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015 ASP Catalogue

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Introduction of ASP Pipes

DN 1500 mm x PN32
epoxy coated and lined
pipe being laid as a
hydro-electric penstock
for Mubuku Power
Scheme for Kasese
Cobalt Mine Co. Ltd.
Pipes are delivered on
ASP’s own trucks to
Kasese, Uganda from
Nairobi, Consultants

1. Introduction and Scope of Use

The ASP group of companies are largely engaged in the manufacture of spiral weld steel pipes
and fittings. The pipes are used:

• for the transmission and distribution of water

• for the conveyance of sewage
• for the transmission of oil and gas
• for the transmission of steam or hot water
• for the transmission of slurry
• structurally as columns and load bearing members in buildings and bridges
• as foundation piles for buildings, harbours, bridges, etc.

ASP also specialises in setting up manufacturing plants located in developing countries and
emerging markets such as Africa. These plants are after located near to the projects which are
being constructed to save shipping and transport costs.

2. Specifications, Working Pressures and Diameter Range

ASP uses the spiral seam pipe forming process with submerged arc as its main method of pipe
manufacture. This method is well established with a long proven track record and is capable of
producing pipes to many internationally recognised specifications.

The process is also very flexible, allowing production of a wide range of diameters ranging from
88.9 mm to 2540 mm. The minimum yield stress of steel ranges from 207 to 438 MPa, resulting in
high working pressures. For example, ASP has supplied pipes with working pressure of 50 bar for
Blantyre, Masinga-Kitui and Kirandich Water Supply in Malawi and Kenya.

 ASP Company Limited

Typical Specifications for Spiral Weld Steel Pipes

Application Specifications
Oil and Gas API 5L, ASTM A 139, DIN 17172, BS EN 10208, GB 9711, AS 1579
Water API 5L, AWWA C200, ASTM A139, AS1579, BS EN 10244/BS3601, DIN
1626/DIN 2460, NFA 49-150, JIS G3457, UNI 6363, SABS 719
Sewerage BS EN 10224/BS 3601, AWWA C300, AWWA C301
Steam API 5L, ASTM A 139, DIN 1626 & DIN1628 (<3000C)
Piling ASTM A252, JIS A 5525, ST/Y 5040
Structural & Mechanical ASTM A134, DIN 1626, DIN 1628

Typical Diameter Range, Wall Thickness and Working Pressures

A wide range of steels and thicknesses are available to suit a variety of external loads and internal
pressures. Below are just a sample if what is available. Please contact us if you need assistance in the
selection of steel grades and thicknesses for your requirements such as external loads or other pipeline
design characteristics.

ASP Company Limited 

Spiral Weld Pipe Production

Right: Overall
view of spiral
weld pipe mill

Above: External forming cage

Below: Pipe run out section

Above: Forming cage of spiral pipe mill

Below: Pipe run out section

 ASP Company Limited

3. Production Process

1. Uncoiling 2. Auxiliary drive 3. Levelling.

4. Coil end welding 5. Main drive 6. Coil edge
shearing and milling 7. Coil edge pre-bending
8. Automatic internal weld centering 9. Multiple
roll bending 10. Internal welding 11. External
welding 12. External calibration rollers 13. Ultra-
sonic flaw detection 14. Pipe cut-off

3.1 Pipe Manufacture

Pipes are manufactured from hot rolled steel coils of up to 30 tonnes in weight. After uncoiling,
the coil surfaces are subjected to levelling. The coil edges are then prepared for welding by rotary
shearing and milling with carbide inserts to provide a weld chamfer, depending on the thickness
of the material. The coil edges are then pre-bent before forming. The coil is fed into the forming
section at an angle and bent into a pipe using a multiple roller system. The spiral seam is welded
internally initially and then externally, two to three pitches later using automatic submerged arc
welding. Multiple arcs are used for thicknesses above 12 mm. The pipe diameter is controlled by
external calibration rollers. After welding the pipe is cut off to the desired length; usually between
6 to 12 metres.

3.2 Non-Destructive Testing

Depending on the specification selected, pipes are then subjected to:

• Multi-channel ultrasonic flaw detection of the entire weld seam. This usually takes place
immediately after the external weld is completed.
• Real-time X-Ray Testing: Welds are tested on a 100% basis. An image intensifier captures the
X-Ray image of the weld and displays it on a video monitor. The results can be recorded by
video tape or thermal printer.
• Hydrostatic Testing: Pipes are tested with water pressure internally to induce a hoop stress of
between 75% and 90% of the yield stress, depending on the specifications required.

