Critical Dimension of Inclusive Classrooms

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1. A Sense of Community and Social acceptance, belonging, enjoyment, freedom,

Acceptance friendship, safety, valuing
2. An Appreciation of Student Diversity appreciation, differences, opportunities,
recognizing, sensitive
3. Attention to Curricular Needs curriculum, needs, student’s learning
4. Effective Management and Instruction classroom management, techniques and
strategies, support
5. Personnel Support and Collaboration collaboration, general and special education,
support, teachers


 Every student is valued and nurtured.  Promote an environment in which all
 Students with special needs are truly members are seen as equal, all have the
included in their classroom communities opportunity to contribute, and all
only when they are appreciated by their contributions are respected.
teachers and socially accepted by their  Caring and nurturing places.
classmates.  Diversity is being valued.
 The needs of all students should be
 Teacher’s critical role that includes teacher
attitude, teacher expectations, teacher
competence, teacher collaborative skills,
and teacher support.
 Are students with disabilities
disproportionately teased by other
 Do students with disabilities seem to enjoy
being in the general education classroom?
 Do students without disabilities voluntarily
include students with disabilities in various
 Do students without disabilities seem to
value the ideas and opinions of students
with disabilities? And the other way
 Do students with disabilities consider the
general education classroom to be their
“real class”? Do they consider the teacher
to be one of their “real teachers”?
 Diversity simply means recognizing the  A teacher needs to understand each
group of individual differences that we see individual in the classroom.
in our students.  Teachers must be sensitive to the cultural,
 Students learn tolerance and the ability to community, and family values that can
accept differences in each other, as well as have an impact on a student’s experience.
having opportunities to benefit from  Racial and ethnic diversity
cooperative learning and other alternative  Gender and sexual orientation
instructional strategies.  Religious diversity
 Physical, learning, and intellectual
 Linguistic differences
 Behavior and personality diversity
 “What the student needs to learn?”  If the individual curricular needs of a
 Teachers must seriously look at the student are not being met, the curriculum
curriculum and ask what students are must be modified or the educational
learning and how students with disabilities placement must be reexamined.
can access the curriculum.  A student’s learning and life needs should
always be the driving force in
programmatic efforts and decisions.
 Curricular concerns: (1) content that is
meaningful to students in a current and
future sense, and (2) approaches and
materials that work best for them.
Four elements provided by teacher to meet the
wide range of needs of students:

 Successful Classroom Management –  Effective classroom management is

including physical, procedural, required if students are to benefit from
instructional, and behavior management. any form of instruction, especially in
inclusive classrooms where students
display a wide range of diversity.

 Effective Instructional Techniques – key  Teachers must feel comfortable using a

elements of effective instructional wide variety of instructional techniques to
practice: daily review, specific techniques meet the needs of diverse classrooms.
for presenting new information, guided
practice, independent practice, and
formative evaluation.

 Appropriate Accommodative Practices –  The use of assistive technology.

“supported education”; supports include
accommodations and modifications to
enhance learning and acceptance in the
general education curriculum.

 Instructional Flexibility – must be able to  The ability to respond to unexpected and

handle behavior problems, provide extra changing situations to support students
support during instruction, modify with special needs.
assessment techniques, and orchestrate
social interactions.
 Students with special needs require
personnel supports to allow them to
benefit from placement in inclusive
 Collaboration occurs when more than one
person works voluntarily toward a
common goal, frequently related to the
success of students.

Types of Collaborative Efforts:

o Collaboration-Consultation – general o A critical skill in collaboration is effective

education teacher requests the services of communication.
the special education teacher to help
generate ideas for addressing an ongoing

o Co-Teaching – general and special o It requires extensive planning.

education teachers work together in o Co-teachers perform many tasks jointly,
providing direct service to students. including planning and teaching,
developing instructional accommodations,
monitoring and evaluating students, and
communicating student progress.
o Co-teaching requires individuals who are
willing to give up some control and accept
positive, constructive criticism from

o Teacher Assistance Teams – teams provide o Provide a forum where problems are
support to general education teachers. raised and discussed, and solutions are
o Enables educators to bring a diverse set of
skills and experience to bear on specific

o Peer Support Systems – Two general o Students with disabilities in general

education teachers work together to education classrooms receive social or
identify effective solutions to classroom instructional help from their nondisabled
situations. peers.

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