MCQ Reflexive Maturation & Postural Mechanisms
MCQ Reflexive Maturation & Postural Mechanisms
MCQ Reflexive Maturation & Postural Mechanisms
6 As the infant begins to grow & mature during the first 6 months of life, the CNS also
begins to mature, and the primitive reflexes are inhibited (or controlled) to allow the
more mature Postural reflexes to develop in their place. √
13 With the Asymmetric tonic neck reflex (ATNR), turning the head to one side. What is
the response?
A) Flexion of arm & leg on the face side, and Extension of arm & leg on scalp side. X
B) Flexion of arm & leg on the face side, and Flexion of arm & leg on scalp side. X
C) Extension of arm & leg on the face side, and Flexion of arm & leg on scalp side. √
D) Extension of arm & leg on the face side, and Extension of arm & leg on scalp side.
14 With the Symmetric tonic neck reflex (STNR), head flexion or extension. What is the
A) Flexion of the head causes Extension of the arms and Extension of the legs.
Extension of the head causes Flexion of the arms and Flexion of the legs. X
B) Flexion of the head causes Extension of the arms and Flexion of the legs.
Extension of the head causes Flexion of the arms and Extension of the legs. X
C) Flexion of the head causes Flexion of the arms and Extension of the legs.
Extension of the head causes Extension of the arms and Flexion of the legs. √
D) Flexion of the head causes Flexion of the arms and Flexion of the legs. Extension
of the head causes Extension of the arms and Extension of the legs. X
16 - Persistence of Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR) interferes with Rolling &
Crawling. √
- Persistence of Symmetrical tonic neck reflex (STNR) interferes with Crawling
reciprocally. √
20 Define "Postural reflexes": are automatic movements which maintain Posture &
Equilibrium either during rest (static) or movement (kinetic).
21 - As the infant brain develops, Postural reflexes replace Primitive reflexes which are
inhibited. √
- Many Postural reflexes will remain throughout the entire lifetime as postural
reactions (Righting, Protective & Equilibrium reactions) (i.e. Postural mechanisms).
22 Enumerate Postural reflexes: ………….
Postural reflexes are of two types : (A) Static Reflexes (B) Statokinetic Reflexes
(A) Static Reflexes
(1) Local static reflexes i) Stretch reflex
ii) Positive supporting reflex
iii) Negative supporting reflex