ASP Company Limited 

3.3 Pipe End Finishing Processes

Butt Joints: Ends are machined with a 300 external bev-

el and root face (shown left) according to API 5L, BS EN
10224, DIN 1626 etc. These are used when high longitu-
dinal strength, end thrust resistance and zero leakage is
required. Typical applications are oil, gas pipes, pilings
pipes and high pressure hydro-electric penstocks. Inter-
nal bevels may be provided upon request.

Spherical socket and spigot joints: These fillet

welded slip joints covered under BS EN 10224 and
UNI 6363 offer 5º joint deflection. Ends (shown
right) are formed to give a spherical surface and
spigot ends can have a double wall that protects
the lining from external welding of the joint. An-
other variation of this is the parallel socket and
spigot joint where deflection is limited to 10. These
are covered under BS EN 10224, AWWA C200,
NFA 49-150, and UNI 6363.

Pushfit socket and spigot joints with rubber gas-

kets: These joints (shown left) are used mainly for
water and sewage. A groove formed in either the
socket (BS CP2010 Part 2, DIN 2640) or the spig-
ot (AWWA C200) carries the rubber gasket. Joint
deflections up to 3° are possible. The maximum
nominal pressure of joint is 25 bar.

Bolted sleeve couplings: Couplings (shown right)

consist of two end flanges made from special
hot rolled tee sections and a middle sleeve. The
flanges are tightened together by galvanised bolts
to compress a pair of rubber gaskets located be-
tween each flange and the sleeve. These joints
provide for expansion and joint deflection (up to
3º) and are covered under AWWA C219, BS EN
10224, and UNI 6363. They are coated with fusion
bonded epoxy to AWWA C213. They may be har-
nessed for end thrust. Joint pressures range from
16 to 40 bar.

 ASP Company Limited

3.4 Pipe Corrosion Protection

Surface Preparation:
Pipes are often supplied with corrosion protec-
tion. Except for cement mortar lining and coating,
all surfaces are grit blasted to ISO 8501-1 SA 2.5 to
remove all rust and mill scale before application of
coatings and linings. Steel grit is used as the abra-
sive media in order to achieve a roughness profile
of 38-102 microns, as this is required for good ad-
hesion of coatings. All equipment is automated to
ensure consistent high quality blasting.
Pipe after external grit blasting

Types of Protective Coatings and Linings:

The following is a summary of the various coatings and linings which are available. Please contact us for
further details on each type of coating and lining by giving us the characteristics of the soil encountered
and fluid to be conveyed.

External Surfaces
Type of coating Fusion Bonded Extruded Polyethylene/
Epoxy Polypropylene
Standards AWWA C213 AWWA C215
DIN 30671 BS EN 10288
NF A 49-706 DIN 30670
SABS 1217 DIN 30678
NF A 49-704
NF A 49-710
NF A 49-711
Typical Coating 200 - 400 microns 1.2 – 3.5 mm
Remarks Exposed and Buried

Internal Surfaces
Type of Lining Liquid Epoxy Cement Mortar Fusion Bonded
Standards API PR 5 L2 AWWA C205 AWWA C213
AWWA C210 AWWA C303 SABS 1217
NFA 49-709 EN 10298
SABS 1217 DIN 2614
EN 10289 DIN 2880
NF A 49-701
Typical Lining 200 - 400 microns 5 – 19 mm 200 - 400 microns
* Not for potable water

ASP Company Limited 

Various Manufacturing and Testing Process

Left: Hydrostatic pressure tester

– pipes are tested up to 210 bar
depending on specification. This
DN 1016 x 19mm x API 5L X52
pipe is being tested to 120 bar

Right: Pipe end beveling

lathes for field weld

Below: Multi - channel

programmable ultrasonic flaw
detector capable of 100% testing
of weld seams

Above: 100% real-time testing of

weld seams by constant potential
X-Ray tube and image intensifier.
Right: Results displayed on video

