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Fig. 9 - Unit 2 - Concentric Loading at The Low Strain Rate

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Pt = 0.


1y = 431.MPD
AsF 3770mm1
~: 309MPa lsfhoop
fe'= 2S.3MPa Urrx-lure
t = 0.0000033/sec
1/tfPa :1l.5ps1
1MN ~ 225ksps

- · - Mod1f1ed Kenl-Pbrk (Eqs 1 lo t,J

---- Unt1 1
(Pbt11 Concrete)


: Is! hoop

{a) Unit 17 (b) llnit 15 ~~~~-'--"',,-L__~~_,_.,o~~~~~~~~
0.01 0.Ql 0.111 STRMI O 0.03 STRAIN

Fig. 9 - Unit 2 - Concentric loading at the low strain


~~ ""! [,.. ~
P¡ o 0.0179
Ast'3619mm1 ~ }00
Ps: Q.017'
Yfiº 109MPa
it '25.3/tfPa
i • 0.0000033/sec
"' lsfhoop

fracl~re ~
o _ __.l.__._._J_
1MPa: 1'Sps1
º 0.01 O.O:l 0.03 SrRAIN


1/tlN US1<¡ps

-·- Moád1e<1Kenf-/>arl(ffqs 1fo'I

- Un1l6
-··-- Und 1

----, 1

1stnoop 1


º·"' 0.03

Fíg. JO - Unit 6 - Concentric loadíng at the low

strain rate

rate. Sorne error is introduced in using the results of

Unit 1 to represent the behavior of the cover concrete
for the units with the high strain rate, but the error is
Fig. 8 - Features oí failure for various test units srnall. For exarnple, an error of 0.15 fe' in the stress
carried by the concrete cover would cause a 2 percent
difference to the stress carried by the concrete core.
sus the longitudinal strain. These results are plotted for The load-longitudinal strain curve for the core concrete
six typical test units in Fig. 9 to 14. The plotted results was attained by subtracting the contributions of the
for all the units rnay be seen elsewhere.' Sorne infor- longitudinal steel and the cover concrete frorn the total
rnation on rneasured stresses and strains is given in load-longitudinal strain curves. Dividing by the core
Table l. area enabled the core concrete stress-longitudinal strain
curve to be obtained; this curve has been plotted in
Concentrically loaded units Fig. 9 to 12 up to the stage of first hoop fracture as
Fig. 9 to 12 illustrate the results obtained frorn typ- a fraction of cylinder cornpressive strength. The core
ical concentrically loaded units with low and high area was rneasured to the outside of the peripheral
strain rates. The load-longitudinal strain curves show hoop, in keeping with the definition in the ACI code. 1
the sequential fracture of the hoops as steps of de- Exarnination of Fig. 9 to 12 indicates that substantial
creasing load. Superirnposed on those figures are also enhancernent of peak concrete core cornpressive
the load-longitudinal strain curves for the longitudinal strength was obtained as a result of the confinernent.
steel and the cover concrete. The load-strain curve for For Units 2 and 6, tested at the low strain rate, the
the longitudinal steel in cornpression was calculated strength enhancernent was about 20 percent, while for
using the stress-strain curves rneasured in tension at a U nits 3 and 15, tested at the high strain rate, the
low loading rate on bar sarnples. The load-strain curve strength enhancernent was about 70 percent, related to
for the concrete cover was calculated frorn the stress- the unconfined cylinder cornpressive strength. The con-
strain curve rneasured up to a strain of 0.01 on the sistent strength enhancernent found in these tests as a
unreinforced U nit 1 which was tested at the low strain result of confinernent contradicts earlier conclusions by
ACI JOURNAL I January-February 1982 19

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