412-751-2020 to register
Meet Our Students Evening
Thursday, March 8th 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Incoming Freshmen, spend time with current students and find your place
in our clubs, activities, and sports. Parents, attend workshops and find answers to all of your
questions about our Serra Catholic community!
Please contact Mrs. Lyons at 412-751-2020 for more information.

All volunteers who work closely with children are required to complete Mandated Reporter
training. There are two upcoming live sessions:
02/27/2018 (Tue. 6:00pm - 9:00pm)
Holy Apostles Parish/St. Albert Site, 3198 Schieck Street, Pittsburgh 15227
04/21/2018 (Sat. 10:00am - 1:00pm)
Holy Apostles Parish/St. Albert Site, 3198 Schieck Street, Pittsburgh 15227
The training can be completed on line. Go to the Safe Environment Section of the diocese
Webpage at www.diopitt.org. Call Helena Glaneman at 724-503-7325.
All Volunteers are required to attend a Protecting God’s Children Workshop. The Workshop
is available online. Go to the Safe Environment Section of the Diocese Webpage at
www.diopitt.org. No live sessions are currently available. Check the Web page often as clas-
ses come available frequently. Call Helena Glaneman at 724-503-7325 for more info.

Here I am! (Genesis 22:1)

“Here I am, Father. I trust that you will never abandon me.”
St. Damien of Molokai Parish Page Five

Offertory Report 02/18/2018 Reflections

Offertory Mass By Deacon Al
4:00pm 1379.00 Our Attendance Transfiguration- A willful change, being
8:30am 1025.00 Offering open to and of full consent to something
Back “New” something we’ve not experi-
11:00am 2995.00 To 4:00pm 151
Mail In 1875.00 God 8:30am 145 enced before, something that may fright-
11:00am 211 en us.
Total $ 7,274.00 Transfiguration, a word we hear often, but give little
Weekly Offertory Goal thought too. It was this building/parishes former name
Total 507 that has been transfigured or transformed along with the
former St Anthony’s into the beautiful new “St
Damien’s” We’ve been transformed as one to work to-
College Discernment Night Are you wonder- gether in service to and for God’s people.
ing what to do with your life? Do you think that God At the Transfiguration in the Gospel, I can only imag-
might be calling you in a unique way? Come learn ine… To be in the presence of friends, those with whom
how to better hear His voice at the College Discern- you work, live with and love, and experience what Peter,
ment Night, Monday, March 19 from 5:45 pm - 8:30 James & John had seen. It becomes so overwhelming to
pm at St. Paul Seminary. Father Mike Ackerman St Peter, he begins bumbling (becoming clumsily incom-
petent or ineffectual) about building tents… What does
will speak on discernment, and the night will include tents have to do with seeing the person you believe is the
prayer, dinner with the seminarians, and fellowship. Messiah, become dazzling white and speaking with two
All college and post-college men welcome. To regis- others who weren’t there a moment ago?
ter, email [email protected] by March 12. To be frank, the Church places this Gospel message for
this time of year, the “Lenten Season” as an example for
us to consider change. Change in our behaviors, mind-
Madonna Catholic Regional School sets, attitudes. This Gospel in the beginning of the Len-
731 Chess St., Monongahela, PA ten Season, is given to us to think about our past year(s)
and maybe reflect where change needs to happen in our
lives for the future.
Family Friendly Mystery Dinner Theatre Last Sunday, we had a guest speaker address the confir-
Sunday, March 18th – 3:00 PM mation class, retired Brigadier General David Papak of
in the school cafeteria our parish. General Papak goes around the country
speaking with our youth, encouraging them on how the
Call the school office for details and to decisions they make today will impact their lives of to-
RSVP. Pre-sale tickets ONLY. morrow. The class heard of the Travis Manion founda-
No tickets will be sold at the door. tion and developing character in the future along with the
theme of the Foundation “If not Me then Who? They
SPRING FLOWER SALE were given wristbands with these words imprinted on
them, and introduced to the fallen hero’s life story of
MCRS is again selling flowers and plants. how this young man from an early age on, did what he
Orders are due by March 23rd. knew was right and set the examples for others long after
Call the school office for details. his death in 2007 and continues doing so with other
young people as well as those of us who have matured,
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny to take the step in transforming our lives.
On Saturday, March 24th at 9:00 AM The four topics General Papak spoke on with the class
in the school cafeteria. were: Integrity, Courage, Service and Character, as we
sat there listening to the presentation, I thought of how
Call Madonna Catholic Regional School well this fit with the Church’s message this weekend,
at 724-258-3199 to RSVP and how this young man’s story can affect the decisions
or opportunities we make and are given to change. Not
ENROLL NOW only in ourselves during this Lenten season, but as well
Madonna Catholic Regional School is current- the lives of others that God places on our paths in this
ly registering students age 3 through Grade life’s journey.
8 for the 2018-19 School Year. Please call That my friends will be the message we focus on today,
the school office for additional information how the change we want to see in others, is the change
we need to begin within ourselves today.
or to schedule a tour. Great beginnings last a
lifetime! 724-258-3199. God’s Lenten Blessings to all, Deacon Al …

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