 ASP Company Limited

Fusion Bonded Epoxy to AWWA C213, DIN 30671,
NFA 49-706, BG/PS/CW6, SABS 1271

Fusion Bonded Epoxy coatings are generally applied

externally to pipes for service temperatures up to 90ºC They
were first applied in the 1970’s on the Trans-Alaskan pipeline
as the traditional bituminous coatings were too brittle at low
They exhibit a high degree of chemical resistance to acids (as
low as pH 2.5) and alkalines, high electrical resistance, excellent
resistance to cathodic disbondment, good abrasion resistance,
high impact strength and superior bending properties.
They are therefore ideal for use in underground or surface
pipelines, as well as pipes that are laid in fresh or salt water.
They can be overcoated with concrete for weighted submarine
pipelines or with polyurethane for insulated thermal pipelines.
Many international coating standards have been written for
them indicating their wide acceptance.
Pipes have to be grit blasted to ISO8501-1 SA2.5 with a surface
roughness of 38-102 microns. Pipes are then heated by induction
coils (top left) or electrically fired ovens to 210-230°C, electro-
static powder sprayed (middle left) or dipped in fluidised beds
after which water quenching is applied (bottom left) after curing
is achieved. Pipes are then tested electrically for pinholes,
adhesion and thickness. The coating thickness required to give
adequate mechanical strength and resistance to corrosion is
200-400 microns depending on the specification.

Right: DN 200
mm fusion
bonded epoxy
coated pipes
for Kirandich
Water Supply,
Powder Sigma
Above: Pipe emerging from
spray booth
Below: Powder gun controls Left: DN 1100
mm pipe coat-
ed with BASF
Basepox PE50-
1080 fusion
bonded epoxy
for Marsabet

ASP Company Limited 

Polyethylene Coatings to AWWA C215, BS EN 10288,
DIN 30670, NFA 49-7904

Left: 3-layer polyethylene coat-

ing in operation: The pipe has
already been sprayed with fu-
sion bonded epoxy (green layer)
at the left. The co-polymer adhe-
sive which appears as a clear film
is being extruded from the top of
the picture onto the pipe while
the final polyethylene coat is be-
ing extruded from a die (centre of
the picture) and pressed onto the
pipe with a white silicone roller.
This appears as a black layer on
the pipe to the right of the die.

Extruded Polyethylene coatings come in two Although only 50 - 70 microns is sufficient to

forms: protect the pipe from corrosion, it is applied to
• Two layer systems consisting of a layer of adhe- a thickness of 300 - 400 microns so as to give it
sive which is either extruded or sprayed on, fol- resistance to mechanical damage. 2-layer Poly-
lowed by an extruded top coat of polyethylene ethylene coatings, on the other hand, offer bet-
covered under AWWA C215, BS EN 10244, DIN ter protection against damage but do not adhere
30670, NF-A-49704 as well nor do they have as good a resistance to
cathodic disbondment as epoxy coatings. 3-layer
• Three layer systems consisting of a first layer of coatings have epoxy as the first layer and polyeth-
fusion bonded epoxy (50 - 70 microns) sprayed ylene as the final layer. Because they are differ-
on by electrostatic guns followed by an extrud- ent materials, an intermediate adhesive layer is
ed adhesive layer (200 - 250 microns) and a top required to bond the polyethylene to the epoxy.
coat of extruded polyethylene (1.2 - 3.5 mm). Therefore the aims of good resistance to corro-
This system is covered under NF-A-49710 and sion and mechanical damage are both achieved.
meets all the requirements of DIN 30670, BS The epoxy coating thickness is reduced from
EN 10288 & AWWA C215. 300 - 400 microns to 50 - 70 microns but overall
3-layer polyethylene coatings combine the best coating thickness is more than made up for with
features of fusion bonded epoxy coatings and polyethylene (1.2 - 3.5 mm).
traditional 2-layer polyethylene coatings. Fusion
bonded epoxies are known for their excellent ad- The pipe is grit blasted and heated to 180-200°C
hesion to steel pipe, excellent resistance to corro- by induction. Epoxy is sprayed on and the copoly-
sion and cathodic disbondment (the ability of the mer adhesive and polyethylene top coat are then
coating to resist disbonding when cathodic pro- extruded on followed by water quenching of the
tection is applied. pipe.
Grit Blasting Epoxy Powder
Water Cooling

Extruded Adhesive Extruded Polyethylene

 ASP Company Limited

Cement Mortar Lining to AWWA C205/DIN 2614/DIN 2880,
EN 10298, NFA-49701
Cement mortar lining is used for conveying all
kinds of water (potable, waste, industrial, fire-
fighting, etc.). As calcium hydroxide is steadily
leached from the lining, the heavier lining thick-
ness specified on steel pipes gives longer service
life. Maximum service temperature of the lining
is 80°C.
ASP uses only the dry mix application method
with a low water content to reduce the centrifug-
ing time of the pipe and consequently reduce
separation of cement and sand. Sand to cement
ratios can be as low as 1:1, resulting in a rich mix
depending on the specification used.
Before lining, sand is graded to meet the proper
grading envelope. Cement Mortar is pumped
through a lance to a spinning head, where it is
sprayed onto the inside of the stationary pipe.
The pipe is then spun at high speed to smoothen
out the lining. Wet thickness readings are taken DN 250 mm Pipe special for Iganga (Uganda)
followed by dry thickness readings using electro- Project, cement mortar lined to a thickness of
magnetic means. 6 mm (AWWA C205)
Finally the pipe ends are sealed and water is add-
ed to the lining so that curing can take place. Ce-
ment mortar linings are economical but require
careful handling to avoid damage.

Cement Mortar Lining of Steel Pipes. The cen-

trifugal spray head is being retracted towards Pipes bundled and ready for delivery for
the far end of the pipe while spraying of cement Nzoia Project, DN 150 mm, cement mortar lined
is underway. to 5 mm thickness (DIN 2614)

ASP Company Limited 10

Solvent Free Epoxy Linings to AWWA C210 /
NFA 49-709 / API RP5L2 / SABS1217 / EN 10289
Epoxies offer high resistance to corrosion,
high strength and have exceptionally
smooth surfaces (Ks<0.01) that help to
lower friction losses and save on pumping
costs. Only 200 - 400 microns is sufficient
to prevent resistance and mechanical
damage, this results in a larger internal
bore and higher flow rates compared
with cement mortar or coal tar/bitumen
linings. Epoxy lined pipes are easily

Left: Spraying of the internal surface of

a pipe using a high speed centrifuge

Solvent free epoxy linings are usually

applied to internal surfaces of pipes
due to their drying times. They are
however, used on the external surfac-
es of pipe fittings which do not lend
themselves to other methods of coat-
ing. They can be specially formulated
for use with potable water, sewage,
industrial waste or natural gas. The
typical maximum fluid service tem-
perature is 50 ºC.
Above: DN 500 mm pipe lined in Sigmaguard CSF 75 solvent
Surfaces are grit blasted to SA 2.5 and free epoxy for Nairobi City Council, Contractor: Reef Con-
a surface profile of 38 - 102 microns struction
before spraying. The former is to en-
sure all rust and mill scale is removed Bottom: Sigmaguard CSF75 for Masinga Kitui Water Supply
and the latter to ensure good bonding in Kenya. Pipe was laid underwater at Masinga Dam by Sogea.
of the lining. Donor: Austrian Govt.

Epoxy may be applied hot or cold

depending on the type being used.
Hot applied epoxies are applied at
substrate temperatures of 60 - 70 ºC
whereas cold applied epoxies may
be applied at temperatures as low as
10 °C.

After a curing for a suitable time ap-

plicable for the ambient temperature,
tests such as wet sponge holiday de-
tection, adhesion, dry film thickness
and MEK rub are carried out.

11 ASP Company Limited

Advantages of Spiral Weld Steel Pipes

Wide Ranging Yield Strengths ductile cast iron pipes have typical minimum
elongation values of only 10%.
Spiral weld steel pipes are manufactured from a
wide variety of steels to suit both internal pressure
High Modulus of Elasticity
requirements, external earth and traffic loads.
Steel pipe has a higher modulus of elasticity
Steels yield strengths generally vary from 207-
(approx. 210GPa) compared with other
551MPa. The design engineer thus has the choice
materials. For example that for ductile cast iron
of specifying a higher yield strength steel without
is approximately 160GPa. This means that under
increasing wall thickness and weight of the pipe
the same external loading conditions, ductile iron
to achieve the required safety factor (usually 2)
pipes would have to be 10% thicker to resist the
or lower the yield when actual internal pressure
same load.
requirements and external loadings are light
enough and thus economizing on costs.
High Dimensional Tolerances
Spiral weld pipe manufacture has extremely tight
Good Ductility minus thickness tolerances. For example pipe of
Spiral weld steel pipes have minimum elongation 600mm diameter is at most 0.35 mm below the
values of 25% and upwards resulting in high nominal thickness. In contrast ductile cast iron
ductility. This means that the pipe can be cold- pipe of the same diameter can be 1.9 mm below
bent in the field or subjected to considerable nominal thickness. Hence heavier walls must be
overhang loads without failure. In contrast specified for the latter to offset this effect.

ASP Company Limited 12

No Casting Skin Effects superior performance against corrosion compared
When assessing the strength requirements, the with steel pipes. Such a belief came under attack
complete wall thickness is used for spiral weld when the results of long term burial tests carried
steel pipes. In contrast other cast ferrous pipes out by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards
usually have a brittle surface skin resulting from involving thousand of samples of various metals
casting which cannot be used for wall thickness buried in different location and soil conditions to
calculations. Instead an additional 0.5mm has to investigate their corrosion performance became
be added to allow for this casting skin. available. Among them were uncoated samples of
steel, grey and ductile cast iron pipes. Excavation
Good Factors of Safety of such samples was carried out over various
The effect of tight thickness tolerance and high periods of time and samples were measured for
values of min. elongation (25% upwards) have weight loss and depth of pitting. While steel pipe
been that factors of safety ranging from 1.7 (DIN registered slightly higher losses, grey cast and
2460) to 2.0 (AWWA C2000) have been specified ductile cast iron pipe recorded deeper pitting. An
for steel pipe. AWWA paper concluded that there was little to
choose between the three types of materials with
At a first glance ductile iron pipes would appear regards to corrosion performance.
to have higher factors of safety (up to 3). However
due to its low minimum elongation values, poor Once it was found that ductile iron pipe corroded
minus tolerances on thickness and the presence at approximately the same rates as uncoated steel
of a low strength casting skin, nett factors of safety pipes, the former which was originally buried
are rarely more than 2.3. uncoated gradually received thin zinc-rich spray
coating progressing on to polyethylene sleeving
Toughness and recently extruded polythene coatings of up to
When steel pipes are subjected to close to zero 0.3mm. Steel pipes on the other hand have always
or below zero operating temperatures, micro- been buried with higher performance coatings.
alloying elements in steel (X52 and above) result
in high values of impact strength under sub-zero Lighter Weights/longer Lenghths
conditions. As spiral weld steel pipes are manufactured by
a continous process, lengths are only limited
Weldability by transport considerations. Recently a French
Steel pipes can be welded easily on site resulting construction company involved in Third Nairobi
in a leak free joint. This is extremely useful for Water Project actually tailored its order to suit
gas and oil lines where no leaks can be tolerated laying conditions. Short 6 m and 8 m pieces were
unlike rubber compression joints. ordered for hilly terrain to save on excavation
costs and standard 12 m lengths for flat terrain to
Long Service Records speed up laying.
Though steel pipes were first laid as early as 1863
and the first welded steel pipe in 1887, numerous A 24m long pipe of ND 600 mm was manufactured
records show that steel pipes laid more than 70 and collected by a local contractor.
years ago when little or no anticorrosion coatings
were available are still in service today. Having lighter walls compared with other ferrous
pipes, spiral weld steel pipes are faster safer and
Corrosion Resistance Performance more economical to construct.
Against Cast Ferrous Pipes
When ductile iron pipe was introduced in the
1960’s, it was believed that the material had

13 ASP Company Limited

Steel pipes wide applications

Steel dredging pipes

Many kilometers of steel dredge pipes have been used
throughout the world in port dredging works and in
mine dredging activities particularly those involving
the processing of mineral sands. Such pipes can be
manufactured from AS: 1204-1972 steel plate or other more
specialized steels which offer better abrasion resistant
qualities combined with higher yield strength. Both shore
and floating line pipes are available in a wide range of sizes
and thicknesses to suit requirements. In the case of floating
dredge pipelines, support pontoons are usually provided
by steel mains. Steel mains are also used to manufacture
wye pieces, bends and fabricated gate valves to suit the
pipelines. The dredge pipes can be fitted with a variety of
different joints including rubber slip-on sleeve joints, flanged joints, quick acting wedge lock couplings
and cast steel ball joints.

Steel submarine pipelines

Steel pipes are extensively used as water, sewage,
gas and oil transmission submarine lines. Other
marine applications include sub-aqueous crossings
and intake structures. The high strength, resiliency,
ductility and weldability of steel pipe makes it
possible to assemble complete underwater sections
with butt or lap welded joints then lower or pull the
assembled sections into the underwater trench. For
lengthy sub-aqueous installations, pipe sections
may be welded and lowered into the water in a
continuous string from barges. Marine steel pipelines
are provided with special outer protective coatings.
It is often necessary to weight coat the outer surface
of the pipe, or to provide suitably designed pre-cast
concrete weights to overcome the buoyancy of the
pipe particularly when empty so as to hold it on the
sea or river bottom. This work can be undertaken by
steel mains.

DN 700 x 10 mm API 5L X52 spiral weld steel

pipes used on pump intake structure for Mas-
inga-Kitui water supply in Kenya

Aerial crossings
The high beam strength of steel pipe makes it ideal for bridge and aerial crossings and in pipe gallery
installations. Supports can be installed further apart than with other materials reducing overall cost and
weight. In pipe galleries, long lengths can be installed necessitating fewer joints that need support.

ASP Company Limited 14

Steel pipes for structural purposes
Welded steel pipes are widely used in a variety of load bearing structural components such as:

• Columns in factory buildings

• Falsework in bridge construction
• Wharf structures
• Support structures for industrial components
• Offshore drilling platform
As well as being a sound structural material, steel piping
also presents a clean and aesthetic appearance that is easy
to clean and paint. For falsework in bridge construction and
for offshore drill platforms the employment of welded steel
piping offers other advantages; the piping can be fabricated
into sections on the shore line, the ends sealed, and the units
floated into position for final erection.

Left: DN
1200 x 16
mm spiral
weld steel
used for Above: DN 1100 x 15 mm spiral welded
suspension pipe used as columns for 40 storey
bridge. Tianjin Evening Mail Plaza in Tianjin,
China. 2,000 tonnes of steel pipe was

Special berthing and mooring dolphin piles

There is a growing need for this product on berthing and mooring dolphins at port and marine
installations, hence the particular mention of this specific type of pile. Piles used for this purpose have
achieved considerable significance in providing berthing accommodation for vessels of all types. Such
piles are constructed from high elasticity steels capable of absorbing very violent ship impact loadings.
The piles are usually driven in specially designed groups with bracing systems or diaphragms designed
to eliminate torsional effect in order to distribute blows from any direction equally to all piles, inducing
them to bend simultaneously. The lower sections of these tubular piles and all sections where the
highest stress concentration is likely to occur are constructed from steel with a high minimum yield
strength such as DIN 17100 ST52-3 whilst the upper, lower stressed section can, for the sake of economy,
be constructed from steel conforming with DIN 17100 ST44-2. The design of the pile is quite important
and it is usual for varying thickness sections to be employed in the pile manufacture to give the required
elasticity and designed properties.

The pile thickness is heaviest at the bottom end; this thickness extends for some distance above ocean
or river bottom. The highest stresses are imposed on the pile in an area just below and just above the
ocean or river bottom, when the pile receives an impact from a berthing vessel. The pile usually then
steps down in thickness in the higher regions, say from one to three times, to accommodate the reduc-
ing stresses in the higher portions of the pile. Contact us for calculations of allowable axial compression
loads and the various diameters and thickness of steel pipes.

15 ASP Company Limited

Welded steel pipe piles for bridges, wharfs, piers, buildings etc.
Solid and dependable foundations
are built on welded steel piles. For
many years leading contractors and
engineers have used steel mains
piles under bridges, buildings,
wharves, piers and numerous other
structures requiring firm dependable
foundations. Given the advancement
in the engineering practice, steel pipe
piles provide construction designers
with the necessary tools to check future
foundation problems. Steel pipe piles
have been used in every soil condition
and are supplied to suit designed loads
ranging from 10 tonnes to more than
1,000 tonnes per pile. To support a
foundation the piles are driven to the
required resistance or seated in rock
and filled with concrete and steel piles
are suitable for use with most standard
pile driving equipment. In the large
diameters however, say 914mm (36”)
and over, they are usually referred to as
DN 600 x 19 mm St 52-3 steel pipe piles used for Pattank caissons and are often drilled in, jetted
oil jetty in Xiamen, China. Over 13,000 tonnes of piles or jacked, or a combination of these
methods may be used.

A variety of different end closures can be supplied with these piles, either welded on or supplied
loose, depending on the customer’s requirements. Experienced contractors have used flat end plates
successfully under practically all soil conditions. They are economical, drive straight, and generally do
not require reinforcing. Piles with flat plates are not easily deflected by boulders or other obstructions.

Another type of end closure is the cone point. It is sometimes used for driving through high resistance
strata such as shale or rock formation, and for end bearing in bedrock. However, cone points are more
expensive than flat plates and are generally no easier to drive. Fabricated crosses welded on to flat
plates are often used when piles are to be seated on solid rock. A cross welded to a flat plate penetrates
soft material to reach bedrock. Open end piles are preferred when displacement of soil is undesirable.
They are ideal for building foundations, adjacent to other structures. Where conditions require, pipe
can be supplied with reinforcing collar or cutting shoe welded to the lower end.

Steel pipe piles drive straight because of their high beam strength and low wall stress. In addition,
the diameters of the piles are manufactured to close tolerances and cut-offs of any length can be
economically salvaged to extend short piles, or to make whole new piles. Since Steel pipe piling is a
welded product, only steels of the highest welding quality are used. As a result field splices are easy
to butt weld. Different diameters and thickness are available, giving a large range of combinations to
choose from.

ASP Company Limited 16

Spiral Weld Steel Pipes for Transmission of Water and
Hydroelectric Penstocks

Left: DN 350 mm spiral weld steel pipe for

water pumping main being laid in Geita,
Tanzania, Client Ashanti Gold Mines Tanzania
Ltd. Note the flexibility of steel pipe

Below: Fusion bonded epoxy coating DN 1800

mm Spiral Weld Steel Pipe being holiday
tested before being dispatched to
Uganda from ASP Kenya,
Client : Kasese Cobalt Co. Ltd. ,
Consultants : LTA/Marples,
Contractor : E. Pihl

Below: DN 1550 mm High Pressure Bifurca-

tion for Penstock PN 32 bar made from API
5L X52 Steel for Mubuku Power Scheme.
Factory Test Pressure 50 bar

14,000 tonnes of DN 1200
& 1400 x 10 mm x API
5L X52 pipe for Contract
SC211, Third Nairobi
Water Supply,
Contractor : Sogea,
Client : Nairobi City
Consultants : Brown &
Root/ Howard
Donor : Japanese OECF

17 ASP Company Limited

Various Uses of Spiral Weld Steel Pipes

Spiral Weld Steel Pipes used for Gas

Transmission Left and Below: 7,800 tonnes of DN 500 x 10
mm x SS400 spiral weld steel pipes used for
transmission of natural gas.

Spiral Weld Steel Pipes for Sewage

Above and Left: 2,900 tonnes of

DN 2200 x 18 mm x concrete coated steel pipes
manufactured for a Tunmen Sewer Outfall
in Hongkong. Pipes were butt welded before
being towed out to sea.

Spiral Weld Steel Pipes used for

Steam Transmission

Right: DN 500 x 10 mm x API 5L X42 Steel

Pipes made by ASP Kenya used for steam
transmission in the Olkaria Geothermal Power

ASP Company Limited 18

Steel Fittings and Joints
A wide variety of epoxy coated and lined fittings are
manufactured as accessories for pipes. Typical fittings

• Bends
• Tees, Equal and Reducing
• Tees, Swept and Radial
• Reducers
• Laterals, 45 and 60 degrees
• Wyes
• Expansion Joints
• Swivel Joints
• Dismantling Joints
• Flanged Spigots and Sockets
• Double Flanged Pipes

Various joints are available for these fittings such as

• Push-fit socket and spigot joints with rubber gas-
• Plain ends for use with ASP couplings
• Beveled ends for butt welding
• Spherical socket & spigot joints for lap welds
• Parallel socket & spigot joints for lap welds

All fittings are manufactured from spiral weld

pipes which have been hydrostatically pressure
tested. Subsequent welds made in fabrication
are then subjected to X-ray, ultrasonic flaw
detection and dye penetrant tests depending
on the geometry of the weld. Fittings are
then coated and lined against corrosion with
Above: Selection of Pipe Specials and materials such as epoxy and cement.

Below: Air valve tee and coupling coated Below: Wye with Input Taper and Output
and lined with Fusion Bonded Epoxy Bends

19 ASP Company Limited

ASP Company Limited
P.O. Box 56038 (00200), Nairobi, Kenya,
Tel:(254-20)-823901/2/3/4 Fax:(254-20)-823905/910,

For sales enquiries

email: [email protected]

ASP Company Limited 20

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